. V ' I r Pace Six 1 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OHEGON vi:im:sii,v, miimih ii i, iiwj N. t U' 3 IT llllflT IB Sails From Florida to N, Y. HERE'S MONKEY'S SIDE FOR FIRST TIME The Office Cat ItV JUXIUH Our 'iiiilliutcil Uiiicii.mr Slio was from Urutnn; ho from Oklahoma "You hmc traveled a r.ronl dcnl In tho weal have you not. Visa Union?" "Oli, yes, tndpcil In (California niul Arizona ami own in New Mcsl- I'll." "Anil illd yon evor eee (he Cher 0I.00 Strip?" Tkoro wns n painful silence, bui finally slio looked over lirr glosses Hi htm nnd said: "Sir. I deem yw.. question exceedingly rnde." itv Tin: M"v i:i:voutics: What ihics n monhcy think ntio.it ? i Is In- prom! or bolnn railed tho an ; rcstor of tho lu'tnau race? There question I put to the tend Inn monkey In Klamath l'(lls nnd ' tho following la the first nnthrnll ' I iatorlew on tho subject: j "Day by dnjr In every way t nm ! rrowlng clooiuli-r and gloomier." h ,' said, pressing It I dolorous fjee j pRatnsl the bar et the too cape, nu.t .lulin V.tJo nays respect grandpa's memory forget his methods. All tho education In tho world can't prevent a man making a fool of htiutolf lr ho Is determined to do o. There lias hoen n good ileal of iiRltnlinn for tho past few jeara nhout ft now motto far the coin of the realm. Personally, we have, lonnlnnu toward "Abldo With Mo." I I Sam: What do yon miss monti nliicc you moved out Into the roun- try? ' I'ste: "Trains?" It's a Komi thins that most of the nuto drivers on tho roads arc decent. The few who are not make trouble enough. i honklnK hit lull .irivmd a ro-mntont ' l.ml. I I w.-to'i the human race pass byj and they took me (especially on' jSundJ) nad holiday) tike some-1 thing any decent monkey would hes-: Hate to claim kinship with. , "The thins that rile mo la their; conversation thets disagreement ! over Mr. Darwin's idea about men ' and monkey having a common an-1 fester. Some look at me with pit), and others with worn. "I den't give a roroanut what they think! Maybe. Mr. Darwin wan right If he was. I'm horribly ashamed. "After looking over the human rai'o. I'm glad to say I'm a monkey. Von may qouto mo for thu:. If the people I see arc a sample of what education does. I'm Bind we never had a echool board In m.caatlve JunKle. "I hear them rhattering about apartments, aud I contrast my happy tot with theirs. My airy. roomy rase has the average flat backed off the boards. "They're always dlriissing clothes (especially tho ladles). And when they're dret.ed up meit of them look like monkeys I mean scarecrow. I'm ftlad I don't have to wear fork and collars and ath- S&teuw,, Mil. MoNKKY 'What's thN "rnlilliltlon I hoar so much nbotil'.' I'mr human heliis'i, hut a lot they hnvo to contend with' Thr)M ie better off eased and let ui monkeys see whether our branch o( th- family can't do some thing to make our common fore father proud of us. It's a sadly mix ed up world. You'll have to excuse me new I'm going to split a cocoa nut 'with a friend.' I'tiii.ic MiTin:: t If! ' k ! I BSSKSSB.U.A.'S& ,J .St -w s- " S.-'-autiwSfrfft sSLZaJS t " ,, i -n HA rootl)nll Game to Mitrlc I lunio-Comiii); at Monlann .!. t s . kaL:U. .. ..?s&4f& aaaiflS iissjivs. ,i.i , ,is i--stf.'Ktsfie VL .!5r.jiti-i2irii.i... mr-i0 LjiT)il?.5-w..-rrw-irJr'r,t. efijiir- -rr.rA i -vty MlSllOl'I.A, Molil , No I The i 'i'i lly ill .Moiil.iu.i M nut .tun 'Into ollt'l.' fnolli,lll ;illin, II Joint ttlei'l in of the tilumul of the nnlMO'slly ' i. 'id tho sliito eiilli'iio it nil the drilled iiin or tho nien'n cyiiiiiiisluiii, are 'iiii'iiiii; tho I'WIItH tlint will (oalllle 1 ii ti it it il lloniecoinlnc wei' ut llin , CiilM'islly oT .Miititntiu Hits your The ,.i'i'lv'i lelehnilliiii will i lose Hiillir iln. NuVembor It, with the I'ulioi lt -Aitr.lo fnollmll itollie. j Tho commlitoo It rharno of Hilt m ii-'h fosllvlllns itntloJii.itc mi uu I ii'iinlly latRo crowd of IkIIom, iiihI aie iiiuliliiit llielr phiiis in .'orilinr.h I V ni'oli.il I lulu will lirlUK I lit" j iillcitc Hindi tils to .Mlstuiiilu on Arm I Initio I'uy, when Iciillis lopiehenlini Mio tun stuto liiktlliitloiis will i la .It ' u the football tlotil i Ml ot I lio iinljrxlty'n mm Imllil l nr will bo upon for disport Ion ilm I in: lloiiii'-comltiR, iilltiolinli ni'lio I llii'tu will be , completed lielor" I'ei i mlirr I The fnt mill ih'dli iitinn 't the mi" it KXiiiiiflniii will iilni' inKe pliuo A do'lli iitlim il.inii' will t'i' III III 111 tile CVi'lllIlK 11 Ih plilllltlltc llllll II litpllllllllllt' fn ulnmili fli'lil iln.v will ho lii Itl In tlin linn Hint; of Ilm iliiv of llio foul llllll KIIIHO, to lIl'll'lllllMI' HllMllllltl'lll in of I tin iwu i In "i'ii An i I'l-tiuili-loni'il illmiiT fur llio iiIiiiiiiiI mid tor III, I' HtlllltMlN o lli'lll lolli'lton will lie held III lln oi Illni. nflor tho name, i.i.us ,rri:.NTHiN liiltliilliMi mid Binokor Tliiii-mliiv nnliiit, Nov 2nd Vlnltlnr i:ih weU'lilllii llv older of lnlled Hllli'l, I . II K MOM Vi:it. Hoi") Jlnther tloosn llioad Have llio w tapper iiml I'.et n sled "7-1 Big Jazz Ball At Malin SATURDAY, NOV. 4 Chicken Supper t Mnliti Hotel All Ctuulidntcs Invited fv. Etch with raatarta. Captain Clyde O. Hilton (!nt) piloted tail frill MCfoot Mlllnc ciaft thrcush Atlantic storms from fit. l'ctcrnl'urc, lis.. , to Nnw York harbor la (') days. Atid ho mvs ho'll trv ;t ocalnl Idaho Awarded Cup The Klamath I'.ill. Mn, ti'iil.ln In cat. No I ITS. .s not aUlliated with! '"" '"lleRp. 'Un like I "'" l'r',rnl Labor Council and does tlilrl Mmess'xe : n. ui'i cnuor-e ict vt ime tor ma)ur ' ,.rsii) (r ld..!i, h It. I( .MlllllilMIN. Me i ., I" W S CONW.INH. I'ns MOSi'OW. I :..lio. Nov. I The lints. ti ii of l.i.i'i.i ha i r ii ti.v,l oil the rup t-fr i . I I'., the llam.nl club f Hpokat'.i'. Wash . for the bct spi rtnittflshlp. cheering, singing nnd .stunt the best stunt piv-iented at the a i- i Idaho's ftiint co'inMed of n Ihl-w nual football Kane lieiueeu ih.- Iilnhu '"ml tiitnii'd on the t'i I I I'nmrslty of Id'li'i and V.ihIiiu"Ii m I.-.'v.mi haltes liy the student., Th I i t'i s s-.u'c luiitest, Idnho !' r i I ii lie o'lt ot n po alti'o prrli'i I mre or l." iii in The winner of I'e iiin was dertili d by three JiidK i'ii, who Iiml four totes eat Ii u Mp.)rumunihlp. cheering, songs, n" ! i U!. Willi II Will tettc underwear and like that. abominations .nee its p. r: ..ir hi ir's III' nun fi.i .t the p"ini.iiit mil 'n. I' ,ii itie I ' mum it p. II I mi' the woi I ! i'i i , Ii II KTlliliil In II. I'. I..' Tie- W.l.lllllK'iHI ' n .ill- nil tit. i,i!l .' -.tii.b nls f. ruled a iiimi I ill' i . . ..I.i'l e. I i'ii ' II I, Mll-i S I' , I (pj It is Time To put a new lop on thai auto. We have a man who lias had years of ex perience in Auto Top shops of San l'Vaneimi and can iiuarantue work of hiIi quality promptly completed. The beauty of your ear depends on the top, hut the comfort, also i.-i in creased by storm-proof eovcrine;. CONNOLLY BROTHERS IICJ Minn SI i en I'linno lltt-W Herald classified ads pay yon. wssir.asnrasgigoaaajrrgyrrfiCTixgCTtf Trouble Willi VIc An eastern editor says that a mnn out west got himself Into troublo) bp marrying two wives. I A western editor replied by assur- luf his contemporary that a goodi many men in that section have done tho satni) by marrying one. A northern editor reports that qulto a number of hit acquaintances found trouble by merely promising to marfy. without going any further. A southern editor says that n friend Mif his was bothered enough by simply being fo.und In company with auuthiT man'K wife. "The tnat aj drank In silonco," wrote tho teacher on the black board. 'Uauiec. correct that sentenro." i.ho said. ' .lames went to tho hoard and tcrawlod, "The toast was) ate in ! h licit." 0 ('. Italia Kny about tho worst pen ally, that rnuld bo put unto amnio hlrdrt would bo to make them an linn cut living. 'I'll I (lie Tiulli A priiinliioul local 'department tdoru' lecontly ndcrtisod; "Sox first II i;i u Mnco tho war l!i e wull kiiiiwii' blank brand, pure thread silk mix 5!) cunts. They won't last long in llils prlco." They wero right. I hotiKht a pair. i "IMpn, wlmt do you call n mnn who runs an automobile?" "jt depends on how near lie comes In hitting mo." Hal Oglo saya it Is really wicked to huto anybody extcpt iho chap who chillers tiji jour radio einiug with u political tpiei'li. Mother (loni'il llrcnd Save tho wruppor and Kut a hied. L'7-l YOUR WINTER'S WOOD tBBsV-v "r i -'ri 3rL&s. JVw i' 1ST fi " 1-. .r'sNZi HHl.nA V -ZSV&'s caai5a,-a-- Vi'. r-.Z-J"Q. Save Repsdrs Paisit'Now It Costs More to Rot a Building Than to Paint It BOTH .. 'Al.'sfc.,,', JMUUlLJX.aXi:2iXUjatt3XUII 2 Rounds of Boxing SCANDINAVIAN HALL, Klamath Falls, Oregon TUESDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 7 A GOOD way to determine how much it cots to rot a building is to find out how much lumber, needed to repair or re build, would coat. You'lJ find that it costs several times as much a the paint which save repairs. I'aint mr build ings when they need it. Rolling jiropcrty h W2icful and cslrsva gant. The moit economical paint, in the long run, i. the best paint. It's easy to apply oaves labor cost. It covers moro area per gallon than "cheap" paint. TI.5 h-il pslnt irvc fo j cars luni-r than "chtap" pj ct more paint. Tho Let palat U economical L- cimo It Is sci-ni.fic in formula and pr'-parstiun. It u rieht. V.'e'ie read" L t ainM fnr T.T )rar to niri't the n.aih-r coii'litium in the Vicit. Tie i. main l lie fint mil-riaU-l'IONi:!:!! Willi J. I.KM). pure lintrnl nil. pure 7'iw. and pum color cnnbini d in i.rnfirjlljr ex. set proportions villi lurg timo t'ill. Free Advice on Pc.Jr.tinB yv Aii of j!tl fcr tlil't, JVJ ccli ciHi, cK. 5'Tv A.k ii riir ptriS'. VJJr'.y-H. tlua lJ.r'nir, tl, .jt ih k . l'.l yutiU ..', t e 'i, f ft . S im i.na,or ui it? -'j'r JliTtVfi !"iui. t itl'rx W.ttft tf PH.r C--nt Y AV rijoi PtUl, All f. i.o lltuft sj Viroile. bilk' Hhi'i L fc-Jj l.in.l, Hli-.ul . Fl " " nub. V.'..L.i.l ttall I. ii. Aoti !''.'. flirn nt llf I'aiie I'oi ii at ttr; I'a,i. el no.NTUl r.'Iillt. LUU, rg ri EULLEP 1 vINJ- 7Q ."EADEPi, W SPCCIFICATIOH House Paints PhocnU Pur Paint Puro Prepared Par.1 ;. !( .ltl t4 )w tlt tbt tiij.at tin BJH lo6f KxtHt JXiftt, W. P. FULLER & CO. SACRAMENTO MAIN EVENT, TEN ROUNDS & Evans vs. Wildcat Weldy Wimlson, Colorado Wcijjht 1'IS pound? Boicc. Idaho Weiyht 1'IG pounds SEMI WIND UP, FOUR ROUNDS JACK HARMON, Pittsburg, Pcnii., 145 lbs., vs. JOE BLACKBURN, Mudford, Ore, 145 lbs. - - - iii KID BIEIIN vs. TOUCHY ANDERSON Both of Klumnth Falls. 1 rounds. Fly Wuicths SPECIAL EVENT, FOUR ROUNDS ELMER HAMMER, San Jose, Cultf., 121 lbs. vs. JOHNNY OWENS, Portland, Orcj.on, 118 pounds LADIES WELCOME, RESERVE YOUR TICKETS Tickets on Sale at WALDROF BILLIARD PARLORS GENERAL ADMISSION, $1.50; War Tax 15c Total $1.65 RESERVED RINGSIDE SEATS, $2.50, War Tax 25c Total $2.75 JOHNNY HOUSTON'S ORCHESTRA .flfts-stafctsH UM.V.X--tfUM- DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Tom Plays It Safe BY ALLMAN should have your attention. ' Cool weather and storms! force prices up. Our fuel is tho best, our prices are rteht on Slab, Blocks, Body and Tama oack. Your business is solicited. 0. Peyton & Co. 419 IMMri WIOJW ps EM WEMAoVIC?AMB. I VoUtt!cJ"mE lijlff fIMJl' ' f i I YHOt 1 5HAU E.IJOV MECTWG " Brff " " Un I orf-r 1 I rMUcHAtaxw Brr fM;RAip'ril OL06t6- 'i - J MIRm uv vmr jor Po Vou , y WtFcToi.i-lVEJceiH!iR. rwlr WO WOMr, ... fj