-..iiiWv; 1 t I'.rfi j&'feft- ,r !.' Fiiiro Six THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON wi:im:mi.v, Novi:.uin:n m, iiwj tiiclr wlW'M All iHlllisif UiPlilhfi'H inn (Hpeclitlly llivlteil. Come anil (ol iii'iiinlllliil. - KIAmiilh l.tulite, No. 77 A. h' .; . ,M . IioMh 7-!) A , .nk ti'l' Un the mod llllmlll'l'ir hi .i.l thluit I" prune Beauty Dazzled Royal Eyes ATiT.Vno.S Cause of Wcllesley Furore IvJX'.t'!'!! rthllM, MdSlllH Tin io will li' a uncial ciifl pari j V'rlil'v eli'illm;. NiiiomiIum' K'lll, ill lh M.i'Titc ll.iil. l.(Miul!i lllilr. . t Which lli' l i ll '.1 nil IiiMcmi Htitr . a id Ih.'d' Iiii hitiiil' uuil iitaHoiln n'ul Shown in Shipments From Mtllo of Northwest ,1 yp'jXiinie' UHI UK' I mpus j Increase of 91 Per Cent Is tow mi HI 1 1 Ml s M Oft ' iitVX't7lllXWaS V j i xv ; f.iO- yV rf".- ' OEK 1 vV Actcrilins to hWtcrv. r. v." ters of feminine bofti.ty 1 ' beauty won the apiM'" f ' when theJ two mo&ir n ar.1 dlsccrnlns ere in rnaW v,i runMan ncire. irnl tlio Shah of I'euu fiench. capital. . fiff 3I iinencaiM .y m- 3h 201OX iasdit; cttlcil that the com !.j tonal amend- moat contains no limitation upon PORTLAND. Nv. S.-'ii.'. ol. or 1 nil rrovlotit record for the iMlv r of Pacific Northwest lumber c tr. tlio mills of Wushltiiiio:'. tin pivi ami Uritlsh Columbia shipl ir.irsooB totaling 2.3S1.2u3.7. f i during the flrst aim month. . i 1922 as comtmreil with I.2I9.ot, nia reel for tlio like period In 192 i Tlio tnrrearo la Dl per rent. I.umt'or, delivered .by x.uter. California market from Jmutary ti jto October Ht this roar ntauutitcd to 1 1.10G.5SS.356 feet, which was a-i I i icriaso of $4 por cent ovc tli- i"; " forxla water dellverisa for the f:r-i nlr.o months of 19S1. J Kxclualve of California cargoes I deliveries to other Unlic.l States 1 domestic market tncroasrd 117 :r ' cent. The movement, through fm-' ; ama canal, to North Atlantic roast j markets Increased tlSS per cent eve: I the first tilao tMenthe'of tast Mar. in (be export trade Japanese buy ,'uk Incrcaicd 1JI per cent the first i nine months of this rear compared , with the same period iu ItSl. Au.v 1 tralia Increased its purchase of Pa , clfic Norlhweet lamfeer 157 for cent. . The oast coaat of South America which has been dominated by South- cm pine for tunny years, has at last started buying heavily In Mr aad 1 spruce, ittereijlttg it use of Pa cific Northwest lumber 125 per ceut. ! Cuba ha also been active with tin Increase of !"0 jvr cent. ICirope alto is bcglnnlni; tu show a keen Intarcit In Pacific Northwest foresu products, pttrchato for the united kingdom and continent, the first nine, r.iorlhs this yeiir bavins incrcaicd 5S per cent over the like period -f last yccr. South Africa, taking about half the volume rurrtin!Pd by Kurono. shops an l-ctraro of 211 MCTi KVBsaxar: Swanson's Barbel Shop WILL BE Closed All Day Saturday Armistice Day OPEN UNTIL 9:30 FRIDAY NIGHT J. E. SWANSON, Prop. rx rrcu-jEttxeucnct When two pretty maids of WcllcHVy Jawed up tliclr freshman vr by smoklmt clsarcts aud wcurlnit knlcl.cra. tlio faculty stertd in and. ended their ccholattio career In tho Masjachunetts coIIcko. .Hero arc tho Iconoclastic frcsluuin, Mildred Koth vf Slamfcrd, Conrt.. and Udna Dursi) 'sf Uarrc. Vt.t . TONIGHT AT THE STRAND 10c ONE PRICE TO ALL 10c BOTH PARTIES 'ANTON LANG SENDS WIN AND LOSE I ENCOURAGEMENT TO IN ALL STATES SOUTHERN PLAYERS (Crttitlttued from I'.irw U have beatea governor Nathan or In New Yorti. Mill- j SANTA CI.AUA, Calif , Nov. S -I Anton l.anB. who plays tho part of j Christ In tho Passion Play lit (iber . nmraerRatt, hag sent a miii;o of I f.r tlio comparative nlno montlt per iod under review." The flfiuro are from tho quarter- fjrowlnr; Quoi!in--!i the c.uh li-ntta a frank M. Sloore n determine Proporty rirht er a personal right ' Khethcr ptocovds of lora can he that pase to nest of kin? . UMiJ for jnvwtment. Decision of Suit filed by Department of Ore- jU(lsM nmsham and Kelly of Kon, American Lesion. In behalf of ; Mark:, voUnly clrcut court 0n .May JlarRarot Crane as administrator of ;5lh , neBatlve. Appealed to su tho celato of her husband, to Uetor- j,u,,0COurt. mlnu whother tho bonus Is a prop-! . . , . . ..' .. ...... .- ... ..,..i ' Decision The supremo court de- Utty slut tu i'U uuiiiniov4i;u tt part of au octnt or a personal rlpbt Hint iinvfina til Ihn finrt nf l.-In nn , , ,, . . , , , an applicant it rlchts to dispose of named In tho law. Decision of ' , ... , , , . . .. ,, . , jiho money 13 lo borrowe.1 therc- Judjfcii lilncham and Kelly of Clr-! , ,.,.,,, ,. . . ,, , i . ,. under, although It clearly appears cuu luuri ui ..lar.on coumy on .unf,.. , .. ,...,., . , , w tminr, f ,hft IarfP Lumber In Gth to tho effect -that It la a p.r- . ,oang made under tfcc 8?c,m, IjurMU wlc lmpetM 9S ranal rlsht. Appealed to Supreme ; net ,n vhm mmey per P03l of aU t,1P bllIneci t 'nn n-, . , iaStould bo used In maklnK Invest- October 1 this year. Decision Tho Xupremo court de-. , , . , , , ,' iitriun lucr.Jii iu iuu iiiiBi(suii ut i a farm or a home, and that It wa.i trainees of thin district an, k'arnlnr; not within tho. power of tho legisla ture to provldo by enactment, that an applicant poszasslnR nil of tlio roquidlto qualifications to entitin him to a loan, and wlso tendored and w&d prepared to rive the stcurily for the repayment of the lean, con! J not obtain a lean merely because ho desired to Invest tho monc- bor- SALT LAIUI. Nov. S YtstiTday's cteetton was one. of the closest in tho history of Utah. Thu results may not be definitely known' until lato tonight or tomorrow. Krnest llarobcnto, republican candidate for,Clar.i I'atslon Play. Kucre mid senate, has a slight lead over KIiiit. Cod's b'esstnr: on your play In 1U23. encouraEomunt to the "Passion Play of Santa Clara" which Is he'd horn each year. The messBgo wa written beneath a portratt of hang and said: To Martin Merle, director of the H.uiia Toni&ht $10.00 Worth of Action unci Thrills All for Ten Cents With Amoricti'u Pl, Ncnl Hnrt in "HELL'S OASIS" A wonderful Western picture full of fights, and tho fifjhts arc. the real aluff, loo. Also Good Comedy Show Starts G:15. 7:45 and 9:15 10 cents Admission 10 cents democrat. Incumbent. Anton LaiiR.' Co m inf.; Thursday Two Vaudeville Acts and Hair Trigger Casey in u Great Western. CIIKVKNNK. Wyo., Nov. S V. V. Monilol, republican leader of the house, apparently haa lisrn defeat ! per cent for tho senate by Senator Kendrlck, Iloralil classified ads pay you. democratic Incumbent. Kendrlck Is leading by 3,000, with his miirjcln c.'ded Hut if the bonus is not KiId to the applicant In lib lifetime, and such applicant leaves surviving him tho relatives named In the statuto, tho bonus must bo paid to ouch rola tiven In tho order dclgnatd by the Htatute, I.e., the next of kin but not ' tliQ administrator of the estate. j Question Aro tho relatives of ' deceased veterans entitled to the loan? 'suit filed by Dzpartment or Ore Ron, American Legion. In behalf oft Baltic ("arson to iWermlae whether ' or not relatives of deceased vtr-, ans nra ontUled to the loan. Dsel-1 slon of Judgog Uinehaai and Kolly , of Circuit Court of Marlon county on May Gtli to the effect that rela tives aro entitled to tho lpan, Ap pealed to tho supreme court. Dsclston Th auprsme court de oidcJ that relatives of deeeaeetl vet- WII.MINOTON, Del.. Nov. S , I Thomas I', ll.iyard. democrat, was ! clecled to auerned Senator Coleman iiupnnt. ' ccrlrulltiral wor!t of various kinds. Veterans' orRRil:atIci:3 every where ere pushiss the congressional measuro kno-.vn ns the Kntitson 1111 which will. If passed, administer loans on far mortrcie security to disable.! war letcmus cut to exceed 7" per cent of the tur.l value of the farm real otate nor $2,000 tr. a man. Tokio Now UndeiRoinp; Era of Construction Vnl r,.n- t'.Tr. 11 Hill .(.oil l n.l. rawed for a purpose other than the J , . . . , , vanciu at on? time. purchase of n farm cr a homo. (Note The liroc eds received frcm a loan may bo ucd for nny purposft tliat the borrower desh-cs, except In the matter of dollnanent liens, taxes, etc.) Qucatloa Can tho proceeds from a lean bo used to pay an encum brance on property owned by a rel ative? Suit filed by Department of Ore- TOKIO. Nov. 8 -AUIu.jfch Ja pan Is suffering from conomlc and trade depression. Tokio I.i ik,w un- LINK COMPLETED IN LOS ANGELES S. ?. COAST ROAD rAl Antart. T aa.'nn In ItnliilF rf orans are rio-t ontUW to Uio loan, i" """""' but are enliUed to' tU cmU bonus ' "? F' Uoa . '? ,,e,',rmI?t I w newer proceeus or roau ran ne only. Qu:'.:ion Is a call to active duty from '' c renrre to be consi'lered r.n o;.R'ut.l entry into the service to cstablhh ellgibilUy? ' Suit Hod bjr Department of Ore ftoi, Aracrlcau LcjJen, In behalf .of v. ill. am V. I'aulwan to dewrc.lns I used ta pay oaeurabraaceo on prop j ertjr ewtied by relative. Decision of Judges J)lnj?tam and Kelly of Marlon county circuit court on May 25lh tn uegatlvo. Appealed to tho eupremo court. lietisJon The mtpreme curt de SAN M'lS oniSPO, Cal., Nov. S. I HlShway officials aro preparing to ! open on November 21 tho now con- J cretu road over tho Citcsta tirade, tne I ' last link to be completed In tho ! coast road bstwecn I.oa Angeles and , Saa Trancltco. I.ait of tho coacroto ' Is boing poured now. Cuesta grade it north of San I.uls , Obispo on the hlghwny and portions jf the road can be uioil by uutolsts taking the trip tunv. nltliouglt they muft detour in plncos. dergolng an era of er.ten:.!vo build- , lr.8 construetion. Several large j business bulldlnji are under iwiy I.i ; I Martir.ouchl. the big businew tea-1 i t-r situated between tho Imperial theatre and tV.e ToWo station, fue ling tl'.e Imperial palace, ileotcs of' residents la foreign stylo nlso arc j being built nil over tho city and sub.' I urba. Thu now Imperial hotel Is ' aitnott completed and nnothur hand-', iror.io uuiiuing, ibo l'aiaco Hotel la a four-Mory structure in ua sto:o trimmed la marhlo ami o :tivo white S and ijuartx N NOTICIJ The rcguibr meeting of thu St. Pauls IC.Iitiuiial (lulld, will lie Jield ut thu homo of Mrj. K. II. Pike. I -1 1 -can City, t-jtion-uw ttftornion at 2:30. 8 wheth.r a call to OWe duty fra ! f,1 a "U""t,Ml '"",,,fanl n tho rererve Is coIdered an eHgU.l j ,B ' "- '" " " r,a' W"",B " ,t ,. -i,. .T...i. . . ?.," etatlvo named la the net at anctir ly rnlrv Into the servico to establiaa , , : iwc bwi, wiu vnni. uroeevus msy ! Carrying on for Gandhi in India Fjpwi ct'ciblKty.. lac;loii of Judge lllngltam ti'H Jfelly cf Marlon coua- I ty circuit court on May 2fith Iu the nonatlve. Appoalcd to murcmt court, Doclston Thp lupreme ocurt ! riticd that anyone who v.os aaUste.l he applied In a"cord.ine with du Ahsiorf In "Uoore" cate above. nf;cr Novemhsr 11. 1918, u soldier iu thu tetiular army of tlio UnHod fitatea, and whom ontiru eervloe VMt performed under nn eilhstment D'4Allcd war votoreas of this vi cinity and the PaelfJe Northwest tak leg agricultural traUIug under tho beforu Juno 3. 1015, and was, t t "Pllon 0I ' fojrtrnmont on tiioir and beforo Juno 3, 1315. aud until fwn or baaed land projfrefs here arte? be entitled in a maximum of $300 frcm the goverr.mont for farm equipment, according to Information Blvoa out by 1.. C. Josseph of Seat ...-vo'vc t n ... . l"'' nomiweji iiisirici manager or 1 ";.. . . . ." w . "'a "nltort .States i.iMiu.if .nun iiiu hiv r.ucu CS'3 IT-- uiieii'ia .rnriD .-.j..e. ara 11 T"t f veterans' bureau tei'avcd titer this provision wl lltlailjr-to 8hao lit or r-.itj ony .nioiioy ,itilte'7l?W K-Jt :fc Art!ll 1 ri.'i ula'o trtljtine nlnna narl' utural , liars ci Mia pert of voternn In lino uLl,M4-ir.. ........ . vr-.v i i .i.-i-i ... i -.- s ' ruuB,ni3t m u'JUM' inn ciircr - 41 .", t - -ii r.ruri .. .- f" f ! ; yv ..- further ptitci roaann, Itr-v-f" In thp'po""" ' iiv!ncv! n'-,"'i ppnnntlon I- ' funds other v ' ruant to thn m XI-c and Chaplur 201. Qucstlpn Can tho on roe no '! nv. vitH- i M-rVlMl-e, If f T"0?'dl '"- 'alntlff out of iv created pur nni of Article Laws 1921." proceeds re- rolvotl from u U -u ucd f6r Invent distent? Suit filed by Department nf Ore gon, American Legion, In dehalf of of the veterans bireau, he rtt- ttJ. Lsrt Money will le nee led liy tn i-f.'iM to ostnbl.'sli lilm:f!f on n : ';..; :,! 230 U iblorl war vot--.: !n the Pacifie N'orthwust tram itiS to 1'ocome capablo fnrmors on their ova or loasod land at tlio pro sent time, Mr. Joisopli Bald, These mcji vecoivo JS0 n month or more from tho government until they are ab!o to handle their land projects without outside alii. A total of tip proximately 500 other vocational jr "v4 JW V. . . Tk es m:: ' 1 Si ' f' 'ri .'If'. i (Mlf )". r PEh 4f xtric Cookery Coirect Cookeiy h CJAiMr MAKK Although Mahatma Qanilhi, Nationalist leader of India, la behind 'no bars, Ilia son carnci on for Mm. IIu la stnudlnc on the left beforo Ms futhcr'a cell rcctlvlmi 'hl.i advice. On thu Immediate right Is Mot) Kchru, Ibo fainouu leader from Afcahclud. .1 . . -.-- - . ( i A ' PerfectConstruction for Perfect Electrical Cooking T'HE Hotpoint Hughec oven is a heavily hcnb-inculnted coeking: chamber which assures a perfection of result that can be obtained only with the - ELECTRIC RANGE The oven iti lined with two inches 6f mineral wool to prevent the loss of heat. Tho thermometer shows tho ox3 ct temperature. Tho inside comerB of the oven are slightly rounded to allow convenient denning. ' Thio samo nubatantial, accurulely built construction is found at every point of tho Hotpoint I Iughea Electric Ranvo the range of upecial features. Inquire about our special cookintf rate. You will find that the cost of electricity as a. cooking fuel is less than wood, and there is also, a great saving in labor and time. Wc buy Hotpoint Hurjhca ranges in carload lots, and this enables those who buy to get their runfjes at very reasonable prices. Call at our office and wo will be pleased to explain the cost and advantages of electricity as a fuel for cooking in the , home. The California Oregon Power Company mmeamMmmmwammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmim uslm xiTrarTTHfVMCCEatrr'.arat.i mi , , , i ww i mi i iwwiar him wi taM:jMww " H . i .lh . 'yKyV r tT.T j-T-r "-?' "V-J -L jrwrs fi i ' y fc. f' v i-u,