atoirx''dcvuv wM- M2H i;" VUJ I ssuiu jh&v v ,ri,r .."- CITY SGHOO L NEEDS SHOWN Comprehensive Report Del ivered Before Rotary . Xlub Members -Jtfiiwv: &-. THE EVENING HERALflfcKL'AMATH FALliS, OREGON If.i'nl ij Irreducible, ntily tlio Inter-) rant-t of provlou syenrn paid, f'l--' being available for use. "77.00. t'uh on hand at, tlmo of Tho atrial district tax In lovlcd making thin rcp&rl, 916.333 3C. In' the tichiml board on all taxable' Amount of bonded Indebtedness, property of the district. Tim nmnuit ' 1141.000.00; Amount of oututnndiniT oflttiM fund In governed by the wnrrant, r.ono; l.Vtlmntol valno of nmounln to bo received from the school houses and sllc.-i, IStlB.OQO novcral other funds, and tho needs of , 00; Intimated vnliio of furniture tbi district. I nnd apparatus, $21,000.00; Amount Cirri.' l-liinnrlHl Mmc-imi.1 of Insurance carried. $l7O.fi00.0o. .Nete: in item a aiiovo it win uo Moyn.iyiKt,M;Miji'!H 'I, ya U. S. NAVY SECOND . TO NONE, PLEA OF SECRETARY DENBY AGAIN IN THE NEWS (VOODOO SENSATION (Continued trout l'ago 1) Dtennilui; oftlclonry of Initio cm ft I return for IhV.'offlcor personnel to i cm' hciiooi. M'.r.ns as 8Ki:x Jir Hfn:tii.vrKXi)j;.NT i 1 . .I..MM III III'" I I.. ....,,,: .... . ..- I ,.-n- iv... ,ki tit i, .., ... ... uoriiiant:tiiiu;inis.niicr inn tympornry .. . ... . j. rntlcea that only Jit. 10 per capita ' , t s . .'i. . V '; . Ti . .. .... . ... I? received whereas It bad proyl- , V'.Vl ' v .7 ,7. rfarl report June 20. 921 I j?., , ,,.,, ,, ,. to;" liW school tucll I.e., J1S.0B; Kecolvc.l fio.n,u,l'bo-.,8,i3l,- Thp .utforrnco. ff u"""lei 'WiP'' .mrtiKurntton, .sao.Ttii!. , i .,.,.. , .. .or ex rnatvo ami mtvniico. .vsuoii- I 1. A hew ' Central school, suitably located, adequate In capacity, nnd modem la every detail. O 2. A county library llecelved from county school fund . fi-jllonus,, 1100.00; 31 teachers at-1 tendance at Institute nt $3, $1G.'i lu.uoi'.iiu, was npporuonen in Jtuy, ',, ,. , . , 1022. 1..U aftor .bo clerk' , rw.r, ' ho "'" 'nw rll.R . ... i .,- n.,.i. .... tuvMOaY. r.lyjnir lhaf(jro io.i cnuuren or scnooi ago nt 1 ,,,. ,,.,, ,.,. ,,. ...,.- ..i, ; manuarus ot nio turpi hint tuyn 111 lit. 11T.ST1 0: lulnt i!Tao.l.' ' """. ..., ...y ,... -. ( ..,.,. A . .,.. .-. -.-. -,..-.. ., ...... -,..,.... .nn I.... ,.u MM.nt.rt .. 0Q; mentu ,liv ttuilnery. lie pr.tlrlM the reconl' .r the mitrluo rOriH ilnrliiK thO-Vi'. r;tyUR:1hat'()roNloii llt;h, which would centralize nnd or- , Ranlin tho library nctlvltios of 4-1 ho community. 3, A school nurce employed " for full Umo In tho city schools. 4, A dental clinic and a a ryo clinic for tho children. B, Tho Improvement and t bcautltlcatton of school prem- Iocs. This has already been Initiated. C. Parks and playgrounds f for children. 7. Moving picture and radio- telnphono nppsrnus In all the schools. 8. A procrcsslvc ralary sche- dulo for teachers, rccognlilni; tralnlnu. previous experience, - .length of ser 4 slonal Rrowth. "o; Slate Irreducible school fund, ll. nl.11.1.. nf aMlt...l nnA i mi board -X,-,; . , , V. , icelpt for 1P22.-23 , t3.3i3.R0; llecelved from stnte elo-; , , ... ..,.. 22. but on accouat of the delayed ap portionment It will appear In the re maliihUtuM fully. Tho utatetneut of t:vUrnl polliy contained In tho report wai ilniwn up by thu Nay (U'tiernl board, and . 'm ,."!7; r ,er"; "" fr uul,,"'K aai1 " bear -"! I'V "" 'ocre.nry to bo in hi. V 2,:00, l,'-0-0.0;, .!c"ln'i latereu at the rate of six per rent, opinion not only nound in tho preiont i"o-,'--r 00rCM' 'Unj nro brlnis retjrcil a Ihoy become c,rfU"nncM b,, '' 'r"r ! Vv. .-..-... . . ......!,.... riiiuua nun uiiiinr an roiiuiiiniis. i iii. Upeudlluu i due or earlier. Salary of superintendent, J 3 1? " 0 . - iltr )it.rln .r .iinnflttur. tllWO. 00; Salaric. of princlpaU. $7S0.0O; 1 (To Ho Continued) llmt Would lloldViu Mttle Uom had Uen nauehty nnd Ralarles of men teachers, $1400.00; ! had been soverely punlshel by her Salaries of women teachers, V20,. , mother, and told that she might o- S01.53: Salaries of Janitors aud oth er employes, JS108.20; Supplies liv il In Instruction $2100.33; Census enumeration, $130.00; Fuel. $310(3. 13. Water, llnht and power. $1241. 30; Janitors supplies $202. SO: Re pair and Improving grounds. $2, 1S7.S9; llcpalrs and rcpllcement of eaulpmtr.t. JS7S.2S; Telephone A Telegraph $"250.25; Stationary and i finely. pect another dote from hur fnOicr when ho came home. In a few min ute her crying cenied, and sho rou with a determined look upon her little fare nnd seized her lint. "Where are you golag?" asked her mother. "Out to tll alt tho family secrets to the neighbors." said the child major premlto of the pulley ua.i this: "Tho navy ot the flilted Statei' should b) maintained In sufficient strength to xupport Its policies nnd Its cummorci', ami to itunrd Its con-' tlnentnl and overtax iioiucs.iIiiih." OlheiMlv, MieV All Itlxtit " Simpson had been Invited to the wedding of his friend. Tom. Arriv ing nt tho home. Simpson . ni for mally Introduced to tho bride I whom ho hnd' never met. After the ceremony, Simpson drew his i friend aside. "Tom." ho whispered', "Wlmt IScwi. iv' " Ate? fiM : WW.! i nllnr lo unmn Rrueatimn Afrli'im Mo i mid funtiislln tii Ion urn lining CREATED IN CUBA t,.t.i of tho secret -miniem or w of X ;.ll(. threo lllllllnll lieitllien who. Willi I'AMAM'KY, Culm., Her. I. , ttvi. i ulmii bhrkn. are under iiriosl I'alluro lo discover any tract ir , itti hiispkcih In Mm Idilnnppluit inys Cucn I.lsea, tho little while ul who I lery. The unrest lias been Inn en ml wnii stolen li n negro fri-m tln'by lln publliatloii of report fiom ibalched Inu of her piruutu on th I'MiiiIim lhat tlio Iguornnt pupulalluii Ynm.niiuyii'i pliiiilnllon, near Hantft. of that dlnlilci In teirlflod by evl Crux del Hr, oarly In h'owimlior lint I ileryi'-' of tli power t-r nrtgio iloi Kiwi rlnu to nnotlier wimloo, tm- icrnrs Thin- t.Hlrh duriura JK" K.ifltm. 'f jjirnte'cieil in Ihelr rill', ii l chaijffil. Nebody iloiM(i, lint Mint thoehjld, by iimueiin who, in letiirl. linn bii-tt werrtfeod on it riulo Jifnglo i-'anu 1 1. u iuiprt nt the thills TONIGHT AT THE STRAND Jlle In " Iprlntlnp, J2CI.77; Iasurancc. $9S7.- 148; 1'relght & drayage, $189.27: "The kiss of n pretty girl Is nl-i tho world It the, matter with you? Aboro Is a itimmary of needed M,nWi,, jrnminp, ysis.eS: Domestle ways highly among mrn." j viir. that woman's twice as old an Improvements In Klamath Kalis I KjPac.( $is3.20; I'ald for other, admit It. J. Daniel, "but as a ruloyou! Her hair and n-eth are false. SChOOlS as outlined at the Hotarr . ,,.., IIJ? AS T..lnt Cn lift. ft..r ninn nnctn r. hn unlit.! n.l .I.--- -,. ..!.- ... . ,.. 1 - --"( -y --.-. bw-ih-i - , -. - .-.-. ...--.. - -- -- ' .---... txiii "iir n t- ats !. rather have a mrss pf turnip You needn't wli j r. s it p. on Ualance. $20,111 16. Less waiU grccm.'' ulie'-i also denf ' I club meeting Friday In .1 prchonslva report by J. 1. city school surorlntcndont. com Wells. I Peggy Mars.'t iteni-s u ill vorco li pending bu' In London ; admits rlfi with A I. (Huddy'i Jnbnsou who has barred liltnr.olf 1 from repnrters In liU Niw York holi-l Julinson adopted brr boy .illn.d ".ti of lleltrr Kl Id 2nd. when b ..'d the ilann r wiro m.ii led hi l'J2l uh viii:iii: i:i.iiYfioi)Y :oi:m iiemi: or Tin: iiodkisho.v i'iutcimn Wovlil's' Championship Wrcslllhff Match held in Mnditon Square Garden between Joe Steeli er and Earl Caddoclc, also Jack Hoxic in "BARB WIRE" ' A G"-'rtt picture of the west, with riding ami fight ing from start to finish. You ut nil the thrills you want in this great action picture, also UNUSUALLY GOOD COMEDY 10c ADAIISSION 2l)o 'KIMllltllOU FjiiI Hur HlgKi'i'i ftoonn Halunltj 1'ttinni; I'ii! hlort -I'll-n AMIU'S." Ul:iM:sil t'li.iipiiallti' iil.ilt l ililiktus nml fiur lnii' nt ilioinbili ghiii no iis The organization, finances and ac tivities ot Mho local elementary school are well covered In tho re port, which follews: Organisation Tho school district embraces all of tho city of Klamath Kails, and enough additional territory to com prise In all approximately a section of land. Tho extent from south to north Is (rem near tho lower end ot Lake Kwauna to acma thrco miles north of Shlpplngton, with an aver ago extent from cast to west ot near ly five mllos. Assessed valuation. 1321 tax roll, $3,390,403.00, Number ot children between four und twenty years ot nse. October; 33, 1021, 1512. J Oovornlng board consists of five members, elected by tho legal votors I of tho district to serVe for a period 1 ot three years each. Tho present . board consists of tho tollowlns mem brs; P. L. Kountata, 'chairman. C. ' H. Underwood, C. It. DeLap. Leslie 1 Rogers, and Oscar Shlves. Miss Ida TI, Momyor Is clerk, having been ap-, pointed by said board. IlcTcnuea Revenuos are derived from sever at aottrccs, ti follews: Tho stato lrreduclblo school fund Is created by tho Halo of tho school ; lauds, consisting ot two soctluns In II each township, and from certain bu- hestH and escheats. Tho Interest; , I only, ou this fund Is available for 'I hChool purposes, and Is apportioned annually to tho sovcral counties and districts In proportion to tho num ber of children between tho ages ot four and twenty years. It amounts to about $1.90 por capita each year. Tho two-mill stato elementary school fund Is created by a blanket lnvy on all Mm taxable property pf tho stato, oacn county being given thu amount raised In such county. This fund Is apportioned to tho sev eral districts In proportion to tho ntlumbcr of teachers employed, nnd amounted In this county, for tho year 1921-22, to $125.00 per teach-j or. Tho county school fund Is created by n blanket lovy fixed by tho coun ty court on nil taxable, property In tho county, and Is apportioned as fnllntva fn A hnnll. rt tlflftOO In "-". -' ""."-"::;. 1 cacn scnooi uistrici. to; to.uu tor each teacher who has attended tho 1 .Annual teachers' Institute, (c) Tho . Bttlaneo In proportion to tho number I of children botween four ond twenty , years df ago, Tho amount per child , .'ii..: m., ichi.h ...n. ii fir. I BUI lilll .-Ml w-J.-. .hh v--.-" ll Tho Conger fund was a bequest to .!., ...i.....! .tlM..lj.. l... .I.a Int. Taa I1I1S PCIlUUft lIDIII.fc Uf IIIU IU.U -.I'Uil Coneoii'i ThoTrtncipnt outnu tunn asabbntfl to tl-J.8G4.49'. und Is In- 'I vested In first mortgago loans. This in. 7ho prices aro right Mild terms lowqat In years, li p I 0 0 t younr oarly It pays. LlSHtSlvxIiJivl Play Tag with rth JOYOUS days ahead I Ring of sharp skates checks aglow cars a-tinglc. Play lag with Old North Wind! He can't pene trate the virgin wool warmth of Jacobs Oregon City woolens. They defy cold. Here at this store you will find a complete display of these won derful virgin wool products. They arc all pure virgin wool new fleece as it comes from the sheep's back, never used or .worked before. , The garments arc well styled. Oregon City robes and blankets have a national reputation. COME IN AND SEE THESE FAMOU! m is mmBmSstL M?&affi$&x&uJak Men's All-Wool Oregon 'City Mackinaws from ... $12.00 up Boys' All-Wool Oregon City Mackinaws from . . . $ 6.00 up Men's Overcoats Oregon City All-Wool from . . . $25.00 up Men's Bath Robes Oregon City All-Wool from . . $12.50 up Full line of Fancy Oregon City All-Wool Blankets. Robes and Shirts t 'r ssssESLjli ssssssHI-ssssssssssssssHE sssssHlliTn! 11 Hii ' I Hsw Ssk Mm IwlmuussassvEtfiri 'iff;'i'&i TO fffiml mm ' I Ain't Mad At Nobody mi 'iSSB Warn iUCTS J I ssssP ssssH WW (I'ArtftmZ. CWIKsmjsbbbbbH wkMmwmwMm I H 1 d &W- fLfyj jkfAIIV KT,