The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 16, 1922, Image 1

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1 '
University Library
Huroiic, Ourou
OUf ituenmg itirrt
TONKIN I' A .V I rilllMV, I'.MIt,
' Hot'TiiKiii.v winiw
Snys Russians D
'I nn (
1W" . I
Member of the Associated Press
k . i&v
U, - .' ijU
Klflooull. Vein-. Vo. H7l.
-L- .
Verdict of Guilty Returned
by Jury Against Mrs.
Clara Phillips
I.O!l A.NOKI.I-M, Nov Jii - A vor
illrt of murder In the s.cnnd ilnr
wus returned hy (tin Jury t to 25
.. Unlay uKlnt Mr-i (Mora Phillip.
.harRed villi lirutitiK to ili'.illi Mr
Alberta Me.ids Willi t'.-t in tiHT
HenMire will lie Imposed ni'il Mon
day, lli penally liotiiR liiiiriniituiii lit
from 10 cl.r In lite
Mm. Mi minis k' hod)
was founil iilmiK nliln it rn.iil In Hi'
. outskirts "I l.n Aur.eles, .Inly I
IjsI. Tviul)-lniir hour later Mr
I'llllllixi husband loin I In- li(rllf hi
wife Im.l t-nnfossod llnil she
oil Mr Meadow, mill lliut she j
oil her way In I.I I'.inn She wits
arrente 1 ut Tucinn
Mm Phillips ihI.I Mr Meadow
lllll.llltOll liillnui) with her husband
An Insanity ili fi'iinr wim nUn Introduced.
Kneo I'nnl. mill lllli Mnsl lie Wni.i
Ml Initial). ... I'rl'ln)
A KM -I drill f)f Interest In being
tbown dy llm lucmhcrH of iln dllfer
rut I.IrI. school classes out lln re
ception In ln Riven the freshmen lit
Urn I () O P Imll Friday iilclit
Mini r.f llm Interest Unit linn bom.
roused umnnK tlir freshman ri.iss
I llm result of thi' announcement
inedr In assembly IliU iiininlnK "'
llm MrIi ch.-l Hint llm Irishman
bit) Milt ln ri'iUlnil In wear knen
pant, blha, iiml In brim: paddles
Tim froahuian glrla will be ri'iiulrcit
In wear ll.rlr linlr down, wear green it ml bibs, unit will mil
lio allowed to linn uny cosmetics,
mirli ns pun ill r, (mint, eyebrow p"u
illn, or lip elicit
Dolus Mill" chairman of I lie lultla
linn louiliillti", nUn niinoumod thai
any liny nr Klrl who does not com
ply with ilii""n ruin! "lit regret II
before lln evening N The. tUl
iif freahmnu In to tin cheeked will,
llm froilimnn Unit tiro present ut llm
reception unit those who are not
present will In' gUen rfpeclal In
vltutlim lirforo tlm mm-mbl) unless
' lliey have a Kiillalilo i'eiixi.
Tho i'iiUiri' lltor.iry knclniy, enm
in'J of tuotiibiTi of ttm m'tilor cIuhh,
U lnuy iiri'imrlnR IU rnli'rlaliimenl
which nlll tin hIpii ul tlm rrii'P
linn. It la I ho flmt cntrrtaiumont
nf tlm four "lilili wll Im Klw-n by
llm four llti'rary ncletk'H llil m'lii
cmrr. Ktu'h roiroi'iitK n no
cli'ly numi'il 11CI1T llm rlimi An the
prlto (or tlm Imil 'will hi mi i'ti
lorliilnmciit liy llm faculty, tlm rn
lorn urn ili'tornilni'il In innkn It tho
licit n( Hit year.
Prnin tlm report !' Itic arlon
ininmltU't"! unit lippiT-cliiKniiu'ii who
urn tinny with Ihi' pliiim, thi' ri-ciip.
& linn iroiilM' In lip onu nf llm bcul
t t!tr Bhi'ii.
I'li-llr IIchIiI. AMMwlMllun I'nimre
for ('l.rlslni Mr ho
Completion of plans for tlm an
nual sale of Ulirlslmii seals, which
In Klamutr cuunly will i.r.iIu ln un
der tho Nuporvlsloh in' Mrs, (I. A.
Krauso, tuKuther with llm woiklni;
nut of tlm l.iidRot for thu . omlnc,
year, won. time subjects
taken up by llm new executive board
' nf tlm Klju.utl. Couiiiy Public
' lloufll. iisHiicliitloii lit', llie ri'Ki.l.i.r
iiioetlm; Tii.'Hday nvcjiW.
The local ichpoiiMri in Ihn sale of
Christum seal lias f alway been
Mpleudld, us Ihn piihlje U hmiIUIiik
the. resullH Rained tiiVi.UKhout the
1 Hluto hy tho OreRon'TuiteicViloslH us
noclutlon, paitluulnrly i.mniiR the
rlilldii'U, II wus tirnURli olil,il 'lljo'
4 ineetlnir. Lmtl yeni' tl.'o niile lioro
far oxceeded axticctatlpu und thu
iissoclutlou Is anxious that tlm
amount this year Hhall loach
ulmllar flKUie-,
Oolinty Nuiso Lydltt Krlcko to
ported u total or 'i cnao.i under her
care durliiK tho past mouth. Of
theso l!l were luborriilnslH cases, 1S
worn diseases of n Kenornl nutitio
mid three worn child wnlfurn cases.
L. L. (InRhacnn Im rlrilrniuii of tho
rutnriKi'l' I'iih- Will ('nnlr In Ili-nr-liiK
mi It MciIIn llrforc I
t'miml'"iliii Vn. JI
WAKIIINdlON', Nn 10 Tlm'
i i ' ttiTnt lit n jitiiliifirii i iinimliinloii
' ilnlili'il it nililli l of tlm I nliii I'll
jrlflr rnllrn.ul In illniiilHH tlm iippll
lintlnn utilcll llm Hnutlmrii I'arlfk-
ininpiiny lian' fnr iln tctnilli n
'nl tlm Central I'nclflr r.iilrn.ul pro
pTllri It miw nprrnli-i The (iii'-
lion nf tlm i'('ltlnuntlnii nf llm Kniilh
j in II I'.liiric-Cnsilinl I'liilflr liHTKi'l,
I nhlrli luii lici'ti niilcrcil
hy llii' mipri'liii' (oiilt. will iinw kuiii'
tn n ImiiriiiK on Its incrltH lii'fnri' tin'
i full cnmmlcilnn
1 tll'xiillltlnll l'nli(illi'il
llm ilUnolJllnii nf tlm Hiiullmin
I'm Ifli'-C)' I'urlflc ininlilniillnn
.will lie Ha)i'il tt'nipiir.irMy at li'ani
, If III'' llltl'MtlltP CCIIIIIIMTI" (Olllllllll
ulnn RritilD tin' 'ill''.-llnll wlilrh
llm Snutlmrn I'lirlfli ininpuny liaa
inaili' unit imilir wlildi tlm rnninila
nloii miiiiIiI I'li'trliii' Hi millinrlt)
Klti'll li) MillKriTH In hrlllK lltinllt
r.nai'rnl rallrnnl inlntnlliliitlnli In
ulliiw lliiim Iwn i iirpiiralloiii tn re
main iinltnl
Tlir I'nlnii 1'iiilfli. n inmpi'lltnr
nf llm oilier H)ilelll. filed wllll til" ,
romiiiUiilnii 11 mnllnn (lialleiiKlnc
Dm power nf tlm lllleutate rum-i
niene loliiliilmlell In Kriinl any Mull
liiiplli'jllnn an tluit preieiilnl tn II. I
. HiMilim Sin. ui
Tin' intiimlimlnn Tuemlay. In ilcny
' Hir llm million. Kin' ii"H" thai II
jwoiilil lint ileilile tin' (ilcillon nf Hn
j Jurlmtleilnn nr lt p(wcr tn itriint
, Imlrmnid mill llirrr Olliont I'liunil
(liilll) mi llnU Miiiim' lliarue
O .1 C ( tirle)- I t nderwnoil.
J well.lnowii In this city, .i man call
j'd Spec" mid Iwn wntneii. Mrs.
I linen I'hapmnu mid Mr JiMsn Monro.
I were cnnvldod ul Vrokn yestordiiy
I on a charRii of nmductliii: n bawdy
I rtiiua l Weed, accnnlini: to Hherlff
. Tlm four wore arrojtod In a raid
at Wood roio.illy. Klmrlff Low waH(
culled in n ilinraeter witness m m
, trial
1'iuli.rwniid waa III trouble wllh
I the offlcluls Iiojo on iiumr reus oc-
tensions, and at leiiRtl. he transfer-
,iim nppiu .iin.ii ....... ii -." TIlP rrri'nt pli InRrapli Irom i.nRiuni sn .11.11 ui.-n- i . i-- nnnnlilnn nartles In the relchitas - -
.. ....!!. .it.... ....all II 1. .1 IihiiI . . ...... as t. .i. 1 mi iniaili ..
, III.. i.ldenii' In the w hnle r.iae The , ,miriiewa belwreti llnliur Law prime ininlm-r nnil hi predecessor, i.injrii . ' I W W
' whole mailer will Ihrrefnrc! G-ntR... The) Mill h.n.' th.m tor n frlen.ll thai .lurlliR th0 hrol of tho , objected. 1. W. W.
..... for henrlnn November SI. when campalR... ."" !""''"" " - , wn! TAKE
. III I I WWWMWMWWWAeAWWWWMvv M..,- ..... , rClirKUIIIMIUI'll lit '- "
.irsil. .... and nrKunmnt will bo I ..-.-4, rApTIVF. STOLE WATCH. CLAIM ' has been In contemplation for sev-, pEDRO
. iiurii i inii-ii-riini f - ..-- -
1 . t !
red 1.U i.cllvltles to Wiotl .Mrs . jiiura Mapmiou inu.i mmu. ...
Chapman wai often soon with him nitirrer to Indictment njrstnst W
hero. The fonlonce Imposed was tint ' II Kinrlck, chairman nf tlm count
ascertained, but It was understood ' nK board In I'recluct 201, In tho
that It wculd be from one to 20 (y primaries cl.arKliiR fraud. Tlm
jears decision means that Kmrlck will bu
I Sheriff Low will le.i- tomorrow
' for San Kranclseu In Ret I'airlck
' II. Illshop, ulloRed bad chec't artist. ,
who was apprehended by the
Prnnclsco pollen, Illshop passed 15
'or 20 had i hecks on local men hauls,
It Is iiIIoroiI, IoiinIiir town wh?n he
(leained Unit tlm officer we.o on
, IiIh trail,
lileek. (Imruitl Will. Annnl"K !lrs
I'iiIIn tn cny
CharRod will. i.iino)liirc ynui.R
Rlrls John Murphy, a Greek was
slated for Justlco court heal Iiir
this afleruumt.
Murphy was an est oil by the pn-
i llco November 2 on a viiRraucy
ihiirRo and ordeied to leave town
by tlm follow Iiir Sunday. I lu failed
tn obey the order. Further com
plaints reached the police and os
terduy he was ..nested by Uepuly
Ambroae und held In Jsll In lieu of
S 1, 000 mall.
linestlKallou of the charRes were
made today by llm district attorney's
Tho Cyclo-StorniRriiPli lit Under-
wooilH rnar.ii.iiv
kI.owh that the ha fall
en Hlowly durliiK
Iiir thu pust 'ii
linurB. While not
yet In llm Hlnrnt
area n fin titer de
cline would Imll
onto tho npiuoiH'U
of another disturb
unco, Forecast for next
24 heurs:
Partly cloudy and warmer.
Thli Tycos rocordliiR thermome
ter roRlhinred maximum und mini
mum lompuraturos today, as follow-Hi
irinl. ... - H
i Low a : 27
TheltFriendly Enemies
: u. .i
Knur Heijr Hinn nf MI.ieiipiH 1"
Held by CliliicM' lUnillls "
Nov K. -Knar lVrp
llreen of Minneapolis."
missionary of the Lutheran church,
and his son hao been kidnaped by
lundll In llenun prmlnrt accord
,- reports. AltoRolher ed at n lumber cnmi. nnrC. .
ers, IlielinlliiK two'nf this . liy. Ho was l.ookel ou a j
Iiir to Hankow
elRht fnrnlRti
Americans, nro now held captlxe.
--.-. Tn RF TpiFn
blYit-KHI- 1U Lt-t 1IIL.J in in.lliiiueiiu iheuiilnl
in i:ii'iiion rriiini (u
TOIITLANI). Nov lb -Circuit
I tr(,,t
j i 'srsrsi- - '
v - ir l S
rAI,I.H, Oltr.OO.V.Tlll ItKD.W, Mil ;MIH.'II Id, I fK-'U.
- - i.1iiirlil rnmlltloiul to which the
Clull- TiMUer, .,
, Ciiiii.lalnl nf .1,
M. UiWit
3. w. nrrosted
I'urlli Tucker.
. .. . . i
yeslerdny nil a complaint tiled by
J M. Maker, who charccd Tucker i
stnlaJfrim him n watch mid
valued at J1T.0 v.-i.le tlm inn were,
lnnei'jy charRe with lull fixed nt,th Dr. Wlrth' deslro to extend
7".u. which lie was trln;: to raise
loday I
Alii.iliain Cli.ulo). .11, Will AWil I"-
Vea.-lll.t li.illai. Ml-s i
A nmrrlaRo lliease was Issued
ojienl..y to Abraham (barley. 51.
nad Miss Marian H..v.d. tfi, both In-
iIIkms resl.llni: ..t Cl.iloriulii. Pl.nrlcj
i n member of the reservation po-.
llco force.
iirFfiMMTTJiRT '. victm fm
! THRUM 5l
William Cunc of Hamburg
Line Succeeds Resigned
Chancellor Wirth
I IIBUM.V. Nov 16. Wm. Cnno,
Kcnornl manaKCr of tho HamhiirR-
I Ait,frlrnn klfntllhlll Hnp. llAK
i coptcd tho tank of JormlnR a new
' cabinet to succeed the Wlrth mln-
latrr. U wan unofflclnlly announced ,
j The cabinet of Chancellor Wlrth
realpned Tuwday, after the United
! MiClnllut had voted not to partlcl
' pato In a coalition ministry, which
Included members of the German '
people's party.
Cham cllor Klurt lll'JI
1 Or Joseph Wlrth Iim been chan
cellor of Germany since May 10.
1921, when lie took the head of tho
1 Rovernnicnt on tho rcslRnatlon of
i KonKtantln Kohrenbach. Tho Wlrth
cabinet tendered Its reilRnatlon on
October 22. 1921, but was re-formed
I with n new personnel, headed b)
! Wlrth. two days later.
Kor some time Dr. Wlrth faced
i troublous time, owlnjc to his mtn-
Istry's proRram with rcR.ird to pre
' ti-ir.iilnm. the stublllzatlon of the
! " t. .i .i.. -n,.,i nonnnmir nniia
I 111.11 n uii.i m- f,v...... . -- - - ;
! oral weeks, but the sttimbllnR block
was encountered In nbtalnlnR a
worklnR nrrannement between tho
socialists and tho people's party I
I President Kbert lust Friday author!
. . ..-1
lied the chancellor to enier mm i
1. -..-. Mlfi tl.n!
immeuiaio nrsuiwiu." - j
","lf" of h, varloU8 partI" Jn ,h0
r..l-li.tir- ullli Ihn niirnose of InauR-
" " . .
i iirnrini' arnn u.r i mi siia i nil hd.i
f r
iititr !-- " - ----- .- ..
Ion of the cabinet.. The action
..... i.-.-l
Of tho president was in accuruanto
(he basis of his coalition ministry.
with n Mew to increasing us par-
llamentary prestlpe. The nulhorlv-
tlon had been deferred until the
reparations commission had con-
eluded Its Inquiry Into the German
situation In llerlln last week.
M.MtKKr UCItlllT
about steady.
Nov, 1C Cattle
Hors nnd sheep
Krrs firm, scarce. Hutter
Wheat $1 15 to '$l.i 7.
" iJvAlI) . '.vtVCWJAW
. 1fV TS TPTk',-tf" JWKWbil
The frlRhtcned eyes of this S
yeyr old boy had Juil seen his fath
er. John Andrews, beat his mother
to death with it section on an Iron
bed, according to the story told tho
MorrLJtown (.V. J ) police. Th0 boy
Is John Andrews Jr. one of elRht
children. Andrew dcnlw his son's
p,if,. ,t,u Wol.l.lle (insh In I5
. uncle Port; Ornanlsent
ri. .rroteit v
n...M . . . ... ... .. ......
umii.iuii, .ov. m, inn inuim-
trial Worker of the. World ecu-
... . . .. i
tlvn board today Issued a call ror nil
lori-mnie u. pruevn. ...
C. 1.a.I.a tl.n nnrt (if Anpelos.
.! .... , ... --..
to participate In tho struRRio be-
,wfien n, police and members of
the tnnrltio transport union, tho I.
W W. orRanliatlon nt San Pedro.
The police, accordlnR to Informa
tion received by the board, have ar
rested tho marine transport orRan
liers nnd raided tho union hall sev
eral times recently.
CHICAGO. Nov. 10. Tito I. W. W.
national comentlon loday ordered
pickets stationed nt the doors of em
ployment ORencles In many cities
where worker are beliiR recruited to
replace the marine transport work
pn on docks at Portland and As
toria, San Pedro. San Francisco.
Philadelphia and Mobile. Ala. Con
vention alto decided to send speak
ers Into Oregon, Washlnpton and
Clot tlon In Great llrllali.
Indicate Success of I'arly
LONDON, Nov. 1G. Tho conserv
atives seem certain toTiavo won
over nil other parties In the now
houso of commons. It was an
uoftneed nt 4 o'clock this afternoon
that 305 conservatives hnvo been
Tho number necessary for major
ity Is 30S, and there wero 104 divi
sions still to bo heard from.
Tho second woman to bo returned
to tho now houso of commons, Lady
ABtor beliiR first, was Mrs. Mar
Raret WlntrliiRham, present mem
ber for tho bouth division of Lin
Millionaire CI.Icuro Communist Not
Able In .Wert Sentence
William llross Lloyd, millionaire
Chicago communist, sentenced to five
yoars In tho state prison for viola
tion of tho stato anti-syndicalism
law durlnR war, la to bo ordered
to boRln serving sontonco following
Chief. Supremo Justlco Thompson's to prant a 30-day stay of ex
ecution. Lloyd was convicted with
17 o flier commiinlstsMu 1920,
rnss -
IllOA, Nnv, f-ilnp
Get. Office by Republican
Votes, Expected to Ap-,
point Democrats tv
PORTLAND, t)re.. Nor, 1C 4
Rovernor, Walter M. Plcrc will fsc
a most difficult situation. He ROjx
In ns a democrat, elected to C'flcs
by k roups composed UrRely of rp
ubllcans that wilt b demandlns
rccoRiiltlon. Thes Rroups, to mti
tlon them according to their political
Importance, are the Oregon Hedsrj
tloa of Patriotic sccletlcs, Ku Kiss
Klnn leaders and the various tini
er orRanlzatlons. One who can t1(
tiro out how Pierce caa entirely Ml
Isty nil these elements wMh the few
Reed positions at his disposal will
do more thun others who art. glvlDS
much of their time to a studyof -Matters
political In Oregon, '
In considering this matter It must
bo remembered that Pierce nomia
ally owes his political existence to
the- democratic party, and must
therefore Rive heed to the democrats
who were In charge of his campslga.
If he leans too far toward thea.r
wilt offend the powerful groups men-"
tinned and make It Impossible for
him tn be re-elected. Por this rata
palRn has proved that no governor
can be elected In Oregon without
the support of what Is called k
Protestant movement. There art
reasons for believing that l
movement will continue powerful as
long as the voters have coafla'ep.ce
In the leaders. Another feature that
win keep It alive is .the nsee-slty
from their viewpoint, of tivlsj eftl
cers In control who will strlcjly
force the compulsory education law
recently voteaViejrih pisli.0ATMs
means that Plorco musft' Wa
toes If ho would escape nnpapalsr
Ity similar to that acquired Nf Oo
ernor Olcott. y
Prt.lestant leaders 1ghtfNt-(
Ono feature favorable to .'Plfrta '
Is tho red-hot fight Jn Portlsadtfci
tween the Oregon Federatlffl otnfp
trlotlc societies and the ' PortUBd
leaders of tho Klan movement. 1 U
contest canm tn a straight vote la
fall election, and while the I'atflt ic
societies made the best showing i se
Klan polled big enough rote to w r
rant Its leaders claiming that tl rr
are a political power. The real Im se
between these Rroups was the tl
tlon of Portland city commUaloos -s.
Tho societies elected one ot.their t n
candidates, and both candldU ' 9
dorsed by the Klan were defeat '
nitterness was added to 1U
during the last few days ot.thaes '
palRn by the publication In the Fs rt
land Telegram of a series 6'tar(l m
attacking Fred K. Olfford, la'cbiige
of Klan activities In northffn'O f
Ron. Theso articles accused cWff rd
of many offenses, partlculstlr4 fj -clsed
his action In getting out SM If.
ticket Imitating the Federation OjV
yellow ticket. The Fedeallql 4
been IssulnR this yellow tlcl'ft, Cr
about ten yoars, and the PertU 4
ote shows that the candldtttc'i fl
eeted Ronerally have the cdnGds ce
uf it majority of tho eope. Of(f rd
was charged In these article'., lit
having conspired to Injure,' J he
Protestant movement
a split.
9 a '1 ' . -
or ma
The nctuul outcome in IhjM nl
was that IIIruIow. endorsed hir.' lie
societies, was re-elected city coqsjU
sloner. Thomus the other maiji.M-
vored for commissioner, wa(ottM
ed by Pier, not endorsed by vt'fr
the societies or the Klan, tJaJrWS.
one of tho Klun favorites, rap '(Of lj
In tho race, but got
coaslderl liy
less vote than Thomas.
Stspll M.
th0 second Klan candidatewaVl ill
lower on the list. As stteqt hi
inner ui. inu t.Bi. nm aisviifi w
ovor, the Klan candidate! (Ot,liei I.V
otes,jo warrant uitrorn ana qua -
leiidors taklnR tho position tt't fy
can yot carry an. election., 'A
May Mean n Vi HfU ,
This "muy mean a wide split It, M
Protestant forces In Portland; sad
which will extend to the rtaslaM
of the stnto. Already the JWs ,
organized throughout Orefesrsad
tho Patriotic, societies' UfSfMSC
councils In tho countries. ThMt
i .i ... .,.4... i-'a'i'i
iirKunizui.-Ka iuvi
political policy. The XM Ut
Ixes tho foreign-born votsrj thij Jf.
and tho nogrocs, wniieiMfj
(Continued on Tnitiffi
..( v'V
'' A
, a .. 1
a if
" (J"0,K
' .