H.viiihiAxoyiiytiH, nfo.r THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON fojjWw'fo'l SOCIETY A-ND SOCIAL EVENJSl HK-' . ' TV . .,- ..1 I Minn Clnrii Ciilkliin, iiirl(nl city Iroumirnr, Iniit Hntuiday nvonliiK urniip of linr frlnndn Mm newly wiim liiintcnn to It Klllllll nt it illtiniir mill Ihi'iilrn parly, 'llm illniu'f wan tivrvi'il ill Tin IIIiik (liu.y'u nml mv itii worn lulil for flvii! MlnniM Allen Thiimtuii, llnhy Konwlik, l.nrrtln Junnliiiin, Mnyhitllii l.invllt mill llm liimli'HH Ynlluw i lit tianl huiiiuilili worn clvi'ti iih ruvnrii In n.'ii li flimnl, who linil at minm I lino uUimiIi'iI tlm Unlvi'rnlty nf (JrnKftti unit wnr 111" lower In honor nf Hi" tiinmiromliiK yimm wlih li liuit Iipi'm iilayinl tlml nf lernnoii ut Kiini'ii", (Iri'Kiin. f A ilnllidilfiil nurirlo wh Imidnrnd MIni Vcru Miiikiiii In tlin form nf n rliliui hIhivmt I mi Hnttird.ty iivojjIiik nt llm liiinio nf Mi, ninl Mm. I.. IC, J'linlim linr miiiiIiik woitilliiR mi flTi li il it y wiij dm limtilrittlnii fur llm I'Vi'lit. A i nmpltilo mil nf illnlmn wan ri'tirlvitil liy Minn MorKim frnm tier tunny frh'tiiln who Kallmrod in wh Iht hnilimn. U it in f mill imiili' wiT" oiijiiyi'il llirniiRliitiil tlm even In K nt tin tin nt nf which rnfrodli nmntn with nmml Tlio following KUnMn vmo ir'"iif Minion Jonfl pliliin l'iji, Vorn Wnmln. Kut linr tilt' Upp, Mr nml Mm. I'atil llntierlmin, Mtii. I'll. Dunham, Mm. Wlnnltit: limn, Mr. nml Mm. (' II linrni(nlilt. Mr. nml Mm I. IC I'lielpj, Mm. Al .Mellmie. Mm. Joint Ynilott, It. It. ratliTinrt nml William Molltntn. flumlny tiinrnlni: Mini Vera Mnr Ann hecnnio tlio lirliln nf William Mellmie. son nf Mr. nail Mm. Al Melliasi'. Inni; 1 1 mo renlilnun of Klum.itli rmnitr. Mim MorKUM In Ihn kUtrr of Mm I. K Plirlp. The crri'lilnny win preloriiied nt N n'rlnrk Hunilfiy inornlnK l ilu llev. Monro, of llm Mi'llniilim l.'pU'opRl cliurrh, nt I lip homo of Mr ami Mm. I'linlp Tlio lirliln wilt nllenileit by MIm Joieplilne t'pp anil Dan Mihae nrl ml a boil man to Hut tirliliT.rooin. Tim welilliiR parly rnlereil I lie room to tlm ulralm of lAihttiiKrln wihMIiir marrh playril hy MIm ICntlicrltie t'pp Mm J I.I life I y ninl II I." l'.tl termti unni: a iltict, " I'roinlie Me' Tlm lirliln wan tilllrH In it lilun lull ori'd mill Irltiunoit In 'iilrrel fur nml wrrn a lil.irk plrture lint nf itrt Irlmnirir lit Krwy. After n irlef lioiieyniocii trip to Kan Pran rliirn I lie nn'ly iiiHrrlel. (iinple will ri'iuro to Ul.imiilli I'nIU mtil will do at ImiiiK U" llilr frleiuU In llm llttrito iljiHin lionio mi Cri'M-vnl uvonno. Mr. nml Mr Tlienitnrn Nelnon anil MIm Cliitrlutln lliinlluy (iilnrliiliipl llnmlny ntenlilK In linnnr nf Mr. and Mm. Tliiirlnw l.lvurmtro an. I (ten Tnck of tlm Tliiirlnw l.li'iirmirn rout lnuiy. Mm .Ml.un mill Ml llimilsy .pent xiverul iotii In Lyceum nml (Timitati'itm tiiiiler I lie luntiaRommit nf l.leilr.iilre, who lit now romlilerml ntio of Altlerlrn'it rifntivit roinpwi em. licli xiiMt citerlultnil with n tiitmlier frnm ltl lurtlrul.ir pro nr.itn. Tlm other gueU wer"- Mr nml Mm. DUnn, nml Nnrtumi l'lerre. of I tin riercol)xim Trie: Ham (Ir.tthwell, lucturer. nil IIIIHou. Whlln nrlliilit mul Corwln I'onlnr. Dixon will tin reiiieiiiliercil oh tlio very I'xcolloul li.irlloiiu wllh llm male iiinrtutlo nppeurliiK hero th! paet summer. 1 ..- it t Hatiirilny nfioriinnii MUtroM Hotly 1. iMle Itreil relehraled her t fourth ItlrthJny with a parly. Kleuui " little KlrU wuro InMted to taUit pari In tlio rdurlMllon of Hetty'n four yearn. Y.irlnun.Kmuiu were pl.iyoil nml Into in Hie day u womlurftil birthday ni l n with rtitulloH won ervfd, In olnervaiicn of Armlittlro day ciirti llltlo kucbI wna priuiitoil with n n!lk H.ik. 1'rOnent wure: MariMrel DiiiiiiIiikIoii, Vclndii, Irnui and Vlri'.lnl" Darlcy. Audrey MoAlioy, Jano Daiui'll. M.ixluo Klllntt, M ar ea ret Juno llallien. K'litlieilno Wll non, llarllne mid Jewel lliicltney nml tllO llltlo llOStl'llK. An liiturrntliii: wcilillnii whleh wiih nil ovont of Wbdnerday wjb Hint nf Hoy I.. Toiuhy, of tlio Kpr.iniio ItlMir lumlior rciinpmiy, mid Minn Ituhy Kl llntt, who arrived lieu llm tlml of tlio week from Wiillu W.ilhi, W'nsh' Inr.toa. Mr. and Mrn. Teiphy worn iitleiidod hy Mr j nml Mm. J. M. led ford. Tlm Itov. Ailluir Itlro per formed tlm furemony wlileli looK placo nt tlio i:irminai;o. , i Tlm Aloha eluli will Itavo n no clal aftornonn Prlility, Kpemlier 'H, at tlio llaldwln lintol. On tlili oc rnHlon Mm, !-. V, Wlllllt mid Mm. Krnnk Word will nut m hndloaui for llm iifternoim, Tlio Annual Harvest Ulnncr nt llm Mothodlut church l.ntt uliiht wan nt tended hy 200 mumliorfl nt tlio church mid lliolr itttcnU. Dinner wan mrv oil nt Ci.10 mid wiih In cIiiiiko or Mr, nml Mm. 1. K, l'huliHmul Mr. mid Miu. 0, J, lUirimtalilo, naslatod hy Mm. Will Woods, MUa Voru Woodu, Mlmi Josephlno ljip mid mi ni erouu otliun), who holpud with tlio rnnltliiii mid HorvlitK Aflrr dlnnrr! Ivuiipurll, (ho r.rnil volco Innlritrtor, II. N Moo, Mm. Hmllo llnlliiinv, ,',im. mi liilnrentlni: pror.rimi wan iilrnu i ninl with (Indnwiikl, fninoud tilnnlft ! I. Hoiir.lanil, I" Tnnmir. (leoro In which a Khurl lilt enlltliid "The I 'lliln l tlio Mlxth m-mion Mlnlio- llnrtli, nml A, It. I."avltl IJancltiK Kniiilly Allium" wnn n fenturo. A I v;ol.l him lniiijhl on tlm maul iunlwn tho (Ihomlow of tlio 'venlni;. ilut hy Mm Kred t'ofer mid Mlmi i ho nxporlH to return nhnrtly In JTor Alurlo (Ihiuiehiilii wan i njoyi'il hy llm onco, hy way nf Now York, (n ro-i iniitloiii" iuiiI Ihn ininmlllnn lii uhiirRn of Iho ini:ram wan parllc iir.ully forliiiuil" In lielnic uhlo (n hnvo MIah Claiiilln Hplnh niitiihiiroil nmiiiut llmlr niileilnlinrH. Him nit n it lUn nuiiiliini and waif urcintipatiled on llm plllini hy Mhw Oheneluilli. It. K I'.uii'iiioii mnl MIhh ('Lira ('iilltlim rnwood the patly wllh n voinl duet r '.'em Tiii'Milay allcriiooti Iho Wom an 'n Auxiliary nf tlm Am'-rlean l.er Ini will iitent In tlm l."Klo:l rnoiiiH In llm liatenient dt Iho Main utrent roiirlhotiHO, Muih lininr(mtt html unia will coino lioforn tho body nml limy will plan their winter nillvl. lion. Tho Inillen nf tho Ten Cup Hub met nt tho homo of Mm. II. K. Moiu)er Tl'Umtlay nfliirnooti, NVcilli work mid u nodal tlmo. Inrlinlliii: KUialnK Kiimof, wuro Imtiilccil In ditrliu: llm nflernoot) A ultort prn cram wan had, cotiRlntltiR of n read- I in: hy Mrn. ('. Iinrmtnhlo nml n l i iilnnn iliiul hy Mm. V. II. Color nntl Mm. Klmer llumlrlckn l'reeent mi thin orranlon weie: Medame (lu Haltcrleo, Knppcn, Myom, V. II. Co fer , llmdrlrkn, MitMoe, Clinton DollarliMe, C. J llanutable. K. C Mucky, (liitherle, T. It. IlklllliiRlnn. Illitftlimnn. DowiiIiik. Harry I'elti. I) M. Hmllli, Maine). Ilrey. IttiJn main Moore nml tho liOHtcm. A now cluh, n't tho present lime In Id Infancy, came Into beliu: at tlio homo of Mr. nml Mm. W. A Wleit Thumtlny nftrnnon, when n Kroup of Iho clly'n roprmriilatlvo women Ratherrd thcro for tho pur iM of tnlklnK over platm for tho dull Tho rrl'Jii)hli cluh, accord Iiik to tlm charter mtmbem. nrplroi to ho Jimt what I tit name nlKlilflen. friendly and helpful in everyone. rroldlK rlothlnr. nml food for tho ntcdy wlfl occupy n nrcit part of tho rlub'n nrtho lime. Tho charter member follow Meadamon I!. H Nllnrliolm, It. II. Oiinhnr, V. It DaniHT. A. Ilnlnter, (leorco Tliranh- er. Haihllo Muttooo. Clara Kimullt, ' (M.iM Hell. IJinia Miller. Chnrleni Mtrt.tnrll. It. U. Illllnti, I'.vM Ittfttit-1 niler. Hay Amlornon. I'.lva llrlntoe, i (l.nrKo A. Wirt. J. II. Vollmcr. llattlo Keller. I :. I. Cnmon, llcrtlia Miuni y, Marin Wl-xl. Maud Holi er! nn. Coral l'rliiip. tlrnro (lwron. Iiift I, imbert. Mnritamt Yi.unn. Herllia MeKlinm. Maud tlodb-r. W.I W. Koiilhwolt nml Viola Joli" I I Tlio A. N. W. dub wan Piitertiln id nt llm homo of Mm II II Dun-1 bar on Wrdwtndpy of th' week, nt wlildi Hum Ktl Inlcroatlns norlnl nf lernonn wan iwmoI wllh nrwinr audi conversation. .Mrn. v ;t. .tmurt-. wj Mm. C. I.. Monro nml Mm Hath 9 wrro Invited r.ucntn of tho club. Mm. It. A. l.'mmltt wna hoatenn to tlm Happy Hour RnwIiiR dub on Tuwday of thin wetk at her liom on l'luu iitroot. Tho I.fllturo Hour Urldcu club met nt Iho homo of Mm. It. K. (Ic.iry Tucntliy. Mm. tlo.iry waj antlHtd at thlri cluiruiliu; parly hy Mm. J. V. tloollor mid Mm. IC. (I. CummlnKi. Mrn. 13. II. l'll.o wan tho fortunate. IiIrIi bcoro plaer of tlio day uml rerohed a lovely prize. Tlm next nicotinic will bu nt tlm homo of Mr, William (Jauoiic. Tlio regular mcotliiR of tho Ladled dub of II. I'. O K. will bo leld on Tiionilny of next weelt nt tho tomplo. nml nil vJttltlm; ludlon nro Invited to attend. Ihn iiflcrnonn will bo In clurco of Mm. K. II. Uour.or, .Mrn. A. fl. Molmior nnd Mm. (). M. Hector. Krlondn of Mm. l.nulao Voyo uml pcoplo lutorottod In iuuhIimI advance ment will ho Interested In n nolo which iipi'onri'd In n recent Han Kinnclsco iiiuhIc.iI Jeiirnnl: "Mm. I.ouIko Yoyo, of Klamath I'liHn, (Ire Ron, an artist pupil of (llacomo Mln IdinoKI, It romplelliiR u eo;inu of Mludy In filiiKlm: mid tenclilnc, Mm. Yoyo has u ory flno dr.uuntle iiopr.iiio volco nnd la exceedingly munlenl, her loaclior helm; cnllaii laello irtfcr hor work." Mm, Vojo U ninv u Khiiiiath rnlla t o.itlitit mid lultliiK with frleiubi mid lolnllvoa, uftur c('!iipli'llni; her couruo nt ntudy with Mlnkownkl. Hlio linn rocolvol hor dlploiuti f i om him an u fully iiuiiiifletl liiHtiuclor hi volco culturo. In tlio iiuihIu wmld, paillcul.irly In tho east mid In Kuropo, Olncomn Mlnl:owkl limits with tho foremost Instniclotii nf libi dny, holm; him nolt a pupil of Vonll, uml otlmr limn (cm, uml cloacly usuoclutcd with Niiinu bin former rliinncn. Mm. Yoyo has lou'lvi'd tho vory flallcrlni: of fer In tnk'o bin Htinll" uml daaii In San I'Vmielmo uflor bin departure. With tlm Inleiillon nf nrroitliiK lliln offer Mm Voyo will lonv.i horn for Han I'mncltro nhoiit Decemb'r I. , 'llm Kodroii i lub mil T1ie.1d.iy ni tho I'tenbyliirlnn ihureli wllh Ml in OIIVo Carlton In charKo of Mlnnlnn ntiitly nnnlntcd by Mrn. Crntn IIthw- Imknr, Mm. Dorn Norrln mid Mm Hurt C. Thomnn Minn Yorn lloun ton nml Minn Waive Drew worn boat OMin for (bo nodal nvenlug vlilch fiillowi'tl tho tnhmlon BWlilv I'reient wnro' Mlnnui Wnlvo Draw, rioiiuiro1 1'i'Nor, Ollvo Carlton, Von llountnn.j Dorrln Ally, Htdla Hklnuer. AURiiita ' I'arkur, IMda Offleld, MondmnM W I!. HIourIi, l!vn Clemmon, ' OeorKo Mnllclt, It. C. (Irocnheck, Hart C.I Thomnn, C. II, l.amlln, A '-. IHo, J. II. Hood, (Irnln llrowbakor, lllrvl, ICroRo, Norrln, (). II. Ilrowny, N. II. Drew, mid May t.al'rtilrlo. I . Monday nlc.lit Mr. and Mm. II. N. ' Moo wqro boiln nt nn -olnhornlo kooo illnnor. t.'ovom wprc laid' fori Mini Klltabclh .Hullhun, Mm. H.nllc Italllheo, Minn Mlniilo Walker, Ar-! Ihur l.oivlit, r. Tunner, (Icornoi llnrth, ami tho hontn. j Mint Hulllvati wan tlio nubjecl in( n niirprlno parly nt tho McNealy, boi.ie Wt'diieiday lilRlit, At lliln lime Iho following wero preicil to wish her well on hor birthday: MImi en Mlniilo Wnlkur, I'cnrl Colllnn, Mr ami Mm Kidney Abbott, Mr nod Mm. C II Ilpwimni, Mr mid Mm Another illnnor party win rIvoii with duck an tho niiilii featuro nt llln homo or linn Kllralmlh Hulll. vim, when oho etilorlabii'il Minn Minnie Walker, Mrn. ((.idle ibilllli"". I'. Tinnier uml A. It. Leavlii. Kennlile Iiik, to r.'it l!-tory br, k build- Don't Despite the Lone Dollar i'.f' n!vt Styles for Boys tfcttiT tftCAUl Tlila cacn every mother's oa rlll bo wan tine rar.tan Hoove txd it turncd-up. button-over collar. 'And a nappjr belt, don't forcet that by nny mean! Ths rnaterlati 'too counta a lot In tho scheme of ,thlno. It houtd bo or chlnehllli 'cloth, cheviot, heather mlxturo or 'a new brown worsted Attired thu. any boy ctand a chanco o( dolus hl toelal bcst. s It will start a savings account for you.' If you watch over the small things of life they will make you; if you neglect them they will break you. Neglect the dimes and you will never v have the opportunity to deposit the dollar. Start the savings habit NOW, and in a very few years you will bo able to own your own homo and put a to-let sign on the house, you are now renting. The First National Bank The Home of Over 4400 Depositors Member Federal Reserve Bank V SUBSCRIPTION i :i p tii '(: n Mnny are talcinp advantage of the Evcninj Her ald's Special Subscription offer. Both to renew old subscriptions and start new ones. Why don't you? During, the month of November only we arc of fering The Evening Herald for one year at the re duced rato of. , S5.C0 a year, by carrier. $5.00 a year, by mail oujside Klamath County. $4.00 a year, by mail in Klamath County. The regular price of the Herald is $6.50 per year. City subscribers who pay by the month pay 65 cents each month, or $7,80 a year. Here is an opportunity to save from $1.50 to $2.80. The special offer applies on new subscriptions and renewals alike j except in the case of the latter arrears up to November 1st must be paid. The Herald is a belter newspaper today than it was six months ago; and will continue to grow better during the next year, if proper support is accorded. The Herald's guiding policy is the upbuilding of Klamath County, and the fostering of harmonious progress among its citizenry. You could not make a holiday gift that would serve a more useful purpose, than the gift of a year's subscription of The Herald to some friend or relative outside Klamath County. The cost of production is mounting in the news paper field, and this low offer, made this year in con formance with long established custom, may never be renewed. Take advantage of the opportunity while it lasts. The offer is good for November only. On and after December 1st, the regular prices will be re stored, without exception. Make a Helpful Christmas Present This is the season of gifts. If you have a friend or relative in, some other part of the country, who you think would make a good citizen of Klamath, why not send him the paper for a year. It might at tract him here. It has been done in numerous instanc cs. We all know that Klamath county needs more settlers. You could not make an investment from your gift fund that would do a greater amount of good, or create more pleasure for the recipient of the gift. A money saving proposition. You can put at least $1.50 in your pocket Jf you will take advantage of this offer. j ' Why don't you do it? Either mail your payment or call y' The EVENING HERALD V ' 1 - f V. III li .: -' .. j Ml "i - t II ' . I t 1 i . vw fii Jj t-MH-M-l i, r . il a JfXJM -p--, r