' 9 -'H uy v Tint ft Sis Hill I UK MUT I Officials Attempt to Com bat Increased Violation of Liquor Act t ,. I VIim11MV.,I V Kit B ImrJ. W'111 Will ry nirni Ui lo "I'll OIIIUKrAMA. Nov. f. . .U.tic ,, mnnnclln.: Into mrwajr. in vlahtloa , , wUh Milo anJ r .,! W the prnhlMMnVllwii, Jim lem. Lcicen tiimrMM They are In eon-1 ,("f,ewn "W'raiB. "Ki "' ""i im recently ai fuca a ruiu.i rftin uv;uuit wireiuas i.'namunicmnm wun 'V jVt rnrrttmt offWi ro flrjllu ti wort; c ttprrfl raorti cutftetfUT Sntusellng on ft IWRa iralo 1.- - 'n.i 'i 'nil ai5rf)t 'Ilo cm ' fir 1' ou-nndi of tstcitla ad fijrd. Ttr- v- fir .-ilshlr.c UmI lilillnff. placw and 03-1 cuoptiratos In More tnn 0110 ry cr.it:rc bu for the ?! trftlc. j W"1 ram-runticr. Tho wnBBlor effortt rw csin-j v Jlrl rtearaor wiulppol with iMtn,t ni.rn.. iiw. mim f t. ri,ri.'lw lii put Into opera- tlnnla-fjord, and there la eitablUii-i od a real market place at tJw oat-. akin of tho three-mllo limit, trarm-j 4n with German and Danish liquor; -,... .. I mniipBiiiiK xowuia. A NorwcRlnn law ngw tllow rev-1 oaito officials to nenrch anJ bring In auspicious vomoIs at far cut as ton miles from the coast. This extension of the conlrt'l district, howover, has served only to Increase tho difficult ! work of tho officials. So far other nations have not officially accepted tho extension of Norwaya water ccntrol to the tea TONIGHT AT THE STRAND VAUDEVILLE TONIGHT VAUDEVILLE Two of the Best Acts Ever Seen Hero The Qiteen of Syncopation DAINTY DOROTHY DARLING The.Singer with the Beautiful Voice The Entertainer of General Pershing, and ATES AND VAN present "The Captain and the Rookie" A comedy Novelty Musical Act entirely different from anything you have ever seen. Also A Wild and Wooly Western Picture Starring Hair Trigger Casey and Good Comedy Two Shows, 6:15 and 8.45 Come Early to Be Sure of a Scat w bhoe e the Family It is getting pretty well known that this is the Real Shoe Store of this silj Our stock comprises everything new and desirable for men, women and children, from the first shoes for the baby to com fort shoes and felt slippers for grandmother. Buying here saves shopping around, and money, too. Several new arrivals in Strap Pumps, All-Satin Tongue Pump;', Patent and Biege trim, Patent block hecto. Cciv.pletc Lino Luxitc Hosiery Houston & Jester CIS Main 'ulc limit, and opponents of a4tn I v point i at Hint International com plIcnHnnn could oully nrlco nhould n foreign boat lm seized n:ul Corel hi? broiiRhl Into a Norwegian port. Hundreds of thousands ot gallona if alcohol otul whiskey find their i way Into the country, ami only n vrry small percentage la liclnn sclx-1 eJ. Tlio smugglers bne a thorough-' ly orrjaalxed business, hut uoc high powered- motor bo-vli to brlnr? tho B wnU front tho storage ship. r- Si -red outside Norwegian water Submarine chaser obtained from tho j Ulrmiin navy arp Ideal for tho wotl ' ' Hi Urc. sd to tatu able to tM. rlxlit ."x&nexi for a ilaih j la ute Lu.?r . ... ,,...,, ,,, , . . . u. . . . J,. i I ,J,,","CTl """"" ... ir.m ii an cwt population itself, which, ...m fi k tM MM .! t!on by the revonuo officer, but . ,tJ0 npoedr bi.at of the stnusRlewt ara m,t nf tmc)x bfpre dam.tRO caa to done to them. i..vm mriTiai - I AUIllMl.N. Nov. 9. Election re turns iadlcatc the election of J. 1). !andls for county superior judgo orer Hen 1'. Tabor and Uaglan Tut- Me. In complete returns frcm Kose- Ho R.ive lmll 116. Tuttlo 12 Jtid Tabor 3S. Drum precinct tn Auh- urn Caxe I.andU 0. and Tattle ', " Herald classified ads pay you. '? Street J. THE EVENING :c j T Italian, Supposed to Be a Dilettante, Revealed as Professional Thief 1n... ! l.. I....T. I.t. It tll.tllt , wn, ,,. fro,,, ,,o ,hu,M. of Sun Krnm. ,.. tlmn n .-iir ago ""I 1,vom,',v,, ''v ".'I' l,,11lll"7'v'', J VV ivtnnml to tho ehtneh of San franccsco n in iim It Inn bivn euro- rull&- iilooid and refrained. It ropre- stmts Snntn Attnn. with tho Virgin nnd i itrisi dim in me niner n.inei. nun S. I on nsn. S..n ;n.n.w.lco. .St. Simon find Tluiildeus on aide prncK AIlliHiifcli t!. Hlhv lui.I hwn wnnrlf r.,, ,,.,j, ,1,,n,i.. ,.-v.,,,,., 1,.,,.,, ..... . .. i ... t . . . . i in inr r.'.:ins ii.pijrn nn iigiu i inrt'wn o;n or on mo way uio ihpu ii8 uvnu!MieM or whero tho point Ins had IrtH'ti ta!.'n, I'rotmlily It ., " ot r,ir.l!ll ,' . , . ;, mmtenr art rii,Hl.-i-. trail by ih.irnv n i!ei'rlptli:i of tho trltt(h wiiirb, at loam In roeanl to tho ivttral tuini-l. 1 rolHrhldl in i'ory ilrtall with n p-ilnt In of Sunt.i .11nn, tho Virgin and 1 t'lirlM rhild. whlib ho bad rtvontlj 1 1'ouBht froiii nn iintbiiiarlon In Iter pi mo and for nlilcli bo bad paid !' lire. Find Ctelcn Pinclt. Ilii notified the Plreitor of Hue Art", ulm cnt tip to Cintlnr prhuti' Oihry rn linelr. ! tiirrioil the (Militias to tin- lH-partmrnt of, I'ine ' 1 Art. II jinn oil In bo Ilio renter panel 1 wlili a new fr.it.u-. Once the police 1 woro nn ilu true!: of part of the , , Ir.pljili it wut iiii1 11 Iinrt time ho- . firo ibej found two of tho rlKiirei of , tl o Mile p.imN. ' The dealer at Horn-mo c-m the antl'orltle-. tlio name of I ho private lndlid.ini l." IihiI old lilm the pilot pr. Other unliir.rinii tuppbed llio II. 1110 of tin- -rllM who bad Mild them tlo sb'o pmiili nnd n Kcnrih wu -tiirtrd ThN iirlt w:i Artiirn fundi- Id ami a In pr'Min iiwhIUiik irhil ' for tho theft nf toiialn untliiuo relies In tho cliur. Ii of St. Acotllno at 1 Asvzzh. Afior ii wrn Imjulry he co!lfe..ed tli.it bo had stnlen lln trlpoch 0110 iit.-M la May. lfi-Jl. lie , had hidden at ilu-!:. Klilnd 11 enff.".- . ciolial. and uwnlted for nlctit to mine iM-fiin ndn.lttlau hN uceiiuiplliv. They liolpotl lilm In re'.i"e llio large rraiiie ) (Which wu i rried to a waiting muir . I rnr nnd taken to Ceuna. Tho town of j IVselu U ery iulet, where every one Rue to bed early, yo their movements 'were In no wa vvaleheil. Specialized In Paintings. At Cciioa they removiil the frame, tarried tho ilde pnr.rN with the fmir flRurit to a earpfiitir and asked him j to rut e.teh panel Into two, s.i that ' i cli vnlnt fiirmetl a ep:irate palntlnR. CinbbI wus nn tirtHr, with u htudlo ut Itermajrn, und vvu considered a dilettante who Imitated ancient paint 'ills' and iliMiirutlon. lie apparently 'made his llvlns elllns these pneudo , untliiu'i, for which he received u kooI j price from MtInz American nnd Kng- iimi inuriiis. The Jrnmo also wa divided latn fepnrate sctlnn, which formed two frninex. All thee pieces were sold to nntliie dealcM In various cities In the 1 north. C'arohhl nitniltted that. tlion;li ho was supposed to be a ililettanto, he vvn really 11 professional thief vhn r-.H'cIallreil only In church palntlnc .nnd mcred nhjeclc. for widen, ho re ceived IiIrIi prlceif. Ilu had made nlmul lfi.ooo lire from llio trlptyih. ns lie was forceil tnirli the various arts In a hurry, lis ho 1cnn Hint the police I vr re nn Ids track. Tho dealers each made live and t-lx times that amount on mill purehnxo, which they hnuxlit 1 wlihont asking nny iiietlnns. as thej thn.'Rht he hud linltaled an original. ' The thief refused to glvo tho names of his nrcoinpllces, 11s ho mj Hint j ho alone wiik respnnflblo for the phin' nlng and oxirullon. A ruck It. Jlao ktrizlo In the New Vork Tribune. Finds Two Pearls in Oyster. Philadelphia. I'n. -Albert Trnnks. proprietor f an o;sier hoiin-. hns re leased thouands of bivalves from their shells, hut nut ui.tll recently did l.e Und a pearl. Then ho found two, large ones. Ktlmales as to their value vnry, hut It Is Roncrnlly ngrrrd that 1 1'ranl.K could eloso his estahllthmeut, ri to I'uliii Hench for llio winter, und still call It a profitable hcasou. Policeman Weds Motorist to Stop Her Wild Driving t'Ui!d rode on tho radiator of Mlsa iVni Connors' uutoinohllo an rim ruced down tho hlreets of .Nlniix Clly, In., patroled by furl Niberg, inotoreyclo iiolleemau. Ml us Connor and llio ollleer eloped lecently. Tim. policeman fuld I1I1 wife drove ho recklessly and ho hud to stop hi r v often thnt he deelded in marry her and teach her how to drlvu tho car propei ly. CAIIU )!' TIIAXIvS I deeply appreclato my supporlora In ri'iiAaJnii'u l.il. i .. nit. I ,l f. ll fl J conditions umlor v.'hlch you voted. i no nowiy oiccieu auminisirauon doservca your same loyalty. U IIt. A. A. 80UI.E. OIqvch, tllovcs, U loves. Jacl; Frost. 4-10 nxDD NT o bib nun HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON REAL TREAT IS IN . STORE FOR KLAMATH I FALLS MUSIC LOVERS : (Continued ftom t'ano H talnor. Toin KU 11U. bark from tho war, rravliiK udumturo , and wautlnK firm hand Information, do olded to vNIt Soxlot Kujla. Donloit passports, ho "ran tho linen" with firr.iM pajcrn which ho aoetiroil In Finland, and for M mimtln ho llvod amoiii; the UifnUn poiplo pealiu: as a Swodlsh onKlai'i'i' Now ho loturiH to toll u what ho loaruotl of hoUho lrm. Ho U n brilliant HpoaKor, and wo tlo wit hhlm In hU orltlnK ad ontiro In "Hod Kuinln." .So.uon tlckoti for tho throo iiiuit borj of tho l.yioum rourmi may bo had for i'i. 50, ItuhulliiK war ta, a r-avliiK of at lo.it '.'.-" (! tho rrr In. THt'Mi iimy bo had at tho cham ber ot eommerco, at any of tho local dror stores, or from Individual guar .intern of tho l..ceum. tr: J ' r i - f. fr Hart Schaffner & Marx fine silk lined suits fl hAt Congresswomah? ''WWtf ysn,,-w m. " ' . J . Jk rt f m -ABi vy ,JW" Mrn. Adcllna Oltoro Warren Ima won the lti'pubtlcnn nomination lot Coiikics at Albuiiuiniuo N. M Sboit in.ikuiR a lacv un a platform ot strict intoucmcnl of the Vol tiuil law I r K. v P3V9BKk m2lmS vaSLHEv vflHOTVBVjiWpnw $$r finfini. k.4ffi' Jw CopyrJfilit 1921 Hut clallacr& Mx Well dressed young men want Hart Schaffner & Marx overcoats V We make it our business here to have the styles that young men want also the fine quality that economizes for them. You'll find them all here in this big showing of overcoats $o 30 .o K. SUGARMAN "I A1NT MAD AT NOBODY" l lllf-1"--'-'-"-""-""- iit. intlMlO.V AUUHM-I.TIMIAI. ('111. rmillim. li.- lwl( 1. ml I'n Mai In.K. fmolll... Ni Thothl.d oradl.allon which wna flm.uio.1 by wllto Pine I.IIMor mil n.ufo.onco'aa appropiliMloit aranlcd by ...... 1, ill l. hold In I'orllnml Noxomb.-r , nr..H llnNMlUinMons .how ho JJ and 23 to cimMdir lopmlt of lhoiat to bo well e.tahllsh.Ml In llr aKencio wl.lcli hao been woiklna i I'.nh folumbla ami icattoicd In wet i 1 nisi cMtrot dtiilitn tho Mimmorlein Wimhliirluti Swanson's Barber Shop WILL BE ,iv ' , Closed All Day Saturday Armistice Day OPEN UNTIL 9:30 FRIDAY NIGHT J. E. SWANSON, Prop. $, $60 Suits that offer unusual value specially priced TiiniMi,v, n(vi:miii:ii o, iiuj land malto tmlliiT plan tn proMiiil I tho InMinInn of firi'Ktm and nthor ' nliilcH by tho niouiiMi, Hhtato livml ' iittnrlora woro oiitahllhiil at tho rnl , pj;o nxpciliuont utatloa Inn! atinimrr 'm.l ion enlli'lto llH'll oiuployod fur J r .' II ! tfc - v, - ,,'!, yiv.iu i vi r nn ' - fc ' , i yt i Mi r S UULWl.UlUt iiii'wi,i'-"i,iuwiiiii jMiwhlihrj-w MM'"rmm"tnrviwmw ir-wTf-i- - ,t.- ul, a J6 ' WJuu.aBu-. in, rmf nii sfciWttfWiiim . - .' ii. 1 HI. !... MW,M K