"". 'V J J V frr cr - ,.'. v,; r V ' t vi:im:hikv, Nov. in, itu THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PaMBvS.a r aasaaaaaaaBaaaBBBBBBm , , ' A? ""B W W. i - ii ii 1 i , . ' aaaaaaasaai asaaaaaaai k "If only everybody Would read that "What a wonderful thing it would be, if all the worn-out, miserable, suffering people would heed thU great truth why it would mean everything to them just as it did to us." TANLAC ' Makes You Eat Better Sleep Better Feel Better Work Better These clad tidings have been heeded in millions of homes ana tens of thousands of grateful men and women in all walks of life have testified that this great tonic medicine has brought back the sunshine, the laughter and happiness into their lives. Make up your mind to profit by their experience. Gratify your wish for radiant good health determine that you, too, will be well. Start to-day take Tanlac. Over 30 Million Bottle Sold hmi,i:ifi"s ham: Kiill) No. 1171. in Tin: ciitcriT ForiiT of tiii: STATU OF OIU.OON FOIl KLAM ATH COI'NTV. The Flrxl N.illrnal Hint k. n torpor iltldll, of Kliumilli I'll 1 1". OreKiili, I'liiliitUf mi. Carrie .M. CI.Hid etilllllK and V. II. CliilldetinlllK, DefemtantK Nollcn U herehy kIwmi that, ly lrliie of tin nxeruiliiti mid order of Halo Is. tied oill of llie nlnne eillllled iiiurt, nml nuiKii on Nov em her II, l'J22, llliill a decree Hindu and nil lereil hy nnld iiiurt on Nowinlicr 2, I'.i22, In favor of tlui nliiiM) uiimitl plaintiff lllrectlllK the Hnlu of the piomlHim heielnuller ilexi illnul to nallNfy Hut mini of $nili)li.iio, toKotlf er with lntere.il I hereon nl l he rato of s pr tent per milium from May 1 1.1, 1022; llin further until of f3l)S 3fi tOKi'lhnr IHl IlllereU Iheie on it tho rule of K pur rent per nil mini from July r, 11)22; tho further Mini or iiiu;i iohciiiit wiui in terviil tluiri'ini lit the tutu of X per tent per milium from Deiemher ii, IU2I; llin ruriiiiir Mini or inuo.uo in nllinney'il fieri, mid ionIh mid dU liiiriniiienlK taxed nl 2l.4ii, lop.ellior with nrcruliiK i'oiIn of mtlu. I haxo duly levied on thn nnld piemlHeH mid will, nil Deiemher KUIi., 1H22, lit 10 o'rlnck III the foieniir'l if hiiIjI day, nt tho front door of the Klam ath County Courllioumt In Kluiuntli Fnllii, OreKon, nidi at pulillo nurtlon lo Hui lili;lii"d bidder fir uisli In hand all thn Huhl. ( It lo. mid Inter eKt of lid' uhoto liumi'd ilefendanlH unit euch of Ilium, mid nil pcrmnm clivliiilng under thorn, or any of tliom, DOINGS OF THE DUFFS f' sS' " '" " VvyljyfTHWvi A FINE SITUATIOiA j MS THIS THE MONARCH; Wf VOO CAN'T 6ET THE 5 T COAL CO? VSHAT? ) W ( COAL OFFICE ANO VOO ) r' ( WAT LINE IS OUT OF Q C CAN'T GET ANY COAL 0? ' THAT UNt 1 wui ui y l . 1 V IM Vona cri LAQ.I JV v , orper?huh! J I rrr 1 XJNvo CELURfi V-. . S Jl r-tdHL. (1 tfZZZ" " I 1 i !,SaaejBBasSMaBl DBBSl I t - V' 1LaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT r I , ,9 VJ " : j 99 In mid to Hid fotlowInK driicrlboJ roa properly, to-ult Hlliinle In Kliimiith County, OroRon, lieKlnnlni; nt a point ( f tho miulherly line of Kliimiith Avenue, In tho illy of Klamath Fall, OreRou, 1 : I fiet north 1'imterly from tho uortlieanterly enrner of lllork 7K of raid Klnm nth Addition; Ihiiiire. norlheaal erly iiIoiik the mild Hue of Kl.imnth Avenue, lot feet; thenro notitherly nt rlKht miKleit to Klamath Avenue, 1U0 feet; thfiiro iKiiilhweflterly nnd par allel with Kliimiith Avenue. 10 1 feci; thenro northerly mid nt right iiliKleH to Klamath Avenue 1 OH reel to tho point of beitlniilni;, helm; commonly Known as l.oti 2 mid 3 of lllork 7!) of mild Klnmatli Adlltlou, or mi nuirli thereof iri m.iy be nece.i. nary to nuttify mild execution. Tho proceed'! of mild Halo will be i,i,iill.iil In llin kill lufnrl Inn tif llin jiforeHiild miuiH liiclililod III mild de cree, iixeillllon nun order ol M.ue mid tho ovrrplUH, If any thero be, I vviii no pun iiiiii Mini runri in ie .ip I idled nt by law mid ii.itd decree dlr 1 ..i.i,i Dated ill Klamutli FitlU, Oremm, IliU NoMiiiibur 14, 11)22, L. L, LOW, ShorlfL lly I1I1IIT HAWKINS Dcimty. N IS-22-2!i -l 11-13 KSTIIAV Slrayod from pasture; 2 lilllcii from Midland, une dark brown miiio. 3 yearn old, punt, Idarn fiu-o. Liberal inwiinl for any Information, Win.' Narey, It Hi mitt Commori'liil, Klam utli Kalln. 14-10 ve ISfof-ktnn I Inrrinlrvmnt Will Show Dccreate STOCKTON. Cat.. Nov. 1.'.. -I'u-cnirl&ymrnt will not bo tin great hero tliln v Inter, im It was n year iiro, nrcordliiK to Frank V. Water man, iiiannKer of the Stockton of ficii of the Htntii emplo) nient ys trill. Tho furl that a great tlo.-il of con ntrurtlon work Ii plnnui-d for Stock ton nnd vicinity will have much tn do with deVreiiHlllR unemployment Wateimmi anld. DurliiK one recent week tin bur i an placed about 13.1 percent more men than itiirlmr tho corrcupoudlni; wrok of 1021. Sixty por rent wore plated on farum. I'nrtlJildWelnluixl otnto IA ereil $110,000 offlco nnd lniBlnoflH block N rib llenit to have $10,000 apart turnt hoimo. -WB-ir-w THERE MUST BE EViENING WANT 1 KAMMMMMMMMMnMAAVWWWVWVWMMVVMMM WANTKI) An uutoniiibllo iu-i li-ini?, Mullory (liirtirn, Chlloiiuln, Ore. 14 29 WANTKI) -"Hmntl completely fur lilslwd house. Telephone .17 i-W H IS WANTKD To earn for lilldrr n nf ttirnnonH nr ovenlilKS. Ami-lla Wlilllnc-k. r.lh una I'jno. 1 1 -1 r. FOIl HAI.i: At Midland, Oreaon, H I i. .i - ,.. mi ...- . I sien rminiTK, inn . v, viukwm, i H-lil hIiikIo plow, I 3 disc ilo. 1 2 disc plow, I dine Harrow, moivlnR hum lilnu, li.iy rake, 1 superior uraln ttrlll, 2 wflRdnn, I ',4 li.p.'it.iH endue, rrcuiii separator anil other K'ods Inn nil tiicrmiK to niciillnii Bee Then. I). Vfiunic. I I-1C FOIl HAM: Olio Hlodilnril tire nhrlnlier. Kr(, J. A. KIiir at lllnclmmlth Shop, H. fith HI 14-1 C WANTIII) To toko IcHHiiiiH In Kiiin ImIi twlro a week. eveiiltiRs Write I'. O llox 10 TO. 11-2') FOIl HALi:--Cmi( K-nm of Mix ear old IiiWbih. wt. I.'OO each, alto nlimit 2T 1ic:kI of itiiircx, Imm-n anil rollH. SV(. J W. Jury, 3:H H -Itli St Kl.'imutli FulN. I I 10 TltlANOI.i: C.V Tim plur,. to Ret Koodiatx OI'CN AM. NICIIT r.l.li .Main Klrret. I'hono (124. 1 1t r A IMPIM.KKS ri'lt.VACi: M like n Mil It iif t'lrifliiifl flni Wlml Id Hiulli twlco nn much at another We,I'Olt IlKNT KlenpInK room wltli lmi. them from 1 1. u lo $2iU In- botli, liisal and tclnphone. I'hono nln lied rouililPte. I.. N. Hallien. 447J. 1315 1023 Mulu St. 14-20 nft FOIl Till: MOST Iliillalitf piano lutilrin. at reammalilo prlre leave order for II Madden at Klamath li I In Munlc I louse. 14 l.'. LOST From 1'nckettn Hrm camp one hrown mure, ' jears old, lirandcd All (oimected on left nlioulder, ro.irlier. main. Reward. II. M. IlaRby, 124 0th St. 14-IC VANTKI A younB ulrl nl The Mamlmll Huiikc, Cult at once 10tf FOIl HALi: 1 iliixnn While Li r-j horn hemi, 2 blorkit e.ut of Ktore1 on OreRun Ave, II. 11. Vmixlckle 9-lS FOIl SAM: OH IlKNT Farm of 100 acrrn. All In ciiltlration, 11. acri'ii under ditch, 2U In wild KrM. 2.1 In ItuK pasture. Will rent for olio or in (i r i) )enr. J.' II. FaiiRht, C22 Walnut AM)., Klamath FjIIn, Ore. '9-1 C WAITHUSHWANTKD Forlioard ink' liouie. I'hono 3C3-W ' Dili. LOST Herald Carrier nt. No. S Collection Hook. Ilcturn to Her ald Office. 19tf ITS FINE FOR Kntlnjr Tik' Mmh Meat Slay CloR Kldi.ejd, then the Hack Hurt Most folks forgot that tho kidney like tho bowels, Ret sIurrIsIi and LclORRod nnd need u flushliiR occasion ally, oiso wn iiiivo uacKiicno and uiiii misery In tho kidney reftlon, sovero liendachns, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and nil Mortn of hladdur dUordurs, You simply must keep jour kid nen nrtlvo mid clean, mid tho mom ent ou feel an ncho or pain In tho kidney roKioti, Ret about four ounces of Jail Salts from nny Reed drug idore here, take a tnblespnoiiful In n Rlnss of wnter before breakfast for ii few tin) a mid jour kldns will then net fine. This famous salts is mado from tho arid of grapes mid lemon Juice, combined with llthln, and Is harmless to flush cloRRed kidneys anil Ntiuiulato them to normal acti vity. It also helps luuitr.illio tho acids In the urine t-o it no longer Ir ritate, thus helping to relievo blad der disorders, Jad Salts Im harmless; Inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent llthlu water drluk which ovorjlunly should tnkr now and then to help keep their kldnevH clean, A well-known local drURRlst sas ho soils lots of Jail Salts to folks who bellove.ln trying to correct kidney trouble whllo It Is only troublo. Adv. 101. NO WASTE 1 H A -, , V , HERALD ADS FOIl BALII Ford Cotipo. Owner leaving town. Inquire Herald of flcu. 8t( KOlt HALI2 (looming nml Ho.irdlriK Jlousu, close In I'hono 37G-W. sr.ir. 1 KOlt It IINT Two-room fnrnlsliril . Apt. 41'J 10th 10 tli St. 30tf. WANTKI) Iloomer pnd lioartlor by I week or month. GIG I'luo St. lutf j CAItHIKIl IM)V VANTi:il Trustwortliy boy, oror 12, to carry Herald Jlouto In MUM addition. 4tf FOIt HAI.K A Koifl l'nlllman iw Iiik mnclilnv. Cluinp for cmli. 211 .Mlrli, Ave. 1 3-1.. FOIl 8AI.K Onu Wlnrhcslrr pump KUn. 10 kuukc, Icatlicr cano, Hot 100. Herald Office 1.1-18 . I.OHT Wllko Junior' flnldcn Cocker HpnnM. Ileuanl Oon J, Zutnwnlt, 130 Si Ithemlde. 13.1." LOST Saturday mnrnlnc on Orecn HprlliK rnnd liotirrpn hero and Jvnny Crunk u practlciilly now .13x4 (ioodyc.ir cord tiro and tuho mount el on rim. Ite-Anrd If returned to l.'wnlnR llerrild offlre. 13-10 I.O.ST Straw milt raw, contalnlnK woman'ii clnthlnR, picture, etc. Howard' for rolurn to Herald offlco. 13-lfl I. KOH RAI1 Do Inval lep-irator No. 17. Tnll 1318 Orecuii Ave. 13-18 ADMI.VIHTILVTOII'H XOTK'K OK PILI.N'fl FINAL ACCOUNT IN TIIK COUNTV COIMIT OF TUB STATE OF OH BOON FOIl KLAM ATH COUNTY, In the Mutter nt thrrKatnto of Mar tha W. Van Ilrlmtncr, nonietlnies known at Mrs. C. D. Van llrlm lilnr, decerned. Notlcu la buruby Riven that I have filed ny Final Account nnd Ilcport an Administrator of the Kitato of Martha W. Van Ilrlmtncr, deceased, and tho above entitled Court has fix ed Monday, tho 27th day of Novem ber, A. D. 1922 at tho hour of 2 o'clock In tho afternoon of said day ait tho time and the County Court Itoam In the t'ourt'House of Klamath County, OreRon, In tho City of Klam ath Falls as -tho place, when and whero any person may present any objection or exception to anything; contained therein or to anything dono-by mo s Administrator,- and that lit uc!r"iruie anil' 'plar- till' above entitled Court will finally para upon and aettto said Account. O. W. OFFIBLD, Administrator of the Bstale of Mar tha W. Van Drlramcr, Deceased. O 18-2.r. N 1-8-1C PROFIT BY THIS. Don't Waste Another Day When you am worried by back ache; lly laments and urinary dis orders Don't experiment with an untried medicine. Follow Klamath Falls people's ex ample. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's a Klamath Fatls testimony. Verify It If you wish. Mrs. J. T. McCullum,- 497 Nlutk St., sain: "I always keep Doan's Kid ney Pills oa hand. When 1 have at tniks of backache aud feel run down or my kidneys do not act rlcht, a short me of Doan's soon corrects the trouble and streuctbena my back and kidneys." Price, COc, at all dealers. Don't simply 'a-ik for a kidney remedy got Doan'a Klduer Pills the same that Mrs. McColltiiu had. Foster-Mil-burn Co.. Mirk, llnffalo. N. Y. . XOTICB TO CIIP.DITOKS Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned has been duly appointed ndmlnlstrntor of tho estate of II. Mc Charles, Deceased, by tho County Court of Klamath County, Oregon, Alt persons having claims against hulil estate are notified to piescnt s.une to tlio uiidorslKiied within six months from Hie date of this notice, I at tho law offices of It. C. (Iroes-! berk, Klamath Falls, Oregon, Dated: Novombur IS. 1022. HAUL WHITLOCK. Administrator of the Kstnto of II. McUrmrles, Deceased. N 1C-22-29 D 0-13 !A rOPAK i i LeavYour Filttvs before 9 OclocK-Yoor A.M Pictures are MMerwooas mwr W'sL. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON mS I -J-Z WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLC DR. J. G. GOBLE OFTOIIKTRIBT OPTiaAIf 700 Mala IM. PhiMa 1HW W fit nd iTlnd gtuMt, Dupli cate broke Ubm. rtptlr frm. S. CROUCH, D.V.M. Velcrlaary Hnrseoa Iteputy Hlato Xcrlnarlnn 2.10 X. 0th fit. Plume 4MM DR. C A. RAMBO Dentitt L O. O. r. BaHMsJ PBOMH J DR. H. J. WINTERS flrmluatc anil Slato Iteclstcreil OPTICIAN Nineteen year lvrrc In baslaeaa I'ronipt Service 714 Main Street CHIROPRACTORS DK8. MALI.ETT A MALLET! Office over Vnderwoo-T 71b A Mala Ffcoae ' ' .': Nt, W J1 1 T LAUHUK I V FlaMied Work Flat Work Iloturh Dry "Pat Tear Dada la Otr PUOKK 154 Oarae afala Mil Kodak Finishing Film rccetT ; I hefore lA M. :. Ready lhCiJM HajOU ftPM. ii Mail erden STAR DRUG CO. Bth. Mala BU. Stinson Photo Shop 423 Main Ktrcct, Klamath Falls, Orrgoa, TWKLVi: HT1NSON lltTIUITH SOLVK TWKLVE CliniSTMAH GIFTS One 7vtl riiliirRrmcnt Riven Free with every dosea order a( PIioIon tnkeii In November, Just Installed n new "Hotly flabtlRtitN." OiK-n evenlnns. J. C CLEGHORN CTV1L ENGINKaBI AND 8DRVEYOK Phoae tOaVJ IM B. Rl netici: to ciu:ditohs Notion Is herebv civ en that tho undorslRiied has been duly appointed I iidiulnlstratnr of tho estate of James ' Morris, Deceased, by the County I Court of Klamath County, OruRon. All persona liavInK claims ar.alnst said estate tiro notified to present samo to tho under.-dp.ned within six ' mouths from the date of this notice, nt the law offices of H. C, Oroes- heck, Klamath Falls, OreRon. ) Dutcd: November 1", 1922. I UAH I. WHITLOCK. I Administrator of tho Kstato of James .Morris, Deceased. N 1B-22-29 D C-13 BY ALLMAN ,a, 'Jti&mJ. 7CV WORK ready at 6 w BUY THEIR DRUG5 lAcgTjgtevl PR.F. R-GODDARD 08TKP0ATHI0 PHTMCUM and HtmaaoN Office Mil tUtUtm e l o. o. r. t - KUMtb Falb Flwibg HttiacCe. t. 8. LAGEMOM, Pn. 4th Plaa St. Rmm 1W FIM'.D DLKK, Mgr. CENTRAL AUTO SERVICE XiXX. AND NIGHT Itcil Sljcn on Door Chiloquin it Bend Stag ion 8. 71 Ii Nt., Mew Hart W Phong (II3-W "Always at Vour Hertlce" I. O. O.F. ProaperHr Itokefcs. 104- FTra aM Tiiim icaf) 4M,' Klaamalk Loic 1S7 rrMay When You Ha Dirty CIoUm. It yon will call tka Klamath Hami UuaWnr 119 South Ith St. Phoaa 7I-W Taay win wash, dara, traa' tea retnre to yot. fOM tfl 1 wood'' Portrait Lbjht. RECKARD'S AUTO LIVERY CO Phone 77 Night and Day Servlea 119 North Sixth Street Look for the Cars with Black White Slgas NU BONE CORSETS Mado to Your Measure Guaranteed Mr. Roe Randall 331 Jefferson 8. Phoae 877-W YOUR WINTER'S' should have your attention Cool weather and atoriM force prices up. Our fuel is the bett, our. prices are right on Slab, Blocks, Body and Tawa- oack. -j business is wlklit IHMIH WOOD 0. Peyton & & i i fW' W& .,,,, l y if( ) t 1 i u J Jill '' iv! v '' ';a