The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 22, 1922, Image 1

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    . .. .' ,
Mnlmrslly Library
KllKi'iin, OlOK'in
We 3?uimttig Iteralii
1 .
Member of the Aosocintcd Press
HMeoittli Yriiiw.Vit, (UNI,
! "
. . CI
Julius Krutttclinitt Holds
Expansion of Central
Pacific Essential
for tn nt ntpmisliius ntul hntlnrment
by lliit ('mitral Pacific nm nnenmnry
to inert (ln ilnmnnd it f wiwt
urn t-nminnrro. Julius Krittlicltnltl,
f halrmnn of I tin board i( llm Mont It J
cm Pnclflo, li-Mlllcd lodny before
(tin Inlnrstatn Cniumcrri) i Illinois
Tin' lii'tlcriilniils will ho mucin i
Willi rniltnl obtained li tlm Hnulli- '
crn 1'nrlfle If llin supremo
rnuri itrcltlim nrdnrlnn Hi" illssolu ,
lion It m' I initio, lio Milit. i
WASHINGTON, li 0. Nov 32 '
Willi itnli'RHlliin tolnlliiK morn limn i
100 nlrnndy mrn Irnin Callfornlii J
Oregon, Nevada nml ullit r wnsinrn I
states, unit with inorn ntpnctnd I
throiiRhnul thr week, tlm Koilllirri j
Pselflc-CnntrnI Pacific iiiiiiiitk't i
prnrnrdliiK. which started Tnrnlnji
hnfnrn tlio Interstate, rommrrro rum- '
mission, urn nZIHrlnil In dnvclnp llllo
nnn nf Dm InnRint drawn out hear
IriRn In llm tnnimlMlon's history
1 To I'llo M.ui) Hi lets
Will In tniirli of llm tnstlttinn) Mill
lot p rest n I nil In llm form nf briefs,
there nrn downs nf Individuals who
pl.t it in inakn lengthy nml dotallnd
vnrlnl arguments Tim present In
dications nrn tlinl nl lent two vtroks
lll Im required for InkliiR nf nil
this tnillinnny. IIioiirIi llm rommls
stmt may ltn utile In work tint lomo
plan nf grouping argument In save
Hum, , '
Interests opposing, llm itniimrgcr,
will makn (tut best showing Insofar
in ilrnriRlli of number In eotirnrii
nit, lint llinun advocating llm pur
rltnsn cf tlm Central Pacific liy llm
Union Pacific iln lint mnldnr tltU it
Vollrjs Winil.l llnurfll
Carl dray, prmlilciil nf tlm I'nlnri
I'nrlflr. Haiti llm nnmnrKnr "III re
sislt In tlm linsl lulnrnst nf tlm Hae
ritini'iitn nml Han Joaquin valleys ho
Inn served.
"Tlm uiiinnrKT.'' Im nltl. "memn
rout cnnipi'tllloii In Central nml
Nurllinru California. Mwo railroads
whnrn ilmrn now Ik mm, ttllli all
wlilrh Hint linpllnti,
"Tint nntiirnl rnmill of rnmprtl-
linn Itui nlwayn lirmi In Mlmulntc
linn lnrlvi'tl In tlil ItlRlmd rmlnar
nr In inrvlrn, uttniitlnn to pnltllc In
ter nut n nml prmUlon nf fimlllilnK
fully uparn with llio iiiHottltlnt of n
itniMliiR torrllury ttlth expamllm:
Iilcnl ('omtlllonii I'injiniilnil
"It iurann n mllroml c.nlniinl
lliruiiKli OriIoii In roinpulltlim Willi
tlm Wcktorn I'ltildc, tlintiiKli Halt
l.nUo City, tlm Hoiitlmrii I'tulflc Ma
i:i l'aiit, (lalvcJtoit mill Nrn Or
loans ntul Hut Hantu V'a tliroiidi Mo
linvn mill Atliiiqiiniiiii. marly an
Iilcal romlllliin rnlciilatml In lirliiK
j,tut tlm limit iiinlllli'H of each routo
It memiM that it fourth rnllroail vtlth
nius, ltnl local Intel niila nml no
lonfllctliiK lilcua li niltk'il to Cnllfiu
nla's mmcla.
"Huclt mi oppnrlunlly us tltln
comes only omu In n llfutlmu, Tlm
vnllojM of tltu Hacrnineiito, Hun .Ion
quln nml fin nt a CIiiiii with Hmlr llm
1 1 leu pntontlalltlt'H, ilouurxo nil thin
uml moro,"
Hpi'oulo Kfcjis Hllnnl
William Hpruulo, prmltli'iU .Sontli
nrn Pacific, wlii'liaal.oil toiltt wind
tlm iniimi wiookiiiIu ticonVuu
tlm iitiiuurecr would nuun to Bai-iti-lnonto
nml Mini Jimiiln v.illnyj, hiiIiI
ho profuircil nut to inalin miy Hlnln
ini'iitti until nppuiirliiK huforo tlui
niiiuiiluHluii, mlillui; Hint lio illil not
iIchIio to onlcf lulu rontrovuruy.
IIAMHTS (JllT All! MA 1 1,
RIIK'AW), Nov. 22. -Rlx baiullln
hold up ii pnHtufflco motor truck car
tyliiK nl'' mall In tlm field for thn
imunliu: fllKht to Ouinhii, klilnnppou
thn ililMir uml rHcnpuil with t lio
truck containing 1(1 ponclios nf IiiihI
nims mall, tlm vuluu of which wim
not uHcmtiilmul, Two li.uitlllii iluivu
off with llio truck whllo otliura c.u'
jlod off llio ililypr la u tquiuu car.
Blitzcir Returns
' -p '" "" - "
;: 0
mm iM
lllilinn Hi- iIimi: ;i ill ratrlmr of
111.. II. link, n tli r a bark Immn
anili l'l'ii oikn. nvnr Hnulli
Aiixrliii !' ilnlt. I tlmik lllllrli of It
)c-k wnrKcm trrinnl tvlmtj lllluoll
illnupiwiiri it nml w.rn linppy llirno
nionllin Itti r wlinn It Kilitlll. of
flrrr of tlm 8. H Huron, wnlkn.1
mliorn ttlih llm cat In Itln arum
lllluwi hoarilnl l:l nlilp at lllo,
Hclinltx unlit
JmUo liitlll lluliN IliiiiM-Clc'iin-
Ini; In Clinill Ciiiirl; SulU
Until Out I'n.m 1111.1
A riTonl was inailu In circuit
court )ivitirilay aftornoon by Jmlr.o
A. I., l.navlti, acenrdliii: to nttoi
ikjh und p.oplt) roiinicmd directly
wltli tlm court, wlmn Im 'itUmlMixl
U criminal, miulty ami law ciiii
for Jack of .irosMiitloif and had
Ihem slrlcknii front thn iloclnl. Tlm
ciliiilunl r.mnn illmnlMnd ram;cd In
daliM from 1917 to thn present
Hum. wjiiliy ranea from AiiKiut
31, 1 1 12 In Dm prnsniit llmo mid
law ca.M raiiKed In dales from
January l!H."i to 1322.
Tlm hnarliu: of thn ilocknt wat
set for 2 o'clock and was finished
by C o'clock Inst oKMiliu;. nml
JuiIro Loavltt bemn sl:nlnr; tlm
dUiinUsaU tuts mnrnliiR.
Law uml Kipillj. nims
Cases In law nml equity dismiss
oil follew: Thomas .Martin erus
Sophia S. llnnley, et u; n. o. lloo
versus I'. C. lliirRoss, nt al; James
M. MllllO ALTkllH lllli.iliutli W.
.Mllno; Klamath Itocord l'ubllsliliiK
to. ersus I.Uty dl.. .0, nl nl.
13. J Murray, ot at, versus I.. 1,
Low, nl nl; Klnmath llccord Tub
llsliliiK Co. versus 1.'. J. .Murray, ot
alj I". II. l)ownlnB utmis O. r.
.Vol Hi mid J. W. Nowharl; Moilorn
Appllanio Co. omiim Albert Tin
Kit. et nl; T. i:. McLcod versus
lowls llnlm; llnsslo Dixon versus
.M. 1'. 1'nrknr, et ul; It. Smith
veisiiH II. V, l'oolo; Tlm Dunlea
versus II. M. ll.iKby; Herald Pub
llslilnif Co. VQrsus Klamath ltocord
I'lililishliu; Co; Uncord I'ltlillshliiR
Co. versus II. J. .Murray ot ul; 1).
li. Hall versus o. J. Ilnwkonsnn;
lloit 0. Thomas, us ndin'lnlstrator,
(Contlntiud on Pant) C)
llaromotrlc elimiRes
hnv o been
dining tho
past 21 bourn nml
nt 2 p, m, tho Cy-rlo-Mtoiiiingraih
UnJorwortds Pimr
mncy recorded u
ullghtly higher
piesauro thmi at
tlm Biimo llmo yns
tnrdiiy. Foreruat for next
21 heurs:
Fair; continued
Tlm Tyrol recording Ihormoinetor
leglsterud maximum mid minimum
lompointiiina today, as follows;
High 12
Low ,...'. ,......21
;- HELD IN 1913
Sweeping Claims Made By
Islimct Pasha at Lau-
sannc Conference
I.AUflANNi:, N'iiv. 22. Tlm iiie
lion of tlm illnpoHltlnn of wnolnrn
Tlirurn ciimit bnfnro llm power tn
ilny wlmn liiunt 1'anlm prexcntnil
Turkoy'n rlalin to ntl llio tnrrltory
nnitirncril ltliln Imr frontlet nf
VoiiIiqIm for (Jmrcn nppom'il llio
rl.ilm. lit) uaii niippartril liy llm
Jtino-HlutR ami Itoiiiiiiiiiltum who
fnvoriM malnlalnlnr: ttm Mnrltrn rlv-
r. n tlm woturu bnumlary i-f Tur
key In Ktiropc. nml nfcrniil Hint
lltcru rhuulil not oven bo a plnblii
ritn In itvclilu tlm Mivcrolr.nty of
Ilia iltapuiril territory.
A ili'lccutlon from H)rlu ilcumml
Inic that thn conferenro grant tbulr
(outitry Iniloprndrnco Initeatl nf Hio
itatua nf it French imimlatory Riv
en by tlm allied atiprumo council In
The effort of tlm Turklali iIcIcr.v
tlnn for open aoMlon nml romplnto
publicity tvero otnrruteil. New an
nniiiiCMltintiU arn In bo llmltcil to
formAl roinniimliiie.
11. Ilftfti Hrliool (ilrl. Tuin Out for
Itakktlh.ill Tntlnliij:
Over 3S RlrU wnro nut for baskt
ball practice last lilRhl under the
supervision nf Miss Margaret Hun
toon. Hlnre thoro are only thrco practice
nlRhls a week and such n larco
I squad of'slrls oUt, tho practice pro'-'
miles to bo strenuous. Tho Rlrls are
nil workluR hard to learn the game,
ntul to bo In Reed condition for tlm
first ot tho Inter-class Raines.
follow Iiir Is tho list ot Rlrls: Her
tha lVltf, Jean McDonald, Helen
Pitman, Jewel Durham, Nellie, 1.1
llott, Helen Caldwell. Kathryn CI
rich, Marlam WorlUy, Ituth Now Ion,
Pansy llobertsou. llonnlu l.ucas, lues
Jenkins, Margaret Johnston, Char
lotte Wright, 1'rances Mcl-nno. Con
stance Crystal. Halite llllss, Rer
trudo Moore, llcrnlco Hector, Iletli
WrlRht, Kinma Klilimr. Dorolhy
Wortley, Marin Crjstal, (inrtrude
Mustoe, Dorothy Dunham, I.ucIHa
Hyde, Helen Abbey, Venice Moore,
Denn Mulatoro, Kctta (lrlsci, Trancns
JtelJ, Ocrtrudn Smith, Mary White
linn, laitliu Slmmouds, Allen Miller,
Alice llmisen ntul limber Wlcl.strom.
Inllliil !-tm nf "Kiulnr" I'olnIM
Out I'oiiilliloim nml Srcrvtlly
rot- Mnoy liiiprotniunnts
Tim Initial Issue, of ' Krater," the
Klatnnth county IiIrIi schnol news
paper, ml I In.! rind publli-lml by tlm
student body jippnwred ("day. It
will lio published wry two. weeks
Publlshnil lu four-pii:e form, tho
tinwrpspfr roflecls the ntllilis of
the sliulenU, liitltidltiK nilildlcs, so
ciety nml pniiuml class sews A
strong fnntilro Is tho ndllorlnl do
partmtut. In which tlm m-erfs of the
high school 'nro set forlli In plain
worJs. Irv ilcalfiirr.wllli ihn tack cl
al'ilcttc fnsllltlM, t'Mn i-Jltorlal says:
Tito Rymtiaslum question lion
rtnrhnd a point where s'lmetliltiK
must be ilons. Any srhi ul In this
statu, to b stamlard, tlmt Is, Iri
ncrorilsnce with ILe Oregon
Kcltool laws, must offer dally phy
"leal Iralnlnc, In u sultalilo gym
nasium. Klamath IIIkIi Iiiim not
met llm requlriiinent. bcausi It
larked the facilities.
Our Rlrls nrn ReiilnR t-o fcrty
fivn iiilnuto periods of physltnl
training each week, when tlmy
should have It every dn. Tlm
room used for Hits purposo Is so
small that the Rlrls n.iut ! dlvld
id Into six classes In order that
all may get oven these two week
ly periods. The room tins no sys
tem of ventilation, mid It Is a
(holcfl between opening the win
dows, and Jetting the cold air
slrlko' tho girls, or keeping tho
windows rioted, and hating them
breathe tlm hot stale air Tho
floor Is so w enlc that It (hakes and
trembles as Dm girls more over It.
Athletics create, givaier school
Intercut, nml rrfconraxo greater ef
fort, to uphold tho Iiout ot the
school They quicken the Individ
ual plosleully nml mentally and
t.'ius make him more fit lor his
work. Athletics bring clean mor
ills, for tho love ot clean sport
leaches hatred of cheating, wheth
er In games or In studies.
We do ne: ask for an elaborate
gym. but tor a solid, substantial
building, with odenuate room, and
niudrVn equipment "flili" sort "6?
:t gmn.tsltim ran lie built for
twelve thousand dollars There
urn nt present nine thousand dol
lars In the treasur) Three thous
and added to the present appro
priation will be sufficient to put
Klamath High lu a position to
comply vvltli the Siato School law.
and keep It In the list of standard
ized schools. We ask the co-operation
of the parents, tho business
men, nnd ot tho cltliens nf Klam
ath Pulls to help us secure this
Thn training thai llm hoys re
re I vo has not been mentioned for
tho very good reason that they do
not receive miy
I.ant ear tlm bos rented an old
hall lu which to practice basket
ball, hut this had bo bo shared
with litre town teams, so tho
hoys failed to got much good from
It. nlthoiiRh It coil tho school
thlrty-flui dollars n month. In
addition to tlilj. tho hall was too
(Continued an I'ngo C)
r.-t - -,
Police Etcort Is Doubled
To Protect Life of
NI2W VOKK, Xov 22. Thn po
Hen escort nsMgncd George. Clo
roenreau during his stay hero was
doubled today when thoN "Tiger of
Franco" received n loiter threaten
ing his life, signed, "a world war
NKW YOniC, Nov. 22. CleorROS
Clcmenccau, visiting ox-prcmler of
Franco, docs not want his present
ripe old age of 81 years prolongod
lij- artificial means. Ho so told
Dr. Francois I.oclcrcq, a Nswr York
physician and old .friend of tho
Tlgor, today at tho home ot Charles
Dana Gibson ,tho artist, where ho
Is staying.
In a characteristically ferocious
manner, Clcmenccau said to Lcclcrcq
when tho latter began to tell him
of some discoveries ot medicine for
prolonging life: "You keep quiet
or I wilt kill you. Treat the snakes
and dogs If you want to, but let
human beings dlo lu happiness."
Meets I'crstilng;
Many arsoclatlons and epochs of
tho world war wcr0 recalled when
tho war premier of Franco had a
long talk with General Pershing.
Tho general of tho American armies
was greeted by tho characteristical
ly Clcmenccau challenge:
"You aro the most stubborn man
I over knew," tho tiger told Tersh
Ing "When you nay 'no,' you mean
It.'t - -
Tho tiger was referring to Persh
ing's Insistence during tho war that
tho American army In Franco bo a
soparato fighting unit, against tha
French attempt to mcrgo the Amer
ican soldiers under tho French
Axel Kckstrom and Thco. Sche
dule, both ot Modoc Point, who
wero severely cut and bruised
when their car left tho grado on
tho Algoma flat early Monday
morning, hava recovered suffi
ciently to permit their dis
charge today from a local hospital.
Tho accident occurcd when, In at
tempting to pais another car, their
car left tho road and turned over
savcrat times.
bU HULU nr I tn
,Ei-Inch sign
vv CT5 iMli Tm.
SMaSSSl... T f '1 t W:H
isssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss9isssssssssssssssssssPV ' 4
ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssPfl te&&FBtlk
? ltsssssssY '- Wr r''mu
ssssssssssWm" H v,j4rWwTri,M
V ssssssssssfir sssB W.TLiilA Jfm
Vlh V -,B23SsssisB
Many cities will follow tho now
stylo of street signs recently intro
duced In l'cntlac. Mich. Inciters arc
eight Inches high and 11 feet above
tho ground. They're easily read by
passing autos, unlike the three-Inch
letters designed In tho days of tho
"onc-hoss shay,"
$300,000 FUND FOR
Oregon Chamber of Commerce Will
Consider Plans for liaising
Hum for Adyerlig
PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 22. Jan
usry. S hts'bont-Uu Jou-T-Ji-iliU
of tho r.nnual meeting of tho Oregon
state chamber of commerce, accord
ing to announcement by stato cham
ber officials today. Delegates from
every commercial organization ot tho
stale' will gather In Portland on that
data for discussion ot development
plans and for tho election of state
chamber officers tor the ensuing
Tho outstanding te.tturo ot thn an
nual meeting wilt bo consideration
ot the statc-wldo development pro
gram proposed by tho Oregon devel
opment board. This program has al
ready been adopted by tho Portland
chamber ot commerco and tho cam
paign to ralso a fund ot $300, 000
for development and advertising pur
poses for n two-year period will be
under way on December S.
To Aihertlno Resources
Whllo this 1300,000 development
fund will bo raised entirely among
tha business Interests ot Portland, H
will bo expended lu advertising tho
resources ot Oregon, Investigating
and strengthening existing market
ing organizations, land settlement
and other stato development work.
As the stato chambor has been desig
nated as ono of, the organizations to
undertake tho actual work proposed
under the development plan, It Is ex
pected that tho coming annual meet
ing villi bo ono ot the most Import
ant In tho history' ot tho organiza
tion. According to tho by-laws or tho
stato chamber, all commercial or
ganizations In good standing are en
titled to representation, Invitations
aro being sent throughout tho stato
urging such organizations to appoint
their dalegatos so that each section
ot tho stato will have a volco In tho
proceedings of tho annual meeting.
Annual Gathering" of Stnto Asso
ciation December 10
PORTLAND, Ore, Nov. 22.
Drainage experts will gather In
Portland Tuosday, December 19, for
tho annual meeting ot tho Oregon
Stato Dralnugo ussoclatlon. An
nouncomont cf tho meeting has boen
made by W. L. Powers, professor of
soils nt tho Oregon Agricultural col
lege at Corvallls, and secretary of,
(ho association.
PORTLAND, Nov. 22.. Cattle,
wonk, Hogs etoadlor tone. Shsup
steady, demand good. nggaand but
ter steady, I
Army 30,000 Strong Dw
tates Path Six Mik 1
Wide In Hcmr .
SHANGHAI, Nov. 22. Thn ban
dit army ot llenan province, 30,000
strong, which kidnapped number
of forolgn missionaries, It devas
tating a path six mile wide across
tho province, burning every city,
town and farm house, and leaving
a trail of dead, according to a let
ter from II. K. Led gar d, an Eng
lish missionary who escaped.
PEKINO, Nov. 22. The Ameri
can legation hero Is without any
further word from the three Amer
ican missionaries) kidnapped by
Honan bandits at different time
within the past two week. Th
three captives, Anton Lundeea, XI
nnr Dorg-Dreen and Oeorge Olat
Holm, all aro connected wltk the
Lutheran mission. The bandits also
hold the 5-year-old son of Borg
Dreen, besides a number of Mis
sionaries of other nationalities.
All tbe bandits' prisoners have
been permitted to communicate
with their families, and when last
beard from were unharmed.
The foreleg ottlce today aske4
the cabinet to send an spesllUM
Into Honan province to treat with
the bandltst for the release of their
V. K. Wellington 4Coo, foreii
minister, declared that be was eo
fldeat the kidnapped foretawers
would be freed within a week.
Lewis Kspca and Joe fiwiassW la
Mala Event:. 34 Kotusds la All
Twenty-four rounds ot boxing
will bo staged by Promoter Fred
Garlch at Scandinavian ball Novem
ber 29, with Lewis Espen and Joe
Swindler In tbe main event.
Lorance Daw, 144 pounds, has
boen signed up to meet Jack Har
mon, 14g pounds, who emerged vic
tor In bis two previous matches
here. According to Oarlch, Daw
looks llko a fast man who should
stand an even chance with Harmon.
In his former matches here Harmon
has not boen matchod with fighters
In bis class, henco had no opportun
ity to demonstrate his ability. They
will box six rounds.
Jlmmlo .Moore, 121 pounds, ot San
Francisco, has been matched with
Kid Drown ot this city in a four
round go. Moore Is a youngster who
looks nblo to give a good account of
himself. Drown Is a colored lad
who is said to know the fine points
ot tho boxing game.
The Espen-Swlndler bout was ar
ranged after long negotiation, Es
pen challenged tho winner at the
Swindler-Ritchie bout. Ills chal
lenge was accepted by Ritchie but
not by Swindler. Later, however,
Swindler said be was willing to meet
Espen, but the latter fighter object-'
ed to tho proposed compensation and
tho bout was delayed.
Swindler, at 184 pounds, will have
about 11 pounds advantage of
Espen. Tho latter, however, shows
up In his workouts as both clever
and fast. Whether he can last
through 10 rounds with his hard
hitting opponent, or whether he can
toss over a kayo In an early round,
Is a question to be decided la tbe
rtesolutlou Gives Ai
Measure lUgltt of Way
straight party vote, the hoatt rales
committee today adopted a , reta-
Hon giving the admlnlstrauW ship
ping bill right of wayjlttte heM
with provision for unlimited amsad
went and a final vote Nevomber'M'.
WASHINGTON, Nor,-!. y A.
vote ot 200 to 110 the hoas tfttaT,
adopted tbe rul. glvIag.KlvUiiM'
status to the admmWiwtlsV aW
Dins bill, which wHl he tMMssV .
tomorrow aad flaaUyTaU mt ,
ember 29. Tho hows dimitniaia ;. ,
tho caucus agreed to T4wiew-Wa;.
against the shljIaf Mtlvy-ji . ,
J 0 - ' ' '