M- V Page Four" THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Journal of the Old South Road (Cimllnuid from Yesterday) NfJTKH AN'l) ItKMINIHPKNCKH OV I.AYINll.pl'T AND lUITAlrf.lHII. INII TUB Ol.l) KMIUIIANT I10AI) INTO HUll'rimitN OHK. (ION IN 'I'lllJ VIJAIt IMfl. Hy Lindsay AiintitaU Al Foil llnll tlin purly of four met limy would likely llavn eipiirluriiml on tint oIIiit riiiiln, ami auinii or llmii, not uuderalandliiR lint slum (Inn fully, becaimi In fee I oil wltli ifw aplrlt of poraecutltin, hlcli hnil l orlKln Hjlh Hut lltulioii Hay coin Hubert Hnillli rniiw lo Orwiu In IM;l, from Missouri. .N'ollvo hIiiIc, Vlrnliila, lln now rnsMim t Un bend of lliu Yoiicnlbi viillny, In DuiiKln iminty. , Mr. Hmlth In ii mui-lit-lnw of Clmrli'M AiiIknIi, nnrl hrnllmr lo Mra (lovnriiur Hind-wick. aSS-t wi:ixi:hd.y, xtiv. at, una. ADM II I M rutMI In t (rill fiit-tnli. itiititituifM ,. .. im.niunriiiiii. iruin or immM ,lMhn ,jiy won, ulnul ut In htnr puny, iiml Jolnml In cliuritlnK im wild i yum 'Kit aptikii Ili.t Himko Imiikii li-udlm; III ii Iruvnl awity, frput lim '!" fluently, nnd wim of xr'nl mtr noitlinrii routn for iiuriMifign of pnr- At the Theatres TIIM hTIMWl "Tin' Now Moon". Norma Till inliiljtn'a Intent Hiilrnlik pli-turo In wlilrli alio Ik preaoutiiil liy Joseph M. Kcln-iiili innlRtit lit Hip Hiram! tlu-n. Muai'ifjlarrla, ntllml "Muck Ilnr- tin, Iriiaii nn'd llirilllnK drnrita of rn." ciinio lo (IriiKmi In IHH, from i Ittiaalnn lionie'llfo in It mist today. inn uncKy inouniiiiiiK, wiicro lin had lii'tiri ii sniul nml trappor for ninny Cl'iilili. with anion of whom tlioy wrrn iiriiiaiititi, wlm ilrclilnil in riliiin lo OrrKim liy wny of our rout'. Thin Irnln rlosnly followed our mm. punlniia pii Hii'lr rnturn, uml rein-hod hi n,.rniK Yiumy uciorit our in-pnr volo of lln infill horn. niro. iii'iorn NinrtinK on nit morn inn of Inly I llli, ii amall pnrly of viiiiih: ini'ii from Hut lininlKraut II l not n wur plitnni, nml liua no war Acnnna In ll, litit In.thc Htory of 11 Russian ,1'rlnrns, Marl" l';i vUvnii, who In nltHcki'il In her ra.tln'liy alj Vlco lo un nil Hut plain.. In m-j amirr-hlst and fori od to fler for miff. MirniMi to inn htiituii In 1847, na ly In Iiit liurrli-il t'sainn h In .mi buliln to Dr. WJilli', tho aupnrlnlnn- !iirati-d from liar fliinm.. Mlvlmll Ko Iho burden of persecution, wIiotchh, j "U'lil of Ipdlnn nffalra In Orrson, nml liiynr. To Inmiro Iiit saffty tjio If uny inpiuliiT of Mix parly wan mil-1 ",,'l nl' Iti'lcprnildnn', Mo I'rlncim illKulo licrndf tu n pcan- roiiMiiu itiiHimi.VT iiciii: i I'llm Tho llor. . II. Kceiie, pantor of tlin Mi'thoiluit church hero nlno yi'.im n;;o. In hero today In con nertliiti with the Wlllamotlo Unl vnmlty MidowuiGnt drive, Itccenlly lliit Itnv, I"io linn liocn living In Wallowa, llo Jcnvcs tomorrow for Klniuntli nenncy. Ilun Dtnoiillicr' flouml hfttcr I l.nnt l,onK"r: ('out no nmre: llrnnK-' wick Hecords. Currln'n Tor HriiHn I 29 mrttiMl hy Improper iiioIIvmi In mii-k-' John Kcntl. n moii of Cnpt. J,iivlinl ;lrl mid rjofn lo n nlKlihorlnf lug to npitii Hut roail, nil wi-ro i-(iul- Hit t, iiimn In Ori'iton with hltt fulli-1 provlnii) wliuro nln Inkm refiiKo In ly Utility, ii tin pnrly wim Koviinntd' I it In IK44. Hit, now rcnlilea m-nr J n "H lr. In nil Ha proii'lliiN liy u inujorlty I Dult.to. I'olk rouiily, Ori-Kon. Aa a poaalliln tniiina of flndliiK n Milium (I I'nrlcor. u native or,''1'"' '" "" whrrcnlmuU if Mh lout i Thi efforta of tint Iliuliion liny Mlanourl, rntup to Op-koii In H4:i ! flHtieo. Mlchall licriiiiiiM a incmlicr of ! compuny to put down (hit rond, prov lln n-nldnd muiiy yu.ira In Callfornlu l"'" Atmrcliljl Cluli under tho rulo of No matter which doctor wrllea j your iffi-icrlptliyi, collojit training . nml nlxlM-n year nxperlnpcn onnhln ' "a to fill It correctly Ciirrln Sara So. 2fl : Currlna hc nlarm clocka. Raw Furs Boys don't forget to trap tho coyotes. I Will pny you good prices for them this season. Marvin Cross 113 N. 4th St., After Dec. 1st. 2 9 ;;zz:;j;zzzz , -.''" -.. . :r . ... . r....,.,,,, u. . , KT.;fr. irniii Krnerouaiy voiuuii'rrnr lo iifii , : ,' . , : :. i " " " ..iii..iiiy . una hmIi in upaiilim H. ' S- 1. . WOr0 . . I '" r"g,m' """ k,",,m ,,M' """ road T A em. Tl.o.nna I'owera. ' ?,no ","1 "l,r'"'l"'' '"'" )"r. ( l,,,ui.e. tin. rond from Aahlnml to lliirif. Hlmw. Cnrnnlmn, Alfred """""J lc"P1,, ,"'m ?" I",,,r,n, '' "III... Mr l-nrker la a aon-ln-Hiitunrl. rimrl ilnnm. mid w.ii 'V " "f lta, ' "" a ,"r I,or"0" I " "' C'"P- H,,Io"1" Trtheron. the oiliurn mIiiikii mi men I now dlire ineinlier. A llnunork Indian, from iihout the hi'iid of Hunke river, nlail Joined in Thla lucrt'turd our rond pnrly In twiiuty-ouit men, eictualve of iti'iitt nod (luff, who rnmnliird lo Itulde nml litherwlai) nanlnl tint lln iiilcrntita on Ihelr wny to OrrRiin Niillilim worthy of uieiillon occur- led iIuiIiik our return alone the val- MentiHlille, Into the peace of the' I vlllnire whern tint I'rlnieaa la find- Iiik nil Hi') happlneiK piiinllile with lout Mlchnll. rnmen the dcree laatiedl of Urn pnpulnllou pf our Htalo unlcr- ; old moiinlnln man, mid n hrothcr to hy Kti'onntt. onlerliiK all the wo-' ed liy thla ehnnnel nlflcunt furl Hiut tint Krent tlmr ouithfure of lodny, from the Wllln ,.n ... ,.,u P...VUH cnim, nnu ,,k ,, (,f. , ,U (1(M, llirnrii out throURh tin. Uko roun. W,lch occurred. I helleve. In tS7V. II la a very ale. iMra. .leami Appite David (ioff came lo Orecnn, from , .MiM.iiiri, in mi... lie rcaniLMl in try and vn lo tlin lluiuholdt, dvpnrta Mnd mui' linlveranlly reaperled. Mo ..,., . ,,. .,. ro,,,n u.n.vu o.ii j wfl, ,c flll(.r.,.bw , ,.. j, W. in.- rum. i.iiiipiiiiy, u. eura nun. Nenmlili Tlumn who nr.t converaant with men In Iho province lo reglator for tho piirpnao of niitlonnlltnlton. While aome of lliu women lire duped Inlli' liellevlni; that It will he for tholrl iii koii in rcKintiT, uie rrinceaa knoua the true liieauliiR of the edict ami rcfunea to roRlsler. TLXZM2XXX3XtXXJXTadH ted uuiiiiK our return nloiic the vol- j ..,. ,,,, ,,.., ,, ,i lit'' facta, know Hint that portion of ley of the llumlmldt, nml not until I ,.... ,. .'., ii left the rlv.tr mill proceeded weal' . I II L H KlllU.I VW limakHla (in .alnlla oil I ward toward. Illnck flmk. The flr.t I T" '.""".' ""'" "" """ I river we i nlchl nfler liavliiR the pi'iit at tint aprlnn found by Hoot I llenjmuln K llurch camo to Ont- lln. route, from tho Humboldt to tin.' """. """ !'.U nn,lv" ',,a", "'. in ia. ir. ijurrn una ionic beiin atnelea In the way of the ronalrtlC-, " ,,r""tn" " . " '" "r K" """'"' ie now reniuea ui nnicni, nnu la aup tlon of it rnllroad, and hud the On tral I'nclflc iiiiiipaiiy located their i riltifl ,iii l.titl v.,,,... (. i ll.,,li,.lj.i Thla w called Diamond aprlrnt. Uf - ,; I enchlnK thla point about noon, wo Uow ,,, Sacramento ktienl aeleri.l lunlpa In illiretn .nil tft V ' r.,....,, -.-. -. Imaln nt tint aprliiK, which aoon fill ei with pure, cold water. Hfteen llillea travel, tho Iiml day, over a kooiI route. brotlKht ua, nt erlnteudnnt of the alato penitentiary. Jeto Applcuaie wan born In Ken lucky, ami mine to OrvRou In 1S43. Ha now realdea on Mount Yoncallu, - i . Tmluy, Ihry would duubtlea hav , ln ""URlaa county. OrvKon i auved mllllnna of money In the orl-! I.lndaay Appti-gate, alio a natlvo , Rlnal coat if tho road, aa well aa In of Kentucky, came to Orexon In I kecpltiR It In order, alncn tlin anow-jlMS .Vow a rcaldiml of Aahland, fall would never have been aorloua- . Jarkailu county, Ori'con. I . .. -, ... . a I " ' ii'i.vi MHic uvni iviinua' i vuiiiii( wiVkl'il, rj; Z$ nn.'tr.r'r ' ;, - r ,,ven ,n u, mcrc" -Tb" - "- ot -" Idernbly. and. at about 2 p. in. tooV ' . "" . , ,,mrn ' "m not aMv 'rrate. up our lln.i uf murrli for Illnck Itock. wlilrli we reached at nlnhtfall. Af ler we were out two or three mile from Diamond aprlnxa thla mnrnlncj uiir IliiunncV lilan illarnVrrr.il lhalt he Iiml left hla Imicher-knlfo. nnd ty! Ihn r,""n,"'Jf l,""Jn "P. ""oat to Hilt hla pony lo n aaRe-blUh. alnrled I " '""", "' """" '""",,"c rnrac III rnnclualon, I will recall the nnmea of tin. road company, with a few facta relative of their lilatory. I rnret that It l not practicable to innkn tlii record more ample, but iincK to ttie npriiiRa on n run, aup poalnK he could eaally ovurinke ui, ii a we would be delayed considerab ly at Itabblt Hole nprlnm; nt nny r.ite, liu would lin no trouble In following our trail. W'o aaw him no inure, and conjectured that he mtlat hnvn fulltm a prey to the DIr R.ira. who coulluiiully ahadnwod ui na wn traveled throiiRli their cnun- tura, who wuru not aaliitlea with n quiet, aplrllleva life, and many of them Inn aKo, wtr loat to tho Ditto community, "over .In I'olk," where they first aettlod, aa l buy removed to oilier purl loin of the Mate, or went ou Into adjacent torrltorlra to acek tholr fortunva. I'ndor tho clrcum atnncea. It hua been Impractlcablu to learn Ihn whercubouta of lumo of try. alwioa ready to profit by any 'J"""' "r ,' K1n,,,rr. "ueh fnrU rola- uilvmilnRi. Riven them. No clrcumatance worthy of men. Hon occurred on tho monotonout march from Illack Itock, to the tim bered rnRlona of thv Cascade chain; then nur Inborn berainn quite nrdil nun. livery day we kept Ruard over (ho horien while Wn worked the live to their later history an would amplify and ndd Interest to their biographies. I'crhnps fow compan lea of men ever performed audi a rampalcn without repeated quarrels nnd oven aerloua altercations, but Iho monibera of tho Old South Head company bore together Ih.t trials and privation of tho expedition with rnnil. ninl nt nlahl wn .tarn,! nnl ca.o our vlRll.nce. for tho IndUnil" lf0r"'V""? " forbe.rlns plrll, continually hovored about ut. neek. B1ml ,helr mil u.l burden, and tho lnR for advantaRo. liy tho time wa M"" 1,, hk l! th'f wcre ',x,,0,,"1 hud worked our wny tl.roiiRh the " 1 ovelopod nnd atrenKtl.. mnuniulna to the Uoru., rlvor Vlll. "",' 'heir frload.hlp. A reunion of ley. ami Ihrn IhrouRh the Ornvol ihnm, " uch ,hlnR Practicable. Creek Hllla mid fmpuua chain, e' """'" ,' " """'" "' .':"" " wero pretty thorotiRhly worn oul.l0"" ,0 '' r.in.ombore.l by Ui vet- Our Mlnck nf nr..vl.l..n. l.n.l umwii . ' ' -""" "" I'li'-auie. uiiiii With the conaclouancsa that I havo ondenvored faithfully and Impartial, ly, though briefly, to relate tho bis tory of (bo South Itoad expedition, I cloae thla unrrallvc. linplnR that my effort to preserve thla much of the hlatory of tlin early day may Inaplro other "old timer." to relate their ex. perlvncei, also. I am fully awar that memory la uncertain, and that a numbor of error, may havo occur, red In my narrative from thl. reas on, but I place It boforn the peoplo with confidence that It Is, In Ihn main, correct. In dolnR ao. 1 uk no other reword for tho labor of Ita preparation, than thnt Ita perusal may cnuae Hie peoplo to think more kindly of the old pioneer.. ' (The end) ne;w today Till: UIIUtTV ICvery human emotion Is pictured,! uml all tho element, of a really sreat photoplay nr? lo be found lit "A . Holl'a House." which tlm Brent Nazi-, inovn, who iiindo thl. play tremen i doualy popSlar on the apoaklns ta;n baa transferred to the acreen In her. flrat production for t'nlted Artists, j and which will bo aecn today at tho Liberty theatre. There la comedy and pathos, omn , to tint point of laujrUlcr and tears, (hero la humor In tho alluatlona wbernln Nora, tho doll-llko wife, tho character pictured by Natlmava, make, her odd nnd ludicrous mis takes aa u houae-koepcr and aa a j mother of two beautiful children and a tiny Infant, and there la tho lesson , for all women nvcrywhoro tliat brings nut tho big paint In tho piny, j namely, that every woman has tho rlxbt to control her own destiny, to tho development of her own Individ uality and personality. I All these element, ill thla .film version of tho sreat lb.cn drama, aa produced by tho' octrees who made Iho character of Nora fauicu. in every principal city In the United State, nre broiiRbt out In ull tholr J fineness of detail through tho InM tollable. Rcnlu. of the inimitable .VnJmova. I I'iN'i: tiii:k . 'Hoported MfvlnR,,...iarrIiiR Ow en Moore, which I. at the I'lno Tree .theatre tonight and tomorrow was i I mado by the Seltnlrk company In ' their studio In the Kat. Ita cast. howrver. wua recruited from Ihn KUHNISHKD three room house for bet aereen player, to bo found In Ave:nS,!o!?o0.,!unhZ,A0un,o,,crn,:,''h " om W... 1 I SIM' very ahort, and wo had to dopnm, lo n Kreut intent, for auatounnco, upon Riimn. Itoad working, liunllup, tind Kimnl duly, had taxed our atreiiKth great ly, mid on our arrival In the t'nipijua valley, kunwIiiR that Ihn Rrenlenl illfflculllea In tho way of tint ImmlRrnnt had been remov ed, wo decided to proceed nt once to our home. In tho Wllluiueltu, Then. they, ton, ahull pass away Into the grrut unknown, The Jliuut Coinpnny Oupt, l.ovl Hcott, u natlvo or Il linois enmo to proson In Kjl, from near lluflliigton, Iowa. lie wan In iho early daya,quln n croiu Ineut iniin In Oregon affair.. He wan n iiiembor of tlin atntn constltu- tlonnl convention, dipt. Beott lo. wi arrived on tho 3rd day, of Octo. cnted Jlcott.ViirK. on tho Umpqiu KUHNISHKD ONI.' room cabin Col. onlal Itooms, 11th near Main 29-2 KOlt HAI.i: Pln lin..,lii.or Hliil. tourlnc car, In flno shape, alx Reed cord tires; Ile.t buy In towu. Will consider .mull cur na part pay ment. Dnlnnco on easy torm. Ad drua. llox 300, Humid. 29: KOH SAI.K -Uprlsht piano, Ivory bod room et. Torm. to right party. 41 1 Oak 8t, 21). ! Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner with ull tho trlmmliiRa at Home Hostaur unt 11.30 to 2, alno from S tit 7-30, "Go u pinto, but fieo If you ay ita not worth thu money. 2! her, IKIli, luivlUR been nb.nut throo uiouthi ami thlrteon day.. During nil thla tliim our frloqd. had heard nothing from ua, and ronlltliiR tho dntiKiToUH charactnr of our oxpodl lliiji, many believed In tho now which aoiuii tlmo buforo reached thorn, Hint wu had ull boon murderod by' tin. Indiana, Aa noon an wo could possibly muko lliu nrrmiKoment, w0 sent out n par ly, with oxen and horse, to moot tho Immigrant!) nnd aid thorn lu ronchliiR tho Wlllamattn aottlomont,!, Kiir hi aa.l.tnnco wo mado no' do inanil; nor did wn tax thorn for the unb of tho rond, an wns ullogod by pnrllca Inimical to nur oiitotprUd. It had boon thu distinct undortttiil Iiir t tin t tho rond ahoiild bo (rijoand I lib coiiscIoiihiipbh of Imvlnf -ibetter moitiiH of nccosa to tho eoiintry ihau wnH nffordod by tho exponslvo mid diiiiitoroua routo dowu tho Columbia, which wo hud tried to our sorrow, would bo nmplo componuntlon for nil our luliorn uml liirdlipii In oponluu tho south rond. Of coiiruo our ontorprUo woh op posod by that mighty monopoly, thd IIuiIhoii nay company, whoso lino of forts and trading posts on tho Col uniblii nffordod tlnjm raro opportunl tlos far trndo with tho Immigrants Muny of tho Imiujsraiitit who follqw. od ua durliiR tho "fall of 1910. had a hard tlmo, though not ua hard u rlvor. Ho I now over eighty year of ,iiRo, and, I bellave, reside In I. am. county, John Jouea, usually known as "Jack" Jonei, tho wajr of tho south roud expedition, camo to Oregon from Missouri, 1843, Slnco thou, ho ho boon u wanderer. For many year ho resided In Callfornlu. aud, It living, In now In Idaho, I bollevo. Natlvo slate, Mlmourl, John Owohh crossed Iho plains In 1843. from Alla.ourl. lln wna I ttilnk,, a natlvo of that itnte. Havo no knowlodgo of his whoreabouts, Honry IIorrus eamu from Mis souri In 184r; Ho was u flno look. ng, Jovial uml lutulllgonl young man, 'uml w(i worn ull muoh, attach ed to him, Wli probably inunlore( by Indians, near Kort Hull.'nftor ho loft us, n 1N4U, to return to his homo In Missouri. Natlvo State, Missouri, Willlnm Sportamnn crossod tho plains In 184C, from Missouri, which wns, I think, 'his native state. Ho loft Oregon In 1847, ,pnd I liiiyo no knowlodgo of hs presont whoro about, Samuel Cloodhuo, a natlvo of New York, camo to Oregon in 1844, He afterwards buonnio n uoii-ln-luw of Davidson, tho old pioneer, nnd i number of year, resfdpd about Haom, Whou I last Jionrd of him, ho wu. lu Ohio, 8li:0IAI. Thank.RlvlnR dinner, J1.&0 par plate. Kindly phono In your reservation. . WHlTi: I'KIJ. O.IN 1IOTKI,. 29 iHbVH aasl II KOll 8AI.K A Reed, light Ileo truck. A bargain. Cull Kmlers' HUqo Storp. 29-U CONCIIKTK SEWKU TII.K Much stronger and bettor than uny oth or typo of tile mado lu Klamath Kails. Klamath Kails l'lumblng & Ht-utlnR Co. hono 515R., Cor. Kourlh and 1'lno. 29-7 SAV IT WITH INSUItANCF. SaylnK it with Insurance would be much mora appropriate and will meun a groat deal mora to her If you are suddenly taken away than suyliiK It with flowor. Whnt could bo better than to order a Christmas Wosont from tho fs'ow York l.lfo. They hnvo boon proloctliiR Ameri can firesides fur 78 years. Seo l M; llitrko, local rnpresontuUvo. room 30C Wlntora WiIr. I'hono 324J. 29 Tho ubsouco of meclinntcal nol.es ha mado tho IIKUNSWIGK ruinous among phonographs, Currln Says So. ' 59 IToVertson' Chicken Tauulos, wuotfsuU and retail. 1113 Malu St. f I3tf rr-t Try tho Hot Springs Bath House. 24-1 HVPryhody likes candy. An Ideal Rift for many occasions. Currlii's soli Reed whnlrsonio Mnilos that nro ' OWCMvJ MOORE- inRCPORTCD MISSIN SCUNICK PICTURES son, best known among tho black face comedians who frequently ap pear In pictures was brought ou from I. os Angeles especially fqr tho Im portant rolo ho has In tho produc tion us was also Togo Yamamoto who has long specialized (u Orien tal "heuvles," Paulino (Jaron, who plays tho loading femlnlno rolo, was recruited from tho "I.llos oj. tho KJoJir' com pany piayiDR ou liroauway, Mta Niildl Jas aupported Mr.' tbore In a number of previous productions. r.T7 rtV. Take u gooil.mlnernl bath it I tlin Ijot Springs liatti Huijso. 24-1 Currlna sell Reuiilno .KODAKS. 29 tro.h 29 With All Trimmings Complete $U)0 WHITE LUNCH ' 11221. THANKSGIVING DAY LEWIS J. SEL2HICK pmrnlt repomud MISSING" OWEN M00RE TONIGHT 'AND THURSDAY ALSO Jjmmie Aubrey in "THE CHICKEN PARADE" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "The Loves of Pharoah" Paramount's Big Special I Playing At The Liberty Henrik Ibsen's Classic Production "A DOLUS HOUSE" Featuring the great Russian Emotional actress NAZIMOVA If you care for the better class on the Ecrecn, if you appreciate real art, you must see "A DOLL'S HOUSE." Every woman, mother, wife, sister, daughter, should see the great Nazimova's portrayal of wom an's supreme rfght to her own individual ity. And Nazimova is art, plus. Sunday "Grandma's Boy," Featuring Harold Lloyd. AN OPEN LETTER TO THOMAS EDISON Mr. Thomas Edison, Orange, N. J. Dear Tom l Here's a questionaire for yeu: How long is a piece of film? Why? How many laughs in a mile? Which mile? Why do cats eat goose-grease? Do they? If the 5,000 people who will see HAROLD LLOYD in "Grandma's Boy" at the Lib erty Theatre next Sunday, all laughed at once, would the energy generated be en ough to send a night letter to Mars? Why? Did .you ever hear of a funnier comedy than "Grandma's Boy?" You haven't? Well neither have we. Cordially, H. W. POOLE. Aucti ion of Sale DAIRY COWS I will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidders without re serve and regard less of price Two carloads of high-grade Dairy Cows from the Willamette Valley At the O. K. Feed Stables, Klamath Falls, Oregon Thursday, December 7, 1 922 Sale starts 11 A. M. rain or shine This herd of cows consists of about 30 head of high-grade Holsteins that are just fresh with calves at side or coming fresh soon.. These are very heavy producers. Also several extra fine heifers coming fresh. Two registered Holstein bulb 3 years old that are first class. One large registered Holstein cow coming-fresh. Balance of this bunch of cows are Jerseys and milkingstraiivDurhanis that are fresh with calves by side.Heavy springers with butterfat tests from 4.2 to 6.4. Every cow tuberculin, tested. ilJIiAMLifll1 Alsp several fine heifers coming fresh. If you are looking for a real cow or a bunch of cows that will produce, come to this sale. Terms Cash or Bankable Paper Don't Forget The Date ift'J:! THURSDAY,' DECEMBER 7, 1922 J. K. GREER, Auctioner CHAS, TAYLOR, Owiwr , MiH, i ii i Don't fail to read the Herald Classified Ads. "iu l ii HI .