w '.. i J I. wuT rfdrtf- . . . , iV i r itkhIiav, ncrisMiiim , (dim. p p'iir? VTl't x; rjf THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i m Fin "1 r NHMMONH l.'lHllV IHM IN Till: t'lHl'IMT t.'OUHTOK Till'. BTATI! Or" OUKCION KOIl KI.AM- ATII COUNTY. W. H. Nli'hohioil I'lullltllf, VII, Wll llniti t'rnwdor, l)irittiiliuil. To Wllllnin dowder, ditfmidniil nlnivn minimi, In Hut tut Mm (if I lui Mute, of Orn none Vmi urn hernhy ri'iiilred In iiiii'iir mill utioWi'i Urn complaint fllmt hi;iiImh1 yoii In tlin uliovn mi illlyd milt en nr Imfum Tifuniliiy tlm IStli iluy nr lit'i'miiiim-, IV'Mi mid II ynu full uo In mum nr. fur want tliorunf. Hut plaintiff will itppty In Him iniirl I in- Him relief prnyeil fur In Ills iiiinplnfiit heroin, lo-wl(! Tlwil you tin H'iiilri'il 10 fur ntnli mill nup ply it denl 16 nn undivided ninvthlrd inlmi'il In mill Hi Hi" pmiiiIhcn In Kliiitinlli .(.'iiiiniy, OrcRini! ilmcrliicit iih follnuH, in-w 1 1 N'nrtli tin If nf hiiIIiiii 17, Hiwnnlilp 31, Himlll nf ruur.n N ,-'il of Wllliimotto Meridian In plum of llio oili'.lunl llutri'iif Intro Infiirn inmlo, exuiiiteil ami delivered hy ynu in .1 II t'rinviicr mnl Oi'oric V 't'hiniy which linn been InM, mnl Hint nn ynnr fiilluro mi In tin tint tin i mi nf I Mix imirt hlniiil mnl art hn mnl fur said i("'inl; Unit plaintiff llllo in nil nf mi hi properly In fen Hlinpti Im affirmatively declined ami tnlulillKlnnl dy tlm rntirt; Hint oti ln decreed to Imvn no Interest nr estate In unlit rial prnpnrly, Hull ynu In. fnivir enjoined Irnin Hull Inii' nr i iiriiiiiliiTliu: mild prnpnrty mrnpi iih liuri'Vi mentioned; that plaintiff liaNii ninitiiiilii rnllef mnl IiIn iiwIh mnl illliiir('iiiunt lirrm in. TtilH nuinmnii lii served mi ynu liy piilillwiilim fur a period nf nit Nile miIvo ui'i'lo In tlm Hreiilni; Hit nlil,' n iVilly neuM'uper nf r,eiier,il Irrnlxiiiiii, prlnti'il. puhllNlifil nnit i IriMil.ih'il In Klmnntli County. Ore i:nn, by nnli'r nf Hun. A. I,, l.envlll, Juditit nf nilil court, da I ril' mnl n un i), i no, ti23, first, publication liirrjr lii'lui; iluti'd ami inailii Oil ni. 1 1. 2 : IIMNNI'll MANNINO & (1ANON0, Aitnriii''i fur iitnlnllff, vtlinsn dunl in mnl pmtnfflr mlitreni l AiiiitIi ,iu Nitllmiiil Ilk IIIiIk Klamath I'nlM. Oregon II .11- N "-M-3I.2I. I IMS I'.STHAV Came to lli loak llanrh, nliout Oil lit, nun rcil, hlte fared row mnl rnlf. branded w 1 1 ti HnlkliiK' bar I! mi tell nhlit ItUtit ear crop ped I A l.'ilwnnln. I'uri'iniin .V7 sui ii i: or Miii:iuri"K sai.i: lly virion of nil execution itnly Is sued ly llii' flerk of tlm Circuit Court of thii County of Klninnth, Htiit" of Oregon, dated the First ilay of IIhii'IiiIiit, 1923, In n rrrlnln nr tlon In the Circuit Court for I ho nld County mnl riluti'. wlicrnln thi Hank of llnumiia, u rorporatlnii, an plain tiff, (mnl wlirri'lu Jnliu .M. 1 1 orn U Urn mmiKiirn of JinlmiiiinD.ri'roViir it Jiiilnini'tit aitalmt I. H KIlRunt mnl Kl.iiimHi l.lM'nlork ' MnrlituKit lirut Cniiipuny. u rnriuirntlun, uit l -fi'iulMiu. fur tlm mini of Two Tliom nml 11301)1)00) Dollari. liiKfllicr wild Inlnrmt Hmrron nt Ton pr ci'lit per an nn in fruiii Juno in, 1 !2 1 mi HI paid, mnl nttorimy'M fi1" In tlm Mim of Thii linudrod (1200,00) ,l)ol.. turn' mnl for I t'n rotK unit illnliurnit ini'mx on nm ziiu nay oi .Miirrn, I U22 . N'ollrn In hcri'liy kIw.-ii Hut I will (it lln .'.Hi iby of January. 103.1, nt Hut fri nt ilnnr of Hie court liouim In Klainulli I'alln, In n.ilit County ami Hlnt,it. at III o'rlork In tho forcunoii of Ha lil ilny. null ut pulillc niirtloti to Hiif llllllii'nt lilddnr l r cimli. Hut fill Inrtlnn iliiirrllii'il real properly, to- Tlii NWti of tint HV HiTllcii 27. I In- N'.-i of tint S'.'i mid tlm SWI'.i of llm HW'i Hcrllnn 3K; Hut KCU of tlm HI.'1, HiTlInn 2!i, mnl tlm Hy:', of Hot Ni:ii Hm' Hon ;12: nil In Tnwimhlp 40 Hnillli of It.uiiro HK Kant if VI. laini'llo .Morlillnti In Klamath County. OriT.on, runtnliiluK .120 nrrea: a Un Tlm H'.ii of tin- HWli of Kim Hon 27; llio C'.i of tlm NCV, or Hodtlon n:i. mnl tun ,S'VV nr tlt-ctlon :tl; all lit Tnvwinlilp 40 Ki.litli nr ItmiKii H'.'j Kiut ofi WIN laim-tiii Mcrlillmi In Kl.iiiatli Cnmity, On-Ko'ii, conlalnliii; 320 arri'M. Takrii mnl li-vli-d upiin on I In-irii4-rty nr llm nald ili-fnnilmil, I i:. Klliiiirit, nr iih iiiiicIi Hu-ri-of an may Im nr-ci-HHary in HatlHly nnld .Juili;. intuit in favor of Hank of llniinnzn, (Jcliii H lliru, analf.iii'ii of Juilt;. uii-iit). iiKniinit mild I !:. Kllr.urit ami nall Klilnuilli l.lvmlork Alorl- "NIP IT IN THE BUD WITH BRONCHI-LYFTUS" ' When you feci a cold coming on nip It In the hud with Bro'nchi Lyptus. .When the youngsters have been exposed to n couifh epidemic nip it In the bud ylth Dronchi-Lyptus. When the dreaded spasmodic Croup threatens nip it iiv the bud wjtfi Bronchi -Lvptus safe, sure, and quick reletl Uoivc let another tlay find you without a bottle, Ira HCHI .Tiy y.ojuji. piu(poi? .f;ist NOTICM OP HIIKHII'I'H HM.V, lly Virion nf mi iitlncliiniuil mnl I'Jiifilllnii duly IhhiikiI liy tlin Clurk nf Hid Ulriiiill Onurl nr llm County nr Klniiialli, HIiiIm nr OriiKuu, dali'il llm I'll hi day iir Dcdiiulii-r, 1022, III n curtain anion In llm Circuit Court fur mild county mid nlnlu, ulion-lii Jnlin H. Horn iih plalntltr ri-cnvi-rcd Jiidictiii-nt iiKaliiHt, CluirliiH llortoii, nn iliiriiiiilmit fur llm mini nf Tivnlvn lliiildrnil Hnvi'Mly ($1270.011) Dnl lam IiikdIIht Willi lutnrtnt llicri)mi nl llm lain nf Ton per tout pur nn until from .Mnrcli 3ft, I!i22i mnl fur Ilin itlrtjiur Mini Of Oni.-i 'lliinilrrd Twinily hiivcii (127ni)) f)ollnri, K-HDllu-r with liin.riKi, (limuoii nt tlm ralo of Titn per (mil pi-r niiuiliii fruiii Mnrcli 2V, IH22, nod rnr tlm furtlmr mini nr Ninnly-mivi-n ($97 !()) nullum, KiKi'llii-r with luliin-nt tliuri'ou nt tlm rati' of Klxlii per o-ul pur nniiuni froin .MarrJi 2N, 1021, and Im' nlloriit-y'ri fi-i-n In dm mini of To lliimln-il I'orty (24O00 Hol la ni mnl for IiIh cihIh and (lUliunii'- imiitN In miiIiI m Hun, nn Hut Th I nl iluy of Nnvi-mlii'i-, 1922 And Un real properly of tlm dcfi'iiilaut lien--Inaller ili'Kcrllnid linvlliK tii-i-u duly ami ri'i'.ulnrly nltni'lii-d and Invled upon, ami milil Jiiiliiiui'Ut urori-milil lialiiK urditri-d mid mtjudi;itil Hint mild real properly of Hut ditfiiiidmit ho ntlnrlmil on lit-n-luafli-r ili-m-rllied, Im mild liy llm Hlmrirr nrrurillm: to law, fur llm imtl-ifiiriion nf nalil Jllilnmelll. now Tln:i(l:i'oiti:, nmin- u lii-n-liy clvcti Hint I will on tlm fitli day nf January, 1923, nt Hut front ilnnr nf tlm court limine In Klnm- alli I'a I In In mild roiinty mid ntnto, nt 10 n'clnck In llm riirenoon of nald da), fell ul pulillc mirili'ii to tlm lilclieil lilddi-r, for rnnli, llm fullow- Inr. ili-nrrllii'it real properly, lo-wil Tlm HV", of tin' HW'4 of Him - Hon I'.. Hut Hi: -4 or tlm HDU uf Hiillnn HI, Dm Ni:1, of llm Ni:. of H.-clloii 21, Hut SWVi. Hut HWU of the .VHtf. llm S of llm flKU nf Kectlnn 22, tlm Wl',4 of thu .S'V, tltn SVA nf tlm HW'i nf Ki-rllou 2(1, llm Sr.'i at Hut N'i:; of Kuelnu27, Hut NIJU nf Im HW'.i nf Hcc- Hoil 23. nil In Townnlilp 37. Koillh, KmiRn II', 4 j:l, W M, In Klainnlli County, Oregon Taken mid levleii upon hi Hie property of llm until Defendant. Clinrlen llortoii, nr nn miirli Hu-renf in may Im necea-inry to natlfy tlm Jiiilr.inent in favrr of plaintiff. John H Iforu oKulnut nald defendant Charlie llortoii. with lnlerei there on, li)!ilifr with all rom nml ill- huririuenlK Hint have accrued or mny hereafter net-rue Dated nl Klninnth KnIU. Oregon, Oecemhvr 4, 1923 I. I.. LOW. flhrrlff lly lliniT K, IIAWKINH, Deputy. I) . J 2 Kaitn l.nan Company, n corporation, ilcfemlanlii wth Interci-t thereon to Kiithitr nlth all Coit mid illpilium--ineiit that have accrued or mny herenfler accrue. Dated ut Klamath KIIm. Oregon, Deci-mher 4, 1932, I. I. LOW. Hherirr lly 1IUUT i: IIAWKINH. Deputy. 115, 1 2.1 9.20 J 2 i I'oitlnud- Colon depot, partially detiri-yed hy fire, to Im rebuilt nt once, PILES m- - mdi ayajaai Dc Cured to. Stay Cured I GUARANTEE to per manently cure your Piles without cutting, burning, ititchlnj:, anacstlictlc, con finement or unpleasant after-effects. My patients are reputable men nnJ women In every walk of life to w-oni you mny refer about thlt pilnleti, iKm.iurslcal cure. If you are a tuflerer from Tilct, Pluuln, I'luure or other tevtnl dUeaie, call or write today Cor my FRCB boollct. Col of treatment return.! U I fail to cum .your Pile. DR. CHAS. J. DEAN MB AMD M4MIIMN lOKTLAMa.e)MO) MCNllUM tllll 1-APfR WHLN Willi INC. - LYPTUS ' Plffi 3f; H17.MMO.V8 I'Olt I'l'llMCVl'IO.V IN TIIM CIIICHIT COUHT or HTATK Or' OIUKION IN I'OH KI.AMATII COHNTV TIIK AND MukkIii Wolihnr, I'lnlnlltr vh Mat iiiiyui-H, mm iinkiiown lielrn of Mat ItayniiH, If Im ho deremied; llllralinlli HiiyiuiH. J. It. 0. Ilnvnen nhd Ifuynnif. Iili wHn! I, II. lliiyiu-N mid Hllziilinlh llnyncH. IiIh wife, Harnh J, .lay nml I lira Jay. . Imr htiNhnuil; (Iracii Orlfrith nml' r.Hlnphoil Hrirrith, hor hllhhniul; A, ' C D, lltJMHuy nml ill, (I. Hiniiey, riher IiiihIihiiiI; I-nmiln I'urdy and VWull:r I'urdy, Imr hunlmml, .Mary II lloynn mid Arthur lloynn, Imr "liimlinnd, nml nil unknown helix of i llm iihovn limned partli-x, If any 'or them Im diiceminil, Kohert Chn- ey mnl Himln 15, Cmny, hln wlfo, , mid Dixit all other pormnpi un- .known clalinltiK any rluhl, title, Hntenml, lien or entalo In nml lo llm real property dfnn rllied In llm I'limplnlnt herein, DitremlnntH. To .Mat llnym-fi, and unknown helm (if .Mat ll.i'ueii, If ho he ili-ce.liud; Klralielh llnyuen; J It. (I. Ilnynea mid-- --Jlayiu.N, hlx wlfni l II. Ilnym-N i(iid KlUalii-th llaynen, IiIh wlfo; Karah .1. Jny mid Ctra Jay, her hunlmuil; (Irneit (Irllflth ami Htvplu-n (Irlfflth, her hunhand: A. (1. D llumiev nml II II, llmoiey, imr Ivjulmiid; Cannlii rprdy mid Wiilinr I'urdy, her htm hand; .Mary II llyyim und Arthur ltnhe, her hunhand, nml nil un-1 known lu-lrn or llm nhovn turned -parllen. If nny nf them ho deceaK-l ii; llnhert Camy and Hunln K. ! Caney, liln wife; mid iiIho all other I iiemoiiH iiuknuwii clulinliiR miy illllit, title, luloreni. Hen or en lain III mnl lo tlm real properly ile nrrlhed In Hid (oiuplaint herein. Delelidailtn in tiii; nami: ov tiii: ktati: (IV OIH-:ilO' V.ll nr.. I...r..l, .- illllreil lo appear In the ulinvn i-nlll.l. led court mid iaui.1. mid Ihero amtwer"3"' '"''" '' 5"u I ill., unhihlnlnt ni !... .! ..!.. .... M.. ' therein mtnlnnt ynu within ten dnyn from thu date of the m-nlcu of thin fiiiinrnom upon )ou If wrved In Klamnlh County, OrcKon; If nerved Hllhin any other county of the Ht.ili of Orexou. then wllhiii twenty dayn from Dm dati- of thu xorUro of thin Kuuuminn iifon ynu, or If nerved hy liuhllcatlon or out of the Htato of On-Kon alter an order f nuhllrn- 'V luim'liillli lit inn IIUIIIllll Ul IHI! llon, then on or he-lorn llm lant day i-rf-.cn i-ii in huiii nroer nir nm puic nnii.. ... t,i.i ... i '"".""." A'..." .""""" ... .iiu iuii anil cjiii oi jntl will lu-rehy take notice that If ynu fall I mi to appear and annwer for wnnt; thereof, the plaintiff will npply to i tlm ahoe entitled court for Ihn rn lief deniandcil In tho Complaint, n nucrinci niniemeni ot wnlcli in nn fo own For n derren of th.t Court declnrlm: plaintiff to bo llm - . --- ..... , III fen nlmplit of tho hereinafter do ncrlped real property, and nuno or tho nhovo mimed defendant have nny claim, right, title or Inton-nt CnntnliiltiK 200 acre. Kxceptlns llicrefrom llm canal rlKht of way M-rtlni; any claim whatiocvcr to nald prnmlnen or nny part thereof I niHerne In this plalntlir, and fnrever ililletlnir anhl title In tho plaintiff I Hun ur nmn uuirr reili-l nn IIK-i court mav deem nrnner Tlil mint ' ciiuri ma) in em proper nun sum- und for ntich other relief nn the Imonn la publUhed In the Klamnlh lleruld, n iiiinnpaper published nt Klumnlh Knlln, On-Kon, purnunnt to nn Order of Hon A. 1, I.eavlu, JmUn nt nald Court, mndn on tho 24th day of .November, 1U22. The date of first publication belni; nn Ihn 2hHi day r-f Nnveinber, l'.22 nnd the iliite of the lant publication ImiIiir on tho Uth day of January. IH23. y- NKWTON W. IIOHDUN Attorney for Plaintiff. Address: 107 Kant Main ntreot, Med ford. On-Kon N 2k ,d n.i:.i'j.2t; j 2,'.i I i. L ". ... I , , X notick ok Nin:iiirr's hai.i: H)"lrluii nf un ierullr-n nnd or der or Niilit duly iHHiieit by tho clerk or tho circuit court of tho County or Klamath, Stnti- or Ort-Kon, dated the 2Sth (luy of Noviimbor 11)22, In ti ceriiilii nrtlon in thu circuit court for mild county mid slulo, wherein A. (' OloiiKer nn plaintiff recovered JiiiIr mem nituliint .David ( rllteeii for llm Hum of five luiudred dollars toitelh er wllh Intercut Hieieou nt the rate of olitht per cunt por an mi m from July 2, 1H21 ami tho timber mint of novonly-Uvo dollara ns iiltoinoy'i fiics mnl thu further sum of seven teen dollars conin and dUlmrHo moists, on thu 19th day of ,Seihm her 1922. Notqu Is hereby r.lvcn that I will nn tho !8ti day of December 1022 nt tho front door nt tho old court lipuio In Klninnth Kails lii nald coun ty, nt t,wo o'clock- In 'tho nftorimon of nald day, sell nt pulilo miction i Ihn hlKhent bidder, for cash, the following deacrlhedMiroperty, to-wltr Thu soutlumHt niiurtui- .und tho northwest quarter ot Hectlon thirty six nnd tlin unrttioant qunrter of Hec tlmj fouilcyn In -Township thirty fIVo south of ltniiKe nine nnd tho Routhenst nunrter of Hertlnn thirty oiio (n Township thirty-five umith or llnngo ton, all oimt of the Willamette, Merldlnn in Klninnth County, ()ro Ron. Taken nml levied upon as th .properly nf tlm said Dayld C. Skoon, ill un llllicn (llfrcui nn j iti iiecen- unryto Biitlafy tho said JudRiunnt In favor or A. 0. (lleiii-'nr (igalnut said lla,vld 0. 8keon with (ntoroat thf-ro-on, toKothor with nil costs nnd din. bursmnonts that hnvo nr muy uccruo. Dated nt Klamath Kails, Oregon.) November 2Kth. 9'i'i. I.. h. LOW. Rhorirr. , lly IllIHT K. IIA.WIN8, " Dopuly. N 2R D fi.12.10.2Q i. . i . i. i n i i wnatnoever In or to the follow nr iln. ,i. T i ncrlhed premlien, nltuatc.l In Klnm- ' 'l-AT,- '" ii"t''Tf ,a,a' I l"h. Sl' f OrcKon. onco each utli count), ntntoof OreKon. to-lt A on 1Jo,,1:i, ArlfaelcU upd Hod-, week for Ix coniiccutfvn oiul sue Tho Went otm-half Mil nf tho ,lln'5 ""'"dy Inr3uwee)(n, .About four cesnlto ui-ekn, the first publication fluuthttent quarter of Hwtlon 33. tnwiUw wnrk."! VaKeHfJirl BO per Hter.of I.eInK on tint 21 nt day of .nd tin. Vmi ono-holf Mi) am , l' Hfrniln Unnlcan. i Noyomher. 1922 nn.l tho lant publl- the. Hoi. 1 1. en t .juarlur of lh Pmrnmenlo. i 4C cation helnfTon llm 2nd day of Jnnu- Southeant ntiarter of .Section 32; I T. ". J ! '. '. I nri ' ,' . .... . . Townnhln .19 Houth Hanmi lltj I rMW cotiiforl a( nltnont ntovo) JJune hy order of tho lion. A. I.. i,.. i r it... u-iii,.,.... .M...I.M..? front, A plpelejn furnaco Kunranteed i Leavltt. JiiiIko of tho nbovo entitled That tho defendant, ond each of on0,r-., " TliluJ , them, pud any Mlmr pernnn or per- V?1 pla1",.1 " a ' up ,0 'o9h ! imiMP hv itir.mvii ,.r iimi.,r Jl0 fMluruii InHalM lii your ! mm or rmu,rnf n, v ., t' .h.m hn ". Complete. J ICO 00. that' all. tia-m, or citiior of any of Inctn, hn . .. n-, ,n,,- i,i , i frntver barred und enjoined from an-1 '' -N ,,alnM' ,o2- Mall fet' " A p-tffwwwvwwvvvvywvvh.vvvvvvvvwvvvvvvvyWVVWW . EVENING Sm mmmm WA NT rVrMrWrWArWMVVVVVWWVWWWWVVW'WAivvvvvvVV BTIIAVIID I liny mure wi-lKht 141.0 hrnnili-il IT on lull iflc, miiall nlil In linn oar. 1 Inouu uim, wnlKlit 1.100, lu.-nvy uliok uiiilii nml tall, miuiii whllri In face No vlnltilo hriind Knwnrd, .lay Calrclo, Merrill highway. 4-9 TVI'INO Oil CI.KIUCAI, pmltlon wanted hy younR wnmaii with four yenm civil nnrvlcn nxp riefin.. Ilox T. V. Herald office. 4-C . - roi.'ND 'hlld'n eiitiivr whbhu. Owimr mny havn itnnm hy prnvin'R property mid payliiK lor ad Apply 419 lOili Ht. Km. 2.. 4- WANTKD- Woman conk Iminedl liiely. Klamnlh (leu Hospital. 2.1 Clirlntimut Print Hliop. Cnrc.n Druiiimoml 2& :i HAI.i:3.MI.N AND KAI.IISWOMKN WANTCDTo Hell ...tupleln linn hnnll-ry to limine trade el t lei nidi lowmt In Oregon. (Inod cornmjjxlon. I tilth iiuallty with prlcn no lowni to in eel uth little (oinpetlllon. I'll re Hllk Hosiery Mllln, H07 I'adrie lldK . Ban I'niiiclnco, CnlU. 4.fl 1 UNTi:il Clnrlcnl nr Kenernl of. rice work. Ilox 024 Herald office. 4-9 . T.'"T." ".' '"' n ll"n"' ul ""' "'i'l1"' " " "" l - FOH IIKNT 2-rnnm furnlnhed in- bin. (tultnhli- for man nnd wife. Hen Dirk, 210 llroad St M I'AUCI-NTI'.IIH' .1TTKXTIO.V Don't forot Hie niuoker next Weilnomlny nlKhl. Dec. Cth. All woiMl-hutihern linlled. 4-5 I Chrlntmai Print Hhop, Cordn Drumrnnml -r' I ; varieties, alno i . iiii v-j ef.,r,i .M I i.r. tjererai Jrlod fruit. Prlcen attractive IloMnnon, llnutn 2. tirantn ! ti n John 'nnn, Ore. 2-5 I KnKraved and other Chrlntmm i icirdti nt thu Drummoml Print Shnp, I 1 2-5 I .' L i . ,"" iwi inii-iuoiu miiii.uru IVLT, T1.-. .u.n KnnH. Ii..hI.I..I RKNT Two-room Apt. 419 10th 10th St. 30tf. ?C t. ' the 1 Ovt ymir encravei rardn loiuf I'rlnl fihbp. Drtimm to heat a noveu room home to 70 tie nrcet In xc-ro weather I.nrpo feed ,,'"'"'. . .' . o. .' (let your t-neravpil cardn nt the '"" "'" KOH SA1.K Modern . aevon room l,.,k il,..i,,j ;, i.. , "OUtte. furnished, extra larce lot ,.,t i,,,..i i,..,,,ui ,... -i. well Improved, beautiful trevn, clo.se to fchool und business center. The 4 property can bn reen at 343 Nurth. "Jlh street. Mrs Hurt Marnh. 28-12' COXCHKTK SKWIIH TII.K .Much MrmiRer and better than any oth er typo of tile made In Klamath Kails. Klamath Kalli I'lumbliic & lleattnK Co. I'hono M5H., Cor. Kourth and l'lnc. 29-7 Ft) H HAI.h- A Riiod, truck. A tiarualu Shoo Store. IlKllt lleo Call KniK-rs' 20-C EVERETT TRUE S:ou se, we'fie 4&-r (ooijar jvvm ( i in tw(S"DONlT AOVSRTl55'. 3AVB A f0T CMF notVSY ' vlHkBnSMaSBnaBMBBHMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnBjII l5n- aHannBas3-TIT--ljBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBII) SilWS.... - TSBf P-laBBBBBBWJaf'"aa AfT5. A HASTf ,ArcAMlwTtoN OV. -THcr CdoCS I'M Oorvif)ce'C""rHAT THCS ,CUSTOrj. eis cbt tk3 3ev.5)Cs in. thb , !R&2lor4 ftoONOBli ON TVVCi NORTH tT i XAS eA.S MNO OiM TUCS SOUTH TV TVS -"-.'-'' Mii "SU HERALD iii,i-Vv-VttfyfV-VfUjt ADS W'hern can I Ret Htrlctly frenh i-kkh? At the I'rmnliini Dairy. T'? our milk rustnuinrit we will deliver. I'lioim 490J . DON'T TlinoW Till: OLD Hhocn away, llcnl oak unlex, nml Onnd year hec-ln. Mcn'n 12.00 pr, lndlcn II 7.1 pr, Jack I'ront, Ctli Kt. 20lf , t-riti hai k WnrA Coupo, Owner . .- .,.,... , -v- I icnrmi; own. Inquire Herald of ncrt. 8tf i WOIHC OI.OVi:H nml Mliti-mi of nil klndn. Jnck Front, Cth. St., Jitnt nrf .Main. 17lf. WANTKD Man lor ranch work. In ijulrii l'rantln J, Ilowne, Hnnnnta. ir.tr Knrrnved nnd nthor Chrlntmas rnriln at Ihe Drtiiumotiil I'rlnl Hhop. Z-5 THIANdl.K CAl'i: Tlm placn to net r,ood eatn OPI.'N AM. NICIIT. C33 Main Ktrret. I'honn 24. 14tf St'MMOVK l-'Olt ITIIMCATIOX i:iuiij ,vo. i.vitt in tdk cihci'it coimit of htati: of ohkcon in l.'Olt KI.AMATII COl'NTV TUB AND AI.ICI1 .M MAIIKI.KV. IMalntlff. vn . MAHICI.KV. Defendant. C. .MAKICI.CV, Defend- I'AUf. ( To PAUL ant; in thi: nami: of Tifu stati: OF OHKCON. Ynu nro her.ihy r quired to appear and nniwer llm complaint on file In llm uhovn en titled null, on nr heforo tho 2nd day of January, 192.1, Hut helm; tlm day prencrlhed In the order of the Court for the publication or thin nummonn. nnd If you fall to no appear and an nwer, for want thereof thu plaintiff u-lll nmilv m tin- court for itm r. i,.r prayed for In liln complaint, vir. fnr ilin involution of the hnmln of matrlmnnv hereloforo and now . nxlxtlnr hi-twnen I'nnrnelf nml m plaintiff herein, upon the, Ground 0f d,.,(-rllon hy you of ihn plaintiff for more than one year lant pant and linmeoinie y precciimK llio nunc or Mid complaint herein. Thin ituuiinonn In nerved upon ynu oy ;order of piihllratlnn thereof In thi Klamath Kvenlntr llnrald. a newspaper prlnleil, puminhcil nml of general circulation in too county of -otirt under dato of order 20th day ot November, 1922. Wm. MAIIX. Attorney for plaintiff. Pont Offlro Addruii. Klamnlh Kalln. Oregon. No. 214 Wllllts nidB. N 21. 28 I) a.12.19,20 J 2 Hobortson'a Chicken Tnmales, wholesalo and retail. 1113 Main St. istr Nearly sold out ot Christ mas 3'lr.yor planos. Hot tor look them over, get- our pric es nnd terms at once. EARL SHEPHERD CO. nor MA1X ST. By CONDO to ae-- tat cinjcs o -iv uv riMuoi uci.su)o I M THAT tVW lv NC OUR. OSToAfEr?S WT Ttfg PlFPegCNO(S - COU.R, pON5. I'.'. 01 I IIP HHI BnBnaRka IMbbbbbbbi bbBi1vbbbbbbb1 lt . rO0AK WORK Leave Your Filttvs ; I II i S 'S Before 9 OclocK-Your .M- Pictures am l (IMerWOOas Vy- WHERE. PARTICULAR PEOPLE ' lv I PURITYJ BUY TtttIR DRUGS DR. J. a GOBLE OlflOMKTRIflT OPTlCIArT 700 Mala Bi. Phono 183-VV We flt nd grini flute, Dupli cate hrokea lemef, repair frame. S. CROUCH, D.V.M. Veterinary flurxeon Deptaty Htato Veterinarian 2.10 N. (1th fit. I'lioiie 48A-J DR. C A. RAMBO Dentist L'O. O. P. Build! pno.ns i DR. iH. J. WINTERS Graduate nnd Ktnte' Itcclntcrtnl OPTICIAN Nineteen jearx hero In liunlncm Trmnpt Scrvlco 714 Main Street CHIROPRACTORS nns. aiAi.i,KTr iALi.rrr Offlcb over Undcnvool'a 7th A Mrffa I'hono S39-J NEW CITY LAUNDRY! lrinUhcd Work Fiat Work rRouftb Dry "Pat Toot Dada la Oar Ho4a IPHOXE IM Oonwr i alala aad Ooaaar Kodak Finishing Films received before 9 A.M. Ready the tame day at S P. M. ' Mnll orders filled promptly STAR DRUG CO. Oth. & Ma)Uj SU. KlaawiUi Fall, Ot. iTniiinn rnirm u llttlinbtUH DRIED RIGHT UP , iiiitii pill miiirw vvnn ouLrnuni Any breaking out ot the skin, oven fiery, Itchlnc crsema. can bo quick ly overcomo by applying a little Men-tho-Sulphur, says n noted skin spec ialist. Uecnuro of Its, Korm destroy ing properties, this sulphur propar- nllnn Invtnnilw litt n irat nsiii frnm allv Irrltntlon. soothos dad heals tho ec-' zemn right up una leaves the skin cear and smooth. It seldom fnll.i to relieve (ho tor ment and dlsflgurVmcnl. Sufferers from skin trouble should get a llttlu Jar ot Howies Muntho-Sulphur from any good druggist and use it like a cold cream. Adv No. 1. THOUSANDS HAVE KIDNEY1 : TROUBLE AND NEVER '. SUSPECT IT I Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected, , y ' i Judging from jci-ojU from drug gUu who are cpiutautly in direct touch with the public, there is one prupanition that tss been very suo cevtful in overcoQimiiig these coudU tlous. Thu mild and healliiL' iullu- ' cucc uf Dr. Kilmer's Hamp-koot is soottrealUcd. ,ll.tstauds the higbent fur' Its remarl-ablii record of miccesn. 'At examining tiliynician fyr one of ) ii prummciii ,iie Aunuruiicc v.oui jiauics, in un iutrrvlqw of the subject. lnuno nu nsiouisniun siuiemeui inst one teuton why &' many applicsutt ! furiiikuruuceure rejected is because kidney trouble is si common to thu American people, und the large ma. jorjty of tliuM: hoi.c applications are declined do not even kiitpect that they have the disease. Dr. Kilmer's Snump-Koot U on uita at all drut; htores in lxttlen of two hucs, meditiut and large. , Iluyeer,if you vdsli first to tiftt this great preparation send ten ceuw to Dr. Kilmer cc Co., Ulnghamtou, N. Y., for a sample bptlle. When writ iuji bu kure and mention this paper, j (Ad,TtrtllNnt) ready at 6 lASCMBA IQACvl PR.F. R..GODDARD OHTKPOATniO PnTHICIAH AND 8DKGKON Office aod Rlteoe PtoMt WT1 I. o. o. r. XHMFUJ Klamath Fall PlmUsff ft Heating Co. J. fl. I.AGKSO.Y, Prop. 4ltli A Pine St. FtusoBa 010-R s Fltl'.D IIUKK, fgr. CENTRAL AUTO SERVICE IIAV AND NinilT Itcil Hlpn on- Dmr Chiloquin & Bend Stage lo.'l S. Till Kt., New Hart IHdjf PhoiiB r.i.t-w "AltriiyH nt Vonr Horrlcc" I. O.O. F. Prosperity lUbrkab. IN, Firat and Third Thandaya Ewanaa Kacaanpacat 4f , ' rnitu each Tuenday Klamath Lodge 187( aaaeta eack Friday r When You Have Dirty Clothe. U you will call tb Klamath Hand Laundry 119 South 9th St. Phona C73-W They will wash, darn. Iron aad return to yon. NU BONE CORSETS Sl.ule to Your Mranura (,'uaraiitrcil Mrs. Rose Randall ft2! Jcffcron St. Tliona 377-W Central Auto Service and Transfer Open Day and Nigbt 1UH Unit Hldjr. I'hono SIU-W J. C. CLEGHORN aVIIj KNQINKKK AXU 8UKVKXOH l'hone 1MKI IM 8, VAX'S CI.KA.MNO HKIIVICK I'lioiie 517-4 House, Ston, Office, flilmney, Stovo mnl Window CleanliiK. rirnnlnu rucw iltli vacuum ( leiiuer. St rnvmn J . B. P. O. E. n 1247 Meetings every Thurmlny ft p. in. HIUs Temple, cor. 3rd nml .Mulii Hi. VUttlng Klks wel come. r V- J PRINTING Drummond Print Skoa i 115 N. 4th. ' s : . Robertson' Chlekaa TaasalM, X wholsMl aad rstali, lilt Mala (, ; I U N l f?s A, t'.-AI ''I IT v ? dTtrtiitBf pars,, jrt i a4 m. - f-'.i m- xv .- - it;