I WVl w l-V. M Page Twelve THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON t H.VH'ltD.lV, NOVDMIIUI I, lll'J'J Persistence TrntJ' year airo. 3temc UUI. nMwl i!itttr mi .fs tinffcr. mui-feil IfllfalicOi NoriH ct rhlI.N iMphfa. They wr divorced In 19tl, imorril In HIT. ami ill verMul orl! In 1S1J. Now UM Is mlllnc for Kurciw to marry hli femur wife for th third lime To Russia !t Mix. Curie :i.VI1!ougliby will toon Ua c WitUnsttn to Join licr hufbar.J whe is with thj American RiW la Hu.'5'a. I: n 4 l! li. "TrXn uvvn Jk wta But ' as Kr .) m '- 2 1 ' v '& H ten m fA CSIS3SSZS3STia7tS7XXI3!KCSXX7X)77nS3VUn At The Liberty Monday and Tuesday NOVEMBER GTH. AND 7TH. A PICTURE FOR FATHER Mm S5 MOTHERAND DAUGHTER Ifs Voir FauH You KevbrToId 12f pgg- $0 !s the Daily ry cS Thcu- 13a gsT sands cf Bauguiors- and &as! sg '&& JLJ f 3$ ; kitA.' ilAt! The parents siionitl send hc;n to seo this rcmarunaJo Photoplay for the Iwson it teaches. It tells the truth , and shows everything and yet It does not offend. An education of a lifetime told in two hour. The most sensational, daring: and spcctncular motion picture ercr hown "--".-i Something new In pictures. JtttTStt 'A Gft m wurN&SBmmjmir ra IfiV S&tZI m h n d'jv bot MomLiy aftrrn-im mill TucmI.ij Krcnln? Monil'u 'VIMlltlU iitul Tll'-'il ty UtritloDH Monday afternoon for Ladies Only. Monday evening for Men Only. Tuesday afternoon for Men Only. Tuesday evening for Ladies Qnly. No children under sixteen admitted. t State Monopoly of Schools would cost. In taxes over $1,000,000 ct year for operation Over $3,000,000 for buildings and grounds THE first cost of slate monopoly of schools would be something over three million dollars for new buildings and grounds. We would have to pay a yearly tax of over one million dollars for operation in addition to what we are paying now. They propose that Oregonians pay this bill for "Real Americanism." But it is not Amer icanism to take away the right of the parent to control the education of the child. They propose that we pay this bill to havo "Compulsory SchooL" But wo actually havo compulsory trchocl :i;;ht now under tho present law. Be not deceived. What this burden of added taxes will go for is an experiment in education along communistic lines tho substitution of state monopoly in education for parental guidance. Russia is trying this experiment. Let us profit by her failure. Lot us maintain our democ racy and save millions of dollars. Vote NO on the School Monopoly Bill Culled on the Ballot Comhulsory Education Bill m This advertisement is paid for hy ilic Non-Sectarian and Protectant Schools Committee vjn o E SILENT VOTER The Unbiased Unprejudiced Unbigoted Judge of American Ideals DO YOU WANT . -To ADD MILLIONS TO YOUR TAXES? (Supporters of the so-called Compulsory School Bill claim that 14,000 extra pupils can be squeezed into our already crowded schools. ..Can they?) If you do not want these e xtra taxes VOTE X NO. -To PUT RELIGION I.NTO OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS? WH ICH RELIGION? This has already been promised. (See public debate between Wheelwright and Woodward, the latter a member of Port land School Board and strong advocate of the bill.) This promise was followed up last week by actually interrupting the classes of the Failing Public School of Portland from 2 to 4 in order to allow the teaching of RELIGION. And THIS IS TO FOLLOW IN ALL SCHOOLS. (See the daily papcrc.) WHAT CONSISTENCY! MR. SILENT VOTER, if you believe RELIGION should b c kept out of our PUBLIC SCHOOLS, VOTE 315 X NO. 3 -TO MAKE OREGON ANOTHER RUSSIA? RUSSIA is the only country in the world that has such a law! To MAKE YOUR CHILD A WARD OF THE STATE, to be taken from you, or sent hither and thither at the will of the MAJUKil x or the wish or unprincipalcd demagogues. ?mp.h But the supporters of this Anti-School Bill maintain th at the child is the State's ward and the Bill is intended to enforce this claim. IF YOU BELIEVE AND WISH OTHERWISE, VOTE 3 15 X NO. 5 To INJECT PpLITICS INTO OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. MR. "SILENT VOTER," THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE EVILS OF THE SO-CALLED COMPULSORY SCHOOL BILL, BUT THEY ARE REAL, SOLID, ROCK-BOTTOM FACTS. THEY ARE NOT THE IDLE IMAGINATIONS OR BALD STATEMENTS OF SOME BOMBASTIC "100 AMERICAN." You may have received literature favoring this ANTI-AMERICAN BILL. BE CAREFUL! WEIGH THE CONSEQUENCES OF SUCH PROPOSED LAW. ANYONE CAN MAKE STATEMENTS AND PROMISES, BUT THESE ARE NOT ALWAYS FACTS. To Kill Compulsory Bill VOTE 315 X NO 3TAvy f ,' THE CATHOLIC CIVIC RIGHTS ASSOCIATION, DAN CRUMP, Secretary. (Til Id AilvcHloi'tnciil) ti-l 9 K