The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 02, 1922, Image 1

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Weather forecast
NMienili Veiir. n, (111)11
Increaoe in Amount to Be
Raised Shown In Bud
net Report
should In) liiudn li mine
In Kl:uiinlli county for
11)23, according to Hi" report nf the
budget committee. Thin It mi In
''.'ease of $13,700 over (tin I '.'22 lety.
which wits fS30.23n.27. Tim levy
In Klnnialh Pulls Mill In) about 30
idIIIii im iiimiimi :: r. mill In 1922,
llio liicrcmm being (Inn In general
(ibllgutlult liniiiln fulling ilm.
Tim Inlnl mini In apportioned an
llherlff. $ in. loo ; treasurer. $2,
onoj rlnrl.. $'l3.uo, school superin
tendent, $9)0: curntior, SI, QUO; as
restor, $S.2IU; county luiirl mill
mniinlHliiiinra, $0,C7n; circuit rimrt.
$11,000; Jimtliii court, S3.U0H; nil
Mirlimnn county, $3,000; court
hotlf.t epcnn 10.000; public health
OlIlci'N, $3,fi00; widows' pension.
$9,000; county pour, $1)1.050; stale
homily. $3,000; rcfunil (nxen. $30n;
Jtnrnlln court. 1250; Inniue and
feeble tnlmlcd. $'.00. district ultnr
tiisj. $3.30n, county f.itr lunil. $2..
000; district senter. $186. emergen
y '(unit, $ Total county rati.
IllSte, 1 121, 930 I 'until) I'mnl
Marin t mads. $30,000; rrwd f tin..
.(.',tuv, tvuil.J MIKII IW HIM'I, f .,;
3lnj (Kin ngrlculturol fund und 1
club work, $3,260; county actuint f
t.ix, $70,000; nutitamtlng warrant i
redemption. $20,000; county library
fund, l.'.r.oo. uiuiity fair lti lunil,
.Ppy"iatJoiin f.if 1112,1 I'lnleit.
.Viiw HiIiik Iterehiil
Now Is llio time to npply for n
1323 license for the old biu.
Itrltltlratloo of nulnmoblle fur
1923 has bor.mi, II nni nnuounend
ul Hie i.hrrlfl's offlcu lndny, und I
owners nro luhlsed Hint llni who I
itpl(cl lo hnu thnlr new platen by
January 1 should ;;! busy.
Slliro there life nu.iiOQ liililur ve-1
blclei lii Oregon which Mill require, I
llceiuei within n very short period,
tho dnpiirtmiiKt nl In certain
to bo swuiuieil by a last mlniito rush.
I'lirthitnuore. It wnn f.ilil, .1 strict
enforcement of Hie license laws Is
The sht-rlffn office has n supply
of appllcntloii blanks. If application
In nmdo Immedliitely no lumpurnry
cards Mill be required, kltico nppll
cults will have llio permuuent II
ceiiMo platen by Jiiliuary I.
Chun l.(iier Ainu-rcl I'iiiiii Ap.Hli)
lly .VeiM.pniir I'lilillilly
Oun hundred twenly-rivn purnoiis
nllemlod i he union Thaiihsgivlng
ser Ices at the Iresbyterln church
ThurHdity evening, computed In 10
lusl year, It was said today hy the
Kev, A. I-. Illii' The Increuse Is nt
trlbuled by thn Itev. Kite In u
news article In The Humid pointing
nut the email ullouilniico (ho previ
ous year.
".Many people expressed surprluu
Hint thu ntteuilanm had been m
small," ho said. "Tho story brought
I ho matter to their ultuutlnn ami was
largely lenponslhln for the excellent
utlemlaiii'o Thursday."
Tho Itev. Moore Of the Methodist
chiirrh pi en i lie. d Ijio Thnnksghlnr,
Bermon. '.'.'
Au2 o'clock toiuY' llio Oycl'o-Ston
.! -
Mlefwiioil's Phsu".
uiuoy, wns rcglMer
lij( a.full ljvbn.rM-
limine lire
S1 lit tho ' movement
wan not far enough
,4idvanctit, to Inrtl.'
, eine,, ,ny ueciueii
i'liiiiiRO In went hoc
I'lireeast for next
21 heurs:
(lonorully fair.
w 1 1 h moilni-atii
Thu TycoH lecnrdlng thiii'momutei-
reglstered miixlmum mid minimum
temperatures today ns follews:
1823 T1X LEVY
ey mittee
University Library
Kugrnp, Oregon
V 'DM!
it. or ii. c.
'iii.i:itiiuivinu lid)
II, WiinIi. Hlitdi .1
On itu.i 'I. Washington 3.
('nrii)'ll 'i, I'i'iiii. 0,
N'lliniilin II, Nfiim niiiiiii r,
CuiiIit 4'.'. II inriilltiii 0.
MlHKiiurl 9. Kaimi 7.
Olympic in. Multnomah '.
('(tlnoto 'i, Ciilunililn c.
Itussln HiiliM In lirltiT llrl.illiiill
Willi Ni'li'.liliiilnu Hlnlri;
lloiilinililiilipt .Wiviil
MOSCOW. Drr. 2. A innrm.v
lili'Dt (iilifcitlirn, whlrli I'TflcliiN In'
IIiito Mill bn llio lili.nt IliliiortilMt
nieulliiK over li'IU for llio puriioie of
1 Ik iIitIiik (ho ri'liilloliH of UiimIu fitnl
1 nnlclUmrlnK atntoi. oinim licru to
I ilny.
I lli'slilim 1I111 itiontln nf 11 ri'ilur-
t Ion lii. llio iirmlca of Itiusl.i nml Imr
ilvrlun ttuli. It If oijiccliil tliat iidii.
irnllintiun f tin llultlc nml ilum j
U-r n lollli'iiicnt of nuiitrnl roui'ii nml
frrmtlurs will bo dlacuucit.
Drli'KuloD from I'olnnil. I'liilninl.
Ilmlionl.i, Liilvla, l.ltlmaiila liato nr
rlti'il Tlify nrn not illncniirnr.eil
by llio nbMirn of tlip llouuianlnni,
llOPlllK tlMt If Hi" IIHTlllli: I HIICCIWI-
, ' "
iilimniilii ran lip IiiiIutiI later to
RUlmcrlbo to tlir rjinllllinn niurn.l
IIIkIimmj tu lip (I'rmli'il I 'nun lil.iui.
nlli In Ki'imi I'lnn llrliln
I'lnn for n brlilun nt tlio lower
rrolnK of llm Klnm.ilh river on tlio
Adilnn l-Klamaili hlsliw.iy nro bclui;
pri'imrrd by Hut rtaii- lilr.liiy com
inlnilin, tlin ijr.idlni; of tint Klam
nlti FiilU to Ki'iio nccilou of llm
Kimn ri.iil hiui In i'ii nuthorlti'dt nml
a itci'l brlilKti arron l.on river mnr
vlMerr(U han I'( ncccjUed. Mcordlnr,j
; lo letters rucetipd by tho county I
effort froth the commlsulon.
TIip letters follew:
"At the Inst ir.eetltiK of the high
; way commissU.u, which was held In
rorllauil on November 21, the re,
nlutleii of 'the Klamath county court
transferrin!; to the state highway
commlsMli'ii the steel bridge acroM
, list rlMir nb'iui two miles north
I westerly from tho town of Merrill,
was considered and the commlsilnn
vnto.l iiBniilmnutb' In accept the
stitictore tmnifcrred by your ronrlu
Hon." "In tetpniifo to your reiiuest of
recent dale the iominlr!oii have In
structed thu engineer to prepare
plant nml specifications fur the
bridge nt the lower crosulng of the
Klamath I her on Hie A4hlaud.KI.1m.
nth I'a lis highway, which will be ad
vert bod as soon as the engineering
work in 11 bo ouinpleted.
"The lommlsilon nt the some
meeting iiIho authorized Hie prepara
tion of plans nml specification for '
I lie gnullng or the Klamath rails-'
Kemi section of the Anliland-IUnm
alh I'a lis highway nml the advertlH- J
lug will follow." I
Orxiiuliitleii t'mli-i- W. I', Cramer
It Mbimlug Prnginvs
The city baud will hold 11 dunce I
nt s' hull December fori
the benefit nf the baud fund It wanj
announced today by W. K. Cramer.
bandmnKtor, The band now turn 10
inemhora nml prospects are excellent .
for building up one of Hie best hands !
over had hum, ho said. In nddltliinl
to the local burnt, Cramer han oigan
Ueil a 20. piece baud ul Merrill.
Cramer came hpro frouv tiouttlo
nt tho tlmo nf tho rodeo, lit Seattle
ho played In ono of thu lending Ihea-
tion, UN xon, Keith, 'wliil 'ii with.
him here, Ii a radio exiterr'ulid h
receiving messagei dally from as far
ciiut us Mliiioupolls,
Coiittlei' Ketnlutlliil fellies At Ite.tiilt
HOMi:, Dec. 2. A sorlou.1 (iieok
eimnter rovplntlomiry utitbreak nc
curled In l'atras ami Mlunlonghl, on
tho dulf nf the I'litra.i, In western
(li'oecu ami 011 thu Inland of Cnrouu
where the llrlthh flag 1 11 reportod u
huvo boon mixed aa 11 reHiilt of Imllg.
iiatlou ovoc thu drool; executions,
Hiiyw nn AtliciiH iiiesHiiHOi
tj? laientng
I lends of Railway Mcn'a Or-
sranizatioiio Opponcd to
Separation cf Roads
WAHIIINCJTON. Hit 2.-- I.ulior
IrmlorN who Iihvc olijcrllbiiii to 11
Riaratluti of llio Houlliem I'a
clflc nml Cyntnil I'nrlflc raltrnadH
vro livaril Kulay liy Hid Inturetalo
cointiitrco roiiiinlimluii. Wnrrt-n tt
Klont'. Krunit chief of tlio llrotli
orliuoil of I.Dcomntlvo KiiRlnord.
talil In' fpfircd n nnpnriitlon tt'oiilil
I'liilmiKir fprlouiily lso Inti.-riHit of
tlio macl'n -nt ployo. lli nulil ninny
woulil ham to movo nwny from tho
turmliialH wIhto tliiy liurc iti'.ali
lliheil libniM.
'If tlilH ni;ri'Ktluii tilttd iilnco.'
. n, ..,,, nnmlcn t
olilor liton now on tlio Southern I'a-
cifitf wil hnvn to mato nwny from
lermlnali wlivro thuy lmvu iinb-1
Ibhul Iioiiib nml nnidc tht'inni-l vex
tlaca In lire, ulillo conililvntblu
iiumbiir of ollicm will bo forced
out of employment. Konlority means
I'vcryllilnn to our men In (kit Irnln
en leu. bucniiiio In mort canon they
have uor'xtfd themjcltcK up lo
places of riii'ioniillillliy and regular
ity In eitlployiiieiit'. Keparatloii of
iheno r.illrnadn mratin Iplnn away
by h Mroko of tho pirn accompllnli
iniinta of n Ifcllmo for thiu men.
H'h it arrlflco of the cntlru body.
In Ita r.enrral iiupcot, I r,c-i thin
Mparntlon jiropoiinl an n complete 1
diBtructliin of n Irani-continental j
railroad nml Ihn muklni; of twoj
fipiirth-(Ian mllronilii. It moanul
turning ;rwr tho entlr.i Pacific coast '
In tho'lnlou Pacific." I
t'oniiiilffloncr I'oltor nskod Slono
lhjT .Ijlar -Uiierost.i wotiltr bo
mi'iiaw! If "there Is set up an'ln-
iih - pcmlont Central I'aclflc system.
.with onv line down tho tfnn Joa-
(jul u vutloy and a second to Hacia
meiitn fompdtluK with Southern I'a
clflc." "Ves," Slono returned, "becauso
It will prevent its from transfer
rltiK our men during slack period
In tho HOiith to the northern end
of tho Southern I'.iclflc tyntem.
where thero Is work."
A slnillnr objcclloti to n separa
tion dcrreo was miido by K. A.
iliu, general chairman of the con
duclorH orgaultatlou 011 the South
ern I'aclflc system, l.osn of sen
iority, llio nnconslty of abandoning
homes and. tu some case, loss of
employment. the witness said,
would bu Involved ln n separation
of the two roads.
i I. C. t HI .
IB 'Page o PeT Peeves .
wfm I csa T iw w lV'a --
?l ky vsa "J
Member oF the Associated Press
I'AM.H, OHKOO.V, SATTIHMV, Umttllllllt ti, lta
Mi, j ' ' J f '
Speed Demon jojfj jHeayiptis
Velocity of. Star Io 2,50O?OOO Miles Per Hour, .Har-'
vard Antronomcrs
CA.MI!ltll)(li:. Mann. Dec 2 -
N,,",)r '"" "!"'"
I per liiiur, nr I,lou
half million iiiIIch
00 bllcim-torn pur no
cinl. In thu jipccd-rncora 8ol by thqJBKo. when tho obnorvatory wn Junt
Mar W. C'ephcl, which, ucrnrillni; lo ' bcglnnlnc II tak of nrcicrvlne a
a bulletin ImucJ by thr- Harvnrd col-; photographic hltlory of tho entire
le;o olMervntory, lm been found byjiiky. Since Hint tlmo a "iiky iatrcl"
Hnrvord nilronomcra to to moving
Hi rou j? li Hpnco "Hit a greater velo-
City tllllll that of liar other iilar
whoso tpttcd lias not 4t been deter-,'
Thia itar, n variable gtar of the no.
celled cluilur typts han long been
known to nilroaagfrr. but In jelo -
cny wan never mvaiureil until ro-1
renlly. It In far too faint to be 1
cm with tho imkl ye. belnK of j
the truth iniignltude. it in in tho;
conntollatlon C..pliu. ami In 3S00
light yeara dltant from tho earth.
which meann that Hib llr.hl from It
which nMroiiomi'M now ..... ilimnri.
their lehttconc Mnrto.l on It. iMnrJ1
ney to tho earth In th tlmo rf th '
shenherd klm:ii of Ktvi.l np.rlv nu I
)onr l.e'oru Chrbit. That dlMaticol
In onlv 11 Fm.ill frocilim r tt... .ii.
I tanco from the earth to nomo of thn
more distant ftar-clunlpm. but llio
, ouutAndlni;- fact about HZ Cephcl
H that Its velocity at It files through
upare is the grwilcit yet Uncwn for
a lar
I'i-imcm riiiiipllrnfn! j
Tho speed of the rtar a meas- 1
ured at tho Harvard observatory by (
n roinpllrntpil process nf iiWrn
tlons and computation. Including
ll(iIii TouteM It Xnt
(llniv ilom 11 rlze-fllii Iidii-ih
n ttoiiiitnV' Ml.l!lnnshle telU.ln
j Hie fiilloiilnu art lilo. .Mist Itlnlil
. tins iicliinlly llien-, nllliougli lmr
I iiiiine, of eiiiiiM-, l not Itingsfilo.
Ileie Is llio point nf tteu nf a (Io
nian wliu netcr before wIIii.-mnI 11
ImixIiik rolilrxl, (old 111 her nun
wonts for llenilil re.nlers.)
lly Mlsn Itlnlde
In tho eyes of lr.rltanlcal persons,
as well as those of my family. I fesr
me I've sunk to the lowliest depths.
I tut myself be purstiaded In attend
a prize-fight! Hut all thu qualms
suffered night and day for three
duys before I finally nxreed to at
tend tho Swlndler-Kspvn fight were
for naught, nn I found on the night
of the big event. A prlzo fight Isu't
half the hell It's pictured!
i .' i t .
a ,
Have Determined'"
nmonK cthor-thliiKB thn tbmnarlnon
; of iiholoKniplm rerently taken at
I Harvard with othom taken 31 ypar
ban been kept without Interruption
nt Cambridge, eupplemented by pho
I tocrnnlm Inlcen m tin. ulntlnn nl An.
iiulpa. IVru, and tho hlitory of tho
jftura down to the eleventh magul-
tudc ban beca written by tho atarii
theinnclvun on over a quarter of a
j mllllnn phUosraphle plalca weigh-
Ing la all ono hundred and forty
MenM.rr It,-Pay
Mt''1 "f U,c '''!"v'fl "''o by
' ronomrM. It Is" nald at
i ta,nur'Ke. ro not maue oy iook-
"'B " a leicacope al night, as
l"'pularly nupposed, but by dolnjr
w,lat wn8 dono '" ,he casc of lhls
covery of tho ipeod of U7. Ccp-
'"'' ,,y ,ltl"1'ln'5 on,t Measuring by
''" ln '" laboratory, photographs
taken nt night, und by computing
tho significance of the changes In
the brllllnnco or position cr spectra
of tho stars as recorded on these
Tho discovery of tho Immense
Ktieed of KZ Cuohcl Is said In bu Im.
porta nt to astronomers an suggest-
Ing that this type of variable star
escapes from tho globular clusters,
a hypothesis suggested also by other
recent observations. t
Hnlf S ltii.l . I'lclureil:
Wiirry; Is (Inlnit Again
I .oil
It would bo a conservative fstl-
mate to say that I lost at least two
pounds through worry and another
two Wednesday night when I catered
thu hall, blue with tobacco smoke,
und suddenly became tho victim of
Mago fright. Orlttlng my teeth I
reached for tho back of a bench to
steady my 'trembling footsteps and
then moveJ determinedly forword.
IVekiil Around
After taking my scat, an allottd
space of six or eight Inches, on 'a
bqnch three rows from thu roped In
platform, known as a ring. I felt n
lot better and began to peek out
from under thebrim or my low pull
ed hat. Things wcro taking on a
brighter look.
I had entirely ceased .to blush
(Continued on I'ago 3)
I'l-ufctsor Pelleted In Hiding In
Chicago After Joining Mrs.
Tlernnn Xo, 1
CHICAGO, Pec. 2. John P.
Tlernnn, crstwbllo professor of law
at Notro namo University, divorced
a week ago and married to another
woman In 4S hours only to return
to tho first wife when the divorce
decree, was revoked, today was be
ing sought In Chicago on a writ or
dering a sanity Investigation.
Tlernnn and his first wife, who
left South Ileml, Ind yesterday,
were believed to bo hiding In Chi
cago. Tho sanity test order was
obtained by Mrs, Frances Pulaski
Mrs. TIcrnan's sister.
When Mrs. Ttcrnan, who was at
tho Pulnskl homo yesterday, learn
cd of her sister's action she declar
ed to her sister, ''He's not eraxy;
you'ro craxy," and rushed from tho
houso with her children, taking a
taxlcab to join her husband some
where in thlSgClt).
tliambrr Will Urge All Members to
Pay t'p Purs to Aid riurvrj'
Determined Hint Klamath county
shall get Its share of the settlers
that will bo coming West as a re
sult of tho $2,000,000 advertising
campaigns being put on cow by Ore
gon and California, every director of
the chember of comtnerco will take
the field with their teams Tuesday
anyWcdnesday of tho costing week
toJbrhsevcrr member of the chain-
t0.lCi'nvt&o,nSt,vc' Pnl'I-uP list, which
wfn'fniure. sufficient funds to pub
lish' tho comprehensive county sur
ey now being made by tho chamber
of commerce committee.
Iteallxlug tho Importance of tho
publishing of this survey, and also
tho necessity of having sonio one on
every loam who H well Versed In CJf
activities or the organization, tho
board decided at Its recent meeting
to divide up on the several teams.
auu not 10 quit worK until every
member was paid up and funds
available, not only to publish the
survey, but to maintain the organi
zation during the balance of tho fis
cal year.
A meeting of all tho team cap
tains will bo held In tho chamber of
commerce rooms Monday noon,
when the prospects will bo divided
and the districts assigned for the
two-day campaign. An effort will
bo made to maintain a permanent
roster of not less than 300 active
Annual Drive Klnricd lly IteU Cross
Tu Combat Tuberculesis:
The sule of Christmas seals to
rulsu funds for the purpose of com
bating tuberculosis began Krlday un
der the direction of Mrs. a. A.
Krause, who will be assisted by Mrs.
I-:. I.. Davis, Miss Clara Calkins and
Mrs. Heorge Stevenson ns well as by
the children In all the schools of the
Mrs. Krause was In charge, of tho
sale of seals last year and, although.
sho was highly gratified by tho re
spouse at that time, she hopes the,
sales this year wilt reach a higher
figure. All business houses have
been supplied with tholr quota of
seals which they will sell to their
The school chlldrou alone last
year sold $300 worth of tho Christ
mas seals.
ClurviH'o Smith, Unheard From
Hlnco Muy, Needed Hy Mother
Clureuco Smith, an edgerman,
somotimes culled "Olllo" or "Duko,"
Is being sought byi his brother-in-law,
W. C. Stanley, of Portland,
who states in a letter to tho cham
ber of commerce that Smith's nioth
or's health is fulling becauso she
has not beard from her son slnco
last Muy,
Smith Is described as being 3C,
a largo inun, and partially gray.
He has been working In mills of
this section for years and Joined
tho army horo or at Weod. His
parents live at Grants Pass.
Stanley has asked tle chamber
of commerce to aid In locating tho
missing man,'
. . -jii1
official wnfoKi
- -'-"-
Annual Report of War Sec
retary Upholdt N4l' f
More Trained Men j,
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2, Tbtrfi
sent authorized regular Stair
strength of 12,000 officers and Ti.-
000 men "Is Inadequate" for.natlM
at safety, and further cuts' wtuUjM
"Inexcusable", Secretary Weekids
clarcd today In his annual report to
congress. .'"
"Wc should seize the tint oNr
tunlty to brim the regular aratf
back to the proportions which', ire
required", he wrote. "Ve Maat
ever again make the mistake o' im
peding good soldiers to rlierr
nlght and good officers to be turted
out In quantities la three saoalh's
periods. ,
"Wo are making procress, ahi
any progress Is good progress, 'fits
progress Is, however, scant, and. not
really enough. Any further ells'
would force ns to lose whit we kive
gained, and would accordingly be la
excusable, -r
"It has taken tlmo snd mosey td
build what we have. It has ikiia
blood and money .to prove'liatwe
havo not, even now, what' wtBM4.
Wo should when practicable 'a4' to
what wc havo and attain to 'Ui'iroJ
gress called for' In our 'defea''Vf'p
Ject under the terms of .Ue. laWy
Officer Cerra Bat'iiriusi's i-V'
Declaring the officer. , corpe.'.i'li
really the backbone of our 'BiUl'tity
system," Weeks said that stHt
for tho future mast ret'.ti9Mi'ni
foundation of our lea'dersaisV'' ,'' ''
"I do not belittle the eklhtted sasU .
ours Is the beat la the.-warMJjaW
conunoeu. ""it ir becaaie raMMH
nto hlra that I eaphssfie tha.'itJ
for officers to giro tie saldUrkia
best opportunity to fight for Hdi
country and for his life. a .
"Wo must have officers sattlahW
to handle tho great army of'fa
United States. Wo bare uot ikso
officers now, '
"Our rcscrro officers are the tltit
to complain that their preseat lack
of training Is causing them to' loli
the knowledge that they gained, ia
the war. Where Is there any trac
ing to come from? Ouly throttfi
tho regular -officers.
Safety at Slake '
"In my last annual report I stat
ed that, with 18,000 officers autkeif
(zed. we would not hire eaottg,('
do all that might profitably, be ,UeaV.
Now I must state that wo Hare absol
utely not enough to do what Ixj.'Pii
cossary to our safoty as an ofiraaJi
ed stato. "
"I appreciate the urgency of, our
financial situation that urovonlilul
from rcachlug our maximum , ,'.
qulremcnis. I can not bellore.'ho.
evor, that the Importance of' tkji
need Is fully recognized by all, who
do recognize the urgency ot,.tlie'fl
anclal problems.
"I earnestly advocate a reconstit
uting of our officer body to .a. mini
mum of 13,000 at the earliest, if ti."
Mr. Weeks said he was confront,
ed, like most of his predecessors,
with tho necessity of appearjpgjVe'.
fore a peace loving pooplo.'Jotilrge
bluntly and earnestly tho cotjiled
attention to their needs for. .dtfe'n
slvo preparedness," 'j-P
Preparedness Uraed ' .'
1 .
"It it Is unwelcome, i li Bojlew
true that Americans, like, all iir
pooplcs, are subject to the taw which
punishes thoso nations 'who' fall 'to
"My conclusions are not entirely
welcome at this time, when people1
havo been hoping that nations kjtd '
learned to avoid conflicts of force,"
ho continued. "My conclusions are. , ,, ry lU
novertholoss, that we1 iaoulbf cOatla'
uo to preparo for such coafllcU,
v.....,... .. ,i. ' .jl;. 1
preparoior aeicnso, as weii as iseea -
who fall to strlvo for peace.1' 'IVt !
"Wo aro right to feel tQMtiiWfprfyZJA
our strunnth. Ilut' we shall aetilr ' ' . " "1
deservo and fulfill our destia i.
copt through the study of our HH
faults and tho painful eradtcstfoiiial
detects. A truo Araerieea'. lt. hsj
not only proud of our'Uararylag stic
cesses, but also humbly awaa tlut
many of thesu succeM.lwWsM4y
won, und that In all ot"ir"'itBlHmit "
success cam onlyt after thi ahirlfp .
nt many brave souls lo our. Uetl
gence of the teadesey-'tB b k ,.
V v
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