The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 21, 1922, Image 1

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    m- r
Ciiltrrnlty Uhhtr)
Huroho, Otcgon
ty .-;( '
mm g md g ,
tonight ami . wiidnkhdav
clopdv, meiihilvii: houiii.
' r
- . mi
' U,
l i
Hlxivnlli Vein n, IIIHII,
Construction of Crude From
Hildebrnnd to Sprmtue R.
To Start Immediately
Contract fur roiiMrurtloti of 12
mile of grndo on (tin O. 0. A 12.
UUrnhnrn) railroad, from a point
near UIMalirntid to Hpr.iRuo rlter,
nt iinnpproxlnmli cost of 1170,001),
has Jtmt been lot to Netlleton-llruco-Kchlncli
company nf Seattle,
railroad , contractors, It was nn
nntinml today by N. II. Ilonit, super
intendent of tlt0 ro.ut.
Cam in will lio riitnlillhrit I in
lunJInlcly at both lllliliilirniiil nnd
llpragun rlor and between 200 nml
300 men Mill In. rmpln)ixt. Wolk
nlll ronliiiun nil Inter, und as
mitnnni In nlvrn t It t tlio rond will
Im' rompli'tnt to Hpragun river by
May 29, 1U23. us stipulated In tho
contrail Iiiimii Ilolirt I!. Wro
liurn ami tho city of Klamath Fulls
To !' Locul UilMir
Tho contractor, slid to liu unn
nf tlio I awn I firms In the north
west, will n Inral labor nml equip
ment Insofar n i-omIIiIi- One sti-nm-shovel
U nv.illuhlo hrrn nil I u Hi or
iqulpinent will Im brought In a re
quired. A lurKo Pnrt of Hie ttork
will lm ruble!.
Tho grading conduct prrvlntiiil)'
let to Julio it of thl
rlty will lm taken over l)' tin'
tin firm.
A temporary grade u til lu rnn
ntructed mound tlin point whero n
1600-foot tunni'l l tieesary, tut
work on tlin tiiunrl will pierced
(nnilnuouiily. Contract for this
work .will lio Jet toUjiuMuum flnu
later. Ilnnd nlil, Yrark will lm
laid by tlw railroad's on rruwii im
lat as tti r. rutin Is cnmplatrd.
firm Will i:ulpprl
lluml Mid the conlrurilnR firm
...... I
is vteit equipped in r-vcry way to
punli nork to completion within III"
allotted 1 1 me. Their nthetit Into
ttiln territory, ho believe, muy bo
taken n an Indication nf further
railroad ci)iitriictlon hiro within
the not tll.tnnt future.
Clark Nettletnn and J. M. Ilruce,
who ant here, nnld lliolr firm hnd
completed about 13,000.000 worth
of railroad construction In willed
Htrahorn ita Ititorettcd. They nre
of tho opinion that further rail
road development In In Moru for
Klamath county, but nald they were
nut In position to dlvulr.o their In
formation. Allied whether I liny would be
roiini Interentcd In lumber opurn
llniiH In thu tirrltorr tapped by tho
Htralmri) rnllroail, they iiuld It watt
puK-IMc, alncn tlinlr firm la ul
ready lutvrratod In IuxkIiik nud
lumbcrlni; cnlerprlmH
HlKlivtiit I'niin JiiikMiii Count) l.luo
To Klnmntti I'nlU liiilinlnl
rOHT!.NI), Nov -'I Klnmnlli
Kiiiuly today nuked thu uttiln hli;h-
way commliftlou for u lirlilcu acroHrj'
llio Klamath river, n road from thu
IJackann county line to Klamath
Kallo nnd u rn-ronllni; of tho Dairy
to lloniiuza nnd,
COt'ltT IIOCKCT i,u:i
JiiiIrii l.entltt net 2 oMoek (Ills
nftornonu for pllliiK thu dockut tor
tho Uoeomhor to'rin pt court. All at
torneys Interested worn prenont nt
this time, hav(nK,heeu notified by
letter earlier In It
WK.Tiii:ii i,uuii.iiii.rrn:s
Tho Cyelt-SVormuKr-'iim at Undur-
woof rnurmncy
has renlotered hut
. Jlttla ehaufio In tho
! luM 2) JiQUiti nl
r.llioiiBli Hlneo 10
n eincii inm morn
I in; there lmn boon
u uhnrp drop In
hnromotrle pres
sine, rorccnsl for not
2i hntira.
K n I r weather;
probably tvnrinor.
Tho Tjcim rocortlliiR thermntnotor
reKlstnicd ninxlmiim nml inlnlmiim
tompiirntiirea toduy iih frllewa:
iflifii :'
J.ow Jiu,,,)i',,-tiiia71
I' tHJ.1111
. HCTy
-;or X
A I'
i, 3 ll''
I!, II, Tlioimik I'linliiiir KK llrylh.
li'ii'il Kwrn of I'diiKil .Vi'tr Zru-
Imiil (Jirt'iituiiiil Hlr.iln
Anotlinr rlilpncnt of flim Cor
rlodal'i iilicip win rccnlrnd licru
Kiindny nlxlit. ranilRl'm; of alx
icRlnlcrrO owe. Tlu-ito nliccp were
pnichiisDil liy II. II. TlH)nnn from
IMillllp Wlimcnrvrr of Mr.Mln
vlllo mid nro of lo (Jrirnwooil
elork of TivlotdBln. Niw Zealand,
nml iito n pntt of tin ni'roml lm
porlntlon inndu liy Hint firm fii-m
Niw .I'llnml
I'liotutiM cniiKrntiilnlud lilnmclf
upon hlit i;moi torlnno In olit.iln
Iiir Uimo rl.pep .which nru noted
for thflr wool nml Inmli v.ilu
With thin addition, of tho (Ircon.
wood Mtrnlit. Klamath county no'
poMC9t Hip Xtry liott Ci-rIudaU
lilnoit ItiK Hon! recently Import
imI n uhlpmcnl of thu Now '..'.
In ml flhirp.
Ilnfl'iiii ('jrrlHlnIro
Willi tho new iialpmcnt Thoinui
now lim CO Corrli'dnlit alierp Illtt
Hock In In-ailed liy it etui of tho
fl.OPO mm ri'ronlly purclinwd Id
.lord, nml rulKd hy 1 1 '"
or llnl New '.'.rnlnnd. run of
Janiiii Mllli'. foumlnr of the Cor
rlnlaln hrMil. Thomna ln-llooi Hi"
Corrliit.ili urn tlio comine hup.
Iioth for raiiRD nml rano'i purprnt.
Unllko any othir lireji with mut
ton ninlliy. thi'y turd will mi tho
rnnr.i'n. ' v,v'- and item to trans
mil their liiinlllliit when rroiwdd
with nn other lirr-d. whether fine.
inMlum or coano wool.
Tim oroliitlou of Ihlii lire til of !
lnc;i hrmiKht nhout nlni: to
tho 'rralliatlon hy Now Zonl.iiul
hreeder many yian nro that with
tho Incroaiod colt, hlithnr prlc
of I nml ote . n dual purpose oticop
w nifcwwry A hlr.her itmtlty
und sraalotuimjuUty bulh-of Umt
and wool, wan Imperative beforo
'hrpr.iUlnn couhl ho mado to pay
nidi Tim rapidly lucrraMnt; pop
ularltr of Corrledale-s In thli eoun
W would bmiii to Indicate Hint
--.. !...
wool rrowcri hern were nl.tti be
Klunlni; to reallto thla itamn fact.
Itnvil Hcurtn In C. S.
Thomaa .iy Hint the only Iron
bin with tho CorrlcdMcn U that they
am tery difficult to obtain. There
ore le thun " doicn breeders In
I ho United 8t.itc.i, Including wrao
of thn KOtertimenl atallonii, hleli
only po.Hio.ts n cry small number.
Coiiilileintloii or It '.'ml nml JtildK?
ConvtiiHlloii to Comu l'l
('Uii' AiMiilnti-il I'm'kn)
I'OllTI.ANIi, Nov 2i.-Tlui utate
hlithtvny rommlsilon In roslon hero
today hnd beforo It bids for tho lin
provrment nud lonulrurtlcn of roaili
nud tlio lomtructlcn of brldtteH ni;-
CreRatliiK nboilt $175,000. Coil'.ld-
iirntlon of uoxl )'u proRrnm also
was oxpecti'd to iiicolvu ntteution at
tlio muutliiK-
HlRhwny iirojertn on which bid,
weio li bo opened today Imludud
tho Ore'ioii Clt)-Cnuomiih seetlrn of
tho l'aelfle hji.'hwny, nud Kiirfncltis
of unit No. a' of tho Kertlio Crouk-
Vul.iden ranch ruction of tho John
Day hlp.liwny In Wheeler county.
' Ilrhli;in Included ono over the
Malheur river near -lunturs, Central
Oregon hli;hny, nnd over thn Dei
chutes river tit Bhonrhr'a In W.isco
'I In to Hhlim In DMri'Ki mill Mllei
Off Capo l'latlery
SKATTI.IJ, Nov. SI. Hlnrm bat
tored In tho l'aelfle. GOO mlloa off
Cnpu Flattery, tho steamum llossle
IJollui', Stuart Dollar ami thu tut;
Sum- .Monarch, of .Seattle, sent out
illttrijja calls thla afternoon which
u'ero lecelved nt tho United Htiitea
naval initio Btutlou bore, Tlio coat
Kiinni cutter Ilulda was ordered to
pioceed Immedlutoly to tho nsalat
nuco or tho vessels.
counciii mi:i:t postponkm
Duo to, thu absenco liiHt nli;ht of
Mayor S, Wlloy und M, 8. West,
tlio city council nincllni wnt post
poneil bliUI i iKJ Tuesday.
tl ui " i" ,
liirkey Massacre 'Predicted
Ambetndor Gobbla Palmw Seeks Aid From Dspart
ment of State 1 Situation Delicate
(lohbln I'dinw, ntnhnmnJor fro u
Turkey, Im.i tnadi' n-prcumtafrnnii 1 1
thu IlipRrtmrnt or Htatu n.'IallM' to
r ii in era of n mninncin of M.i follow
I'oiiiitrymuu t.hlrh. It l'i ropurri'd.
v .' 1 1 1 ink plaro wltlllu in ilnyr. liu
ifltlMllu.l hi ilclleotii hut (iulihln
liojim to (Hurt an International erln
In. Tho ftltUHlton It nldo critical In
IClRiunth nunly, countryiuen of (ioh
hlti I'vlinw roport. Humora of n
mttmcro hnvo lue'i current In thu
Mnlln, Merrill, Tula laku nn.l Hon
nirrn tllittrlrt, p. v,ell no In Kl.n-i-ii
III I'alU, Illy, Kurt Klnmnth. Heat
ty, Chllo'inln, nud In nil Mlier pnrti
of tho county. 'I ho conimittro for
t'ifense of llariunriU hn heo'i "
csnlted, tl Hi Hohlili' (luhhle luhnw,
n rebttYn C'f (lohM.i l'lii, chair
man, mul im order roitrnlnltiR nil
Imte.'rira und other etioi.ilea of Tur
key III h() demanded of tlio c uii
"Wo item md protection,"
Unbuilt Hobble, 'nml wo inenn to
Ii.imi It. I.ant yi-Hr n l,ir;r niimhrr
of our couBtrymen yen, and tinmen
wcro hckKiiliil. Till Ib n fr-o
country end an cltUen wo nrn cti
tltlod to prolrtlon. I uuderatand
that l3Kt car n number of my tou.i
irymim worn not only mawacrel but -
wero, actually oeten. Think of It!, Hint Ik Ii.iii a liarmn, and cnrerely
It the public KolliR to iorin't Uil.i in.u.- 1 tho newapupera for pub
tort of thing to roatinuoT" , lltlilni: ho iloolarc t ro falto
t (iobbla flnhMa ileitoil Hip ri-port i ntntrnn.nt"
liinitM-il Itltnlr. Noleil M ItCMilt
..... -i ., . i ,
Of lt-i--t lust Hclieilole
, I
IneroatcU Interest nnd ilvalry In
backotball ainonK tho hlRh school rter A W(Jck ,, ,. abi(;nce Qf
suit of riiuTr-clmu names td be lIJ4.beKlfllnr ,omorrow 'mo'rnnB -,,&,
nmoiiB oo;a ino i.oys anu B.n.. ( rk w ,4r,( accprd,nf. , Ms
AlthoiiRli tho whedulo has not ; can, Clllkn)l v,ll0 llc,r,nR to ln.
been doflnlloly ilelermlnod. tho Jun- ne,.r ,0 ,,rhn , Klnmnth Kails
lor and senior hot a will probably ,rjior.
tanr.lo Wednesday nlsht. Notctnborj aslca,i of tluUn n torps of roll
29. Tho Junior nnd senior r.lrls r,l()n, 011t , , ro,uiwi .ilstrlcta
ttlll probsbly play tho eamo nlRht. j ns tlfl). aid iMi yNlr ,0 UeA CroM
About 30 bo.t havo been turn- uli establish wilea quarters In sov
ln,: out steadily for pracllco nnd era Uuslnwn Iiousoh On tlio last
Ihuro Is much promlsltiK material , ,y llio drlty Rlrls will b0 on tho
niuotiR tho srottp. Tho ohowera urceta for tho pur?, -o of catchlnc
nnd drcstlnK room In tho basement any ono who may hnto ncRlectoJ to
of the Klks club nro IiuIiir ured obtnln a mambershlp card earlier In
by the hoys, nddlnrj a Rnat deal -
to tho benefit derlted from tan
Tho lioyit nro practlHlm: Monday
nnd Krlday afternoons, and Tus-,
day, WedniMilay. and- Thursday,
cvunliiRS. Tlio KlrH practice Tues-,
day, Wodnesilay nnd
( "" ' . j&&) ran
-Tff ' iY
(Twifc goodness VsJ, v,j If
W.t5 OOM'T HAVE AHV Ull if'
Member of the Associated Pren
I'ALLH, OKKCO.N, TI'IWDU, V1 Iv.Mlim ai, lltaa.
(,(l!Ill,A liSHAW
iAc"" "'"k "" !-' Tomorrow;
I iSaU'" '..''it.-TH I'huilieil
Tho IteJ Crow Hull Call drlvo In
,,., ,,,., ,,..,. w .,,., .
the week.
WAHHINC.TON. Nov. fil. Mrs.
W. It. ' Kvlton, CeorRla's "Crand
Old lidy." won her flpht today
Thursday i for seat for n day as tho first worn
i nu rcnator.
1 ,
Pica of Southern Pacific
Bcinp; Heard; Many Com
munities Represented
WASHINGTON. Nov 21. Tho In
tcrs.ato commUslon today bcRan a
hoarliiK on tho Houthcrn I'.iclflc pe
tition to retain thn Central' l'a
elfle. Half a dozen western states,
scores of communities nnj traffic
associations wer0 rcpreicntcd.
U. J. fipi-nce. director of traffic
for tho Southern I'aclflc, explained
In detail tho financial and leaso
nrranRcments which hare resulted
In n close Interlocking of tho two
corporations slnco 18S5. Uy -joint
s.'iieH of tdocks and bonds, at
chanr;u of securities and abJolutoly
unified operation, he raid, n rltua
Hon' had been created In which
illmolutfon under tho supremo
court order would rIvo rlsj to nu
inurous perplcxlni; and difficult
"It Is sufficient at this point to say
that thu Central Pacific ami Houth
crn I'aclflc hnto been operate J as
Inter-dependent parts of n slnRlo
system for oter CO years," Spenco
lotitlnued. "Kccnomy und efficiency
hato bcon promoted by tlio methoJ
of nwembllnc nnd dlstrlbutlnR
frolRht which tho tingled system has
tnailo possible
"In a llko manner unified nml In
terwovoa passenscr train scrvlco
over tho Central Pacific lines and
over tho lines of tho Southern I'acl
flc havo teen ilctelopeit, at a result
of n life time study, which meets tho
retirements or nil communities nnd
cannot bo disrupted without public
Ortoilzallon Complrteil nt I-urvlln;
OffireiM nro i:cctnl
OrRanlzatlon of tho LanRclls
Valley Community club was com
pleted nt n meotliig nt I.orella Fri
day nlRht. Officers elected were:
ChrU Cowley, president; M. T.
Prince, tlce president; a us Kaller,
tecrotnry. A mretlnR will bo held
next Saturday at Lorclla.
The purpoio of tho club Is to
promote community activities, both
social and welfare. IrrlRatlon mat
ters woro dlscusseJ at tho organlia
tlon meotliiR.
KollowlnR the mcctliiR music was
furnished by Mrs. Nelson, Harry
lllorel and A. I.. Wlshard.
Drninnil HrUk In Neatly All l.lnei
An Henmm Drnwo to Clnp Con
illlloni I'nr ISctler Tlinn 1(21
thour.h seasonal employment In aRrl
cultura In Pacific coast states Is now
practically to an end, tho surplus of
workers Is IioIiir well taken caro of
In other lines, particularly construc
tion and lumber, nccordlnR to tho re
port for October of J. A. Kelly, ilia'
trlct director of tho employment
service, I'nltcd States department of
labor, mado public hero toJay.
Orcsoii anticipates no larno sur
plus of workors fcr at least CO days,
Kelly's roprrt nald .whllo In Wash
ington nnd California, dcsplto com
parative Inactivity In shipbuilding
and clerical lines, conditions are
generally cood.
An abstract of Director Kelly's re
port follews: '
Lumber Demand llrlk
California Seasonal employment
new drawing to a close. Demand for
agricultural and orchard help slack
ening Tvo seasonal employment
bureaus operated by the stato havo
closed and thu third will suspend
operations within thirty days. Theso
bureaus wcro furnlshlnR help to tho
agricultural and fruit districts In tho
Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys.
Demand for construction workers
hrldlna tip. A shortage of experienc
ed hulp In thla Hue. Lumber con
tinues brisk with a demand for ex
perienced workers. Hulldlne acti
vity continues with a stronR demand
fcr labor, especially bricklayers,
plaiternrs and finish carpenters.
Southern oil fluids nro operatlnR to
capacity whllo tho Holds in the San
Joaquin valley and coast regions are
at only about one third. Hallroad
repairs show a slight Improvement
as does Iron and steel.
log yet at a. standstill.
operating solely on repair work""
Oregon Lumber ami all other
Industries normal, Soasonal em
ployment releasing workers who are
quickly ubsorbed In other lines.
HutldlnR in larger centers active. No
larco surplus of workers anticipated
for at least CO days. In general con
ditions nro far better than 1921.
Car .Shortage Hinder
Washington Hlndranco to busi
ness Is shown In car shortage How
ever, in general conditions aro con
sidered good. Construction Is brisk.
Applo harvest will practically ter
minate In November but warehouse
work will continue for a longor per
loj. Lumbering Is on a good sub
Manila! basis. More building trades
men could find employment. Pub
He improt omenta nre of considerable
volume. Thero is greater activity In
Iron and steel. Surplus of profes
sional and clerical workers, both
rualo and, fomalo, and lack ot domes
tic help shews no change."
Ketutii of Home Cooked MeaN Will
Ho CVIcbrntcd Tomorrow
Tomorrow "111 bo home-coming
day at tho chamber ot commerce
forum, colobratlnR the roturn ot
homo rookod meulsMiy tho womon
ot tho Christian church. A vocal
solo by .Mm. A. J. Vojo, accom
panied by Mrs. Charles Wood
Kliorlcln. will form tho musical en
tertalnmcnt. The speakers were
not announced.
LAUSANNK. Nov. 21. Itlcliard
Washburn Child, American ambas
sador to Ituly, and Joseph C. drew,
minister to Switzerland, acting as
observers nt tho Noar Kast con-
foronce, havo conferred with Presi
dent Poluculru ot France, Lord
Curzon, of Kngland and Promlor
Mussclinl, of Italy.
PORTLAND, Nov. 21. Cattle
steady, calves $1.00 higher. Hogs
baj'oly steady. Hlicop. oggs nnd
butter steady.
(iknkhal ih:i:uk D1KS
PORTLAND, Nov. 21. General
C, l Doebo, stato adjutant general
during tho Spanish American war,
tiled today, ,
ship nt- i
l h
Merchant Marine Bill Heidi
Necessary to Relieve U, S.
Of Staggering Losses
WASHINGTON, Nor. 21, Enact
ment ot tho administration mer
chant marlno bill was urged upon
congress today by President Hard
ing as necestary to roller 'the trot
ornment of the present "staggering
losses" In the operation ot the war
built merchant fleet and to estab
llth a program of assured shipping
to serve tho nation In war and give
a guaranty ot commercial Independ
ence In pence.
Personally addressing the Joint
session, Harding declared an actual
monetary .laving to the, government
would result from the proposed
law. Ho chalelnged every Insinua
tion of favored Interests and thn
enriching ot a special few at the
cxpenso ot the public treasury. Thn
legislation, ho asserted, was auto
matically guarded against enrich
ment or perpetual bestowal,
"If success attends, as wo hope It
will, tho government outlay la re
turned. Inspiration of an opportun
ity to earn remains, and Ameri
can transportation by sea Is main
tained," said tho president.
Declaring It would bo discourag
ing It a measuro ot such transcend
ing national Importance shoul4('ha've
Its fato depend upon geographical
occupational, professional or prU
san objection, tho president said
America's commercial eminence wan
no less Important to the people or
the Kiddle west than to the tea
board elates. II said thai it
ernmcnl aid Is a fair tern ta'apfty
to authorizations aggregating llr
00,000 for market highway. It 11
equally fit to be applied to tho es
tablishment and maintenance ot
American market highways on the
"salted seas."
The president said the govern
ment is now losing about $4,000,
000 monthly on government ownod
ships, compared with 118,000,000
monthly when the present adminis
tration took charge War construc
tion costing 13,000,000,000 left the
govcrnmoat approximately 13,200,
000 gross tonnage In ship .Which
has been reduced to 12,500,000 -owing
to scrapping the wooden fleet,
ho pclntcd out. He said ibe pro
posed legislation giving direct aid
would not reach $20,000,000 annu
ally with ocean carrying maintain
ed at tho present average, and that
tho maximum direct aid if American
shipping carried ono half the na
tion's sea commorce would not ex
ceed $30,000,000 nnnually.
Tho president called attention to
tho fact that government ships are
now being worn out without anjr pro
vision for replacement and that a
program of sacrlflco and liquidation
costing scores ot millions would1 bo
Inevitable unless tho proposod legis
lation Is enacted.
Defeat of O. A. C. Hcmfc
Kletcn to Top In Confeirtsce
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 3l.j--0rfa
gou's 10 to 0 victory over the Ore
gon Agglc.s Saturday sent tho'Ku
gtno team into a Ho with the cham
pion California cloven tor first place
In tho Pacific coast cotoforenco
tuble. Kuch team has won three
games and lost none . They do not
meet this year.
Orogon plays Washington at Seat
tle Thanksgiving day In Its 'last can
turence gaum of tho yoar, while Cali
fornia has yet Jo moct Stanford. ' In
tho Utter gnmo California has all n 'VlS
tho advantage but In tho northern JC n'!' '3
contdst tho Seattle Huiklea lsnjr( ; "Sxt '1
wreck Oregon's claim for a iklftl.mH, . , J
the west's championship hopori., An ,
orogon win over Washington wmm - V .
nut thn I nu in In linn for imliMltft fta
the reprusontatlvo of tho wait In tM t
east-west game at Pasadena. t '
University of Southern Callf- , . ., r
tila's win over Idabp yesterday, pt) , ,7
tho Vandalslnto the conf,9rH(,Jv , ,M
lar for the year, giving hiH)-ij)r''v ' ,rt
iua. '"1,i,n,wy tJ
r Utantord streMtrHNUst tM -
win over fitantord strengt
claim: to bng $km "
best teairt
vlt 4.&
, '
7 - i
f " , '
& j
..", '
tw :