The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 13, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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THE EVENING HER'ALD, KlAf H FLLS, OREGON, ovi:mhuii iii, nrjJ
j . ,
. ' -
r. ii. bbvui.MiiMwMi
r. o. mokut amni hmcw
PBtlibe4 dally aicapt 8nnday, at
Tka Herald Pabllsblng Company of
Klaautk ralto, at 111 KIshta strMt.
Eater at tha poatoftte at Klam
ath rails, Or., for traaaalatlon
tkroagk tka Malta 'aa atcottteUta
" Tha Associated Pra la aselaa (ta
lly entitled to the oso for publics
tloo of all nawa dispatcher eredltod
to If or not otherwise crodltod In
this paper, and alio tba local nawa
'published herein.
Copy for display advertlslnR must
bo In this offlco not later than 3
p.m. on the day preceding publlca
4lon In order to bo Inserted In the
Issue of the paper of (no next day.
... Want ads and rcadlne notices wilt
be received ud to 12 noon on the
day of Issue.
'S Herald PablUhlnit Company.
fFMlB newspaper, especially the
Mk country nov.-spaper, comes In
for more criticism than any ether
line of business, says tho Pacific
'Printing Trades Bulletin. It ap
peara natural for a certain type of
country merchant, after he has at
tained aomo degree of success, to
'fcrl that his newspaper I not repre
sentative of bis community. The mer
chant of this type. 'although be may
not be able to spoil the simplest of
words and Is a strancer to grammati
cal construction, knows bow bis
town'a newspaper should b run.
,You can go lato his store which may
be a miscellaneous collection of mer
chandise piled In with no view to
system or efficiency, and stand
a'ro'und S or 10 minutes before yon
aro waited on and the proprietor
not seeing any of this, will readily
point out to you where and why
-the town's newspaper doea not meas
ure up.
No doabt the man of thla typo is
honest In bis convictions and means
well, but at that there are many
tlmca when It be could afford to
do so the newspaper man would
like Wknie places with him for
about M days In order to show him
(where real Improvements could bo
i Fortunately, this class of critic Is
not large. The majority of small
Xown merchants know- their own lim
itations -and are broad-minded en
ough not to use "two measures, one
for measuring tbeaselvea and an
other for measuring their newspaper
thoy reallie tho handicap of small
'working capital and limited trade
territory. They know it la impos
sible to become n merchant prince
'unless there Is room to expand end
know, too, that no ose line or busi
ness Is excluded from this economic
environment. Along the lino of
(nowipper criticism, the following
clipped from the 'Olympian" is perti
nent: You hear occasionally, a ion
mouth proclaiming! "Gee, there's no
nowa la tha paper!" or "Thoro'a a
Unlstake In tho type!" or "That Isn't
what happened the man didn't slip
and fall, be stumbled."
It takes as many kind of people
Mo read a newspaper as It takes to
make the world, and nobody has yet
'achieved the distinction of ploaslng
everybody, so It Is not surprising
'that newspapers no matter how
conscientiously edltod and printed
liavo 'severe critics, somo cf' whom
cannot, for lack of intollleonce or
understanding, seo why mistaken ore
occasionally made In newspapers,
nnd others who do not want to seo
thorn becauso tbey like to keep their
hammers busy.
Now, fow real newspaper men give
a hang,about such criticisms, so long
as they, themselves are satisfied that
they are doing the best that can bo
'alone within tho limits of time and
space allotted to each publication.
The newspaper men know tbeso cri
tics don't know what they're talking
about, and that If they did, they
wouldn't talk toud enough for nn In
telligent person to hear them.
Of course, newspapers make mis
takes. Every nowspaper doos, Tho
perfect nowspapor is yet to bo pub
lished. Newspapers must be so hu
man that tbey bavo all the weak
'hesses,ofthumanlty as well as all the
virtue To err is certainly human.
Often judges and Juros take wcoks
o decide what aro the facta of an
event that a .newspaper must chron
icle in' fire minutes. Facts do not
change, but no two persons see with
tho same eyea, and sometimes moro
than one version Is correct although
each seems at first glance to Include
all facta having an important bear
ing upon the principle occurrence.
Many are called but few are chos
,an. Most of the "many" havo tbo
good sense not to heed tho "calling."
,te disregard the promptings of "In
epiratloB," surrenderor to them
Wily of a balmy lunmer'a day and
ufKFLjSKttR llrr? sTfiSp ' fimmmmmwflmmwlmmWKL3m nutlmlKH9fiWMMSwmtIM w Tsb35isBPls!LWB
BEmmmmJtitKRmJM-KhjJEEK9KLLnmM-mim-Ummm isiaiBaiaai. V siaswaai sail na bb al 1 1 aHai i In m mm laa n 'ItT U:ja aJaJl I.X. lmJK3Mmmm
November 1 3 ICIIInom-WIiIIo
Lyceum, Pine Tree Hi cut re, j
November 1 r t'tmiiiluT nf
ruminoit'i' forum,
November 34 MeelliiR f
llonlt miiiiiiltli'f, Wtiiniiu'H I.I-
bi'ttry t'ltiU.
Nfivember HU TliniiksglvliiK
ItVIINIK. I'nllKti I'ppi'r Hllnsln,
Kiir. P.-Twn litiiulreil mill llfieen
rbllilri'ii. cinnclilMren, jtrnil- urniiil
I'litlitreii, nml Rrenl-grenl'itrnnil'
rlillilren unhhimIiII nt Klimtl near
Iiito, rrci'iilly to lieli Valentin Pal
imi'lie, mi liiiilk!iiiiir, lolebrulo his
1 1 Tlh lilrilMluy minlirMry, Paul
imche H until to bo the nM't lliliutc
limit of Hlk'nlu. njst3Sf!t
Oil Voiii- .Mi'iit IUiitI I'rmil lln I'tixliM ri nt IIckkoiiiiIiIi' Prlf-i.
t'liolit t'lilx ,. .. I tie in 17c
Wlllllo (Jlllllll'l', I'llllll , . ttfo
Wliolo ;niiMiis lllml lie
HiillliiK Itrrf ns low nt He
IIciiiciiiImi', lln llcst ruin ur 17c, iioIIiIiik lillu'i miohI tlml '
nt f it h MliK'li Inner
At Spot Cath Basket Grocery
,lo Winter Annie foi' Mult
MM-IMI Klanuiili Mr.
.juu i..' Lu.msxiSTtsm. Laser?
When the first of the entombed miners were readied in the Spaniler, Pa., mine disaster. A multitude' of
relatives, friends and co-workers surged as close to the m outh of the pit as authorities would permit to hear the
story of the first miners brought to the surface after the explosion and cave-in which cost more than a hundred
lives. Picture shows rescuers bending over the rescue d men, administering first aid.
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lly lilt. I'ltAXIC (ItANK
(Copyright. 1922. by l'ranl: Crane
Tho other day the poMmasti-r at Chicago linil placards put nn t!i
motor veblclcs operating In the postal rorvlcc reading ui follews:
Personal Mention
Sam (Iratliwoll, who was hern ni
n loctnrur ncvcral i,ar.n ago, nr
rhed lant night from Fort Klamath,
wh'ire he delivered u lecture. Ilnith
well Is with a ChauMuiia circuit.
S.",rn,nfltl Plrret of Mull Mutter Annoally. Are lh-
Injeil or Not Dolltrteil nt All Iti'rauve Tliey. nr" In
correctly Aililrrcd or Impropnly PftcLe!.
. . ...... . Mr. It. C. Spink wai In tlm rlty
,r. nn nnT,' "1"", "'T, .1". ".,'.".": K.n " . v. ." -""'..".Lover the week-end. vlsltlm: wllh her
ottener than they would havo to handle, them If they had been properly dauRhter. Ml Claudia. Mm. Spink
prepared. j expects to spend mmit of tbu winter
And even after they hnve exhausted every means of identification anj : n chlloquln.
salvage, they succeed In delivering only hllghtly mors than oue.flfth of )
'AnTrtfa'aoi not Include van .mantltlw of circulars and newspaperJ J,,M 01lv-, ,,l,n'l,,,r','' n" ,,,-
which are not properly uddrcsicd, and which aro dentroyed becaiisf they ' Pluyo of thu postufflce. left jester-
cannot bo delivered. day for Oakland. California, where
In Chicago there U one building that la used an a storage place for M,, wi visit for two wnek.i with
wan ui uunuu value anu lor man oi iirxl cuii wnicn cannot lo deliv
ered. Twice a year tho contents aro auctioned ofr, because there Is no
way of finding tho owners. In thltt building are bin: of shoos, quan
tities of clothing, dress goode. nutoinublle pirts nnd tires, sporting good?,
suit cases overylblng from a bird cage, to a momo trap. These aro loit
to uotn me one who sent them and tho ono who hIiouM rernlv.. th..m.
because somebody waK carelc-j In tying a knot .or used flimsy wrapping.
paper, or put on a defective sddreu. I
Nearly 300 employes aro engaged In correcting iln. cnmmnn ni-n. i
ventable error of tho people. Tho 'only reason tho tionattien nn .mn.i'. al'out a doioa flito brant
.Wl J-. . .. . " " . I
iam arain oi carcicseuess upon its resources Is thnt tbo people nay
the bill.
Thro ought to bo a general campaign of education with tbo object of
Imprcsrin.7 upon tho people the lmportanco,of prdperly prepsrlnx and ad
dressing anythlnK they put in;o the mail' box.
rtBomer wasie. caustu uy i.lieertJic.itgbtIei.neH. nrlHrs from tho cus-
: friends and relatives.
J. C. Iloyle, manager of tho Cal
ifornia Oregon Power company, and
a, party of friends, left yesterday
morning for th0 Tulu l.ako region
nnd returned last evening with
torn of many buolncse house holding their mall until tbo cImo of the nn lmK r,pc atrawberrlea lu Klam
Women Meet to Plan
Equal Rights Campaign
WASIIINOTON, I). f . Nov. 13.
Women lender from 3'J Mates nre
usKPiiililed here to pliiti u nation
wldo campaign for -ii:tl rlglitH
.StimmoiKd by Mis. O. II. P. Ilel
mont of New York, nutloual presl
ilent of the women's party, the dele
gates will nit fur two ilayn and give
especial nttentlon to tho ndvlsnlilt
lly of tlm liumeillate Introdiirtlon
of a national right iimetiilment to
tho CoMxlltutlon, and n cutiipiilgn
for equal rlglitH legislation In 43
wtutex. Tbo convention, according
to tbo p.irty'n announcement, ulo
will promulgato a woman'ri "rhnrtor
of rights" dealing with nil fields "In
which woimn suffer discrimination
today," and wilt olce a demand for
tho removal of such discriminations.
Coincident with this convention
II, A. Kmmltt, r. 1 7 Pine ntrcot, la thorn will lie n conference of wo
displaying a smalt bed of straw-! men lawyers, led by Juilgo Kathryn
berrtu.s In tho garden back of hi j Heller of tho District of Columbia
home, and Is proud' of the fact that I Juvenllo rourt, to ailvleo her party
uuiiniia nay, wnen iney re case tt In n t.orfr,-i ,(,.!,,,. m ...... i
lint: machines, distributing case, ami o'.hcr facilities 'for handling mall'
.n..T. i , u '. """ p' '" ,ney nre taxoJ bi ond their
Ln f ,n P uF n ' ,,?P,r ttan U',r DlMlD ublt. to the
extent of deposltlnc their mull even two hours earlier than they do at
present. It would revolutlonfte the postal service
ti-7 """V wen In the hope than many ptoplo will adopt tho,n
Idea of paylnn better nttrntlon to their mail matter, ' t
,,"'' ur"u". " me grwt public rcrvont. nnd It bobuaves
uth county In November.
Kenneth Klaliu, who for tho past
few mouths liui -been working lu
tho l'ollcait Hay Lumber compnuy'a I
office at Klrkford, nrrlned in town
his morning and will resume his I
old position with the California
r.Mn Mllinr. nt f.- . ...... . . ,, ' """'V "'"'
.. : "u "" iu muko uiai servant as ifllcient n tmoiM.i i
Much of the criticism leveled nt the i.ctorNo i.T.T.hl"S"J: Oregon Power company
cf tho general public. "'""l,J
Tom. ims
then burning tho fiery product In u i
camp fire or throwing It under a
hammock. They recrgnlzo that
moro Hklll, concentration trn-J train
ing is demandiJ for tho preparation i
of newspapers than in a great niim-,
bcr of other professions and trados,.
lie property and equal errors In
(thor works' aro covered up.
The "fow" put lu several miser
able years wbllo tbey heur the
"many" "pan" their work, until they
come to rcallto that the "many" nov-i What this country weda moro
cr even know n master craftsman mi- than unytlilng elso U un ' alarm'
til thu "few" havo pointed hint out. ' clock tbati wuken only tho man wlio
Tbo ?cqrot of success often con
slstu of kitplng it a secret.
Any girl could be popular at a
danco by using pulverized sugar for
powder and cranberries for rougo.
Mr. mid .Mrs. William II. Mel
Initio left on tho train yrstorday
morning for Sjn Francisco on tli'dr
honeymoon trip. They wcro mar
ried yesterday morning at the homo
of Mr .and .Mrs. l.uwrenco Phelpn.
Tlm hitter Is ii sister of tbo bride.
Tho Crater Ial:o Hhrlnu club Is
planning a thratro party for Tues
day night at tho Pine Tree thoatrn.
All Khrlnurs and their lndliw aro to
be the guests of tlm club providing
thoy appear on Tuesday night wtur
lag n fez. Dr. K. K. I.simh, pres
ident of the diili, nnd ('. K, Jay are
In charge of tlin uiitortaliiment.
Robertson's Chicken Tamales,
wholesale and retail. 1113 Main St.
aaaHHP4s' f&tjjtff
sets it.
A wise man never falls In-Jovo
this close to Christmas.
Jf it wasn't for onglno troublo
Home parlors would never bo used.
Living Is expensive, but worth It.
Tho man who follows tho crowd
seldom has any crowd following
t him.
( Mixing, business nnd pttnsurn
gives you' neither inn of tlm tu.
Pursiiudo tbo Janitor to tap on
ino luruaco pipes, u sounas an it
ho Is firing tli6-ruruacu.
Miniy a poor, oxcuso Is worth
money to n married man. '
Why doesn't soma beauty shop
advertise ; "Permanent wavlug hair
called for unci delivered.''
Edna Wooloy, who will glvo re
citals of Indian 'songs tonight at tbo
Pine Tree Tk'eatre.'
Thu boss Is u man who can tnko
It out on tbo hired hands when he
gets mad nt his wife.
Only cxmoro months until tlmo
to buy short skirts again,
i '"
Charles Hiiiubleton Kester, died
Nov. I, 1022. Ho was born In
Napa, California In 1804. Ills boy
hood was spent in Oakland, In
1882 bo with bis father tamo to Poo
Valley, Oregrn and established a
stock ranch, In 1884 tho mother,
sister anil brother Joined him. The
father nnd mothor both passed
uw'iiy several years ago.
In lR'-T. bo was united In mar
riagn with Myrllo llulln nnd flvo
children were born to them, Kills
passed on In l'JOO at tlm ngo M 12
years, 7bo ntherfour with the
'widow rum ii In to mdurn his loss. Ho
also lenvei a sister and brother Und
other neir relatives,.
;- -, i
' fianie in Vylblng
I.'. II, Pike says nn matter how
carefully you pick-apples off it tren
xthero's n flno ono nway up thpre
at. tbo top that you missed.. In Ufa,
It's about tbo name way.
on tho legal aspect of Its equal
rights campaign. Tho women law
ers constltuto tho lawyers council
of the woni'iu's party, which In
clude tibuiit one-tenth of nil regis
tered women mumlicra of the bar.
Tho council will have before It n
report of tho legal research depart
ment of the woman's parly, giving
thu first comprehensive survey of
tbo legal Htatus of women In I lit)
United Jttati'M ever made. It covers
tho law In regard lo married wo
men's rights, tbo guurdlniishlp of
children, marriage nnd divorce, the
light of married women to enter
professions, carry on business, re
tain their own nnmos and to make
contracts, ni well us tlm rlghtn of
women to bold political offlco and
to fiurv,, on Jurle.s In tbo states.
Another report to tho rouferenrn
will ikitl with labor lawn affecting
women workers. Tho delegates will
decide whether they will endorse
special labor legislation for wnmen
In Industry,
r'irt Year Class at High fkhool
Will lie Properly I'sliercil In
about 174,O0O,O0OcellB In them.
Lions and tigers aro too weak In
Tbo Sqltan of Turkoy U out of Nuns; power to'' run room than -half
wqrlc and sultan-Jobs aro acarco.' I a mllo;
Tho annual freshman reception
will ho given at the I. O. O. V, ball
Friday night, Nov. 17. Tbo follow
lug committees have been appointed
by Albert Moorland, student body
president, to seo that the freshmen
n ro properly ushered Into Klamath
county high schoel:
Kii'tertnlnmont, i.onlor class; re
freshments, Mildred Lewis, Miss
Ollvn Wilson, homo economics In
Etructor, Miriam W'ortluy and Helen
Caldwell; Initiation, l)ooa .Mills,
.ICuthryii Ulrich, Mlsu Margaret Hun-
taon, toucher. Jumns Manning, und
I'rof. Italph Nnsh; decoration, Clif
ford Hoguo, ilnnnlo Lucas, Julian
Acer. Nellie Klllntt nnd I Miss Alice
Thurston, teacher; eloijii-up, from
froslimen 'class, President l.oltoy
Monro, Janltor-lu-clilef,
An applo, an onion and a potato
tasto exuptly alike, according to
ono English sclontlst, H Is necos
sary to seo and smell thorn to do
tect tho', difference.
Cigari, Cigarettei,
Tobacco and Candtea
Soft Drinks Served
Alto Check Room for Parcelt and Hand
Baggage. Let tit care for your Packages
while you are at ths show
Open 7 a. m. to 12 p. m.
Ready to Serve. Phone G2G
Choice Fruits, All Kindt of
Nutt and Candies
Soft Drinks Served
Buy Your Fruits and Candiet After the Show
Open Evenings Until 10:30
Open Sundays
Always the Best
Phone 626
Broadway ax Stark
Portland, Ore.
through the combined efforts of a staff
who, after years of training, under
stand the needs of the traveling public.
Music, Dancing and the Best to Eat'
Arthur H. Meyers Manager