The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 01, 1922, Image 1

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II ry
'"ki'mc, nivK,,
O in,,
$e itiewftiii
AMI ,lll.Mi:il
Member of the Associnlcd Press
NIUri'Mlll li'lil. Su. HUM.
kiam.viii i'M,i,h, oiiMiO.v, wi dm -in, '.(ii Miu;i: i, mva
rmcK kivh cknto
1. 1 HI. FLArEB
Some Come-Down!
lyvvrtliy l,ll
Hi r Ml42,1f I an
'Mm -Stnij Win fli ni' mil Uirtc
Vii.nillli of fiiili nml V"Kr. '
oMi'r I'uiiiplile Il,
Romeo C. Hughes Holds i
Reds Changed Propagan
da But Not Purposes
Coldly it tin l 1 l-it I. dialing in ( '
mill without ruiiiRK In .1.
vim, Itimn'ii c.", am .1.1
district nl tin ni'V ii Hnii.itiH'ii' i
iiiiinty, nl l In' tliiimhnr nl ruiiiim i
fiiriini Imliiy llnyoil tlio I V
mi outlaw iiigatiliiillon. wlili M
t'hillll.ed tin iriiuii;nnilu lull not it
purpion"! III llln last few yearn .i i.t
UKiillixt whime tlcatriirttvp ini'thnl
nml ii I iii n every good titiifti hn'ii'
3riuuii opposed
l.'dahicil (ligiiuliillini
lln lii'iMii lint olRuilUtitlnii
III CIlliMpn Hi 101". 'I'll" nrlKlnil iui'iiiiiIiIp. lie n.ild. ml
Vocaled liutli dlicrt anion mill pulit
li'iil Hi Hun in iiikhii; control or Hie
Induntilci cif tint nation Soon n ron
Inn rih y urimii In tin- organisation
nml till' dltert nrllitniMit triumphed
llecolitm' In action wan el
lltillliili'il rrnlil the I W W. tearb
'I'll tt it rgaulrntiun ilimil plelR-
'il In atlnlri It nlnm. not by Hip
li.illnt mill till' orderly prnrpwina of
I ho Aliiorlinn i;ii; rriiini tit nyilotn,
lull ! illri'i'l net tun- pcrlflrally de
fined In I. W. W lllciatnrc n Hie
gt'lictiil tnl.i'. ttnl(ot;ir. nml tin In-
Rllttilliin nf n K'lr.n ir terror, which
would lln ct nutty nml
li'.in It pn'.ioilci. in rclit tin- pro
posed arltltlK lit U Industries ll)'
the I. W. W,
I'p to 1 91 '.i. when gnmrnmi'iit
prnnocuiloiin began mill stoles pass-
ii aaitl-symllrnllsm laws, hi wildest
-slutpuipnt wctn made In I. W. W
literature Milil tln
Spill.l' An llxpi'tl
lln spoke n mi cipcrt . lirt Inir ns
nUli'il In many I W, W. prniicriillnii,
examined thi'lr literature nml Inter
rogated Imtli member mnl men who
had lii'i'ii liienilierii mnl Inter seen
llielr inlHlakot nail tnkeii ii stand In
open opposition to the organization.
lie asserted that prior to the or
lllllteil Hand by (lie (eleral mi. I slate
gnvorumi'iils. the I. W. W. openly
mlvoi'iiteil nnlintiiK lie dwell ;!
tlin argot nf tlio members. The abn
tm; miniiil, In their own language
were "mill ent" or riu. Tlieir em
Mum wax n I'larli cat. dark iinlieil,
fur mlieil mnl iipllllnn ilefinnrK. The
linrnliiR or liny Mm-kH mnl otltrr
ilentrticlloti of (iroperiy iik ilen
rrlheil n "the rut h.ivlni: MttotiN "
llrwilt Ailii'uitnl
The prop.'tKiinilu of the perlml.
Kahl tlio Hpi'iiker, full of thin ur
KOt. Their ivlilely iiioleil lionlc, Vln
eeiit St. Jnlin'K "The I W. V.. Iln
lllnloiy, .Mrlhnili nml Mtrnrtiire.'' lie
nnlil am full of revolt, mnl openly
niNi'ileil Hint the itit'nllon of llulit
mnl wielti: ilhl Hot rum cm tlio I
V. V., hut they Hloinl for any l.ic-
W thijt wntjil thi'lr
i'iuIb that would, In their ImiKiisw.o
"hrliiR heme the h.irnn "
lint when lawn were passe. I
aiinlliil teai'lilniiH that mUne.ite.l
nml pininnteil vlunltieo mnl ileslrnc
lion of piopeily, nil llin lller.itnie
wiih revamped, the direct phr.itlnK
more nilhtly tinned, nml a urnetal
ntlempt iniuln to renune nil conflict
I till conlentH.
St. JoIiii'h hmil; came In for n
Ihoroitcli iovIhIoii nml nil printed
Pi'opaKiimlii.nnw nceliH to ronfonn
with tlio law.
Vl'llitil Teal hlti;s
"lint former members of I ho or
nmiltitlon, who have turned ncaliiHt
lit tcni'liliiKX loll iih In Hi" pro.Hi'i'ti
tor'H office," mi Id llilKhon, "that the
(Contltiuod nn 1'aKo S)
wi:atiii:u I'koiiaiiimtick
Tho Cycln-SI(iiinai;r.'iph nt Under-
wooiIh rimrniaey
him recorded hut
llttlo clnv:ii;o In
pieioniro ditrliiK
I ho Itihl 21 hour,
but hIiich noon to
day tho tendency
Iiuh been down
wind. KnroeiiHl for nuU
!i heur:
UitHelllod, con
tinued coq'l, with
iiiodonito wind to-
Tho Tycos tccnnllni; theniioiurlor
roRlHtorud maximum nnd minimum
tompernturca today, na follow :
11 1Kb ...j. 41
, J.OW 2u
Tl ifx. ' v-ii tlio mn( ln
! nc tl i v l" o izar if nil Oer-
, tnnnv t c- I h- I n C lnor
, urnatu ttion tl i of tli" famoui
tiiidktuiiii fi ..i. i )! tun!;
1 tO tilts til llW f. ' llilkQ up
of tlio hrj'l u.,.tfi in llrtlln'n mott
fathlonaliin umtni; item.
llifi'll-i' AllrlllpU lit StlllU .MIl'Kt'tl
llAil Iti'pololioii of Indian
lilllnl In I'otil Hull
ntimliir of tliararler
WlttnttneH liitrodni'td by the defellne
was the outatantllnt; fentnie today ill
the trlnl of Vutklii;i D.ivU. ICIainnth
Indian ibarxed ultb noconil degree
murder In rouiiertloti with tlio death
of Ollvor Jefferion, Utatnatli Indian,
who dleil lat Deet'inber ! a n ro
null of a blow over the with n
billiard rue. dilUered I))' Davlit fol
low lit): mi nllerrntlnu In McDjiiald's
pool hall about n year ngt
Amniii; tin' wltiiMin railed till
menilm: In mi endeavor to int.ibllnli
the r.ood character of tho defendant
mid tho had reputation nf tho iln
leaned wcro Win. Huff Mr. nml Mr.
Ori'ti A. I'. Ttltlle, N. I. tllns
bach. Win. Crawford. H. (iraslvr.
lion I'lnley. O. Iirown. Joe McDon
ald ami Chief nf Police Wltrnn.
Iirown it.ild Jefferson had railed
Davlit hard naiiu'H. end that later
had followed Davlit back Into tho
pool hull The otlor witnesses woro
empliatlo In their leitlmotiy n to
tho I'.ood rharacter of the defnndant
or of tho nlliKed bad reputation of
the defendant.
'M ItniiiiiN lit He Stouttl Willi Cl.uw
mnl Welti) In Main Cwnt
TvM'iity-lwo rouniN of IioxIiik,
with Kid I:iiiin of Wlnd'or, Colo
rado, 11 poumH, and Wildcat
Weld)' of llolse, Idaho, 1 If. pound.
Ill the main event, will ho hIukciI
by Trod Carli'li at .Scandinavian hall
Tuemlny nli'.lil.
Jack Iliirmon of I'lttHlntrc. ami Jon
lllarfbiiru of .Mlfonl In tho eml-uluil-itp.
Cliner Hammer of San Jo.iu
of I'orilaml In ii Hpeclal event, nml
Kltl lllehti mnl ToiiRhy Aiiilemoii In
tho eiirtuln-ialiier will complete tho
Welti) I'iiM Si nipper
Wildcat Welily contea hero with
tho U'putatloii of heiui; n fast ncrap.
per. wlt'i a kayo in elthet milt, lloh
Deiinliuin, KI.l ITynn and Hilly Huff
havo taken llin count at his hands.
Ho wont four rotmd.i to a draw with
Mob ltoiit niui lout io Carl (llannottl
by n closo iIocIhIoii. Hd claim never
Io havo been knocked out.
Kid I.'viiini hrliiRs rocnnl of CI
win out of r.l rifslUH. mid hivalso
lalln.i to havo oKoaped tho kayo
rmilf. Kviiiih h.iIiI by loci ,,.
Hter to , ,.,. ,,,,. wjo
Hlioultl no far ,, Sl,(iri ,.,,.,.,
Uvniis and Wolly w nil.rt , ,;,'
rim: for I ho rir.-t tlmo.
Iliii'iiimi Known lleio
Jk IIiiiiiiuii will bo romomberod
nn tli tail who trimmed Dick Sloven-
" t .Merrill , ,, ivcont bo, hero.
J' mack hurt, whom la, will moot.
H'M.nv or Iosh of ,, unknown ,,.
Ilammnr. 131 pounds, am, owoiib.
,lsl'n". Imvo not npnonroj hero
I'Oforo hut mo reputed Io b0 cnpablo
"f a b'ood pxhlbui,,,,, T,ll)y w, g0
four round.
n. .!.!.. r.. r rr...l I
mummy im.viuw ui i ullirli v.,.r.houii of Mni-..i. Kl.rmnn
Reserve Bnnlc Augurs Well '' "' """"y i Mo!f..ri, tI
t' woril rrctlved by K. H. Jfffi-r- '
for Stable Conditions . mpanRur of tw ii ai irnio'i j
i I l'ffi rron mII bo litd not lMn in- j
I foi mnl u to the origin of th flrr ;
('I.KVKI.ANIi. Nov. I -TlicNlmM- I or ih probabU Im. i
In ta lid.. It rlHlliK
The rniillnn tde lint carried o'lt
iii'int of the wri'i'hi or bunliieM nml
ill. Inronip I Id" Ii rulnli'l! tli title-
l.'-i- Of llUHillMUl
'I lilt in ouortlmr. to tbo monthly
iMiinri iivIph of the lYorth ff.l
enil Ilewrw li.iiih. Uinrtl (oilny.
The tcrort .i.i:. t in part.
' Wi-re .t pi.- Pile In mini up In
fniir noritt l lie I'XprcMiliin of nur
1 in miy .)fi'ultritn, II wonlil be
We nri buylnit now." "
UirriKIIT. No. J -Pjrmom by j
nli.i limliufut lUler i-f eelwi litli Jt j
ifiiroientliiB wit of
w. rlh of nulomobllos rltirlnR Oi- j
liilii-r vvm a.iiiiiillirnt today liy the'
'lit tiiii! tieiilip rollpflor. I
l.iuury iiixik lure !vt mnnth i tl... I. I it fur ntnlii' tmiMlhri '
'4"' "'
.mil led .. prinper.' it
bimlnt m a a uhid"
or, , c nieuvi na"n" nnd U, 8,a" 1,rp-r,n"nt '"Patron, nn, thoro who Imported tho ?LZTZu,t,T, I "r,nR ,0 (ln'' now wvljcncc
OBREGON KILLS ENEMY XVW.B,o to m.k. possible Amor- ,,,, url ,. afternoon wrrc, J ol ,,,0 tic un,l l,y buy.HR ,nvc8tlBat.o of ac
. , ,.t 1,, MMMI m the option of ' rMW,t,d ,J flo)reM by 8ltraet. " " "enk0iU " ",u,,f!nt bha cn'l c,uail,. .nvolvliiR tho name of
""""" ' m.,Mii.8iiIi. Ia e, MgM to fl permaapnt coart or ,u. p ,1-rtalnmonl. thon bu.lne, Crfer nnd M Cnr, w
b) riiii'K
i:i. I'ASU. Nov. t. (lenernl I'ran
tlio Jtiaioe ctutonig house. Mun;iila !
ajj jtaptjiry
. -l """"
City with
.. ...... .1 U.....I tu lUMtmvi..
n rem nan t of his mint recent rebel
ixntCAsi: .Misic STcnv
rite twenty mlmilo nwembly per-
ion 111 me 111x11 srnooi neruauori
will bo taken u will, .latini by the
students In iliurgo of Miss Kvelyn
ArpIeKtitt). music lastrtirtor. If tlio ,
slnRltiK menu with the support of I
1110 hiuiiontrt 11 win no continuoti
throttr.hrut tho J ear.
Duo to lark of tlmo. study In tbo
:h fchopl has heon confined to tho
tuuslo class room up to tho present
I line. Assembly for till purposo
win held fur tho first tlmo this
murultiK ,
iLiii ..mi hiu-. null "1..111, ... ..... siniitiR iimt adjustments wero In ' " . . . " . , prK j nuay niicrnoon. . I v frmat c
,. . (ii .. ar i irnai i . . ... .. i jmu uuiii aua no t iilvi i iov xiaiaasaihaaiBi. m.
T, : K . :.. : ;:: .- : : ,nKU" ,onk,nB ,owar" Amrrican ' n u,. ;;. n s. is, .r i . r ., team u me.. wut Mr. .
""" ..V"; " rpro-mation ill in.- court created .,.., f ,, ,nmiJ,,, 'no band of Secretary Stevenioa ' 'amo to mo contain
t'Kinm iroin .m'iro i ny ferritin in .mil. r llin Vera . Ir. iron -..--...., ......... . .... .... ... . .,,,,,.. , . . i , n,.ini t.. .
at 1 S'l ln.t ,i'nl' "mi
!eslroy!t t!i le . r-'torv
Tim lor Will I. ii,t!rrlarl
litavy ot thin tiro", tint tl.o ii"
fruit rron had lnt b . i morcrl. In
rlil!tl('fi to 1,000 ravi of xlrlnft
brats it'll qnafttUiri of (ilUer VeC
Thi office rrrorrln of Hip torn
party wr Mrotl, Jpfron folC.
MKDKOHn. Nov. I.- A 16m of!
IISo.'ioO riMiultMl when fire of un
known orlcln Imi nlRht deniroycd
the holralo nrofry plnnt and
wurehou her- of m..w.,Bi KUrman
ft I ompany.
.Vnllotui .M.i) II.Me IteptfM'iit.ltlnn
In Interniitlnnal Cotiit
I, iiun i iniuruiai utr
collation havo hern going on for
mn.L.t . t. i t.. K.
,.0.1,0 lime betwoen the leasae oi
j lertiatlonal Justice, league headquar
ter announced today, following re-
.eelpt from Washington of ad view
II. .M. Mel)on:il,l llelni: Tieatoil
Iii lairnl llopitnl
Mr., i:. II. Mcllouold. 421 Market
irofff . U'na l r not Ail fn n tnrnl hn.
nltnl ,niv. fnr ,,.,. Mlni.
, . .....
a" t'"" " '
csrapotl Injury.
An automoblto moving at high
" " "
'" auiomouno raovins 01 "BU
speed in Mill addition Iwt nlgbt
overturned when tho brakes wcro
. nppllwl. hrowlnB tho gevcral occu-
l !'o Kround and InJurliiR a
woman member of tho party. Wit-
liesses said till car and another
j were rneliiK vn tho accident oc-
;'. I Iv
'i iv, i vn or.
,Hk 4MJ&T3i,'7iz
"Q WmMt"
TM barrh'a.l" u liu!: K- affd a hntsun. i.rp meant by which'
Mm. Jane CJIbion l'i.-ti Ins trlnl to obtain solitude on her Nw Jemey
farm ulnee kIhi told rtetenlvti that nhe wltn(sed tin. murder of llev.
Kdnard Hall and Mr. Mllln.
i:ery Seat Tnlii n nl Initial
foini.inre nl I'lno Tiro
ICltmatb Kallx paid tributo to lb"
new I'lnc Tr... tbi-atrc by fllllnp
every teat at the Initial performanco
laat night, and by boautlfnt floral
iifforlnr contributed by tbo bul-
,titf men of ibe city the Liberty the
n and ,bp Wd1, ,,eJean hoter
illam W tt Wllnv rrlifnaitnllnf
tbo city complimented tho theatre
- - ------ -
........ nM.l.I mi.. il,.i ih. ii.
..... ... .. , .
L L.rT, ."," M -
- - - --- , ""-;"
""," -"" ouu'"u" 'uf l"-
hlRh standard adopted for tho the
Every sor.t In tho houjo wag old
!ihor,,y n"er noDn W and a
many maro count tiavo uecn sou
,jhad they been available.
1 ' m
! mWlI!l, ..T ,,mvi:i: ,.laNT
VOIITLAVO. Nov. 1.- Dennl
j Town-end. .12 aj killed. Trod Mc
Kofl probably fatally injured and
v. D. Iiutler painfully burned In an
PXrlolon at the Hull llun plant Ofi0:tccu,e a Ftoail" marc owa thu
ino Portland Hallway Light nndincW " w111 be erauo tho city
I'ower timpany ti Jay. The plant
vns not seriously damaged. Street
turs In Portland )ere delayed by tho
mimIsr iff of power.
r rvti-yjhevzrw'wwzv wtmsiT'
Uil I iCrtlVl fRlfAI
,,,. ,,.,.. .,.,. ,.., ,,....
, --i--- .- . ...j.
ItepncntlliK Itll-lnes, Men Try
to Defeat Students
I Now that the business men nf th0
elty have Riven their support to the
en are BolnB to attempt to wallop
.- .... ....
in.- nihil cnuoi looioau learn.
J Th u.m ,.
I ----.- - i'.u .i ...uuut
""""'' u toiiimercn. nnu
W. 0. CtJw of IIiq E. n. Danner
f' - W. .m.-'
,0 risk his neek at center. Clow Is
a veteran football nlaver nml rnhJhen they learned that tholr rl-
I " t
Several candidate, havo ap-1 (Icm wa n 1,fl ,akcn ,Io'n by n
but more aro needed. Prac.!",,or,l,an,, ro',orter- ibt """M not
pea red
tlco J hold daily at Modoc park.
Coach .Vai to piny
i ror in0 hlRh school team, it
will be fortified by Coach Nash-, who !
will play quartorbau; an I act a?
captain. With thli support tin biRh ,
school player foci that they can
show tho city team a thine or two
about football, and If they do not
team develops more talent than ex
As there are a number of ex-blRli
school gridiron veterans here who
are anxlou to get Into harness once
more, tho high school may find
itself confronted by a formidable
line and a speedy back field.
.Muiv Players .Vecdrtl
1 Doth the high school nnd city
team will practice dally for the
game, and former gridiron stars who ' DCPTfiDic Uirc tai ire
desire to try for a position on .hn lKfcLIUIC & WIE ALIU
.latter team will bo welcomed ai'mi-. MUN I'lcatN lunorttme of
, Modoc park. Stevenson said. Tho Knowledge of llu,bni.,l' Murder
lineup will be made public as soon'
''ls """Pleted. j SEW hkuNSWICK. N, j. Nor. t.
" -UreakliiR hur sllenco for the first
i AUTONOMY IN ALS ACE 1 time.. Mrs. France Noel Hull today.
rrleiiiN of Moieiiiriit Io lie linltisl j
tu lulfinallonal .Meet
KOLMAlt. Alsace. Oct. 31.-
j tortc-my mid neutrality for Alsace- i
I Lorraine is tho moving spirit be-
,111ml preparations which aro being1
made for mi Intoi national conference
to ho held hero this fall. It Is ex-1
pected that a number of delegates 1
will coiiio from America, especial
ly Al'iillous HMng there. Friends
of tlio mutcincnt aro to bo Invited
also from Rwltserland, Kiiglaml,
Denmark. Italy, Swollen. Norway,
Holland. Spain, mid other countries.
At a reieni ineotiug In Kolniar of
persons Interested In tho project. It
was unanimously decided that the
proposition for autonomy and neu
trality should bo placed befroo tho
league of nntloui. Tho consensus
1 was, howover. that suppoit should
tlut bo assured In mich lands a
thu L'nitod Stnton and Ktigland, and
In countries which woi'o noutrnl
dui'luK tho world war.
Speakers at tho assembly, partic
ularly tboso coming from agricul
tural districts, voiced" opposition to
tho French administration. They
cautioned at tlio sama tlmo against
"sighing for tho Prussian spiked
Accusations InvolvinR Rev.
Cbristlcr Declared Actu
atcd by Spite
HAVIIR, Mont.. Nov. 1.
I'nlcvn unexpected dcvolop
ments occur, nfflcUln dcelarrd 4
today no further action will he
, taken In th0 death of the Itov.
I C'hrlHtlor and Mr. CwJeton.
,...,.,., .. .
"". ". 1InvedllRatloii
"f ",0 'a,a' liootlnR of llov. Leonard
I f'hrlstlnr. rector of tho Ifavrn
i:plnc,(.pal church, and of Mrs. Mar-
1 rnret Cnrlclon. wife of a former
I lllltl III til.. Ptirtutl.t linn... L..l-
' doy. will be reopened If now cvldcncn
'" ",lltra,llcl ,al already produced
jenn bo found. County Attorney Max
' Ituhra announced.
Shot liy M, Cnrlrton
A conmer'a Jury found that Mr.-
Curlc'ton had done tho shooting, but
'Irs. Joseph l'yle of Hulte. Mr.
Carlctnn'it, mother, does not accept
the verdict as final, and Is endeav-
j comIucU.(1 y ani, a haU
1 r a,:
. ,... ,. ...
. Frrott ciiaraea
harKci were ' ever
Chrlstltr. Letter
InR statements
. " - . -mi-niBr r-
ni.ft.lUja asW.
I nrlor- I nmo to Jlavro and InsUteit
MAijkwU, hP .cc-
al'o:M Prcauat tnoir tcstlmonr.
"1 set a second day for a hearing,
and later, when I could stay no long
er '-1 Havre for that purposo, tho
vostrv of .Mr. ChrlstlerM church (It.
oil another date, but the toitlmony
was never Riven."
Anlmolly Seen
"I found evidence which mado mo
believe that the accusations were ac-
tuated by animosity on the part of
the persons maklnR them, duo to ac
tlvltlej of Mr. Chrlstlor which had
nothinR to do with Mrs. Carlcton.
"Mr. Chrlstlor was ja big man.1
physically unit mentally, an outdoors
man, nnd l.'e did many things In
novel and unusual ways. lie had
many activities for the benefit of
1,1s fellow moa which wero outside
ordinary church work, and many
pcoplo wero to bo found who were
i wIIIIur to find fault with him."
told reporters she wa absolutely
Ignorant of how her husband, tho
llov. Hull, met his death with Mrs.
I Mill September 14th and declared
Au-ihu was not nt tho Phillips farm
that nlRht.
NKW lltUJNSWICK, N. J Nov. 1.
Timothy N. Pfelffer, counsel for
Mr. Kdwnrd WBoolor Hall, whoso
rector husband was slain with his
choir slngor, Mrs. Kloatior R, Mills,
September 14, said tonight his client
was perfectly wllllug to accopt tho
chullengo Mrs. Jano Utbsou extend
ed. Mrs. (llbson, ex-circus rider, pis-.
rnlslng farmor, and self-styled wit
ncs of tho Hall-Mills murders, hart
dm oil tho rector's wife to meet her
and jleny that alio was not present,
when Iter husband was killed.
Pfolffer said Mrs. Hall was ready
to confront Mrs. flllnon nt any time.
If tho authorities so desired. Ho
added, hnwovor, that she would do,
3n only in their presonco,
PORTLAND, Nov, 1. Cattle
steady, hogs steady, sheep steady at,
ndvunco or 26e lato yesterday. Koi K,
mourtaln lambs $10,25 to HI.JO.J
Uuttor ana. ens steady. ' J&t?
j ji