The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 16, 1922, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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.f. KM MiJsiWttimr.Trl' ilm."nHHIIMYlM;OVKMIIWHrl
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r 7
'i'W I
The Fashions Turn to Gold
(Continued finm Page t)
IS 96X10 FEET:
Huge Picture Made by Dr.
Frank M. Woodruff of I
Academy of Science
Lmj,r V "'i" eKT '"'""Sfi
uiii' in (ill JuiM'ei en
ibein completed by l)i
' Woodruff, curator of
I Aradomy if Sciences,
A H -ly- sVtsLsasai 1
That ancient gentleman King Midas who turned everything ha
touched to oM bu hail nn Incarnation tills season,. Suits and elaborate
wrap ar touched with cold imbi cilery far havo cold brocado lining
The three-piece eulti show blouses embroidered In cold. Evening wrap
have an auriferous clltler. DayUmo dresses are trimmed vita col J
thread, stltchlnjr or sold lace. ''
George Kratlr.n. li-vcar-oUl son
of Joseph M. Kratlna, n prominent
New Vol I: sculptor, hai aromrd
tho attention of the art world with
hi llKiires So that tho boy's fame
will l his own. his father has ad
led him to vveil: under tho nnmo
of "K. C.eoicc" One of tho boy's
most famous tlguics 'Tho aorllU"
U kllOWII ttl-o-'-S
" f New York Untlorthlngs of silk
plliso crepo make for practicability
Te eooils Is a clarified ccttnn rrepe I
ftlh a silky finish, ll Is cspeclaly '
aTboon to the traveler, for It may
be laundered without Ironing, ct In '
Its mauve, turquolto and honeydow
slades It Is the latt word of dainti
ness, t
TARIS. There Is a quaint varia
tion of tbo flertha collar being worn
ftsfre today. It Is seen on afternoon
frock of blego crepe do chine and
It' Is made of beige wool fringe. A
lattice work of the wool forms a
softly rounded neckline from which
the fringo bangs, back and front.
to the waist.
Silks the Rage
LONDON. Tbo English flapprr
today Is wearing. Indoors, a head
drejs to match her blouse Tbo
blouio, worn perhaps with a white
eerge skirt. Is of printed silk jersey.
'A length of the printed .Jersey Is
twisted bandanna fashion around
tbo head, the two perky ends below
the left ear.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. Nothing Is
moro satitfactory than floppy hat
of moleskin for sports wear. Scores
of them were seen on the way to
the Harvard stadium Saturday. A
eonpo more or less resembling the
tarn, a hat of this sort may bo pull
ed Into any becoming shape and re
main "put." no matter how blussery
the breeze.
- I
f ?
jltw H
ATOM ! :
4W - I
wwnmv '
Jsasasi -''rtV' isssasi1
X "miiCj
T 1
NEW YORK The new high coif
fure now being worn here It height
ened by an enormous comb set at
the smartest angle consistent with
the law of gravity. Jet remalni
good stylo, but there nro also great
combs of amber, which often match
a bracelet, necklace or amulet of
tbo same lovely substance.
Shop In pleasant
Try tbo drug storo
says bo.
first. Ctirrln
Heavy Traffic on New Line
Create Necessity of
. More Pullmans
comiCHT it u-caui
Department heads nro rapidly
crowing gray trylnc tc keep
tnouch Paisley allies In stock. Tho
patterns grandmother had on li:rj
Lest shawl contlnuo to lx ihmvn
and bought and worn in crtDo do i
chine, georgette, and chiffon.
woolen fabrics and even embroi
dered silks and velvets. Persian
designs which approximate Paisley
are also in dimsnd.
TOKIO, Oct. 25. (by mall) A
new all Japan record was establlfchod
In tho discus throw by Morloka of
Wascda university. In tho flnnls of
the Intor-colleglato field and track
meit. Tho throw wag for 32.65
motors, breaking tho previous rec
ord of 32.32 meters mado by Ito,
' also of W'aseda, this spring.
Another Wonderful Feature Picture,
UnrU Kenon in V
'The Inn of the Blue Moon"
Abo Vaudeville Movies and Good Cornfdy
Tlio High Si Ik ol ulll ftti nlsli mu'-le and songs to complete the
eveNlnc'a bmkmiiii.
Show Starti at 7:15
Oliver Cunood's Greatest Story, "Kazan"
-fceerHir-fMNOiM novel, J'A Kpluuer lu tlmRu." -
tlllt'ACC). Nuv.. Ifi A hi)t
graph li! fott long and 10 feet high,
I one of the largest eor ninde, lias
Dr. Krank M.
f the I'tilcacu
In l.lai'iil'i
It tlio m n patmrama (f the Lake
Michigan shore ut .Miller beach, near
llary, I ml , tho fittnniM Indlunn sand
duties, the slugnlnh granJ Calumet
ricr, nnd the swamp ami swale
stntchlng around the eastern and
Kouthrastern envlrom of Chicago
Tl'o pluih'graph It tinted In natural
The picture Is one of four Immense
panaraaia photographs which when
alt fire complete, will form the
backgrounds of exhibits showing the
blrdi, nnimnU, reptllej, tree nnd
!..... -A...H.H ...... n- I. n..1l... I
liuntlli lUilliilli.l lilt,, in lll I'.illli'l
days in thn Chicago region.
A second picture, 72 feet long
I and ten feet high, has been com
pleted, and two more, one !)' anil
the other T2 feet long, are to be
I made.
Wiiion complete t'ie erle will'
I show Dpieal bits of scenery from!
the sand dune rrglrn. through thl
swamps to the Calumet sag. north
I through the prairie, and back to i
the lake somewhere above the north I
shore suburbs.
Tho photograpltD mark 'the advent
of n new art, and hae displaced
oil paintings costing thousands of,
ilj.ll t.d A nln.l.VA f4 r.inl 11, If. 1(,
I be produced, according to Dr Wood
ruff, for less than I u". nnd the
tinting in trausparcut olli costs but '
i ;i small nmount a Idltlrnal, an com
pared with the heavy roit of oil
Any art student who tinderMnaiM
color can do tho tinting, ho says,
as tho photograph Itself furnishes
tho highlights and shadows.
Photographic backgrounds, ac
cording to government ornithologists
who recently Inspected the pictures
during tho convention here cf tho
American Ornithologists union, mark
a milestone In museum displays,
Unlike tho oil paintings formerly
used, thoy are exact In every detail,
and the perspective Is much better.
Tho Improved penprctlvn blends the
background Into tho fcreground ex
hibit, and carried out tho Illusion
of vast space.
Illrds, animals, trees rf spelcal
shape or anything elso can be add
ed to the backgrounJ, Dr. Wood
ruff found, by enlarging the;. photo
graphs to the right size, cutting out
tho picture, tinting it, nrd sticking
It on with a pin. IllrJs In flight,
of tho same species shown among
tho stuffed foreground exhibits, are
given tho appearance of actual mo
tion through apace because tho pin
suspends them In front of the back
ground. Instead of their being a
palnnted part cf It.
In making tho Immense photo
graphs Dr. Woodruff, who took all
tho original pictures himself, had to
develop now methods anil special
errilpmc.-u. The photographs are
printed In 10 by 11 foct sections,
each section being tho enlargment
of one eight by ton negative Dev
eloping papers In strips cloven feet
lu.ig nnd forty Inches wide Is utud,
three strips being mounteJ on the
printing board at a time. To keep
all parts of mi ill a largo printing
board in focus It wr nerejHary to
build It In a curve, corresponding to
Ion an: of tho circle of wlildi tho
enlarging camera In tho ccntor.
Tn develop thn huge prints an Im
mense tray is mounted on wooden roal Is J4G a ton In Nome, lly tak-
j horsos and four extra tall men drag nB t ,iwn tho river and across nn
tho paper back and forth, whllo a arm of tll0 Prn Hea . Nomn ..
boy wearing rubber boots climbs Into u thought coal can be sold thcro
tho doveloper armed with u swob for jlalf t,,o I)r,co
mounted on a broomstick handle and '
assists their efforts.
Ill i.Utll.lOIl IO UK) lour IIIK IMC- i
lures, Dr. Woodruff has completed i.-jgi,),., Hluiie
to pnoiQirapiii ten tee mgi. an. , qkrMl fo) 0 a
fho feet wide for smaller exhibit' ;.' ,
uieiH in t no i state, neti
J fSrolKM-hotu and .lews
i of their councils, Tlili
hi Porllitnd nloiio the
I'lA't'iiii't reaeti.
' tttltui, the iirlnlnator,ot the move
ment In thoistnto, neeenlii iiud Iiiih
s uh mumhorM
This meniiK that
nocletles can
. nplienl ltxaninicoa,uoovntiii jthit
tho Kl
JTho .text few montliji will djlbt
I Us .lovnjwMiiW jnij.jlt In lbe
lrotest.lnt stmligth Is to rontlniie
lljjlt does nn.l grows III hltteiuess,
it will he curfiXl to I'JOrce. I tit now
governor, for-' Holulliiii lie will ho'
naked to reeognli-o either the Klau
er the nocletlori, nlul to ait In either
way Is to untagoiilte the other far-'
j Hon. Iloth nro poweiful, unit I'leue
needs both to roitluuo 111 fflio nnd
, Influence. Whllo this Is going on the
I fnrmer orgunliatloiiH, which weio lm-,
mini rierco almost solidly, will
, be seeking recognition, m) It Is
generally piedlcted by I'lerce's
friends Hint he will pass up the
Portland men ami rerognlie the
f ranters. No matter what he dooi
bo will powerful enemies This
also means that he will make ene
mies having great tcghilatlvo Influ
ence, nnd whlrh may seek to em
harass the nilhilnlstrallon ihrniinh
t the use of thti pewer
j I'olll- I.
in new quarters
206207-203 Harl BuUdmfj ' '
Corner Seventh and Main Streets .
' . i i r 't vi
Entrance 111 Seventh Street. ' r
i. .
SggH-I'JI I -11 ! I
Will Consider I'lms
'.("ln Stole laitt
l'(lltTI.ANI). Nov. IC The Loyal
i f.czlon of l.n.ici'rs ami Luiubermeii
hoard dlrrctors at a meeiing here
next .Monday and Tuesday will con
sider plans for passing eight-hour
! laws In Oregon. Idaho nnd Wash
ington (or Dm liltnher Industry aim
, extension of l-Vur I, .rllltlo to
"shingle milts and other wood work-
1 Ing plants
Made from
The Cream ot the Country
When your kiddies ask for ice cream don't tell
them it is too cold.
They .need the food value found in our ice
cream now as well as in hot weather.
Order a gallon it will do you all good.
Klamath Falls Creamery
ANCHOrtAOE. Alaska. Nor. IS.
Uncle Sam Is finding the railroad
business good on his now Alaska
line, which run,s .from tidewater at
Seward nnd Anchige. across tho
mountains to Fairbanks find Nenana
on the. territory's Interior river sys
tem. Traffic has been so heavy on 1L
llqo that It has been necessary to
add moro Pullman sleeping coaches
and baggago cars. At present the
road Is operating thirty passenger
coaches. 716 frelgh'ram and 238
cars of miscellaneous nature, mak
ing n total of 782 ears.
In addition to tho railroad the
government also Is operating two
river transports to connect tho
lower river points Villi tho road.
Thrse boits will connect with
mosquito fleets operating on the
smaller rivers of the Interior and
will servo to hook up the entire
section In one great transportation
Coal Is one of tho big Items nn
tho freight bills on this transporta
tion system. Tho roal Ls taken from
tho mines along tho railroad and
sent to all parts of the-lnterlnr by
rail and boat.
With a good supply of coal nt
rcasonablo prices It will-bo possible
to nilno largo areas of frozen
ground which, It Is bollovcd, con
tain gold-bearing gravels, (leolog
teal survey official eatlninto thero
Li 1300,000,000 In gold In these
Nome, ono of the distant points
of Alaska, will benefit by getting
coal at lower price. At present
up by Promoter
iiii:i: piiojkct
Jin.XICO CITV,' frov. !. Tho
AftefleaH cJiiniiy'Of jifhhi.iien of
Mexico is authority for tbo state
ment that both Mexico nnd the
United States have, dropped the free
zono Idea for'tho present, although
several months ago thero appeared
to ho enthusiasm for the project.
"Tho United States turned Its back
on thu scheme deliberately by cut
ting nut of thn tariff bill Just passed
tho free stouo provisions," says a rn-
cont issuo of tho Chamber llullctln,
Joo Swindler, who recently de
feated Karl Ritchie, and lowls Ks
pen Imvo been slgnod by Promoter
fa.i,l l.l.,la tr tm , A h. .. m .1 l.... . ..
i.- uiLt UI H iW-rUMHU UUU1 III
bo staged November S9,
Kspen has made, ft Sood Impres
sion nn local ring dopestitjrs, many
of whom bellovo ho will defeat
Swindler. IIu has a long string of
victories to his credit and has fought
soma of tho best men an tho coast.
Swindler has many admirers who
stand ready to back him, but Is gen
erally conceded (hat thu fighter who
wins will earn hilt victory.
Preliminary bouts are also being
arranged, (larlclt said,
"""""'"'tHEsr.11 Kwflni sVBBBaHsBBBBESiasnX
w-A. if AmJjU1 I f BBWUtv vBBf)liByl4 V aBV tIUm Ls saBaBaBaBaBasaBKiilim
---v"--Sst-awjBBIMjBTgTgTgTlnjtTgTJKil faX.tBntlt sasaBBPlletaBW
Ai --v-n. "- MIIuissaaJfasaMiaasMsl'llttlsaWtTlli .jTaTasrifBF
Mr2BHSsasBBwsrlsaBaBaBVtkifi3LaBav)saBa sraai
ttA rA.,.. I.. i.iiii..i ,k. .. 1
-uhu mih-i nilllHH tiK-iairiMirv! fiKHrtUn vmlr -rtni.olll u-lth-xni-n
UPPENHEIMER Suits for all
builds of men stouts longs
shorts regular models. No
matter what your build we
can fit you with a Kuppenheimer. New
sport and conservative styles new fabrics
shown this season for the first time.
Ordinary prices. $35, $40 and up to $60
Dress up for .the Elks' Western Nights
(ii i, ... ii ; ( "
l,T, v II I I I l II ft
K. K. K. Store
Leading Clothiers
ft '