THE EVENING HERALDKLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rrimw, novumum u, low RTKT rt .- v,V MRPDRAWS ,' - v j innr inninmr ." WitMlinUbt M , Enter- TkurUw w Lleurance UinniMt Appreciated :il bv Muilc-Lovr (roiluctlon by (letirKU " Tuck ot tho compn-cr, Tlturlow Uourancc, Tho concert belted no.litnn; In Intercut from tho explanatory unit lltuatrn- uro snori tains ny i.ictirnnco throughout tho oontiiR. Ho hna nbsorhed much ot tiio tit ctlcltm nnd pootty ot the North American In dians and ns tits compositions show, ho has cntorol far Into tho sanctu ary nnd his Interpretation Inn r.plrllunl quality. r , 5 o prano votco especially In Its lower tones ttns (nit nnil rich nnd very pleasing, (leorso H. Tack In ft fluto virtuoso of great excellence and his nudlrnco would nladly have heard more of hh work. Kvoryono was plcnro.t wllli Mr. I.tcurnnco's trndcrlni; of "Hy tho Waters of Mlnnptonka" nit old fa a t vu.-Ito In this city. Scarcely loss np 1 predated nnd certainly ns beautiful -!. j t. wood and tho singing ot blu'e, t' The profiMtn ns n whole wns pleas' 'ty THUS. atAlttf.H ' WOOD' KHKiattX lTno 'Weurntico concert last nlsht J inj" but tho unrelieved minor key iW a larKotnl nppreelntlte and-tot all tho rclcctlons left upon tho Itmeo to tho Pine Trco t.Wro. ntlnJ, n focllr;; a madness. If the Tho scltlnB ! tho staRu was much vivacity sin.l heroic c.omcnt which enhanced by tho beautiful soft lljlit ' Is net Inciting la the Indian char ing' effects which are ono pt tho' one-, e.iald nho hne been ctpresj. features ot this opera hoti e The il the performance would have luU pcrvndlmr air of tho place uns e-v tan vrrlcty needed, of curiosity, tho nttd.cnco ovldc itly J'm. I.lcttranco's dramatic Inter. -Uneo.-uc.tD.uly his nudlonco' was j wss h,'r slttRlnK ot the most led, Way Into the realm pi" nfuutrr lender lullaby "v. nun." waters, thrt ei. Ilneji of ho nroat Tho number, "A Fire llanco Ceremony" was the only ono which Kavo ccopo to Mr, l.lcuroiico's drn tnntlc ntilltty. It wns Impastlonod nnd heroic and left on tho minds of tho audience that fooling of fierce, barbaric ecstney which pervades tho rcllctous d.icccs ot the nborlnines. COMING EVENTS tttto nl (ho roflttlnr pities f ntlmlM nlon Tuesday nnd Wednesday, mat Inco nnil nlitlit. i ' m Till! I.IIIKIITV "Dream Street" It tho littest J nerneu effott to como from I). V. idrlfflih. It Is n tnlo of tomnuro When an outlnw capable of klllliiK nnd lovo and l.ittchtor, symbollfott life fitlher of tho tslrl he loves tin with koo.I and evil Itttltioticcn lend conceal his crime; flnd-t his pro. Inn nil enchantment tnrely tieen lit Jtosnl of marrlnRo tinwolccuto, ho Ujnuvli ehtema ptoductlons. The Idenn t:ok apt to tio hnlf-way measures toare (Ultfltli while tho characters nro e ( TIIK STIt.WD m:v i'ii.t)rt nccompllih-hls purposol Ufcy Sjtow art, as ji'dend Ehot of the pl.tlin, Tltomn.i Ilurkontnown ns "phtatif I "Tim I.ntnp," Tim loi'.tlo Is 'set In l.lmo l!hlnntoMt" nnOi"Tlm SIrii inline, tit ,of 'Ihe not knowlsR what to expect Tho program boson wait the- In ' prctntlons added tiiuch to the even lie's enjoyment. Her i:ici:o so- YOU WILL FIND THE JAS. H. DRISCOLL INSURANCE AGENCY In nev.' quarters 206-207-208 Hart Building Corner Seventh and Main Streets Entrance 111 Seventh Street. November 14 MeelltiR Klamath County Health Asso elation executive committee. 4 t November 13 'Chamber of commerce forum. 4 November 16 Meeting ex- ecultVA committee Itert Cross. November 1 to IS Klks' Western Nlcht. November . IS. Harvest Home Katherlnt;- Methodist 4 church. November It Meeting of Hook committee. Woman's 1.1- brary club. Nu ember 30. Junior Klks . relay races. November 30 Thanksgiving Day. December f. Circuit court j opens fir December term. noiitiy protects tho k rl In a wav .. which will thrill "Tho Lone lluuif0 1 hotinu, Louden. Although It might r.udloucc.1. This now Kipling drama ! bo said to cncomiuM tint norld when v.'tll be at tho St rnml theatre tonight j It coiiicj to the final analynls of the lie slow to tindereitlmato the fool. humans who trip gayly thgottrh tho Though his grin Is Immobile, and his J several (scenes of dramatic effects words without sense, ho may. single-, dlrceod by (Irlffith. handed, scatter nn utitlnw band after There Is assembled a cnsl of rare killing Its chlcfrnavitiin angel of tho talent to enact tho roles of "Dream cattle country frotn n fnti mirro lll.l'l tr....t " Cnrl llnlnnli.r In III.. Ilvnav . A. I " ". " " - i " ...,-.. v -w.-.- "l T denth, and rldllto .stato of n gang , 1'nlr. The "fc'plko" Mcl'nilden of the of outlaws who have long defied nil tutor) Is token by Italph (Iraves while Tint l.'nrl Khoplieid Company has Jusl recehed a Inrito nnd lout lu layed shipment of plnjer plnttnn nnd nto highly gratified nt Ihelt- ability now to rill their customein 'hrlM- miiH iirdern. Iltf The I'mimlci! Tlninili .1. II. lino says ono little piece of hard luck million tho nveragc mnn rnriict nil the fortiumto thliigs that over huiipeito.l to him. !J.'.-5!! L1 !JJ.J 'W.'g ? t. til It I law nnd authority. That Is whnt he his brother "Millie" Is portrayed by doiM In "Tho Luau. Hand," tho now Clinrles Ivmmet Mack. T)rono Power Kipling western drama. is the smbollied street preacher for This plcturo'nnd a Charlie Chap. I Reed and tho evil ono In tho streut lln comedy are being shown at Tho j fiddler Is done by Morgan Wallace. Strand for only ten cents, one iirlco!w. J Kergusou plays Gypsy's father to everybody. and tho great Hny Wan, of Chinese uublo birth Is Impersonated by IM-'i Ttobcrtson's Chicken Tamalcs, wholesale and retail. 1113 Main St. 13tf tMHg$MH .aB33a 2 X T mSSSSSSmmmmmmmmaJOSl T iTrnm (ronntntinn in rranamt-'nn Mi a npnffcmnnckin nf linnnc nno linnn t .w... 6....tUl..w.. iu t,w.v.i.w.v,w .. w imwiimuon.ii 4.n., ..u v... v down for over three hundred years carrying with it an air and distinc- v indi- V Thanks&vm$ Linens, vim: tkki: In ".MansnltiRhter" the powerful ( ward I'ell. " Street will bo the nttrnc ten-reel fehturo' picture which shows' "on nt the Liberty theatre beginning handed tion no other material can. Likewise t he mere sight of linens not only cates refinement but dignity as well. N o time is so appropriate for the use of linens as Thanksgiving therefore you are urged to take advantage of the low prices which prevail during this sale. f Arrange your shopping trips early Values to be Thankful fer: Irish Linen Pattern Cloths For the balance of this week. Itrprct rating patterns clotli of'reccnt JnipcilalionN at Ih1 rock prlrti. .So v. rml clcIgni to M'lcct'from. (Joths Wta.l: ...... $.no 5ap;liiH to inatrlt . SH.."0 Mercerized Damask' Cloths Various Mies for round or wyiaro tabic. lleautlfut' detlju.s Including Tulip, ilusn Cio'iotl'iriiuitii, Tl'iiv JJIy ami others. Cloths 83.00 Nnl.klnu lo rontrh ?1.0t Irish Linen Satin Damask Tl.o aristocrat of tho tabic, ko iiiuiIi for lt' iM-nuty and tlirn lucre U an unlimited amount of service. Four helccllons of patterns Mllli napkins In match. OH, 713 Inrlir Hide. 8:l.0, R.J..10 jl. Napkins to match SH.30 to 810.00 Guest Towels Pure Irish linen towels in regular widths, 21x30 inrli. r in length, lletmtllclicd enebt, uplendld for c'fs or uo la tho home. SOc and 81.00, Linen Toweling IJnra crash in unbleached. 17 (urhc wlibV with blue berilr. x Wn-hes u?' very Btrti itncinoft, l'er yard 3c. Bleached Crash Bircched l.'nen tuisli in varioii.s wi'.'K'it". 17 and JH hKl'f:! w.'ile. lllue and red bprderM, Tiio must imice. ablo of t;!i :.uclii. l'Wccd at 89c to 40c per yard. ard t I bbbbbbbbbbLbW !liflB Mercerized Pattern Cloths As nn added itpeclul 2( clotlm will be placed on halo nlillo they Iat. Hlo 01(51 in fcctcrnj dcsu:ns, 8-M) n-gular ut Mercerized Damask in the Yard For vycry day ur Ihe-.e answer nicely, 'Ul-7ii incite uble. VariouN naltcrns anil n wonderful good value nt l'cr j-urd 8I.O to 8I.'.M Rosemary Cloths 10-1 long and M wide are tboso In a crv K'xxt iialty of danuik. Thistle pattern, unfinished edge a clotli ever)' liuuMyuiru hlii::ld line. hVclal nt Satin Finish Damask A hlffh Rradn cloth often taken for tb Genuine Irlli Imported linen. Has blue iHinlrr and lu'intitclicl. Nlzo At ... $2.."SO nnd 83.00 Glass Toweling r T T t f t T t t T . l-V.. ....1 I..Z ... .... ,11... . lUMIKI i .11111 1'piurlMT ill Will I'lllU Tree theatre, the people ot Klamath Kails with them tho picture with thu blRRest punrh of any pro ductlon (t tho yenr. Tho plcturo deals with n very modern nnd up to date theme and undqr tho capable direction of (Yell II. Do Mllle. the popular stars Thomni Melchnn and l.eatrlcn Joy are seen at their best.1 Ecenca follow ono another In per fret continuity shoeing lavish ret ting?, many of which are In color Tho automohllo wreck and motor, cycle smash ups are only the open ing Incidents which lead up to. the Intense scenes and situations which follow during tho development on the complicated plot. . The problem tlelt within tho piny are up to dato 'and bring homo to every spectator situations such ns any of us mlghbbo tanttled up with at any tlmo. IJoautlful i'rlsma.col ored titles cnhAnco tho beauty of tho film. Manslaughter, which fins broken nil houj0 records wherover Shown. y.AMv today. WORDEN Mr. and Mts. D. I., tlordou ot Klamath Falls lslto! tho p.inl:il homo Sunday. lien (!sy, who met with nn acci dent smno time ago. has Improved so that ho can attend to buslnes. N. C. Hcrgcnt was n passenger on the Sunday evening train for Klamath Kalht, whern he and hl family wilt mako their home. (luorgo I'oolo has mocd, to Wor den. In the next few days he will oprn a pastlmo halt for t tin winter. I'ndrr leadership of Mlis Krma McAllister, Worden school Is pro grossing satisfactorily. Kssley Morgan, who loft here somo thirteen years ago, was call lug on old tlmo aciiualutances In thU vicinity tho Inst of tho week. A danro given on Armlstlco day by the Library club of Worden, wis a success In nvory particular. Tho TONIGHT AT THE STRAND 10c ONE PRICE TO ALL 10c A rip-snortiniT western picture full of uetlon and thrills and sensational fltfMs Hint will mako you hold onto your seats. Roy Stcwnrt in "The Lone Hand" Some of Hie things )nu mo for to rcntM I toy Ntini1' pet co) iite, tbe nunuiit rodeo rniitcM, tho Ii'II'h Hide fight, it lynch dm party, robbltiR tlm innll enaih, tho uiii'k of the mull ixuirh. add a wondeifiil ilenl.def)lnt liitp on hnrsehark, Also Clmrlic Chnplin Comedy Three Shows, 6:15, 7:45 and 9:15 10 cents Admission 10 cents COMING SUNDAY "THE VEILED WOMAN" , Front .M.wllr llci'il'-. fninmii nittel, ", Spltuier In tho hun." LLLJ uaw l.l. 1 . ..!....- -.1.1. H ....Mt. -...I ...., .. u n.u.u ...... a ,,.,.-,.... . outstanding featuro was tho baunte not tr sec lt-Jtto.hvc missed tho . ,,.,, t,, ,ii.. , ,,. i.i.. ... . . ., ... ous midnight dinner by tho ladles most powerfully Interesting flint . .. . . . . . . , . . . ,. ..I of tho club, who aro past masters In piny of the Mav.MMic I'lno Trcu. . , ivii.ti.iiiiivii ui luiuiiiuiiiiy .aiiivi theatre wilt present this itoader pic ' logs. Hard. Time Dance Leave your old clothes on and ' enjoy a mid week dance at the SCANDINAVIAN HALL Tomorrow Night ADMISSION 75 CENTS Made in Klamath M ? T T HTruth in AdvcrtisingHKKHKK You may hutn tho pink or liluo in pure linen. Clone, ly woven nnd riclt finlnh. 1H inrhctt tilde at 10c, 50c und OOe. yard. Linen Huck Mako up a few linen, huck towclfi for they nro nlwuy nice to have. I'nttorned IS in. tvido 1h n fpl:mlid quality nt 00c yard. Madeira Luncheon- HKTS S18.30 AVI) 81.1.00 Iinp'ji tutioiw of round thread TrUh linen. Hand jiiodo Mild really work thut jnukt he uh that of high int. 13 piece lo tho M't. f ? t t T t T t t J t i f 7 7 T t T ? 7 z i t i n . Sold all over the Pacific Coast Klamath Cheese Get the Genuine Do Not Take a Substitute ' Place Your Order Today , With Your Local Grocer Malin Cheese & Produce Co. Malin, Ore. Wholesale Distributors Mason, Erhman & Co. ' Klamath Falls, Ore. r.tHBjT- .fh, l rffwiMC HF.KVIT) ' VyiVl.H l-Vl8' DflXU.J Copyrislt l?Ji Hut Scluifncr Si Mux Every business man needs to be . well dressed A man who has many important things to do must have clothes that he can have respect for clothes that will inspire respect .in others. Such a man must get the best 'of sM style, fine quality, and good service Really, all he needs to do about hi clothes is to come here and gel 1 Hart Schaffner & Marx j K.SUGARMAN "I Ain't Mad at Nobody" 0 MtM ' III O' u " t i, j , Jr. HV t. A 'J ' ' rl l