The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 10, 1922, Image 1

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I'nlvcmlfy Library
KiiKi'iii't Oregon
Coin 1 1
Sty? Evening Mentis
I'lfttintlt inn, Vn. 1117 1,
nnrnnii imiinr
unnbun nuuai
La 'cat Retuinn Indicate
E ction of J. M. EzoltVto
State Lcjjifilnturo
Klamath county 011m morn will
have tcprwtitatlon In tint Mutn
icKimaiurn, iiceoniinr; u inlivil ro-
. 'df.
II. .M
which slndlseUe tin. election
or J. M KMI.
Kcltirim from III I nf Hid 120
preclncta In Klninnl '. Dnsrhiitp-i,
Jefferson, l.nlit mill Crook rniin
llin. uiitprlnrd In tlm 21st p'pre
ncntiitltii illntrtct, nlvo ll'n follow
In: tutu:
D.'tiion iiiinllck (It) 32 iy
J. M. KM (II) ::i7!i
II. J Oterlurf (II) 2fiSI
. Harry (liitil (It) :ft
It K. Ilrnillmry (It) 23 is
I'.irmn ion ,,u
Ktell In n farmer with 400 acrci
on Iho Merrill mad four miles from
thin (II). Ho rain n Ihtii In
tlenllM 'll(liiilll) i l-i'll mi
MliMe of Aluciltmi Indian-
llltlmj lli'tiinti i in Huiii;
'l'ln limit it ii Ifjm- f.i'iin, n i,ii,j
Aiiit-i It m inlcIii.iN 1-nlii) n Tluir
I .v Mciiramn. Ilo in I hi' great, il
niitlinrlly Hint Imu yi t nrlren mi I In
imihlr of tlm American Indian
W lint tlm nrtliitii wltli briinli n-id
wltli wnrtln liuto ilium in record the
llfo, tlm lilniory mill Him rlinrnrli-r-Irllrn
of our filinrli'liic, Mmiranro
liil'i tluiiu In tin' fur nrcnlnr lillil
iiiorn delicate ervlro of c.itrli In K
iinil pri'ncrtlug llio muiEii. .id,
iilinl iiml willful, i.f a dylr k rn'o.
Mnliln ImxtliiK lliitmi'
In Mill In linen Hip luxlng honor
of Imv nit done tvlnt no mithrnpoio
I lllil ullli all tiln tearing and re
iioarch Intn Dm litra nml Imblls nf
j tlio Indian, rmilil ilo. Mn lim pro-
iirvml through their nonim a record
of Hip ut tnot (hnughlj of (tin soul
of n ram mIiiimi routing Is ii tiiystor)
nnil whose panning to olilhlnn Is al
AinuiK iiout 20 rltlrs on llio
IVirl'.r .(mil, Klu ninth Pall la to
linvo tho crnt opportunity of luiar
1'ig Mi I.Kurutno In a priiKroin of
1 0111111 I
Member of the Associated Press
KLAMATH IMI,l,H,Olti;flO,V, ritlD.U, MM I Mlll.C , hki-J
lr titration or Mum ullim llllil ,
I'llril In Hiiiiiiinr ('unit: Would
li' IImim-Ii'iIiI ItluliU
Election Notes
Control of House Held By
Small Margin; Many are
Swept From Office
! li
p ti-
t liirllnn imiLln ni !. Hit,. ,. u
lOO'J "-" ni- i iiii iitm lllPa
from N..v,,U W,. . Rra4ualr.t 7 "" w"p! ?' "r,"n,nR- ""tor
In law at tl... l-nhrmlty f .SV. '? "" rp wl ' ,''" i'Irn"""' '
v...Ia. Ilo na. mimium ,,, ,,, Ne. J tTy an," """"' """
..,,. , , , , . . . ... n"1 r"nk" "" l" """ I'-aiillful
nil.. Ir but 1.1. hcltl, 1,rv,uu..l amI tntOMble ,, 1(orfaMmuir(!
hid practlrlnK. on.J liortly ..flrr lm ,P, rMm ,..
riim to tUH rounty with liln
'r. .1. K. nml I' In l.rnllii'r
i.Mi. Iln In .IS. iiiarrlt'il
two rhllilriMi.
mill ti.ii
KMI n.-)s 'tin Imn no priinr.iiii
t'lwn-ris Allrml CiimiS
Tlm roncnria of fnillan nluoir git-
ii liy Mr. Mmir.inn. nnil liln wlfo
liato rroatml l)n- nun Inti-nin itj-
lorit .iml i-nttiiiMriMii nml nttrarlnl
to follnwr in tlm lnchlAttir,. .nCOpt , lar:f r rrowd. Hmn nii)llilim on tlio
tivliicllnii of f.itf'n or n rlmtiRi) in j cmirrt ntacn tliroiiclioiit Ihoia.t
Ibo miutnnr of iMyniciitn A f.iriu- j ' l n innlt.r In rrrr-t that sir
rr fftllJflK In pi lili him pintrtpt I I'l'UM""' an rl ily nno roa-
Iy. ho ..ilil in ili.frt to lioidliiK. r"f "I Kl.uii-ili I'.ill. II,. woulil
tllln rlty
nnu lmull lju rmMlfJ. KMI a " ""T"""' WiiiiiiH) In uvn to
wllllnf Tfl' InlMT Tin. wUl.on o7 thfT " """ "" P'Tlormancr.
county nloiij; any otlmr lino. ! . ,
.MriTjmnn I.nnt,c 3 UP, BOOZE CHARGE
Till IftRt Klntnntli rntirfiiAniMtii . ' '
wa, l)r (I II M.rrnnnn. wl.o.eri.:,,MI",M"rJ,,,U
oil In 1 9 1 S iiii.i i!itii w ii u Cn'irt
---- .. ,. .ii.iiin
In iliji'rt to piH.illloB r"rl
nnd Intrrmt ttal(Mj7 per riml. ' ,'RJ''). "" "if Inmv fir
Thin. In lii'lfiAVn, torifoni uu imtiry 'KJ ,v-r Hu. pojiln of
mm .iuiui.1 iju riu'illi-J. KMI Uj
wininf -frf Univ n.i."i?1Ti.; 'o77fir
iicrwul In 1913 ami 19IG.
Kioll nalil l(. wa.i hljsltly ,ltlprP.
rlatlvr of tlm ntipport Klvcn hint In li rounty votcrn.
Mm. M,uj hmlili I.iI.hihmI I His In
I'biuoutli Home nt Am- of lit
1'I.V.MOfTM. .Mann. Nov 10 -
.Mm Mary .Smith l.nrl.wooil. fiiitml
or of tin. n.uiclilirn of tin. Amur
Iran Itmnliillnti. ,,., ,r y,.,(cr.
"lay. nuo.1 91.
Mm. .Mary N. I.oclfwoml, "I.ltiUi
Mother In tlm DmiKhtiTM of tlm
Ainorlran ftovnlutloii." wan tlm last
Mirvhor nf tlm llttlo croup nf is
womi'ii patriotic whn orKnnlrnl tha'
limly innro than llti yearn iiKn; nml
ili'Milto lur nearly full rrntury of
)'ani, Aim wa mm of tin, moil
ticllvo ini'inlii'iH of tlm .orjinnljta
Him nlimmt up to tlm Hum of her
lant lllni'M.
Mnry Ldcknnml wan Imrn l
Chautauiiua, .V. V. -isn, n
IniiKlilnr of tlm rauioiiH .Smith
fnmlly, fnumiern of Hmlth rollccu. '
llor mii'etiiiir. wire warriors. Ili.r
lr'iit-Kininifalliir wn a itnvolu
tlonary ol.ller; lur uraiiilfatlicr
lOMt IllH llfo ,0 ,,,t0 ( ,nck
Kocle. In which lmr fathur Ni,
roitRht. nmj her himlmnil, Henry
Lockwonil, wa.n i, hi)ir ,io
Civil war. It wbh to accompany
him on pait of IiIh way to the
front that hn went to ungliini;
ton. whom n,u VOil for ,h ru
innlmler of her life. .
r i.' ,'
' " . ),-.., .
rho ryclo..StoniKii;i.iph nud'ufe,-.
, wooiii i vu rni (try
iiiiowh n,:,i ijn
unto I'oho Hteaillly
nnil rapidly fnim
o clock liuU
iVlllllllK until iTol
thlM murnliiK. A.
IhoiiKh Hkle.i are
l 111 IhieateuliiK
thin iIhii youhl In.
illcato elimtlllK
woatlinr tonlKlit.
rotocimt fur next
Will fine I'lilenil
nl I'oillaii.l
WAHIII.VIJTON, :.-ov 10 On the
faro of rumplrto but un fflelnl re-
turim, llin rxort llnui liy parties
In tho Cth ronsrom will U
is mocrm
Itrpilhllcan .. . .
ItnpUblliiin r.niiultle. which brnlto
wllh llin fl"it mlurUB Tumnlay. da.
f.ntlnij Uorcrnor Miller nml ilnnnlor
I nliliT. cf New Vork, roatlnui-J with I.Mvnml frn tmlny an r
turn, ilrlhbleil in Tltny totil of fur-
tlir-r Itepublli.a:i looses In the M'tt.itn
ami hnuip anil Rovrrnnrs nnil iitMo
liRlslalors, nllliouBh tha belatml con-rin-Mloinl
trsulU wire .oinnwlint
itmrr rahlu to the lloiiubllran
Mlrtilijnn Hi mis liworrat
Amnnn tho nr!'! .una Itopulillrnn
Malunrli who ui .1 i.iiwii to ilefmi
ilrdnltelj toduy on nililUb tint n
lura., wiro Senanrn, K'Uokk of lin
lunula, beat en by Ur llailrH. Ship-
trail, rarnier-Lalmrtlr. rirtii)r I
rtulb'-rlan I of Wont Virfjlnln, nml j
piinlnr Tinnm-ml of MlrhlRan, thel
latter lunhfj lc former liiiternor (
Wo-nlbrldco N. IS-rrln. tlm f.riii
Demorratlr n tutor in b. elected '
from Mlchlpan for ieonty i'irM Al
no iMI'illely defrntiU by Senator '
Uiiudrlk, UiMuocrjt, was ItLiireiyi
tatlvn Motidnll nf W'yonillin. Itepub
llcau floor leader, who aspired to
ttiu renulu.
I M.H VOUK, Nov 10.--A il
1 i
iillini nf maiciilli't rlKbtn flH
nay la i.t,pnine i art. with a
Hon Hint II be approved ni the tmr
tin rhnrtn of tlm Amoclatloi
Urollerii I'nder thu Skins.
I Thu proponed Incorporator, r.'m-
thrcn New Vork mmi, who pave an
uptown nddre.. nn'iuiirturn of
tho tMU'trlatlon. Ilasotl un the pro- I
po.ltlun that "all mon are entltlnl
to wear tho tremors In thulr (!)
liouioholdli," thu bill Iccllldnd tho
following. v
"To protnrt the hunb.ind from the
;h r'orm.mrn of a'iy and nil boaim
hold dutlen, and nanuro III in homc
ro .jnd mcuto. preparod by thowlfu.
"To prevent visits from iniibcr-
' HAI.KM. Nov. 10 Oovcrnor Ol.
colt wired congratulations to Oov
i iTnor-olect I'lerce.
j ' I'lensi) nrcopt my congratulations
upon yrur very decisive victory," bin
ini'Kuncn reads "If thero is any way
Newly-Incorporated Munic-1 ' xnv n"ll,t '011 '" ynVT now duties
comtnanu mn Oregon means moro
than the personal fortunes of any
rran or ret of men nnd It Is my hope
that under your aJmlnlstnrtlon sih
may grow nnd prosper."
ipality Elects Officers
At Tuesday Election
In-law., exiept on written pernnin
Bit; nod by offlerr. of tlm ansoclat.ui,
aald permits not In be Issued on .Sun
day a nnd holidays.
To prevent referenco by the wid
to faults t-r deficiencies nf the bus
baud. "To iMcInp cat n mnn method t r
thu discipline if Jealous, singeing ur
unruly wives.
"To establish thu huihand's right
to illrtoi'j Hip length nf bis wife a
bnlr and ilrinne.."
Tho Inroritnratoil city of Malln
now has u mayor, aldermen and
other city officers, and Is tho only
town In tho county, nsldc from
Klnmuth Tiills. to havo (hut dis
tinction. At tho nlertlon Tuesday the fol
lowing wcr elected:
-Mu or. .A. Kullnn.
Ilijcordcr, Jphn II. Itcbcr.
Marfhul, Jame I,. Worlow.
Treasurer, llert 11. Albert.
Aldermen, Jonoph Vlctorln, John
W. 1,. Smith, Mrs. Annie Worlow,
Trunk Ottoman, Frank Vos. nnd
Arthur MrKocn.
Kum Vole In City Kleitlon Known;
To CiMiiplcle Work TiMlny
All-Mum nml lllgli
I'lii), Unlit or Hill
Seiiixil , Will
nn i
Official return In tho election
of city officers, nn compiled today
by Comity Clerk Del-ip, aldal by
Miss Vcrn Houston, deputy clerk,
W. A. Dolzoll and W. S. Slough,
aru at follews:
WIIon . S.ri7. Wiley 781. White
197, Senile 171.
.Sdlui JiiiIkp
Cagbagcn SS9, Fischer
Oporgo Turner, I'hll Morrow ami
i Tom O'llrieii. lumberjacks. Thura
j day Hero brought before l S Com
I iniwit iir llert V Thomin ilmrged
with rot-iesgin,;, transporting nml
Intrntliickig ll(tior on tlm Klamath
hull in roiertation. They were nr
reiteil Nttember 3 while driving n
Ford rar from Furl Klamath to the
age'iry The nir and tbrpe tiuartH
nf liioiinshlno were touflitratel bv
nseiiry idflrlaln
The three Minified their liiienii.iii
nr pleading guilty nml will be tent tn
I'ortlnnd upon tbe arrival nf a Full
eil Platen in.irilml. pentllm; wbtse ar limy ari being bidd In the local
JmiI. None wan ubte tn nlvo ball
IIKI.FAST. " Nov. 10. Krsklno
Cbllders. on of th Kamou DoVal
era's chief llviitenauta In tho re
publican mntement, was captured
along with nnnther prominent re
luibllcnus by free statu forces ai
wickiow enriy today. it g re
ported DoValora nlso was in tho
linusu wrcro the rapture effected
but evaded urreil.
.MAItKiri' I'.Kl'tlUT
FOHTI.ANI), Nov. 10. Llu-Mi cl.
eggs nml butter steady.
Italn or fhiuo. snow. sMet
iiail. 'i , Klamath All-Sludj will j Urandenburg 318.
ball li 'fn high uchool gftdlrbn "Hy Tn
warrlor'ijon Modoc field tomorrow
afternoon. ,j ', .
I oothull fans are promised t lie
bet ganto of tho season. Tho city
team lias been welded tORethcr Into
one of tho strongest aggregations
eter swn here, acrurdlni; to tho
management, and will glvo the
high school some nnxlotu moments.
A number of former high school
and college stars Lavo been round-
fd up. Football suits wcro found
nnd practice was held nightly.
Iteportn nro that .tho high school
plaers havo been letting down
a bit during tho pact week or
two, not practicing nnd breaking
training. Whether this will hao
nny effect on llio outcome will tie
kniivii tomorrow nflenioun City
plityern, however, say they aro
going after tlm students from tho
first whistle.
Calkins 1,068, Moiuyer 81C.
Cofo.'fffTfColTunlSS- ' '
Hawkins 25, Duke 127.
Covert lio. Heifer S7. Volmer
It Is r-Miocted that thu entire
county will be completed lato to
day, when tho exact results of tho
election in this county will bo
1 1 f(ti:i, mini's ufaii
r.a' cm' Knn.. Nov. 10
i ' ' M. Farland s'Jccennful anplr
at for tl o office of clerk of thfl
Wyandotto county district court,
d'ed of heart 'fnlluro Just as returns
dpfln'lely Indicated h's election,
I i.FIt lAII.KH IV rit.WI)
I ANSA 5 CITY, Nov. 10. Tom
I.awler. democratic ward politician,
arrested here yeiterday on a charge
of conspiracy to vlolato tho federal
o'ctlon laws, wns released on IG00O
bond when arraigned lato today be
fore a t'nltcd Stntes commissioner.
His preliminary hearing was set for
Three other defendants who made
sworn statements, according to tho
police, that they were instructed
how to vote nnd under what names
to vote nt I.awler's cigar store, fail
ed to furnish bond and were sent to
Transportation ShorUkfA
Comes At Start f '
Business Revival
MARION', Ohio.. Nov. 10. Mar
lon county, homo of l'resldent Hard
ing, was carried by Donahey, demo
crat, for governor, according to com
plete returns. The voto was:
Thompson, republican, 78t7: Dona
hey, democrat, 7924. Fess, repub
lican, carried It for senator, receiv
ing S060 rotes to 70S6 for Pome-rone.
YAKIMA. Wash.. Nov. 10. I.ce
fTftlBTrTobntly fferoated fcr tmrRe
I publican nomination for IT. S. sena
tor, ended his life In his hotel room
hero somo time this forenoon by tak
ing poison, according to Coroner W,
M. Drown. Tittle has been despon
dent slncu his failure to win the
NKW YOniC CITY, Not. 10, ,
(lovcrnment regulation Is alntii
holly responsible for tha declifft
of railroad development and ultt,
ing shortage of transporUIlM)
Charlcn II, Markham, prea'daffM'
tho Illinois Central railroad," titt.
members of tho railway builBM.'isV'
soc'atlon at the annual dinner itM
last night. ' , ,
For ten years before tha war114
said, unwlso regulation kept dtflri
tho rates and reduced the net rattr.
cf tha railroads, althouth waist,
prices and returns earned la o'dir
lines of business were Increasing 's
"Tho outstanding fact rtgafiUf
the present of traniportii
lion Is that It has been mat ai'tle
very beginning of . period ot !
ncss rcvlval,"he said.
Situation I'nprecedr.teil
"In this respect It creates . sltsi-
tlon unprecedented In qur nlito'rr7
a situation which should cause ajar1
farmer and business man, ''fti).
railway regulating official, I'etorJi
public man, every wage Worker,. .la
rauje and reflect seriously." vV
"In past periods of builntM fa,
rival tho Increase in freight buasajsta
has gone on until It has reaesa-'.
point 25 to ISO percent' h!gber,twa
crer before. We may well aakve(
selves whether, with the ratinsas
finding It difficult to araMl','tfcf
freight record of 19J0, thay, etS
expected within . few Malts
years to handle such an lacraSS.ta
tonnage as past experience .ass.W
, i
-00 I'Kltl.sll OX Sllll'
CHICAGO, Nov. 10. Vcts scored
big gains In Tuesday's voting.
Illinois, la a referendum on tho
SHANGHAI, Nov. 10. Two hun-l restoration of beer and light wines,
drctl persons aru reported to havo ' not D" a majority estimated to ex-
perlshetl in a flro on tho river boat
Taslilag which was carrying passen
gers and produco betweon Shanghai
nnd ThutiK Ming Island, off the
mouth of the YnngtMo rlter. The
steamer wna beached nt Whang I'oo. Shanghai.
I .-.,0110,11(111 Chinook Salmon
Are nt Itlmunllmu
Tr ' aft
YIIKKA. Nov. 10 Tbe bal.her.
ul Klaiiiatlmu at the ml or 1m unk '
had taken moie than I '..oimi.oiio
Chinook salmon eggn fnr the naktui
If favorable weather conditions e..,i
llnue, officers of tho department nt
flsli rulluii. nay will bo poulble t..
liu-i i :im the total m more than 20,
oou.oon nlihln tlm next few ii,,).,
Hum uliailerliig all prnvlnim lerords '
nn tho Klamath rlter. ' '
It ban iilsn been Hated that the ,
salmci mn has Indented between
10 and Mi pen cut tlnrlai; tho past
two jrars, which Is tlim In tho work
doiio by thii (InIi and game commls .
slnn In Mocking Dm Ktream with
j.nting fhii from tlm mate haiclieites,
..!. II.-in"! Slinliin Hcartl In I'ltlbi
ililplilu! Itetcltcil Hero t
21, beurn: h brisk wlnda which will
Tho Tycns recurdlng tluiniinmeter
rixlHtored maximum mid inlnliuuni
lomiiuratuni today, ns rollews:
High 41)
l.'iw .
Uaiuvni an far east an I'hlhidot
I'J'la liljipeil gaily to tho strains nf
miiiuV'tiirtilhlmd by tlm l.os Austilea
iTrl it. 'bTin'if . I ?ati ini) 1 1 rAl by ladlo from
tho l.tu, Aufioloa Times broadcasting
Tlm band music was received
clcaily ut Klamath Falls, hath by
F. M. Lucas" Htatlon In hit old Mom
mnt tn tlm postofflco mid ut tlm
llorald million,
Another band danco la liclmtliilod
by thn Tltiuis tonight nt 8-30 and
inillo faiiH and other luterestod per.
Bona will bo welcome at both llio
I flea I MntlmtH,
puiir i
$M Fottgicrn mo Local Ngws. I
W r!Tcl ', r- f&) I
8S&M AFLAS . Vpc ) ) -Too HCAvjy, I
M v;- ', Mt0 ''iffSip'M
iiH L JZ m T
rfJ xt a.
cced S00, 000. Several wet con
gressmen were elected.
Massachusetts, voting on enforce
ment of the Volstead law, recorded
Its volco strongly against a drastic
dry regime.
In Ohio tho drys defeated the re
ferendum on tho proposed constitu
tional amendment restoring beer and
light wine by a small majority.
New York statu elected many
wets to congress, whllo tho result of
tho senatorial and congressional
contests in Now Jersey was a dis
tinct wet victory. -
California, on face of available
returns, had rejected a state enforce
ment act.
Whllo Representative Volstead.
Minnesota, author of tho dry law,
was defeated for congress, his suc
cessful opponent, Uv. A. J. Kvalc,
Is ovon drier than Volstead.
(WMI' xow a. O. I".
WASHINGTON, I). C. Nov. 10.
Itepro8cntntltu Guy K. Campbell of
tho 20th Pennsylvania district, who
In past two campaigns ran as a Republican-Democrat
nnd has becu car
ried on tho liotibo roll as u democrat,
requested tho house clerk hereafter
to list him as n Republican.
I'linilllllTlOX VOTK CI.OSR
OAKLAND, Nov. 10. Tho Alam
edit county campaign lommltteo for
prohibition enforcement today
claimed tho meusuro hnd carried In
California on tho strength of n re
check of tho Alameda county voto.
County Chairman Colegrovo said it
reduced tho rounty majority against
tho enforcement 24579 votes thus
wiping out tho provlous state-wide
unfavorable majority of 21374.
DAXD1TS GKT 814,000
wont only be-noraul fc a'JM,i,
general rorlTal." ' l 'j
Mr. Markham aaid tha eitMttt.
Is due partiy to the coal uaVsisjf.
employes' strikes but added that tjis
large contributing factor wsa-t$
more rapid. development of the ffo.
ductlon and commerce of the' cow
try than the development of the fa
cilities of tho railroads. t
Good Condition gaef tlal i
"Clearly It Is essential to tha wai
fare of tho country that the ritir
ways should at rapidly U practi
cable, put their existing facllltlae'hi
good condition, and that they aholUd
for some years rapidly ImproVf sJut
expand tholr properties," ha cia
tlnued. "Tho only thing whlck'sffr
will enable and cause the rallwars is
carry out a sufficient program .Of
expansion will be to let thea stva
nufflrlent net roturn to raise tha
capital required for that puryssa."
Repeal of the rate makldgtare
visions of the Ksch-Cummrna "fri
sportatlon act would be tha '8l3at
deadly blow that could be ala at
railroad credit and tho natloaV'foas)
faith and prosperity, ho said, tdalat
that It would tend to cause a ch;aV
lc shortago of transporutloa Walsh
would seriously hinder all lactase
of production and commerce as'loag
as it lasted, 7,
Trnn.portntlon Drlngn PruspaiWt
"It is plain to every man wits
thinks that tho labor cao'.fea
paid, tho income tho farmar
get, tho proflta that can be darllwl
from business, depend In tha id;
run upon tho total amount ot Pfp
ductlon and commorco that a .!
carried on. If tbe noceultlei,
forts and luxuries each ot our pw
plo havo is to bo Increased, we nail
Incrcaso our total productloa sad
commorco moro rapidly tnaa our
population. Wo havo always dwsa
this in America. Uut nothing could
bo moro obvious than that tha is
crease In production and cota'awcS
which is vital to" the welfare of ll
cannot bo secured without a' cor
responding increase in transporta
tion." ii
TRINIDAD, Colo.. Nov. 10. Two
masked bandits today hold up nn
nutomobllo carrying a S14.000 pay
roll to tho American Smelting and
Refilling company ml no at Cokes
dale. A posp Is searching for the
'' ''
freight steamer Nola, plyisg k-
tweon New Orlean. and HoMtoa,
Texas, reported by wlreleaa t0"sf
that It was burning la the Quit of
Moxlco, about 40 mile, from tho
mouth of the. Mississippi rtrer.
I.ator reports said tbe shift was da
troyed and the crew, taklag to uii
boats, were picked up by ffsaili
alrarrcri , -