h""WlWtt,CT' wsW-3i til IU.' J ( II I ( iw-'mw- m? HTt' i a .guajisij hmhto imr 'iuTUi.' rrr." . i'i 'iii'if.' ii'Liiii'f..i;r.i' t? i .'- '? Wv yjy.v.lttfi"l'J ' - i. . . inf. ., ' l(itffft''' i !-..., . ..... ..... ,IMMir.......r..mt trr ;i'W'.'t1VTg,;n?,jnristn?Tirtw.jiiit',t;rjftTyt,Tttr'r jtih:hi,v, xovtiMiiiffl nytsy,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, n;,mtlt. i,, , , , ,t ,, , THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH ,FAM., OREGON , . POLAND PLEASED- WITH INDEPENDENCE' GAINED FOR NATION 1 1 1 1 . a r 3 1 ; i . i r i r a , Nov n. t- rWIIIIIU III '','f'rviir in Fliniil In viewing IIh Miiiiiiicliliit nt- limit wllli ii Joy mill piitilutlti llllll'll lll(l) llllll W ll It'll HWOpl filler tlio. Atiinileilll rnliiiiliM whim ft limy sol mi ill" wurlil'ii fit ri rnpni- w I M'liinihc form nf ipivtiriimonl, in tlm npliili ii nf Kniiicnls 'Jo Ml. I'luil In. vim preiildi'iit of Urn "Hnldivlii l.tiniotlvii works, wlio liiiii returned rriiin it liii'iiiiiiiilvifiti'llliii: tniii' of l.'urnpe lloliui ' pumliliiiil of Hid .iiii'I'm)i-I'iIIiiIi cliiiiuhor nf emu ineii'o, lm ttnn erpei'lnlly luli-rimled III llin ilffnliii uf I'iiIiiiiiI. "Tho ii'opln nf Poland lire otlill iirnicil ninr their liiilepeiiiliuiH' mill Imik fnrw.ird with much iixpcclniiry In llmlr (IrHl uleitlim In llm next few tttil.i," milil Dii HI. Pluilln 111 mi Interview. "It in luinl Hi cIi-h. i iIImi ihelr feelings. They appear ti Iium' llm tunic patriotic iiplrlt mill Jnvfiiluesii over llmlr now fiiinnl llli. 'iiy llm imr fiir,ii-fiiihrrn exper li'med In 1770." He Ml, I'lntllo Hwlil I'iiIiiiiiI. I'runre, lull luiil, limn. ililn, ('(.( hu-Hliiinklii. mill .lufiii Hln In urn finitely agreed In mIiipiIi mill wish imly li keep Hut ti-rrlti rr I liny hum unit In main lam iii'iiii'lul ruliitlntiM Willi nihor i oilirrlofi. ' 'I'lmy iln mil wiuil twir," Iir nai.l "ami utileim (lermuny Im- ii'iiH" ii!Kl"iIVi In nil iilli'inpt to I ireinii m lnt icrrlinry I ito net lm- Hi vi i er lll In. iinottmr Knro-' pr ill ..Mlrl fnr K..mi. V..I.W ! I, .'mini ii. mi.T uf Aini-rlni ""t ra5Hair tells a. -i stor$ LCo-Lo CCpS CL sQcrot-i nutwlt llm tmanlnif yearn! Itv 1 ' utoro tin. inliir.it tnlor, llfo mm Iniicr to your r.ray mm lanou i...i. In (. iiiitn. if r iiitltir.i nfi. pruvim, wllli Co-Li. li Hi'lonllflo 1 pro. .m juTfiTtiMi ! I'rof. John 4 II. Audui of Clilcai;o, over -10 jl rromn Irilrmnl i.r.lp miwuiliti.( Secrets of Co-Lo Success Cn-Lo In ii un.tcrrul llijuM. (Ir.r, ikIuNkm, rrrnMlciw, lllimil ifi.l or ultliur. .'lihiut tvtiliiient n ill tint vt-Ii or ruli if. Will not miiir.i I, 'ir nr iwnln. J'lrAnliilf nml .imi.M lu nl'l ly. aiiiiM l lf t.t- tljr. Will tinv nUK tlio Pair lu Mill! r lifulc ff. V0.I.0 JUIr Jlrntortr for every imlui.il ulia'l" of li.ilr Ae, fur III. HI ( Hill. ill pin...... -I ...v-.., A 7. fur JM tUrW I.Mr, A, fr ;n .Hum l'in olmilfni Av, for llclil ! t.rov.n, i mil 4ml niitiurji itlntdri. ! At All Drug & 'Ihil. Starrs .Scinl fur Special Trial Ilnlllu of C-I. T.ll f Iil4f tt hlfB IMVi. 10 frl.lt fvlMl.f JfKtlii, Hl!I.Ni,l HK07. JOHN II. USIIN 1SS ii.kii.iii WJj ,l" .tiM.i. LINKVILLE IN ?lS" ""7 'v'lt j r QJW ! " '-r J Ii""" ' Mil II III J II I H ' I V ' 1 imsuw: I9AW71 t&Jl & Vg-s tAAVon ocpiimr zp SfoTcM Thurm. Pog r.o novo J j jLZZkiv'Km VSI 3, M$f Sjr--1- UPr'M VUytZm . Cr -w BY rjo; FISHINC iVMlJRMArJ -TSSEy'SSSoU TiyjyTagrySaTOT rrSMicv:as:o X'M -topav DOINGS OF THE DUFFS a-t Danny, how Ai,v Z) frYW sSiSSc - iS ' tTWm v0S&Sv.'A ZIJiTltF whe"re " "" H' '( VOO 3 ETTI MO ON AT( ' jf83 l II ALo-i )in 4 ' a$1Huo, - ... , ) fF TT ,U BET ALU THESE fF ... t irilonl THESE J -- tt PS T " l OOG AMP TWAT 5PELIS . ' Tfr" AT 5CHOOU - I'LU GIVE Irr7 '1 1 f3IG IDUAS ? 1537 -j-i Lscilooi. "these n-p- -? - VlflV-w CoW! i Woo tdj cwr$r-ro .) 1 1 Mb I .iS-J,ffjlc-!L-liJ v t If I iVOU'SOMIl -WRITIM l'ftwf;' 't'V ' 1 a J- f 4',' CrriA-:rMT'PooM' ,?,' , MscCKCNOwVD'rtV R Jl J V ; Jv -arfafcW fiilimi tiiiirknlti," lm wild. "Tmlny It In buying rollon, copper, nlmil, run. rhlnery mill Int'iimiillViiH friini llm United liliites, It In flint rolmlilll Oiling IIh ilcviinlnliiil iiri'im nml IIh nillriiiiiln of Koiiin 11,0110 mile uvcn now iiiii mi linliiiililiil fiiclnr In Km iipn. lln milil tlml I'iiIiiiiiI icinnlly Imiil'.lit 70011 fnilr.lil Liirn In Ililn ciuiiilry, nml Unit bin ciiiiipiiny elm imVii rniilmul wllh Unit riimitry fur ifi 'loniimitlVon nml whm pnlil !. 000,(100 In v'mli Icnh Hum I wo irionlliii after tliu order wbh given. I'ltKM'l! I'l.YIMW KIM.KII UCIlOUROr.T, Kiiimo, Nov. H iMiii'miiI I'l'-ro, noted I'u'iii'li nviiiitr, iiiiiI two iiierhiinli'liini were kllliil when tlmlr iniicliliKi crashed ilnrlni: tlm ininpctllloii fur Urn (Iriiinl Prix fur coimimrcliil nlrplmnH hern. Tliu iirrldon't wiih iluu to Urn breaking nf llm rear propi-ller, which cut through tlm iiuulilim, Out results by usin elan ads. Hl'.MMONH i:.i.lly IIIMI in this niicriT coi'iiT or tiii: btati: or oiiiuiuN rtit ki.am- ATI! COUNTY. V. i:. Nlclmliioii I'lnlntlff, vn. Wll Hum Urowdm. Dnfuinlnnl To Wllllum Orowilur, iloftHilnnt nliotii iiAiimil: III llm liiiliio nf Urn Blum of Oro- ..iiiii, nr anil nmiHiir llm conipl.iliil uiiiii Von iim lii'ri'ly ruijuircu to tlli-J Mtaliml yon In tlio nbovu n. tltl'l "' on or t.i-foro Tui'HJny tlm ' "" "' '"'. "... ....... tlnTCtif. llm plullitltf will npt'ty to villi iiiii mi in iinnviL'i nil no llm roiirt lor llm ri'lli'f timfil for ! In lilit rompliilnt liurclii, tn-wit uiui you ,. r"iiilr.il lo furnish a nil imp ply n ili-cil to mi nniluliliil omMhtril ' liitcri'tt In mnl to tlm .irrinliioi. In KUiimlli County. Ori'Kon, ilmcrltietl oh fnllow. to-wlt Norili Imlf of M-rtlnli I", touiulilli 31, noiitli of 1 rmiKii S omit of Wlllmiutlii .Mi-rlilliin lu iilncf of Urn orlKlnnl lliornor Imn- I infurc mnili), nxrcuti'rt nml i1nllviriil hy you to J. It. Orowilur ami flforRii i W. ('hurry whirl, lion lirin lout, nml that on your fnlluri' no to ilo tliu t- ' ir' of thin court nlnnil mnl nrt nn 'iiml for milil iti'mlj Unit plalntlff'n , till., to nil of milil propitrly In (i Hlmpli) lm .tftlrintitlviily iticlannl r.inl cutnlillshiMl hy tlm conrlj Hint , )u lm ilitrrui-il to liaii. no Intoruit or uiiatu In milil rtul propiirty. Hint uii lm fiirnviT rnjolnril from ill I lint ot riiciiinliorliir. iwM property 'iiitrpt mi lirrvln mentltmcit: that Iplnliitlff hnifi fiinllalilo rolli'f mnl hln rontn uml iUhiiromrnl Imrc In. , , This aiunnmnn I forvi'il on you hy I i.ubllrallun for u imrlml of Hlx nuc-i-vkiiIii vipcliH lu tlm Uvmiliir. Hr. .ahl. n ilnlly imw.ipaprr of inornl rlrrulntlnn. prlntnl. publlnhnl nml clrmlntinl (n Klnmnlh County. Or I ttiin, hy onlur of lion. A. I.. I.rniltt. Juilr.i! of' nalil rmirt, lUtoil nml i-n-1 irri'il tlrt. 30. IU2S. firm puhUcatlon ' liiTi'of linlnit iLitcil nml mmlii Oct 11 1 I Ii n " 1 KIINNiVh.' MANNINtl & (lANONO. ,Attonm)H fur phlutlff. wlmim hu. .... nml nnstufflcii ihIuTi-hii Isi American Nrtlonnl UK. mug Mamnlh Kails. Oregon. I( .11 N 7.14-21-2S O .'-12 - YE OLDE TIMES VOTERS DECIDE BIG ISSUES AT ELECTION POLLS (Cniillnimil from I'iikd I ) an in jiit'iK'iii, im iil'illi'll 11 11 villi 1 Jnilly I'Ktlliiiili'il ill iiioro Uiiiii :i700, ivlillit miiitlmr piopoHltlon on tlm hnl liii, wlili Ii Hi iiffi-i't ratlfli'ii tho pi" Hiint KNiviiilitillvorcn lawn nml for Ii) .1 h nllmltii llmin fir it purlin! or thrco ynnrf, lnnl n imijnrlty of ulnitit ri2(ill. Tlm Monlnun liiltlutlvn tni'fiiiiiri' to nllow tlm inn nf purl niuttiijl IjotllnR iiiai'lilni'M for horro rnrcn nl Hlntn nml riiunty fulrn iipparnnlly wan car rli'il mi It Iiml a iniijorlty yia(rritiiy of :il08 wlili ir,,iort voti'K n'Portcit Vnlorniin' wiilfnrn Irclnlutloti woh Miicr.iinfiil lii Imih ('nllfnrnln nml Miiuliinn A hoIiIIitii linnim pinoicil hy tlm Moiitmin li'glnliitiiri Iiml n fi.'ud innjorlly on n ri'fornniliiin vnto, nml tlm ('nllfnrnln volnrH npprovcil iti'tH of tlm lOKldlnlnm nillliiif for tlm lanumiCii of IioiiiIh Up lo 110,000,000 to omihlo Vfitcrntin to huy fnnrm mnl Immi'i on cany tnriim On tlio other lifiml. an offort in ('nllfnrnln to have I llm lax i.Ti'inpllon of $1,000 nlluwoil ull othur vctrnniN ixlimili-l to lliosn vctnrnnii who r:rn rnli'iiimil from nc llvn duly under honornhln comlltlomi, hut not ncluully illncliiiri:'-.!, unit bciitffi. On Mcillcnl rrobli'iun Tlm iiilnrn expri'iuird tlu-lr opin ion lu fniirrul fnr ilirn utiitcx on iifrt lotin iif.tim.llcnl nttentloti nml pillillc In-altli. Onteoputlm nml clilr uprurtorN wun tlm rlcllt In California to halo llcfnso litnund by rxamln InK lion r iln of tlmlr own Inntend of hy tliu ttntn board of tnedlcnl exam liirM. Antl-vlvliicitlon measures ero ili'feiiled In Callfoniln and Col orado nml mi nt tempt In WnshliiK ton to prohibit tlm pliyalrnl nxninln. atlon of HChnnl children, except with tlm pn renin' rnnteiit. nlno wan lost. SlnKlf Tux Dcfiulnl Hlnr.li' tax proposals with witctl down In OroKon nml ("nllfonil.i, Wnshlni;tor repealed its poll tnx nml Ore;oH rejected nn Incnino tax. Port land vote defeated n proposed .i. - 000. nflo mx for the Atlantic-Pacific highway rind llm Kleetrlc exposition to bo held In that city III U'2G T.vo bond Issues wern carried, a $6,000, 000 lilghwny block' In Colorado and n I10.000.nn0 M-rles In rnllfornln to lie put out ns needed for the pur piiid rf rcllliiK farms mid homes to leternns. Tlm fato of Arizona's Phoonlx-I.os Angeles lilghwny Is still In doubt. An nmbltlnus public ownership plnu for (nllfonil.i, hy which tlm stato was to umlert,ikt tlm develop ment of nil Its hydro-electric and water resources, Issuing honils up to $600,000,000 as needfed for the work, was lost by moro than two to i i....... """'""' ' Nlllll.ls Mi, ri'.iiiklln Kruiik NlchoU has filed motion unking that tho sheriff bo tinmod receiver of personal property for Albert Franklin. W'lilt ucy . Snliull.T W. I Whitney has -filed suit itgtilusl J. O. Swludlor, et nl, for collection of u promissory nolo for $tU2.S:t, with Interest ut 10 per rent from September 15, 1911. rouit dii: in iiiii: AMOY. Mis., Nov. 13 Four were burned to death in n fire, wli I cli destroyed a lictel lioro today. Wfim DIME DAYS ARE OVER EVENING W A NT WANTIII) -liahy curt. Huconil'lianil I'lmim ;,ll!.lt wifkiir n H KOIl UBNTKlcpy furnlnlmil rontn Until nml plintii', r.l 2 N Oth hi II 1 1 iionKKi.i.riNt. :i,tHSi:H Ktirt- Inc nt inn1, Nli;ht work unly. I'hniKi ino. v. w. Houtiiwiiii him rUflNIHIIKD n-room apt. I'hofn, 27n-.i for ri'iil, 11 II 1'OH HAM.- Thor Kleetrlc u.mhlni: Illlicllllin I'rlcy rcnNouahl.i I'hoim lit. I'M I ' WANTED A yeiini: :lrl nl Tlm Miirli,ill Ilinmo. (.'nil nt unco. "" " imr KOlt ham: -r. ilo.-n 91iH l.i-i:-horn lii'int. 2 lilnckn caU of ntore oil OrKon Avn It. II. Vuilft'kln. 'j-If.' FOIt HAI.K OR UnNTrnrin of ,co '"T01' . Al.' ''L c".,-l.W':,n' us nrres under dlldi. 20 ImivIM rraiis. 2C In hof! unrture Will r i fori one or iiioi oarM. .1. II. I aught, C22 Walnut Ale. Klninolli Kails. Ore. (SIC -t- BTUK1KH 412 N. PIANO for wilo Imiulre II III 81. J 4IC KOlt HUNT Apartment. Kurntslicd, t'.T. per luniitb, call inarnlnes. 103 Pine Kt ,iM-'M-.lt APPM:s (Jooil slSfi Newtown ap ples delivered lu llilril zotin parcel poji, 1.5r.. H. A. Nye, Talent. Orn. 7-H XV A ITI t USH WANTIvl ) W'lf ItiK houte. Phono SnaAV. board Glh. I.OHT Herald Carrier !Hi, 'No. 8 Collection Hook. Return to Her ald Offlco. l'Jtf KOIl BAI.K Kord Courx. Owner Iravlns town. Inqulro Herald of flco. ' r.' Sit KOR BAI.K Hoomlnr and Hoarding Hour, close In. PlionupiS-W. ir Cured without Knife, Operation or Confinement TtoUSANDS of repu table and responsible Northwest people can tef tify to my unfailing skill in curing Piles. Why suffer tht pain and discomfort when my non-surgic'al Method will cure you to stay cured! I rv all to fdi W tTMiai tmnhmir arllllto twn fw Nn, a m.ttrr haw mm m cknaU Ik. rat. Writ or call ! lay far ssf FREE Wakl.k DR. CHAS. J. DEAN IN AND MMMION MKTUND,eilESM HtNTIOM THIS PAPCwm.H WRIIIN& . OnCjwnl! rrOtCCtVCluritnveiirnIpiiiriiirnr(1 nt by usinK e BLACK SII lf "stove polish '"?''" rr'1"' "! tnixfjlMoiht Iron ilfapin? fl II. All lu lvniay.- l..v. n riuv.d ovct an J m er ajr.ln vf inlllKMi! vi w ucaci. cvtrywhrro. UwJ by ilfilcn wi M.nrle movci nj for hl I'llUU. .tjiI, SoM hr hnJware mt crot'ir d(i!r. Llo-U inJr.ue onoQUlliiv. Qtt acintoJat. -i Black Silk Stov Polj.h Works Sl.iirni,llliao.'a Vf au, a aaa ai, orr " in.m.i to mua. i 1,19 UUI BtlM M.I.I 11 rrm. It t& IW r,kj fcr -- w . . -r w ,- w ...... . . ..'. .111 tar 11'T.r. tatrkcL a for um pn aLtiw.41.. !' . IT HERALD ADS I-rO'Il UKNT Two-room Apt. 4J0 10th infill St. furtilnhfAl '".IlOtf. "i IVIUn'MllAAn-r -iW.I l.nWrhr l.v wcuk or motith. CIO I'lno HI. lotf CAltHICIt IlOV U'AN'Tlill Triiitvorthy hoy, over 12, to carry' Moral. Ilouto In MIIU mlilltlnn. 4t: KOIl HAl.ti A kooiI I'ulllman now- Inf? fnarlilnc. (Jhi'ap for rlir3i;lf Mich Avo. 13-ir. Ui i FOR HAI.K Ono Winchester pump I mm, 1G miaKn, iciithcr ram. Jlox 100, Ifernlil Office. 13-1S I.08T- 'Mlko Junior' OoMon Cocker- I V. Hpnnlol. Howard. Don .1, Zumwalt, ! - 130 B. Itlvcrnliln. 13-15 ,f LOST Hnturilay mornlnK on (Jrcon Hprlnr; roml !mlwfcn hem ami i Jrfiny Crook n prncllcnlly now 33x1 (loodycar conl tiro and ttibn mount I on rim. Itnward If returned to KvcnlnR Herald office. 13-1C I.OHTSalurday night, Jet and Kold imrrliifj. snmewhero between Hacn - d Heart Academy nml Wlilto Pelican Hotel on north sldo of street. Phono G99-W. U-l LOST Straw suit case, containing woman! clothing, pictures, etc. Howard for return to Herald offlco. 13-1C I'pll HKNT SIccpInK room with bath, heat and telephone. Phono II7-J, 13-1B KOIl SAMv Do Iaval sepcrator No. 17. Call 1318 On-Bon Ave. 13-18 KOlt HKNT Rooms with r,10 Main St., up-stalrs. board. ! 13-14 KORCKD 8AM- 1 Scrlpps-llootli $100; 1 Oakland 1200; 1 Chat filers Hut; I'.I.OO; 1 1-ton truck l.'.O.00. MiistRct nway. Seo T)lck, 240 Ilroad St. ' 13-H o. i:. s. xetici: Regular meeting Aloha Chapter No. CI, O K. 8 Tuesday evening, Nov. II, 7 '30 p m. Visitors wel como. Hy order Kdlth DcUell. V. M 13-14 IF OUT AND IMS Just tho moment you npply Men-tlio-Sulphur to nn itching, burning or broken out skin, tho Itching topi nml healing begins, says u noted skin spoclnllst. This sulphur preparation, made Into n pleasant cold cream, gives such u quick relief, even to fiery cezomn, that nothing has eier been found to tnka Its place, Ilecauso of Its germ dcstrolng properties, it quickly subdues the Itching, cools tho Irritation anil heals tho eexenm right up. leaving n clear, smooth skin In placu of ugly erup tlon.i, rash, pimples or roughnc53. You do not haVtt to wait for Im provement. It quickly shows. You cull get n llttlo Jar of Howies Men-tho-.Sulphur at any drug store. Adv. 4. YOUR WINTER'S WOOD should have your attention. Cool weather and storms force prices up. Our fuel is tlie best, our prices are right on Slab, Blocks, Body and Tama oack. Your business is solicited. 0. Peyton & Co. at MA.I. VHONW N FJ III A. rOPAK I Leave Your Filttvjs 'fttiore 9 OcIocK-Your A.M- Pictures am 7 ItaA JMAtMlttJkJ J7tf I1MHIMMI i uiiiwwvffflflrY UliiiiiiiH Bvi . pw w irt vt- i-.V JBHiiiH H 'WHERE. PARTICULAfV WOPLE J PURITV I buy Tncii-c "" DR. J. G. GOBLE OPTOMETlUflT OPT1C1AH 700 Mflln HU PboBfj 18H-W We fit tnd nrlnd gttn, Dupll- cftto brokei leaiei. reptlr Irtrae, S. CROUCH, D.V.M. Vrtrrlnry HniKCon Deputy Htnto Vcterlnnrlnn 2.10 N. nth St. I'hono 4WU DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. Balldtaf PB05B ft DR. H. J: WINTERS Graduate anil Hlato HcsHtcrcil OPTJCIAN Nineteen jenrn hero In bm Incus I'rotnpt Kerrlco 714 Main Street CHIROPRACTORS DaS. M.M.ETT & MALLETT Offlco over Vnilcrnood'a 7th . Mala ' Phono 830-J t - NEW CITY LAUNDRYl rialatied Work Flat Work Rough Dry "Pnt Your Date ta Ov Sate' 1'UO.VK 104 Corner Itasa aad Oeager IV- Kodak Finishing 1 Frlraa received before t A.- M; " Ready the same day at 5 P. M. Mall order filled STAR DRUG CO. Oth. Mala Sti. Stinson Photo Shop 42.1 Main Street, Klamnth Falls, Orrgon '" " TWKLVi: KT1NSO.V I'OIITIUITS SOI.VK TWKIA'K CHIIISTMAS CH-TS Oni "xll cnlnrgcment fell en Frco l(1i every dozen order of Photos tuUeii lu Nut ember. ' Just intil1tfl ii nciv "Hollywood" Portrait Light. flnMillitlitti." Ojk'ii cteulngs. GAS AROUND YOUR HEART? Don't delay! Co right over to tho nearest drug storo and got a package of tho genuine Ilaalmann's Ua Tab lets. Tnko them ns directed auil feel tho Immediate beneficial results. Not only will you bo surprised, but you will feel grateful for tho re mnrknble relief glvon. You will sleep bettor you till brcatho easier your nervousness will disappear and, best of nil, your cxcltablo heart will bo calmed In a safe, natural way. Asl; for Ilaalmann's Can Tablets In tho yellow package prlco ono dollar. Kor sale by Star Drug Co. J. Uaal mann. Cliumtst. San Krnnclsco. -Adv. .lllll)M ("obi Tho optimist had both IiU feet taken off by a train. "It's not ho bal as It looks," ho romrnked to a friend, "You see, thoy wore always cold!" BY ALLMAN WORK ready a 3 unuus m PRF;RGODDARD OfVrEPOAffHM'PHTaiCXjm. v4Af AND BUKOKOTf Offk Md nsl(lM Plioaci m L O. O. r. TEXFIJI Klamath' FalU PTtmbk $c Heatlnf Co. J. B. IiAGEHO.V, Prep. 4 th A rise St. PtaioM 81MI fkkd nuicn, Mr. CENTRAL AUTO SERVICE DAY AND NIOHT Itcd Signs tin Door Chiloquin & Bend Stag e Vm S. 7th-St., New Hart Bl i'hono SltVW j "Alivajs nt Your Service" L O. O. F. Proirpciity Iti-tirkah, 104. First aaJ Third tfcarfdaf Ewaoaa Kncampmant 49, each Taeadajr XIaaUi Lodge 17 Friday When You Hayc Dirty Clothe. If you will call tha Klamath Hand LmtHMby 113 South 9th St. Phone 671-W" They will wash, dara, iroa aad return to yoa. FaUtvONa "No Htoro RECKARD'S AUTO LIVERY CO Phuno 77 Mulit and Day Service lis, North SixlH Street Look for tho Curs tilth Ulack and, Wlillo Signs J. C CLEGHOKN ClVITi ENOINbbbV AND 8URVEIOJI Phono 1 ISC B. NU BONE CORSETS .M.il'o to Your Measare UunraiitrOU Mrs. Rose Randall SSI JUfenon St. T BLOCK WOOD DRY SLAB WOOD E. L. French .- Phone 03-W 5 "i3 " UlIf ' .1 Phono 87T.W J tJ w nmf WfMm And it's all Wood - 3$, Prjr?r i'SK i f J J . Ol, i 14 i i i I ! I i I 8 i .-at m ,A ; i it .' y.: 7 n :t- ' 15-. . &w u. -m j tM. 'M Z&ffiLt. ' IJ. r T, . i Km &LMi... J. ft, jffi,? x