161 f - ' ,j B r . ; i i'Wr -miv Pafjc Six ft ft mm - r" MERRILL Mr. nml Mm. Arthur Tinnier were tftlmntli .'nils Vltiltors I'rlilny. Un, .1. W, Taylor unit ihmchfer. Arlone, wore Ktnmnth Kails vlaltnre Slut. H. Rtufcel lias returned frmn n;h6rt ".lilt with lelnthcii In Mel- foril. rii'Uren, l'red I'otuison. Jr., nml Joftn DMnr, tiAunliter of Mr. ami Mm. Jstta Pro of lllldnbraml. Tho children hud a delightful lime. Tlw public aehool li propArlnp o proemm 10 he xlvcn on or nbout tho tint of November. Miw i-etn unvei nnu -t nomas 'rIafS.. , 6,fj1MR0 r,n. tlto .rtsht tu . KiMcfcury were tmtrriod lit Klamath strike. u mieneitod hs V. 11. iFnlla latl weefc. Tho hrlito U a pmekhon-o ot Oiivcnpart. U. , Kiwiuaic ui ino . v.o u -.v.- inenmiic i,PTO DefOCO tllO SOIIl OT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, PREFERRED CLASS FOR RAILROAD MEN IS HELD ESSENTIAL OREGON monh.w, orroiiKit no, tii-iu. ;. iiU pflllei t ;i hum lire tlio until i n-1 'l tile ii felon v'i.iviUI cliiMlhctv In IIiih viiiill In- iMiii'iinll.v true It I W . CHlCUiO. O. t. .!(, - n.-ilni; of railroad omplo) mm in a "pivfcrrcd i"A number of Merrill reople nt .... t . i .. i .. !.. t ... . . . .... . .1 lennnii inn i.mhcv miin in """i ; riu hirii wiiooi. mey n ior n trip PUa, ,.oarntloa of tho national a Htiturtlay, Orl, 2J. They reported I . pctaluma In Visit relatives of the .oriaiioii of farm conlnmonl intimi. fnrturern. mu li mi net t'(int:ilni'il the Mlpula tin i th.it Mich clitploHUcnt would nt nil limeii to linen to turn atut wont en of proper quiilltU.Ulims, icptril lee of their ufflllntton or nunif rillutlnu with my ort:iinUatlilt. "It woull become Impctntlvo tlr.tt Wnlten: rilt. lirlfrt.1 t'finfl Amnnflr tfiMtn iiltil' wrro Mr. nml Mr. .1, W. Taj. lor, Mr. PnvU mid tiiiitimer Davln. Mr, nml Mr. 11. II. KoUbins of yr.nilg IV.m upoit keiiinl tl.iyx IhsI week In Merrill, Iho r.neits of Mr. Knlihlna' mint. Mm. t!e.. WrlcM. rM. liurr Westtirnok In spendliiB tho enk In Klnmnth I'nlU. the Client of lior iltor, Mrs. It. ?. Oropi hnck. Thnuulay jmi:- e rf the l.nl'ei o.' tho l.lbrnry chili met at Iho lilnary nnd RRTe tho nintii n noml rlennliiR. Thoc hulphtR were MwsJnnies I'oior- ron, Thomn, Merrill, llnlley, Walker dny.' Ho nml ('. llowiiiiui, i noo.-po It, II. Anilcrron mient tho wu-k-r ul In Klnuuith I'iilli'. Mm. I., t'. Ally wnn a Klar.iatl: KnlU visitor tSftturtKiy. Mr. nnd Mr. I.oland 1'opo havo re ttirncit homo after a lalt with Mr. und Mra, l'reil 1'oih. Miss Nina Dlmmltt and l.ynn Hnycfl wore innrried In Klamnth l'nlls, Wednesday, Oct. IS. The bride bride after which they will make Ihotr home In Uimamulr, Oallfoniln. Tho tetilip elai of tho Merrill high ehool elected the followtiiG of ficers Tor the yoer: proIJeat. I'rwl "flnch a meaiinro ahontil offoctlve ly prntoet the country Trom .1 repl litloii of iho (llsastront strike thniiKh wblch It recently passed. Pope; vl-preldenl, MIm Uoatrlce nnd ttshop Ii an era of comparative see, n m1 treas., John Mor traannlllty Innofar ns tho nation1 iT.nllronl transportation Industry l j eoneoniod. ho deelarcil. AI GOMA "Woro conRrest to ennrt a. law cenpri'iiti IlkewUo ttitarnuii'ii the c.ir 1 rlern a fixed into of letiiru on tbulr ipropoiiy v.ilunt,- r" ib,, Kre.it trans ! portal !o.i ttvstom are to lie n.iU'd I from the ikMtriU'tlvo and itlran Kant ifi'i'iU ot coveriiuieut owner ship and uperatJnn with the prople nt larpr the i;reate.-it tlrtltns of ko r.ilse n policy. 1 Thfl recent coal strike lermlua ted- In a complete Wriery for tho miner without the operator, loilnc ; rrrncnlsinc nil railroad emploveoji aiijtiiini. nd they will recoup JoLu HaRelsltoa has been plowlnft . C9,)p(.ui x.i0 ... ,i10 Krr..irp ihreiiBli advanced nrlcea to the con. Ijr ttu Iat few days. Inri.l roinfert of the public, declare ! mi w' ir public. This strike demon- Win. 1'rbaia nsotd 21 head of cat ; tlietsi to be a preferred elan, nnd fix tin to n. I.. MoLcmnre l.ut tfatur-' Uielr waciM perlodlially on n Ii.ihU la thu' dnunhter ot Mr. .-Mil Mm. U. (.'. nimtnltt, residents ot Klamnth county for n number of year. The Kroom l:i the ipn of Mr. and Mm. II. I. Huyesi ot Merrill. The ycuni. peoplo havo nicay friends who wish thorn wall, , A rood deal of hay ha been re ported sold around Merrill the lmt wc-ck. Mica Ruth Illll spent the week end with her psrent Mr. and Mrs. Y. T. Hill. Card lmn been resolved In Mer rill nnnotnclns tho niarrtace Oc delhercd them Sunday. Krau?i went to Tort Klamath vrhero ho luu aciepted a pwltlim a lght foromnn. Jean lloffmmi. ilsuchler of Mr r.nd Mr. Oeo. Ilottninn. han con tracted a bul cast of pneumonia AurusI Kruger ha ai.copto.1 a position with the ttste ltlKhwaj rom mlistou. S. A. Mutton and Karl Kr. uv went to Klamath rail Trlday on biulueM. Ketkrecr Uros .are stiil rut tins Brain with their combined harvester The rata delayed thcr.i about a we.-k KliKhtly In i'Suij of tlume p.i'.d In other UnlurtrliM. coupled with Dm provl'i- i li.it iiii imiiciNmI refu al t. coniiMue uh ruipliinieiit wo'ihl Rirated the rnllary ot totiRlderlnn In dutri.il and economic problems rnU e.l by I hi employer nrnulescliiR In .41 of tlii'lr euiiloyci'!i' demnudt and traiii'iiliiluc nildltli'U.il cost to the i .ui 'i "linn public ssssmtast 1 TONIGHT AT THE QT R AND ltC- wiiKitr. t:vt:uviu)iY coin iie.mi: or tiii: uoimtvso.v i'i:ati'ui:s -'-'Oc ceciisi: ix on. u.vcinkkkim; W nniMixoi'AM. Ens. Oit. :" I A chRlr of pt troleum and oil en Slnecrlnp. Uo firt to bo Instituted !ln Knj;lnd, hB-tc?n opened at lllrmlaElism t'nhenUy. The firs'. course ofTereU to itudents Is con tobcr 19 of the Hev. John Watson tlned to KenertI tnlnlns and terh end MIm Cecilia Pomiulst. Tho'ntaai ca-;!nerlnB; tae second and Kev. WoUm supplied the Merrill I tnlnl years wm include 'oil well enure h tn mimmer or V2i. The In die' Ai.1 met at the mans"' WoJmwcUy October IS. The ladle i arc busy petting ready for their an nual bazaar. Mr. mid children spent Saturday In Klnm mw In thl Induitry in Inland. nth Kails. Mm. Mary A. Dicw. mother of Mm. l'c tenon, cave a birthday rally for her two crand nl.llllni, ,.n.r.lM nn.t ,llnv Mn. j .(.lll.tlf,, IUM,Mt ,ltU .V....W, V.W., ,itructlon and operation. I i .ie new (lepariiiirni oi me uni vorlt has been i. id-' passible elkBaVftaAwY & SBT.f J 1 , t . .ll.M Mr. t'rn.1 I'trn nn. ". "' Jt.u.HIPU "- Itobertson's Chicken Tamates. whol'tale nnd retail. 1113 Main St. IStr Ths bigjjest show ever seen here for the Money America's Most Famous Outlaw, ROY GARDNER AND HIS LOYAL WIFE Showing his escape and capture and a hundred other thrills, and Ncal Hart, the Western Cyclone, in "TANGLED TRAILS" Shooting, riding, fighting and action with thrills all the way through. Also, NICK CARTER DETECTIVE STORY and Comedy Show Starts at 6.15 P. M. 10c Admission 20c SB BROTHERS BUSINESS COUPE The Approach of winter cmplmnlzca the nll-ycar use fuliicst of tlic cur. i Wind and elect bent in vnln tn'.nlnst the vvcntlicr stripped doom and wiadowj. A lloor rjtlitttor l;eepn the interior in warm ni n tooin. Tlte witulmw nru readily adjusted for ventilation. Undctlyini; these seasonal romfotts, is the snilafnc lion owners fed in the ear's exec ptionnl stuttiincs.3. The body proper is a hand-wcldctl steel unit. Il is now c.cnerally l:novn that this novel construe tion liai made possible Dodi'.e Urothcr.t cuntnel ftiu ish (instead of paint) which is baked nt hlp.h tent pcrnturc on. the surface of the sited. The trinincss nnd c.rncc of the body linea ate cttj hnnecd by a uon-rutnble fnbtie top and tearquartcrj, fashioned in the prcucnl attractive mode. Genuine Spanijh blue lenther upluilntcry, wide smi; littiiit: tloora and lociny lur.s-tli1 ipmitcm heighten the imprvusio.i yosi i.mt.uitly p.et m thcc.u's distiuc live fitiujc for service, cillicr tuuinrsi or social. Tin' prlii' I. .SI.lNl.im ililUrti'il W. S. WAKEFIELD 122 Klnmnth Ave. kf & fangng mm ii iTiUt irJYLrf-vw2ii.niSJ: t1!, rLWrf'fiSffl ir fflES' .a " ."--, 7ry -iti:k- 'n ''n;. .10tA-JWT7 .VVk 4v tj "-om mm m LIaU Itr?iT..M' T , ifFIUH " -! MV.1 w A, ;Mm &JP SLiJy -- - 'V iv - w KIR H iH' laiH I M Mi M abb IWrnak Knpifielnier I Jv.l CLOTHES I 00 Worn wWiWBffl ir j2L !;: A I : I ' QoodJpbewwiccM WW MWMWA 9 11 w p New stocks of Nettleton and I Rairxr .nnpc in rail cfrirlo I K. STORE E INVITE your inspection of our showing of Overcoats from the House of Kuppen keimer. New exclusive style creations new fabrics in ex clusive patterns -lower prices $35.00 to $60. Curlee Overcoat from $17to$30 .j I LEADING CLOTHIERS creations now ready I saaj MBQBMBBMBUBBMaMBMmr