The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 09, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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.. ii- -jjsr
j P
1. --
Tin itHim, i), umi)
limn Ki'iullu'ldl. Muii hi y pillilltther,
Htm i'in.ill ittii'i Uiuir il tlm Mi'H'i
I ui'tthiA whurf mi I Ihruo iiillei nf
... fiHI I Ml.IKi HllllllllOlill Ulltrt II"
will mi ii i l.iimml IhUMIlth In a
nil I'lll I Moim I .It lilt I II IV mid ill' !' '
i ''in . , deep fiiniljtli fur iireiin
i m MMxi l-i pinvlillni'. flimin till ur
K IIIKllIri run h niiiih'
- ,., , t , , - V.I - - ji '-iSniir i i ,- ri...i i n i - - i
The Evening Herald
I'.'It. ridtlliK. .IMIlor mill IVilUher
II. It. Itll.ln City Kdllor '
I'. C. NIUKliK Advertising Manager ,
ivip1I)I1IIIci Tor Rrcnt nml wonder
ful development, ntul stnnils leady
in il It parts l.i llm days to tome
lo IIio Rrcnt tusk that ficos inery
Invrtl ciilsoi .f llm "ipmttuwc.ilih
(M'KAN I'lUIKlllTWtS Kilt
j-i WATBONVII.M'J. C'iillf. N'
0 Omnii frlKlilorn mny nonn hi h" I
Inn WntMiinllle iili i mill hii i
tllm inoilni'iii lit Mii'i I . nt 'Cr
i Mnntemv Imv piiliil ur ' '
Romeo "of 81 Jailed in
I'uhllshod dally oxccpt Sunday, nt ' i
Tliu Humid l'lilillshlnn Company of '
Klamath Falls, at 119 nir.hth street.
lirln Tini; Hricciti ln,p ils umi
r : j
ltnlnrri) nt tho mutotflrn nt Klnm- . I
Hij-lirr Than for 30
rorilliiK in hiM""i evi'i h In '
nth Falls, Oro., for transmission
throush tlio malls na second-class
Cattle and Ctc .r.
,rytizrsar.rsiSiaaisji.Yca:vx. nil mwri
rflnn pm nirn
Aro Washed A.wav
OF Til 15
i.. i
A Tin) Associated Press In exclusive-'
lily entitled to tlio use for publlcn
tlciti nt all news dispatches credited
to It, or not ot lirrw Isa credited In
till paper, and also tlio local turns
published heroin. ,
ADVi:itrisi:its j
Copy Mr display inlVrrllilBB munt
bo in IliK iifriM. tmt Uur than 3
lun. tin lit ilav ir coillwjr, jlubllr,v
in) tnxnrmii in iui
r of irm next dav
' Want ads nml t. a-l.hK tidtteet win tJninl,-,. X. b- .!,.H. lilts .llm" ll.m
m riiPttxiI iii Hi i- noon on ui-i i,,-. frw,i. n ,,,,,1,-r m Knit.,,..
U ".L-Ll!1."." ,...i.n.t.iB- ..,.. i ir"n" Tr..tnlnB X...IIMI ill IMlUdum;.
j V Z K.. who wan "kllliil' M Chateau '
rni'lMD.IV. N'OVIiMllKII . IU!12 TMern. and fnr tn.m funeral mt- I
Hero Reportetl Killed Is
Decorated for Service oh
Field of Battle
J lm. la order t lm in-mried in luo
lakot) m the paper or in next uav
lee null liKiiHirinl exervlxna were held
In I'lttMitirsr, Tulsa unit llnlil, nl.ln.. I
nml tnornl other phi. vs. was railed ,
liefurp Um rnmiunti-lnnt nt itt friifk
find lie.Vrv I.UXI unldlers ilfpimili il '
With tii illsHncil'tiwl wvlep en ,
Tiit merllnrtouji nentco on the Held of I
bnttW In I'rntt.
Ikftitv t'lnalnjt llm crnss .on ld
Imwit ih iiMimn;Ttini oltlrrr tend to i
m I-K..IU. I rttr fn.m Con-
hint; nml nnotlKS- from (io
ft2 tt : jSS 5SS iw
r m as ft
XL llW J .1?
1- i W t T-. ViM
Co I An J 4IK
' a?
I10SK w1-i h.m "en DouRla
ratrlmnh In Mh pleturmqus
prndiictinn t r Th" Three lilktirt
IVArlMUimi JIm with lit new found , i.,.Vi,,IM
frtendl, AilHWt l'orlhtw juntl Aramts, I orlr llni of Unnnn. inrli tiimmrnd
Jm. at, n-ih at muttim ImiiMi- ad!',, M, rnr "M ,rvl"' ll1' '"' l
v flty. A tBtiy Jolwad lnnd In tho
pkjiuw th wnM nf their HWm,
"All .fhr mh and n for alt," wr
-fkrtlwl on Ik ton. H wilt h r
ntsiiihiiind, b tbn )lny wsntaK, Uey
liopt thin plod!, oven to tlo tiollil
John IMrrwcrth la SI Imt ho lm a nay with tlm wouifi, Oao o(
them cbialnod n JiuUnnrnt fur I run it 'l i miiun-, h icnpon tli nlto(il
. Lothario raid ho would i;o to Jixil uitlur than lm. Ho went. Vi hen hu
cntircd Ins cell, ho loosonvd hu cit nnd hiIj, hi a cU;urct and rp
i marked "Thla U nelhltn: In my jounu Ufc."
M raerlfl" vthnn It heeasno wifw-
f,ry. In- cnrryLiiic out the tMk lo
ir)ilJi Ihay liail hi4 thtdr vnw o."
' liBpihorly eo-ivfwrotlnn.
', "All U-t one and rqe for all."
iThtj OmKon mt tlwinilmr nf' cfcm-
' rW wmild Hk to flwdi that lilodne
T Tie Throe Mtt1teteni froMl tho
, TtiU'or Wrcn of the idtotopliiy on to
s irMI fate tlio benrt of lb carnmit
mfcdiHj- Mkn nml whkm of Orrnon
! tlm N'i'Wl I.ettor. It would Hkf
tn make' tiiiwe wonl the keytiMw of
JU own falure work uml ilovelon
nfaiil uk a foreii for ko1 In thf llfp
rif'tiin talo. It would like to make
tliniii tho keynote of ttoe Bplrlt that J
titnut b:ow In Oroaon If It la to
aliliiV0' It Mefaist and true doatlay
hn'il roino Into ltd own as ue'Oi'.JkoJ "J l "dvntk." Whvti the futfernl ,yv
best and Muxest alateii of tlt rn- it" w
' If OrnKfa la to Ih all tmt hr
' :wHt loyal nml latlng aona and
ilmiKUtcfa lmp nn.l a.ttHX-1 hr to
1. ovcry iwtlon i-f tho atatu mint
aatrh thn vision of tho aMrlt and
-pUof or this oath of D'Artajtnan
mil Ii!r eft-tirndta. The tlm ha
winto ven there mint ro lonKer ha
firltoinl linns '.a IHi-tnn. no dhulne
V'T bfuwn Ktinern Or-on. t'ea-
furnieil. Altlinnati he m !Hctnll.v
"kllleil" nt I'hatean Thierry. Unnhery
l imip a newatM'ti.r n-rmrlir In
WounJed rarty-Feur Tlm::.
Trfte'ly, thfce vrusi tlm srnlce for
wlilrh ItimhtT)- wiiii deer:ited:
At (TmteHU Tlilerry he nnttortnuli.
Hllli a phtliHKi .if men. to rteatt out n
Chrnuiii t.iaililai- t..m ml. lie vn
wnumkHl -I-l tlnie, left for dend ti the
ImttleHetil fur .tK, rniwleil nnd
mljfd three tnlten to the Aiimrletm
linen. lH-ot tmniy iiwrnlii In a ho
(iltal nnd lode) rnrries utie Intllel In
M hwly aatt four pjeii-i of ti hluteev.
4iVi Mietl lH hU IkHiI.
"IUjc .llw" (lie K'jnd nix feet two
Inrliit In til lre fen) it tenehlnc
at l'Jltliurs when the nnr hrol.e out.
Ite didn't wnlt for the dmft, hut en
iKtwl at rr. lie went thfuiish one
of the training itimix. trA enniinli.
hlnHeil llMiienont nml married to Mlfrt
Nellte Cnuie. tmiehrr In the Mime
wlioiil nt I'JltRhtirs. lie wut Iteutm
ant i if t'oiapniiy U Klfty-nlnth liifnn
try. Fourth dlviMon. nnd In thN en
JMielly H-eJIt to I'maee.
Tfm War ihimrinmnt etihletl his wife
In rill-lrtinc nnd hl tirrenU In i:ntd
Personal Mention
Mri I'rnnh Oln lit
fpt'ildiiih a (e; dny.i ! -r"
Georro Thraihre.
' 'i on thi nuiriiinA tr.ilti for Uw
e ilea, w-ri' hh- mill upend m,v
r il woolen bofore ataMltiR on Iter
homeward tfii to llnnklyn. Nw
, -irt.
of Itlv I-j
wlih Mm Irf .Ucfalte main n trip Into
! K'ltimtti Kllu ytorttty mornlnr
from IVirt !f!a-wt!t una latr In the
day trout rn to I ton of ly viilley o
Mlaa Helen Znllnmn to hern from ,
Mr. !i r-
nrninciil Mrs. Ilunfitry re-
fuel to utteutl.
"Jltil Is aot ilend, idm InMsfed.
KwrjlMiily jilile.1 her; IVut Mm luilited
"Jim la n.t dead."
Papers Played Up His Death.
Kmii-kr nnd (il.hihomH'M plsyol
ii Ida denlh."
"Itls JltnV" fumlly fi.t nil tin- rlle
idfuw tliry eoMtil. Ti.ey wiinteil to keep
tin in to read la ufi'-r yetim. -N'w "11::
Jim" hn them nil n'eHy rasteil In n
fTMpl'k ii nd ran rend IiIk own i.Mt
nary wliereer lie ideuiu-H In aildlllim
'fa.l ,.,Unu .1tfn.H flau.H .
CTSi nymw, .rmrHi, r., , ,,, . ..n...j,.,H, ,.- . t,..i rt i .,
..!-. - "x "-f' ' -"
uriwmi . ,,,,,, (rt,.,.,,,
Urtathen, Oregon nnd I'or
w'lum it nine Ik prnMema nf atatc-
r!de deo)opment. Whil It la trite
that nature, haa placed phyalral bar-
rtora httwatn illffurMit farts nf the
itnte there nhoiili! nttl. aad must not,
;- lis Mt iMTrlera ( tho spirit Iwtwewt
' -Qf eaoakiDs whn It rooms to innlioni
i'i)t common tuterwat. While it la Iran
notional ami ' l problems differ
liee:mfi or tllmat'e nnd ttther Uy-
rfeal enuros nml each iiart of thtf
alHle Ius its nirn icultar and sh-
A uNrpiWliUma ip sol'o yet It h Dqaal
frjiv.x nf symtuithy the olll
eliil itothv from thi U'nr ili-pnrtim-nt
BlMl revenit letten floin ; ij,h,, , -..fc ,,.
deder. In tuwhatuneM and niouuinenta. ,B- ,-, i.,, B- r
, Hut Jlrr. -Cte Jim" Hull Jim was 'J J1" bUn , frr .f33 n U'"
not diwl -" ."- wn wiiu r
on ihir a i-.rtii.kj of monllw after ." r lar im nesi row weeKs.
"Wit Jim's" fimrml nlitw. Jlr
llai.tiery treHirwi h 4tdter from I.Imi
tenant ItmibeiV. lie wbh nil hot lo
.Mr and Mm. .1. II. Knylor w.-ro In
tho roitnty rent ycttonlny from their
ranch n few iiiIIm south of town.
W. T U-o, eounty a.iscusor, left
this marnliiK for I 'on land tvtiam tn.
the oast for mi oMeu.led vklt with ! wm mm m BwMwaora frtm all
her alucr. Miss Tredh Kullronn. jID0 countje.i In Orison, who hate
I) C Dlmmltl. wUrtVtWrntoa n1l,,ou ,,w, h'r,, h l
farm n fow miles fn m t'rfe Sumtnew ' """';V I'I'" l bo In aa
schoil. was In town this mornlna ,UB tor tne ne week,
looklug after limUiess matters. . B. Ildrlifdon nrrlvol yosterda)
,. , . ,, . i from H.irltinflnld. Mlskonrl, for a
... ... ... v'tt with hi d.i u.liier,
tin nn.,,t,, im. li,al..niiA .laltn ,1.1a
. . ... . . . trude
week from BIy. whoro thoy om In w)1I (
III,, crtllllf UUSllluatfa , , ,. , . .
,v. hen ho will ibuko hU tuliin
Clatule Smith (mil a party rr homo,
fiends Uft town this mnrnlim fnr
aiaitu wurre inoy win spend tin- i. x
f-w duys hiillllaK f-erie.
c. J. McCollnm. a raneher in
U'orJcn rojtlnn, was transact I ok i .,
Inesa with Inenl mnrthniits i '
day afternomi.
Sargent Ilrnwn spent ymterdo t
t front Ida plaro on thp tpm rv
tlon. looking aftur luiilnsss mntirj
and purchasing supplies.
J. C CtdKhoni, who for the pi
few months as been aitrvoylitK a
loKxinir road in northern California
is in town for a. few daya.
sffs. It. P. Powelson la hero for
an oxtetilod visit with Stt. and Mri.
A It. Wlloi from her lionm Im
rioldor. Colorado. Mrs. , luidi n
la Mm. U'llso ia mothor. , i
Mrs. (Ioorp Watt anil Mrs. v. i: ,
fVUAPOUIJ. Inillii, N. i Tl.
at rl.. of the tl.i-ij u ii i .
hna hriikon nil roennN or llm miii
30 yenra, linn led In Mm'n
f vrisi districts nu t)i t'.in.i '
Many village on holh ld,w .r
i.illwsy lino In Four nrt u .iT
i-r. nml Inindrnda or hnml i I
tieen washer) nvvtry.
The rtimtls ore en the h li'i '
!"lt tho rolu eontlntlpn Inter" Iii.m iU
muhloB tho lot nf thuto rend, u I
homeless still harder, l'oopl.. wi.
I ouswa hno henn wttahod aw a) hnu
taken shelter in iiidtthht rim; Miia .. .
and some have heen areommnil tti'.l
n railway ears. Virtually all ih
lltaaa situated nli-iie. tlm tmiiht r
the llamcinrra rlvor hnvn tieen in
ii'idated Ifnuses and mllle hi.
henn washed away, stsndlnn it.. .
ruined .
In some plaroa the rise of Hi r't
er was to sudden that tmnpie vii.,
wrre In the fields londinn their .u
On or eropa wero cut ff. M m
were rnninolled lo lake r. fuc, in
lrrn until the floods aub'ldo I otii
era wer" reacued hy relief pri''v
Ptailki were tied 11 anther an I .
djwn from railway on in.
tturaajaticn, enuhllntt n nuin'ior ..'
ponple struKytllim In the aater
hn hoisted lo nnfetr.
The railway line betwem
narb nnd (let haa heen wa -1
for uhoal 7n fwi, and ,-a in
Ifpalreil for some llmo. The r i I
way enna-eiton ttj neflil nl-o li
neon enl. Too l.ueknow i.uul i
i'lll! ImnasHjbta In many pint,-., m.i
Finn h,rt llodndoii j no tomtnu:! U-al lun Is pomlul.- t'i
in! .in WaihliiRton. otltlytna; vllaxs.
lairao attppllm if rood, sent tit
ho I'lilsms of Cuirnpnre. have iieip
. I to relieve the dlntre. '
dB3r-.y a Ux isms
C?SC5&4 4r AL.'.A v,. AM
1 Si
., iTv MV
Vi Mi. v
i i Ml I
mm V.
v ?m
. 1 JU
Wl tea
A 1
. JTT-
"-t tliLII''v'
"They Fit
mere Others Fail"
il. .i V
m f s -$&&&i ,
- F i4w Jf JR JV
Mtt.MlMf ('(4
uon says
"Shoes must be smart
Kaiii t
I'd o'ti
oi l '
I line id., kind or Rtlh
'ii.u .mil r.iln will not,.'
I'l'i-v lark Front ulioo
Hill .k't. Jul off M.iln
r Mm!
nfl ...
r 'pair
ltol.iTtton's ritlrkeii Tunnies
Almloole .mil nlall 1113 Main Hi
( I f n Ilia Htnlta ClBt. I 4 iitnlilli li ..
ly true that tho irwpr!iy of each ,,.., ., ',.,. T ' "., "' '
--T--- .- (tM- ." ft"
V.r, and fffn. 3, Jji. IJmmii i,f
tliht-mnrjlDC for lirnv. ("alifnr.-ii .
I" ------ ---. r -- .. .... .T.f -, -..------.--.
IpJoee nwl in a ln.vliil In France, hut iwhAra they w.ll spoud tho day nt
(.ettliif Hlulljf lirotty will.
"I told joii .llm wasn't ikad." was
hIk.ui her only iii.unent.
Jit tlm llanliery wa lirought harl.
- iwtlon 5b liiisel with the prosper
ity el tho re-n rmj. that it our
eommo.i rlforl must come thn resj
' l iirawfH rlty of all.
' i This Iff I he di lr!iM that Hi- Ore
(Wfiftle elmmher of oiniuoreo souks un tlm lisl nf praseat
. Mu luwre eosnmoiw-i -Baai.aou , joMlWN- mwms (JlrU and oilier .
. .rt In Oregon, It lollevua thi irjrtr nrm, Imd rdnmil i. i.n
Itiua lias chiuo for llm pwipln nr tuvat the !,ro:i-o ' h. rt-(Jj-Q8un
t foritet tst irajudli'a ami .Ice ri".
dlffoniuuia and uullo In a spirit of j
unity and harmony In tho tusk of flear i& inener inanJiiagc.
hrluclne our Croat tlato to lu full
to set Imik to wjffc. Ho i-aiiii) m
iimuhu nml heeuuie u ni'Hj.:ij,ir re
IK.rier. And IIiiiI'h why he vrua enlled dowu
to Fort Crook and In the privemo of
the entire tEtirriwui. "Illi er of iu s,.
emli ariuy iihtm nren, ot!.ivr fr in
lull lii.uijm. iiiiiIht of tin. War
tondlnu tJ btutaima inattera. return
lun h.-::m oi tho evenlnr: iraln.
V.. A. Whm, of I'orllniul. who Is
Jiera la tho l.ilrre-ta of tho V.Miren
Couattnetlna cim.iany. will hn the
Kuans ' ?r uml lira. .1. II Fouler
(liirliiu h.i (. .ii I'l.iniilh I'dlN.
JMP- rr
I X, f ' '"T. 1 t?
Mur im oeas
cenMT ir vcAiu'rV j?
And Good Sense adds
"They must be comfortable!"
QUEEN QUALITY shoes obey both commands
by combining barefoot case " with the lost word
in style.
Dtack Satin
For Dress Wear
A dainty one ttr.p turn slipper
Avitli the new "Sp.nnli Ixiuit"
vood heel of moilifiril lieipjit.
Uejutifully deiignej and fittf d,
for all occuiont of dreti we.r,
Abo ihown In other tn.tcri.Ij.
Sold Erclimh elv hy
713 Main Street
.Y8'"TTSTTriTTt'5 rirr?.Y.rri.ien-tirrr;?r.'-'rryr-Tr-M--T-T.,1 lV.
;onable Item
aciive rnces
Mi. 'f .
1 ail f . . i
h, u . r' l
I er
" l'i
1IH 1 1
j Tho neckllno of a dresi no lonscr
knots at thoiycho. but ntl us It
pteosei in tho moat. Icomlm; r.t
collars. For children thoro uro di.
knuro Quakerish collars, tlio l'url.l
Jantcal. llchua- end tho llcht Jluffy B
Berthas. Hut crcatcr in mvlts tl.nn a
i uicso is tno couar trimmed lth f
avi, taeca ona interlaced tni
na- ctatgna.
For Friday and Satu.Ly a number of seasonable items are
to be found at our otorc at "special" ptices. As usual they are
high grade standard article. Our "Specials" are always in
thai claas. Watch for our prices tfwty are not duplicnlsd clcs
where: (utility considered.
Almond Cream
liltlilliii lO.'Sp.' lal
L'jRion Crean , 4,
ItiTuhii' lilr-
White Pine and Tar
4F iir;u1ii?'r,ui
-S ei III
,N'ev Vork.-.Mauiatrat.t McUeflian
, eiili'iictHl Harry u mendlrnnt, to
ot nml host doveh.pmont. Wo mmtj . Aa , ie WttihlmM, iindlns l.lm
( stnnd from this time on like Tho j H,,j r i.;nK r rrnt f iti,
Tltreo'JIiiskalerra -"All for ono anj in, til.
.'.' .... ...... ........... I ... . ii
nan tor an. u wo ran no huh. men "mil uue moie money in ino n.iiiu 'I
iiunomieed tlio inaKli
lirohutlon olllcer had re-
mid' wuiiii or Oregf'n, tho way to a j Ihan 1 have." n
'Wttllon of our ureal prohloma of ! "''"' nfter n pro
JtMtO .llH.tloilllinBI will Imi fnr f,alr I I"""','l Sl"'''' SUVlllM IIS SI. (SKI. Willi I
&..., .,ii i... i ......... ..., .. I a 'tuaullly of iiilMillnnemii e.inh I
lli,ll .,r...... ,1,1.1, ii nu n.u.ljr KH H . . . .
will ictlhoj our 1km" and diraius
ffr liroireaa uml lll hn'tn l.upi the
foltli. w'ltti).'oUr ph-neer f.ithem win
IjIazCHl tho trail to this i.,ulliwm.i
'opuntr'. wliero llfo Is ho worth while
Tho Oregon hIiiIii eliHiulM-r of
cnmtnilivo.'ln nil IU plan and pur-j
p,ie$,itriii 1 for nulled piernn. It
iuhiKh ti) liiillil n itri-amr Orottou,
Imilt.on IJm fnunilatlon or at.ite.wlde
eo-upointhm and mutual uudorHtand
ilitfa or our common problem! and '
iippnrluniliiH for sun Ice, 11 nskai
for tho support of all tho commiu-l
rial oipanlzatloiiH of thn tlato lu Its'
uforts tn rervo thu hept Intcnifcta j
ll Q.rCK,P!i- It "ny mnko inlhtaken, j
for it Is it human Institution, hul l
It, will novur err herauEo nf laiU nf
faith in Oiegon and hor pucjde It
uuUovos iu Qrcuqn, hpllpvcs lu Ittj
found lu hli home nml iniloim poth
Thirst Saved Life When
Fireworks' Plant B'cw Up
I'rjlik IiaiiaUc, ouniT of lint
DumilKO I'livworlti .iiiiimii),
UiNir I.oiiiIii. (I ouoh Ids life to
tiw I lid.' I lie left ills oue-stoiy
wooden r.nto liilllilliii; to u lo
a in .ii lit jur u pull of wa
ll r f.n .liliiMn;.' iui,iKc, He
t lis Jnit Hh) ymilH nwiiy when
pnuil.'i iu the litilldlii i xploileil
iumI hli-iv the plant In iiloius
'J'Jut foi'i'e of llm exploKlnn
sninni'tl 1, limit", hut Ii" esfiipetl
Injur TI e nr m o' the e (i!ie
, Ik hi ' nr..ii.
Armistice Day
i-j H
Tcoth Brushes
;t5, Sjn-i 1 .1
Little Liver Pills 2,- Speihil
Liquid Corn Remover
Keuulai' iWe Hpei'Inl
29 c
Rubber Gloves
llrcillar 7fie Sp.
Laxativ Cold Tablets
iti'Kuiui' aii' hn
Peroxide Hydrogen
lliK'Hiil- 'IT,' S,
Pcrottidc Tooth Paste' Speeinl
f.itci Salts
ItiJ' all' Special
Kidney Pills
lti'j;iiliii' Trie '
Tho very popular LKMON SOAP, reBiiliir
price of which is ten conla per cake
.Vol iiimo Hum fivo iuKi'h to unit im.toiiKV tJlrf V-ldiJt.tJ
Xzj . fl ft ..
w fa It! J.K'J ! . M