' - If ?lt r "ttSaW.m. - Paffe Eight THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH.FALLS, OREGON wnr.siv, vnvr.Miir.it i, mw NiHn T T 1 I? 1 I 1 II I I lty .lOSITIIIMi VAX do HltllT XKA Si'Mlco Slnff Wtller Minni.KnoUO, Mnss.. Oct. 2S. 1 lmvo spent n lilrlit under the roof lit Charles (Inrl.nnd, 2.1-yoar-old ' llooalrn. who k.ivo up fortune, wlfo nnd children in order that ho might bo -hlmne1f. TIU Iii'imli retreat I a reeon Btruetcd hen liono ("hid 1 thromh ns Just to rIi w lint I tottld to tin i a. It tit then 1 found out tlit'io somnthlni; bluRcr than kIWiik and that l.i sharing." A ii at to tlio night wore on. Sho dtvn out of tho desk n little nolo- j hook of poems which (Inrl.tml had I pines" explained Miss lMgerton. wltton Sunn.' of them s.worod ic- nnrloj. (tho family name for (Jar- "'arkahly of Walt Whitman, nl- land) w cxpLilnlng tho car to her t'.oiich lliirtoiid. ho assured mo, all afternoon, tmt sho can't Ket It h- ! m,t rMl " "p ' Whitman un- Ihroiinh her head." Doris was con-, '" "?" 7000 Miles by Parcel Post ! MMMOflBV"" "VnaabtipJ 1 trite. nnrtfin.l ftmlln.1 nf Itpr fniltilmtnf . .. .... , y. Rrery row minutes he would i jch oxer 10 I'ght n fresh r.garoite f. em ahovf tli. : ). Dohli'd th ump wero tno i of book, alt he d!aVni' of rii'o. nil the work ..; T.)l.io. Wili'n Outline of His- . i The Outllns Of flrlenee." a nvontunlly we, too. turned In, and Hi" last yellow llRht was hlotlod out of tho little roronstrnrtcd elitekon i house whore a drama of consider .iMo proportion l heliiR played. i A Kit i o. until recently n dorellet of the Boston bIh'imk. went to sleep o-i :he fool of the hod. '-'!. Isht. lit-'-', NI.A Senlie) jescrnixi: van m: oitirr tho mlddlo and equipped wlA. n store a lublo, a cot, a divV, a l.'nip Jftl a tpewrltoi. Here Is the oddly asortel family which l seeklnc to wret happln out of Garland's tumble 'ow:. farm toven mllM out from thN plctur- tKQiio little town- Garland tall, clad In a heavy woolen shirt, khaki trousers, wool en stocking and morcnslns; a llttlo sluiRR' mustache bctraylnc sloamlac white teeth when ho smile?. Doris Demon footer ulster of Oarland, sturdily built, hair cut short, clad In knickers and a blue sweater, v AHco Edcorton friend of Dorl and of Garland, blonde braid down her back, clad In knickers and prcon blouse, and UJlnc the soft thee" and "thou" of the Quakers. There xa' Laughter As I stumbled across the darkneji tho lights from tSo reconstructed ' chicken houso shono warm and yel low. A blondo girl was slttlnc on tho cot and hugging her knees con templatively. A tall dark man was reading something out of a book. There was laughter. They greeted mo kindly. "If folks would only get to know I us." said tho Quakeress. I As we Mt and talked Mlw Kdger-' ton auddcaly said: "Hast the bm fed?" ; And so bll some argued and ) ' i rn o' lhsn's plays, b worli at ruatd Carpenter, other books eomhlnlBR poetry, history and scl- ec( nvn rlrsreites Qarlsnd leansa i in K (tr hi chair offerlog occasions. I ii .ition. Ju.g und Prsttj and the rM , W'T. gion to Interpreting every i thing throng, tho medium of nex." ' 'be s.iUl. He didn't know but wh.it Vm. other medium would do .! '.-lt ' U? hadnt road "Terllum Organ . inn." hut meant to. I'nderstood It a; a meaty hook. Up wIMip.I m.-r.. ! P'opl0 would read Kdard Carpen- ' ,ler. i Onre ho Jumped up to get Wt-b- siers ueiinltlon of pathological Then he ltd an animated discussion as to tho exact relation between pathos and disease. Afterward ho took a volume of poems by Edua St. Vincent Millay under his arm and went to hL bed In the barn. Women SooUnc Ilnpplnex The two women told me they aro seeking happiness through this ven ture of shaking off the trappings of city life and living simply and plainly and close to the soil. , Though ihy and wistful, Doris Ilenson vigorously ileti.td that sho agreed wholly with all of Garland's thcorlM. , "Any way," she said, "each per-, son has to work out thoso thing alone. What I want to learn Just now, though, Is to be a good farm-l cr." ' j .iico j.ugcnon was iikcwiso anx- .Ions to learn to be a good farmer as part of the pursuit of happiness. Almost as plcturesquo as Gar land' has been tho career of this friendly-eyed young woman who for two years has lived without money. ' Her clothing has been of the sim plest, one skirt, two middles, and the plainest of ether garment. He cently sho has subitltuted knickers for tho skirt. Her policy has been to work wherever the was no-did, In ,1, in: Mvotti; i (Hugo Coim ible (to vtlhmer who hit iwn knocked dowu by passim; motorist): "You didn't see tho ntim- bcr. but could you swear to tho Wi'" Vi.'.iger- "I dl.l. tmt I don't !'.'' i- heard nil' " Get results by using class ads. 'oWw 'Sr N t ji(Vt x .O v t'.'A nJWM, I. W. W. FLAYED AS OUTLAWS BY SPEAKER (Cotitliuiml ftom I'agK I) Shcriffcttc Jttlt.i Kalian, s, ha Ivcn safely delivered to her father In America after liavlns jounievol TOflo miles from llavarla In tho coro of postal authorities iilic wi.io n parcel post tag things tlii'v dmii not print nio hum holuit elii'iilatinf hy wind of mouth Thoy am hhiuk old unlawful hit, mil tat Ion " 1 in t'llis: ouo Ji'.ir. when ili'ntnu tlo niHiHitti"! Mule nt tlii'li' hi'ii'.ht n.lld lllll'.ht'i, thu I V. W limiHt.'il of tho ilestuii'tliin of $S, 01HI, (lilil uortli it f iniipiTt) In thi It.ii'iaiiu-11'o Miltny iilolin. 'I'IiIn was ii'itiinli'il as Nuihfiii'iiirt hut nut tin' limit, for t li epr. mmI 1 home of n "boiler riH'Uld IH't i'Ur 1'i'i'lliig li rliinil llnghi"! still ti'd hit nddreiis hv n di'i l.irntlnii nf deep fi'i'lliu: on tin' ilJi'it or I V W. Ism. At tin i in lll.ltilll III' H.ltd lln was lli'ill.al m1. as lung us ho held piihlle nffli'e, t.i use Ins best nf fill Is to eiitsh the I V V iirKiiult.itloii mid slauip n m.t We must aland mtaliist the I V V he Mild, "(or the s.linn rwisons tint iitgalllled sorlety prosetutei. linn ti teis, arsonists mid luiri;l,irs In. me In the mine il.ns im (m f i llUiitleti. ullit the nriliri) K i riil'ieiil of nrganlted sin let) i lr "iH ilatro Itcnnlan HI. IMul, thinks he's thu world's only offlilM sherlffrlt.' Hhu's had thst tltln icnfrried tier by Hhrrirf John Wiigenrr and h ","'', n ,mr tu iroo It Hh cares fur womtn pilKiiiers I tomMtitoUfmssma ('I m, M i mmmjdmmmmmmwi vvv STARTING TOMORROW THURSDAY Fully a month of l'.'o-Soason .i'IIhim: vilXmrtfiSr fsjOVEMBEH others listened ,sho buut if brik hosplial or home, and to .iU t r llttlo firs In th rsngs aad plied .rite such simple thlnss as suppd'd hi with hot cbocolato and soup lft ' wants. Jloldlug suclt 1.1. u ,t a ., from supper, nd fresb brown broad. ' nataral tuat she should grav.t.m. Tbfeso persons who Jave figured so : eventually, to the habitat of Garland In tho news are Just Ilka other per- wh,ire " ha I,prn livlnir quifl fcons. It Mfcm-, onlq pcrl-ajih a l.ttl" for several months until th" demr kluder. ture of Gai.ind's wlfo for Euri.p" Over on the e uth IJil- I! .ron JiMln r.ilh d jm' Ii att'ti'loa to 'l-n continued her rontenit'.ji .r- ' niillif'Tij re p. i i i "She's thinking oiiout , , .n-l ' f . t " sh ascgrrWi7gwTi7a! dn r. ."jld. "jt I J j TONIGHT AT THE STRAND NOVEMBER 2nd, 3rd, 4th Wc do urge you to take full ad vantage of this dress sale, as it af fords you the opportunity of purchas ing your winter dress at a greatly re duced price. Bear in mind you not only have the choice of the eastern market but the largest stock to choose from in this part of the state. What ever your plans are in wearing apparel be sure to include a dress. m, 1 "' H" - If iMaMMMMMWWNWM More remarkable is the fact that this sale comes so early in the season. Kight now you will find a greater se lection of dresses in our stock than at any other time of the year. To make it more convenient to shop groups have been formed at uniform pricings that will appeal to the woman who knows superiority in design and materia). NOVEMBER 2nd, 3rd, 1tli Peggy Page, Marion, American Lady all are included, also thoso K. C. U. garments purchased through our New York office. The saving effected through our New York office alone should make these garments beyond comparison, to .say nothing of the fur ther price cuttings. Only your per sonal inspection wfll prove to you Die importance of a dress .sale like this. $q.85 10c ONE PRICE TO ALL 10c A Million Dollar Show for Ten Cents Sec it tonight at the popular show house of Klam ath Fails, where the price is small and the show is big. House Peters in . "You Never Know Your Luck" The romance of a wealthy young man who lost his fortune gambling. Also TWO GOOD COMEDIES I Show Starts 6:15, 7:45 and 9:15 10 CENTS ADMISSION 10 CENTS Jril M (IB iWjl GROUPED TO MAKE SELECTION! EASIER $1650 $23 n-50 $i a -so .50 ALSO SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS ON T HE VERY HIGHEST PRICED DRESSES THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY No Refunds No Approvals No Exchanges All Sales Final ALL ALTERATIONS FREE OF CHARGE A Dress for Every Woman at a Price She Can Afford to Pay Materials Satin faced Canton Crepe back Satin , Canton Crepe Chenille Tricotine Poiret Twill Colors Seal Brown Jet Black Navy Blue Nutmeg Brown Midnight Blue and others NOTICE Store closes at 8:30 P. M. sharp Saturday nights in compliance with State of Oregon Industrial Welfare Commission, which prohibits the employment of women in a retail establishment after that hour. . THE WOMAN'S STORE 91 Hl Ok Con'.!r.j Friday Rodolph Valentino in the Big Masterpiece, "STOLEN MOMENTS" & mmts 3miZffimmmBTnto - Advertising! r 1