.Br tV&iA ' yf tffwwyj t9tZ: W-.WC -JWtawtowwuw.w z Ktijiu hi mfcin n ii mmfttwwiwnft'rtta University l.lttrnr)' Kiiutiip, Oregon 0M WEATHER FORECAST tonight ami wi:i.i:himy, FAIR j'iflevnlli VcnT, No. 0177." STl?.? lEuimrog Iterato iflrmrariqrn unipocKs Casualties Reach 2,000; Banditry Occur; 600 Bodies Burned SANTIAGO, Chill, Nov. H. Ho ports of linn ill try mid disorder In thn rarthquako illiitrlrl, together with now of nddltlonnl earth ithoclu mini ImlliittlonH thai thu calamity hml reached niipnlllnu pro portions, en u mil lht Chilean govern ment today to consider the advisa bility of trending troop to Coruliii bo and Atnrntiia to roluforcn thn regular rarrlrons, which nrn too small to copo w(h win, , nltua tlon, apd to aid In relief work. Thn casualties nro estimated at between 1,500 and 2.000 .lead, with largo number Injured and homeless. Six hundred bodies wore burned In thn public n'liuro a( Vallenar af ter liclnR Identified. Thn report of thn Solsinologlral Institute gy thnllpparrnt fneui of tho earth itbock wait 300 kilometers from Santiago. Thn total duration wag 3 hour 40 minutes, and thn intimated radl ua 1,300 kilometer In it traiuremal direction to thn Andes. ' Tho mrtooroloKlr.il institute says thnt the earth shock colni Mm with thn passago of a gun icpot over thu central meridian of thn aim. The earth uliock commenced at thn ter mination of a day of abnormal heat. Thn sun spot referred to mado tin appearance on November C and wan thn largest observed thli year. In addition to heavy casualties of dead and Injured at Coplapo nnd Cogulmbr,-H w'rijprtea;.ht 600 were killed at Vallenar and tho sur" rohndlng district. Vallenar wag vir tually destroyed and thn survivors are In a critical condition. It scorns certain thnt thero hnvo beon casual tlei In other .town and village around Coplapojt to tho south, con cerning which no nowg yet avail able. ' j , 1J- jagini' ALL BOYS OF CITY BETWEEN 14 AND 21 ELIGIBLE FOR RELAY Ifaro Being Hinged hy Junior Klk , , Thanksgiving Imyj Pennant Will Go to Winning Team All boys between tho agog of 14 mid 21 w bo tillRlbln to m,i(,r li'iitiiH In (ho Junior i:ilin relay rncn ThanliKKlvIm: day, regardless of whether they tiro tntmiherg of thnt organisation, Thin wo anniiiiured today by J J. Mlllor, onn of the organizers of Urn Junior lodgo, Tho raro will bo from thn F.lkn temiilo to tho Whit., I'ellcun holel nnd return. Thertj will bo four run nera In enrh team lio will bo sta tinned nt Ninth nnd Main nnd m tho Whllo Ptdlrmi, or approximate locations which will bo exactly de termined later. Tho runnnra will In. required to carry a wnnd to trims- rer at thn relay points. eirlieilnlnl for It) A, M. Hoys Intending to entor team nro directed to turn thn lineup of their tnanu over to thn Junior Klk nt least two iiays before thn ram. A rommltteo to han clinrgo of thn affair will he flnnnuncoil later. Thn raro will n held nt 10 n. in., nro. vIiIIiik that limn riopi not Intorforo with church services, In which event tho tlinn will bn changed. Tho Junior i:ik will nward thn winner a pennant bearing tho namei of thu team members. QajaMQMr-M DVUTURF GETS M MS III UTEST COUNT Member of the Associated Press KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TCK8DAV, SOVKMUKlC if 102?: t i"-;: hrl) .'vV.TE itMnaiir--- wi orTKf I A KLAMATH COUrTIT OF KLAMATH r .-.-v ;..if. ( $! w I. W. W. TRIALS ARE DrCTDnKli?n rXt n. -, . OF SIX DEFENDANTS Revised Figures Put Brad bury Fourth in Race for State Legislature MISS FAY WEST WEDS MnrrJaftn f Kenneth Honlon Kwlin Kuri'rlMi to frlcnda rOHTLANI), Nov. H. IlovlKcd official figure placed Ovcrturf, re publican, In thu lend over llradhury, ilouiocrat, ng third mnn In tho dele Katlou of llireo men from tho Twenty-firm repregentatlvo district. Lat ent fisurcii ulve: Overlurf 3,684 llradhury 3.CC6 In tho fllxth acnntorlnl dlKtrlcl, Diian, republican, wag elected over noruen, Democrat. An earlier ro port Indicated Ilorden'a ilcctlon wag duo to n Irangpojltlon of flsurcg In tho unofficial report. TEACHERS WILL MEET Mrt of Krrtcn t,f Zono Confrrrnccn at Ibmanm IVIiUy WOUNDED BY BANDIT Attempt to Hath. Hotel l'u)rl May IYoo I'nlal for tJuaiil HAN KltANCIKCO, Nov. H. (loorco McMullln, nunrd for tho raiihler of thn Fairmont hotel, was allot npd nerloualy wounded by a banitlt who hoarded tho gtreet ear on which ho was ridliiR with thn hotel payroll, and attempted to takn thn money from him. McMullln wni accnmp.iuyliiK l-rauk Terry, ragblor, when tho bandit leapoil upon tho rar nnd nnalched tho aack coiitnlnliiR :00, McMullln Brnpplod with tho mnn, who wliot down McMullln ua hu leapod from tho car, eacaplnB with tho pioney. The wcddliiK at 9:30 thin mornlnc at Ihirhomn of .)Ir, l. McMII linn, of Mg Knyn U".t t KVnnr.it, Cordon Klnhn, canm ns n surprlio to wiun circio of fremli of tho two youiiB peoplo hero In Klamath Kail and tho ourroundlnff country. The foremony wag performed lu thn preaenro of two wltnoHeg, Mr. Mc Mlllan and Mlig flcofflcld, by tho Uor.rlliur Ulcc. Clogesl friend. nr tho eouplo were kcptr In" Ignoranco of tho event. Mlg Went ha ilvcd for tho ureal er part ot her life In Klamath eoun. ry. She It tho dauKhtor of Mr. and Mr. U. A. Wet, who aro anions the county won pri:orealvo farmer and llyo dock raiser. Kho I a graduate of Klamath county IiIrIi echool 'arid for tho nat two vmr. hn been employed In thn offlco of tho California Oregon I'ower com- pnny. Klnhn I n Cnllfornlan who camo hero a fow yuan oro to tako charfio of work In tho offlco of thn aanio company, mid It Is thero that tho romanro developed. They loft on tho mnrnliiR truln for Portland whom they will pais a brief honey- moon. Bonn meetlnjji of tho County Tcaehern' oiigoclatlon, denlKniM to brlnn thn lenchera of tho county nnd their remicctlvn comitiiinlil,. ri.n. loKOllmr, havo been nrranRid by the executlVo committee of the nggorla- lion, wm aiinounred today by Mr. Twyla Fornuion. county grliont mm. erlntendcnt. Tho flmt meeiinr? win bo held I'rlday at llonanra. At tho llonanxn mentlnj; tho morn Hib wilt bo devoted to matter of profexilonal Intercut whllo a com munity proKram will ho r.lven In the nftornoon, AmonB tho pcaker will bo I'rof. I.oublte. on Rrndo ath lotlc: Mr. Joo (llvan. on th nr. tlvltle of tho Htato Teachers' asso asse asso ciateon: K. J. Ilowne, on consolida tion of ictfooli; I'rof. Ilafch. on are of school property. I'rof J. V. Well will conduct a rcadlnc test for gov cnth nnd eighth Rrndo pupil. AmoniT thn gchool Included In llonanra iono nro Illy, Hlldebrand, upper and Lower LanRolls Valley, Lorclla and Vnlnax. Member of local school commlttcoH nnd tho mombor of tho county gchool board In that zona hnvo been Invltad to at tend. Other nicotinic will bo held In vnrlou pnrls of tho county nt Inter val of nbout onu month. Defendant Would Havo KlamaU County I'ny Kxpene of WIU ncMeg Hero Krotn Portland On plea of couniscl for tho do- lenuani. uiu J. W. W. trial get for November 13 havo bcon post poned by order of Judno Leavltt until January or February, 1923,' tho exact data to bo determined later. !.oul Davlg, Maurlco Daly, Adolph VnRsnegg, Isonard Ilolton, William Fischer and William Ilurk, thn I, W. Y. memborg Involved, nro now out under bond. Subpoeaag Askrd William Fischer filed motion for thn court to subpoena Floyd Hyde, Harold Harneg, Joo Weight, p. j, Wellndor nnd Waller fimlth, all of rortland, n wltnesg for tho de fendant. Fischer mado nffldavlt that tho wltncsseg named am r. miliar with tho teaching of tho In dustrial Worker of tho World," nnd, to tho best of hlg knowlcdRe. "tho nearest persons competent to explain to thU court nnd to a Jury matter necessary to bo explained In my behalf and In my defense." Wnnta County to Pay Tho defendnnt nlleRe that "each nnd ovory ono of said witnesses and persons poor and without funds, and It I neces sary that tho county treasurer of this county ndvanco fund to each nnd evory wltnesg to defray his ex IMinsos. ns well as their witness fees. nnd It l nocoasary that this bo dono forthwith, In order that they may bo In nttendnnca upon the court at tho proper. tlmo." lilllWU IILISJIL t Mil M 111 111-1 HI IT .. BIS ISSUES IT ELECTION POLLS BASKETBALL SEASON GETS OFF TO FLYING START, HIGH SCHOOL Many Important Measures Passed on in States of Far West Clothes Ban Is Enforced H. S Girls Sent Home SPINK MADE JUSTICE Hnook OuMcd at Cltlloquln tiy Nar row Marulii of l-'ivu Vol eg A political battlo between thn factious ot east and wot Chlloquln ended with tho election ot C. It. Spink as Justlco ot tho peaco. suc ceeding T. N. Snook, who hau held tho offlco tor tho pant term. Local feeling rati high and tho almost oqunl division of tho town Is Indicated In tho official vot0 fig ures, which glvo Spink a load. over HU oppouont of 'lW vote. Tho volo urbb'd:' Spink 13i. Snook 128. ; ' ' SCHOOL GETS PRAISE Anhlaa.l pp,.P i,,, K,,rU Klamath Sludenla of Vr'"-V'-,08r" "'P ' bihi',1 at, uiiiinr. WIIVTIIKIt iMtil.ViirMTII'H ' Ilaromotrle conBltTonrf havo ohunit- W ud hut lltlln In Ihn i'J' T7; ' .jtn m lu .H.ivsith',aii.u tMWituroit n 'Mtv- n'nlnnl. tlild .....m Ing. Forecast for nexi a heurs: Fair ami cold. Slightly warmer than for tho ttF Trlbulo Is imld to tho Ktamnth high, nclioo and buslueiis men or (homily In u recent Ishuo of Horuo .ow, Ashland IiIkIi Kchool'M orririni gchool paper, which says: ''Tho Klamath boys dlsulavod n gortiV flRhtlng spirit, nnd thn veil TaUy held thn night hoforo tlm Bainp showed that their student body wag back of them to n man." "Klamath Falls gave us an ex ceptionally flno welcome and extend ed its hospitality and kludnoss throughout our visit. Tho rates giv en us by tho Whlto Pelican hotol and Club enfo Indicated tholr splondld Interested nnd co-oporntlon In pro moting thn bond of frlondshln whlph oxlnts between tho two high schools." "Tho dnnco music furnlshod by tno nigii school orchestra at the dnnco given for tho boys cannot ro flolve too, much pralso.for tholr oxuU billons ot talent, W ! VM-UXLIiSM AltlPiaXi: nWASHINClTON, Nov. 14. A PlJotleu army I airplane, enulppod With nutontntlc. cpntrpt jinorn .do uijmlalnil than in human nllot. has b0ll"dov6JoDml. tho armv.nlr u,.r. iTico'.nnuouiicecl "'today! Tho nlane kiuiH.niadii Buccesful flBUja' of mom Mllllj VV 1II1IUS. DltOKKIt, F.lll.UHK, HUICTOKS NKW VOHK, Nov. H.Falluro of Iho stock hrokoragn firm of Wasser- mnn llrothvrs was announced on tho Now York stork mclinncn imlnv. Jess A. Wassormun, a member of tho firm, committed sulcldo last nlRht. Tho dress reguUtiqns ioaugurated at tho beginning of thu term at tho high school are still In force (llrls appearing In other than middles, low-heclod shoes and ordinary or garden variety coiffures aro courting trouble. This was realised by two girl stu dents yesterday when they nppcared with sweaters. No moro had thoy entered tho school portals when the infraction was observed. Ensued a lengthy argument, wherein tho clrls nouRht to shbw that a perfectly1 harmless sweater should not come under tho ban. Tho Klrl.n nt IcnRlh obeyed tho or der to return homo and changed their garb. Thoy appeared at noon wearing overcoats otor their mid dles. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. H. Call fornla's ndoptlon of prohibition en forcement, Oregon's restrictions upon nearly nil church parochial schools and other private school. Novada'a decision not to chano It dlvorco laftg, and Montana's prob- atii) authorization of the Pari Mb tucl system of betting on horse races, aro among tho outstanding de cisions on legislation taken by, tho voters In far western states at last Tuesday's election. California's measure makes the 18th amendment to tho federal m. stltutlon and tho Volstead act, or watcver other enforcement lerlila tlon may bo passed by congress, part or tno California statutes, changing automatically should tho Volstead act bo amended or repealed. Des plio tho fact that grapo growing in tercuts and others fought aeslnst tho step and that cities of San Fran cisco nnd Sacramento voted "wot," all tho cither largo cities, all nt Southern California, and most of the hii-uk iiuuriur aan joaquin ana Sac ramento valleys combined to carry tho mcasuro. ' Kuprrvlgloii nr 8Uto Orogon's new law requires all children between tho ages ot 8 and 1C years to attend public schools, except that thoso physically Incap able, thoso who havo comoleted tint eighth grado and those who live at inconvenient distances or are Unrht by parent and private teachers are exempt. Those excepted, however. must have their eiaeaUoi raper vised by tho atatc. A majority of moro than 13,000 was given this act, despite vigorous opposition of Catholic societies and laymen and many Protestant clergy men and representative cltixens of catholic. Protestant and Jewish faith. Tho Catholics termed It direct blow nt' their denomination and Its educational methods. The Masonic order took no stand In the controversy, but many champions of tho mcasuro wcro Scottish ntte Ma sons, wbllo tho Ku Klux Klan ad. mlttcdly was In favor of tho Dro- poscd law. Won't Change IHvorro Law A proposal to make tho residence requirement in Nevada before dl vorco ono year. Instead of six months 40 Hoys Tarsi Oat for PfsUoe First Nlfbtl Glrhj to Be ! Oi With Two TnusM Basketball at the high school started In earnest last night when about 40 boys turned out for.prae tlco In the hall a Fourth and Klamath, which has been engaged by tho high school for the season. The girls of the high school here will compete with the girls of Bo nanza and Merrill. They have two teams, making four team la the league. This will be the first time in about five years that the girls of the high school have been given an opportunity to represent the local high school In athletics. A Good Taraoat Kxyected Since there Is such a largo tarn out of boys and an equally targe turnout of girls expected, and thn floor space limited, a schedule for practleo has been arranged. !re. uce tor me ooys win be held on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday afternoons, and nary evening in the week except Satur days and Sundays. Tho girls will practleo Tuesday and Thursday af ternoons'. The squads assigned to the dir. rerrat times of practice will soon be regulated so as to get the bora into gooa condition, and give the aura erou candidates a chance to be come experienced before the first games In December. There will be It men picked to represent the school on the two different teams. ana as a result of this there is great rivalry among the boys. ' " - if' 1 Hiamyjgsst. r sWa." HassnK'' ' SSsl SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf M SSSSBsBBBBBBbV ft "I,. " 'KVIt.1,11 , M V .i . - . x, " - I a MHsAt f)r sssMsaV ttWl' MsMUu' HoeHUtiM at C'sJnW . r. i at lawia . -Vx. ,:m vi r. 14. ns.tHeW e UaSMM)tsKM a. - mA PARIS. Nor. opening ot the faf!A Visa VI !!! dm Tj ' SAii .......... ... .. nnp,!, fjnr November 13 to Novesiaet H;t:itJr reqaest of the British srensMifl; LAUBAKNE. Nor. 14.Tmi!esW nlleategl kar Kmat .Urn-tUmi .. 1 constltatjf perhsta ths Vtmtijil now ressfruitag la sMrefSM VrfHeMli affairs, W to have what lrssiisW.si . be a thgjfough alrlag la tUjHti mstle gathering et arias isssrUst which ms to mars A9m'?if Moadsy.iilght ' , i Invitations to the Mrier.Cwhleh has corns to be ksewa iu'thirNesir East peace cosfemee, velaseat' la the names of Orsat Britala,' Wfujii sad Italy to the govenssesiUfsTJiU pan, Rumania, JsMeIsrOrfSv Turkey sad the VsltesViHgtosV. ."TV una nmnaMta'ilo i II '. sta and Bulgaria, to sessT Tsyrsssata- tlveg tiara "at U4lW",Yx'li tfclnate la dlseasalsauiaaemsfar' K tmlm tfTlL..Jb't!a m hwm wi tow 'vseVflSfPMSBV7 ot most Imporuat' sab)gjiiiMvMM sgeads. . - 'jXty Seek Near Bast Feast)- rL Primarily, .the .ateali will seek East Turks. at times assaatfo -' ---g- 'WW leek to end th.war .la HitSir betweea ths Greeks W; tk. i. which has ssj slssliv. . es ssssaslag wrriV'ijhjiji '"-- ;iaiagnl treaty of '111 talsrmssV '"Tjofc that his prMS was lessfsc'emtr htSMT The candidates who bars resort- ed so far among the hers are: Clif ford Hague, csatala of first team " ' r I j'lB rjlllliif Tr anrl u ..... it. .. .-.i i .-- -iLL-'.'il-M""zZzt .. ,.. B .vr aamai mil mwm.w ua, Jfwrm, Peyton, letter maa; ret Mststhear- emttatlmhsai tsV; ""wi Juomn JSOariSJM. Kale (Continuod on Page C) CANNING SEEMS TO BE FAVORITE PASTIME IN EUROPE oast 24 limiM Tho Tycos rocordliiK tliorinomoter registered inuxlmiim und inlulmum tomporaturos today ns follew.t: HlRh 43 m. Cff !"M"U'U"l.'IIM'lltl'ltrg,S t-. . I AVIATOllH KIM,!:!! UAM'IMORH, Nov. 14.-Hl,loulon-nut Kdwln 0. Schroder was Instantly killed and Lleutonant Francis A. MurBh seriously Injured when their njrplnno crnshod nt Logan flold to Iduy, Tho motor stalled and thn - .-4-S"J & fA'-i 4- iyi -v yirjt- ; !$ Turner, Floyd Tingley, Oeorge Dow, Herbert Laadls, Roland Castrall. Harry Peltx, Brace Jeffers, Harry Mslatore, Walter Shorf. Jeaatags wssBingtoa. Arthur Peck. Loals Sabo, Robert Cornish. Keaaetk Maler. Oran Milam, Charles Chas- tam, Wm. Clark, Matt Oheachala, Herbert Rlesbel, Vernon Moore. James Manning, Dale Soule, Dale Drew, Russell CrandaU, Krdls Smith, Henry Gerber. Frank Hall. Lester Cofer, Buford Harsus. Svl Tester Smith, letter man at Agency high school last year; Weaver Solo- man and Frank Upp. Delos Mills and Cbarlea Graves, both letter men from last year's team, will bo unable to practice for a few weeks on account ot injuries received during the football season. This list, although incomplete, gives a good representation ot the material on band. ' N 'TV -I .LAif v MADE BEETLE SURVEY A. J. Jscnicke Kinds Farther Coa- trol Work Not Necessary Now A survey of tho timbered areas ot Klamath and Lake counties sot Included In tho plno beetle control project to deternalno the necessity for control work has Just been com pleted by A. J. Jaenlcke, forest ser vice entomologist. Jaonlcko sola It was decided that no control work is nooded In thn aroas at present; but that patrol of tho areas at Intervals will be neces sary. ' Juonlckos will complete his work for the season herd within a fow dsys and go on to Portland. ii MRS. MacSWINKY HELD WASHINGTON, D. C, Nor. 14. Mrs. Muriel MacSwIney, widow ot Torrenco MacSwlnney, fonnor lord mayor ot Cork, was arrested today with eight other women, while marching before the British embassy-., armed with banners demand In, the release of Mrs. Macswlaev's sister, Mary MacSwIney, who Is held prisoner in the Irish Free Stafe. MARKET RKPORT PORTLAND, Nor. 14. Cattle steady ; bulls 60o higher; calves $1 lower. Hogs steady to 10c higher for top grades. Sheen steady. Eggs So higher, buying prices 4lo aider Mmk&itnomtt Wlllll jmJtlmt A mm'mM fat amv mi.Mi.1 t mW L ""' followtac tho comylta otTam)'' Greeks. '. ivj ise aiuiaaa or au as in the Uslted States towattf fsm'ssMttf esce has preeeated ssoay Istirsjlggj aspects, not tho least aVwsJeaiVM' the Russlaa coateatioa that1 sis1 must take a leadlag part la uf sW- gotlatloas centering arsasd -tiki straits, in which she has a trsmassl ous commercial interest. , "We aro aot maklag ihreats aJkl are aot rattliag tho sweftto." flt eiga MUUter Tchlteheria said re cently, "but we do insist liw fo- per consideration la oil tusstlsas ralatlnr to th Nur ! a'ni Sim. tlcularlr the commercial frseassa pit the straits." '", t The United States, eajhe othW hand, has declined to WmM. of ficially la the coBfereaeo. II44m that as It never had been at w'ir with Turkey, It did sot sellers 'It could appropriately take Hrt M framing a treaty of Dees with, thai nation la association with? ths allied conferees. 'i v. m. -- v The Washington gersfgsuit 4114 ssy, however, that It had, srmteat Interest In the conference to oel observers hero for ths(Mrer, sod outUaed the subjects which sortft ularly concerned It. Amoag'sthsr things, the United Statef , Is aia record as favoring unqualifiedly the freedom of the Dardsaellss: the tita - . . !''" ""-JiTT ui aaroiora ana las slSSf ortUS. OS well as the protectloa of rscjsl'MJd. religious minorities. ' ' 'v It also Is recognised, steordlag.te the Amerlcsn secretary of lUts, ijsM the United States has est tsia rosy doflnlte rights under tho'' ftOSlHld capitulatory treaUos. aeHalalaa '' to extra territorial eoacesslsf grMtoit foreigners; and again thtt Us.Whalf Ington government Is at, dfiirir'ij to see Americans 4UtmMm against la favor of the SatlMoJa od other aatloss. V J rfiw . ' , ..t .. . .. t . .--A'i ABPiaer siai eace, sad oa small 'aart l t T: "" W MS.S . hm ui.ico rcsaros ISO ailWfl .HfOSfJj W" f rr to exclude Russia form aarUsiMiias? Vfl'.' In the general dellumkafA r" ); u is uaoersioM aero thAt t Mwoitvati suToraHvai . my . .. . . . i 'i lucuaen towsra tao SofMI permanent solutle of IhA ! Droblesa can ka .amA'.mm. :;."." :rr : -T-r,m-jj ie are taaea to ceaosfTI as icct lie tegliuaaio UlOftSSJ' j tiff 4 " SI V S5 ir ) v-c,;. n'lrplnno (ook it 00-f.pot iiosq tyo, to 640; selliag 52c to 67c. Wheat seat WJmirfmr'v i4-'' sit la say settlemeat ?M! t MJ.1. HMWSW, it,, tatSsklasimfatal "A VT v , ' yr x W-: ' -ii VI i . jX fFy5vf4"li "j! - -. "".s i-r- fr4irti?rijir2sz. 7'fir "" y