im ?!& 11 w . foi " v K U C i r 1 I THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON tl ' Hg' ... JiitV t . "". ., ;&, WM( Bkachiaii). j:.u...... -, iwvniy-iooi iuu- Bak hUHtliii. Makaa rravsr. fiawirpainim , sw llf eoiaBlatajy, far tTtWfflOB! 7 4-W. t Kw8 10 Mri loKckltdfon al or 2, eBcalnaa. AniitllB ;k, tk and I'm. l'4-lG L1C At Midland. Ornn. 4 trannara,. tiu. au warod, 1 liBRM. plow, J 3 dlac plow, 1 5jowirrownowin ahlM hay.rake, 1' tarior eraln drill, : wagona, 1 M h.p. Ras engine, cream aoparntor ana oilier gooan too nnmcroua to mention. Ba Theo. I). Yovnf. 14-16 ' FOR BALK Ono 8toddard tiro ulirlnker. Seo J. A. King At tUackimlth Shop, 9. 6th St. 14-16 WANTHD Tt take leiiom In Span , lih twice a wok, cvcnlnM. Write ', 0. Bo 1076, 14-20 FOR SALE Oood team of ilx year Old noraei, wt. iouu eacn, aiao bout 2ft bead ot atarca, horaea aud tnlta. Sen J. V. Jorr. 334 9. 4th St. Klamath Kalla. 14-16 TRIANOMi CArfi Too place to set ' Reed eMa. OI'KN AM. NIOHT. 633 Main Street. I'houe 624. Hit wortkilwict.M Muek,aa anothar. Wa havo them from 15o lo 250. In Btalted complete. 1,. N. Haines, 1083 Main Ht, 14-80 FOR SAUK. OR HXCIIANOK Heat tut stove, Uaetal (or cooklna, lull alte, beda aud. aprluRa and Vfiislilnc macktne. Can uaa uiattreaaea and 3-4i beda. Colonial Rootua, 11th, near Main. 14 FURNISIIRD ONR Room cnbluj, Col onial rootua, 11th near Main. 14 FOR THR MOST Reliable piano tuntUR. at reasonublo price, lenn order (or R. Mi-darn ut Klamath Falla Mmlc House. 14-13 I A l'lPKLKflS FURNACR In like a ault of clothes. One kind tall 1.0ST From I'uckfllta llroa. camp one brown mnrc, 5 years old, branded AH connected on left shoulder, roached main. Reward. M. naahy. ia cm st. 14-m- Sk'nctl0niWiilUf,rf'LA At Certified Art I, ,!;,!, 4-. & "-' MA , r . - '" ' W'r - ' i , n. v. nniKKiTii ' t, t prcacnt v "DREAM STREET" ' A- Dramatic Oomedy SaaajHtcd by Character! of THOMAH HIRKK fpnnlMnM maaer Bay Lea, Poatoi or H4H :ii . BUjmfmj 'iy;w U at da4i y ol Um . (karyaevi0 ' ' n ataaaa.aaali wh raok frow wiatfal wiaulowa, or ,. , wpilt wKk vktJoMi ok the .tre. of dream. '-'' '. ' Charactem Mai Piayeta Qnmt Va4r .. . ... Miaa. Carol Draiprtei- HwValMr . ...W. J. FaRaoa iancw "." MtViMMra lUlaa Orare M)Ue Miatfra CtMrtM Rauneat Mark sMMHp WS """ fBMMrt Jfotirr Stwmr A raHc Ikipntar .Chattel matterr u . .Twai CfcwMkT .0ana JWrtU The Najrr of Old Tratha (Th Oood Iaflaeace) Troa IHnarr The TrlckMrr of the Htreeta (Tho KvU Uflaeac) . MornaB Wallace The prPdadlon la la two part UteraUwIoB of flvo mtaatca betwem Part 1 aad rart II tire Production aaer the prmoMl dhrctlo of Mr. Griffith Not- Detail of Liadoa aokce aad laqweat Pro. rrdartt faralarn-J hy offldaU of 8cotIaad Tard. f 1 ' A THJC UBKRTT TUMDAY AXO WKDNB8DAY NOVJEMBKIl 14TH AND 10TM Matawca, 10c a Mr. EreaJaga, 10c aad Sc V - , .... . . . -, i- 4 , '4' HRHKKKKY, Call., Nov. 14. WhlatltnR n an "art and proceaa" oon may be added to tho curricu lum ot xome public achoola In Call fornln. The atute iboard o( educa tion baa Rranted MUa ninnolio Adel la llawkluv, it aenlor at IIiq Univer sity of California here, n certttlcalo authorltltiR her to "conduct the nrt and proce of whistling" In the schools. Authorities aay that thli la the first time In the history of educa tion that auch ii certificate Ima been grunted. "I have ulwuys (clt," Ml Haw kins said, "that wIiIhIIIi-r could tm made a musical accomplish ment, and the beat time to beRln Instructions In wliUtlliiK, us every other study, la In childhood," GLASSES THAT'S ALL. YOU MAY NEED THEM ALRIGHT SEE Dr. Goble Phene: Ofc. laa-W, Itea. (Ml 700 Muln "7 'I t Mr. Farmtir ll (annul ule Itm iniuli IlKUiKht tn tli.unlileni of'ltrtllmJ iiiii uiiiki- t,iiiinlt tn ii iiiilnl nhrie It Ii nil lilVi n ""' V " ""' 'IhliiU iif litlnu illi h ml nil Hie wnler -uu ceil Willi J"! ",,,, of the tmiirl. Vi IniM' ii plmil Hint lunmil fiiive up Al wln,ii )" neeil R i . .. . i.. tho most, unit Ii will nut iih:iiIh nnv mfiMion (ii'n-"nv t'tpeniie or Npai,nu" Ion tiillil. It ilneMi'l i not tiiniti, I'lllii'i, mill I Ih finiil line lo two i tn In per dm. ii..... i ...... ..t ,i, ...... ..,.i.,,. -ij.iin nit our rlooi', iiml II will l il pleiiiine lo liow uii how It oj'iutci, G. C. LORENZ 11!. Vol III SMIi Hliii'l. .i,inin am-w J At - aJa-Xi .. wU MOTHER -THIS IS FOR YOU Relief for your baby's spasmodic; croup ' v which grips, your heart with fear in the night hours Sleep for the coughing child and' peacc ",' ful1 rest for you Protection for little lungs against dan gerous deep-seated coughs Confidence that in BINZ Eucalyptus Cough Drops and BINZ Bronchi Lyptus there is nothing harmful no narcotics no alcohol only sure, safe, pleasant relief from winter ills. FREE SAMPLES wailing for you at your drug ttore. aaTaaalBBw ;' 1 1 anlMrl 'II i5w. Trw w r'tfi ..Illllf VK At II J rWt P f ILJ. XaXa J. .afaBBBBBB BBBBB F B lBB r 1 1 1 Vllm'll ' I -I I arl & V ' I mil I ; I :- aaV-PJ aa a ' I Zd.. I.aal (aal ...aaV i- B aV 'aWJVV., . .m.m. Jm , m m m m Mm, - k."' v. ki, .; t Docfdrsofnmencttt "FSaaaaamJZ aJ' "- C 1iBjL"y,fciarT Tonight and Tomorrow, SEE THIS PICTURE AND YOU WILL SEE THE GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THE PICTURE WORLD " W ' y bT """it yw-T ' BBBBBBV-.fl THE POLICY OF THIS NEW THEATRE IS SHOWN IN ITS OFFER OF THIS GREAT NEW PICTURE AT REGULAR) PRICES L.i' IT i Cr-Tl -v -r S53S35E3ags Thomas Akifsan ui Ijialricc Jou BaajBaiBBaBB .1.---,,-,---,, CccllB a-MilleS , BI1-1B1111 ,cpiWHQUi3trtur6.'lkxijJauifitoy BmaBBaaammmamBBBBBBBBaBBBaBaaaBBBBaBBl ADAPTED FROM THE SATURDAY EVEN 1NG POST STORY OF THE SAME NAME Cecil B. DeMille's Greatest Production with THOMASfMEIGHAN at his best 'RST 11 vf r.w,,v' Vk Direct from Seven Weeks at the IMPERIAL THEATRE in San Francisco No Advance in Prices for This Great Ten-Reel Picture s mlM,.,,.'W'' THIS IS THE GREATEST PICTURE EVER BROUGHT TO KLAMATH FALLS lamaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKml I f .'V BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrC XlzyflliFEm 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBav!!4 ?"T jlir ;7"'aal Ibbbbbb iBBBBBBBfSHaBm' ''CNHRCbb5!'RbM ?LbBBBBBBBBV '.BBBBbI 7 PSbIW " BB BBBb!BBBbV VkBBBBBBBBBBaBflBBBBB CbbbbbJ '. 'mVi. A,-" wlHaVHaBil TSSS-CirfarT.L.Ult UllTll r. I Hr SEVEN WEEKS IN SA FRANCISCO WITH CAPACITY" Hj HOUSE FOR '.EVERY J ,'i' PERFORMANCE ' . jCeatuceoiiA Cfect! D CfeMillesramount picture Ki 4 'th l TRY YOUR Dl' -U'- iNwaaaaaaaa ' j, h f 1aBBBBBBBBBBaSBfgjj -thf. Manslaughter V ?fwv; """F y' ' " UK" J.,.Jf'."'fl'"l,T ''' ' "i'll i.i fFMmmnui mwnBja-a "jBaaafB-fTT-fT-1 j. - .k 'sis 'aaaO