The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 15, 1922, Image 1

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Unhvnlty UUtnry
no, Oregon
" :
TONK1IIT ,M) Tllt'llND.tY, I Mill
toitttittg Heratf
fifteenth V
.'Jl,.1. ,
ii r. ,Vii. I7H.
Member of the Associated Press
Dthe Will lie Hinged In (Ji'l Much
Xerilnl ltiiiiiitcm'lif IVO-
Hon Will Ho CImmIiiIi.I
Otn. UAUAMiC cvrtr I
iu irumnn j oiufti j.
Neighbor Huri" vMr. .lane (ilh.oti
Wiik .Vol it Phillip In rm nt
TIiiip of l)oiil)(. Minder
Failure to See Supports of
S. P. Crossing on Espla
nade Causes Crash
(I. II. Hill, fhaiialor A Lynn,
niiimor iJ"'. miiIu., nf ll... Mel. .rl.l i .1...
salesman, mi.) ij. It. Knickerbocker. I prn(l.,, llrlv,. lim, , ,,,, f ,
floodyrar salesman, liolh of Hacru-. ,, school Tor Hi..,.
NVi'il nf n ityiiinniluiit ami plain
for obtaining II wnrn Hi., topic nf
illicit vnrloiu nttiiieniN talked dur-'"08 Entertainment of AH
lug Ihn assembly period yesterday ,
mnntlni: til Ihn high school. !
'Mm point liriiiinlit out hy iln.
speaker worn tin. 11 ..,! of unity In
ryniniiniiim, the
Is Promised This Year;
Proceeds to Charity
I lu ilrhn for 11
mento. worn nit und bruised, ami
Mm. V. J. Duly nf thin clly sus
tained 11 lirnkon leg und ruin nml
hrulsrs when a llulck romUtrr driv
en liy Hill ut 12 o'clock last night
crushed minutely Into I ho tlmbiir
support of I tin Houtlirrn Pacific
vluduct 1111 Kaplunude, parllully
wrecking thn rur.
t According to reports, lh lhre.
Intenilel to ilrlw to Mm. Duly'
liouin In Ilia vicinity of Jefferson,
hut mil fMltiK n strei which
would would luke. llirm Went from
Hot Rirlnjtn addition, had rcturni'il
ilown Kiplunuilc. For some unex
plained reason, Hill fulled to oli
sorvn the viaduct suppntt. which
tund In tlm renter of Hip trcet,
iitul Inn car lilt llii'm miurrly, Thn
front end of tlm car m telescoped,
thn windshield nml steering wheel
imunhr.l ami other part linilly ilnni
Mm. I).ily wn walking num.-.
Mula utri-ot with thn Intention of nt
trudltiK thn kiTiiml wrfnrinanci at
Km I'lnn Tri'n tlirntrn u lint thn mm
approached nml oftcrrcl to tnkn her
thn riniuliulir rf dm ilUtnncn, Him
cccptfd tlm offrr hut Inntcml of
tipplpa at tlm Ihivit'lrii tin mm
'tfrovt nround town, Till Ii ac
cording to a tatrnmiit mnrtf by ir
hutband, V. J. Daly, nnwt vmdor
on tlm WVrd-Klatimth1 Kall train.
Mra. Duly n taken to a hoc
ftlfal. Vuf comsllfatloni arUn
w lJurlvi win not provn fntol, It
II an (IhIiIiM hy the Mudint
hody to put out tun piitlilfinn. onn
In hn olKni-d hy thn BlllilcnU of tin-
IIIRII r.cliool, nml thn olhiT In hnj
(llnlrlliulril nimint: tlm p.irmtn of
this rlly und ill no In Dm inunly Thn
petition whon kIkhpiI "III hit pre
nlnil to thn hudRi-l comniltti-n of
thn county
Xrw OfKnilUiilloo (Ma Off to VI).
lnK HI11H1 Inltliillon llrlil
KUmalti IIIrIi Hludrnta to (Uu
I'roirnm l Htraml Tlirairo
TiM Whllti of the Htraml llipatrr
U turning hi thoatrn nvir tn the
high rhnnl tonlcht and tomorrow
nlftht for thn benefit of tho nrliool
artlvltln fund. Hull of thn prorredi
of the iliowi (o tn thn hlah chool,
tho othnr half to Tod While, out
of which thn eipeniri will hn paid,
In addition lo thn rrnulir movlnit
picture!, flection 1iy MUr lclyn
Applnt-alr' nuulc ilrpnrlmeiit will
hn nlven, ll la eitlmatud liy thorn
In charia that If tho home U full
both nlahlt 1100 mat li railed for
the IiIkIi mhool. The high achool
tudent are In rharie nf Ike ticket
elllnn, each itudnnt bolgn rftpoml
bin for the tain of two ticket.
The program which will bo glvun
by Ml Kvelyn AppleKute'a ctiun In:
MUcd Chorm
A. Wamlorltig In WoodlMiidi
Uy Otto Itoi'dnr
I). Comu Kim Yo Mammy Hood XlKhl
Hy Albert Noll
KopruneH: 'lone Holomon, Alice
llanien, Dorothy Worlloyi Alte:
tlerllm Poltr, Alh.-rtlmi , .McCall.
Mildred Lowlij Tenomi Clifford
lloguo, Vernon ChrUty, Kenmth
Maleri Huim: Hurry I'ell. Frank
Hpp, Harry MaUtorc. (
OIlT nitlTAI.V Kl.iiCTft
LONDON, Nor, iri.The eloctor
ntn of Oroat Drltaln awarmvd tn tho
poll by mlllltma today In Kngtand,
Hcolland, Wiiloi, and lllnlor tn elect
the fourth parliament In the reir.M
of King Hnorgn (he flflli. No eleventh
hour dnvulopmonU leunned the un
certainty of tho result,
Klxty.lhreit boy taut nlgbl brnved
the mynlerle of the Junior Ulki nml
now ore miMiiliern of that new nrgif
liUiillon apenmired by (be l.'lkn lodge.
KoIIowIiik th Inltlullnii ceromon
le. whli h with condlictnd by W. 0.
Kmllli, W H. Wiley. (I. W IIoul
ton, ('. A, Hayden and JVrry Ii'I,ap,
Ihn Junior Kilo elected the follow
Iiik efflcerit:
Albert Moreland, Junior Hj' Trank '
Peyton, necrutnry. Jatnn Manning,
treamrer; Clifford lloRiin, Junior K;
Harold irllny. Junior I.; I.e.lle
Peyton. Junior K.
IIUh Ail.lrrnH I to)
In connection with Ihn reremnnle
tevral of Hid i:ik nddreml the
oya. Tho ipaaker were W, O,
Smith, J. J. Miller. C. V. Htonn and
l. V. Kiiykendall, About r.o'j'lk
wero reiit
Orranliatlou of the Junior Klki
ha been under iipervlaloii of the
community aoclnl 'welfare commltleo
of thn Klk. rompned of J. J. Mill
er, I'lifllrman; Dr. II. D. I.. Slewurl
nml Kred A. linker.
Hob llox.1, nnalite.1 by V. V. lied,
gepeth, will Iimd charge of the ath
letic activities.
Tho follnwlnc boy were Initiated:
Jon Paynler, lm retire Cnrrol.
Zed llarne, Herbert WlUon, Harold
llnleninii, Frank Hall, Mali Olien.
chain. Charlei Drove, Itober Mur
phey, Kenneth Klewnrl, (leo. Morgan,
Don Putteraon, Charle JnhnMnu,
Daniel Covert, llrure Jetfers. Waller
Hhort, Howard Durbln, Charlei
Clinatnln. I.unln H.1I10, Homer Our-
Ich, llnberl (Jrahatu, Howard Con
trail, Hyltoatvr Kmllh, Albert Moor
Time Will ho turned hacUwant by
the Klka Thtirmluy, Friday und Hat
unlay evrnlnga, when the annual
Wentern MkIiIh etitiirtnlumcnl will
be staged.
Alihotigh pant entertainment
have ulwayii been highly Hticceimful,
the Hlki IhU year promise n ahnw
bigger and better In every wny, nml
boiling oer with fun mid excite
nimt Ihrnnghnut thn three open
ing. (Iriiiilne Itoulrttr Wheel
The "gambling" parnpbornnlla,
Including genuine roulette wheel
and numerous other device popular
In the irly day of I.lnkvllle, today
are being Inntalleil. Thoin who
"buck the tiger" and loin will de
rive xatlxfacllon from tho knowl
edge that the whole affair I for
rharltnbln purpnie, and that many
iinfortunatrt famllleg of thl city
will receive aid through tho money
tlm rnUed,
Thofl who win will carry away
many hundred of dollar worth of
prlze which will Includn every
thing from fnodatuff to furniture
Pig, nhccp. meal ticket, ham,
wood by thn cord, nulo nccensnrlc
nnd countler olher prlie have
been donated by merchant nnd nro
piled high In tho temple.
"DitRit lletl" for All
Throughout tho three evening a
wcitorn dance will lie. under way.
Tho thlrtyv will find, "dago red"
provided In generoua portion for
Juat inch rontlngenrle. and thone
who caro for neither the game.1 or
dancing wilt find various other
form of amuiement.
Tho entertainment Is open to tho
general public, and tho Klk havo
promised to give all who como "thn
tlmo of their live," according to a
committee, member.
Kale of Mr. Clara Phillip Now
Hands of Jury
TJio (flo-Hlnrmagrapli at I'nder-
'I ti'kfl J III n
Hf" -r'CJi ho recorded but
If ' "Rnl v01"1""0" '
Y jfiMr " barometrlo press-
f XflPtj , um during tho
I CfA. ,nl 2 hour al
though at 2 P. M,
I hero wuh a down
ward trend.
Forecast for next
24 beurn:
Fair: Probably
warmer, with var
iable winds.
Tho Tycoa recording thormomctor
registered maximum ami minimum
tomporaturoa today ns follew:
High- 4ft
i J' yy 2
I Unit, Henry Onrber, Terry Allon,
Thomas Watt, Merle Swiitiaon. Delos
Mills, Clifford Togue, Floyd Tlngley,
Frank Pe)ton, l.eslln Pejloti, Dali
Weat. Jame Stunning. Pete Mot.
rhenbacher, Chnrlesilluute, Wilfred
Dlxo.i, Clntus Meredith, Itoliind Co
fer, JriTiiIng Wushlngion, Julian
Agor, Dale Houle, John Vorllnga,
Itussel Crandull, Lester Cofer, For-
,nsl Colaon, John Kuykuudall, Dur-
ward Howell, Itollln Cuntratl. Lloyd
llunuell, Kenneth Maler, Hurry
Pelt. John Marshall, Hernert In-
dl, William Clark, Kenneth Clark,
Kenneth Crummor, Dnlmer Hubert
Him, lllll Kiiykendall. Harold Wort
ley, Donuld .Vvatck, Itobart Cornish
und Oliver l'clon,
nelegnlra IVrdirt World WI1I0 I'm.
hlblllon Hoon
L08 AN(H:LI:s. Nov. 1 ft. The
ra of Mrs, Clarn Phillips, charged
with tho murder of Alberta Tre
malno Meadows with 11 hammer here
lust July, went to tho Jury at 10:55
this morning.
ni:w imi'Nnv.iici;. n. j xov
IS An affidavit refuting tho story
of Mr. Jntie fJIbnun. farmer of
what she saw on tho Phillips farm
on the night of floptember 14 Inst,
when the Itnv. IMward Wheeler Hall
nnd Mrs, Klennor lllacliardt Mills
were murdered, lias been obtained
from a neighbor of Mrs, Olbson'
and r.lvi'ti to tho liiithorllles. roun
eel for the rector' widow announc
ed laat night.
Horjr Drilled
Unputy Attorney Ocncral Mott, ap
pointed special proeculor by (!or
nor IMward to Investlgsta the
crime, was not In .Ww lirutiswirk to
day and no official nuniHincnmeiil
nf Ihn receipt of the nffldnvlt was
obtained by Timothy PfHlfer, Mr.
Hall's attorney. The nffldnrlt I
rlgnel by Mr. .VHIte U. Itussotl,
whixo homo I near that of tho self
styled "eye-wllness" of the Unit
Mills murder. It sets forth Hint on
tho night of Hepiemher 14, during
thn time that Mrs. tilbann said In
her ntutcment to tho authorities that
ho was near Hie scene of the shoot
ing sho was nt the home of Mr.
I'feiffcr said that tho affidavit
had been obtalnol after Mr. Hit
sell had written to Mrs. Hall telling
her that Mr. (Hbson was not on tho
farm when aim had said sho was.
Mr. Hf.1l, he saH received I the
following Inl'.pr on November 7:
Slo)l Willi Xrlghbor
"Mrs. France Stevens Hall.
"Madam: In regard to Beptember
1 1. Mr. Jain (llhsnu was not nt tho
Phillips farm nl 10 o'clock, Sho over at 10 or a little before
to tell me she had taken my dog
from a man on tho Hamilton road.
She snt on the stop nf my shanty
a while and I gave her II for keep
ing my deg. Thpn Swent with her
to her homo and got the dog. Wo
talked awhile and theu I went homo
nt nt 11 o'clock,"
In thn absence of Mott or any of
his aide no Information In regard
to what action wilt bo taken on tho
affldnMt eouU bo obtained. Mott
was In conference In New York with
other offlclnla, It was learned, on
plan for Inking Ihn cnio beforo tho
grand Jury. It was thn Intention of
official. It was reported, to ask for
Indictments nga'lnst tho women and
two men named In Mr. (Hbton's
f ''''- --1
't--(tl ,Pi '( i pw
I tie Kelentless Destrover
- -Vrm. 1
;ji' fii s 'tL M'fjZi uWirtfir
ITn f -T aaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaTiaaaaaW T tT aaT aaafllT Tfl tl sWf WWT P T - r T I
'i'i .'.ittW Mr tffGPMrjUFJ-0 !
- i 1 Pln' n'ct' i KSV Si7 A t'r
. '
4"t ,
sttaVvtaryvsj iiiiava
Great Savin to
Shown by Head f Cuw-
paicn Ciduct4M Him
Thl pldiirr li(iMk linw Hie fon-Kt of Kbimiith roiuilv voold be nir
i'rciI If Hn rombliieil ilrMniethr ixiwrr of tho waatera pine beetle wer
Kiinlilonl in inn- gigantic hretle. The million of email brrtla aJUstuUly
il-tro -ll section of pine tloilx-r, with grentrr lo titan tliat of forest
ffrit,. The .ninll iiiM-rt klion Hie nrtunl nlze of the) pi or bertlo
Itilll.tnl (iinmplnii Take Klr-t
Mfltrli Willi flennnn I'Injcr
MKXICO CITV, Nov. lft. The
lluno.uo Prancilfe Do Mexlquc. the
largest bank In Mexico, failed to
openn today, A largo, crowd gath
ered In front of tho building neces
sitating police protection.
NKW WOltK. Nov.
Scbaefer, Ran Francisco,
Krlch Hagonlachcr, Germany, by the
scnro.ot.ftQO to .IIS In his first match
of the IS. 2 balkllna
professional billiard championship
tournameat. -Tho winner' nvcroge
was 29 7-17 and hi high run 140,
72 nnd &'.
Tho Herman' average wn 10
5-17, with run of 10ft, 44 and 3C
Scbaefer made his bold start. Ho
went Into tho lead with his 140 run
In hi fourth Inning. After that he
lapsed Into seemingly cureless exe
cutlon, mlsculng no less than four
times, llagelacher was slow toward
the end, although ho displayed skl
at draw shots and tho mnsse.
Kelker Cochran, tho lownn, and
Itoger Contl, the French champion,
meet tomorrow at 2:20 p. m. In the
night game WHllo lloppo of New
York meets I'douard Horcmans, tho
Ilelglan champion.
W. D. Mnnn (Jet Appolatracat; A.
O. Dunn Made A4tt Chief
W. D. Mann was appointed truck
driver for the fire department by
tho city council Monday night. He
will succeed A. O. Dean who waa
ppolntad asalatant. eakf. acc4:
Ing Mark Howard, wkoae- Viwlfaa
llon was accepted at the previous
Application of the California Ore
gon Powor company to erect a high
power transmission line along the
right-of-way of the Strahora rail
road In this city 'was referred to the
city attorney.
Permits granted were:
R. K. Smith, to construct addition
to houso on Lot 3 TUock 2, Fair
viow addition No. 1: W. E. McAboy,
erect slgu board at Eighth and Main:
IC. X. Record, local manager for
Western Pnlon, to erect bicycle
stand In front of Western Union of
fice, and have "no parking" apace
allowed, the former application be
ing denied.
Th campaign agalist tk trait
em plna bctl la XkMMtk aa
Lake eoontlta paid In tka flrat yar
of organised affert, Jastdrawtestts
a close, to tztersnlaata, lk tUaatr
ous timber Hat, Paul IfMat, fad
eral entomologUt,, tali tka cham
ber of.commarca foruat taday.
Mora tkan IIO.SIS af'tha 1,
000 appropriated by .tka cavta
ment for baatla central wark, kaa
been spent htra Ikia fu. C
tlnuatlon of tba work dSfMaa sa
further appropriation by caasfj,
but the balance remalnlat (rem tka
Initial appropriation narcattaaiM
active campaign ntit year.
IIS Hem Walyi
Two hundred nan 'la tea caakfii
were employed la the height of UM
campaign. Fir cam pa ere still
working, altkoagh tka eel weather
I driving aome of the ' sat. v
The result of the rear's caaeig,
as far as prellmlaary c'raUee eaa
be relied upon to eeUbtta'Utaa.'
surpass expectation, aald Keen. .. (
It wa hoped, ha said to redaes
the beetle loea 60 per etsi oa the
area treated, he said; hat the pre.
llmlnary checking upakew1 a re
duction of 10 per cent. v
Up to tkla tlaie T.iestreea wart)
treated by tka control oreaeSsid
before the year la oat XSSStjejs
will have bees treated, Keea-''aa-
Hmates. ,--.,
gnlei lo Ihn eleventh world convnn
Hon of tho Women's Christian Tom
peranrn Ifnlon expressed confidence
today that International prohibition
would ho nehloved not many year
hence. DeleguleH from Hcnlhintl nnd
Ucrmuny biounht messngei In tho
convention that even Ihoso rounlrlo.i,
Renemlly regarded as firmly oppoa
oil tn dry logUlutlon, soon might
prohibit tho nnlo of Intoxicants.
PORTLAND, Oro., Nov. 1G. Cat
Ho market steady. Hog steady,
back to 10,79 top; prlmo light,
10, 3E to 19.76. Lamb 35p higher;
east mountain lambs, $10.50 to $1.3.
Kgga 3o higher, buying prices 60a
to 57c, Hclllnii 66a to 00c, Iliitlor
g y$&jr nr I liffl J-
BBbH ' Sikt'V:','alBBBBE' l ft. C
r jvaT 1 -vBaBw5?5LPu' a ll L " -vtit-- vvv '
snaaaaaal W lr laV ?t L "
IH Sl a tuTT3 TTo wtse- , . JKKSGjp'
gaBBBBBBai JiyHaVr
Menibera of Library Club Make Do
nations to Aid Yoaag
Children's book week which open
cd Monday Is progressing well, ac
cording to Mrs. R. E. Wright. cltyF
librarian. Although the 25 child
ren's books ordered by the Wom
an's library club for the occasion
hao not arrived, donation have
been made by member of the club
Hint will carry tho library over the
week. Mrs. A. M. Worden donated
11 and loaned 9 children's books.
Mothers nro nsked to visit the
library and bring tholr children any
time during tho week. Tho purpose
of Children' Dook week Is to en
courage tho younger generation to
read mcro and to read the right
books. Tho Woman' library club
U nttomptlng to form a Child's hook
club to bo carried on all during the
L. Ogden Armour Hold Conference
Willi Government Officials
WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 16.
J. Ogdon Armour, Chicago packer,
conferred today with federal gov
ernment official regarding the sit
uation in the Industry. He visited
Secretary Wallace of the depart
ment of agriculture, but neither
would discuss the conference or
comment on report that a merger
was contemplated between Armour
& Company and Wilson 4b Company,
or Armour ft Company and Morris
& Company. Report of a contem
plated merger recently reached gov
Tne eaaaa yaaa.tsahirl.tM;,-..-trol
oaaratleaa. faV tW.lwf jM
feet in Klamath aad.UlHi YsaipaV
which menu "mere sfsiaaldstiijaa
tba average etaad oaf H aaHleaa'of
land, or halt a towsohlp, . 1
If a fire should wkpa eatall the
standing timber oa II SM(4saa, aald
Keeae, It woald ho a leas last
would cause tho atato to sit as sad
take notice, but tke scattering rav
ages ot the beetle, while echievfetg
the same resultant lots, esjeipaa
general atUatlon because they aro
not spectacular.
But timber ma aro awake to tka
extent of tke damage, and kvra
started a wlaalag fight that Wttt-be
continued aatll tks beetle heee
are reduced to normal, said tka
speaker. j
MMI 4rlWSfW eavlaWaW
Like other natural eU, he SfM.
the beetle will always ha yrsssat
But nader normal eaadUai. 'nat
ural bird and Insect eaomlea keff
in swarms down and tao damaa
at a minimum.
Keene ahowed pecneM of tks
beetle, and piece of bark contain
ing "gallerlc" wkfck the sSet
make to hous Itself, and whisk
cut oft the sap flow and kill 'tho
He explained the treatment rfalt
Ing the tree and bumlngtthe berk:
that hold the beetle awaraM.
Keene'a talk wa highly edses
tlonsl. It wa supplemented by aa
address by A. J. Jaenkks. state for
estry service entomologist, who la
co-operating In tba beetle war.'
Fire Protectlos) rsM "
Jaenlcke' outstanding lifts
ment was that, la a three amiss'
survey of forest sress la Xlamarh
and Lake counties, kta had beea
convinced' that tb9 o)4-cksel 'laat
bermsn who held that fsfsst flfs
protection, leading to a larger aa- r
dergrowth In the forest, eaoearstej
the development of tha beetjei. was
mistaken. Jaescks4sa)4( he sua
certain thst firs prolsctlen dlsssjr
aged beetle propajatiss. , $
Noteii Amhir UasajOaaMka 1
o MiriiM Istatof, r. it hi
London. Non iaorind
Kipling, notef, auth.trwsM ,, ,
? r
operation kere tedsr.lTMS
meat followed pabmasa
that he wa III la .a
lal and that It might
a.t . .. . K
tZLSa& ,r.
k . m i m. . -Mswi
,t ":t
, "
' m
1 7I
steady, '
ernment official from
.inomciai nim to uodcrto a Hnr
- i . -,' f
rw.,w,jssB ' ,
-'r-- ' .- 1.,. ,'
. .... U .ftf u