II gsfcW L 4 -o SHII 2 fill tj'T. ...1r. ..'. 1 '1 I I I ' h I H I Hi JM ' u " " g " v If Wfx;iWffi2llV V I I IS! -I ill i I r 8 I II i "' I l I i -v l ' 8 1 ' I II H I,. I I 8 fit i a 'I II '-I "" I Si ' "" I II mi m ! - I I 1 k ' - BB1 I B li 111' ' I ?! i I I if I i i li I I I I I 'I I i- -- I 1; ' I I ' I "I ! I 'I U . I $1 ' I .. 4 V i ' lit4 t We I ' ' - ' SftdH m THE EVENING HttALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I . r . MgMMMMMM I w Business Administration and a Rne City OR Radicalism and a One-Horse Town The enemies and traducers of Mayor Wilwn S. Wiley, haVe ko where and atao lime during the present campaign, denied the HONESTY, UPRIGHTNESS and GREAT ABILITY of the BUSINESS MANAGEMENT of the CITY'S AFFAIRS during HIS ADMINISTRATION. THE HONESTY, FAIRNESS AND ABILITY OF MAYOR WILSON S. WILEY'S ADMINISTRATION THEREFORE STANDS ADMITTED BEFORE THE WORLD EVEN BY HIS feN&MlES. Mr. Arthur R. Wilton, a man of blaitieleu life, but jvholly Untried, U put forward M candidate tar Mayor by a radical eh ment of the Civic League. HU platform, framed by them, and for their purposes, is a promise .of nothing practical. The only things Worthy of atten tion in the City's affairs as expressed in the Wilson platform are bootlegging and gambling. The Naked Truth tiotS BOOTLEGGING EXIST IN KLAMATH FALLS? OF COURSE-IT DOES, and so does it exist at the present hMtnent in EVERY CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, HAMLET and COUNTRYSIDE IN THE UNITED STATES. It is the most daagerotu and perplexing Issue of our time. It exists every where behind closed doors and concealed from the authorities whose duty it is to suppress it And the bootlegger takes advant age of the very law that protects the honest citizen from un authorized invasion of his home, to defeat and defy the police in running down and arresting him. Doei, gambling exist in Klamath Falls? Yes, and so does it ' exist everywhere, hidden away and protected from the knowl edge and control of authorities. THE' CIVIC LEAGUE OF KLAMATH FALLS is an organ Italian formed by many good citizens, including Mr. Arthur R. Wilson, Messrs. Slough, Chilcote, Dunbar and Leonard, with the entirely praiseworthy aim of bringing about better civic condi tions; to DETECT CRIME and cause offenders against our state laws and city ordinances to be brought' to justice. The men who'are leaders of this Civic League claim to have EVIDENCE in their possession of violations of law within this city. Have they co-operated with the Mayor and police by offer ing this evidence to them to assist in detection and punishment of crimes? NO, THEY HAVE NOT. They criticise and denounce the present city authorities for failure to prosecute offenders while they, claiming to have the evidence necessary to convict withhold t it and so themselves ignorantly aid the criminals, and impede the enforcement of Jaw. This is a fight for justice and good government A fight for justice to the city officials who have rendered unselfish, de "voted, invaluable service to this city A fight to point the finger of scorn and civic condemnation at those who have persistently slunk through this community whispering vile slanders against our honored mayor; slanders which they do not dare to utter openly. We call upon ALL CITIZENS, including the Civic League, to give their undivided support to all city officials charged with" the duty of enforcing our laws and ordinances, whether they are the present city officers or those who may be chosen at tomor row's election to fill their places. This should be a city governed BY ALL of its people and FOR ALL of its people. Give us a broad, enlightened government, in which radicalism ' of every form shall be excluded. We offer "' ""X WILSON S. WILEY for May as the man who has done the most in the past and can do the most in the immediate future to solve oU civic problems. Vote 43 X W. S. Wiley, tomorrow. Telephone Headquarters, Phdrie 632 for all information end for means to get to and front your home to the polling places tomorrow. Headquarters, New Hart Building, Corner 7th and Main Sts. WILEY-FOR-MAYOR CLUB, . . W. C. VAN EMON, Secretary. -4 4 . i MO.MAY, NOVKMIIKU II. HUM MkaHMaMIM