The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 30, 1922, Special Pine Tree Theatre Edition, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    monp.w, nrmiint an, maa,
i '
Personnel 'of New Pine Tree
Theatre Guarantee of
Good Management
Overshadowing all other considerations in anyone's
estimate of an enterprise with which they are more or
less unfamiliar, is the natural seeking after the human
equation, predicated upon this sort of inquiry:
"Well, who are the men behind it?"
It is the natural instinct of mankind to judge business
institutions by standards of personality the general rep
utation and the character of the persons who found and
conduct institutions.
In introducing the official family and directing heads
of The Pine Tree Theatre, Incorporated, this article prob
ably presents to a majority of people the most sought for
information in connection with the enterprise.
The flawless grandeur of the brick and steel and stone
pilcithnt will house the new institution will not avail to
make it a permanent asset to the community if there is a
flaw in the combined character and ability of its per
sonnel. Here they arc, and the reader may judge what quali
fications they have for success.
Romeo C. Hughes, president Assistant district attor
ney of Sacramento county, California.
Hugh -B. Bradford, vice president District attorney
of Sacramento county for the past eight years, and a
member of the firm of Hughes, Bradford fc Cross, Inc..
W. S: Hart, secretary President of Hart Lunch, Inc.,
proprietors of a chain of prosperous California and Neva
da restaurants, and member of the firm of Hart Bros.,
owner of the property at Seventh and Main streets, which
houses the theatre.
Sam W. Cross Sacramento' attorney, member of the
above law firm, and well known in Klamath Falls in con
nection with Hart Bros, interests.
H. H. Hart Secretary of Harts Lunch, Inc., member
of the firm of Hart Brothers, and director of the purchas
ing and installation of equipment for the Pine Tree
Max Weiss Formerly proprietor of the Armv Store,
Klamath Falls, who will be the manager of the theatre.
W. S. Hart, R. C. Hughes and Hugh Bradford com
plete the board of directors.
Besides the directors the following individuals are
"stockholders in the Pine Tree Theatre, Inc.:-
Max Thome Sacramento contractor, well known in
Klamath Falls, and owner of property at Sixth and Oak
. Emil Utterbach Manager of the bakerv division ce
Ha'rtsLUnch, Inc., Sacramento.
'Frank Perkins District agent New York Life Insur
ance Company, Sacramento.
Leslie Terwilliger Former proprietor of the Star the
atre,. Klamath Falls, which has been absorbed by the new
company. He will have charge of the projecting room of
the Pine Tree theatre.
Walter C. Van Emo.n Klamath Falls attorney.
Stage and Beautiful Proscenium Arch
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. in tli aintm. avoiding tn
. 'k'xI f.'ilins; which would otUer
i . follow rntranre from ihi brll-
itilly tltxhloil fojrsir.
out li i" of tltnti
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til ill mill liutilli'l I'v H.
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JCm Ct
at tl
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(Cotitlnuod from P:'R" I
Film Fun
What 'oull IU- rii-aiirr?
linaRlnc upcndliu; two ho urn nnj
a half drciislni; In the tnornlnu to ki
to work in a lauadry!
That In just what I.ou Chant-y lias
lo do every duy. In IiIk role In 're
ferred Pictures' "ChlnK Chine China
man." he litis to wcrk liard en that
face of hiti. For I.on ih an exjiurt
rharaeter actor, and no half-way
makeup will b.ttlsfy him. He de
vised a wis that would visualize to
the last fctrand the hair In Ye.l
King's plstall. Then ho lian to lay
on wrInkti-8, Blant cyea, eyehrows,
all sortK of makeup to make him
lock like a real Chinaman.
"I ila' a latindryman In the pic
ture, you know," cxpluiiu-d l.un.
"Ifg a cite, clean roR"
lleai'din lli(. .itoi- in His Hiii
Frunk nanus, the camerama'.i.
lelli a Kootl one on one of the pro
ducer. Inimmucli a the producer
In iiue.tloii has since Kone to night
school, it would he cruel to ru.'.i Ills
new start In life liy revealitiK his
Tills producer, It &cems, lias a
(jrcat nvurNlon to men with heanlh;
porliap 'somehorty's beard had once
ruined his soup or somethlni,'. Any
way, ho didn't 111;.! whiskers and he
'Rave Instructions that his artom
wore all to bo barbeiV bust cuslo
Mors. No blue beards In his pic
tur6s or green, beards, or ' red
beards, or near beards.
Picture his surprise anil horror
one day, then ,to walk Into Itib stu
(llo and eeo an actor hurd ut worl;
wcarluR a yes, It really was, a
beard, a whole beard wo'd hardly
CO so far as to say nnthliiK but a
"Whilt'a ikfa?" asked the produc
er wrhllitully. thought any dumb
boll 'would have known at once that
It was a board. "Didn't I kIvo strict
order 'that whiskers were forbidden
In my photoplayn,"
"Dut," nrguod the director, "this
Is a Civil war scene il
Mirrmder of Cwierj! to Oerier-ii
flrant. The man with the bi-anl
is playlne (ieneral ('.rant "
"I don't care wlio the hell he i.
yelled the producer, forgetting hi'
New Year's revolution In liU fury,
"fie.ieral firant enn't wear n beard
In my htuillo. JHo him a Jljavo."
Who'll l.i'iiil lliitl tin' llooUV
Two Eoutherii oshibltora woro Uls
cussinc the pltturos for the coming
' Well." wcrnod oae of them, "you
had b-iter not rancol any chewing
of Vox plrturos that y I liavo ar
rangetl for. If anyone rails down
a Vox contractu this season, boll
ksoMiut on the now producilom. You
know Kts is now making 'If Win
ter Comes." "
"Huh." said the second shoyman.
"I don't know as It would do any
great harm for mo tc lose out on 'if
Winter Comes.' .My uudlvi.cp don't
like uow sti.-Jes, itnyway."
He t'tililieil the .Movie
When Marshall .N'ellun went to
Kuropo this past summer, you might
say that he made liny whllo tite sun
ulioiu. Uf t ui'tif that Is not literal
ly true, hecnuro hu wouldn't liavo
any use for hay even If ho knew iiow
to make it. Hut lie did make good
llif of his tlinu.
lie made movies while llio sun
shone or lather while it wa3 shin
ing o.i the right place. He took
reels and reels of film i f tccnes In
drlous foreign "jhoti," all ho will
have lo ilo will be to take the pro
per bit of celluloid out nf storage.
"I call thin my canned movlo,"
explained .Marshall. "It'a the very,
first movie refrlgerati r."
Tlic Heiglil or Villainy
I'listlii Fiiniuiii bellevci In iIoIji;
thlngi thornughly.
So, le.illzing how much the pub
lic likes to coo the hero beat up the
villain, lie Ih going to give his' funs
their mrney's worth In his next pic
ture. Ho Is going to beat up four
First ho Is going to wallop Maur
ice Flynn, the Yale football hero
Toe hou is of the verv
..4 f . belnn rU'ilpwd for haflv NEW PINE 1 REE
..I Itm ' .K all needeJ muchlnrry in "riJEATRE WAS BUILT
R-, , , , n duti'ilcal.' Ther It a motor-Bener-
cmco c- Hug. 3, Pros. tliir M, ln ,Up,rBtt., ,w, snati.x, WITHIN SIX MONTHS
' . i prt.Jectlnic ninchlaei of tb latest
tiie. hi ring automatic carbon ron
eol w rh allows the operator to
i in- carbons whn thr ar flm
.... ., ' . . ililirr thi iniwtMirtinn or iihi.
p -il In th. machine and ner -t . ' ., .,,. .
I.. idle then, ..! until bun..,, out ' nf "" -. n ' --i
new on. ha to I- placr.1. 'J"n '" " "n'' "" "-, "B;
Vh- m.rrr are wtUlrr tak ""'"- " lt!'' , " "''rl ' '
. ulKh-natlB. current and trana- Wipm r..presnt th. U...-Mrm-
It tr. dlrkt mrrrnt lo nlfa ' " tMr wral ""' ' "' ' ,v
r , condition for Ihn 0 """'
.' Mi-'prop-r and VlraUy Hht. ' Infrlor ami Mtrrlor ar ur:i-t
A -ll-r mirrored ball. four ic-tHy flnlh'd '."! Panr ... Hi
f In diameter, will hnnj. frim,'
l the rititi of the m ; . ih" In 'n i rlnl In in tm.l
.lit Ih lo ii.'.uHe by no ee . '. i'x.ii'iI .. ntj' i I t i ' n
ni'iinr w II r fie In tiiiinv i li i . T H.iri l.u I lnn: i-
. ' liie pi,i II; i' ur i u i . : to I'. I i i'lt I' i'l ' li Aim' I
I it.. pi1 ' i rl. . i. ar ' ,i i i" i.i t" iin 1 1
Friansle Caie
Ftcsli OvsIbi'8
Tciulcr M.-nts
Home liahetl Pastry
Everylhin" In Soaaon
Dinner:, niul Short Ot tiers Served nl Anytime,
Day er Night. Tables for Lttdies
Triangle Cafe
' Ortn E. Rrtf .tiul Artlmr L. Fortvnn, Props.
ITS Main Slreeet
Hugh 2-.Jfjrd. Vsco-Prca.
i?ia--i-3sraB mssggBmw
g &i
rsv TSJ W
11 3
a y?i u
u qn My m m
& W M, A J5L.
$?$ jEPaag shsfz
4w;a .
Pine Tree Theatre
1K " 1
. m
, W. S. Hart, Secretary.
i ji. '
" ' ' ' " ',,'', w
! in .'1 .','
I -d I'eio &
n'-"i he w li I .."
Ihe !) I n.
liavi it i ,: i" '
I'"r (' T'lf ; ..i a
wbat'it what. M
' Yrj, eir." grlnucJ Ou' n, "I gei W
It! tor.'e vllinlrio. mti-fhc!. in lli! K
Iilrtur of min. Tli" only thing left ITS
for mo to do itnv U to tncUlo olil
mi.4 Vilja himself." gV
C'utMp nml Krftvt t
Mistreis: You nave seven waists'
lu tire ttsh thlB week. My daiiKh-
tcr has only no. Wi
Maid: Your ilauglitcr's yi'.inK V-u
man's a Uur.'i cli.rli M!uo'n a coal
Iowa )a a bu'i that cried inolli-
rr a soon us It was bom. Uonoy Is.
land in t to 1 c initdotio lias ti linv
w lib i h. i i- i.i tli on it , I
ill' V !.(,) lu' VM'l
It j ui l r ) . i . i in ,
i vvr ii
l.,,v tg
tec!?. )
Wis'h You Continued Prosperity
t'er!!. .
f .
The opening of this new Theatre, as beautiful
and modern as any theatre building in even much
largen'cities, adds to ourcity a needed improvement.
Working as I have for the past seventeen years for
Ihe progress of Klamath Falls, I gladly welcome the
Pine Tree Theatre and wish it many years of ever
increasing business.
ew nf -rbjri jl Rink
"I Aint Mad at Nobody"
f T
Ci faf? AD1M
tj m a i - v-y,-a ri ? n vw m