'? V " - !W.ltMiArihHt,. i 1 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rnisinv, voviiMiiKit ii. ItWU XmVVI1ll!ttttH III", IH ' t Ml ( .M' . ? Mi ':..: wiV ' W h i ThiEvwiinf Herald I rj" i in in i ii .i m mr W K9 9. 0. maGMtwtMimMfM Pablltned telly wetpt Bunay. at The HertU iWlaebie; Company of Klamath rHv at ill Eighth ttreet. Entered at tie poetofflee nt Kla Hh Falls. Ore., (or traaamlttlon through the valla aa eecoad-claat Matter. two cents If ho Is detected Intention ally misrepresenting 'nets or mis quoting) what lift been tot.l to him. ltd Job In to tell the truth of what ho ace nhd hears ami In nlnety-nlno cases out bt every hundred ho mil bn depended upon to Ret things straight nnd to write exactly wlmt has been told to lilm. MEMBER OUVvTHB AMOOIATKD - PRIMS The Associated Preen la axdualra ly entitled .to the use ' tat public tlon of .all news dnpatchea credited to it, or ntt otherwise credited la this paper, 'and alto'thr local ewa published herein; " ADVERTISERS Copy,-for display advertising must bo In this office not later than 3 p.m. on the day preceding publica tion In order to be Inserted In the liintio of tho paper ot Ibe noxt day. Want ads and readies notice will bo received up to 12 noon on the day ot Issue. Herald PablUMnK Company. TUKHIlXY, , NOVEMnKR 14, 1MHI I THE RELIABILITY OF I I NEWSPAPERS Personal Mention I MY ARTHUR U CI.AIIKK , IMItor.tThe San Francisco Chronlclo T'8 T1MD for the newspaper worm to turn. Every so often some sclf- rlghtcotie Individual with an in growing disposition rears back on his hind lees and emits a doleful howl nncnt the unreliability ot the press. Inadvertent publication ot any nowg story not strictly conforming to tho facta Invariably .1 tho signal for n nwceplng condemnation often by those who know Jettcr. In virtually every big city of the country men-and twomon ot more or less standing ,Iu tho community are lirone tc.nasutno smug air ot wis dom and; ,lo. assert with convictien: "You can't believe a word you read In tho newspapers." It has come to be quite the com mon thing with theso volunteer cri tics not only to dlsparago the press In so far as concerns authenticity of Its nefta, but likewise to impugn the motives of newspaper managements. Tho roost cnarjtnble thing they find to say concerning the character ot newspaper writers in general h: "Oh, well: ylu can't blame the re porters so much, they have to write whntEtiioy'ro told by fie nen Id charge." ir statements of this sort camo from Ignorant people and reflocted only llio attitude of the uninformed It would be folly to take cognisance of them. Unfortunately this Is put tho case. Uankors, .lawyers, brokers, mer chants, railroad officials, politicians, roclcty women, ministers of the gos pel, steamship officials, and others who pride themselves on their prob ity end personal Integrity, too fre quently do not hesitate to lto incon tinently to tho newspapers, A rumor reaches a newspaper or fico to the effect that a bank mer cer Is to be consummated. A re porter fa, sent to ascertain the facts. Docs the, bank president admit tho truth of tho rumor but ask that, for business reasons, tho matter be not mado public for a fow days? Ho does not, Ho tells tho reporter there Is no truth In the rumor. A few days later the deal goes through ii ml tho newspaper knows the bdnk president, JloJ, A publr official grants an Inter view, In which ho makes certain wtutemcuU, Tho next day political or ether, prossuro Js brought to hear. Does ho lomo out In the open and ndmlt lila mlxtako or his change of heart? lie does not. He promptly repudiates thu Interview of tho day before and tho reporter knows ho Hod. A rocli'ty matron's daughter be conies engaged to a prominent, man, hut tho family Is not rcudy to make' tho announcement. Docs the society matron tell the truth and ask that tho matter, .bo kept quiet for n fow days? She docs not. SIio pretends burprlso jind, denies there Is any foundation for tho rumor, The fol lowing week tho announcement is made.and tho society editor knows tho woman, has prevaricated. Bojlt goes on down the line, Peo' plo yko would not think of deceiv ing IfUsfnosii associates, people whi wculft scorn io resort to untruth or BubtuffuKe. Jn ordinary affair jj? me and foptenwhoiQ wornjlWaJly Is us KQd its their bond la financial miittiirr-l8e qre tho.,eoure for tho most purt, who bara no, com punctions of conscience about' delib erately lying' to .a newspaper, reprq Bonttttlro( Tho j-emnjkpble feature of the BltuatlojR'ls, tbottho yry persona who sos. carelessly handle the truth 'when talking, to n newspaper repre sentative uro Jho (list to ralsa a howl ovfr tho, unreliability and In accuracy ot.ihe press, Every 'newspaper reporter In tho country knowa bis job Is not worth J. II. Van Meter, n well-known farmer of Too Valley, was In town yesterday on business. W. K. Sutherland accompanied I) Mm. Sutherland, Is here for a brief business visit from Algoma. 0. Jennings, of Shlpplngton. underwent n major operation nt n local hospital yesterday morning. W. 0. Townsend Is a county seat visitor this week from his ranch south ot town. Jv A. Johnson and It. !. Jones, both farmers on tho Merrill ro.i-, were here yestcrdny morning pur chasing supplies. If. E. Montgomery nnd It. C. 8mlth aro tourists here from Iluf- fnlo. Now York. They nro stop ping at the White Pelican hotel. John I.oomls of nrowsvllle. Ore gon, nrrlvcd here Saturday night for n visit with his brother, Charles I.oomls, nnd family. William McDeth was operated Upon at local , hospital Sunday night. Ho Is reported to bu doing as well aa could be expected, Mr. and Mrs. Ttobert Clay visited with Mr. nnd Mrs. T. O. Hague over Sunday nt their ranch on tho Kenn road. Ivan Houston, a .member of the pluo bcetlo survey force. Is In town for a few days from 'he Swan lake camp. Mrs. Frank Obcnchaln. who has been here for tho past fow days as the guest of Mrs. Oeorgo Thrasher, relumed to hor home In Illy yes terday morning. Mr. and Mm. Drothorton were hosts Sunday evening at dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Abbey, Mr. and Mm. Hownrd Abbey, Miss Pauline Cliff and Mlks Helen Abbey. Lieutenant Mabel Goodwin will arriv (u KUauth Falls, on thc.QVcn-. Ing train from San Francisco and will remain here with the Salvation Army, assisting captain Clara Nell- sen. Mr. and Mrs. M S. West left this morning on' their trip est. Went will attend .to business affairs la Washington, D. C, and Mrs. West will visit with relatives In various eastern cities. E. V. Smith and son Clyde of Oranta Tass aro here for a visit with their sons and brothers, Ecrl and ' ' ' w f ; 7 t . U . Nothing' cnhaiK'Os beauty like a becoming hat. WORK STARTS SOON ON NEW TEACHERS' COLLEGE AT S. F. HAN' FUANnSPO, Nov 1 I -Work utarH hero soon on tho first tmltii of Ihu t'uti Friitii'lsco Tiiimh. or'fl I'ollogo which, uullinrltloH nay, will Iii) tho tlni'itt Mrui'luto of Kit kind In tint United ttlnlos, As only 9100,1100 lun horn iipi'to prlaled tn diitn, llm I'.Vinnnnluiu nnd sovernl i'Iiiki room iiuIIm will l'o liiillt first To I'oinpleli' Iho nehool nn npin)irlitlnn of $7M.onii front Ihu lor.lNhititio will Ini iii'kiIimI, l'liitlctiliir nttuiitlou In tn Ih r.iv mi to llio ttui-ilniis which will sur roiiuil tho InllMlnnr. nnd tuhn up Niuue of tho room 1 1 n iviitml I'ourl." A litouli of duo alroel Ims Imiuii i'IimumI by llu' iltv tin- llm m'limil, Tim iilio In nonr llllit '! Mnf hot mil lownnl Twin I'kiiIh, nnd In on it hill, i'u which llio iirotuuli mill tmil IIiirh will lu toriiin'd AilviirllslnB pays. Try It and see, -f fMI mm D NTIFIED New York Chief cf Missing Perjona Bureau Tnkes Lesson From Dry-as-Dust Anthropologist g&Wfei via3lV (rtf Jal saRL. V-"v y bbB v -vl)lal: bbvA V . bbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbT I M;,"li. I HBat saBi LClTBBBBBBal 'LL1 LL1""THi4)i.-Jiiigr. BBBBBBBBM;'BBWBB3BBBBBBlL. fc;;:n;rt.-rMTi.trtu! jiiriirv BBBBBBMsVi'BBBBBBBBBKaalif'ifea:- BBBBBBBB'jBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVidMBVaV''''aH 'bbbbbbkabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhv wl IBbbWbI'-'' PBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa , i , . i i , HtBBBBBHBBHBBr BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT WEbNESDAY SPECIALS Suunrn Drill Cough Syrup ... ROc lCiislo llm ml .Milk 2fic Kocho'a Talcum lCe Try Thia Drug Store First Square Deal Drug Store 7!J3 Main St. Phono 523 HOURS WE KEEP OPEN N ii, in to S p. III. .Sundays ! n m Io 12 to and p.m. Io 7 pin Try This Drug Store First FACE TREATMENTS Cold weather, even more than hot summer days, works injury to the Fkin. It is during the first cold days of early winter that the greatest care should be taken to protect the face and hands. There are many prepara tions wliich are beneficial, and their use becomes almosPa necessity at this time of the year. We list below a fe w of these. CAPTAIN JOHN " iiv .vbitiiis griN.v - i XK.l Srivlrr Stuff Writer. ii. aviu:s 'Wcri there U no"rothlng, have to turn to the body Itself. Aro" thoro distinguishing' marks scars NKWJ VOIIK, Nov. 14. Tho dry ta ta-il lietl rtnlli (ttir,1fl t iIhIhIhi l n forgotten strata nnd piecing togetli-,,, . ... , ...,...' vr fragmentary bones of prehistoric monsters, today has turned teacher ' to the New York police. His knowlcdse has been turned to prnctlcal account In the newest nan Anilimpologl-t Mrp In most spectacular brauch of po- "U u ll,ero ,,la t,, nnthropolo lice research Uontifylng unknown , '"' "l"1 ln wl,h ,l10 nowledgo ho jcaj has gained In reconstructing dinos aurs and pterodactyls from tho moM or deformities? if not, Iho teeth ore 'unfailing means of Identification "Hut whon a body, besides being , unclothed, nlso Is hradloiit, the prole 1 lent becomes Intricate. I of this city. While here the tlronts Pass men will spend part of their time bunting ducks. Civ It iitiitvii.l Mnlinn it I....I !... kh Claude Smith, young business men , ..',', ,, ' ' mmgr fossil rrmalns. ' , ... .. ...... , .... ..found yetrly In tho streets, alleys ! . . . .... . , ' ..., ... . .. ,. , ' jiisi n no wuuiu worn nun Oi and waters of Oreater Now York. , ,, , ., , . . ,.. .,...,. . , , fossil, lie examines tho pigment of But through lessons loarnod from ... , ... .... .,.,.,,. , ,. .,.,,. a- . "In 'ia'r oa tho Wctlm body and too anthropologist S, per cunt wnro ...., ., ..,.,. ., , , ... , , , , ' , .. tolls us Hid color of the linlr on tho identified beyond dUpuio In 1020. ,.,... ,.., . .,..,,. ' more than S6 por cent In 1321 nnd n !, ... .. ,,.... ,..,. , ,to u tho color of t ho eyes, too, largor proport on of rueresacs. is , . .. , , , ,,,..,, "Taking n luglesn, nrmlnss nnd looked for this yonr. in .... , , . . hiwulliiRH rnrps, tho anthroio ogUt III1W IIS Iflllle 1 liilla II. fl,., il,.lli'. I, ,.!..!, I Marvin Cross, a prominent resi dent of My, Is In town for two days business visit. Cross has been on n trip through. Iho eastern Oregon counties buying furs. Ho reports that tho demand of eastern buyers for coyotct fur Is as surprising as the prico being paid for this particular fur. Women of thu rlty nro attempting to orgaulre a child'3 study depart ment, or club, to be under tbo direc tion of tho Woman's Library club, and a meeting will bo hold nt 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon In the Library club rooms and every worn nu In the city who is Interested Is asked to attend. Mrs. W. T. I.co nnd Mrs. Usvl Mr- Donald left on iro morning jrain or Mcdford whero they will meetW T. Lee who will drive them In his par to Corvallls, whero they wlff witness tho football game between O. A. C. and Unlvorslty of Oregon on Sat urday. From Corvallls thoy will go on to Portland for a brief vlslj, Leo has been thero this past week attending tho tux commission con- fa'ronce. m AMKHICAN CANXKD ,MIMi I'OPffiAlt IX lU'KKIA tolls us the vlrtlm'H height nnd Captain John II. Ayrov, chief of wulglil. Ho oxnnilnca tho blood tho missing perto.u huro-iu of llm rorruscloa and tells us thu approx! Now York ppllco ilopartnioiit. today j mnli) ago, told In nn exclusive Interview with., -Or, glwu only a thigh bono, he Nea Fervlco how )i h:u act om-, tells tls tho owuer'a sex. ago. weight pushed IiId euecaiHM. j nnd height If thy owner was not of "If tho corpse I cnuipluti! and ; i liuormiil or gn tos'iuo proportinr. clnthod, Identification In coMipurn , 'Still more- -from :i fleulilnss tlvoly rlmplo." ho ay.i. "Wo --.-' ahull, tho 'anthropologist can deduce umlno llm poek"U for Imtnra. dcn-, tho ownur'a ugo, mix and nico nnd menu. Jowclry or Ittya. 1 ovon inahn a rood kwm tn bin "If thoic uri lar.';ltiK wo turn tn nationality. tho clothes ihoinolvc. I'mmlly thero uro tailor mnrlcs. In the bettor fitadn of rlothlnn thu u.tnio of tho owner often In sown in ".Many l.-dlii nro Identified by iilioes. lint (hi) most vnlualiln cloth ing cle-v Is tho Isnndry murk, '11- . T ,' SZ "All tho( things nrd being done anthropology Ii being applied dally mi. I It's yielding Identified tlo:in that can't lie disputed. It guts results wlien inenibrra nt tho do'id I rorson'H family cannot Identify tho corpse." y mi. PETnOORAD, Nov. 14. Amor lean evaporated milk la finding nn enormous sale In Russia. Nearly as -aauch milk In tins including brandii v ...... t,.i.. j -a,., am ( ;never remneii in uio uuucu biii Is shown in tne anop winaowa (oi Petrogrnd nnd Moscow as can''be found In American cities. Man of three brands apparently aro put up exclusively for the export tradn. Tho prjro hero for a oua-pound 'tin Is from 29 to 30 cents. Amer ican milk may bo, bought at the railway stations, In tho villages, and at the great markets In the cities. In many Instances' It Is peddled by children. "Let George Do It" Bring Your Diamonds t.'r'v ' - it ' in; and . let iMc Mount fX . '.-.1 ' Them-jWhile You Wait" d r GEO. L. METZ 622 Main St. tti I'oiiipelnn D.ijp Cream Luinou Cronm , . K. K. K. Cream Luxiirla Cream Krnuk'ii Lemon Cream Camphor Ico Santlacplle . Tiitifornu Malvlnu Kipoy'a Cream ..... .fiO ..in .nn 1. 01) .tr. .511 1 .01) .no .All I IIIiiiI'm Honey Almond Milkweed I'reain , Niidluol.i , Armi nd'rt Powder Hiiiupr.i 1 1 one Tiilciim JoIiiihoii'k lliiby Tiilctim Cnniiiern llnitiet Kdnp . I'utlcuni Knap Woodbury .Ho.i .r.o .50 .f.n ..Ml .hi) .:r, .sr. .30 .30 .20 FOR THE BATH CHOICE PERFUMES . Iliitlinewcet .. $.25 irrft iMiiiet, oi , . 2.i)0 ogiio llnth Salts . nr, tlnrdlnellii. o( I.UP llrown Windsor Soap . Jlcky, oi , ;.(lu Turkish Il.it Ii Soap 30 ijr Kb.,, i .(!() Wash Clntlm aft Threo I'lower. ut .. 2.00 Synol Soap .. , ..15 La lliilieine Arly, ot, -........ 4,00 ll.ith Ilrunli M (5 Klorient. ox ,. no Hath Mitt .....m... BO h'rlw.le. ox. . 2 GO Itubber Sponge . ... ...'. . if, .Mavis, ot : 00 Talcum .... .. .ar, MtF suxry, ox . . s.r.u llo-lt.txo . HR IMphlui', ox M no Sen Salt -...., .... .Ift IMy Dre.ini. ox ....... 2,00 Li Prima Castile .... ... .'.'n J.rglira hlte lions ox! . . .2ft Lilac Imperial , I. It) Spring Kloim. ox . 2.U1I Vegetal Lllasetto I.rtft Spring (Inrden. ox ... x.ou Lynol C Wood Violet, ox 2.011 Spirit Hub fift Crnbapple. ox .. . . ,ni Palm Ollvo Soap . 111 Cninice llniuiuet, ox. 1.50 Kau lie Quinine I nn Nntalle. i.x . 3 00 Cranio Oil Ho.ip .10 New Mown Hay. ox. ,..... ,, 1,00, it tiU: Arnx or thi: aihiowj Our Quality Is First SANTFORD & COMPANY 426 Main St Klnmnth Falls, Oregon Our Price It Lett We Originate Low Prices Others Endeavor to Follow Convinc e Youvself Watch Other Prices Change With Ours Half pound Kancy Herman Hull Illiielng .30 Krwh I'lelacliiiiunn'.n Ynast 03 Two-pound Jnr Llbby'r "llnco Meat IS 2 Half pound Llplon'n lllaclc Te.i 1.1 Ono pound Llplon'n Illack Tea ST .Mason Jar Topf, dozen 110 Kotr Sclf-Scallng Lids, dozen IS Largo can Fancy Shrimps 3C Kellogg' Corn Flakes , 10 Posttoattles , !t0 Rolled Oats, suck CO Swans Down Cuko Flour .'. ,40 linker's' Cocoa .'. 25 Ilrlght Tlgor Tobacco , 08 Granger Twl.it Tobacco 08 linker' Premium Chocolatn Z'i (lhlr.idelll's i: fix 1 0 Sweet Chocolatn 33 O(iio pound (JlilrudelU'a Chorolnto . ,33 Tbreu pounda (llilnulelli'B Chocolato '. "iur, 'JJcn pounda OlilriidolU'N Chocolato 's.uo Ilor.shoy'u Oocou ,., 18 Largo Dottle Del .Monte Chill Sauco 3fi Fiincv Italian Prunes, pound IT,' Fnury Ilncoii ,SiunrH, pound 2fi Caucailo Hum, pound ......., 32 Car.cudo ilacon, pound ., 4G Jonutliau Applon, jiox .. , ,... , ,1.82 Home lloftuty.-1 Apples, hox ,;...f. I.;.... 3v00 . ,- ''iipMHnMM(iif Hnlf pound Llptnn'u (Ireen Tea . $ .15 Olin poiiiul Mpton'n Oreen Tea 87 Thico packages Llfo Savor 10 Th run pnekugeu (Jinn, uny kind to tjuart MtiKon Jars, dozen ljfi Kconomy Jar Lids, dozen 2K Fancy Tapioca, pound 10 (Jnllou blzn Solid Pack TomaloeH 70 Snnl-Flush, largo can , (; P.incako Flour, sack , 70 Olympln Wheat Hearts, nnck 70 O11II011 blzo Fancy Loganberries 90 Fancy Tillamook- C'livoso, pound r.3R Pniiev Pwinut Candy, puiind 20 Fancy. MurHhiunllowH, pound .h 40 (Iruhntn Crnrkcrx, jiuckaco 10 Fancy Poncheu, large can T I.urgn can Fancy Itlpo Olives , Fancy Klamath Clmesp, pound ...., , .30 lncy Hulk Coffi.n, pound1'' .",.; 30 Fnncy Cocouiiul, pound , ,3c P. & tl, Whlto Nniitha Soap o?;. Six hats Pnlmollvo Soap .,.. 415 Fancy Apricots, can 30 Polar Hour Flour, pack i,.i. 2,15 Plciile, pound , , jo . . .V'l.u'Kap Applea, box ; v.! 3,30 " 'Deiloioihi-Aiifiies, hox.i, a6..A.SKi..v.f.(.K:M 2.60--' i.y Xti,' 'i?' eymjaypwtiw.ai ptmmmi HlnUyA wef fw