The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 04, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    f .
mumiay, m:ci:miu:u i, hum.
The'Eveninf Herald
r. m. toxrvm,, mi pmw!
r. O. XIOKUi Aftrtrtfatac
Pabtlaaad dally axespt Sunday, at
TIM KMU4 rabllsalag Company at
WasaKtVralja, at 119, Btata itr-l
Batata at ta ostofrica at Klaa
ala JTathvOrt.V (or trfAralaatea
tkrraa tha nalla, aa Meowtalaaa
mm?. i 'H'MI i 1
Tka Associated Pre U wclUilTa
lr aatltla to the m tor publlea
ttaa et all nawa dispatches credited
to ,Mot,etbarwIa credited la
this aaHrMd alao the local nawa
patUatad ". , ,
i . "
Copy for dlipliy advertising must
ba 1d, this otttca not Isicr ttxan. 3
a.m. on" the day preeedlni tUMIc
tlea In order to be Inserted In the
1ua et tba paper' ot the next day.
Waat adt and readtnic notices will
ha reealTed up to IS noon on tut
elar ' tune.
raid PabUittlng Oompaaj.
Miss Elizabeth Raincy Gets
Office Without Making
Active Campaign
r ;
I Personal Mention
Love Birds of Movicland
INDIANAPOLIS. Doc. 4. Klcct-
cd to tho house ot tho Indiana rpii
Ira Iloborts, a Toe valley farmer, '.
was In tonn Saturday nml purchns- I
pd supplies from local merchants. I
Joo Ilnll U n business visitor hero j
toduv from his homo near Modoc '
Point. '
William K. 11. Chase, ot llonan
n, was n business visitor hero over i
Saturday nnd Sunday. '
Mm. T. N. Cunningham Is In
cu io mo nouse 01 tno mmana Kcn..0Wn from ,1(ir rnnch homo nt ,,n0 assembly wlthont havlnr; mado ! 0r()Vp lh, wok hnyln ,,cnU, ttork
NOW and then I hear ald, by
those with heads bit as tubs,
and brains small as flens, that the
editor Is atrald to publish certain
aewa. Not on your life, he Is not
atrald. He merely knows more about
the aliened news, and being mostly
untrue, ho docs not publish It. A
really food editor Is afraid ot only
one thins causing Injustice or dls
treaa by publlshlsc untruth. Exchange,
- -
THE lumber market continues
' Terr active according to the
American Lumberman. This Is some
what unusual, as buying ordinarily
tapera off at this season. However,
tho car shortage has so restricted
shipments that many buyers hare
been unablo to secure badly neoded
material, so the demand Is being
spread orcr tha entire year. Do
mead continue to be greater than
tho ability ot tho mills to sht? In the
face of tho continued car shortage,
aaya tho American Lumberman.
lUltroad officials bate been- profuse
la promises to rellere theicsr "short
age, bu.t eo tar little relief baa been
noted, though In the Bouth shippers
are getting a slightly larger percen
tage ot their car requirement's
than they were aer'eral weeis ago.
Thus shipments ot both southern
hardwoods and southern pine are be
ing Increased slightly. Experienced
observer who have recently traveled
among tho milts In all sections of
(he .country report that they can
hardly recoil the tlmo when stocks
hare been so badly broken and so Ill
sorted as at present. No excess of
lumber la being carried anywhere,
and the lumber Industry Is approach
es winter, which reiirlctaoutput la
a large part of the production area.
Another factor which will tend to
curtail production Is the annual
overhauling of machinery and stop
pages ot operation to install new
equipment. On tho" Pacific coast no
Improvement in tho car sltuatlou has
been noted and manufacturers hard
ly expect any change In the situation
until after the first ot the year. In
the meantime, construction remain?
brisk for this season and the volume
ot new building Indicated by esti
mates tor 1953 bids fair to ciccej
even the record of 1322.
a speech or without Having tnken
an acilvo part In her campaign,
MIm Klltabeth Kalncy ot Indian-
apolH, Is truly n choice of Ihe peo
ple. Miss Itnlney was the only
woman In Indiana on the republi
can ticket. Slio made thn race tit
tho request of two non-partisan
clubs tho Woman City club and
the Woman's Department rluh ot
llctng a member of the general
assembly is all new to Miss Kalncy,
but she has aome definite Ideas
concerning tho activities ot that
body. She tavora the so-called
short ballot and Is ot the opinion
that no liiy should be passed ex
cept those 'absolutely needed. ''I
hare. In mind now some educational
bills, the uniform marriage nnd
divorce law being prepared, and a
bill relating to Illegitimate child
ren which I shall no doubt sup
port." sbe said.
Miss ftalney states she cannot un
derstand why laws relating to wom
en and children should always be
linked together. "Thcy are two en
tirely separate matters just as much
as are laws relating to men and
children," she declared. "I favor the
beat possible caro of tho sick and
Injured war veterans, and a state
bonus for alt Indiana soldiers ot
the world war when economic con
ditions permit,"
Miss IUlney Is a business worn
an and a atudent. She has been
connected with one ot the oldest
law 'firms In Indiana for more than
25 years. Miss Raincy cboso to go
even farther ahead and has been
stdylog law at nights for the last
four year. She aald she expects
to graduate thla year. She camo
to Indianapolis from Waynetown
in Montgomery country, and for a
tlmo was 'a country achool teacher.
If you find something and don't
know what It Is It may be coal.
"Sec re Clcmenccan'' beadllpe.
That reminds us after this winter
baseball starts acaln,
Mr. Hedges ot Panama City claims
he caught a 3000-pound sawfish but
It sounds more like a seen fish.
Kill Hays says motion plcturej
prcuiote culture so do you mind it
we call them promotion pictures?
done hero.
D. It. Kaylor was In town over
th week-end from his ranch 10
mile south of town, attending to
business affairs.
Mr and Mrs. Warren f. Fruits
were In town Saturday and Sunday
from their home nt Merrill visit
ing with friend.
rtollln P. Rodotph arrived hero
last night from San Francisco af
tcr a visit at his borne there over "
the holidays.
Marshall Moss, n lumberman
from Milwaukee, Is hero tor a few
days' business visit. Ho l regis- j
tered at the White Pelican hotel.
C A. Stewart, of San Francisco.
arrived here last night nnd will J
spend the next few days attending j
to maltors connected with his l-i- ;
surance firm. I
Kred Payne or Portland Is In
town for a brief business visit.
Payne made Klamath Kails his homo
for several years provlously to mov
ing to Portland.
Miss Elda Otfleld and Mls Dor
rls Ady, who spent their Thanks-
.giving vacatlona with their par
ents In Merrill, returned to Klam
ath Falls yesterday to tako up their
work In tho local grade schools.
Mr. nnd Mr. W. L. Riddle left
thla morning on tbclr return to
. ... , . .. th .... ..ntH anAnt
i'oruanu anur in m -r
l vtnmnth Falls visiting with tho I
Tier, and Mrs. Arthur Rice. Mrs
Rice la tbolr daughter.
John Lcrcy Johnson, Infant son
ot Mr. aud Mrs. Kddlc Johnson. Mo
doc Point Indians', died In a local
hospital Saturday evening. The fun
eral was held at Wilson cemetery at
Cblloquln Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Heary Nowham,
who" have been visiting In Klamath
county with old friends and rela
tive for tbo past two months, ex-
pecj. to leave on the train tomor
row morning for their homo In
San Jose.
rtt.V, Pt
." iML
i Jm
. .taa& j
?n' ' SfN fl Vf- f 4l
f '
Another film romance Is announced In tlu imhjiIs that Clunll
Crtaplm and Tola N-K'' gr'nt film tiauinlli'nnc. nri mxm to wrd Thi
marriage would form a tllni dj nasty aa ui tho I'lckforU
Fairbanks rouuiicv.
Tests of National Under
writers Like Alice
In Wonderland
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Turpln and
children left here Saturday morn
ing for Portland. Turpln, who Is
with tho Warren Construction com
pany, has been transferred to the
northern rlty for tho winter, while
work Is closed down In Klamath
CHICAGO. Dec. ! An Iron tele
phone pole swinging from thv root
llko u giant pendulum hit n sta
tionary automobile bumper and
bont It badly. Then u derrick lif'
ed u red hot steel safe high aliovf
a third floor roof and dropped I
on a plln or brick hats far below
Tho day's work had begun at
tbe Underwriter's I-aboratorlM.
Inc . a topsy-turvy land wilder th.m
anything Alice in Wonderland ever
21 days until Christmas
December 6 St. Paul's
V Kpisropal (In I til bataar
December S Presbyterian
church chicken dinner and lint
i nar.
December C I'ntertainmunt
t Ml Ultl church.
December C Chamber of
. commerce forum.
' December S Illustrated Ire.
0 lure on Art Institute of Chl
t cngo Woman's Library rlub
December B Thn Methodist
church bazaar.
December II lecture
Frank llranch Riluy
TOKIf). Di. 4 - -Tin ii w J .f w i
nmn doteiilvct lias Ih-bii fi It by tlio
., a .. ..1. .. ..wm.vta I
ur...L.a Ul B .. v... M... Motr,ipoI1,nn h0litd ot ,,, ,, ,hv
uurn anil Piiinau uti iuu urutiiiuun
.Mr. and Mrs. Harry Poolo left
this morning on tho train for Cali
fornia. Tholr first atop will be at
One senator proposes a boaus bo Fresno, whor.i Mr. Poole will vlh
ralsed by a tax on beer and wine so j u wth hor son, Roger Torrey. From
the soldiers can pay It themselves. Presne they will go to San Fran-
King Doris of Ilulgaria was rob- c'co
bed of $1.35, all he had. Tho kings! ja uilton Is claiming tho
business has been, slack lately. record, for large honkers shot in
Airm.n-. mv- it nnihin i hnv . Klamath county this season and was
,a dresa In Paris and wear It In Lon-' 'howlng. in proof, n 12-pound hook
! don before the style changes.' cr measuring six feet two Inches
rrorn tip to lip. union, airompun
Students don't know what they'ell by his father, got tho bird on
aro refusing to eat nt a 'college In (Thanksgiving day while hunting In
Montreal because It Is hash. tMe Tu a)t8 district
ly iiB yes
timtajjin B
en othls
RIO DK JANKIRO, Dec. t. -Mrs.
Carrie Chapman Calt, the famous
American woman suffrage leader
who may visit this country to as
sist the local organizations In their
right for tho vote, will find the
campaign well underway upon her
At the moment tbe 'battle ii
centered about a bill which Is un
til dor discussion In tha chamber of
deputes. ' I,r' tle bill becomes a
law.fwhlch Is said to be more llko
ly tpto year than at any provlouu
urazirs mmory, tne wom-
land will be on tho samo
potlmsl footing as tbe men.
UlcUtS' 'and the 'ores have
Lup eYlghr? and al'f the ar
ts that preceded the grant-
the voln to tho women of
Id, 'i8&&u?mmif and the'
ofi other countries where
eqnal suffrage Is now 'a matter ot
course, are b'elqg put fqrth hero
with thoi somfl. If not u greater
degreo of onihuslasm. as In the
other coiintrle,
Bven, to oppdnenta ot Ihe Idea
admit liat eventually 'the women
will .hare their way., They are op
poslBg tbe( bill jnfircy''lo preserve
maa' preaent advantage o.i long
XSlafBjBajHPsaBJBAi2&JL J.. j g ,
04 mulia br uiinjt cUh ads.
Nice thing about winter Is you
keep your hands In' your pockets and
can't lose your money so easily
Mexican bullfighters have a union ,
and may strike for shorter borna.
Just when tho dark clouds were.
lifting comes tho sad ne'ws'tbat X,- .... ....
017.0&C case, of salmon have been, -.I,lcy Hcanlslry
packed. ! J - Ilcardsley has filed null for
' divorce In tho circuit court against
irhristmnu Ittnrl' "Mnmii nil Ihnl
nrync-yuii 1
Ina B
other little boys havo bicycles."
Tim Army-Navy football gmo fn
Philadelphia1 kept 50,000 Phlladel-,
pblans awake until darlc.
In ono year a Holstein cow gave
milk which welghod 33,368 pounds
before the water was added to It.
Oliver Mapo ot Los Angeles foil
.off1 an Si-foot cliff and walked away
I, ... T
due i,i is, a very naa nanu.
1 r '
In London a man and woman were
married' twlcn tho samii day!' The
atrango part" Is thoy murrlcd each
othor both times.
Motorists will oe glad to learn an
riUq .doralled a train in Illinois.
Undo John f Atlanta Mo is 103
years old so Unci John can remem
ber when, tho bonqs bill was Intro
duced. Trouble with saying it with flow-
MK Is she expects you in stutter,
Emma L. Ueardsley, alleging deser
tion. The Ileardsleys were mar
ried In lS78vbut have made Klam
a,th Falls tholr homo lor a number,
of years. The plaintiff ullcgcs In
his complaint that defendant left
him In 192.
HnMuin s, :ger
Siilt Iras been filed in tho circuit..-
court bytljo Daldwii Hurdaare com-j,0na Ul0. ,,oor
pnyy against ueorgo w. Auyr. juog
mont la asked against tho defendant
l:i the sum of 9401 34 with Interest
of other experts, alt to mako life
and property safer i
Tho glowing safo. fresh from h
furnaco with a temperature of I Ton
degrees, failed to break und-r t!i
strain of ho long drop, so sunry
Ing workmen bundled It ba k lio
thu oven for another hour' rook
Ing. If It survives that thev will
Chisel, burn and smash "their
Into Its compartments, nnd it 'ho
bookM und papers there, aro foun 1 n
Kood condition tbo manufacturer
may attach nn "Underwriters Lab
oratories, Inc" label to hi prodii"
I'pitalrs a little automatic mo
! ehlnii Is sticking key In " "
bllu locks three locks at a tmio
(unlocking tlinin. loeklng thorn .iK" "
and then withdrawing tho k y M
'automatic iiiuutir records Its oper
ation. Tim locks must stand tho
i strain of rlmllar opiirotlii'is.
! In thu heat testing rooms flame
jare eopliig through tho crnrks of
a wood lined, metal covered flro
1 door, built Into thn brick front of a
I furnaco. Nearby an attendant with
electric recording iloflces Is study
i Ing what Is happening In tho 1000
degreo Inferno behind tho roil hot
door. Suddenly thn entlro furnace
front, door and all, rolls nway on
I an overhead track and a work
man plays a 2 Ineln flro lioso oviir
tho flowing door. Tho color dim
away. Insldo tho nintal covering
Is a mass of charcoalbut (ho steel
plates h.v( withstood ' an hour's
baking without letting sufficient
flro through to Igulto anything Im-
now Inspector general f ib pulley
In fav r of t tt-
men (a I Ik- ml.
for i l.r v ork
Introduction of
fori i in organizing
Advertising piys. Try it and see,
I'nll ( ibinnt
Models as
low it JO CO
P r mouth
m a K good
Kifis for iiil
hi' Liiiiii)
air.WVt7A r T
The Famous
Clincher Cushion Heel
Mauos Top Notch Rubbers Lost Lontjer
Mosl ruhbrts usually btcnl: tliioutilt nt thn Itcel first.
'Ilio tnnkcts of Top Notch Huiilicn liuvo uvcrcoitto tlib
ly inventmit unci pntctttinit ti spreinl inctliml uf construc
tion which so stroujjly the heel tlmt It will
.vcur its leut: na tho oolr. :.oics nml iijijK'ia nro putr
'l of) Natch Kubbcro nrc cjtlrn quality and rxtrn val.te.
They nrr the lont;est we.irlni; rubbrr aoltl in town. And
thry nrc Just ns etylieh us errvicenblc. All styles for men,
women nnd children. Come in nnd sec them,
JwCI -
- s
Houston & Jester
515 Main St
It stands for the purest and best that can be
Cream carefully pasteurized and butter man
ufactured under the most sanitary conditions.
Klamath Falls Creamery
.107 VMS hT.
co. ' jksa
. 1 1 'YJvRC. ."-
1 f i 'f
wh C
Aiucilruii Afnt. n. Hli'iiirim, cl nl
Tho American Nittlonul Iliiitk linn
fljed u suit In f-u 1 1 v unulnst John
filonuuiH Jr., KUIe I', Slemuns, tha
First Stata and Havings bank und
Frank C, Bramwcll, superintendent
of stato banks, for tho collection of
fSOOO allaKed duo on u noto.
lladloyvlllo brldtto com-
Maiidy '(dlnltiK out) 'Any frolKht
trains been stullcd a row nil clout liyar
lately, Suslo?
Siisnn (slinldiiK lu-r lioiul)- Nit
(list nh kuovv'H oli, Mainly, Why?
Muiidy Oh, nothln': only ills nr
chicken tasti's to mo Jpst llko cma
storaco fowl,
Italiilor (Mill of Amurlciiii Ktpoit
Co., boInK comiilotcd,
Seaside l'ui To I. & Tol Co.,
makes extanslvn Improvnmcnts mid
Red. School House
is reputed to have ltouscd nimiy of
America's Icadliifl men, larC.o
number of whom wcro not privl
leftcd tosupplcmont tliclr eomrrion
scliool cdiiciitlon ttllh :i rollcCo'
course. Yet It ,li fuct that of
tlio iH-rsoni listed in "WhVs'WIio,
in A.iicrlca", 73 wcro collojjo
itrjiluntcs or ntlviiiU-tl coilefto for u
number of yeurs. Why not ilho
jour lioy or fltrl thn nilMintiiftui of
u rolletio cducitlou by mc-aiii of
mo i'qtiltiililc'a l.'tlucittlouiil I'uild
fur Di'titlhi Heo
l.mal Hcpii'Nciiliitlvo
Equitable Life of N. Y.
Cffli'c In KtiKiiuuiui I Jlilff.
Broadway at Stark
Portland, Ore.
through the combined efforts of a staff
who, after years of training, under
stand the needs of the traveling public.
Music, Dancing and the Best to Eett
Arthur H. Meyers Manager