' f wTn,-" iv trni "Mjr Library Kuien, Ore WEATHER FORECAST TOMUIIT AMI TUIHPAV H.NOW HMiTiitli Yi'iir. No, llllll LPIinprT ill ill hi I UUUUL I FBI 1.1 SHI Further SaviiiRa Depend on Curtailment, President Tells Conrcrcaa WAI'IIINUTON, Hoc. 4.-l'ienl ilfiil llnrilliiR, In irniimnlltliiK ill annual inli'itii ImiiIki'I (ur tho tir-st fiscal year. frmikl; told ruiigri'ss to ilny Hint wlictiiur Uhti' wii to be imy mutorliil reduction -In covorn , ini-nt oxpindlturrs otnl In liuo In futurn )iiro would depond Inrfisly oil whether tlii'fo wim to to u rur (ailment or expansion i.f federal aid In llimi u( ri'iinfrli, imiunvemunt and tlovclopmont. I'lncliiK Km oitliiiiiti'd I'.overiiinniii outlay In lir.'l n( 13,1 0,S 11,23 1, n duenmso u( nbr-ui ir.oo.ooo.ooo ni onmpnrfil wllli piilimit"i fur this fls- H .-! ..r. Pro.ldu.t iu,rd..,.: nlM,nK Ut) ,,.,, ,0Pll(rt,ri ,,,, , , ntti'itlittn Hint I 'Aii llilnll of tills tc Int wan mi iieniiint uf prnrtlrnlly ru ed rhnrcos, iiurli r tin. iulillr ili'M. nailmuil di(rnn, ittiiKluii, world wnr iillnwniin nnd (udi'rsl aid. Tlior" ws lull. Ihi mid. nnly aboul nan lillllim dollars In (linrct'i inlijcrl l ailniluUlratlvi-ruiurnl niut nealnat which, .lio lidded. Ilio ti'lri'nrhinunl policy n( Hip ri'MTti'iii'iit liiul been dlnriiHl I'liilliri' lti'itiiitnii Sun W'hlln Miiprrilr.; iho iiilnlnn lint xoiih' (tiriluT rndtirtloti tin dtiiblinlly would rifiilt (ruin a xo nrr.inli.'itlun o( khhtiiiiiimiI iiiinli llnliiniMlH on n iiioru tclnntltlr bantu, lltf pri'Mdriit iiald t Itln hlnnn would tint nfdet Midi mntcrliil rut In opr roll tin nmli no oinild JiutKy tlic pnigliin ol In u Inr a i'ipmhIJitjIiIi' Imtciitni: of iirniditutrs in tlu yrnni tnitnmfcrfln'r "r ',.'a.m'tnfs l'iV inil'j Hon nf fmlnral aid, Iho nxrcu'tlVo' ilori-d that Hiln w.uTi rapidly linn rnlnR Jli'ld of rxplndllurc nnd that lhiri wn a nuiMtltm uii to how (ar Iho Rovcrnr.H'iil ihniild partlclpatn In It. Mu nddint that It did not per tnln In thu normal (uiirilonii ur op--r it lion (( ttut tiutltu-K .of (I'.o kuv- ITIlIlll'Ilt . "TIimu slri'lUHilin iirlhltlim." n lontluui'd. "hai. MiiwimI from lawn nucti'd iurmiunt to i.vpiilir df mand. and I tnkii thin orcanlon tit r fur to llii'iii for Hmi purpiim. or uliow- I ill; that Urn tnintlon which nfrrAinr- I lly rimulin In priivldlm; fundi, to mi'i't tlii'iu Ik ii iicri'Miiry Inrldcnl to tho fulfillment of ihu popular do tumid. Miiiis lli'iiilil CiiiiIi lliiiilniiH ' In tho I'ffort which li.'iv), btH'ii ill rrt'lvd lo ri'dllclllR public mprndl tliri'H, 1 liiivu licon miirli Indtiuiii'i'd In appiirnnt IncruntiluK itnlo, I'Diiiity nnd niMitli'lpal Inili'Mmlm-ai, mid I am fuarful lt HiIh rondltloii may bo In part ultrlliutnblo lo Ihu oxpcndl- lurcK iiiadn by ihu r.iivi'rnuiont pur Niiiuil to Hi federal uld law, u.n in. my of ihi'HO atnlo linvj ri'ijiiho Miitu coiitrllmtlniin iin n prii-riinilnltn to thu oxtunnloit nf fcditriil iilil." Thu mimmiiry of tho InidKct for l'.iSI iiH, kIvuii to (-onKnmi hIiowh mi iiHtlmnti'd nxci'ini nf rt'culpis uvor o pciidlltircH iiuxt yttnr uf IINO.UH'J. 12.', n h rompiired with mi fHtltuciti.il dofuclijif l2T:i,!i:iK,712 for this fit, ml ymir. Tho pri'sldont wild, how itvur, Hint ho was hopu(ul Hint tho ii'KlmntVd duflrlt for I!i2!l could ho ruduciid In tho rotinliiliiR mivoii monlliH nnd Hint Iho rlnno of tlio year nnxt Juno 30 would tdmw u bal uncoil account. OltCCOX (il'.TH Ijl7l,.tl.1,lll IX XATIOXAI, III'IKIIIT iA8inlS'hT(ii, Pee. l.-KIVoVu mid liiirbcni osllpin.tif jiiibujltU'd to conRroMs -oilifi" )y anuy ,iiiytliu;prii cull for $71. filtf, 1 1 6 ili'n Inslyvar bn r.lnuliiR Jit,;,,!,, 2J. f . f'oos lly, lOrcjtilii, wftuld i,el $2, 210.000, liKllldllttitt tho rtVj'rin ri'tty lit thn oufr'ifllrh'Vr.tlrt.o'iflf.'il'Dijih Jet ly .H5,0ti,''.uaintiinanco' Mo'Jn nml Now Voi'kVvlll,Ot0:- (.'iiifci ilor ja.OOO, Ysqti'liin. liny nnd jihtt.V liso.ooo, i'iifpfliit Vlvor 27tr.rsop. (,'uliinibla tlvcr nnd trlbitluilci' nhovo Cullln Kallu to Sniiko ilvnr. $i:i..p.no. Hnaid) rivor ?i:i,no, Co lumbia mid l.owor Willaiuiillo boluw Vuncfiiivor mid PnrtliiniMSt ,700,000 Inclttdliu; $l,ooo,000 for now work dllio couHtnictliiu mid now ilrcdco mid $.00,000 (or miilntimuiiru. Wll liimotlo hIihirIi f2tl,:ino, ciutukmilo i Ivor $ li, 1 1:11 , WUIImuutlo rUorubovo 1'iiiiliilid iiiii Yuinhlll river f'l.iloi) Kl Oomji on SUji? 3Eu .enttuj I am.khi'p ii,i,i:iai, ,th ,. or ur m.i'x iw.ax aiu: it to i.ocai, i'iimci; WAlllllNCTON, I).c. 4.- Al- 'I 1(':'''1 "l"""1 "llM ""r""""! I" H. Kn Kin Klmi (nil m II hlu i Milieu' iHillt'ii powers mill llin I fiiKtil tllnti' hits mi Jiirlnill - j Hun iivcr liiiIi iiiuttiiM. Attor- i iii-y iiKiinnii iMURliiiriy tunny I jiifnrmml t'onnliir Wnlnli, di'liio- '?'" "''-' .'..(h..r- ly nald llinl iifnr n ynr of In- I veiiii:aiiKi tin. department of Jurllm li in boon iiiuililii In rilnl i n lii(ln iriso bringing Him ur fc.nlul'oii w. Hiln (I'dcml Juris- ; ' illitloii. FRANK B. RILEY OF NATIONAL FAME TO I PPTIinti' nrnr cnflM UE.U 1 UKC IIIUU. SUUiN - Spf.il.rr It Known I'rimi Consi In I'iiiiM iiiid N Itnd'il At lllglirtl I'.iI.I In Iflllttll HlilllH Almost I'vcry ono In Oregon know Prank Drench llllcy by ?0 uliilioii Propotilotialily fiw, how- ill ft I tl'l'lit Iljl MtirtHIr III rill V lit luilr fililillmi uf tin mfitrirttv iiH lln. tunal ' Klfh-d spnakiT on tlio Alilt'rlcau platform today. Tl.rrcfnro The. Ilcrnld ludli'voi tlint It In mukliiK n truiiii'iidouily Importnnt nniiounrrmont when It nnnm",c('a "Mt ,,e,, Mnny nlsht. , I'eromlmr II. Prnnk llr.inr!i Ulley will drllvor hlu unllonnlly fnmoun Ivftliro. "Tim l.nro of tho (Ircnt N'orthxTMl" nt tho IMne Troo thoa Irr. HpnntoHit li) CloliH otnl I'uprr ntlcy li nrhi'dtilrd to npisik noxt week In Medford unit Ashland, and an npni datu In thu mivintlnir, iniikt.i It pomlldo fur Ktnmnth Pall to .curo hl npperniice. Tho lee turf In pouorid by tho Hillary I cluli. tho KIwanlH rluli nnd Hip , Kvriiliii; llcrald'vlu nro RiiaMtitcc- Ttiis Hi (Innncltt nurriMi. . ' Whllo Itllry In Rrlppi'il, hoart nnd roul. In OrrRon nnd tho nnrthwent. and tho nronlont Individual factor i In Us dovi'lnpiiiont. It Is n peculiar fact Hist ho U better known to eaut ern mtillinccs tbaji to Ihoao of tils own state. foiiRri'.-t llrnik Spo.il.cr Aiinoiiucoinent of a Krnnk liraurh Itllry loci ii t u la HUtllclrnt lo (III tlioj larRi-iit auditorium In' any of tln-1 oastirn il(lo. Ilo Is tho ono out-i sldo spobl.i-r whom tho two houses' of Hid i;nltcd Stuto.s concres con-1 Vlillt'll 111 ll.llll h..kJltf.(. I.k li.L.P l.f.rl t who oiithralloil stnlosuit'ii whoso IhcH liau been npulit In an atmos phere of oratory. Ilo I rated ns Ilio highest paid lecliirer of Iho day. Tho Northwest Tourist bureau paid him 110.000 for u series of 100 I act u res In oastern rotiterH, J 100 ii lecture, and innld eiod It a profltablo bnrr.nln, Hits lli-como I'.immis In spreudliiR thu fiiiio , of Ilio northwest, Itlloy Iiiik himself become fmnous, but, paradoxically enough, ho Ih iiioro fammis, and hiiuwn by Hlr.lil to more people. In iiny dniou of the stales east of the MIimIwIP'iI, than he Is In Oieconf ' v ' ' Ills b a life of service, mid ho has developed u por.ionallty Unit every 0:10 should ho iiriUaliited with. In rIWiir Klamath Tiills mi opportunity lo form such mi iiniiialninncu, Iho HpuiikorH of tlui Itlloy lie turn nro certain that they nro iiorfoniilnx a siirvlco that will ho nppreclated by tho public. 3 ARRESTS IN RAID Piillio Muho Sin ci'hsf ul Haul lluiiso in I 'inn Hi mid O.il. Puior QiiuvllKmi, Olo Carlson mid Ted I.owh woioi nr,roMtci)(ijnd lij,, iwei'ii iiiur nun tivo Kanmis nt allon ml ii'iooiisiilno ronflrcatoTl by., phlef Pollrp- .Wilson nnd Pntrotiijiui Jp, l-aijjiililln In u raid Saturday livening; aijp: n '.hoitu'e nt Fourth mid 6ak. Tho .nifnwjl' probably bo nriiitgued In ,11111 uatU'o ciiiirt 'today. CHXTHAIi ItKITIII.ICS MIIKT W'ABlllNtrrON, Doc. 4.-tltoprr-tiuiitiitlM'H of Hiiiitoiuuhi, HomluriiH, Salviidnr, NIciiriiRiiii mid Costu ltlcti not hum toduy under tho prusldtncy of Heorotiiry Ihu; I urn to I'linslder iiu'usui'oi looking to tlio fitrUiurtiiiro nf ponoo In (,'oiitrul Amurlcii mid to uoRotliitu ii treaty for tho puritmnnnt vriiutnt Inn of hidr motunl rolatlonn. KLAMATH iEf MSElF IffTB SHEW Drives 50 Miles to Bend to! Tell of ICilliii' Compan- j ion at Summit i m:.Sl). . .Mr. Mnlicl Nlrh. 'In, 23, i;uo lidiolf mi to Hlu riff i Itnlicrta lit 3 : .'J 0 KAturdny nlturniio.i. worn and llrud nftrr n SO-mllu drlvo ' '"'"' Hum.'iilt tni;o ktRtlon, miiitli or !t.a, , KL-miatli county. mynr. Hint i nt II c'rlotk tlinl tiKirtiiiiK alio liul and KIIIhI ilulicrt ilrrcr, u man nliout id, wlili whum lii' linil boen livinir "U'.i ImM- Ijccii iiioeiinlilnlni: and tie tlirciuctiiul to lirliis hid In llcnil nnd tiiko nn into ;i Iffu o( nlintno," llit U Hid lo have tnld Uhi'rlK I'.o!) crt, tiroallilimily. ('inliiiiil I'uinl "I Rratilrd' III tdstol nnd elii.t, lint mice. 1 ran. I didn't ro hack. Hut I'm turn ho wag dead. I Jumped Into lila ninrlilno oml drovu full pnpd tn town." Tlio ktaca Atntlon l at n lnsoly point. Su ono lived in Ihu limtu'dl nto vlrlnlty pxcnpt the mnn and thu wi-innn, wan wont tlioto ilx wcid; iirii friai Kllunstiurn. Wnsli., Ihi'lr (urtiicr lipmo Tho cvioncr ran iiruparlBB latp thi adcrunou to ad to tho stntlon to learn l( (Ireer really U dead, and, tr to, brine In llin hod). Mm. Nlrh id.1 will ho hold moantlmp. (Iri'or linn n ninrrlud daiiRhtur. Mrs, It. i:. .'iml'h. who rmldoii In Kl lonnburit. Mm. Nichols liait n & yunr-olil duiiKhtor nnd n kUUt llv Iiir In Beutllo. hu mild. Sheriff I,. I,. l,ow. Coroner Karl 'liltlocl. Dr. II. I . Hicw.irt and tlordnn Qui in by ihl inornlnR loft fur Cronrunt whi ro mi autopy nnd In- iiili-tt will ho hold tomorrow. Mr Mcluls will probably Im hroiiRht to Klamath I'ulU. since tho shni'llni; iii'curri'd In HiU county. U. S. HOST AT MEET Smith AiiH'rleim (iutlier At Wash ington for Cnnfi'ix'iire WASItlNHTON. Dee. I. With the I'nlled Hlnlisi nctlui; as host, the eonferenco if t'ontral American re publlci bugaii here today ntnld ex priHslons n ronfldesru Hint thu dis cussions would Inaugiirato new era of peuco and stability. S-oero-tary llughiHi, prcsldliiR. vvlcomed Iho ilcleRutes, Haying thu I'nltcd States' only aim wn-i lo nld thu five nations represented In solvlnR their Mrobloms. AN OBLIGING FERRYMAN " ... v j AW CMOK ! Vv I LET ME "IWCE YOU rA WMS. OVER. I V-'ANNft ' iTl'M " ) GsT ACROSS Too rm$ - :---ni-MraiM!KLfc rfWi- -w (TTh MMaMfsV " J JfeAvT7 . . -d -. J-Xs s.'VJ f,TSw,t, TJ II'. sJIIII I II! ( I ir.JFJJATf'nYflA. "V Ait-CWJNSSWi.l 1 w "X' - i frffJ .' Member of the Aosocinicd Press 1'Af.t.H, OHC.OO.V, MO.VIMV, PKCII.MIII'lt I, IIKKJ Here's Proof S'tkllife ' 1 1 ; -' I , nr jtnt " tjVl a . iliHmJ'Elkw mk n MBHr i Don"; let anyone ii-'i Santa lnt real. OlflclaU of Waxhlnpton, I). C. Impo rccor.nlicl him K rt C'h ef Watnon ordered Santa Claua to hnvo liU lii-urd flrr-pn .( to in n-ill flot bo burned solni; down tho chlmnry. So thn Ur. in n r. epravlnt: Santa. U. S. NAVY SECOND . TO NONE, PLEA OF I SECRETARY DENBY riit-l SIm.uk Hnuutjli t- .SiiujH.rt Ainciliaii I'ullili-x 1 frj;"il In Annual lti-Hirt WASH INCTOX. Dim- I . Kt.ncr. al naval polley providing for a navy "Koccnd to none" mid stroiiK enouRh to support Amerlo,i policies and eot.inierce mid Riinril American ciin-L tliionttil and iirtriH potnoMlons wm laid down toiiny by Secretary i Denby In his nanus: rei.iort .to h- i r.ress. Such a navy. ih secretary said. ' should nnd could bo maintained I within the provisions of the naval limitation treaty. He added that al-! TWO O. A. C. MEN HERE thcugh the present a.ival otabllh-l moot waH deficient In lertnln tpes, , H. A. I.luilgreii mid U J. Allen Will suih as fast cruisers, alrcr.irt crills- Ak-Lst- lM-nl Officials era, suaKolntc siibmarluea and air-, - cr..ft. ho would make no Immediate ', . A i.iniiRreni aimM husban- r.commendatlon for nddltliinct ap.(Ir). ilH.clalIsi. and I.. J. Allen, ns- proprlallous beraus.. of the present ' ,, s(att, ,.Iub Iwik.r of the 0rc. iiikiiuiii .uniiiumi "i ipb ivanirj. goa Agricultural collego, arrived Aibiilon D.ielopol j hero Saturday eealng. UndRren AmotiR the nccompllshments of hlw, a8''"1 -' A- "enderson, county department during the past year thel nKt""' '', '""'""B meetings In the navy secretary recounted "tho deol-lalffcr('nt -""munltloj. giving lcc opnient of uvlntlou an an Integral I l,lrc " ,1,u i.UnK and care of part of tho-fleet." dhewlon of ni1,0K,, e,c- Allt'n w111 alJ Krank Krenter percentage 1-1 repair work to S". county club agent. In get Kowiiamont l"tleus, Increased ,I,,K ,,u MttenM clubs llnud up for I thu coming year. They will spend (Continued on r.igo C) Herald r S sTMf Mi-i EASY MONEY FOR KIDS Moo' .Sloio Will llrilcciii (iUkiii In AiU nt I'lw (,'ciiIh Iviirli I Kldi. hero's a rhsneo to Ret hold , of nomo Christmas money! I ('iimmnli,lni. Tinrl.ii- .t.l mmm. ...... ...n .M-O..M, ,. 1.UII- Uniting until Saturday, Inclusive, .ie ndvur'.lsi'tnents for Moc's store will contain coupons which will bo re iloenicil at tho store for ftv6 cepts each, cash money, no strings attach ed to the offer. Whllo tho offer Is primarily for children, no limit Is placed on the number of coupons which may 1m. Hinmd In by each Individual. No purchase Is required! Just present "'o coupon. proporUr filled In, and RL'' tl10 ""' most of this week In tho county. MOUNTAINEERS ARE SAVED FR6m DEATH, BY CAp'tRED DEER Wild AiiliimN lllaVnrrl to Drng llrcnk Trrill riir Mx Mm Hack to Clv'Ulznllon qUINCV, Cal., Dec. 4, BU Call ornln mountaineers, caught by an early, heavy snowfall In tho high Sierras, captured twelvo wild deer, harnessed them together with ropes and belts, hitched them lo an Im provised drag and broke a trail back to civilization. The men worn working early In Novenber building a summer ramp at Hold Lake, a point far up In the mountains. When a heavy snow storm camo up unexpectedly, they found themselves with oaly a few provisions and without snow shoes or skll.1. Help could not rcacli!yom, they knew, before scroral days. ' lender Made Hklls Ktovo Jcxiola, the leader of the crew, Immediately set hhout making sets of sklls for himself and his men, using such lumber as was avail able. In the meantime the snow continued to fall until more than five feet covered the roads and trails. On thu second night of tho storm, a herd of deer, fleeing before the snow, sought rcfugo In the camp. (! rasping tho opportunity, I'czxola and his companions herded the ani mals -In one of the uncompleted rooms. Tho next morning tho deer were harnessed to a drag and the six cast aways, mounted on home-made sklls and hanging to tho drag, started oft towards covillxatlon. The deer were successfully guided until they had broken a road through tho deepest parts of the snow-covered forest and ha'd arrived almost at the edge ot the table-land where the road starts down out ot the mountains. Anlnuils Get Sugar There the animals were treated to the last sugarln tho, men's supplies nnd wcro turned looso to return to the forests. A few hours later the men, continuing on foot, met a team and sleigh loaded with supplies, making slow progress up the bills to tho camp. TO CONSIDER KLAN GivernorH Will Discuss Problem nt Annual Confereucu MADISON. Wis.. Dec. 4. The "problom In government created by the rise ot the Ku KIux Klan throughout the country," will be brought before the stato governors ot tho I'nltcd States and considered by them at their fourteenth annual conference to bo held In White Sul phur Springs, West Virginia, Decem ber 14 to 1C, Miles C. Ulley, secre tary, announced here today. (ovcrnor Henry J. Allen, ot Kan sas, whoso attack on tho Klan In his stato has attracted wldo attention, Is to present n paper toa tho state executives on "Tlin Ku Klux Klan Tho Problem It Attacks and the Problem It Creates," as tho basis of consideration. ATTEND CONVENTION J. J. i-'ui-brr mid Wm. Me.Wuly Del egatos lo .Sacramento Mect J. J. Furbcr and Wm. McNcaly Sunday morning left for Sacramento whero they will attond today and Tuesday, tho nnnuul convention of thu Association of Western Oamo Commissioners. They wcru elected dulcgntes to tho convention by tho .Klamath Sportsmen' association and will take up thu question of bringing gamo across tho stato lino Into Oregon with view to huvlng ac tion taken to bring an end to this problom. llt'TU'K XAMKD J L' STICK , WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. Nomina tion ot l'lcrco llutler, St, Paul att torney, an associate Justice ot the supromu court, failed ot confirma tion by tho senate today tn close of tbo extra session nnd renomlnu tlon In regular session was made necessary. I,a Follette, republican, Wisconsin, nnd Norrlu, republican Nebrusku, objected to Immediate confirmation, MAItKKT ltlM'OUT POUTIjAND. Dec. 4 Cattle weak. Hogs, steady, l.amb weak, sheep steady. Kggs 3c lower, buying prices 40c to 51c, selling 53c, to 57e. Iluttor firm, 'aj. O' V f'Mv: sMilk -. Jsi! -.-.A OFFICIAL PAMb KLAMATH COUNT? AIJ; Ur KLAMAin fMM a p$i Sole Interest of Sttt' to' Prevent Delay in RU-", way Construction ' , ik. i i i, WASIUNOTON, Dec. 4. HI -".H. Corey, Oregon public servtca jjelB mlssloncr, appenred before tiW In terstate commerce commission' todiy In tho Southern Pacific hearlnj.'js'd explained the state's sppssl fir'an order requiring, western road's, ;t connect lines through Centfai Ore gon. Hd Indicated that ralno"rols)tfi In tho Southern Pacific a-plJcit)Si to retain the Central Pacific 'nihil i. It granted, endanger tho O'flsn building proposals. ' . Corey agreed with Fred It. WMd, counsel for tho Southern PaHt, during tho crojs cxamlnatloo, tii't tho sole Interest of Oregon ljjW controversy was to prevent- s-Mr' rassment ot the constructtbnvrds Jcct. He would not agree, howi(er. ' that the creation of an Indepekldnt Central Pacific system would Ct'i bar to his construction desires, btt expressed the opinion that sucYtSf paratlon would eventually work' 'out satisfactory from tho Oregon view point, t Tho chief point, Corey said, wbkh tho Oregon commission desired vlo make was, an agreement of thersl) road systems concerned In such'-sftsn-ncr as to allow construction 'to- 'gito cctd. . . TURKS REACHING OUT Comlcte Coatrot sf ..a..- r. f1sTn-V J .19sni A tlTsir TIslii Mill f UAl.'Ut-.M!iUv4Uec. 4rClssf ;Ji Dardanelles to an waniins tiri-pi Turkish and giving Turkey the rlM to fortify the straits, was adrotsle4 by Foreign Minister Tlchltcherjtl! of Russia at today's meeting ot "til Near Hast conference. Ismet Pasha. Turkish delegate, asked absoluti Turkish control ot the straits with out demilitarization. CONTESTS ELECTIOljIv I T. X. Snook llrlngs Action in Coin ty Court AgiUntt it, C. shrk- ,' Action on the petition tiled with tho county court Saturday by.T. N. Snook to contest tbo election of JR. C. Bplnk as Justice ot peace for tb'n Chlloquln district, and asking that a recount ot the Chlloquln prec'net bo made, has been delayed ' nnd Snook may amend bis orltInt.' (- tltlon and aslc for a canvass oi.au tho votes in tho whole district.: In this event Spink may file n counter action. (iltAXD JUIIV COXV ,'BXKMf' '.-' Tho grand Jury for the December term ot court met In secret sesfljoii this morning at 10 0'cloc.k. 'it.U expected that they will be bus'ijdr the sreator part of this weok.'!'ss there are a number ot mattors'fnV Investigation. At tho close otUhV sosslon tho regular panel wlll'tdV vene. , ,-t,yf V V. S. STAIITH 8UITH .Ml K' I '- l. ?W. JB i Ll'ja " T' riUCTB kiid CWJfsW 'J nnrnfiiDn wLhltt'!- . i't,.n.i'ii ,i WASIUNQTON. Dec. 4, Six - dltlonal suits Booking to recowr. ot $29,000,000 were filed tBMf' against cantonment construction contractors ln tho east, south nnd middle west. WKATHKU I'ltOllAUlUTIKH The O-clo-Stormagraph at Untter-''' "' '' wood's -PharMcrl " him rnffll-al: hlil i!)1 'J'i .- o a oj, slight variations y, . t , J In barqntUt?M,V;v?v nressure duriM - the lt then ''"' days and stlil.tt (n " the 'uniettUs' nr' where ,n 'Urn; tlufc -either dlre4ln may lake ,.! at any' tlsne. 'Thin ' afternoon -the ten dency in ewnwrV tnuiontMCit ., tlnuanro ot unsettled cottnltlana w , , , , probabilities of more mmw lilnt uh; ' Forecast for next: J4."hn4i-s;,"' Vtv Vy , Storm browing to., thn. ilfis Hi. .,.(?,..'? , The Tycns recording thrMM(r .7'"' ' registered maximum and "nlfMwIi',, vv'- ' temperature .today, as ftHnspppfgii;.1 IllKll .MHM).M.)....rt...l.,4w Ji J FiPw iifif,"fi''ii"i'Ai"fiwt' ix ' . , l'f" I;l I If t. ii i. i u ,. i fl f .it i ' Ait" - ".ij . . ' a HMfi,'ft,'jijiWiw''' ,3 . :rs" '7 n W I, .1 Wr s;