I ,.J r tl ' in nr'M i i ' m n B iV Y monhav, dec'emiier i, maa. Piiui is He elf 1 STRIDES IN EUHOPEAN NATIONS "ft BG rJCU ff ( f rP-4 T.-o min who ai:1ii:m'in(j nv kxami'm: to mki: nun. OI'.C lUtV; I'ltKSIDI.'.N'T MirilAIJI. IIAINIHCII OP AI'flTltlA. AIIOVK and i'iiiisidi:nt mabakvk or czkchoklovakia. IIV .MMION lUlO.VNCIl MIA Hi'rtlii ftlnlf rorre'l'iinileiil. LONDON. Dec 4 When nt the ren nt M'MiInn of l.H Women'i ciirir.ii.in Temperunie I'nloii In 1'hll ulelphln, that nrnanUutlmi re-ntated Itn aim of n liUorl'M world, n loud Inu.-.li prolmhly went up In nonie Wet iliinrtern In Aiuerlr.i "You'll nnrer mako Kurtpe ilry'" lhm et probably exclnlmoit. Ilnl llu. "pumyfoot" innvciueiit, im It' called here, I m.iklni: pro nrcKH In Kurope. It' not uccoiii pllthliiR much In the wny of innklnc rotintrle hoiic-dry but In In brlnnlni: In ti'Mrtrtlons nml local option -uml that wan tho way nntlon-wlilo bono drytiuiHi ntnrtd In America H for yournolf what prucruu.llm dry tnoTotuent linn made nn thin con llm lit Auntrln- Wet. but poverty Of pe. pie In mnklnn for tempernnre, I'ronl lie it HnlnUrh In a teetitalcr. IMtllr Itepubllm l.lthunnla. I.nt lnn,ij I'nllionla nro wvt bicnuie i he 're rye nml potnto proilucltiK tountrlei where inlirh vodka U din tilled, proilnrlnn rich revenue. Hut temp, rnnce tiinremeut In on foot In lMhoiln. I'elrliitu Dlntllted llquon cannot be r Id III public lietuoi UnlRnrlii Local itlon law mlotnei under which many vlll.ir.cn In rural cocllnnn liavn rtnaul caliions. Cierho-aiovnkln Htlll wet hut prohibition centlineut. In crowing bo i.ium I'ronldonl Mnnnryk In n tee totaler while Premier lletiennh Vrlli'H nrtlclen In fairiif temper nnre. Hut ni'jl I'lliener beer In ntlll oblnlnnblo I'lnluud Uurnpn'u only houo-dry iiiiilltiy Hi nee Jtinii I. 1019. Ilav IliK lioublo with hnnzo nmiiCRlerH. I'oorer elnieoi mild to have been benefited. r'runro-Ablnlhi) prnhlblteil. ilro.tt llrftiiln "I'ubn" only til Ii wed tc ntny open about nlno boum dully. Hcfiiro the war they wen' open all ilny uml iilitht except from I 30 n in. tu T a. in. Hi'otliuid him local option law. 1 1 miliary- N'o temsiernuru moo- I'uelit "SSw.Sasffrs sisf LINKVILLE IN YE OLDE TIMES I ; l-kr-'ll ymrwv "r " - - p i -. it .. r .Uo&tflwT ., rTMw..uMT ) ffjW ?an.& ICtty' fv t'isabs "A twn nt TAfrjEAwt nrr tljS!--5jHi&HTri.cMlrA-.i.Niii5; YSM sSBvn (CfiV ffjiwitx U)P3rAl, '(Oy ' V-tV sassSzitl Wl fttrFlZ' " - ' 111 lssssslsVVt Jit MAeSMAl. 01y WALKRSS AMO A.UWT SARAH PeABOBf WLRO AJOT 'j fBXACTLf SATIS FIDD WITM THB WAY TW7 LODB SUPPBf s Rl .11 iA UlltIA mnie Kcland I'anmvl n bone-dry law but Hpaln protenlml thai If Icoland'r. morketn were rimed to Kp.nnlh wlneii, Hpaln would clem her ninrk rtn to Iceland' flah So Ireland had to admit wine or fnru national bank ruptcy Italy--No prohibition movement. Jlir.nilnla Ministry of health It fli'hllnc nlcohollim nntl tuburculonli, ouplliiK them together. Norway Han prohibited (Untitled liquor anil itronR wlnun nlnce ChrUtiiu. 1!'IC. Thin wnn Intro duced an n temporary law but Par liament and tint pcoplo later ratified It nn n permanent law Poland -linn local option law un der which touiit rural dlntrlrli haw oted themielves dry. Ititmaula Worm of .nil Ualkan rounlrlrn from the ntandpolnt of ilriinki'iitienn nml nominee of tcmrcr nnce nctlvltlen Itunnln- - DlMlllcd tlquorn nnce prnhlblteil Itnporti.iin to their pre sent stmun vaRue and contradictory. Hpnln -No rontrlctlonn whntnvcr. Snolon Prohibition sentiment Ii RrowinR PlebUclto on prohibition Aur. 37 reunited In nniall majority for wel Majority nit rnmo from cities while country districts voted dry Local option law now asked Under this 12 of 21 provinces prob ably will vote dry. Kwltierland l.nw adopted which nitppretisrn the rliUit of free dlstllllnR which peasants had enjoyed from earliest times. Strom; temperance mnnmeut under wny. Next )enr pooplo will vote on Iqcal prollbltlQii for illsllllel liquors. MOST GIRLS CAN HAVE PRETTY EYES No Rlrl or woman Is pretty It her eyes aro red, strained or hito dark rliiRn. Hlmplo camphor, hydrnstls, wltrhhntel, etc., as mixed In 1-iyop-tlk eyo wash, will brlRhlen llm eyes and u wiek's uso will surprlso you with Itn QUICK results. llcRtilnr. use of l.awtpilk keopn the eyes heal thy. spnrklliiR nml vivacious. The quick rhniiKe. wlll'iilense you. Dainty ulumliium eyo cup FKIMl. Whlt inail Druu Co. Adv AS. Out results by using class ads. esa'Bins 't.Fi' eZ&& - jv5' THE EVENING NEW TODAY HTHAYED- I bay innrn weight HfiO hriiiiduil IT mi littt sllfht, miuill Hilt In onu imr 1 brown imiri), weight I. '1011, heavy black mnlii and lull, biiiiiii wlilto In fare. No visible, tirmiil Reward, Jny I'nlrcln, Merrill hlRhwny. 4-9 TVI'INd Oil CLERICAL position wanted liy yeiini: woman with four ears' civil service nxpurlcncu. Ilox T. C HerolU offlco. 4-G ifLAinTRURH tHIx, plasterer wirit i nil on joint ill Arhiickln anil lied iIIiik ready In 3 weeks, A limit four m mi tlm work Wmie $10 60 per itny, Apply llcnidon & Fliinlgnn, Hnrrnmcnlo, 4-H rol'ND Jlillir roaster wagon. Owner rimy hnvo some by proving property anil paying for nil Apply nil 10th HI. Kim. 2. 4-0 Where run I get strictly fresh eggs7 At Hid I'riirnlmn Dairy To our milk iiuIhihtb wu will deliver. I'hniiii IU0J. 4-G kai.i:h.mi:.v and saleswomen WANTED To mill complrln linn hosiery to housn Irnilu titles a nil towns In Oregon, (looil commission. Illi;h quality with prices mi low or to merit with llttln competition I'urn Hllk Hosiery Mills. H07 Pacific llltlg . Han I'runrlsco, Cnllf. 4-6 OllHTiyrmCAI NUItSE want erne. Will also take rare nt home. Hint of references. Address II II., rare of llurnlil. ( ' i WANTED Clerical or general of flew work, ilox C2i Herald offlco 4-9 I There will be a dance at the Olene Hull, Dec.' P. 4-6 1011 IICNT 2-room furnished ca bin, suitable for man and wlfo Hue Dick, 240 II road Ht. 4-5 vuiri:.vnuiK' attention Doa't forKet the smoker unit Wednesday night Doc. Cth. All wood-butchers Invited. 4-5 III'IWOI'AI HA7.AAII Tomorrow, December 6, the ladlen of Pt Paul's Kplsrnpat (lulld. will hold their Christmas sale of fancy work nnd cooked food. The haxanr Is to bo In the chamber of commerce rooms and will cpen nt 10 o clock nnd will romnln open until Into In the evening Ten will bo served throughout the afternoon. The sale offers an excellent opportunity to purrhaso Christmas Rifts nnd will bo In progress only the one dv 4 ALGOMA Karl Krsuss went to Klrby, Ore Ron to tlslt his parents. Win I'hrmnii and Ilny Cox went to Dairy Thursday an busluens. Hlevo Masters nnd Kd Ketsduvcr returned from Port Klamath, wlttro they hao been huntlnR ducks Wilbur llnrrlnctnn went to Klam ath Pnlln Wednesday to take In the bnxltiR match. a A Masters went to Chlloqmn Friday va business. ltqy Cox built a cellar last week. l-o (irnnilnm'n tinw Ten nml Mil- phur lleclo nml Nobody Will Know The "Bo of S.iro nnd Sulphur for renlorliiR failed, cray h.ilr to Its nat ural color dates back lo Rrandjnoth cr's time. Sho used It to keep her hnlr beautifully dark, K lousy nnd nt trncllvo. AYhonnver her hnlr took on that dull, faded or streaked np poaranco, ""this nlmplo mixture was applied with wonderful olfect. Hut brewlnr; nt home In musny nnd nui-of-dnte. Nowadays, by nsklne at nny driiR nloro for. n bottle of "Wyeth's SaRo and Sulphur Com pound," you will ,ot thin famous old preparntlou, Improved by tho nddl tlon of other Ingredients, which ran bo depended upmi to restore natural color mid beauty to tho hair. A well-known downtown dniRRlst says It darkens tho hnlr so naturally nnd evenly that nobody ran tell It him been applied. You simply damp en u sponKo or soft hrusli with It nnd draw this throiiRh oitr hair, taking oiio strand nt a time. Hy inomliiR tho nrny hnlr disappears, and after another application or two, It be comes beautifully dark nnd glossy. Adv. 0C Ha -niikKmiei . K &! IV I'his simple treatment chats tho head.loosens Irritating phlegm, cools Inllainod, stinging tissues unj breaks the cold. Be bottl for simple illiecilons. Qo to your druggist spsro ynursvlf soiIoub trouble suit . uqw; totslm,. - - "DlV KINGS DISCOVERY -asmtft forcmwis&coMt v - UK N HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON EVENING WANT C'lirUUnuN I'rlnt Hliop. CarJ.i Iiriitiimunil j.r. Al'I'l.KHHrVftrnl vnrlntlcn, nliio drlcil fruit. 1'rlrvn ntlrnrtlvn. John II ItohlUMin, llotlto 'i, Orantii I'iiiii, Orn. 2-r. -, WANTKI- Oomnftcml younj; wo- man wlnbcn ponltlon In morn or nlmllnr work. Imiulrn Herald 3-4 i:nKrnvd and olhrr C-hn.iinai rard i.l llm Urummonil I'rlnt Hhop, WaK'TIJO Womiin rook- Iminnll ntoly. Klumatli Uon. lloiltnl. 'j.r. WANTKI) TO lll'.NT Ktnnll furn IaIipiI hnum- Call Vrrni- White, Manner Motor Co. 1-7 Kiirnarn roiiifort nt nlinnat iilovo coal A plpelenii furnacn guaranteed to beat ii rereu room linuiie to 70 clc Kreon In x.ro weather. l.arRci feed door. 27 in. ohlonK Dre box. A reul h'atlni; plant with nil up to dntn ftjature Installed In your home, complete). $ 1C0. 00, that's all. I.. N llnlneii, 1023 Main Kt 1-7 I Oct your enRraved cards at the ! Drummond I'rlnt Hhop. 2-S ; I KOIt HAI.K Modern reres room i house, furnished, extru Inrco lot, 'well Improved, beautiful trees, closo ' to school and busluosn Center. Tim property can be seen nl 343 North 9th Htreet Mrs. Hurt Marsh 2fc-12 CAIl BTOHAHKII per month at HOWIi; (i.lt.(ii:. 2S-4 WANTKD Tablo boarders by day, J wook or month, tneali SOc, now mnnaecmeat. 016 Pine Rt Chns I Dnrrls. 28-4 , FOJt Iti:NT Two-room furnlshekl ' Apt. 419 10th 10th fit. 30tt. Oct your engraved cards at the Drummond Print Shop. 2-3 CONCItKTK Si:Wlll TII.B Much strotiRcr and better than any oth er typo of till mado In Klamath i Falls. Klamath Falls 1'lumblnR Si lieatlnc Co. Phono S1CH., Cor. Fourth nnd Pine. 29-7 NOTICK TO CIIKDITOHS In tho Matter of the, Kstate of OKOIIUK U. HOriNKIl. Decoased. IN TMK COUNTY COUIIT OF KLAM- ATH COUNTY. OIIDION. Notice Is hereby Rlvert that on the 3rd. day of Not ember, 122, the un dcrslRiied was duly appointed Ad ministrator of tho nboo entitled es tsto and thnt on said date Ltttcrs of Administration were duly Issued to him. All persons hnWnR claims ocalnst said estate nro hereby notified io present thu same to the underslRii ed. In the Loomls Ilulldlnc, Klamath Falls. OrcEon, auUrTrlflcjl, with properd xouchers as required by Isw, within six months of the date of tho first publication of this notice, to-wlt, six months from Novombor 13th., 1922. V A. WIEST, Administrator of the Kstnto of (Icorpo D. Horner, De ceased. N 13-20-27 D 4-11 Dr. KINGS PILLS Jbr constipation Baiilnlf J.i the bowels 'EVERETT TRUE XJa," Gve-eTT iavHat SAlJ nQOOT fXH I Sl.5R5 HCS AtO M "ST v -TH ION' hO V i. m 717 1 EMI J (rri I llnjsM l IB sULiJJ ' S" HERALD ADS i Clirlnttnan Cart Orummond I'rini riimii i 5.r. , I'Oll KAI.r- A gaoil. UsUV Jtco I truck. A bargain. Call Kndom Hhno tltoro. 29-ft . ' DO.VT Til noV TUB OliD Show ny "Pt ok nolejt, nnil frond- ' Vir lirolii Men'n 2.00 pr., iartJe , $1 "0 Pr. Jack Front. 6tliHt. 20lf , K" Sl'otA.nnJ!KiSF c,T,nic t0W0, InqUlr IIer,d8tfr 1 WOItK OI.OVCS and Mittens of nil Iclndx. Jack Front, (ith. Ht.. Jnt off Main. lTtf. 'WANTED Man for rnncli work. In ' iiulru Krancln J, llownc, Ilonanza. I 15tt KnRravcd nntl other Clirlstmnn 'c.-ird at the Drummond I'rlnt Hhop. J.r; TiMANUI.K CAKi; The plac? to cot I koo.I cam. OI'KN AM. NKJIIT. C33 , Main Htrret. I'hone S24. 14tf .etici: or Hin:itiri"8 ham: Hy Virtue of an execution In fore closure duly Isnued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of tho County of Klamath, Statu of OrcRon, dated the 3rd day of November, 1922, In a certain nctlon In the Circuit Court for siihl County and State, whorcln W A. Shelby as Plaintiff rccororod judRinenl nRalurt O. W. Foster and Joule Foster, his wife for tho sum of tSOO.OO with Interest at 10 from July 10, 1921, and attorney's fees in the sum of Hevonty-FIve (J7S.00) dollars on the 3rd day of November 1922. Notice Is hereby riven that I will on tho 19th day of December, 1922, at the Courthouso In Klamath Falls In said County, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon or snW day, tell at public unction to tho highest bidder, for cash, the following described pro perty, to-vrlf Tho SWi of the NWtt of the SW'U of Section 5, Twp. 38. 8. II 9, H. W. M in Klamath County, Oregon, containing 10 acres. Taken and levied upon is, the pro perty of tho raid O. W. Foster and Joslo Foster, bis wife or as much thereof as may be necostary to sat isfy tho said Judgment In favor of NV. A. Shelby against !d O. W. Foster and Joslo Foster, his wife, with Interest thereon together with all costs nnd disbursements that have or may accrue. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, November 13th 1922 L L. LOW. N 13-20-27 D 4-U-1S Sheriff. Hbih Nearly sold out of Christ mas "Plaiyor pianos. Hot ter look tbem over, Ret our pric es and terms at once. EARL SHEPHERD CO. 307 MAIN bT. By CONDO tvAS t THc ?oer ? - ".: IO& UjHU-tS V5 I ; JA i rrri l o 3 (i !L& rO0AK WORK LeayeYour Filtus Before 9 OclocK-Your A.M- Piciuras are I tvi A-MAnnvi vm ' V- IVluMl'JA.1 II I.HAjL.0 UlVbUUll II fT7 I pupmtTI DR. J. a GOBLE OPTOHETKLST OPTICIA?! 700 Hula HL Phone 183-W We fit and grind glasses. Dupli cate brokea lenses, repair frsmes, S. CROUCH, D.V.M. Vctcrlnsry Hnrgeon Peputy State Veterinarian 330 N. 0th St. rliono 4SA-J DR. C A. RAMBO Dentist L O. O. r. BoUdlM PHONK 411 DR. H. J. WINTERS Oradaate nnd State iirglstered OPTICIAN Nlnetccu year hero In business Prompt Service 714 Main Street CHIROPRACTORS mis. MtMjrrr & sulmtit Office over Cndenvood'a 7th & Main Phone 039-J NEW CITY LAUNDRY PlsUabed Work Flat Work Koacti Dry "Pat Tow Dstde to Osw PHONK IM Corer afaio susd Ooar Kodak Finishing Films received before 9 A.M. Ready the same day at 5 P. M. Moll orders filled, promptly STAR DRUG CO. 8th. Mala Bts. Stinson Photo Shop 42,1 Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon TWELVE STINSON rORTKAITS SOLVE TWKLVK CHIUST3f.iS GIFIS "' i Ono 7x11 enlargement gUcn Free with every dozen order of Photos taken hi November. Just Installed a new "Hollyuood" Portrait Light, flashlights," Open evenings. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAM ATI I COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF John Olsen (sometimes spelled Olson) deccagod. Notice la hereby given that pur suant to the order of said court hero toforo duly mado and filed, author- lilug and directing me, as admlnls-i trator of said estate, to sell tho real properly of said estate at private! salo for cash, or for cash and credit, I I will on and after December lSth.. I 1922, sell for cash, or for cash and I credit, tho real property or said es tuto described as, follows, to-wtt: The northeast quarter of tho nottheast quarter ot section 24; tho northwest quartqr of tho northwest quarter and tho southwest quarter of the southwest qunrter of section 25, and tho northeast quarter of northwest quarter or section 3ti all In township 36 south ot range 10 cast ot Willamette Meridian, In Klamath County, Oregon, Also, j Tho north bull or thq northwest" qunrter; the southeast quarter of tho northwest quarter and tho north-1 west quarter ot tho northeast quar-. tor oi suction -ti in township ae south pt ransij IS east of Willamet te Metdtan, in Klamath County, Northwest quarter of southeast) quarter of section 20 in township! thirty-six south or runco 10 oastl Willamette .Meridian, in Lake Coun ty. Oregon. . ',, That any and all sales ho'reundor shall bo subject to confirmation by said court; that bids for said pro perty aforesaid will bo received by' me at offlco ot Fred E. Smith, Dank ot Commarao Ilulldlng. Eugene,; I, ano County, Oregon, and at the of flco of Herald Publishing Company.' nt Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, and at offlco ot The Inke County Examiner In Lakovlew, Lake County, Oregon, MARTIN PLSON, Administrator. FRED E. SMITH. Attorney for Admr. Eugene, Orogon, N C-13-20-27T-D 4 . - t tn tmmmm9 .. .t vm j-mfml. ..,-, t.i4p! iQ,lLH112!l lSf lfo "' ready ar 5 t o SDdrirj a WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE- ' VVU. JJ BUY THEIR DRUGS U.igLgAcvi DR. F. R..GODDARD OHTEPOA-rnio rnrsicuif AM) HC1K3B0.1 Office ad Resideneo PhosMsj M i. o. o. v. rmaiM Kliunntli FaJIa PluraWsf & Heatiajf Co. J. H. Ii,taESON, Pro. 4th A Pine St. Fhmone 818-sl FHKD DUKK, Mr. CENTRAL AUTO SERVICE DAY AND NIOIIT I ted Signs on Door Chiloquin & Bend Stage 10.1 S. 7lli St., New Hart Bldff Phona OIS-W "Always at Vour ScrTlc, I. O. O. F. Prosperity Rebekab, 104s asceta Flrst and Third Thursdaya Ewanna Encampment 49, meets) each Tuesday Klamath Lodge 1S7; meet each Friday When You Have Dirty Clothe It you will call tbe Klamath Hand Laundry 113 South 9th EL Phone S7S-W Tnty will wash, darn. Iron aad roturn to yon. Klamath Falla, Or. "No moro NU BONE CORSETS Made to Your Menstue (lUiiraiitccd Mrs. Rose Randall .121 Jefferson St. Phono 27 7-W Central Auto Service and Transfer Open Day and Night 103 Hart Illdg. Phono B13-W J. C CLEGHORN CTVIb ENQINKsW vib SD S -3 AND SCUVBTOII; V Phone 103-4,$ 8 .. IMlilSsslsl III w n t i- j . - rv us" to ij , VAN'S CLIVVXI.VO, HERVICK Phoin ji7-J. f "louse, Stoiv, Offjee, Clilniney, Htoe nml Window Cleanlsur, Clrnuhig rugs with vacuum c!e.UUT. ," J, . i'I X ' B. P. O. E. 1247 Meetings every Thursday H p. m. EIUh Temple, cor. Un! Mad M"ln KtM. VlsIthiK Elk wel come. t PRINTING Drummond Prist 5hj, 115 N, 4, - t. -r I I '( (r '.. 'm -mi n . "' . .' f ' r. i 'a ' Bfll n r,..K , ..I v i ? S'