t J I Thin edition in n tribute to the new Pine Tree Theatre, nn enterprinc tlmt displays fnith in the future ilentiuy of Klmnnth County. Special Fine Tree Theatre Edition OF tn&rjtZfy m ibtip itttig o. il OW . h is -r. i. fe PAGr S ONE TO EIGHT THEATRE SECTION Describing Pine Tree Thea tre, to be dedicated Tuesday evening, November 31. HiMl'l'lltll I'jll . . III, I, 1WT V? T 7 nn Iff 'W W A m rr 1NILW lIltAlKt MfinluT of the AsrocJati-d Preii 1MVIII r.U.I.M, OftMJON, M'IH, O KHtl II .'in Itl'-'C. -;: PRICK F1VK CKXTt fiPI7M TUESDAY NEW PINE TREE I BHILT THEATI IN SIX inths fWUSfC IMS SUREDFTREHT IN PIPE DBS First Perf-irmance To Be S Ope mng i taeed Tomorrow Night: LIGHTING HELD - i fenrcsenis Montis oS Laiwr INTERIOR WORK GREAT FEATURE BE THEATRE IS Klamath's Newest Structure Instrument Instnlled nl Cost Of $16-1000 Represents Coit of About $100,000 of $25,030; Is Modern in Every Way Ktnrtlm: last Anil, mi a fmiriln tlon lulil In Not. ihIkt of I03t, IIm Hurl lilork gnx- imly tnptn)ttiiii In (ruin 10 in 2'p men. during th" various St OR itf Hit roitolriflloii. Illllll II tciuplill. 'I last moiilli 'Itin now Mriirtitrr nn Hi south- i In tin- i art, i.' i V of i ivil i Hull "l 'I illn mi'lc I ti i until pm line" n I i in' liy liloniiiK in ru llm mil of ii r i I Thim wan horn Hie modern pip organ At the 1'lltt , Tree theatre l inlay must -lovers uia) listen In mwslr frc n I'm last wor.l wet corner. l Kev.-iith ami Main lpe r80iis. an Instrument aurh itr.-ots. U rwliy iwu ...nam 1 1. build B , ,,,, ln ,hn ,,, ,,M,rp, , lilS. "in' mriiplH by thi TnaKnlf- UrvT clllnn Ireul PI., Tw tli.slr.. I'.i other. ,,, M ,,,.. ,,,!I!lUrrH h stores nml of firm . .... .on either side of flu UR'. tt or i'iihi Moil mm I ,,.,,, ,, .. ran bii'rlirfiiUm U not apparent to II' rout III, i 'Tin llruthor ( proximal ly co lo niafrinl- ,h" n'',f,, ''"B '" ' hi" o their btniil:nK plans Thai I "' n"" h "Milt bt. i Hi" lor building alone, nn I Inrludes ni layman, seems a perfect mam of ' cijiilpnirnt ir Mrtiliur ,' pipr, f 900lt an, ,,,. dr,lau iiii a.. .. .. i a a ii . I laiiiining nn. u.'cwion m ii''" nd hollow ro4. all bruacht II,..ifm !. Iii.ll.l .... I.ftl ..r.nM... . nvm Ullllll IHI 1III-.I l'MI.ll, H.,11.,,. .. """" "J ana axuesdiiiire EXCELLENT BILL WILL BE OFFERED Favorites Norma Talmadge and Buster Keaton To Appear In Addition to Organ Recital and Vocal SoSos u HELD TRIUMPH Modern Appliance and Vnr- Ivory, Blue and Gold Pre dominate; Colors Blend ed with Skill of Artist icd Effects Used in Pine Tree Theatre Tlio mi km i lai-ma- ttm motion I A ijrcam or old Uory, blue and pi. tun. hotiM. ilnjii'siM for Itn xlt-'Rolllf BOtt xn blended with all U anc upon tlfctrlclty Tho drama. 8kn, nn(J KnowJpdKo of an artlit; tho portrayal of llfu upon inn staRe. an,t withal, so delicately, bo per il as old an art ns Is rHHIiatlcn It- fuctly done that one la scarcely ron ton. That ntt thrived before the kC0U, 0f a deliberate attempt St days of electricity far mcro than It j,eautlflcatlon. An artistic trlumaa uot-s now nui tne tneatre xi com . n Interior decoratine. (.': n the door.- of the now Vir.v Ti . theatre will swing open to the Tomnsjo'.'' public. nnfiA.?t,r r':Miyi r"",,lhH .of. preparation, and the expenditure of approximately $165. 000, the ni-w lh hmise jj in read im-s. (Th- pi i '.r; m ".ill inc!t:i! an oiyan yolo. -lnju'ii". : iul two excellent iiicture. feat urimr tno i.ivont,,. Nim-i TalinuKi- and Bjrtc- Ke:i. n. mi ".,N (unc.. urn oj.cn tumnrrow mor.iin,:, ;...: i. is iiredictul that hv tho time iip.-n :i.nv v.'ll iif-t be : M-at k-i i,; tl.c !i;i o. That, briefly, describes tht 111 tr ior of the Pine Tree theatre. Btr raonly undentood today would be Impoinlblo without tho use of clcc- Irlrllf Tb main use of tl,U modern nc m exaralne ,Bterlor crfli force U In producing 1 J K J t . .Many of tho elder people can remember i til ( (inn! a mtwiirb of ti i-liirlrli In ICIniiKilh l'all ii thrrii-slurv llrr-timnf. l. brl.1. and conerot. ' w,rM " ' orch.-ira pit Htriirtiitn which wuiild ! nil lm- , roro B,1,'rj ,l'0 oruanut ofxrat... Ihi-Iiii: tiilornitieiit io llm my. iby .'orrn of key and n'opi. inllxil into I'linaiitttitli i Hie nnlil-, l!lit'iilrlt Ilia I'.uioi- t rliitnl Ilrm of i'o(Hii iraytT. ;rrlrli'lly lirlns: an of rrrauo, CallfiTt l:i. mid la tli Exterior of Klamath Falls' New Playhouse whin tho footllRhtii of tho staco conslntcd of candles bi-hlnd reflec tors, when the auditorium light were but suspended rcil-oll lamps, when a lamp past on tho edge of ho sldunnlk supported an oil manshlp at Its best, may rlew a com pleted whole that ss?m to hart grown, not to hare been deliberately planned. Simplicity liM bain -ought and gained, and simplicity Is tht truest Indication of art. Artistic Quality Seen Passing through tho mahogany Important -flrtfi-. In n nlnii m.mkm .. ...n.. ' (Apprlcnro ati'I niiowlifitKn rtf thftst . ' f -. ... ....... ,. " wln are ud In lh ronmruc I for i lion. Jli-st of tha ivlu's arv thi. iir.'lilii'fis much of tin orodtt lllr iipieiiiiii iiiiiiuiiik is miw. - "" -" .'-. -I'lnns ero irnn lust your and " ! n a l-l phone iri and i l.m In lb,, fall ttnrh starlod oti Uib tarry lulil tolls. Thuao ronnrxt I foundation, which was ftiilnhod bi-t Wlh ntBBitl under each iIm- emu- J fnr tho ndvptit of wlnt'i at.';ippd . 1K a ralr la mov, and permit- ' ron-trurtlnii i "OB wind from tin- n-irnnlr. or I liiirilur .In-1 r.,oi,l. i..l j'h.'st. to tms tliroiiKh 1 1..- piii . I Ttir. atiiiratriiriiiti was lu-Buii "'"" lr-oIiiB n loni- Miim ns woalher pnrmllli'.l last Ttl' o'nan l rompim.'.l of im'M.i.ii . sprliiK. hut such una t!iu imu:ultudt !: ,,f Plpta lunotl d rrprmiu of tho Insk Hint with all jiusaililo J i"' loni-s hosnl In a sjinnlionv or ' luiMo Hi., last finishing toului to,chitrn Thu on lu.ai- th lo ' WirHnmrvmittrmnaii' r"jwwwyyciA wamim-tuM-t i -jt"" J -r-j r - "? milaj rsswor naMatotlMMtpVrMBVBI XHili jwatt. i-sMi l sfh I ,n -irrJBiiBPy--5- lift 'm'm: 1 A y gtf .r". ' " " ' . . ' T) n n . mi r thn I'xtrrlur uoro but rocfiilly i;lv i'ii, mid llm Inst.illntloii of dunl in rn mid flxturim was ((iiiipluti'il bandy In llinn (or ilic thoutro M'"'i Ihk. M.iii)' firms of riinlmrtiir louK part In llm Inst, of runtlnii'tluii. Tim i;i'iii'ral conlriul una In rliarKu T rarkrr v. ii.iiiiiwiu 01 I'otlhitid, mid llm liullillin; was hii-I pciklneil In Uirlr tinlmlf by II. It , CuMap ' Stlpoi vision and llisportlon fur thn I ownurs mid nri'lillrcln. Jointly, r.hru by II. It IVnln. ,, " , , ,, ... J ... ' ""r" ,'"""' Omp.ml ilium, cuia- lirailli; nun luiiiiiiinirt. o - -- r , ,i,.,,1i . , .. .., . i. v .. ii" I. ininbiiiirlniM und i.ihnr if llii;, I'lirlliillil: Ki'Cili'ly. Nul'.i;i ! . ,.,. " '".. .. ' .. . m.'CIm 'llm riiusol rontons m unit 1 75 labli'is, o.'irli ri'iiiewnlltiB stop. This ornun Is tho luontIon of lln. tfllo, luba, trumplnl, riut.-. claiinrt. piccolo. savapliorn ill.i.i. rornol, bass horn, obon and various otbnr Innniraonis. rnrh conlrolli-.l by mi liidhldunl hy. mil nil mi ur miiriiI ns lo prodiau any uml.lti.i linn miovii lo musk', dm' n.-I In p.irtlmlnr. llio vox humniin. or lm man oln, Is of naiiirtilnr Im.r i xilici lis Rh i nlr.M hIiirIiik I solo or In iliiiiiis. Illliir lush nun tils Cinliiiillnl III Ulllllllllll III till, fulirullll! in . St ' lft I U )'Hf i i .JJ .J J-.l n slf flf ; , i-.;K..:,i--is.i.-. -a -. . - foil ?S&&&fcKX2 C)il&?r?m21ttK m:t&?mw$mmmwwmiJ ui mawviLi J.i!&1i?-s?eraJv' nxftm 1 HBBfl 'BWHWHF i M M W jCfc- xi. is I I a i :.. a mm ' r - - lamp enclosed In a windowed. si u a io frame bearing tho word anJ Plate-glass doors Into tho B 'th'-atri' ' trance, ono Instantly senses the Today, as exemplified In Tho artistic quality of tho theatre. DH- Pine Tree Theatre. It Is different, catcly shaded Caen atone, auch Li J Ji V M aiSQ 'Win 1 s 4 m m imwnjik si nmmm mmm m xsmsEL m m i m 1 mm 'tSjV ti ?"" t'MI I -imps III SIk Ono l first attracted by the tall pine tree Illuminated by 120 high pouer Incandescent lamps, and tho r.inriiiee with Its 60 HrIUs on the outer fringe, and underneath 10 large lamps. Knteriug the thcatro ono notices with what perfect harmony the lighting fixtures bind with the finish of the walls and ceiling, and when lighted the Illumination Is (niiipleto and sufficient for every purpose but theio Is not anywhere visible tho actual electric bulb which furnUlKs the light. Ls usl In ecclesiastical carvings. flKtiro In tho walls. Mouldings purt In line, picked out with blue and gold. Sectional plate-flaatf aslrrtra with frames to match tht color scheme. Mahogany doors to re lievo the paler tints of wall and celling. Virtually tho same scheme car ried out In the foyer. Then tha theatre, again the repltition of blut, gold, old Ivory. And all centering down to the proscenium framing tho stage. Tht proscenium Is a mas slv frame of gold, Its richness re flected In the Empire style organ i The lamp house is located at the i lofts to tho upper right and lttt. front of the building und above the 'Gold framed blue cartouchea, 01 Krmlrrli I, W, Hmllh .uhu la ulno tho iniiiiiifiii'tnii'i-. mid was inircbmi i. Mi'Ki'iiiiuy lompaii). I'ertliiiul: - I'lastcrliii:. I'ri'd .Slii'.ircr. Portland; Painting, W. P. III.icmIiik. Porlliuid I'oti'is Aivji ll,-.lll '.'li.. Ii.lnl lil.w.l. i iui.14 mi ti . .?i ...ii ....... ...... ........ , imi iioiii nun iiihi ;uiiv I ny a (J. JI. I.i'alhnrh) riinipaiiy of ,Su I'mn rlsi'o. iiiiilur I lm p-cmiiihI siipsrvl uloii of v r ivilii. Tho approxl m Ho rusl v.as JSS.U00. i . i. sliuminls. miutlifr w-itlon of. lb.- f m,rfn ,. JJ H7 ... Ti . TP " .i- Loiinse a.id rover irove m xilophuno. orrhiviirul iiidls. rhini..s, i J vjv -ivwi.v Afiractive I'eatares of eatre ; r. x 1 1 1 fi'i'i, fiontiui; ;:. rut of on .Mulii ulri'i'l, with a iliiplh of III f'('t on t'i'W'iilli. j Tho liitlldlnii thai Ihmihi's llio' llii'iiiru fioiitH lo fiTl on Miiln I Htrri't. with ii lu'li'.lit of t In co Hior U'H In front, mid llo hIiiiIi'h for wlili a ."Hit I'liungeabli' skrim Hi- windows, formlnn two slil s of , balcony and from there all lights In the auditorium and for tho Il lumination of ihu Mago uro con 1 trolled. I " lllnic l.luhis (lmnKo Tho main celling lights can bo jrhunged from whit to rod or to blut. mid tho same Is trim of the . border mid foot lights of" the stage. iTheri' tiro 12 largo foot Ilght.s of 0.1 ch of tho color, ami 20 of each t as border lights. One noi-iU a chart to locate tho 8 Pfne me Ono of the niti.iitl tho l'ln0 Tiro tin .lit.- wlihli ,MI1 A UiiI.it for W.iIIim' 'o llllitlnr uliiil ,,il l.. .1.1..1 llio Hpan. urltHliiR III.. sIuku loft - .. WiliiVP I ..., "' "'WU'I I.IIIIR H HllllIK III "TO '"., ,l'.r"'"', . . . ""' '""I " llol'l." he ,.., fuel ... 'Ilui iwii-almy fflri. IiiiIIiIIiik Hum ,T,.v Mlll, ,(,, ,, ,,, . Ut, H width of 2r. feol. 'I'lioro nn. flv.(lh II... n.,. Wtill. n iisiinl. .,s Hlnri'H on tin. main floor mid olglit , I In. .iin in ihu plciino, in Whlih nulli's of officii mourn iiphIiiIih. i IMiy riuiipm.u t,m iui- .ytli am jj'Thn wholP IiiiIIiIIiik Is iiiiiIoi laid jrlm toil. Waller litis lux n tho ll- wllh a loomy liiisviiii'iil. Tho pur- lain lit to inniiy pli-tiiuw dial ho litis Hon of tho liiiHemniit dli'U'tly bo- lo ualcli hlu faco raipfnll) m lmnii noalh tho hIiirh In llio llieatio I " I'o nrn Hint vlllalniiiiH lonl; hiihii't Riown on him. rontiilUH thri'o ilrcHHln,. uiiuiiti; tin. Iieatliii; mid vi'iitllatloii jtcni; tho Pur lm rorliilnly did look wlikt'd, illaln Hwltchboiiid anil tho orif.iii , '" di'i'ldod, as lm walclii'il llio un Vooin, jjoilloii looiii showliiK "To lltivo nml Tliu hIiiko left Is flvo stoilen IiIrIi. j10 Huld." Ah noun us H ftu-o up. KlvliiK oppi'rNinlty fur iihp of iho I"'11"''1 ' '' siroeii, Itutlly Coinp lorilcst drops mid Hcpnory. Tim , ",,H ,l,,,!' wl' WUH "" la her floor hpiico of Htniiu mid wings Ik 10 '"' 1,"K"11 '" lMI,i f''l'"iHly. by 21 reel. I "lloiii" tlitit?" iihKuiI Mr. I.oiik. No l.'xpnis,, Spa i nl J Ihiowliii; out his i host prniiillx. "(lot ' No ovpiiliKo bus Iiim'ii Hiuii'Pd In """ ""' fiul "'""'Imm I wp.lr n moan - i mid oinory took Vm ii ,i(iR (Coiilllliicil on Pnuo !!) Ilko.i mj work" unl a table i f wicker In blue and .'i;ry with numerous velvet and sill; :.i'.h!ona itniph'tc a beautiful and ixi'tiulvrly furnished room. I I'lii-h arj'5l tVil The doep. plush earpot which np- pears elsenUere In the thoaira Is I d fytT. TUe !atttr, ot of which r .. i ti I u if ,.t .i i i i.. ii. . i.... .- m " """ "" '" ,"" '""' mh opens the louniw, aubdued with a whh Ii ill rn h ilk imnhiueiit: u llitlc allk hnnv.- v.,i,-.,...,,i a... ualntlu.udmlrallo:i if ..,..',. woman Had lady-doll. ho u. Is a. sbLId dav.npor, ,.,, onJ Whll lUltU ll. uu w, II in lliul e.t Ilia t.. !.. , lnl... J l.o. -. li . . will." I . . . . ' ... ,...h..v, ....... ...o. hi ... :mf iandt of mohogony with tiny mwi. is inn royer ami. iea.llnB off a Kit of ClilmMO statuary Id Iho bin, ash irays. The pictures hero from this velvrt carpet...! oltaantly fo.m of a bu.t of a sh maid of(1(r. KW w.i.terful. deplnlns war fnrnlshid room, tho ladles' lo.inKo. h,. Kant which lends another dasii 5(.fn.H cf ,u0 oar)or , ., Although , pr, U,,UlK color of color. ! knlgbi. appearing In thel'r t,r- homo ihroillUoai the I twain Is A WlU(l fur lhl, ,,, .,,, .,,. f 8W w(h ()f dun nnu gny. this mo,,, duvrju t.i,Bgu pu,,,,.. win .! hcUlncI red mid bluo. The room which from tho n..iumionsJ ord. to Mnw lBaSna, ttWH tu . depth ,n.1. toward tho masculine In fur- aoiuo eti.ni. It Is B.i or and more m,, s...1,.tthe Ulr to t'-e lueeisso BlllHV ttti ,w.0ratlo'i. is ttnod .'oloifiil. KlUtie mi linpreiwlun of woralilppor, who appears In relief tram a gloomy oppwiruiuv b tho ...m.... w-hu .. usrmu uriisue prray on tho plniuo. This bit of olnv a hirB.. pletures of 3panw. .himers of cold inlureJ ouriuins orutige. , with Us dcllcaie eolorlna la on ox-' which oceupy the two end walls. I.luo mid old rose pillows unJ tare-1 penalvi. hit of art thai might ous-'end bv tho cracful set of floor fully chosen llghtinu effocis. The y h.iv0 been replaced b o cieai- lnmM wllh ahniloa of black Kr foyer, ti plaro whim men patrons or pictum. hud tho Hart UnUhors Ketto crepo lluqd with cloth of roIiI. may unjoy n smokn bnlneoii ads. ls(beea reiiservlm: nt tho .-sponso of They nro of an unusual oval shape furnished to tho museiilliio taste the urtlstie effect I hey suuglil! 'h.ld ulott by steins Rllded In old wltn heavy furniture nml ileeora- Boul-sotlsfylug to tin womon ' i:old. foimliiB nn nrtlstlo triumph lions. I.nnnni' Slmws (I'nt'ii Ttiste th.' room. A wicker lounge, choirs 'particular v Itclt wanted In the lamp control room, for besides tho many lamp circuits, the velvet drop cur tain Is operated only from that loom ns Is tho gold drapery In front of tho picture sheet. There Is. however, one circuit which cannot be controlled In the lamp mom. That Is the circuit to tho emergency lamps. These tiro on uu entlroly Independent cir cuit which comes In from tho main lino and Is so fused that It cannot bo overloaded and burned out. This circuit carries tho lights at all ex- (Continued on Page 2) Rtipstg pf tho Pine Tree am llio d-r the decorator. two liiuuins mlrrois which form Mem description un:ii! do Justice would have been possible to have us d an Inferior Rrado of uphol- aory. a p-irr. silk dripo or curtain. a cheaper pilut or luss harmonious rugs, iho owners Invariably choie tho best. l-itiilory lii Harmony In tho admiration for tho foyer and lounge ono Is apt to overloou tho lavatory In connection with Iho women's suite. This, like tho th or rooms, has bluo and grey for a color schciiio and Its windows nro shaded by silk drapes In harmony with drapes In tho loungo. Tho feature which first attracts notice Is Mo.. .I....H......H.. ...a..... . .. ii . . .. , " "-' ""- i mo nn. ran uiiii. or mis i.ie. i sanctu-.to th,o two launsiUR rooms, or a vanity table decorated with hand ''"' """ ""'i"' "' K'"'1 snu-cioiu. (piiio in inpi-y uciaii and decora- room not far i. .in.. i ii. i'i. .win, in- mum ini' roi-r- wniiM. liea.ny Is enhineeil by ih-e efrect-i hnv Pi-US, ROlil mi H II. beilecki'd lii pu ii,.ilv ombi.dden lie loom. Thoie i a toiiih (.f ,,,, . I room not far iiwny will bo titled been attained In up nt ti later date for n niirsnn-. .mbii.lden The same i-wi) Instance without riMnl to , hut furniture has not yet nrilvod us. I in i.iiulniiiitinii i in' expense uivolv 1 Whr It for this room, over the center of the reb, four on each wall. ItolxrU la Artist It. II. Kobcrts, orerall-clad. palat brush In hand, Is pointing out the features of (he Interior decoratleaj, of which ho Is the creator. How many square feet of space? Rob orts doesn't know. He only knows - that he wanted certain color blends worked out In u general design, and j that this was accomplished. The quantity of paint, the. space to be covered of theso Roberts knows nothing, for Huberts Is not a paint er; ho Is an artist. Now he is completing the adver tising curtain. Sordid, perhaps, amidst its burroumllngs, but not al together so. For this Is no ordinary curtain. Roberts Is not merely slap ping on color, but ho is trying to work Into the. brush strokes touch es that will create nn Indlvduallty for tho curtain and soften the blare of the letters calling upon readera to puichnso this or that. For In so doing Roberta not only Is true to his artistic self, but he Is glv Iiir the curtain douhlo value. For one to read and not desire would b near the Impossible, ono feelt, SIiirp Itefleils Quality Tho stage also reflocts the ar tistic quality of tho whole, tho rich, Plush drops ami gold-thread cur tain harmonizing and blending per fectly with tho general design and color scheme. Tho gold-thread cur tain cost $7. GO a yard, and is of tho finest matorlal used for that purpose. And that's tho Interior of tba Pine Trco theatre ns viewed by Ut layman. Ono noed not be an artist, nor need ono ha ye knowledge of color harmony to appreciate what has been accomplished here, Tho contractor was Jllaetlng of Portland and tho design and esteu tlop was by R,. n. noberfs, '.nl