The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 29, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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Pare Four
sinviMv, m."H)i:it.ito, uiya.
Skunk Gnsscs Gnrngc
? &
is Made from
The Cream of the Country
There Is
None Better
Klansalfi Falls Creamery
I Ml
Flowering Bulbs
For the Home Interior or Garden:
Tulips in Nature's happiest colors, "Dutch Darwins,"
Hyacinths, Daffodils, Narcissus, Crocuses and
China Lilies. Prices same as in the Cities
We also advise ordering your
the freeze comes
834 Main Street
Sk n
ww wwrm
ISA kS Bfl &
ew t&
aJbh Tr4-,S
S515 "iSS
yjr. y,Jv v umlVvm.v;vw vkm.
irzVT v ' iT-rin niM 1 it nm xi'Ai ,nrr:cti
Eveiere YouHear It
Firestone Builds
the Fm$l Co?4s
HARDLY a day goes by but ome one
goes 0Jt of his way to tell us that Fire
stone Gum-Dipped Cords ere the best
Cords as only Firestone builds them will
give you many estra thousands of miles of wear.
And for fall and winter drhing there's nothing
like them. The strong, resilient Firestone car
cass of gum-dipped cords, can stand the hardest
punishment. B
With the reputation Firestone Cords hold, It
is not surprising that so many motorists in this
community have made them standard equip
ment. The demand for Firestone Cords in the
last few months lias broken all records.
Prices were never so low as they are now.
Pcrhapj never again can mileage be sold so
Decide now that you will get Most Miles per
Dollar. Drop in any time nd Ift's talk tires.
rt v-7ilc . . ::z.
JOrM.--ri ife 5SSitifKa
fW:-mmmm,mr Slllm2!?fr.7T7 '--
l'l HS AIM
Toll UI'NT A complete furnished
h-room modern home Phono
2t 1 tt after ( P. M 30 !
PI HMllPK ONI! Uoom cabin Pol
on l ;il Rooms, lllh nrnr Main
FOR Sl K- Prom fiO to fit) tout nt
fiiit ilf nirnlfn linj, mrvtllv first
inning about nine miles from Falls
.mil two iiiili-s (rom Midland . nt
jisiin n ton. Chllrolo ft Smllh "27
M 1 1 n Si 30-91
Poll SAM! (rood fiitir-reoni house
near high school nt $120000.
Out) J2ot 00 tush oild balance like
r. nt Phllcote ."4 Smith. T27 Main
St Jfl-"l
FOR KKNT- For (ho winter 1-ronm
house ilo.te In. Call 212-W. nf- I
o . lock 30-1
IVl'l RPNT Two-room
pi -M loth tOttj St,
There will he ,i i ,ii dill mooting.
IS M Kl.iin.nli Chapter No 35
u 7 Jo P M TtiMCay. Orti ber
.:it i;i.' .' Visiting companions
ar ufliniiii' In order of 1 II P
.! lit .1 llllxTTON. Set)
Mother Coon 'trend Snxo the
ru', ii id , t . nlod .'7-1
trees and shrubs before
Phone 589
Men: 15 Workers Routed
v i
COI.FSA. Oet 30 iA skunk
reigned supremo In the P P Ctulr
garage hero for Miril hour Sat
tirdrty nfternoon. i iiMiiit u eiinpen
slnn of huslucmt while t men rath
eieil nt ii iltncrnot dlii iii"1 inlin. In
find wax- and tin hik In whith to
rout the enemy.
After FOMinil lnmrivf fin II loin en
dcaxnr the skunk w.ii flnallx en
caged In n box and luUi'ii to n nrnr
tiy park, where he w.n ktllet 1
Ing K.i'i fumes Int. i the tun
(Ponllnurd from Parte II
bntk to (hi? 2n-)nrd line nul drop '
kicked tho hnll om i th 11014 har I
fr another 3 point n. moiIiv. I
cede-J here.
.i,p. .n army ill!
i nvni.p
YAI.I! UOtt'l., N,w llmon. Conn.
O. t .10 - In n 1:111110 .ii lnoo as 11
lundfitl of alkali dint. Ynle and the
Army li.ittled to a deiitlilenH tie ho
fore n record ernnd of TO 000 per
,iom in tho overflowing howl Senro '
T to 7.
1 Tho result entile as domethlni; of 1
nn niill-ellmax to a npecliicnlar ntiil
colorful day,fonturlnR the large! '
crowd that has wltiici'-ii a foohnll
rcme diirlnr: Iho P'22 eaeti !
iTi:is. co.M'i itPNci: i.mi:
ANN AllUOIt.- Mich. O.t. 30.
Ileatlnt: down tho tnllorn defente
of both Cuppko'11 tili'li MlrlilKati won
Itn neionil Western Confori'nce fool
h.ill camo of tho se.i-.ui hero Bit
urdav. dounlliR Illinois. 21 to 0
Although balked at many Magri
lu came by t It IIllnolH team Ytut n
machine took advantage of erryop
portunlty. carrying the hattlo Into II
llnols territory rnpeatrdlv dtir'ng tin
second and third periods
virnntv iv smai.i. maiicin i
I S VN FRANCISCO. Oit 30 Afti r
beliiR ontpl.icd In tho flrn half of
the itamo by Iho I'nlvewlty of Art II
'zona Santa Clara turtle I trio tu'il. h I
and no cd out the III'.ik lu'
luiljy 8 to 7.
1 PPM.MAN. Wash.. Oct 30 Ills
pl.iylnR real footlmll In the lat fivi
ni'nutoH of the Kanto. the Pn'or. t)
I if W.-uhinutnii ti-am won th- int.
! footlMll rbnloiloaslil f'01 1 tin
tt sltliKimi slBto eollego ph i 11 h- r
' .' itmdiv. IC to 13. before a ird
of I". O00 iT-rtallirs, tl' lirRi-i
crowd over nm-eniblod 11I P'n' r
fMil. The oicatlun was 'ho aiami
Imniii ir ii'iib fit the Kt.lto cii1Ik-
Pp until tl o flnnl few mlnutoi of
ilny, 1111 Cihikhm had tho eile on ,
tho wore. A 1'ieiii from "o'l HH
niitfl tho v.,i.'iIuk toudu'own Por
v. ir.l i.i -r.r a"d M'ki i 1 n 'i
cai. 1 f 11 Hi 11 !i .rsli 1I1 1 1
Ilorald classified ads pay jou.
Wanted Salesmen
I In lli'k' iiii.nktr Co , tin
(t-lri 11 ii-prosuiitatho In
p i lui j!iiv nail ufferH th
h1 't itr-lllni; proposition In
Ori'iton todiy.
Th.n com, any also offers tt
real opportunity for ad
vunccni'iii tfj tho aKfirun-
rivi tuli liitutl
101'J 2n Ca-irn llldK.
I'onhind, Oregon .
S. A. Services
will conduct sen-ices
in the
at 8 o'Clock
Headier and Mrs. Hay
have charge of Salva
tion Army work in Ore
gon, and Mrs. Hay will
speak on her j)ioneer
days as a .Salvation
Army officer.
. How Your Taxes Can Be Reduced
When I am governor I promise to advocate and demand economy in
every department of state government, so that taxes will he reduced to
the lowest possible point consistent with good government. To this end
I will use the veto unsparingly.
One great dtffluilt) todat Is that one-halt
the property of Oregon Ih ivinpt fiom tax
ation. Iho (imbei In the torent revru'ii be
1 11 1? a conspiration example. Tho only In
come from tho locrvcn Ih the rentnli from
Htoikmen for i;raxltiK, of wltlrli lift per cpiu
r.oos Into tho federal treasury. I Mold that,
glare no tax lit derived from IIiIh Mint hod)
of timber, all tho tontats from Krnsiui;
prlvllrgfs In tho forest reimrvo Mnmld go
into tho tron-mry of Orvioa to mimpeusato
for the int body of laxtildo propeity hold
by the federal Koxernaient out of taxation.
As FoMriior I would line the ireitli;o of the
office in a movement with other Kou'rnor
and delegations In eoagroJH to hrltiK U'U
atioat This chnni'o would produce about
$3.10 000 a jear new revenue, thereby Ion
nr:tlnk. to that amount the harden on prop,
erty now liiaijd.
. Ptnctlitflly one-third of the slanillng Um
ber In the rtnle of Oregon Is In the forest
rrourrn and iwys no lax Pnder the present
Uw.'lliU timber wilt bo cat off. leaUlii:
hlacki ned tllinin of uiilnxahle properly, and
he n'llpped oat of Oregon wltlmul polng a
dollar of Inx to tho utate Not only Is Oregon
holm made poorer by llu removal of this
timber, but the nnt'iral betnity and icenery
of tho utate Is being tanrri'd. A soveranco
tat collc'tPd as this Umber Is rut and rlilp
pil would ho a largo source of roxenue A
hU- body ot Mtrh timber U now lontracleil
by Iho federal rf'ioriiiiteiit to people from
distant stati f, npii It will he removed with
out paying titty lax aaleiH a noxoraaro tax
In nt once Imposed An governor I would do
all lu my power to levy Ktich a tax on nil
timber tnkeu frum the lorent resurxes.
While 0110 half of tin- property of Oregon
Is exempt from taxation, inurh of the other
half Is pa) lug little or no tax lieraiKo it It
lurcstatj in sharp of slock, bonds and prop
rty hidden nway from the nsionsor. This
li-aii'n but a part of tho taxable properly to
hoar the ntlro cost of goxernmeut. This
properly which bears Iho terrific harden
consists of farms, tattle, homes, city build
ings nnd Inutton
DlltPlT TAX HKill
In 1131 there was raised by direct taxa
tion IiimIiH ntate 'J 19.1 I0S, an avtrago nt
uliiiont 0,s mills 011 tho properly taxed.
This Is the lilKheat illrort property tax levied
In the I nlted Stale for state purpose. It
tousiltutes nearly onu-tiHlf of most of Iho
farmers' taxes and lu Iho city It often uicanu
one fourth of tho oiitln- t ix.
In Ml.'tni(5la In 1920. the direct property
tax for state purponoH wan J1.0G7, I2.S, which
Is nboui one-sixth of what Oregon property
owners xie're railed upon to pay for stnto
purposes, and )et the assitfiMd viilno ot tax
able property In Minnesota Is two nnd 11 half
times that of Oregon Minnesota raised tho
balance of her ntate rexenuo from Indirect
Mimrem viz.: n f per cent grow earnings ta
fn m public service corporations and n 2'i
rents per ton tax upon Iron ore mined III
the state
California In 19JI tnliod 33.7JS.SSI for
mate purpose This money was nil rnlKCd
from ludlretl sonrres xlr from tee and
from n grous turnings tax upon publle rv
Icn corporations. Farmers nnd proporl
owners. In California were not tailed upon
to pay direct nn of UtU d3,7ns,M I.
WUcousIn In 1921. raised by direct taxa
tion only iT.bui.'ini for state purpose, and
x.'l tho iisst'NRi'tl x-alim of taxable property
T11 Wisconsin Is four tlnim that of Oregon.
The halanco of her stato txpenses xv.m ralseil
by fee anil by taxes on ml Incomes.
In Orogoit wo inn rollexu thu property
owner by tolleclliig n large part of tho cot
of nuito government ffom slialhtr wnircett,
vlr..: (I) tt tux till not Income; (2) a sever
ance lax: (3) 11 tax on groK earnings 'it
public norxlcu corporations I f.ivor Hiith 11
program In thla nttito under the H"'f"lLU
Unit nny Inx dorlved from nuw Miurcea shall
not ho used for Inueased fXpirMilltiiriw, bill
to Inko Mdino of thu hiiidmi off llinxu now
btinrlnK moro than their Just liaro of lax
nilou. TI10 prartlce of puhlle utllltlert became no
Intolorablo that thmto utilities haxu to lie
regulated. A costly puhlle rervlcn tomials
Hiou has to he maintained for that purpose.
Since tho commission Imji to ho mulnttilned
for tho regulation of the jiublle ;ttirvlco cor
porations, those corporation! slionld tliein
Hidtt ho ri'ipilred f pay tlu expenses f
the toniiulsNlon. without loudening fagrmorit.
homo ownurH, hiiHlneHii and other ontorprlsu
with nxueinto. Hiuh it plan would b.iu
tho taxpioers approxlinatel) iou.'iuo a year,
unit I favor It
Oiexoii I, per capita, I lie heaviest bonded
ttuto la iho I'ulfin. Wo are In tho midst of
a wild orgy of bond Issuea. The thought
si-earn to bo that wo ran yo tin Issiilui; bond
NgardlcHH of a pa)tlay to tuinn later. Thero
Ih a poHHlblllty of haxliig to liny u further
prtiiMty tax to meet act ruing Interest on
tin ho eiiormoiiH bond Ihmiii'b. A halt lihould
bo talleil in tho plitHlorlug ovei our statu of
those mortgnguii on the properly nnd toll "f
on 1 koI U'.m mid our thlldren, and thu iitntri bu
riitiirnt'd to a polity ot houiiiI and stable
finance. I idaiid pledged lo surh a polity.
One ot the first things I proposo to do nn
governor will bu 10 employ oxery power of
Iho oftlco to toiiKolldato Die boards, Inii'cailH,
c oiruiilnaltniu anil (i)mmlltten that Inlet foro
with cadi othei- heriiusu Iheio ain ho many
You should
b) (iiiiliiliiillug One Hollar 111 iikiic In I1I1!ii exp iiscm, lu ilolug this joll "III help
Miiuseir inline jour own luxes, for thai U III n gteat I-mio I'ieito Ii making for jou. Hind
iiioiie), In nihil, inline) littler tie tlietk, loilay In
T. II. t'l.mriuil, .Miiniigtr I'leiteffoi-Ooteintir Ciitiip'llgn, (10111011 llulltlllig, I'oilliiud, Oiegou,
(Paid Atlviirtluuiaenl)
of Hum Their work ovfilnpn and dupli
cate) there are ino iiintiv 01 naini ills draw
lug nalitrles anil I"i'H lor dnlilg llltle or no
wink Ptwer bourdn, fewer officials and
moro work by ilono bmitds mid olfli lals Is
the crying noid of llo tnlo of Oieguil I
plmtgo mynntf to Hie work of correcting thin
rolisplciioiin waste of the state's money,
othoi siiitri hnxe Nxstemntltuil ami slm
pllflrd gowritmout by appling to public
biislneiis the same rules ot efficiency mid
eiouoni) Used lu prltalo IhisIikvs, It linn
not been dene in Oregon hecniise politicians.
Payroll fiiu'llonarlcs mid hangois-tiu have
combined -to ohstriiet Iho cutting tiwoy of
salaries onit bIiiociiic. 1 ntnud pleilK"l to it
policy of simplified govurnmout rruiinuilrnlly
We ran dUpoiiKo with ninny iilitomnldles
now op .atlin: at state expenne. Tho liso of
iiiato-ownetl nutoniutillfs by nfflrora nnd
stain nmptoyes U subject to gross nbiisni, rs
ever) taxpajor knows, and this xlrtoits prar
tire must be abolished
i:cry man tut the state pa)roll shnutd
nciimllv tfork and etcry man tlrnwlug n
salary without earning It should ln llroil
It Is commonly reported niut widely bo
In ved that Ion small a tMircriitiio of the
money provided for highways guess Into
nrtual construction of ronds. Por oxnmplo.
Mr Jay lluwerman xv.ns long on tho pajroll
as adviser for the hlghwa) commtssloti, when
it In the Inislnesti nnd dui of the n(toruoy
gvtieral 10 nrl ns rautisel tor that body. This
1 n xvasto ot highway tnnnoy, There Is
general ttbuatlifactkiu with the engineering
and other overborn! ront. whlcti runs Into
vry largo amounts Statements lire broadly
01 ml tiiitl tmrrower nwI In Oregon nr
costing more tier mile iliait wider roads In
i.omr other stales There have been In
stances In which cosily highways Itavo had
to be rebuilt within n )ear or two. Ito.nd
Ituildlng In orrgtn ha been a nst and ex
pensive enitrprlso. In which there should tie
on leaks or wastes I linvi faith In lite geu
tie men sirring at highway commissioners,
but hold that there should be n very thor
ough Investigation of the operations of Urn
men and some of the cintrartors working
under thmn. tu the end that exerocenseu uuiy
lie loprwd off. H 1wk slopped and n dol
lar's worth of road be built for ovary dollar
of public monoy spent.
Mr. Jay liowerman Is attorney for tho
state banking department In sexorBl ensw
now pending In the rourts of Oregon. It
is the business and tho duty of ten attorney
general to art lu Ilia tcaptclty.. As gov
ernor and n meinbsr of the stato hanking
board I wouhl insist that tho attorney gsn
oral nnd his deputies attend to tho Ugal
buninoss of th" state banking depxrlmcut.
When gnoruor I shall he ovoruor for
ever) body I lio promised nothing to any
body, and am free to ust the appointing
power without dictation My ndnilnlstrattun
x.ill nut b0 wholly n man's government, hut
Knv.rnment of, 'by and for men and
we mon.
1 iti:i: 1 hi: op vino
As governor I shall domainl of tho legisla
ture that every appropriation bill ahall Ijb
Itemised, and I shall veto every npproprln
Hun hill that Is not an Itemized. In addition
in thai, I shall Vein oxury tiimcroesnry, me
lt -h or nuostloimble Hem In t.xery npproprln
linn bill pasned by tho legislature.
I shall exertliw my primgalho lo cll tho
nllt-ullnn of tho iclsluttiro and suggest in
It tho onartrncnt of such laws as will
redura Iho expuitea of government lu tho
' minimum nnd oiiallo the burden of taxa
tion, so that nil propei ly shall hear Its Just
burdoil, , ....
I ran and will point tho way for relief.
I know iho majority of (ho next legislature,
mining from th- tax-lnirdeued people will
(el hi I fuel -that TIIP.III2 .MUST III! III!
I.IPP It is nut a tiuentloii of party politics,
but a xllal iiuestlon of property rights, prine
perlty and Uo wilfaru and happlnesH of Iho
Voters ot Oregon, the Issue has ryuliiluetl
nrohiid (hit theme of tnxatliiu. High liixot
urn bad tuhertlslui:. High taxes am keeping
iirwcomirH and new taplt.ll out of the nfntu
and driving old selllen awuy. iliisliiesi Is
being illst tint aged; progioss l being luilteil.
Taxation Is tho weight Ihut Is dragging u
Our friends who are now lu tontrol of tho
Kinto and legislature confess, that thoy aro
holplokH to Hiipply 11 reined) They aro try
ing to itiiifiiHo xotirii by Injectlnt: persou
alltle illid by throwing until. They 11 mi
making frantic nppeiili tn p'irty loyally, lliitii
propntrug lo Iimmi the peopht with tho hiiiiiu
iiipreHslvo Imidens of luxation piled on Ihelr
bacl.H. They ate garbling my ttptcchoH, and
putting wonlrt lu my iikiuiIj, that 1 inner
uttered. They aio li)lng to dittift 11111 fiom
my fight for lower tuxe.t. They mo lu u Had
plight ber.niKe, under Ihelr admliilHlrutlou,
tiny I111M) t'toaled a Kl. nation rrllil which
eeiy taxpayer Is tiyliig nloiid for rule.ise.
Pn fuse In Jitlilgo one from ililn mai
ler of luxation. It In the dominant Issue
For moro than 20 I have talked mid
winked for lower luxes, aipl this will ton
tliiuo in bo tint first theme lu my thoughts.
Taxes tan and must bo eiiiiillod anil
redtiied, jiiiiI I have ht'io pointed out hoiiio
of the wa)ii tho tiling tan ho done.
WAiicit m. I'lniici:. '
Help Pierce
-fc.M. il- 1 Nniiwvy