The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 22, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    i Arti,mjr
I .tJPagtrwo
r,, sow usi, naa
The Evening Herald
T. K. BOVLK,,iMoi mm? iSiiilW
M. K. HILIi.i..,,. v.. .. SOU KdHor
V, O. NIOKTiHJAdftrtWn.MMjer
Publish rtd dally except Sunday t
TJio Hw'ald l'ubflihlh Cotnpfcnr ot
Xlimath Fnlin, t 119 Eighth, itreet.
Personal Mention
Kntered titho postoldc at.KUm
th Falls. Ore., for transmission
tliromh tlio malls at conU-claia
Matter. "
l'HKSS- .
Tlio Anfloclntml Press U McltiatYo-
T entitled to th Uso lor publica
tion of all now dispatches, credited
in It. or not othrrwlEO crortltcd In
thin papor, nnd also the, local news nes, nffalts,
punuaaoa uorcinj
I). 1) Unll, nnn limn resident ot
Wllllrttu McCarthy Is horn from
flan Prnnclsco for n brief business
visit. ' t
J. V ltaskliia was n county -nl
visitor here today from his ranch
near Merrill.
Mr. and Mm. Chester I)nlai nrcv
hero for a few ilnya from their
ranch at Uound lake.
1). 0 Itrown, of Crystal, Is In
town this week looking after bust-
Copy for display ailverlslt,R rid.l-. " rcKUler.M at tho
ko In this off Ico not later than 3 White IMIcan hotel fmm I'ort
p.m. on the tjay preceding ptibllca- land,
tlon In qrder to bo Insorted In the
Issuo ot the paper of the next day.' MrK- W- jj, Harris will arrlvo
itVaT.airrn.r,StKj - - c-. "'".
be rcculvcd up
day of Issuo.
Ilcrnttl Publishing Company.
wkdnkshay, xov. 22. ua
and will be the of her dauRh-
ter, Mr. (1. V. Houston.
Frank It. Stowurt was In town
yvslerday from hH ranch on the
-Sprlnc; laW road purchaslnrj sup
I , Piles.
' ', j O. V. Meyera Is a business vlsl-
AT NISIJ years 61it cash hoy la J or ,aro ,rom Mc,Jforil tn wccv.
a San Pranclaro dryRoods; n,. Mopping at the. While Poll-
More, at 40 a member of the con
cress of tho I'nlted States.
Huch In brlof Is a picture of tho
path climbed by tho lato John I.
Nolan, to whrto name tho tlllo "The
Honorable" was not prefixed as a
mere phrase, conferred by political
chanco or mischance, but stood for
Tho career of Joha Nolan, who
rojo from tho humblest ranks cf la
bor to a national chloftanihlp, Is tho
stronROtt ktnd of rebuke to thoso
radicals who, possessing no merit
that entitles them to distinction and
shunning the tolls'omo methods by
which men rise from tho most ob
scuro lovcls to tho hiRhest positions,
oru constantly trying to undermlno
tho government under which such
"""""7 "" ' " ", - lag passenger aKcn for tho South-
and will bo ever possible to the man I ,.,,,, P m, ....
... ....... . ' ... .... ii.. fc. rn Pacific. Is hero on one'of his
WOO llllllkl buu numa. n,,.i ,u u..-j
eftt of others, and not his own fcr-
can hotel.
Mrs. A. Welncrt arrived In Klam
ath Kails last night from Ashland
and will remain hero for an Indef
inite visit with relatives and
Mrs, C. S. Mooro was a pauien
Ecr on tho mornlnc train bound tor
Us Angeles where she will spend
the remainder of thtt winter with
her son, John Moore, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Hart and
baby left yesterday mornlnc for
their home In Sacramento after a
number of weeks spent here help
ing to Ret th0 new Pine Tree thea
ter underway.
J. J. Coyle ot Sacramento, travel-
tuacs, the first consideration.
John Nolan was, to tho day of his
death, a worklnRroan. From the
time ho Joined tho San Franelsco
Holders union, thirty yoars ago, ho
fouRht the battles of his fellow
workers, as one of them.
He attained tho highest recogni
tion. In the fold of labor he held
every offlco In the local union, was
a delegate to ovury ronvcntlca of tho
International for twenty-sovca .years,
and a member of tho national exe
cutive commlttco from 1907 on.
Ho atocd steadfastly for his prin
ciples. You might suppose, If tho
radical propaganda that Is being
polsoncusly spread through tho land
has made impression Upon you, In
which It Is said that this g6vorn-
ment Is for the capitalist and not for J they will go to I.oa Angeles for
periodical visits. He reports that
travel on the S. I. lines Is holding
up well despite this bring the be
tween season period, when travel
generally slumps.
Alexander Davidson, United
States deputy marshal, -left this
morning on the stago for Ashland
! and Portland. He took n num
ber ot prisoners with him who arn
to bo confined In tho Multnomah
county Jail.
Mr. and tr.i. James W. Cas
berg arrived hero last night from
their homo In Now nockford, North
Dakota, , and will upend tho re
mainder of the week In Klamath
Falls visiting with Mrs. Casbcrg's
sisters. Miss Florence Pflouger and
Mrs. Horace Manning. From here
the worker, that Nolan' w6rk for
tho bettorment ot labor would have
caused him to bo banned from the
councils of the nutlon.
Not sol Ifo filled, with honor, a
seat In tho national congress for
nearly ten years, was re-clacted nt
tho latt election, without oppoilt'oa.
whllo ho lay on lifi deathbed: wa
chairman of tho cpmmHtco on laVor
of the houRQ o.f roiVreJortat'lvcs, and
wuuld have been,' lis j'ho lived, secre
tary ot labor for the Tnltert State
some day.
Contemplation of ruch careers, no
ginning la poverty nnd handicapped
by hardships, ending In power and
dignity, with n lifetime, of honeu la
bor for tho public ure!fsr In be-
tween, catisci us to rono,v our' faith j
tho winter.
HarainR May Address
-Chautauqua Gathering
WASHINGTON. Nov. 23. Presi
dent Harding tentatively has accept
ed an Invitation to make an address
at a lecturers' conferencoMo bo held
hnro December 7, 8 and 9 under tho
direction of tho International Ly
ceum and Chautauqua association,
of rrhleh ho is tho Honorary presi
dent. Thoso In chnri'o of the confer
ence said todrfy thev horeJ to have
the president to speik at tho openlnp.
American Institution.
" " "
vitfrn nn ! fn hnrn f!nri?i Plotm!!
In tho greatness of America and , rMJ formeV prem)er of Kranfef
a speaker at the "econd session
Others on the program Include!
Irving Fisher of Yale, Harold (J
Moulton of Chicago university, Fred
eric William Wile of the Philadel
phia Public Ledger. John II. Finley
of tho New York Times; Mark Sulli
van of tho New York Post, Frank I.
Cobb of the Now York World, Dr.
B. A. It03s of tho University of Wis
consin, William MacDougull of Har
vard, Countess Irene di Ilobllant of
Ituly, Karol Perglor, former Cseeho
Slovakla mlnUter, Herbort Adams
Olbbons. William C. Hodflold, no
land S. Morris, former ambassador
to Japan, Dr. Walter Simons, formi
tr minister of foreign affairs at Ber
lin, James V, Goodrich, Walter Mpp
man of tho Now York World. Kyorett
Doan Martin of Cooper Union, N.'Y.,
Sir (illbor Parker, novelist And play
wright who for 18 years was a mem
ber of the ItrltUh parliament.
The conftroiico Is designed pri
marily to accurately mid thoroughly
Inform tho professional spoakers
who annually reach moro than twon
ty percent of America's population
through,.aml chautiiuquu auspices.
Bachelors uro'alwayo at largo.
Threo ot our uioit boautlful words
arcj "Dinner Is reaiy."
, do tin nro tho days ?hen n roan
who didn't need a shavo was u dude,
Whllo listening to huntors' talos
remombor thUt Very few wildcats
weigh more. than 30 pounds.
A marine. olfkcr who'propood to
u girl by radio wasaqcupted Imme
diately. Itadlo is dangerous,
lu these 'i!ayn of robbers speeding
away In nutos It Is a relief to learn
an Ohio thief escaped on a cow.
Just when people nro feeling hot
ter toward (lrmupy she begins ex
porting muBjeu! ..Instruments.
The bonts ol a, poovrothcrlum
have been 'found In omlnr Ho
member tl'o riahic'ln erisVyou mnct
one, '" ' '
Looklngtjip Is 9iuoptli)Utio habit,
but lu Flint, Mle.,r,af,Uuuinsks t3,
COO for hlinjhj aosovon,-.ttUi,awn-
In Memphis a sheriff wanted to
take Keprosontatlvo Herrlck's piano
because ho had an attachment for It.
THAT Ifijour ellyts In need of more moroitnllle establishment of
any kind ADV.RHTISK.
THAT If you want more farmers or hontl'sceUera to locate in jour
community AlWKUTISK.
THAT If you run offer nnv special ndvnntnttea us ! deahoable lo-
cation for factories lirntich plants, ole AI)KltTIHK.
THAT jour section will nttrnei greater ntlontlnn tod.ty than eer
before If you ADVKUTItU:. , ,
THAT jour vast reourcc-i will rrcelvo tho eoiislderntlon their
Importance tin long- entitled them to, If you tell tho
world ADVr.UTISJ:.
THAT tho directing heada uf mnnufaclurern. Investors neekluc
pn(ltable outlits for capital as well ns thoio on thi out
look for good farms and homes, are leading tho papers
wry day looking for opportunltlot AI)Vi:itTtSK.
THAT the bent result from nli. kind of ndvertlidnit are obtained
riiT no matter what ou have to si'll. the column of tho news
papers will flit your needs In tho hikou and most econom
ical vay-t-AlWBimSK.
THAT If you want Increased business AIVKKTIRK
THAT most newspaper roadprs are booiters. They pnwt on evorj
thing good, whether found In editorial or advertising page.
1'.. It. WAITK, Secretary.
,t;iiaunr Dlkahoma Hoard ot Commeire.
November 21- Meeting of
Hook committee, Woman's 1,1-
brary club.
November 30.-Junior Kilts
relay races.
N'livoiitbor .10 ThnukKglvliig
December 4. -Circuit court
open for December term.
December S. I'rethylorjsn
church chicken dinner and has-
Dreinber P Tlio Melhodlnt
nn: K.itMi:it ki:i:ds'i:m
i '
wAsiiVNCTON, Nov. 23 Corn,
the Ited Man's gift to tho white man.
has come to be tho nation's most Im
portant farm crop. Consumed either
directly or In tho form of ment and
other animal products, It Is the print
clpal source of the nation's food sup
ply, Tho 1931 year-book of tho de
partment ot agriculture shows Just
to what extent tho threo billion
bushel crop forms tho basis of the
livestock Industry. Forty percent of
tho crop Is fed to swine on farms, 30
percent to horses and mules on
farms, and 15 percent to rattle on
farms. Only ten percent Is incd
direct for human food.
Corn wns one of tho mot Import
ant gifts America made to tho rest
ot the world. Tho United Slates
new produces about three-fourths ot
the world's corn crop. That corn al
so Is an Important crop In Argen
tina, llrazll, Mextro and some of the
southern Kuropean countries, Is
shown la tho report.
Weather. Insects and plant di
seases have a groat deal to do with
regulating the size of tho crop In
tho United States. The estimated
loss caused by common smut alone
during tho period 1917-1930 was
placed at about SO millions ot bush
els annually. Of Inner I pents the
I'orn-enr worm, whore abundant,
causes u loss of til least 7 'rccut
of tho grain on tho oars attacked.
Tho Huropeoii corn borers also
thtrnteus to take n heavy toll
It is stated that tho produrtlon of
tlio com crop U financed with len
bofroAcd capital than Is tho ease
with other staple farm Tho
n-nion for this Is that tho farmer's
Income Is distributed throughout the
jvar more evenly than Is tho case In
many other sections, nnd bream
the direct Investment in tli, rrop
consists more of the farmer's own
laber nnd Iocs of purchased materia!
and equipment than Is the r.m- In
many other crops.
Tho yearbook, which Is obtain,
ablo through congressional repre
sentatives from tho department, con
tains much data of Interest and
value to producers, lucntdlng chap
ters on production rosts and fig
ures, financing, and ndvlre on pro
ditctlon according to seasonal sup
ply and demand to art toward pre
venting future crl.ioi fur the corn
I The Mug muv rule o'er I. mil and sen,
I Tho lord may live right royally.
' The Muldler ride In pomp and prld".
The sailor roam o'er the ocean wide:
j II tit ililn or that, wluile'er befall.
The farmer ho must feed thorn all
MM... II..I.A. .t.ltll.U tit,. .!.... I lit. II.
I I II.. .!.... iiininPi ,, ..... . a,,,,..,
Tho craftsman fashions wondrous
Tho doctor heals, tho lawyer pleads.
Tho miner follows the precious lends
Hot this or Hint, whato'er befall.
Tho farmer lie must teed them nil.
The merchant he may buy and M'll
Tho teacher do his duty well.
And men may toll through busy
Or men may (troll through plc.-tnnul
From king to beggar, whnle'er be
fall. Tin- fanner Im must feed them all.
The furmer's trade Is one ot worth.
He's partner with the tiky and earth
He's partner with tho sun and rain,
And no man loos by his gain:
And mini muy ilm and men may fall.
! Hut the farmer ho must feed them
(tod bless tho man who sous the
Who finds us milk, nnd fruit, and
I .May hU purso bo heavy an.l his heart
bo light.
His rattle and crops and all go right.
I (lod hlcss tbo scuds hi hands let
fall, '
For tho farmer ho must feed thi'tn
Farm Journal.
On mm omit of ivllilng from Mnnliw. 1 mil offeilujj nit mv
fanning niiicl Ineij mill oil isniplmeiit used on mi up'to.ilntu form,
ot ('. II. Men III laiuli
One-Half Mile North of Merrill
Saturday, Nov. 25, at 10:30 a. m.
Also ii feo well luitl ilalij lulfei ami rows,
Tunis of wile mo I jene's time at 11 on iiipi'iieit soniill),
ftt'c illsiouni lee ntli on sulus over KUO.tiO. 1'ieo liuitli nt noon,
TUHNKlt At Klamath Falls. Nov
1 ember 23. to Mr. nail Mr Davo
Turner of Langell valley, a
1 daughter.
There are n lot of saving folks
And 1 will say they're sly ones--
They nx'il to save for rainy dojs
And now they rave for dry ones.
,, i
Take a good mineral bath at the
Hot' Swings Uatu House, 17-33
Dodee Brothers
Many who could well nffbrd more expensive cars
nre showing a marked preference for Dodge
Brothers Sedan.
They find it easy to drive, economical to run,
nnd comparable in beauty and elegance with cam
much higher in price.
In the vast amplitude of Dodge Brothers closed
body plant, this sedan is constructed with all the
studious precision that marks the work of the
finest custom builders.
Eighteen days ore devoted alone to the 18 rub
bing and varnishing operations which arc respon
sible for the unusual brilliancy of its lustre.
Montli3 of seasoning precede the use of the fine,
critically selected ash which gives the body its
rugged firmness.
The interor fittings, too, are chosen with thought
fulness and rare good taste. The upholstery is
covered with genuine mohair-velvet of a singu
larly rich and beautiful pattern. The seats arc
roomy and luxurious.
Steel disc wheels (with cord tires) harmonize in
a. most effective way with the new grace nnd
smartness which Dodge Brothers have recently
brought to the lines of the body.
The price U gllJH.1 delivered
422 Klamath Ave.
" V"" &
Don't fnil to rend tho Hcrnlcl Classified Ada.
Hut she lead lu lier lionio m'r that u uliolo tiiiliiliinil of
eleilile usl lug nun liloes wis liclng khlppctl lit Cullfoiulii.
She !iml alum ilnue llie fiinill) uo'lilug by tlio old fiililuiicil
way ollli MahlHetil mill tubs, mul ln eoi lilu'l Itelleto the slot)'
of llie ti.tliiloiol of ilrrlile iiiarhliies, hot lio I. tun tlio inlln'inl
ngent M'isiiuillt so she ralliil ol tils off he noil okfil If It H'H
tine. He terlfli'il the liriliiT Mori. .
Tin gi eil tt nma n liiiiiirillnlily hih lui-i'd it na-lilug tiuiiblno
nml tin. ! il II null link shoo.
What Your Neighbor Does
.May not liilliieni. )iiii In iln Ill.enle, lull mIhii iiiiiii) of jour
uelghli i, tar anil neir, ilo tlio sjime tliliiit llieiv Is u reiiMin ithlih
baiU of llielr oilloii wlilili Jim (loiihl il.i Mill o ii.iiIiIit.
Modernize Your Home
In Oirgrn as In nil the Until U'is.1, rlertlliitt N ilolnu the
Milk In mini) Iioiiiis, If jiiii nro not niakliiK use of this gieit
pioer, Mrit nou In ilniugo oter anil Itiereb) mio IkImh- mul
I.icim). I'm In Mini,, of tin- smaller labor sari flisl. Inn llie
glt'at ill) Mill Ih uIiiii Hie old miuiiI ktote gives ilare In n
Hotpoint-Hughes Range
Tl.i'il It Mill lie t f in f Hie ilillilgiT) nf llie kltdieii Is goiii tore
nrr anil lioosi Uei plug brioines h plensiiro mul it paslhuo, ll Is
libiilil lllise tiling" that Me Mniilil ktgg.s, )im nnlri Mlmt
)iit'r iielglilMirs III Klamalli I'nIU nro itolng. laii) ihm nuiKfs lotto
Im i ii liKtnlleil Mllliln lie past UI) ila)s, jours In tln next
The Calif orniaJDregon
Power Company
I Your Pnrtncra in Progress's
426 Main
Phone 34
Klamnth Fnlls, Ore.
Cascade Brand
Hams and Bacon
The Price is Less.
The Quulity is First.
They arc Packed at Salum, Oregon
Under Government Inspection.
Try This Superior Product and you will be Pleased
With the Superior Quality,