The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 05, 1922, Image 1

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    I rfs , -3
University Library
Kiigen, Oregna
SEunm0 Heratfi
rl ..Itl
Member of the Associated Press
l 1
Hlxlrentli Vi'iir, Nil. IHIM
Return Not Commensurate
With Yield; Youth
Going to Citie
WASHINGTON, Dec f.. Amerl
ran farmers, lomprlslng nlioiit oil"
iMm! nt II... I'nilnlrv'n nnnnlulllill.
...... ,v i.i.... !.'
IIIMI IIIIIIIBIlf-" Itwi nti-Miiiiin
their, liunt work nnil Urge prnduc
Hon thU yiur, Ht III laboring under n
serious rtliuilvmitnim us compared
wild oilier group of worker be-
rjunn of hn ilUlorlloiulM relation- .
ship of price, Secretary Wallace of ,
Ilm department of agriculture lolil
President Hurdlm; iin.t .-iingr.' lit '
day In IiIm nnnunl report '
".hern I foml In mipiiruliun
iLincn," Wallace sulil, "mid lliU cnn
tribute in llii' prnpcrliy of liuslnni '
uml Industry for n Hum, hut the In-'
ndtquatn return utile Ii Dm farmer Is
receiving, uml him fur llirrc ra rn.
Inoirllnlily mul rcmill In rf.nljiut.
iiirnln In tlin iiiiinlirr of people on
t ... ... ..-.v ...
In' rllli-, whlrh
it llii) lit n fiooil of
I lie fMriiu ami In Hi
lll not U fur tlin rout
thf lutlon."
Mnnj l-ntr I'miiiN
Thrrn linn been a ureal ly nrrelrr
ntril inotetnent of farmerN, ami en-x-Ully
firmer1 ion from the
(arm-) In the rltle ml Imltiatrlal
ctnitr. ilm Nrcretary reporled, tin
clarion thai br.t eailmaiei "hilkatu
tbit ilurliiK July, Anau.l and Hep.
Umber tlfe na nianr prrxiliN left
Hi faruu for the clil. itn normal
ly." Th iKflry rnwU lil roruni
mindRlloii for rural ercilll ledla
Hon. auertlnr. (hat actlol nIiiiiiIiI be
taken promptly In IncreaNo the maxi
mum whU'l. h fHrntHortit lHiik may
loan to mi InrlMilual from llu.Ouo
In 133,000, lie aiWfteattM. aim n
read)utmnt or Ilm letm loan may."B""y mnr man lour iour.
run, laying ii yitem ihculd be ' Stopoeil Tor ()nllne
tablUhed by which the farmer could! shn ,,,,,, t ,.no (or K1U0.
borrow for period, of from lx,ll4 u,, lllinr . -.,!..,, .
month to three ycra. Creation of
a new bureau nt hnme economic 'ji
urged by the Necfetary. 10 enable the!
deparlmenl to extend It efforf to-
ward better ecAtinmlr nynlenn In the
rural cnnimuiiliy.
Kni-. NiimU ftiititllon
Anolhcr problein reipilrlng Imnie-(
illale attention, tlm ecrvtury jd,defeiii
wa "the neccmlly of working out
iviul upplylnx a contprehenalto plan
of protecting, regrnwlng uml utlllx
lag our (orel." Hn declared for
rat legltlatlon hould be enniled ex
tending federal Co-operation to tlm
stale In Iho protection of forest
lo-ordliiatlng state and federal ser
vice In the growing and distribution
of forest-planting mulnrlnl, extend
ing purchase. o( llinlierlunil, "as rap
idly a the condition of the treasury
will permit," mid ronvorthiK Into na
''V , ". .... .
Ilotml forest noliin area now com -
prised In Indian reservation.
This yenr would hn n proKpcrous
year for ncrli'ullllre, nml ennse
iiunntly a nr'oi'perous )e.irfor I lie
nation, If llin ri'lalloiiHlilp of jirlren
now was such n existed before I lie
war, Becrclnry Wnllaro said. There
Im heeii Home Incrensn In price iH
(arln products, Hut I hero Iiiik not
beoii much Improvement In Ilm got
oral relationship hnlween the prlren
of Hip HilngH thn farmer produce
nml Dm ihlugN hn liny.
Cniihi's Hhovvii
" Among Iho raUHi' which conlrl
butn to Iho abnormal relallunshlp of
farm price to thn prlcen of other
thing, Hccrelnry Wnllncn mentioned
Ihesn! ''
Oviir-proiluctlu.n of inony , farm
Coniliiucd lilg)i..frel((l)l rules. ,,
Mnintcnnncoof Industrial vyaRCjt
nt near wnr-JliJolloyels. , t,
Kconomlo "iloiiruslon nnil. dopro-
clalod curroijc' (Jn Kuriipenn, roun-J
( I' K
I dilution of some furm products.
UOUIBVH.yj, Dee. 5. Sammy
Halo, Portlmjd third sucker wn
sold toduy to1 Hie Philadelphia
Americans for .players mid rash
mnbuntlns to' 7'6,00O. Tho an
nouncement wag mndo nt tho minor
iiiiurnJreiirij,(wiin ( ( uo , iHl:,l,,'ljv",.n"i'in I Tj v',',", "" "' ,V,
(unctloiiInK of iu'i'biniry h)dtut,rj,i;,, llf.ooi' ioc,explnalve; but did carr;
UnrenBPnuhly high coat of ills-1 r. 400 ruse of ainmuiiltloii. tlm of
t H, llVi:il lll'ILDINOK
Tim riimpnlgii for government
4 ownership n( pnslofflce build
.I ii ) throughout iho lounlrr
wn renewed by l'iutiiiute.r
(Imicrnl Work In III iiniiiial r-
purl today i emigres. Not
(ml)' won lil n pulley of public
ownership relievo I lie govern
ment of much of It preaelit
lioimliiR rniigeslliin. Ilm Pnt-
mauler Geni'iul mi lil, lull II nlau
wi ulil miik.i lor lliuilirliil ernti
niny lnr rontnl of in.irn limn
$ I :,onn, iidii now being paid
I over annually witliimt langlhln
i "'Mini I
' ti'lnrii rculil In' Invested In
''"'I property of (i perman
I (Mil Vllllle.
i IN
Nlirillf nut I I iironer i I'ltmi llrri'!
Woiiiiin WIiii Kllliil ('niiipiinloii
.Mn lie HmhiuIiI llriv
An niitopny nml Imiili'Kt In helnR
hi'lit toilny nt ('ri.ri'iil hy Kherlff
I.oht. Coroner Whlltock anil Dr.
J .
H. ' Htewurt In the rniie of Itoh
ort tlrrnr. 45, who waa allot ami
jklllril at the Huinmll inc" utallon
i Kuttiiilny by lil rmnpanlon, .Mr-.
Mabel Nlcliol, 2.1, ho Kavo her
M'lf up to the !ierl(f at lieitil af
ter n tO-mlle ilrlire from Ihe neene
ii f the itiootlnR. Mtn Nlchnli will
probubly be bronilit hero for trial
(Irenr had been drlnklnK heavily
and Mr Nlrholi had had a drink or
two, iihe told the Nhrrlff They
iliiarrolrd and (freer threatened her
Hhe jinalchrd a pUlol and fired
Umer fell and Nhe, convinced of hl
drain. ulthoucU nut utopplnc to an
certain II ileflnllely, threw a mill
rate full of clothe Into Oreer'
tonrlnc car and lrov to
maklnc Iho trip oor rour.h romU
and In it bitterly cold wind In
I .. ... .. . .
i pedeitrlan, but told no one of the
ftliiutlliiv until hIii rnnf riiti.ii.l Khf.r
. ... r, Thl( ,, lirilUll ,.,
relating her ktory with difficulty.
and becunm hyxterlal when the wn
'taken to a tell In the county Jail
To Deputy Kherlff Terrlll he de-
clnred that he had nhot In ulf
lleforo being taken In thn Jail. .
Mrs. NlchoU told Sheriff Huberts I published this afternoon. The" tu
tltnt nhn and Greer had come to 1 '' w' ",1',1 th" work Aone "'
central Oregon from Kllunhurg,
I i unit . six wee ks ago ami nan oeen
VnR nt the Summit utago station
They had operated n largo moon'
shine plant, marketing their rn
duct In llcml, sliu said.
llroiiKlit Wcnpou .
Mr. Nichols brought with her
thn weapon with which alio" believed
- -fc . - -
she had killed Greer, It I nn nil I
lomntlo nml had three shells left
In n dip which would hold eight '
cartridge. Tho weapon I be
lieved to hnve been Greer's As
far n could he learned from the
hysterical woman, sh,i had fired
only one shot.
Mr. Nichols' mnlden namo vvns
Davis, ilm sheriff learned from her
She has a sister nml it
daughter In Seattle,
Greer Huh Mnnicil DmiKhter
Greer, It was nscretalnrd from
papers brought In hy Mr. Nichols,
has n married daughter, Mrs, Irene.
Smith, living In KlIonslmrK.
. e I
i-ilUU Vases of Amniiiiillloii Hut No
'Mxploklve or TniijwI;ii:jvjl
NryV'YOUK, Dec. C.-j-THo CtW
nurd llnia- I.URltunlu".sunk lit--11
(iermniv sihimr,lna ii 'iDlG off ftlnV
Irish., .cqiutt. canled neither 'Ktma..
ficial report of the vessel's enrgo,
imnie publlo by Dudloy Klnld Mil
lone, collector of tho port ut the
time, shows, according lo 11 ropy
rlghtod story In tho Now York
Wot I'l.
Tho cases of ammunition, tho re
port stated, wero cnrrlod by apo
clflo permission under rulings of
the dopnrtmont of commerce lit
' I ll'f't'lil ' """ "'III
wihi, Dinrntr
i Nil IT III Mill I
it t niiii nniiiiii
ni , ,h ra
i ' i
Chiloquin Lumber Company
Planning Extensive
Klnmiitli' luinluT Imlmlry lini
inkn nnotliiir forwanl mrlilc A
new lif,i fat lory uml nliinliii: mill In
to ho roimlrurti"! hv the Clillo'inln ,
I Lumber rniniuny at Clilliniuln It be
riinie kiionii hero tmlny.
Tlin new plinln Mill lie npenileil
In ninnerlliin wild the miwmllt of
' tlin company nt Clillmiulii The caw-
lillll l.rta j9tintllv fif nlii.lll .111 II II It
-V"' ") I'rewnl. but It In tin
ilemtixid Uml lliU niny be Inrreatoil.
Tim flrni'H r.nllnuil. nxii'iiilUiK nbout
10 tnllen cinlmiril Into the timber,
ttlll Im pimfmil 10 mllen fiirthnr.
Iliv.iileit lij llliHLIIiiKi'f
Tim ('hlloqiiln l.iimber rompany
In liemleil by V. A lllwk linger of
Han rrnnrUro. Other Niorkliohler
nre A. (Irnvi'iKleln nml .-'rank Stanl
ey of Hun Krunilirn nml W ('. Vim
K'ninn of HiIn illy. Vnn l.'mon re
tlirnril lam nlcht from Knn Krunrln
nt where he trnnnliMl buliii In
connection with the
Conatrurtlon work
ahnrtly after the flmt
will mart
of thn year
Tim rapitalltailot
will he Increased
of the lompany
from fSO.OOO to
MihIoc l.iuulK-r Company Knumlll
Plan All-Vear 0x-rntlou
Operation will continue nil win
ter at thn awinlll of the Modoc
llcnd.Ll.iimbor -company at l'lnn Itldge,
near Chiloquin, according In l K.
I'orlcr, who returned from there to
day. Porter la erecting for the com
1 pany a new dry kiln having tiled
J wall and concrete roof lie U em-
ptolng 40 men and expect to Com
. . .. . . . .. ... . . . .. i
Picio tne worK ny i nntmai v w
weather I fatoruble.
,,DATrD -.IIT TnnAV11"""' Muiphy completed thl din
"KRATER" OUT TODAY .,,, i hour IS minutes 7.11
8rn.n,U.ii,.,,ril.ll.V.p.i--rl.iWJ1jJj.- amiK0 ,,, (Qf (fco to (,).,. na.lum .Net, mxmn 4 6 mM nn J)0ijr
DeVoted largcl) to gymnasium
iir"i. urn prelum ."nn" in itiiiiiT .i
u t... i....... .. i. -..,-.
"" "'" '--l newspaper, win uo
.... . .....
I ward (ihtalnlug it gmnaslum anil
linns for future urinific. The pa-
! per will be placed on snle nt iiutv
'stand, Msh. 'meeting In January, ,
I TUV m l77AUn
HT F,rV 7irs--sflB' N
sBiHHL----7 1 .. tlKlR
sbIbb7c'b!' s-W r -- ,
PI ! 1 xTsr
jr aMiiA 9 A 1 B
I - 'V-HV -s. BB -, H
;':':''JBBB3 ,:
B vs. '. Vk&3A F'ti
- BIrfulL)J(mmf' '
1 1 BBBr 'si..?j.',vNajt9uk.-r4 'i-
w.r--''-sssmit vigyTr vja -iBRi
r ' tRR?7- MPvT.lflf
VfliflBV PH
lBilttfa4wvr --F -,i
wmm2mL$rjjMisZmi$?rin nri
r:mma$?-rmmMZsiv?0p.,. -si '
I'AUN, ORL'GON, TTKHDAt, UlTfMllVM fl, I lilts
'IV i him KMii An I 'nun One hi 100
lii)N I'll) "Ii Inn, Hi fen At
tin mill Trill Iicch Held
I.OH AN'(i:i.i:K, llor r, Two
lltinilri'd nml nlKlity-nin pirmnn
(f. nnil KiilHy of Irnfflr inlniitinn
ilnrlnc Ilm pari two wi-lm Imw
mirtcil or nr ifrvlnK ,).HI tfrmii of
from one to 100 ilnjn. I'ullip JiiiIkd
Jnicpli I' CliamliorH Icil liln IiciuIi
iiniii-rliili'K pi n iniilUnlRti In ciirlnll
j nrclilent
! PiIiik hIx
I lln'.
on NiivmiiIiit 20 dy lm
Jnll BPiilcnroi In lieu of
I'lil.lhll) HtiuN llilti
The drhn ni itnrti'il follonliR
(Im piilillnitlon In iiotVkp.iper hero
of flKiin-N nIhiwIiir llnii In propor
lion to population, lit Anc-leN leiiili
tin. nation In tin. number of .ttitomo
lille fiiliillllen. '
On the feurth day fobiAlnR the
npMiilnr; of the ilrltn l( drltera were
or.lerrd lorlieil up, Onl) liiht were
dent to Jit ft yiitlerility, Tim Jii.Ikci
Htwert they will ronlll'iue in deal ne
erety wild nffe-aitem nmll the dty
In made anfe for pedentrlanii and mo
torlNtN Mini) lliifniicil 'itriillnn
I'liyclrlnnN, n mntlnn plrture nr-trr-
nml u IiIrIi rhool iirher are
anion. lho r.hen 'iifned
tlotiN rpo:i the Koteinii pbdKe that
rile will iidheri' excluirl) to horne-
, rlillnc for the nnxl 9 day and
Mot put her foot on the ii.elern.orl
of her machine. t:cyiii SierllnR.
I creen rtre and clr.u eiueiitrl-
tine, way relunneil on parole from
the city Jail )0terd.iy, alier liavlna I
jerted ih-e daN of a fm lay en !
I iVnrn fur .neeilliie 3T inllri nil bnnr.
'i , j' "liermliio whether lm put to sea In
I MURPHY WINS RACft ;r,"j;or r " hcr W"h
! i
.MO .Mile ('ii CaprttMil .',..-.., fw ,' .,
u....i i. i.. LO ANnKI.KS. Dec. ... Ar
1 9t 411MIHUI.I r-l" -I """t'll
.os angi:i.i:s. bc c J.m
my Murpliy won tint 2S0 mile
champlonxhlp aittoniobfU race held
.Sunday nt the .levrrly 1IIIU jpced
way. .comidetlng ' 200 lap of the
1 ' inllo otal In 2 hour, to mln-
ulca mid &3 10 econd
rr took lecond pl.tcn
Mam fnlliB.l third
. iialnliig hU lead at
or .1.1 mile faster than thn record
he l-et on a 1-i inllo oval nt San
t.. ....!.... 1.., . .. 1. l. ...
e. . ...-i ,. .ic ..- .....-
pliled 2&0 miles at nn average
speed of 111.2 miles an hour.
Murphy won by l(n than a car
length, with thren other driver
within 20 feet of him ut the finish.
i l
I m 1
i ,',1'V,
Clara Phillips, Convicted
Of Killing Mrs. Meadows,
Saws Steel Bars
I.OS ANdKI.KH, Dee 5 Clara
l'hlllliN, (cntenioit In from 10 year
to life Imprisonment for the Ham
iner murder of Alhertn Meadow, e
raped nbout 2 n. m. today from the
women'N section of tlin county jnll
wlicru Nhn wn held pntllliK an ap
peal. The bar of her cell were awed
through with teel nw, probably
with the ah! of other Inmate, .ilil
the Nherlff.
Aftor crawling through a window
lie dropped to the roof of nn ad
Joining building, climbed down a
fire enrnpe, nml dlappeared.
The matron In maki.-.p thn round
found Clara' bed vacant and dl
covered the km we. I and twuted bar.
Nn aw flllim were found beneath
i the awed ham, IcadlnR to the be
lief that the bar were, aawed lev,
era I da) prior to thn etcipe.
A dragnet ha been placed
over all Southern California.
I.ONH I1KACII. Cal., Dec. 5.
A fur nlmllar to that worn by Clara
1'hllllp during her trial wa found
'" n"
abandoned automobile, here
day. i Atilhurltlea are trying to de
in our Phillip, husband of the woman,
disappeared yesterday from hi local
Mrpplng plnr, Efforts to find hint
today were unavailing. Investiga
tion showed that, at least thren per
son's aided Mr 1'hllllps' escape. At
least two allied her to thn roof and
oae or two mom waited for them In
Karl Coop,,,, automobile In the street,
and Hnrry , ,
1 i ii. i..i. .... itrrt,... i.. it.. Vmim.'iI
Trnlghl; Kli'dlon IVcci-iiiIht III
Nominations for officers for the
Mailing year will bo had at a meetj
Ing tonight of the American legion.
Officer to be nominated aro com
mander, vice commander, adjutant,
treasurer and an executive commit
teu of five. Election will be held
December It) nml newly-elected off I
cer will lake office at the first
meeting In January, ,
;i:oiijii ci.iiMK(;iCAti'
WAHIIINflTON, lec. .'.
Ctenienrpnii loilay pnlil hi re-
npt-rl In I'rriililMt Ifarillnc
Arriving nl th Wlilto limine
X thren mlnutrii Imforc 10. Hie
hour at whlrh the president
wn to reclve him, hn wa inh
ered Immediately Into thn exe
cutlvn office. The "Tlicer"
looked Jaunty, wearing ft high
hat for the eeond tlmn lnre
hi arrival In America. Hn w.i
accompanied by Ambaadnr
Juiera"td. Iate tomorrow
Clemenceau I to call on Wll
l-'aioriilile llrKirt Itrturitcil liy Ken
ii In ((iiiiinlllee on lteolutlm
' To Ameml Oinntlltulon
WASHINGTON', Dec C The new
progressive bloc won Its first leg
Islatlve victory today by obtaining
from Iho senate agriculture com
mitten .1 favorable report on a res
olution to amend the constitution
In provide the direct election of n
president and vice president, a
cbangn of Inauguration from March
4lh to Iho third Monday In Jan
uary, and lo provide that member
of the senatn and house begin their
term the first Monday In Jan
uary after tlie biennial election.
Congress would meet In regu
lar iciulon annually on the first
Monday In January, accoidlng to
the resolution.
lecturer Who Will Speak Her Dec
ember It Nationally Kaowtt
.Who U.Krapk Draneh Jtltey? -fie
I the man who can make a"6
audience laugh or weep or cheer,
be that audience composed of United
States senators, fanners or of aver-
nge people.
He Is an Oregon man and hi
home Is In Oregon City. He li or
was a practicing lawyer and was
Interested In the abitract business.
Hu write poetry a well a h
speaks and has published a volume
or two.
StnniW on (lialr
Illley Is short In stature and very
dark. When he sneaks at club
luncheons, or the like, he usually
mounts a table or chair. And
should he choose to lie humorous
there I certain to be a roar of
laughter follow his every sally.
Like Mark Twain, Hlley has the fa.
clllty of "cracking" a funny Joke
without smiling, then to permit an
expression of bewilderment to spread
over his countenance as the laugh
ter breaks. A a hnmhrfst he has
no peor In the country. $
Hlley has been the ambassador of
Oregon In eastern state for a num
ber "of years. In tho largest cities
he has drawn packed houses, night
after night, an outstanding accom
plishment In Itself. His lecture,
"The l.ure of tho.Great Northwest,"
has probably dono more to advertise
Oregon than any other means.
Will Fulfill Mopc-i
Peoplo who attend the lecture at
tho Pine Tree theatre December 11,
expecting to hear a dry, uninspired
tulk nro doomed for disiippolntnient.
Tho ones who hope to hear a bril
liant lecturo, as Inspiring as words
can bo Inspiring, und sparkling with
original humor delivered by a mas
ter, nre certain to have their hopes
f' Tlii lecturo fs Juporiipred liyj jhrf
iHota?)- club, the Klwants club and
Tho livening Herald...,,.
fcv. . ,
?' "in..fiii.'li 'l.tlV.TlArrii.lTlltfl
l Jtf-
Thei barometric pressuro, as Indl
Mn.n.l 1... ihn I'll.
IMIV'1 M , vr
c 1 o- StormaajTaph
'at 'Underwood'
.Pharmacy. has
bceu falling slnfo
the early hours jt
h'llcatlons are
that the storm vvljl
continue tonight,
accompanied by
brisk winds.
, Forecast for noxt
24 heurs:
Cloudy unsettled weather, Snow
The Tyco recording thermometer
registered maximum and minimum
temperatures today, a follew:
High 34) .
1 Low .......i 31
mica nvi wn
iirm nn iTinii 'M
-..... . -'? . . ' '
P H ! 8 JH
iiiii'ii,uunuis-K ii '..
Attempt By PronrcMhrtM1!
.Get Control of G. O. P. .
Seems More Likely (
NKA H4rvlc 4fl ysMn
third party coming In
Or 1 some other new
alignment Imminent?
A survey by NKA Service glVM
"No" as the answer to the first
question and "Yes" as the aswir
to thn second.
The questions are paramount be
cause of these incident: a
Increased strength of progressives
and "Independents" In the MBtp.-,
Ascendancy of Senator LaFollMts
a leader of tho "people's bloc."
Dlacusslon of such name a la
Kollette, Senator Ilorab. Henry Ford
and W. It. Hearst as third parly pre
sidential candidate.
Suggestion by a repuhllca'n that
Dernard M. Darueh, democrat, lead
farmers and manufacturer In a new
political party.
Hcek. CI. O. P. Captur
Leaders of progressiva thought n
Washington hope for capture of con
trol within the republican .pary
rathur than the rise of at third 'par
ty. Says LaFoltetlel "Thn tlm hi
come (or tho orcanUatlon of a. well
defined group, coopmtlns la. to
port of accepted progrv prin
ciples and ollclei." , . , "
Senator Borah, H futUrt.of
the progressive snoveweat do bm
nce;rily, deUs)T-UssllyMl(H'-of
a new party ttafesa "liberal,
and sane" legislative prograsi lid
down by the progresslvi' group Ii
rejected by (he party'in powe'r.
"I clearly foresee a new political
line-up," says I.lndley M. Garrison,
former member of President Wil
son's cabinet. "The political divi
sion which Is ahead of us will tali
this cleavage; The conservative o'f
both parties against the radical df
both parties; and It will be safer If
this Is done by the above-board 'for
mation of a third party under new
name, and by scrapping one or both
of the old parlies, or perhaps weld
ing them under a hyphenated name."
Constitution IhvliUag Mat
Garrison would call It the Liberal
Conservative party with .the consti
tution acting a a sort of' dividing
line between conservative and radi
cal opinion. .
Similar methods, In some respects
are advocated hy Nicholas Njurray
Duller, president of Colnmbla l'n
verslty, who says: ( I
'"The overwhelming majority of
republicans and the overwhelming
majority of democrat who art In
substantial agreoment on 'all fund
amentals should speedily find way
to take such steps us may be nee-'
lary to form a democrat-republican
party, which would represent tho
predominant Idealism of our people,
"Over against such a progressiva
liberal party there woUld naturalfy
be organlxed a distinctly radical
party to which should so all those
who now call themselves dem'pcratA
or republicans, but who are in real
ity neither."
Samuel M. Vauclaln, pridnt of
the Ualdwln Locomotive, work, re
plies laconically to the survey ques ques
teonnaire: "I can see, no'necsislty fot
f jthlrd political party."
Xot'aIWt'- t
The sunfe reply Is raids by Oeorge
Itjaeconl, friend of" Theodore ROose- '' , ,Xf
veil and Dull Mdose'aupptjrtfr. an'd "" ' ,j,
recenlly, a New Jersey frtBtorlal .,.,,. -j '
candldute on the romlbllcan ticket. M.f.u
rtccdrd Ihlnk a new politics. Mr.?' V"' "i;
Ow lit. 11- ... .. . ... 4llt
gr'acluatly alter the' faih'lon of W' i
cred.lon 6f" the' republican. MMy."1 ' "l
amitn vy. urooanari, hshihw
from Iowa, agree. He ay:v"I 4j
not believe any necessltx ilstJfva
new parly. What I bUrrsaaM ,
and will come I progrWstileaatr!
of the republican party."
Like Record, SeHatar' I-sisJ,- -North
Dakota think al4,!lre-,' ..
peal. He saysi "N thrtal.SM
will either lake over odlt 'in-i
(tfoiinaiw m PaW'H,g - '
A, ?"
b; i t
polltjcal tiS
11. u 1
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'1 .
1. ')
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.n 1
hj(ll ('J
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i. J
X $!,
couvontlon horo,
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