t rWtiM uiriiHii.lv, nvmitnt an, iifca THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON O rr7 4 M. N (: 7 A? Journal of the Old South Road (Coiilluiied front Vnnienlny) NOTIIM ANI IMVMINIHCIJNCirH 01' I.A1INU )IT AND I'KTAIIMHII IN'Cl 'I III! 01.11 UMIHKANT IIOAU IN'IO HOI'TIMJIIN 01111 (ION IN THIS YHAIt 1 8 ID. Ily l.lmlmiy I'ltllll 'lllll' Appll'Klllll 3 t I l.iil.i In llm HpiliiK In 'llli lleneil On llm tmirnlMK of .Inly r.lli wn loft nur rum i mi llin llllln I'lctik (inm i iilli i llni creek), mnl colli lininil our rmirao iileiii: tho alinro of Lower Klniunlh I. uk ii. Tlih threw tin off mi r riiiirnn nunililernbly, im lln lake stenderi fniiiin mil'' In Him south mini of nur lant rump, mnl did mil rivii li llm eastern uliiim mull the day wn fur apent V ramped on llm Ink" aluiro, nml llm noil innrn Inn. July Clli, n nurended n hlftti rorhy rlilUn In llm eiialwnrd for Hn purport! of innkliiK nbaerriitlons Ni'itr Hi" Im"" of llin HiIki'. mi llio pint. ni n hrK" lake, prrhnp Iwnnt ty mlliN In Iciinlli lliyond II. In llin l-nitwiird. wo roulil n ii lint In ri-il hut tr, nppienll llllrly mile illilnnl. .it 'till! Ii.imi of vvlitrli Hiero iiiiilli'i It) Im u low piiM thrmiRli Him iillrtiiilnlii rutin n which henliied In encircle llm lake lmln tl appcnrliiK prncllriililn to rcnrli tliln pirns hy i;mliir. nrnmnl thu norlli mnl of llm Ink i wi ileilded to nd,.;it Hint route mnl lii'Ritu Hn ileiroilt nf tlm rlili:. Iml w.. noon fnulnl niimehcM In tlm mtilit nf nnv extremely rur.Kid rutin try. Short linn rllyrn rtm In nory rouefltiihlo illrerllnn. whllo between Ihi'til were eavei nml rrnvlrea Into which II scorned nur nnlmats Horn In dnni;er of fnlllrir: hnmlluin; Tim further w nihaiirrd tin wnrao bo rnmn Hid rntiln. no thai nt leiiRlli we derided lo retrace nur elepN lJ III" smooth ronnlry Thin was illlflrull. na iltir horses ttatl heroine m'punitpil iiunftiiR llm rorki, nail It wiyi junto lllrfo to iifnrc we nml.l ccl Mem to Setjier anil ml urn to tlm npon ffrmJliU Then wo dhrovered ihBt Iiihii nf llm itintiiilnliiH on nur lufi, nml nmniitpol fui llm ulitlil Aflnr ulnij llm nlkutl iilcr nf Lower K liiiniitli liilin llin previous nli;lil, llm ftnidi, colli wnlcr nf llilii sprint! wan a mnl I usury Thorn was plniiiy nf ilry wood ami mi (iliiinilmiru nf Rri'i'li criimi fnr mlr nnlimilit. nml wn iujii)i'il Dm iiiiiii osrccdliiKly. Hit llm: iiriiiiml nur flrn Hint nvitnlnit, o illRPiiMdil llin adventures of llm punt fnw iluyH In Hits now nml ulruiiKn Intnl. Tim plrPUiiiHlinrii nf tlm Inst iluy linit hcon particularly luliiri'iHtiK. Our iidwiiturn In llm rnrlm; llin rnlrent nf tlm wlinln Mil lion Irllm In ii fleet nf thirty or for ty caiiea nrnnn tlm lain from (Inff; llin RliiRul.irli nf Hik niitiirnl brldim! llm Mini tl ti lit n nf t ii lo urniiml llm lnl:n,'ntul tlm fnrt thai llin hko wan tin Independent hoily nf wnlcr. worn uHliJcrU nf pnciill.tr I li In re I nnl only Inlomilfli'il our ilcnlro In hop morn nf tliln then wild latnl. Mlt IjiiikcII Vlllll') July "Hi, wn loft Hin vnlley nf To In lukn tn pit rmin nur cnitrlo nniil wnnl, (rr n rocky Initio Intnl. iitiioni; ncnltcrliiK Junlpur Iroii Wn ntlll nlmcrvi-tl tlm Hiitlilriil Imtf m nur Inmlimirh, nml IniM'lul nn ill roi'lly lownr.l II iik llm nil aim nf Hin rntinlry wnulil mlinli Tliln Imllii In lii'iir Hin htnlo llni', lii'twpim I'lnnr lukn nml Onomt lake, nml pfohnlily itlKtnut fifty inllon from Hid lava rlilr. wcjl nf lnt river, front which mo tint (ibioncil it, nml nuppoilnr; II In d iiliout thirty inline nivny In piiniulnr. nur coiirmi mi patmcil throiir.lt tlm hilly. Jiiulpnr inuntry Imtwi'iMi lttKi'll vnlloy nml Clnr lalin wltliout nrolnn plllicr llm vnl ley or lake, nml nl noon nrrUed m llm hint nf n at renin wlmro Hicrp wn Iml lit ( lo water The rourun of tlm Iroaiu nut norlli or nortliwml. ami niiiniiranre Imllcolcil Hint nt lltwn on lie n Militnie of untor flow oil In Ittff III Itniltn finlll filler Iml n mimll pnrly or IminlKrinitH imitiHB Hin pliilmi In 1 8 IR, rnllnw liu: nur i onto from t ho lluuihoiiii Ihroiic.li llio m, tlioiico ilowo 11 1 1 rlvi r lo llio Hiiiriunmilo, I'roni Hin Ntiinttilt of llm rhli'.o wo huil n npleu illil view. Noiihwtinl Hio rlilKn mimiiml In wlilnn out, formlnc teVer nl fow runcefi nf llinhnrnil inoiin liillin, while gomtiwnnt It tnnmoil to rlfie very IiIkIi, an wn could bob pnlrlmn nf minw nlonR llin numinlt In tlm illntnurn. Hnjl aail uniilti of on, nt'lh'i fool of llio rhlmi, wns a beiiilllfiil i-rpnn valloy, twenty or thirty mllus In okUnt, anil contain ItiK a Rtmill Inbn A nuifihur dfumnll RirRtinm flnweil from tlio iiiouiiIbIii Into nml' through thn valley, affonl Inn nn iiliunilaupp pf wnlcr for tlm wniiU nf u epltlomptit. Tlilu fertl'. vnllny on tlm bortlnr of llm ilnierl him ulnrn licun cnllml Hurprlne .il ley, nml mm coninlmi iiulln a p.im Inllon (To lie Cnnllnucil) Kkhiii. wlm i tlMll.n t i.r.T hi iiuiiiMii; TlltrM.lMW Ol' AC'ltlSH IS fll. HII.K'HH lll'HT HO HTlfDV IMCtONO MlSltniSIl ynw ri.i.MiN wwtt I HAN FltANCISCO, Nov 23. Thoi WAHIHNOTON,1 Nov. 23, Tho Plt1fttwlf.lVttl.ioii, lt'. y NEW TODAY HAN JlllKin, fill., Nov 2.1 rotltnirt lo IrrlCBlo tlmif untn flcrn.1 of IbiiiI MirrnuniUm? i:icon .lltin, imnr l.oro. wn nlpn., rcconi-j fof ,w, 0' ly by tin) l.'scoijilltlo .Mntii.l Water ,1,1,51, on tho crPll t ' lea, itninll lo nml illrlilol ifk I f imran' t u company nml llio Hnn l)lito Conn 1 Wnlrr coiupnii)', T.i rpntrnrt oallii for comitrilcllon i f n con duit on tho ikui l.liln I(y river to tfio llnnr alloy rorcrvnir ix tnllM norllinrMl of Ktcoiulldn, helm; Op pro toil lit conjunction w.'i Hie Kreat now Wiirnnr ilnm, v u will U" CHili!e of holdlni; nln n lot 00') ncre-feet of Wftter. MhOm, MM. A ' "TolCRrnplt lllll linrkii" mimt no kr,n nnvecln of tho prnpoi1 mor-. J.0Vfrtin two ami onb-llMt itri.' f I mad In thn ilnclnloil of city nil- K"r "l Armour ami .nurri iniurimm i;ori ailppiieril V.O., oui flinin, tutt thorltlcrt who uny that Hit) nnttlc nro umier mu.iy iy mo acpnnmcni llttlo colony of lltnrary nml nrtUtlc r Jumico witu view -lo myine n i A )n(ly ,,, t0 n ydjttnlny: "If rlcknty fltop comprencn),ivo rormni report notoro ,uy nil kinds of nitonu uut Uruna-' tho Ann Fran- "'" cahlnnt at nn early mcollnR I - '" '. . cUco hill whom pioneers mice wntchcil for ulilpn unlllnK In tho j (lolilen Onto, will lio condomnod .0 mtiko room for a ruoilcrn park A ' Mill 1 to condemn properly on Hie north end of tho hilt was filed rn- ccntly. I Currln'n noil. t'nlvpril. ley Hot nn I Thermo Lunch kits for 12 75 23 Hear nml rnmparo tho Uruniwlrk with oilier phonoftrnpha then uo onr own Judgmunt Currln Ha yd So. 23 wick records nrn llin bust", rln's for Drus. Cur 33 rtoVcrtion'a Chicken Taratltk whnlcmlo and rnthll, 1113 Mala St.. -JS-ll PUBLIC AUCTION On iu i (unit of r iinni; from rnniiliiL'. I nm offrrlnir nil mr fiiuniiiK iiimhliieri met nil ciiplim'iit iimiI on mi iip.lo.iluto fnnn, nl (' II. MitiIII inutli One-Half Mile North of Merrill KS3EB a1 HIIOIt IIHI'AIIIHI) while you wall Quality Hhon Hlinp, M 8. Illden. Mnr. 23-21. III'NTINO HOOTS lepnlrpd. ulun made lo order Quality Shoe Klmti M B. Illdniw Shdcniakcr. 2-1 2' WAS'TKI) - Ily pxnrlineil lady ook, itMlllon on rnurh lii x W II. Ilernld (fflio. 23-2r, ;k. "it: .w-tTv-.tsy ".i...jm Saturday, Nov.25, at 10:30. a. m. AIm it ff will lirnl dnlry livlferx nml runs. Teiiiln of miIi no- I cnr' tlinn nt H on npprntrd urctirlly, " (lUdiiint fur riili on mi tin out l?2().(ll). Fipp lunrli nt nmin. C. H. MERRILL, OWNER. 4 tmirlm: I Mum II 'V'llliillli l I'OH UAI.K-118 lltilcb car. la Reed ('oudlllnti nt oarn Addreu W. J. AKpKtoto. Uro. i.i i . MMj: flllMP IIIIMIX Noat four room u'lnualnvr on I m coin HI near lilnli school nt 1- ' ' (in Only I SOU 00 ratti. (liMNl'tour room rottaKP nur llli Ilnnln Lumber t'u , with h'i: lot ' IIR00O0 Only 2O0 no c.tli Jloilem four room pl.ii r. I UuiiksIow wliti liullt-ln foaturei fn I plumblnn hi B lot. lawn, ston f un ilaMon. on On'iton Av. imnr l"nir view tclinnl Only S2.. . wnh Tftou oo inh payment. NVw nml strictly mulprn ri e.TcaExaacr. s Mr. Farmer Vou riiunot lio too rnurli Hiniislit to Hio prohlcnt of Knllnjl jour unlrr supply lo n iwlnt wlicrp It N no lonjccf n wnrrjr to Jfor.' Think of brliiK nhlo In net nil the u liter jon need with Jiut n tum of tin faucet. i Wo lme n plant Hint cannot frepzp up Jut wlirn you DMd 'Ii llio inot, nml It will not require nny iifjentlon wlipn ontft' In stnllril. It iloc.Mi't cmt inutli, cither, nml tho expeno of opcrtitlo Is from one to two renin nr clnr. , Tlirrr N one of tlirm wnii'r JtPlns set up on oor floor, nnd It ulll U" ii plcntirc to show ou lioir It vpcrntn. G. C LORENZ V2.", .North Kltlh Htrrrt. W riiono fllB-W M nz.x? r a "v.y mL& lii mm a yu? Vj&s !ciKLd ono of our priy,IKiiil (ln(f. wi)i inMlilr While to llin lava ttald liA hml lllici ered a IkiIIiI (if lllolllltHln -tmep, nml In ptirflluit IIkib had t ii.i tii ur nonii. oi im. nsriy wrm iiVinuK aranns tlic lnnlBCrA. iic.(r riiiil.l hear mithltiK of htm Mo di Plildt In proreeil to llio tiiPtiilow POUMtrv at tho head of the InkP tlm channid Thl was evidently Hi" i hpd nf .nil rlvnr. n few mile) north room plaatrrod bBclow with pi. n b . ... .,.. . .. . ,. I y (H nuiii-in issiurvn. piumi- i",- o. w,.0rr , uur,,!,..-! im . .. bnwm.nl. corner lot. I.ui llio i mar kd Biariii. KiaMATirn !ii:ati:.st steiu: i BCiass '"wsa m i m .IN OUR NEW W'yBw kjSi 9w soyscSbZ . . . - jC." . Hplt), Jfk ML H fin mb IV flk. aS am VJ BJ. VA iB vBH mkii Eiii'riiiv y m . -T Ha "i.W m iruf a bbbbbi . vaaBBBau mhb bub hiib aaBaaam HH mmm '.aBBBBBBBBM a mi mJr w&w Fm MJk amm datlnn. V 1 full iilntiililnc. riirner lut at Math lnavliiR Hill placn. wo plirsucd , How llouao Is fully ftirnl ilied nur Journey UiroiiRli a sl.nll . wondarful tarwiii -at UVJ (0 iih iVy tn Hint tmwml nr dtlthiK t'l" . Thero i. a rcu! Uv in livinK i fnrvftbtia. anil cnrnmicnl at n UtH" ral tiomi il wring tha SnUr month V . . ! -i 1 ( - l lit) w arw loriuuair m uav'tJit iui m- ,,, 'a nftw nnd firlrtly nimtprn ir . , .It. I UllHKUill Willi 4IIV ltlfi" tWHli' I vcrv ploaanni ntrht rt0nil ,Idori ,ulrWBy , ..ri,.i limii' IjlUe lleii lull I .i. ami rhnnr. In flrl.li ihii a ...I ''' I On tlm innrnliiR nf Julv Slh -p I room un-atalr Uouae lia 'pii ei t t'V)- eiii'Irrllni: Hie lnn tiM in the iinrlli-, ..i n. i.i,I,uru ...n.t im.ii . foHmlailon. full bawmc'it. fitroa. ward, ami ..ncatni. until wu could L,,- ..," , nriir u pnn.,...r.iro , "ra-plw?. .."'" .l'f..w.I, 'f -rr-UP ,W...... VO ..r. ,,.1 . m, tem.Vochv cnulnry I flZ Ta,' "SS Price"", tn.'itou witu intfl lUAn unit hi .prePKMuni: tn carry nut win pro- wi tWnt lirilioliliSiuiel of anoili ' 'I .-. T. J wliifrolhnrn u lliilo er MnrMlInn IB linifa Oil leav- rftrntuitjtn illirnvpreil a Kreat titiiii- r triijm, 'liefTiif rStifx Ipavlm; llio In It it alinre. , aor ,,tnr . ,.'vfini,i,. ,h.. T.iiirr Ami mnkint? rnr ..... .... .. .. - . , .1... . " - - iiir nun pmrp m1 ipiiiiu nil- riiuiurv lmt nppenred to Im nn Inland four (,jj ,,!, VI, i,ut t.xceiHllnelv or fhn mllm ilHlant Wo could roPj,y, fur ilxllt or Ipii mllea Hlmoxt iildO avu a lone liiirpinait rldliiK !" ,uk a ii(iii.'iil Ut In tho after nrely almiB tlm Like ahnro. ap 1O0I M0 rium, nHl D, ,kp 08Ba of prihirliliiK iin Thla aoon proved tnjn nK(J (Uooao bke. apparonlly for l,. our lout friend. Tlm Mndnra Imtl ,ly nr ffly illca'ln lenBlli. Trnra illafntiTi'il him In tlm lava limb. xmllnE ,i, ,nlIpy ni)0H, nvo mlM B1UI1K prohahly nuppnnlnn lli.il tin- wlmln ,,, MUlth ,,ml of tl0 ja)p wo camv party wnanlinut tn awall them fiom 1, n , Mroam Coinlii In from tho rorka. they took to their can-' tho imiiintnlna to tlm oaatward. Tho neii. Ho anld that, MeliiK thn In illnnn relriatlni;. ho roiicluded he would lenvo Hie rock nml rldo nlmu: tho lake ahoro where Hin milm; '.ti r.ooil. Wo nooni'd ;i n lin.jiiilfiil ineadnw. roninlnltiK nhout to aee Honn, near tint head nr tlm like, fint Loot Itlxcr mi HIiiiik llililue After hpemlliiK u collide nf houtH In tltlii iplindld imcturo, wo ie-p.ick-id and aliirlcil 011 our nay luunrdH tho tlmliereil I.11U0, Iml hint nut pro ( veiled morn Ihiiu it mlln liuforo u r a mo Middciily upon nule a lun:o tre.lm (I. oil iier) inmlhi: lulu Hio lake. Wo fuiiud tliln atrcniu nnnr thn bt.o cry deep, with nlmcat per ppiidlcular hanka, ho that wti were roiiipollvd lo turn nurlhward, up tint ilvcr. Ileforo proceodlm; ury fur wo dlorovered no Indian croiiclilm; umlcr tlm hank, nml surroiimlliir. Iiliu.'mailo hint cunto out. Ily Hlr.ni, o Indlcntnd to him that wu wnnted to croKij tlm rhor. Ily imitklui: on lib Icrh nml polutliiR up thu river, liu ir.ive 1111 tn iindnratiiitd tlint thoro wni n plain aliovo vihc.ro wo could entilly cioim. Motlonlni; to hint loud vnnro, Im led tho way up llm rlvor nhout 11 lullo ami pointed out a plaru where an Imiminso rurK cro.iicul tho 1 Ivor. The nln nt of water riiiuilui: oor tho rock w is iihuul fifteen Inches doup, w Iilli) tho principal part of llm rlvnr hciuuod In flow iiudur'. Thin wiia tlm famoiiH Klono llrldito 011 l.o.d Itlver, no often motitlnnnd nflnr thltt hy trnolyrH. Km mniiy yn.iiri thn wntnrn of Tuln Itkn hnvn heeii Rrinliiiilly rhiliiH, ro that now llm hnniitlfiil ine.t,ld' on wliluli wn nounl'il nn llm day wo dlurnvernd thn hrldi;, h cuwdnd hy tlm lulio, and tlm liruk wntnr In I.okI rlvor lmiK m;ri Hindu HiiytlMir linp.nwtldo, b now prolnlily ton foot deop uvor Iho hrldk'o., Aflnr croiHliiK tho lirldr.u wo niado our pilot Home pranntu, nml all ihuklnit hiuuln with him loft him Hlandlni! on tho rlvor hank. 1'uraii Iiir ,oiir way nloni; tho nortlmrh Bhora of tlm lukn n fow inllim, wo ciuiio to 11 buuutlfiil uprliiy, uonr tlm r.rniM mnl wnlcr IicIiik food, wo cn-(-iimped hero fnr tho nlRtit flame Ncemeil plenllfiil. mid olio of Hip pnrly killed n flue deer In tho Mrlu Ity nf thu (.imp. Prom n aptir nf the mountains!, nu.ir our ritiup, wo had a, Hplvndld vlow of tho lake nml of (ho oKtomtlVc valley hordvrliiK It on the north. On tlm e.int, helwecit tho Inko nml mountain rnnKo runn'mr nearly nnrlli nml hoiiIIi, and whuh wo uuppoNcd to ho n aptir of Hip Mi r r.i .Net.tiUx, wan it boatitlfut mem'. w country, narrow, hut many uille-. in lencih, ucroKH whlrti tho Unci of wll Iowa nml acilterliiK pines and ml tnuuooda Indicated tho cnurooi of n number of llttlo Hire. mm coiiiIiir in to, tho lalio from thn mnuutitlii chain A llttlo aniithoait or our camp there appeared to bo a fiP In Hio mini... Jalil wall, nnd wo decided to try It 011 tho Huccefdlni; day. Suttubi) Vnlle) nml I.iikm'H Cii'eU July Dili wo liiiHeil up tho rldi;o lonarda tho R.ip, and uoou en to rod u lltlu vnlloy, poihnpi rontaluliiK a hiiudrad ncrta, otendlni: to tlm iiuiumtt i-r.tho rldi;o, thu 1 foimliiK 11:1 nxrollniit pain. Tho ttscvut whm vory Hrndiinl. Tho llttlo ulloy wan frliiRD.1 with inoiiiitalii-iu.tlioKaity lliiia, kIIiir it quite 11 plrttirciiti) iippoar.inro. Thb Hlirub, w lib It b puLiillar to tho rocky hlKhlnmb, it front flttiion to twenty feet hll'.li ami In foim Homethlni', Itko it cherry trco. k,i llmt.n i;roo of iiiouittitlii inulioi; nny atrlkliiRly reseiiiblei a cheriy or rhnrd. About llio center of tlm llttlo vnlley In 11 Hpilm: of cold wutur. iiiaklm; It 1111 excellent r.uiiplui: pliico, nml for many jenr.t itflor uurdii It wan thu plaro whom llm ImmlHrniitu woio wont to imnH nnd let llioir uulinuN rocupeiuto after tho lorn;, tlrosimiii mnich aciosa 1110 ao-calmd Aineilcan Uenori. for thb Hlei'ia iIiIko tiopaiittoa tho wntura of Hio l'liclflc (1 um those of tho Rioat n urn which uxtcmib fiom tlm llluo nimintalua far aoutUwnrd towards jlin Colurtidn, Tlio llttlo atroam on wlilnli wo oncnmppil boforo cnterliiir thb pasa Is called Limsou crook, tak- K thU at fillPA. Wo have another flue !! Iwrv ! only one block from Main 81 It tmi (lo roonn on k roll ml floor, .iu I f mr rnomi on anrond floor, well arran.-. l for t famllloa ilouao ha lull plumbing, modern ponipnlem' Bouthorii pxpove. blR lot, and , lent location A turoatn at !' I with $4000.00 pMi. 1 (Illl.fOIIS .V S.UITH, 727 Mnln si. 1 toiho .GKEflDESIl w KWi DOWN STAIRS STORE v Santa is making great preparations to take care of his little friends'this Christmas, and has designate this store as his headquarters. Toyland if, jn the Down Stairs Store, and is rapidly filling up with Toyt Dolls, Games and Novelties of every description.' 'New arrivals every day. These are only a few of the I many Toys to be found in Toyland. ' ' , I.OST from 1'uckettn III in. i.iuip ono brown mare. f. year .III liratnlod All ronmciuil on i. 1 Hhotilder, ronrbed main. lt"n ird 11 m. iiaitti), vmiiiiiftiiiii not. 1 11 2a :;' IltUliM'.lck dal co ncorda are tnneiul and lime pi. nly of pop ton I'urrlii rt.i Ko. M wF'W m 4kM L he bride knows Hut "HE" rcnlly is human after all, ami tlocu enjoy t;ooil cooking. For years she has cccn her mother lake down a can of Crescent Bnkinc Powder nnd has known that some thing cood was In the jnak inc. So her first Rrccery ordtr starts with "Crescent Hal;-, Ing Powder, please." Each cd by yearn of nalisfactton In homes of tho West.. No JBittcr Ttisle With tfl 1 jSfevSJ3B MrMMm .V. JMVi0ft.''iO:tbJr wm "1 JLe5fimjiSftSMt Of DOLLS Every Description Sleeping dolb. In alt sizes, oil aro neatly dressed, and all havo natural hair, wonderful assortment from which to make your solcctlon. 89c to $8.50 Unbreakable DOLLS Made In U. S. Smallest UQ Is IS inches. All aro dressed with real hair, pi Iced nt $3.89 t0 $6.00 DOLL HEADS All Kinds at 13c $1.65 DOLL WIGS Real Hair. Black, Brunette and and Blondes, at 5Qc TOY CHINA DISHES A wonderful assortment to cliooso from, ncut floral pat terns, como Iu and look thorn over. 35c to $2.29 MECHANICAL TOYS They never fall to Rive a vast amount ot satisfaction to the children. ENGINE and TENDER Trains always please tho children $2.39 TRAINS WITH TRACKS Will surely brine thorn Joy. $1.59 ENGINE and TENDER A wonderful toy. good as sortment at ,- $1.50 SKATING .COUPLES'. Not only children but older folk will flml enjoyment In thes9 skaters. j $1.00 TANGO DANCERS This toy will earn you all tlio new steoa at $1.00 BILLIARD GAMES Tlicsa tos do use tho cuo and bulls and shoot thorn uUo, $1.25 CHRISTMAS? TREE DECORATIONS ot nil doicrlptlonn. IMeed reasonable. GAMES v Of every. kmd iXi MAGIC FISH POND An lnte?eaUng (ine. SIJOO Every game. LOTTO one rnl enjoy t this .St 25c jt it KINDERGARTEN BEADS All colors and. sixes In ono box at " . $1.69 SPELLING GAMES InstruetlTq us well as la- destructhe. $1.40 CHECKERS A good sjzq, checKer, one set to a box 'at" ''- 15c , CHECKER BOARDS A game wa all nnjoy at 35c KIDDY KARS All Sixetf' Priced Reasonable MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Of every kind, Trurapttta, Violins, Accordlns, Clarinets, Xylophones, Harnionlcaa, Mtl leal Tops otc, overythlns; musical can b0 found in Toy Z JTT n VISITOUR NEW DAYLIGHT STORE AT 630 MAIN STREET Baking Crescent Manufacturing Company Seattle, Wash. . I PtlT ii " I STOMP 1 inilffSxtTTCTriggvglail .mms . I &JBBBlW!f " s- i - - Pf immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm k ray it with vAi.uiiTBWMsasMBsWsWsWsiWsajBsajisBsis i i . .1 t '. Jll M m s