The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 16, 1922, Page Page Five, Image 5

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iU2.Ycar.01d Woman Has, Birthday Party;
I Hor Gucata All Over 100 Years of Ajrc
III ' X sS
Ifcliri A$a jsliiilnP rV t P2idasl
( Meadow Surrounded by Jagged Pcuks Far Up in Sio
kiyous Has Never Been Explored
llliili up th (i Hiilninn Itlvcr moiin-j ;;old tliut In foil nil nlong ilia crock
1 tain rldK'i In Hhiklynu county, nmir
llin Tilnlty Kiuiily boundary lino, In
where liu hiiH fllicli Kond ;olil dl;-
Hut It In nut of tho 'iiitl(iii for
ii bountiful inoiin ii ti vii cy of nil- ... ,. ,
' ' in nmn with ordinary npil antra to
lirfivlmrlf nlv inil nfirM lutitiili m . .. ...
' "' :--- - , (icuccni! into mo vanry. n i not
In said ni'Vcr to Iiiivii entered. It la ' named.
claimed Impu.islhln for n nmn to itut, Korcnt ransom dcclaro that It In l
iiiiri Hi,, valloy, IIioiikIi suvornl Imvo vo,' Irouaiil no human Iioiiik bun
M.,0.1 on aMvA peaks and looked ''vor ,'Pcn '" ,l" vaIlcr' u,"11't ,,,!iy
nlo what may bo callH tl,,. "pion,- ,m '""'" Mon, any0" '" f""1
bud land.- mnaM " "ni"r "
Prince Mokes Dance
Popular in London's
' Fashionable Cafes
(I (). liwn, deputy fish mid i;nui
coiiiiiilsslniiir In Trinity county,
(iiur.lit a cllmpvt of tint inysterlnuf
valley a year ai;o. lie, too, tinyn It
would liu IiiihmhIIiIo to descend tin;
HiKBc I peaks thai wall It In. , jl
All tin, uiountalni In tint re,:h.n ' ,iONION. N()V ,.. T) ,,.
Hi., cl.vatlon In U.UOO feol-nro )ly ,jf . (nbRr,.t , . ,.v(.n
, of a JiikkciI i:rniilln formation Hint ,Innr,,, ,f, ,,,)tuI,..,. fal .ri'.l- seat
makes axent nlmoat Impcmlblo. ., r,.8tnuriit la rulurn'nK. .and
I'iiiiii tMn land-locked mountain ,, rcain nwr.jfor.i m-ems to Iw in
i valley flown n ltt(, creek that iH small meamiro duo to lli I'rmco
i.iiplli Into a liraurh of K.ilmoii of W,ir nnit l:h lirotlnr
river, Imt an It coinex out of tlio Immcdlntely after !ili n"un fr-tn
I vatic y. It iiii':ch over n predplcj Hie 1'ar l.'ant, tlio prlnr- nj- ared
l 3011 feel IiIkIi
at neveral woll-knowa r n .rants
- i -
(iood iIIkkIiikh liave lien found f'"- "i" Mo upior and '.-,r(. nr
iiIoiik thin creek lielow tlio water- rorri anled generally by tlio I)uk
.9 ' I. lt-1.. If-..-.. ...1 .. .
iSKS. MAKc-IM I'ltHANO, the
ulilcrt C'eiil of Hie lluiiii
f tlit Dnui'lit ri of lirnel, Il'ir-
lem, N, V h-ii I'ltlni'ly rrli. rated
UT tine liimd.ed telflh Idrtlidliy.
No rlillilreti turn allowed to mar
llmtr rider' pteaiure no tlili fen-
,.w rclnii, nltlnui:li n delmtn.ite
of hi mid n younger friend of 78
wen toll rated an wnltrrmcji. They
l-erfiirnnd tlieir duties with celerity
mid charm, too.
I.ncli Kuett, Mm. urdanc Inilit-
I'll, murt lie over 1D0 junr.i of Re
I liiucli to tl." illnyuit of l.ui.'i
I'rli din Itch, uho lelnt; merely i'i
ti otdiirrd to remain uulaido ltli
the yuuiiKer et,
Thu total nirei of the 8'J occu
iwintii of thu lliiinu in Ii5t0 year
an ne race of HO. The comlmied
lactw of the el;hl nttendlnc Mr.
I U'rilutii:' hlrlhdny parly, however,
Ik H 17 an average, of npproxl-
i.nalely Kid. Mr.t. Urdmii;, 11'-'.
topi the llt. It In rimy fur her
'to irmiTilirr the Cil War, for
the a fifty of nuc when
It bean. Kven in lhl- ihn wat
Lhle to crow luntlly nt the march
Ini: patrlutn. Mm. Cuter l'ox, 10H,
aiid Mm. Knther Tuchler,'
i.ixt In ran).- llart.ct llcrkowltr,
I (if. I tlio oldest man.
"TIm-sp accd men and women en
joy life," rild Superintendent
Schlemel, himnrlf appruachiui:
.'uir irore yrnrn. "They are .1
fry r.nd rlierrful i;nitii, lMnif
with n lent that would rhame ma'iy
ho me twenty yearn younger.
They want to know the iiown -if
thu day nnd ke p in touch 'villi
world evcnti. TiMlny'a fiction,
however, lines not inteieit thrm,
an their iiiludi run more to thu
"They are particularly Intercut-
d In tin Ir food," he continued,
"and aro like a lot of children
when menltlmo comrn. Tin ir
morning; cup of codec, and another
again In the afterniMin arc en
joyed with the name relish a that
iliiptayol hy n child over hl fa
vorite deanert."
Ir. II- W. Honor, on the medi
cal itaff of the II (line, in illcu.imn
tlio dietetics of tho ancd, remark
ed: ",Mot of tlitm are fund of soup.
They like it hot and rich. I'ur .1
lirveMjtu they prefer colfte mid wo
tlnil thut in mediation it is cs-m-nllally to thoM in .id
anccd yenrs. As ace come thcro
is a tendency to hardening of tho
nttcnrs- This M overcome hy tho
line uf eorfeo whlih Is liitldl) kiiiuu
liitlnc In Its olfect."
falls (lordnu Alir-ium of Tilnlty
Conler hail mined up thin creek
clear lo tint llano of tint wnterfajl
' prerlplro, and his reLnrnn In Mold
have hren IiIrIiIv atlnfactory. All-
-f Verl: or I'rlnco Henry, ami a par
ty of friends. . Also Hi rv
t am of the prlnco from hro'I.inil
ho h.'u hcen noon nl several of those
lancei. and ne have lita twn hrorhern
The royal vlaltnrn npplauil heart-'
to" riiy.ii vminir-i uniiiuuii m-art-ratim
and a few forest rani;ern have ,, .. . . , . , , .
. Hy itio entertalnmenl an.l music hut
in-ill, . fiiiitji fittiitmiirt in .ftffit- ttui
' only oecntlonally taku part in thu
valley. Willi. py Klanen they ran ,.,... Tho .ro ,ar, dial tHey
nee in., nieauow unit .nrouKu which aro rr(,.n,, 10w6er. In enr.Kh tor
Apples! Apples!
Newtown Pippins $1.75 per box
, Baldwins $1.75 per box
Grimes Golden $1.75 per box
King Apples $1.75 per box
Roman Beauties $1.75 per box
20c less per box -on 5-box lots
Premium Hams 33c pound
Premium Bacon 45c pound
Not many Hams cr Bacon as good as Premium
Montague Butter, nothing better ...52c pound
Fresh Walnuts 35c pound, 3 pounds $1.00 '
Klamath Cheese 35c pound
Ground Cherries 15c pound
You can always get the Best at Lowest Prices at my store
I don't want all the business in Klamath Falls am satisfied
with some of it. And beware of the man who says he is going
to break all the merchants.
Successor to J. E. Enders & Co.
Free Delivery Sixth and Main Streets
winds a tiny stream.
the west ender. nnd the places are
A cray streak crosses tho valley. crowded nlKhtly In the hupen Hint I
which Ahrams thinks tuny ho a Mimn monitor of the ro al family1
lunrtz lodge, the mother of thu will Li preteut.
Haiti To Keep Short Skirts
f'Al'i: IIAITIRN, Nov. HI - Haiti' n "penllrnlo" who !.ih hroken in.) of
often hn hern referred to 1 n luck ' the I'kss of Hut po.m'ii t r. de of
wrnl nation, but In tlriwa tho Haitian ' conduct, nnd her nelf-olected cos
wciumt of the p-.: inlni'.tl.TH pen- lutnn ope' pro-lalmi In her tlstern
art i'Iiimi Inua ciHrlpalel the Anier-; that nl'o hat hneklldden from their
le.m flnppern In two of hop nin.t .1. , ur'oio eode end l.i wlpr-r; II out hy
tint live trallo. Hlinrt nklrli nnd the . puhlle iiiiuulp.
tr'rk uf "ri'llltu; hir mm" were
Collcrrc FralcrnitV
Men Arc Latest to
Turn Cliff-Dwellcrs
r.kVptod hero Iosik Ik fore tho flap
per look tliutti In her heart. Short
hllrln up' a tiercMilly lo tho wome:i
w'lhi hpundi her iluyti IoIIIuk In n
Kiir.ltin or rldlnt; a liittru. Thoy w.-v
thorn uhurl In Haiti when AmlriM
.l.irtcfiit u.'iu It, .In, ulilln lwi--n nil
f.o ,,U I,., ..i ehautted. KBvr VOUK- N'- ": (,"""s"
1 fi,il..Hiil I... t,.l... a V-.,..
women be,;ui. to "roll l..-r -i." In V,rk,,r" '" """ ";'" j
Hint enr tho occuimi'm torcei of "l0 "'Rh l"',,,, "' imir-inr.. witcn
Anerlcnn murium tied rh .ro luao' '"" 'lrlveu irvny many famlllen from
,,,rii,w i,t l,iiii,.,,.l...f, inmiPin . iiilvstu hoii-08 lulu ninriment hotiii-
lioldeu Hull of Aiiierlmn coin to fie)"". '" rauswl ntcmhnri or varlounj
liupovorlidied Itl.ind. It.rimeiitH , iaiTnlly eluhn lo ic.iU a eontmon
hIiIiik limii'lit freele l.i tint n:il l:ilti. ' I Oil I
ii til tlio women leapud tho hem Til.
Haiti In u country of canto, and Ihn
i wi'tmlon of hIiooi nnd ttocklucs
tnaika a drelded n.hnnro for
tho ienii.iiit liana. 'I'hoy luve.iled
tholr earning: In them, hut dtow the
lino nt inrturn, nnd nocounlty t.uu;nt
thorn it uulr.tllulo,
i ,
it, incut iiiih uerii iim iiiii nil
(Muli hulldliiK, u Hi-itory rtrurture,
Ii holm; erected nt MiiiIIhoii iivuiiuo,
and Until titled.
MumkciH of tho v.irlou.i eluhs
nearly nil of them collogn t;radu
uU'H, will Imvo tholr own prlvitto
eluh ittirtem mid KetK of, slceplm;
It la now a comtnnn lo -tu i-oonin, hut whllo they may Mouiiiji,
Iho wor.ien of Haiti tin thu ii'ids,nnd tilumher nailer tlio Hieek cm
l(i:idiii to tho elty markctii, Hoatoii i hloiutt of their own hrotherhooiU,
old. i f.i.ihlou on the'i' may hurroi,
vhll out ntocldni;:i ul the city llmllu.
'don thiiin while tint Utile hurro.t ,u:i
hlo pntieiitly ou, nnd Ihen itlvn theiu
thu flnnl Iwlut nnd roll hnforo Lie
Iiik tholr hIioch, When Iho day'u
wqrk Ih done, Iho ravemu Ii neenm
thoy will eat nnd exerclso In n com
miinul illulni; hall and irymiiiialuiu.
Thu hi'ttso commltteo will com
prlwi n rcprofimtntlvo of eaeli par
tlcipatlou cltih. National headiiuart
era of several friitorultlea will ho
ocated In thu utilldlui;
pllldied IIH Iho City llllllln drop ho- n,,.....,.,. .,. hminrarv lioaul of
hinl, nun stoeKincil nrn p'ickcii away
until Iho lioxt xluto lociulon..
Thorn hi ono distinctive, foutiiio
of woiuun's ilrw'H In Haitian peiiHitnt
clrclu.i, huwuver, that will hardly
find favor In thu uophUHcatcd eyes
of thu Amiirlenn flapiior. Kreuueat
ly ono et'oa ntnoiiK tho unlveraal
lulled hluo and wliltu attlio, ono or
roil, whlto nnd hluo, with thu tnreo
eoloru RrrmiKCit In fiintantlo imt
toritH of Htrlpon nnd HiinurcH, usual
ly loppod hy u brlKht red hniulana
turluin. A poaunnt woman thus nr
rnyuil, nccustoinod to carry buriUmti
ou hor head from Inftiuuy, Htrldua
ulbiws In this my costumo with tho
riyTiij;p, .of Pr Pfift jloWoj MJin a
thu honuln!,' eommltteu uro Newton
U, llukcr, fortuor Huetetary of war;
Mnjor-Ceuural Hubert I,, llttllurd; T.
Cohimaii Dul'onli llyron I'. Harrl
uou; Will II, Hnyti, formor luiatinust
or cutlet nl; fiecrctary of Stato Hujsli--.;
Jut'oph H, ItaiiHdoll; Ilev. Dr.
I5nient M. .Stlrea; Oscar W. Undor
wood mid former (lovonior Chitru'3
B. Whitman.
I'K'i'Vl'i: MODKIi I'fi.WKH l 1118.00
Now lnodol with spcclnr attach
inontB, ten music rolls with words
and Inlorprotatlvo in ark I it k nnd
iluut hoiich with roll apttcu Included.
CubIi or on divided puymonta. Karl J
,Wtumicrilv M,nJM ft'PUK 4&"
Many are taking advantage of the Evening Her
eld's Special Subscription offer.
Both to renew old subscriptions and start new
once. Why don't you?
During the month of November only we are of
fering The Evening Herald for one year at the re
duccd rate of.
$5.00 a yenr, by carrier.
$5.00 a year, by mail outside Klamath County.
$4.00 a year, by mail in Klamath County.
The regular price of the Herald is $6.50 per year.
City subscribers who pay by the month pay 65 cents
each month, or $7.80 a year. Here is an opportunity
to save from $1.50 to $2.80.
The special offer applies on new subscriptions
nnd renewals alike; except in the case of the latter
arrears up to November 1st must be paid.
The Herald is a better newspaper today than it
was six months ago; and will continue to grow better
during the next year, if proper support is accorded.
The Herald's guiding policy it the upbuilding of
Klamath County, and the fostering of harmonious
progress among its citizenry.
You could not make a holiday gift that would
serve a more useful purpose, than the gift of a year's
subscription of The Herald to some friend or relative
outside Klamath County.
The cost of production is mounting in the news
paper field, and this low offer, made this year in con
formance with long established custom, may never
be renewed.
Take advantage of the opportunity while it lasts.
The offer is good for November only. On and
after December 1st, the regular prices will be re
stored, without exception.
Make a Helpful Christmas
Thia is the season of gifts. If you have a friend
or relative in some other part of the country, who
you think would make a good citizen of Klamath,
why not send him the paper for a year. It might at
tract him here. It has been done in numerous instanc
es. We all know that Klamath county needs more
settlers. You could not make an investment from
your gift fund that would do a greater amount of
good, or create more pleasure for the recipient of the
A money saving proposition.
You can put at least $1.50 in your pocket if you
TV ! &bf-.- AU VMltlClge VI UIIO VI4S1
Vhy, don't you do it?
Either mail your payment or call
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