'. , Pottf THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON moniiay, i)i:ci:.MUi:it i. .. 4 " ffi'" 'J I rr The Office Cat by juntos Uellevc Met It Ik hard (n forplvp undue, pride. nn tliu port of another, but Hint of (ho now flivver ovn6r, who succeeds In guiding tho mr Into tho Raraxe or tho first I Imp. without leavlnK niiy wheels or fenders han-tlnr: on tho iloor, Is generally speaking, par flnnnhlo. J. V. Straw says headache may tin ncqiilreil by overeating, but not often by nvcrthlnking. "Dear ran you rememher to hrlng Romn rat biscuits homo this even Ing?" ,In "Itat hlscuIU? Tliof tho limit! 'i ) i' fim ' rnis ran i uhi mi wc I aTiinvn In tho house, lot them leave. II. Folsom say If wo dld'nt hnvn n tiro occasionally how would wo know whether tho hydrant wore out nf order? Martin Oroea says our education factories recently resumed opera lonn with a new supply of rah-rah u tnnterlnt. vM .. "TT. 'i . . . . . . . .. ' iirnia riiinu-a ni iinninr niiiiti i toing cnited mat in tnn directory. Nothing green about a grass widow, opine Nell Campbell. Drnulnc the Unc "Mm 'Arris. I aay nothln' about your Alt copyln' my Percy'i sums at school, but what pel me back up Is Tour bni hlttlrT 'cm when the answer ("""''aln't rlRht." J Klnmath Fall doctor You 'rough mora easily this morning. 1 I'atlont Yen, l'vo been practicing i nil nlKlit. .1 lllxtlnrt Advantage "Isn't It nerfncllv- Wonderful that wo can sit hero In our own homo and lll.lnn t n ln.lll.A tm fl lamnii Yitin jdreds of miles away? A "Yos, nnd tho beat part of It Is mat wo ran snui u on wucnover wo please" Cnn Make It Talk Cents Ix They say that money talks : you make It? Dlx Suro. ' I can make everr rni nny count. A Man of Ills Word "Sorry to mention It, old man." wild Drown, "but It's six months slnco you borrowed that JS of me nnd you promised faithfully to re turn It In six wcoks." "I know It," returned Jobson, talc Iiik n memorandum from his pocket. "That bill was series F. No. 672945, Initio of 1910, I mado u nolo of It, then Bpcnt tho money. Since then I've been trying to recover it, but haven't succeeded." "Hut," said Ilrown, "any other IS bill would do as well." "No", rosponded Jobson, shaking his hoad. "I'm a man of my word. I nu Id I'd roturn that bill to you, Ilrown, old friend, and I meant It. Just us soon as I come across No. C72945, series F, Usuo of 1910, I'll neo Hint you get it, for I'm not tho Man to go back on my promise, no sir." Jlobertson's . Chicken Tamales, .wholesale and retail. 1113 Main St. latf YOUR WINTER'S jWOOD Should have vour attention. Cool weather and storms "xorce prices up. Our fuel is the best, our rviMona firfl-ritrht on Slab. Blocks, Body and Tama oack. n Your business is solicited. 0. Peyton & Co. www Mf it i ' ( v EUROPE IS SEEN Lord Curzon Predicts Inter national Unity Among Smaller .Nations . . LONDON. Dec. 4, While the rei cent address of Lord Cunon,' ecrc- ! tity for foreign affairs, to an nud- lonco of 'business men In the city, dealt In largo measure with the ac tual political situation In the Nc.tr East, tho speaker alo expressed'' eomo Interesting Ideas as to con dltlons on the continent. Ha does not believe that the futuro out look of economic Kurope Is one of unrelieved doom. "I ceo the little nations of Kur ope pushing forward to n creator ' life of International unity during the next few years" said Lord Cur lon. "In tho states of Czecho-SIo-vakla, Jugo-Slarla, Ilumanla, Po land nnd Finland, and in tho Hal ite states, I see symptons of life and energy, and the growth of a strong sense of national Independ ence and power. Ilut on thn other hand. It I look at the great pow ers, whether they merged trlmphant from the war or whether they were broken up by tho disasters that en sued. I find that they are In a posi tion of much greater dislocation and disturbance. Take our own coun try. Our financial position Is much stronger, with the exception ot 'America, than any other state that took part In .the war. "Out at the same time we have a burden of heavy taxation which weighs down Industry, and which Is a burden upon every man In this country. "Franco Is weighted with a heavy debt and is sore about reparations. Germany Is In a position of politi cal Instability and. Is debilitated by the utter collapso ot her exchange Russia Is still outside tho comity of nations, becauso she cannot make up her jnlnd to accept the condi tions which render ndmiMlon to that comity possible and desirable. She is still enamoured of commun ism, and persists In pursuing her communistic propaganda In every part of the world. "Austria- was saved onlr by tho Interception ot the powers when on the vorgo ot perishing. Italy has been concerned with more than one convulsion and change ot gov ernment. "What an ambition It would bo for the statesmen ot.the great pow ers to combine and survey this sit sit uateon: to liquidate it section by section; gradually to take tho var ious pieces of tho Jig-saw puzzle which are lying about and fit them In their own places, and once more present a picture of a peaceful and united Europe." EDUCATION WEEK TO OPEN DECEMBER 3 WASHINGTON, D. C (Plans are being made by the American legion1 and the United States Commissioner of IMucatlon TIgert for the nation al observance of Sunday Doc, 3, as tho opening day of Education wcok, Ministers ot all denominations are urged to preach a sermon on educa tion that day, combining the thought ot homo, school and church Influ ence;. Tho national education asso ciation Is co-operating to induce the nation to concentrate on sevon sub jects ot endeavor that week, all ot them tending toward bettor Ameri canism. "A Godly Nation Cannot Fall," Is the national slogan for Sunday. American loglon, posts throughout the United Statos are prepared to furnish speakers for moetlngs during the week, and re quests for their services should ba made early. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS HELlO,MR.DUFF-S MRS. .OUFPlMf WAMTEDTO DUKHUN -3CMHE. HAKINQ RJWDER- J RAN SHORT.1 :.- - sr r - v r SCjiJ " v J "Beach Beauty I HSBSBBbb AllSj x'SsTtdsSSsW assPVflsH i , , ffSuH.1 i mum I MfflsT.assljHssssssssl JnVnnlssssssssr ' ' vNrffSPii fcvSsSSSSSBItJ IBSSSsWBSSSSr W vm iSHtf i 3 S i la ""W-w. fry t -'''.-'. v.-- v ;v. " - - a --r' Toklo can Tie with Palm Beach, in the beauty o Ha native mr mslds. This photo from Japan hows nn Oriental vamp In bar stylish bathing 'cotum; "LAW ABOVE PARTY" SLOGAN OF WOMAN ELECTED TO BENCH CLEVKLAND. O., Doc. 4. -Probably but few of those who voted for Judge Florence K. Allen as a mem ber of tho Ohio sunremn renrt knmv whether she was a republican or a democrat. Independence of any party affiliation was stressed In tho campaign that brought Judge Allen an honor never before conferred up on a woman. "Law ubovo party." and "efficien cy on tho bench, by more business methods." were two points she hnm mered strongly lu her election to the Judicial position she I stopping from that of Judge of the common pleas court of flnyahoga county and tho one she Is entering. The wo man Jurist declares she will take office "with no other obligations .. .. . . .. . . i .-- . P P nm,hKh that made Its first audience, to represent. ... , , ... . ... , . 'when It was prevlowcd In Long J.'""". Calif.. laugh ... hard that it ...ui-tvuiii-iib limn iuu man. secur ing nomlnatlcn by petition, nnd car rying on her campaign through wo- men's organizations in most or thn counties of the slate. Sho defeated I Judge Ilenson W. Hough, a colonel In the ICGth Infantry, Halnbow dlv- I Ision who had the jwtld support of ! tho republicans. Miss Allen has nucrtcd her elec tion was not alone duo to her quail flcatlons, but to thousands ot women . throughout Ohio who regarded her as tho outstanding symbol and em bodiment of their own Ideals and emancipation. During her candidacy, sho an nounced her "crcod" In theso six peints: "l.aw enforcement; Justice for all; business methods nnnlled to tb courts; respect for law, order' and th courts and moral standards I must actively function In govern ment." For all her years In nubile Ilfo Miss Alton has belled the prndlctlons of those who opposed woman suff rage on the ground that it would rob .women of femininity, or lecauxe they thought women lacking In those qualities that mako for Judicial poise; Miss Allen, ns Judge, has re mained fcminluo in dress und man ner and takes an imporsonal and detached view from tho bench. Judge Allen is a lover of the out of doors and walks to her office, each morning from her homo six miles from the center nf thn city. 1 Robertson's Chlcxon Tamales, wholesale and retail. 1113 Main St. ivsn . t latf - . SHE I3NTHERE BUT I Guess I CAN FIND' T FOR. YOU COME - . hi- . ... 1 i AT THE I'INK TUI'.li The demntid for mystery pictures Is steadily Increasing. They offer motion picture fans delirious thrills nnd expectancy, and In these ro- ' specti "Tho Young Dlnnn, ' a Ls. mopotltnn crentlon released by Par amount, idJirrtug' "'Marlon tVuvles, wlilch will ho tho Ulg feature. nt thn Pine Treo theater tor--2 days begin niiiK Tuesday next, ranks umoiig tho best productions of the curnmt nea. son. I lu this p,trtur Miss Dnles Is sren ins n young Kngll'sh glil whoso :oe romance with a titled nasal officer seemingly Is forever rdinttered. Life losoi Interest to her and she devel ops Into n iwluster wlune futtiro Is ! dreary and hopeless Hut sho goes Marion Davtcs mm Pr amount'' Picture Tne Young1 Diana Ofafci 1 CUu-poLUa Ntfcrtpsi to Switzerland, where she encoun ters a mysterious alchemist who In duces her to subject herself to a readly experiment with tho result lhat sho emerges from tho ordeal a wonderful beauty and soon becomes the rage ot Kurope. Then in a mys terious way she encounters her for mer sweotheart, and what happens I la,l,r l l0,,, ihrllllngly in a series of remarkable scenes Naturally, she finds lovo and happiness nt last. Miss DavUs Is admirably support ed In this novel and entertaining photoplay. In tho cast are Forrest Stanley, leading man; Maclyn Ar buckle, Pedro do Cordoba, and (lyp sy O'llrlcu. Tho picture was direct ed by Albert Capellanl and Hobert 0. Ylgnola, two of the mot capable di rectors Identified with the Industry. TIIK I.IIIKIITV Harold Lloyd says that It took four months to dopo nut thn ending or "uranumaa iiov inui mini Strike! Two-year-old Anna May Evans.) who Is Just about ablo to stop a, ball from rolllnc, Is an occurat lowl.'p but, not a particular.; speedy one. This picture wa taken at the Women's Champion) ship Bowling Tournament In Now York whero hr mother was oat ot' the contestants. I SSBBr4d. tevr ' BBb zsbbbssW'VP''4sibbbbbbb1I 1 gSBB79sV ) SM ! I . ' BSBBBBBBBBBBsQPsSBBBBBBBBBS ' .BSBsP SBBBBBBBBBBF MMH SBBBBBBBBSV ilSSSBBBLx9BS -!MMsBSW.(Ai&itt3Jjs5 No Easy; Thing to Find yV( OH. LET ITGOMR.OUFFM LJc? ipon-twanttdpot J I'irf'-JJL You TO SO MUCH t- y --Z 1 -Tf?OU0LE v-C5t--, Ab 7IG0E55 SHE I ' y'jb HASN'T M ($" ' mM& THEATRES held tip the next nt for ten minutes. Tho hnidest part of coiueily, run tends Lloyd and his producer, Hal Hunch, Is tho "gag" for tho final fade-out. It Is lu five reels and Its laughs, thrills and Huxpense are built around a theme as serloim as tlusps) eliding)' ot fear. Lloyd is seen a tho bashful mnull town boy, afraid of his own shadow, When hU little old-fash toned grandmother comes to his res cue with her great wisdom nnd teaches htm tho meaning of self-eon-fldence, ho makes the sleepy- tlttlo town of IllossOm lleiid-und tho girl In particular tit up nnd take notice 1 thai tho worm has turned! "(Irandma's llov" is torn tin . ory liy producer llal ttoiirh, and Sam Taylor and Jean llavei, Fred Nomeer directed, nnd the cast In eludes pretty Mildred Davis, Anna j Tnwnsctid, Dick Sutherland, Charles (S(eensnn nnd Nonh Young. It Is I an Associated Inhibitors feature comedy and lll be shown nt the Liberty theatre tonight BIG CHRISTMAS I Department It i oitoffice Mnkinn; Preparations For Heavy Rush WASHINGTON. Dec 4 - Post offlcn officials arc expecting a heavy business at tho Christina period this year, possibly heavier than erer he fore. Mall was flowing lieastlr early as November I. It was pointed out, and when the rush slurls so .ir . ly it H taken us u sign of u big rush of holiday moll. Thn department began lu October Hie usual preparations for the holi day Increase and by December 1 Hie entlr service lll lm ready. Offi cials see that "mall early" cam paigns nrn having their effect on the mailing public, resulting In thn un precedented early start of Christinas business. It Is estlmnled that tho Increase In postal receipts during December over a normal mouth Is fS.UOO.OtlO About tt, 000,000 Is spent for extra Ispare on trsln.s to .transport thn mnlls, the motor ehlcle service spends approximately JSun.OOO 1 above Its regular service, nnd anoth jer tl.Ono.UOO goes for additional rlerk hire in tho various postofflces to sort mall. Another Item Is J.ir.0.000 for ad ditional carriers. Added to these It I ems are tho millions ot money order blanks, more mllllciu of stumps. nines or nwno to reijutiuio pouriy tied packages, nnd thousands of square feet of emergency warohouse space I "1'nclo Sam's total bill for Christ ' mas Is about as discouraging ns dad's." tho department declares, "Dellvur nil Chrlstmus mall by noon December 25, ' Is the watch word of tho servlro us the day draws neur, and It Is very seldom that the goal Is missed, Howorer, a bad storm may delay deliveries, and adds terrifically to the bill. A storm In New York last I inrisimas cost tne post ntitco no partmont $300,000 extra for motor vehicle transport alone. Tho postal j service does pot wish for a "while Christmas." Your Christmas Ylctroln. Your own terms In reason. EARL SHEPHERD CO. 307 MAIN ST. 1 N BBBB 'S1BBBBBBBB SBBsll sbbbI 'TOM, WHAT IN THE .YZoZm, bv" WORLD ARE YOU WARN7EDTO looking r-uh. r Lnoanovj 'iotAF x YOU'VE EYERV THING "ns bS Sffin I OUT OF THECOPDOARDVamd FIND S- S. -TW-.--f II. I ' x?- . ' Ditivi: on nooTi,i:Kii:uM N'AHIIINOTON. Dee, I - -Federal utilhorltles tluoiiKlimit tin rountry hnvo been notified officially ot the uecesMlty of rooMrnllui; clotty with prohibition enforcement iigencliw with view to curbing tho extensive Tonight At The Liberty , i Popular Harold Lloyd int )' lit. Inli'M inui uivntekt coiiiolj "Grandma's Boy" llnili flaIi, a liiogli, llnrli c'iio, a M'leniii L.kIi lilt, n hit, I'nili ii'i'l, it i lul. TOMORROW "SHERLOCK BROWN" 1 1 Fenttirin Bert Lytcll . iiiphUflro iiliieil)Mliiiiiui of ii ileik Itlin ' lenrui'il iiiiiti'lrniklug Ii) mult, LAST TIMES TONIGHT Constance - "EAST IS WEST" HER GREATEST PICTURE TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY sssssssH JssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssB viVE'V'lfr ''lEaflHBBSsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! tsssssH BBSS flBBBBBBBsH UsV ZasHlsiislBBBBV'll Dlf'Mzisssss7 y v)f M zassssssssssssssssWrV FfflSmS5?cZ,-ssssssP -ssaaamBUm' c, r fsav- QheyowkqDioma!i Cosmopolitan ,X rjBuuciioai r u fWrt' Lovely Marion Davics as tho heroine of a Htraiigo and beautiful love-drama. Elaborately produced in a setting of gorgeous gowns and luxury. From Marie Corelli's startling novel. Matinees Start 2:30 P. M. WHV IT WAS RIGHT V 7A HERE .ON TH6 ICE BOX.1 ?' ?" s IF IT HAD BEEN AHV6 ) IT MOUtD HAVe1 PITTEN ri . A ' ssfK.f j-CjHM if '" ' V.Wl rSltf , ZnuLo,-r J AMV J vlnlAlloint of tho lUiitulen. I'Vilernl uitnriicyii lmo been Inslrunled In push nil liquor eaites nn din mir Kiidiid tint Imposition of ' 1''v lest ppimlllna on cuimlllon. Allen linn Is mieeirienlly called to repot lit Hint soino reroal bveiai;i nmitiifite liueiH wore inniketliiii product wllli Illegal alcoholic conlonl. . L I ' Talmadge in t i-, a(Jmimounl BY ALLMAN J