The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 01, 1922, Page Page Five, Image 5

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- H
vi:iim;hi,v, oi:.Miutit t, maa
TDK 10, Nov I Til lit I lm league
or nuilim. with tli" ni-(iii'riitliiii nf
lIlllKI' IOWUIH IHll l'l llll llllll'll III t
niiMiilMriilil. will ni'lilevu tin' iiliJi''U
fur which It was furmed. In the'lie
lii't nf tl'i' .liipiiliiisu i;ov"tumeut. In
ii ntiiti'iiiriii In Hi" ihi'hn tln fiirnlitn
office niiIiI
"It l'i liln Unit I lut le.igiiu nf mi
Hull' li'UM'fi iiiillli'tlllnr. In lm ili'nlli'.l
In tlin ili'Kli'K of iiutliiirlly ulili h it
r.irrlen iiiiuilii: Urn liulliiiitt, Imt tin1
tint Unit It In nut it perfeilt tiislltii
llim wnn IIMiIiTjiIiiihI iiihI refilled liy
Japan tit tlin Iii'iiIiiiiIiii;, mill u ti -i.'H'.l
It wllli tin- liiiin uinl trust Hint
In Hi" (iiirilliiti'til tir Hh miUcn Itn
llirmlii'rn Would tlerh" experience
iiml I'oiilldeni'ii mill craillially work
nut II 'i Ilill'iTfiii'llniii. I'rniii tin1
Japanese luilllt nf Mvw li greatest
liiMfiilllilie U tlin li'iii;ii.'n failure to
nllnt nil of tln powers, great as
well an small, hi iik membership, iin
unit iillKlnully dcslh'm!.
"TIhi league lian huueter. steadily
ili'M lojH'il rIiicu Hn organisation, mill
Ha efforts (in peace unil Interna
tional roujiurnt Inn hat" alrc.nly
been rewarded with tangible inn results Tlin promotion nf nr
rni.Vjiind (li woik nf Iiciii fltlin: tin
inanity ilu nut make nuch Interesting
ii'.ulliii: ii uci'oiimIh of warn, fain
Inn mid other disasters; thcrutnre.
tlin rrcilltithlu work nf Hi" league Id
nut mi mi'II known nr mi generally
I. ii own tin tlin works nf ugenrlcn nf
war mnl ilritriicllnii
' Tlin prlmury objective of tlin
league, v. hlrli in ihi.ii" mnl under--iitiillitr;
hiiiiiiii; tin- nntlunn was nut
wily furthered tn mi Incalculably
grunt ruent by llio Washington rim
fiTOIiro. Iilll III" llli'llll'T.H were stim
ulated ami i nriiur.iKul tn proceed
vlKiiriniily upon ttit'lr l.tliont Tin
In.TKii" In now endeavoring tu extend
Hip rcoiii of the nal treaty, signed
nt Washington, so tl't I IU members
1io were nut slgn.ilury to tli"
Washington ngrceiueuls mil)' liar"
In lliitlr luvieflrlnl eYfct'ls nml rti
Joy Hi" cumtiirt of tlin security
which iliunn agreements provlilc.
"As regards tli" lliiill.itliui nf Imiil
nrtuaments. Hi" league Ik conducting
lni stlgjilnns Into' various phases
nf tlio iroli"iu mnl Japan hopes,
mnl ! kii believes, Unit tlin desire of
ninny uf Hi" usitloitn (u reduce their
nilllliiiy cutiilillnliiiicMtii piomlspn to
mnhn nn IniporliiiiL nnmiiiiro nf
iii'hleviimeiil attainable, within n
reiinonnbln Hum In certain legion
nf tin, world If not In gniiiirnl.
"Apart from mailers or iiriun
mi'iil mill tint tiriiiiiotlun or under
iitmulliiit tln li'nttii,, Iiiih achieve)
gll'lll lll'I'llllltlllllllllll'lllN In tin inntil
Imliiu wuili, relieving distress' upon
several continents, iiriiliinllni; means
nf niifn ami nffcrtlm roniiuiililniilluii
In nml Imtwi'i'ii mitlnnn Mlilch ihu
In illrn ni'i'il nf iii'(iii'riilliin, imii;cl
nlly In Kiiruim nt tlin pri'inint llni"
itlvlni; irniTtlun tn minor i:ruiin
nr rliiMi-H of ii'iiil(Mi In ninny ronn-
lilnii mnl nffiirilliiK ii rnurl nf nrlil- I
tuitluii wImto weaker nntloini mny '
iiii".il for iiruturilon from wliut I
Miry Imlli'v,. tu lm oiirrimlon liy ,
Kri'ati-r nt.ili'N.
"All t Ii In Ik certainly n mattur
I fur ht'iiriy I'unKraliilatluii fur .lnp.iii
n n iin for tliu otlirr liatliuii or
III" wurlil
"Tli" Jnp.iticmi i'iivrriliii(,iit tip
llivi'H that tli" thinl iiii'inlily or Hi"
ll'IIRIHl Will lirilllllt'll III llMht UN ROOll
r-HM I 1m iim Hi" two lUi'Vlnun mmi'in-
hl"i It Im Japaii'n luti'iitlon to J
tout lit ii -, ns I'lirminll)- un licrctofnin,
tu iirninuli) tli" cu-oprraflon nml
iiulliliiilty or tlin im'tllUPm of tliu
l"ni:u", with nu liimtll" hitiuit to-
wariU any nation that may hi. out-
lil" that hmly. hut rather with tlin
liupo ami ilrnlri' that tliunii nntslilu
will at leant rnnllnii" tu ncniril In
Nplrll with the li'aRiie'H aspiration.
Wii arn fonvlnteil that If Hio conn
trlnn that ant not inriiilii'r of Hid
IimriI" will nhe their material nun
port tu llm leaRile'N urtlvltlei, anmv
nf Hid ninny lauiluhle ohJertlvPK
rnnnot fall In lm arlvanccil and Jn
Noiiin r.meii. even frilly achlevcil."
ion tan:
'I'arllnr, I've made up my
tu ftuy nt home."
Tim late, (lourr.p Tie inadi; up
my f.iee tu ro out."
' DM yuur wlln ur her rer Ret In
jured In the arrldpnt thu other
"Not iiiiirh. Junl ii little ( paint
I'lllppnl off luitli "'
I'KillTIMi im;ts
It lit better tn rIi ihnn to Rrah
It In more hlemed In arcuuimo
ilii" tlinn to"
liny inlnreiuont ut the (iulld Inuil
sale. .Saturday, I'nlillc Market 1-3
I 'W UiH. 'A wa
New Vorlc An effectivo cm
mine In nut nnd hlack, nullaHe for
Mrect. artnrnuiii nml litmltaumi. u-I
hlhlteil here today, ilililojn the
coati'ii!. The ildil Is hlack
cluth, nccordluu plaited', Thu coated
covered with nplrnlt or fine ilk
hrald In rtmt tunes. Thu hem of thu
(at"" hlniiKO, which romcM tu llm
lilpn, In ruilloped and huttonholi'd III
New Vork The rolled or hralded
Hirhlii Rlrill" mi much lined on gowns
today Is nttr.irtlto ulfii on Hie rlRht
sen of hat. A clone-rittiiiR hlack
hat ol l.atln lian a hrim of red nnd
Rriei reather fromU plalled to fmm
a Iiionii ami puffy hrald nrouud the
I'dR". TIiIh lends nultnvKS to tho
l.onilun A MHccKuful eM'iihiK
ruwii worn here U'edliund.iy lilcht
wuh nuthlni; mnr" than fnlils of ex
illlltily ptlahln while elet wrap
ped uruiuid the flRiire nnd fastened
villi a pair uf cUrhachmiu on llm left
hip Th" vehrt coveri'il ihu rlKht
NlmuhliT and was held under the
JBw i ii -ill i I
ill X - .'! JMT1 I) I IIIIIOl bKV I I
r rmk -',: iM J UAWKP YWi
II lllS5! JBf s i I
.left nrui , it iiy n J.-1 luiulili-r hand. '
A polnid end of unit fold formed !
the moderaie li.uti !
l.tndon -There Is nn do iht that
thu fluunco In very much with us
again. Hume of thu latest tullnr
inndes lor street wear today look
like ltiertcil pyramids. Onn In to
haccu brown polrel twill Is nethlni:
hut flounccx from normal waistline
to hem. To mako up for this flounco
outlmrjC the hodlro Is -lulu nnd
fairly nUR with n flat emhroldared
panel hi self-tone down the front
The sleeves break out Into flounces
ai;alu from elbow to knuckle
"l.ady (to guide tn Ycllnwston.
Park). "Do these hot springs iver.
freeie over?"
Guide: 'Oh. yes! Once laM wia-'
ter a lady stepped through the (cell
kit" ami uiirneu iter iooi
Alnrni Clocks
Horn, however, says she uars
ctmkg on her nlor!:lngs to keep her
feet awake.
1 1
I tui: i.iitnitTV j
I'ollromcn, inomhorK of their
fnuilllcH a n il llmlr frloniln throtifth
nut 111" nation, have every reason to
' i-ipron their Rrnlltude an thou-'
! hIh nf tlieiusre iIoIiir rlRht now '
rr tliu law motion plcturn "In
'ilie Kami! or I lm Law," nliov.'ln i; at
Hie Mlmrty ilunlrn trnlay.
' Thin kind uf n motion picture haul
j l en a Iuiik tlinn comlnr;. It
Hi (i iiollreman n s'tuaru ileal. Il re-
ileeniB liltn In tho eyen nr tho puh
II r It hown in vivid dramatic
ii"(iiencu that nvcr.iRo pullccmnn
j In a Hplemlld, homa-lovinR, ofid-
learlriK nnd not nn awkward
land cloven ly liiiffnon nn ho lian heeu
: pictured In many of the comic fHrrm.
' Moreover, "In Hm Nnnm or the
j l.:nv" ii n folds n ntlrrhiR tale of tlin
' woe that IjpscIh the family nf Cat
j O'llura, n policeman or tliu Kan
Pr.iiirlsni force. Thfy havo two
) itrovn on. Harry and Johnny and
and adopted daiiRhtor Mary. All the
ehlldren encounter trouhles or vary
Imr desreeg or serloUBnn:. Itut In
the onl I'a..and Ma O'llara' rlfiht
their nay through tho harrier of
denpalr mid attain the hclnhtx or
In the east arc nuch well-known
''Iaycr8 ,'nl,I, Ucvti' " "IHrth
"' " a,'on" ,amo wh" Portrays tho
r"' of 1a' O'llara, the pollcemnn:
flalre M'Dowell ax Mother O'Hara:
' Kninry Johnson and Johnnie Walker
are tho O'llara brothers while Kll.i
Ifall Is the adopted waif who be
comes Mnry O'llnra l-nmry Jnlinson
i was also thu director. Thu picture
Is presented by Mr. Patrick A. Pow
ers pnd distributed through thu Film
Hooking offices of America, ot which
he Is tho manaciiig director.
' Tin; stji.wi)
I In You Never Know Your I.uclc."
I .it the .Strand tonight some remark-1
onorr for governor
George W. Caldwell of Portland, able orator and attorney,
will discuss the reasons why the people should vote for the con
tinuance of the economical and business-like administration of
Oregon's public affairs that prevail under Ben W. Olcott's ad
ministration. Ben W. Olcott's fearless conduct in office has
drawn the fire of many interests. He has never sacrificed the
people's welfare for personal advantage.
Will the people support Olcott as he has supported them?
pacts on which the voter may base an intelligent decision
will be presented at j
r.' !(
The City
Tlilh nuiii'u In pulil
Navy Belle Takes to Stage c.
I i 1 . -
Zm '
tiiKafi.1'., ,
trttm rxi
,W. mtfv
itj ,t
Jfleo Oalto BcvcrlJ', daughter cf Commander Nelson H. Cos, UnttH'
. States Navy, has fortaken social life to appear as a dancer ca th stsgtJ
o has a part La a Now York, production. '
able scenes showing Ihu running c-r ' -.vonilorfiil production nnd at trc
the Knglish derby, the premier event I mendous expense secured somo
In the world irf home racing, art" splendid srenes taken during tho
featured. Par and wide Ihu darby running of the derby In 1914.
Is known to people who nro not tho ; One of the great pictures c ,ihe
least bit interested In horse rac-' day Is "Stolon Moments" la which
Ing us ii sport, ns a great event. In I Itndolph Valentino and Marguarlta
thu story Kerry, the hero, loses hlsjNamnru am thu stars. It Is a pic
fortune In gambling and takes a fly- ttiro dealing with the question, "Is
er nn tho derby trusting to luck to. a woman justified In keeping her .In
help him get his money hack. It j nermot secrets from her husband?"
was realized that here was a chance 'and will he shown at The Strand Prl-
to bring real atmosphere Into this
Hear the Answer at City Hall
Klamath Falls
Wednesday Evening;
Nov. 1
At 8:30 o'Clock
Hall; Wednesday Night
for by llio Oregon llepiibllciiu Statu
t&', v -
I day nlitht
Central Coiiiiulltuu,
4 ill
?4V't ) 4y .1i