The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 11, 1922, Image 1

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    . ..mi. ..( si M Tt" .-t-f-r-.-f --py nnftjiTlftvgiVMWfd
Klhu'Mli enr. No, 1)17.1,
Political and Economic Changes
in All Nations as Result
of WorW War
War lull (tin Pnlli'il Malm beyond limM Imnccfurwiitil upon m tnurli
iiny iiii'Htiiiii I It criMilrm mul by
I till rll'lll'Kl nf nil World I'll WITH
Tlin ruin til hanker In llm mitliitiH
ltttn iiinriil rum I h London iiiiun-y
f filler In Hint of Now Wolk.
lulu liolllri'ti'iilit nil ntn deeply In
ili'lit tn Amerlci mul while rupny -
Ulciil In minm cnaen iimlnuhtcdly will
tin linn; deferred, llm (nri Hint tlii-m
nl)lli;iilliill'i exlit gives In till cuim
try mi nttlhnilty nui-h nit aim tmter
lii'tiiro pnjiao.acd.
It In tlin fit alt toll In Hurnpo In any lln' I'nlii'il lltalott iiIiiiik profited
hy llm I'lmrilit.
i II In Iriiit Hint aim fought tinsel,
llilily nml fin high tibials. In lining
mi, niiiliMililiMly she profile! iimr
nlly In other respicla Hint hut na
'Viry belligerent Inn!, aim hut In
limn I'lli.iurlitlly, by Juki lm
apctil, nil,, In . poorer. Tnicd r.(
iiiriiit rroapcniy is returning nui
diop depression raino flrat. Tim war
lift drain
Politically, nn In otcry country . luvo irtporlwjred II. tin country
which a uri l'i Hi Ktrlfp. pciro'in western Curnpn linn anything in
tirmiKlit lt.iiiiiit In Him I'hllfil Jilnh't I offer In ruiiip.irUon with wlmt Hit
Thn Wiliiin l(iii'rnlili t,iriinl. Iicin-1 tunny lias umlirconn
iifint inlcht liao rmiit mil nml r-1 it, at tl, m Hm lirnkf
l.iilillrinn niiiin In. in nny cin.-. 01U ,y n llip, (tniily tvltlrh
'"" " imrmnim inajnrliy hy lr-1 B,pr, ft, r,y oBiahllnlmil nn nny
nn. nf utili-h I'rraUlnnt llunllni; nj , ,vr,f ,, rmi.ilry In u i-Hi-iit
In Ihn whim Imuiit umniM- ,,,P ,y. oml Willi nm.ill .m.
Ilnnnhly .i ilim lo r.ititwi nrowlnn ' i.irt. ilngi.lm nomit rmnllnnarv mill-
nut nf
Ijiltlninl '
In i:.,i;l.iti I lint .-nlinliiU-trnltnii
In Hhli-h tint two lilK pnr-
it... iii....Hi .. .........ii... i..i.. 1 1
'" " "" ""I't.ll..-. jimiiimi
fnrri'i iinili-r Ihn liuiilrrulilp nf l'ri.
inliT Mnyil HrurKi'i tint hut Jur.t
i:nim iIomi.
Tlin otil parly cyatm.i of r.uvrru.
tnrnt han limn rfiuini'il. irlih u tun
ni'ivallvo, Amlrow Doner Law, at
llm Iu'lni nn prvliiU'r Tim nlluntWin
h iiiici-rtaln. hnnovrr TIiiti. imint
ho un rli'i'iinn mjoii mul .Hit outroum
U liupoiinlhli. to predict.
Ilrllaln'n utroaRth nml Mhlit rt
li.ricncii nn n trmllm: potter han
Moinl hi-r In t;o(til nUatl In rrcovrr
I in: from lmr vuiuiiirrrlul ilUorKuu
Itnlluii ilun In Hut trnr. n In toMlflrri
to rlmjiii'iitl) hy Hm tteuily nppriM'U
lion nf her money, now tint far bil
low purity with that of the I'nlteil
tllnlen, nml fir iiinive It In ciiinpar
Ison with ino.1t of Hm other rouu
trlcns nf Hm world.
Irel.tliil, In fulflllinoiil nf
pruiiilBcti, Ihouch mil wllhnul a pro
loiiroil perlml of Mrlfe. litis len
r.ruuleil virtual luilitpuiiileiiri. It li lit
Hm Hrlllnh empire.
WJilln It v.inilil mil he correit lo
My t ltia l Ktinl.itnl'n hnlil on her nter
m.ih pn?neHloui. like I'ntiuil.'i nml
Allitlr.'tlla. Imii hee:t lonxttiiiil. It In a '
fnrl Hint limy hliow n illnpiiHltliri l.i'
Braves in Bloodless Battle
Klamath Reservation Scene
Nut till rcnM"iiU uf Klninuth coun
ty uwaiteil with Interest outcome of
election Tuesday, nor was the
tnllglnuit nlrlfo limlerbllig lit leatl
line Htuiii Intiiin I lie only ono hearing
results Hint tiny. On llm Khiiunth '
tVndlau reservntlon, far Iroin etectlmt
polls, lint Oregon Shaker Indians
and llm Wanhlnr.ton Shaker Imllnim
chiHlied, nor did tiny rnltln their ilir
flciilllen Ihruugh lho rniupanitlvoly
pearoful medium uf llm ballot.
Scene One
'Kl.'iinnlh Indian retorvnllon. An
old hitllillni; uaeil ni a chinch by
Oregon faction uf thn Indian tlhalt-
ers. A largo uiiitilinr of wnrahlpeisj
rrnwiled Into thn small loruit .Murli
chanting nml rlnr.ln,; of hlft while
the iiHHcmhly tiilll'i iilotvli'lin'ouitili
lu it rlrrlo.
Scemt Tto
l.'ntoi' Ahnihum Cliarllo, ncwly-ajt-
pointed Indian pollcuiniiti, hnlioted In
he a mumher of WanhkiiKlt'ii h)h1K-,
ors. Ilu roiuonnlrnleH williivlilt hn
ties wiHi,
bnllnviiH lo bo hlu misguided kins
men, much lo llm I'hiigi'lu of till
present, In fact, llm Oingoii belltiv
tl h ii ro morn Ihnii rhngrlmtd; limy
ai'o penvod. And they expnmi Hmlr
fonllugn by ilopoHltliu; Hut unwel
eomi) giieat, none too gnutly, on the
lirimmt oulhldo llm church.
Scene Tlireo
Later, rosldeticn nf Jnhu .Tucksnii
Jnclison niiioui'fl hi (lio, jhioi'wi j
I'lilvfrnlfy M,rirr
EiiKcm., Oregon
SUe 3niett
f'Hlir toli-o lii imperial nffulra than
eter lii'timi.
In Knitim, nr elanwlmiit, llm wnr
lender, ( Clmneiiceiiu, In In
; retirement, nntl llnyinoiitl Poltirnrc.
' In llm n I'lnli-r'n i linlr, In tllrccllnii
I tint enuntry'n rchnhllllntliitl.
Tim ilmiilnaiil thuui'.lit of tho Gnl
llr itiliiiliilatrtitliiii, ntnr klnru Hut In
tmlir wiitj ilrlrn i Irnin Pronrli mill.
IiiirJh-iiII collection (it tlin sum x
acted, nn reparations, from Germany
I'rniii-it. Hm mail rttornly sttlcknn
liy iirtiiiil wnr of nny of Hip great
powers Inviihitil In llm conflict
inikeil either oiiniinotis rnsoiurcn
if Hm Culted fttnlns nr Hip huge
I'ninnii'rrn uf the llrlCnli to fnrllllnti
her rotum toward prosperity. Con
sidering Hm cutmit nf linr losses,
,iiw'vit. uliu linn made miiinrknbli
For pitllt tin t rlmnr,". though nil
IitIiik. t n rrtiirn In nnyllilni: llkr
tint nhl Ryntom, In s.iy notlilnn if Ihn
fnllrii royal linunn.
I'lnnurl.illy Hm nllunllon ln.noi u
...,., .,,,.. , , n.lrn, I . ... 1 .1 .... t
Chert nml Cli.itirellor U'lrth talk
plainly uf niiltaunl h.inkritptry urn
letin tin. nlllml tepnr.'illuun irriun nn
malerlntly mmlllleil
In Hm matter of re-ettntilltlilnt;
Iht .Inilustrlon Hm rnpuhllr hai rur
prlacil the worlil, nlilnui;li her pro.
iluurllim iliarly fulls Nhort. perlmp
hy ti it I r nr more, of llm oluttut II
win I'l'llevrtl hu wus nhbut lo at
tain. Italy
Hilly has ti j il turbulent political
romlltlonn to ileal with ever allien
tint wnr euileil.
Tim penptit were Isfluil with
tho iiwartl liuitlu to their
riiitnlry by tlin pmco (otifiirencn
Them wait, for it tlini1. iimrli com
tuuiilaile Hoiiilnif nt ihruiiKhoiit llm
kliiRilnm. ThM llm patriotic urcnii
liatlon known an llm 1'jtclKtl wm
furuieil to
I'leiulnr Orlamlo, who wan In of
Mm when tln wnr unilril, wan ilrlten
mil hy popular outcry unalimt Ihn
lerinn he watt furceil to accept ill
j Vernal I Int. I'rntnler Facta. Ichh than
a month nr.ii. hail In retlf.n In Hie
(Ciiiillnneil nn l'ai;e I)
t.lih a rifle lalaed nml ready
Inn liie.t.i. He lakes aim nl llm per
miu of one Indlatt pullcemiiii who
hat come In iiiivM Jnchsun for his
nller.ed pari In eject liu; Abraham
Charlie. Inillnn pnllcetnatt retire:!.
Sienn I'mir
Klamath I'allt. Tim warring fac
tions, hating failed lit nettle their
difficulties by Hie imiro primitive
niethiiilM, hat n resurled In Ihn cuiirls
uf their while brothers. Willi Ihn
aid nf ngeiicy officials .Inckson has
In nil lukiin Into custndy. Hit Ik to
be arraigned before V. S. ('ommlH
sinner Hurt ('. Tliomni charged with
misinilt with n dendly weapon with
Intent lo I'lro Hamu at nn Imllnti of
ficer In performiinco of duly. In
dlaoa f i oin both fictluiiii i resent In
hngii iiiiiiiIku's. InteriMt ut high
1 Klamtith Falls. Dhcnvury mndn
!''. .Fred llalier, neenry ,upnrlutem.
cut, liu,.Twckiioii hat been urresln.l
without u tvarriint. Citto dlHiiilssed'
Coniliisloii '
Klaimitli Agency. ' Oregon and
Washington Shakers returned to
their (cpc'H, Arraniioineiitrt mailn
hy llm WiiHliliiglon's In hate Jtirkson
held on an assault charge, to
rnimi heforo Justlcn Snniilc nt Chlln
(lulu, Feiillng riinii hlRli, PiisHlbll
llles itxcnlluiit for lienp '.tit: doings.
-,. t'li In coniiuucii)
to tho ufi4roooou clvon bolowl
Cewuiiinf: Qonernl
Ettflbor C07 aoc. 0.3, PKIIOD AmUtloo with Oereany
riiHIOU All hootllltlou oonoo ut laftn houra thio
nlovonth lnotont PJIRIOD Inntructlons contains In
two four noTon 3oo 0 3 thJ UoilPrttrii nrlll b
I'SRIOD AotaowloflRO ruoolbt PaniD
-mm i;
tot Chlof
'llii i i ii.iiirrjrh I'tnuil'K
Hun nf Hi " .i-1 fun v. uuV i
naiieil liy Ann rtrim In l
juirtir. In tin !'.( , Sli'.i li i.ijk
at tin flKlilmi; from In l-'raei-' '
an iinuln'lri' I'.i.l hecn I'ltn-'il In
llm WorM War.
'I'll i) iiriler. in will be nr -n, wd
nildrnmil in llm I'lrsi. TJilrd nod
I'lflh I'nlteil State army corps und
lo I lie Heionil Colonial of I'ranrf
rrmn Urn roiiy reproiliiP"J, tlr
.ll I'M-clnrlN Willi I'xiepllnit nf
WimmI Itlter In; IliiiltH j
Itcinalii I'liiliaiigiil
Itrtliils In all Khmnlh rounty
pn duct, with llm esioptlon of
Wood lllter. which hm! been re- Thl' l'fldetil. nccompanlnl by uch a thins as Indian music. That SACRAMENTO. Nov. 11. Flfty
celtnJ only by telephone, wcro com-' K,'rr;,J'k.j Weeks and l)nby. 'thero is wucli it thing as poctrr or 0no organizations reprcscntlns; op-
Piled jesterday by the county clerk. 1
Tho official figures, with tl.o unof-
flclnl Wood River figures added. 1
R: I
Circuit .lltlll
I.earltl 1314, Groesbovk
ONolll yj9.
Slnte llepiesenlaHte
Etnll 'JOSO, Dritdhiiry M57. llur-
dlck 12C."i. Otertttrf 1077. Card 709.
Sinttntt S077, (,'rahnm 711.
Miiln TiritMiier
ttoff',1. Tun Velio 915.
Olctttl 'JOir.. Pierce 1211!.
-Supl. I'ulille I in (Inn
Churchill l!0t; I. Hi urge "OK.
Labor ('itiiiuiNslunei
Cr,ul 172,'l, K.tusetl I'. '.'I.
I'ulille Sertlrit ('iiiiiiiillnuer
C.unphell H'tMi. Hrlil.inn tlv
(Continued on Page li
Member of th Ansociated Press
' V
Cease Firing!
3. 8r. Cfrbi it f)rWrtWliTit iii
Air Sorvioo '
of Utsff Dopotaonts
!.Ii I'. Urn Prt nn. Kf
,in ami tn Hie t'oI-ttilaN
hm I fur relay of Hie up' r
! 'I lunl ' rpi
'I In r l.i til ii-legram co..t , n .,
llm i.,i-r In nasn firing on l'n
stroke of I 1 (ill Hlu hlMorlr ' 't
It, 1'J IS, was hrouglit hark to t.
fnlttnl fltules hy William More), a
ifli srnph. operator at first ni'mli-
tl to Company II, 319 Held KIkii il
llatiallon, whlrh becniuu tti- l'ir'
IIMNOH I Mi.NOWN .Slll.llll.'lt
" " I'1',M h""" Mur "
Arlington Cemetery, thai a
) ai.'i heramn new shrlim
m American Ideals. Un r
h!o.votuei today tl wealth uf
flowers laid rnvrrently to com-
j memoratu tho first miniver-
ary of the Iitiaie-eomlnK'Ttr
Amerlea s "I'liknowu Soldier."
'"aa" " "" ""-' ,
T ""'" " """ "'"" . . . ','" ''"' " "" wr
j MUiXUK KULL I'UPILb esentlal feature of Indian life. In j prosecution as a result of ineir raii
1007.' I tho hist 30 years It has becomo j ure to file a statement of campaign
utMiii iietnni .mum ny riipiis ut
i i
intei- .Sunn i.iki. ,k IkmiI
' ' '
(Special to tho Herald) i
The following pupils were on the.
honor roll at school during ifco lust !
: menth: Anna Stiles, (1 onion Robin,
lv.i Miles, Von a Arnott. Paul Ar
licit, Lester Itoliln, Norma Stiles,
EluU Itoblti, Or.t Arnctt. Zelma
Stllos. Vernon Thomas. Isa luro Rob--
In. Ilufnrd Robin and Leln Thomas.
'I he phiinngr i,'!i and I t ' '.all out
fit purt ImmmI by U.e aeho il are being
cijott.l by tii.' pupil.
Mrralii II, Ilili
nth, 1918.
ho basn Blgnel
flato th
tlojraai aatr .
ooaplUfl with
r -CK L
A f' f ,1-
. .Kiinl Corpn on nrrlvinK In Kranm,
an.l Ijiur iraiiaferr"d to ComiKiny
After relurnliig to this country'-". " nowhere In Washington is
,, , ,, ,. .., I there found a record of tho women
Morry resumnd his old position ' ' .
1 who died except army nurses an
wtlh Hm Wusirrn I'nlon Tolegraph , , wo con,pc(j t. declared Miss
company, In Dayton, O. Ho died a i Helen C. Couftenny. originator of
joar ago nnd tho coa.iu rirlng or-
dor und other mcaiagea of his
toric value were found among his
San;; uf .11 Xortli Aniei lean TrllK-t
Itt'M-ueil I'ioiii (llilltloti liy
Thin lmr I.leuraure
I Tntl:e wVlto mail generally it U
a matter of aurprlso that thero Is
music behind tho Indian's imper-
wonder and Incredulity.
Hut music Is an Important and
known that music enters moro In-
tlmately Into Indian life than It
fliuitf In fit Kin Itfi tt niita tL'liIln
In Indian life muilc Is not scp-
arateil as an art from ordinary
I'i'rmnce. but is a matter of dally.
homely ttso nml necessity.
Tho Indian has a song for every
thing his gods, his friends, his
cuemlci, tho animals ho hunts, tho
maiden ho woo, tho forest sighing
lho wn,s tIl0 iako th.,t glistens
before blin. Prayers aro couched
In noiiK. nnd every ceremony, pub-
(Continued un Page 1)
Names of 161 Women Who Gave
Lives in World War Made
Public for First Time
CHICAOO, Nov 11 (Hy tho An-Roclali-d
I'rcnnl Ono hundred and
nlxty-om; names of "Kold iitar worn
n" American Klrln who Karo their
llvcti In the world war aro found
I on tlin Hat math: public today by the
Women's Ocurscas Service league,
compiled an a feature to Armlntlcc
Oay. .Moat of thom real under
French soil, nomo In far-off Si
beria, Armenia, China and .Manila,
and other In Kncland,
I'lalin for n perpetual testimonial
to tho former aorvlco women of the
American expeditionary forces were
announced in connection with tho
Hat. which will be prcacntcd at the
league's convention hero In June,
next year, Chicago headquarters of
the league said In the announce
ment. Tablet lo Mule
"There In a har.dnomo brome tob
let In thn army nnd navy building In
Washington, memorializing the
mules nnd horses who died In thn
,ho memorial movement.
Jano A. Delano, beloved head or
I the Hoi Cross nursing service, who
died at Savcnay, April IS, ID 19;
.Marlon Crandcll, Y. M. C. A. can
Icencr killed hy a German shell at
C'lialons-sur-Marnc, March 2C, 1917;
Winona C. Martin, killed In a Paris
hospital by a bomb from a Herman
air raider and lluth Uindon, by a
shell In St. (iervals church, In
Paris; tho Cromwell sisters, Dor-
FJlur to Kile Statement of Cn
tuilirn (Jittsuea Cbswipl - '
j poncn,8 and proponcn,g 0f rarlous
on b h . t
h0 rcccnt Kcneral eIllon' ce
expenses five days prior to election.
according to Information made pub
j llc ThuMdIiy at tho offlco ot Sccr0,
lar' ot s,ale Frank C JorJan- Jor'
ex-'dan intimated that steps would bo
taken at once to have tho offenders
Tho law provides than any per
son, firm, association or group ot
persons collecting more than $1,000
for tho purpose, ot campaigning tor
or against any measure must fllo a
statement tlvo days after election
and another within twenty days af
ter election. Violation Is punish
able, by flno of 11,000, one-halt of
which goes to tho porson swearing
From the A. E. F.
iiy iiEHTON inuia-:v
Once on a time we marched gaily away from you, -
Sailed overseas to the fields that were red,
Fought in the trenches and waited for pay from you;
Starved for you, froze for you, suffered and bled.
Some of us stayed there, and under the clover now
Sleep after deeds that were brave and sublime,
Do not forget, though the slaughter is over now,
We went through hell for you, once on a time!
True, all wo fought for has not yet been realized,
"Statesmen and diplomates" plotted and schemed,
Scoffing at hopes that they thought were "Idealized"
Fools who could not understand what we dreamed;
Still, though the "leaders of thought' 'proved perfidloui
Dragging our visions through muck and through
We freed mankind from a menace more hideous,
We saved the world for you, once on a time I
Four years have gone since the cannon ceased ham'
Four years have passed since the conflict was won,
Aye, and in spite of all cynical clamoring,
It was a task that was splendidly done; ' ,.
Peace, is about us, the peace that we bought for you,'
Bought with the splendor of youth in its prime,
Let not your memory lose what we wrought for you,T
We won a war for you once on a time!
prick nvii
othca and Clladys of New York, wk,
came to a tragic end t se Jan. It,
1919 as they wcro about to Mt Mil
for home, and two other ilttatt,'
Viola and Ruth Lundbolra ot Pats.
luma, Calif., both army nunrt, wka,
died within six days of ssch otbar'la'
October 1917, In different hMpltata
In France, are' among the outtUatf
Ing names.
Ilnriel In HlberU
Nettle Grace Mctlrlde and Edith
Harnett aro burled In Tumem aid'
Tomhsk Siberia, and Edith Wlaeha
ter in Erlvan, Armenia. Their kosia
addresses and thoso ot Nina LoulM,
Seymouur, who died In Toll,
France, and Alice A. Ireland, tl
baio hospital No. 101, and Interna
Hon of other women who died' la .!'
scrvlco Is being sought by Mlaa IrM
Glvcnwilson, curator of the Ameri
can Red Cross museum In Waaktat
ton, chairman ot the memorial
mitteo. r
Following Is the lilt ot OretrM
and California "gold star woatea."
Cities named are those tlvta .M
emergency addresses when the wa
nton sailed for France.
California . .
San Francisco Thelma EltfeMt,
Nelllo 0. Oalllher. , . ,
Hollywood Pauline H. T1M',r
Mary Agnes Moore.
Pctaluma Viola E. Lundhola',
Ruth W. Lundholm. ' t
Fort Jones Maud Evans. :
Altavllle Ellxabeth F. Vf."" ' !
Dos I'alos Ida Henrietta Yiet-
mclcr. I
Oregon ' ' i
Hllliboro Ima L. Led ford, r
out the complaint and the othT(
half to the county fa wktck Ut at
tlon Is brought. ' ?
A moor th---tsMasaeaaai
ready filed Is that of tba atat '
palm committee tor the wattr. atvl
power act, showing a total ef Jill,'
77.84 spent In the eaattMlfn-
which tho act wai defeated. Tie
largest single Contributor vaa Ri
dolph Sprecklea, San PraaeajM
banker and capitalist, who aara
$SS.711.S8. Former Senator W.
Kent contributed 5,O0O, and Ckia."
R. Crane, capitalist ot New YafcV
another $5,000. Smaller aaioaata
wore contributed by a nataiar at
other persona.
PORTLAND, Not. 11. AiaikHka
Day here was marked by tha indi
cation of the Roosevelt tUtaa. Tha
coromonles Including a parada ay
school children in the morataf aal
a military parade In tha afttttaM.
wllh unveiling ceremonial,' r