The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 29, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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momi.w, orrom.ii iu., iitii-J,
Pag Two
I ;.
mIU; I
The Evening Herald
V. ji MXJl.1t, .VAHnr ud FnblUl,
H. R. WIM. . . .City. Editor
V. V. NICKI.K Adrettlilng ManaRff
IntulllRrntly strltlni; to iircuuiulnti.'
u IhhiR foi' hlimolf mill family, in
own his homo mnl I'lliiriito lils rliittt
ton lli cannot nffni.l In tako oli.utros
on experiments lli Kitih hotter
Publlihod dally excopt Buijday, at informed nf imllllcal nffiilri tlmtt
io Herald I'ubiiRBinK uimnany or. ,,,.,.., r,
... e.u . tin mini line iittn.,o (in
Personal Mention
professional mmi, lit!
IfUmklli Pll tl 119 Itlfrlith trrit
l' tlu inoM Indenendoiit tit totem
TCnlorcd at the Doitof flco at Klam-1 On nitrations of policy directly nf-
ath Fallii, Ore, tor tranimliilon fu.,nK inboi's Interest ho ots us'
ttiin1i tfi iMtilla cnnil.rliai
Inn Indlvltlum, Inn ho usos sunt nnr
uncanny IntolllKonco mnl dUrnrn-i
through tht
MKMDKR OP TUB ASSOCIATED mrnf, that lie nroiiii himself mitur-
. . . .''P " . ., I.-, nllv '! ,,,Il"r IntrlllKonl Miliars
Thn Aanoclatcd Prcsa la exclUBlte-,
ly entitled to tho uso for publlca- ot "H ,'' n,l r,,,"lt u M'
tlon of all nowa dispatched credited ; ro1loril toto fur it r.oticr.tlly nil-
to It. or not otherwise credited In vnntiiKfi us pulley, ntul thus Is cro-
tins papor, anil atao ino locai
puhllshfd herein.
itod tint myth nf a "lalwr" oli t lint j
run In dlrcited ntul (Iclltorod byj
lalmr btiMos mill Icudcm '
It's .t llliel n.i honest, nmwlnntntia
Copy for illBplay nilvortUliiR must
... . I ... t ... ItlllM 1
;?--. K"irt r,'!,l"r"", ,m,i,,,,i Ji,sl H
- . . I ., I., iki. ... n. fnl.illli... Iik t. ilvLll.Mlltiill tlU
tlon In orilcr io no inncncu m wi" ! mi nun-nm- mwii ..-
lasiin of tho paper of tho next day. i,mr intcMlKiitlnu prmed was done
Want nils and reailliiR nonces win ,,, ,,,,, X;M nr ,.x,.rolslnK their
V. T. l.iv spent Untidily lit tho
Matin illstilrt aitmllnK tn matters
of ImMur-i".
Jllss Olattilh Spink tlsllod with
her mother. Mr It. 0. Spink, at
Sprint; Creek nter the? week end.
Hairy Thr.nhcr and Kay Cratv
foul spout oterd.iy tuttiUtu; ilurks
In tho vlrlnlty of tho ranch.
Harry t.rntoti was n week end
visitor fiom llruy. where ho Is In
terested In tho lumber hiulnofct,
(5. llennntt nrrnmiuuh'd by Mrs
llnmrst la hero for n fow das from
Portlamt They tiro ler.Utered at
the White hotel.
Ithrnutiliout tho nullity, hiiWOK llM'l '
with her patents on ono of the rouu i
t) finest fntniH f"f eiii
'ntul at our time he wotkod its it
dentily In tlto cotintv nnsessors of
.Mr. nttil Mrs. Mejei .1 Welllr
anil two children hao nrrlwd her
from San Ktanelsro, nnd will upond .
the winter In thin eltv. They x I
pert, to niiilio their homo it t the J
White hotl.
It M To.iKU. r. A TeaKltP, H. .1.
Tnnillil. II. t 'l'nuiili mnl . Il.if i
-Dortsnt Mnnttacript Pur
chased by iVii.chdl Li
brrtry of Sytlncy
Cory are a ktoiip of autoimilille
bo rerohed up to 12 noon on m
day of Issue. t
Herald I'ubllihlng Company.
s.vrrimAV, oiTOiiKit a, twm i
ipw-wi 't iMiffrnKi' "lib n illsrrlm
Inatlim that benefits I lie whole tin
Tho man who puts the atoraco
American down as
blindly ollliK u pteiared ticket, he
tran a lamentable Icuoranro of tho
history nf Industrial proj;ris.
Now the 1. If thco bo facts, and
they are. where can the workers of
UTILITARIANS nnd ciilturUta
nt., mn find icason for
u ! .,i.. ,, i Kliimnth Palls lupe tc hotter
rongratnlatlons In he dedication of ,
tho new Hart iiuiminK.
Tho creation of such a valuable
plow of taxable property and the
ettnbllshment of a great now bind
new enterprise will nppeal(to those
who Rok tanRlblo and material re
turns from the Invexlment of larije
KtimR of capital.
To thou? who consider '
only a a means by which Mi iy may
crailfv their cultural deHl"3, .he i
openltiR of tho theatre wlti ha it
slRnnl for felicitation, of taem'olv-
Mrs. ('. S. Moore, who for the
past pa-it two mouths has lipon lt-
Inn In Portland, returned home last I Rime
Ivan Houston and Kenneth Perry
were city ialtnrs oxer the week end
from the plno beetto camp north of
Swan Lake.
.h Pall folk who (.ink advanutRo "",""""" ''n,'T "" '"
of the Knod we.,.l,.r ,.st,rdav and T , "'"" Wh"r' " l1
iii'iiiii, ijui'ii iniri iinniiii ny
lull. toil hoth ilitvks nnd imll. re
liiroln,. lust nlKht with a flno b.u: of
If tluro was ever n man In ee-.
I'lttlve offlen who Rate the worker)
a Miuarcr deal than did Mayor
Wiley ditrliiR the tlmlierworkers'(
strike last uprliiR, It has nter cc me
to puhlte nltetitlon
He luld the ttcales in so
nenly belKicii the opposlnR slJes
li that utilortitnnte roniroversy. Hint
noltUir the i lie nor the other coul I
c,lfcfni lln llKhtst shade of pref
erence. That waa a difficult task A weak-
more I hold man. a less
so con-
es nnd of tho men who mado the r man. n more timid ma
,i,ir luistM for It oiitabllihes IorIimJ man. tnlRhi hae
'a bliher plane of culture In Its par- ducted tho office us to hate pre
tlcular Held for tie community. clutwl Rrate strife and a laMlttR
Art ahlnes bk Jn artistic aur-. """ ''
roundlnM. Tasful display en- Maor Wiley. lahorinR
hances tho apprkl ot the Kranl-'t
Mlts Jc.itt Perry, who moved with
hor family to Weed a few tp.iutlii
bro. Is lit town for a thyro 'weeks'
tislt with rclathci and frleniH.
Mrs. .'v. Stlflcky returned Sat
urday nlRht from a three weeks
stay In Portland, where sao ttslted
her mother.
Mrs. (JeorRo Wtillnn and daugh
ters, Kntherltio nnd lleatrlco, wer.
In town on Saturday, tliltlnR with
I SVD.VKV. V H W . (Id 30 An
Imimrlnnl iiiihiiikitIhi llm inlnliinl
tourists who nrrlted hero last ttlRht , Jimnml ,., u, t,,,.,,,,.,,,,,,, ,,,
and nr.i leRUtetod at tho White .,,, imlir, U .11 M K lils.ot
Pelican hotel from Los AiiReles. j ,.,., ,vllU ,, Wrt, rm,,nll(, , lln
James Hilton and son Paul nnd!'" "," ""Uill(.ii. ..-ninand.d bv
tiollln Joffnrt... .f.. !.!.. . "lll Jam. i C ilk oil his I.mI v.
. ........ i UBt' nrnittlrl wlilrli tuhil nn I hit T.
MlUlii'll Mirar (if S,V(tuo, llio n- i
tlitaltikft tt HlMllt1 Vft lltit liln ititlntisM
. (iwoid,! ( IIIHII IUIXkl"lll IM'1'IH
i on Australian hlstnrv !
"i 'nptnlti Cm .li was about to give '
I orders foi'cliiR when bo was
iprntnkctl by the Itunlenro of a liuin ,
armed with a thick mtit mnl a lontt
' splko." tho Journal reals. "Cuptnltt
'Cook fired nt this' tiinu with small
I llTl.ll I, lllt.1. Until, 1.1 llilllnlMl.ill ttltal
., .- .. ...-...,,'( '.',.,l. ., ..,' nor frlRhteui'il tho Indian, n.1 '
wns unveiled It would dn. Auathor
man with nn Iron splko (ante ni'.ir
J Mr Phillips, who. suspect Ini: bis In
tentions, tlrnvo Mm bnrl. with tho
butt cud of his musket.
"Cnptnlu Conk, who had u doti-blo-barieled
ttun, Immedlntety fired
wild ball The semennt snld ho tint
sliol tho wrnnR innti, ulten upon he.
J told the rri;enat lit sluml the rlRbl
iif:ii The Indlntis Rate a tolley of
Clir'AIJO. Oct .' IMiieitlon!
of the farmer to Hi,, turd or Im
proved onitlpiiicul Is tlm best method
of lolling fiinn tunihlnnr. (Suy II,
Hall, dlrrrtor rf the In
stitute of Prtp.rcwvn PurmlitK, tn
dv mid tti timniif.iriurers nssemli
hit at the annual convent Inn here
of Ihe Nnltoial Assoi Inllon of I'artn
fiiutptnent nmtiiifai Hirers.
"Iinn'i wotry Ihi-jiuc the fartnei ,
stems inoru prnni ti- buy n now
ntttntuobltn Ihnn u traiter." ho sal 1
Place Your Christmas
Engravinglprtkrs NOW
Wo have more eanl.s and bel
tr ilosiyns tin's year. Kn
gravod tloooratioiiH, in W)U
and black and Christmas
CJrctMi and Red. Type stylos
that will match your own cop
per plato.
Coino in now and look them
over, it's not too early, and
you'll surely jjot ju.l the card
you select.
Star Drag Co.
Fifth and Alain
l. O. llrnwn was In
merulnt: front Crystal poii h islnit
supplies nnd RettliiR a lino on I he
trend of politics In Hits district
ronildervd ( .
atoT without.
Tho artistic Rallies of the stir
rounding havy hern thoroughly
considered ( J brotiRht out In the
the new theatre. This
funding feature, within
out. In the tlntlnR, tho
carpeting, the foyer arrangement,
the stage settings, whatever thu
casual cyo rests upon.
With full recognition of tho,iua.
of tho tervlces of tho men who haw
pioneered tho way In tho past, and
whose ef forts In an earlier day
havo made possibly the greater dev
elopment, Tfco Herald extends con
gratulations to tho I'lno Tree thea
tre, Its owners and Its management.
WE loto to foregather with tho
politicians and hear tho poli
ticians talk; to li at the foot ot
wisdom nnd gather tho crumbs of
knowlcdgo that drop; to hear them
dlscourso In their wirdom or strate
gemo end sorties, of outfalls upon
iho untuspecttng enemy, of reprisals
and frank attacks. It's as Interest
ing as a military campaign.
Wo lovo to hear them ponder
deeply on tthoro this voto and that
vote Is going. Thoro'a tlo "labcr"
tolc, tho "church" voto. and the
"women" vote, tho 'radical" toto,
and heaven knows how many dif
ferent groups of votes to bo ap
portioned. In the moving hack nnd
forth of tliii&o Jlfferont battalions
of votes across tlm hoard, strango
(omhlnatlons appear.
Wo tvero recently surprl"ed and
alarmed to learn that thu "woman"
toto would bo solid against Wiley
for "mii)or. Ilelng without political
tart, wu plainly and bluntly, la be
half of a faithful public sertunt,
Bald our Ilttlo any In this column,
then put our nowspuper unr to the
ground nnd listened.
Surprising as It may euein, and
astounded na wo wore, -wo learnoJ
that there nro maay women In Klam
ath Falls, ery probably a majority
of tho women of Klamath Palls, who
refuto to bo collectively bound and
dollvered to eult tho polltlcul whim J
oi somououy or other; who, as In
dependent American citizens nre
ublo to think for themselves, and
who aro going to voto for WJIuy.
Our Ilttlo Investigation ruther tip
act 'our growing faith In tho H
fallibility of politicians.
Now they tell us that tho "labor"
voto will "po iigalust Wiley." With
coiifldouco lu their Judgment shaken
by former experience, we propose
to probe tills statement :l Mile, ho
forn accepting It with our usual
Tho real American laboring man
Is tho most conservative and Intelli
gent political observer on tho f.ico
ot tho onrtli. Not tho radical, tho
wanderer, who linn nothing to lose
by advocating changes, rovolutlonn
and oxpertinouts. Dut wo speak of
tho man of coma and family, who is
early and
late, harried by appeal and sug-
gcitlons from both sides, kept his
head, kept bis peace, and sattd
this city's honor. Not one act of
viol, nre occurred during the ninety
days' controversy.
We are at peace again, and tho
man above all others whom the re
conciled workers and employers can
thank for tho delicate handling of
a difficult situation, so that neither
jHdo hia fiothlttK ttt l,Mk. imu .fn i
with regret, Is Wilson S. Wiley. ,
Why are we for Wiley? Iieaiise
ho roprcsrnts tho ttholo people.
The Herald has bad no fators at
tho hands of this administration,
and neither, we aro convinced, has1
any one else.
No league, group, class or or-1
ganlzation has been consulted, or
asked to sanction the executive
Mayor Wiley has Icon Uio me
ctttlvo officer of eilzens of all
ilassiM llu has aitnl ution Mi own
unaided Judgmonl. Ho alone Is
entitled to credit f bis arcon
pllshmonts, and he must accept alone '
thu responsibility tar hlu mlsfikes
For liu has mado lulstukei. What
executive, worthy of tin, uamo. try
ing to create and nehlovn. has not?
Etery business execulltu III this
city, during Iho pait two years. Iia3
a rtiord of errors.
llnl If tho iiccotnpllihmiuts out
balance tho error.i, ioao hut on tin-
reasonnhlo man uuuld difchargo n
faithful executive i
And nil the dais loiuclo'unei.s
Ihut Hi it-lilies of Mnyur Wile) are
Kciklng to rouse, will nut scito t
overiiiiiie tlm outstanding aclilete
ments or his two )e:ir.s' nUniliilstru
tluti. Thu liide,iendeiil proRres.nlte vo
ters of Klanuilli riillh tho reason
ablo iimplojerH of jmbllc sen ants
who txait no ititrQ.isonuhlo pledges
nnd oxpict only rcafor.ublo pur
formanro -will ntt dlscliargo n
mayor who has filled bis offlm with
dignity and credit.
Earnest McCnllum and J. A.
Jaentcko aro In town for a few
days after an absence of several
weeks on a pine beetle survey In
the locality of Ilcnd.
Mrs. Ira Orem was a county seat
tlBltnr oter Iho wtek tnd from her
home on tin Merrill road. She vis
it! d with her mother. Mrs. Crlffltli.
ttlnlo here.
C. Strickland, Mrs. Kva Stilck
laiitl and Poo Hudson are Klamath
Knlb tliillors from Moiitugue today,
T t'y ar KUests a: tho V.'liltu Pel-
l-.l tml'l.
.Mrs. J. II. Foster Is liilino after an
absence of hvvcral weeks, during
which tlir.e .she tlsited with rHa
tltcs lit Ashland, Yreka and other
Siskiyou county towns.
.1. A. Houston, Charlton Currln
und Prid Houston sptnt yesterday
iiiail hiititlng In tho Lost Itlver re
Rion. and returned with thu limit
of blids for the week.
Mr. und Mrs. Henry C. Davit
bate moved Into town from their
mill In Like, and will ha at
bom at tho While Pelican hotel
this ttlntir.
Wultrr Ifjtinon rper.: Saturday
and Sunday lino with his, father.
P. K. Il.tnmm. from Algoma, where
he Is employed lu tho office of tho
Algoma Lumber iou;iany.
A mnirhiKo Hcenso t.'as Issued by
t'o county iloik Suiurdiy to Murlon
Alfte.l (,'aut and MIsa Mabel Paulino
Latta. ..!Ik.s I..uta li well known
fit fin na unit ImMuit fit ti I ittitrtln
t.wti mul P7'wiM""k"l""",'f,k orJered tho mar-.- n. flro
t..wti inu mfm icaralitR ..leihanl.-s mid ho !-. , nnm , ,,, ,., ,,...
rcrtaln to demand n whet. ,, ,,,, , ,,, ,,,, , ,
f ti Ihni nmtliiiliu .. .1.. .... ti ul.lK.r.
"" " ..." "' "'"" '."""' load. The marlnoa were nbllgeil to
.no ami let in,, imy , , ,llP ttnlpP. (.nlllll (.ink
.1.. .... . ,.,.ll. i.,. r I
"" " "-" " " tt-,s struck by an Indian and ho
American mado machinery fifty . , 4 heal , u3Mt ,,arlt
years ago look the rake, the hi.omrt ta u,Mi WPB1, ,
and ho tlto from the hands or o- lh ,,, ,,.,, Umv llir.
m.n nnd oil tho iron lovewor horses M, ani, ,,, w,, WIkP ,
will rejolco when tlm burden r.1(, wk ,,.,, ,,,,, ,, ,l0
' ""rn " """ "" Hllisi , ,!, -,, I'.iU, I- ...l, ,l
' 'W '" "
beautiful mid Intelligent if domes
I He nnlmala.
"Keoiioinle taw already has ad
stutittnd by Hie Mo, lie turnml
toward the -lure und n lymtier nf
Inilliitis snrrntitiileil lil.n .mil 1.1 il'i t
indicated! bHween III., etfleliiey of . ,, n,l( , r , v ,,.
tho tracior mid the hor..- A sur I ,,, ,,,,,.,, ,liln , . , , ,,
toy of tl... hors,. and mole pop.ila-' , ,, , ,,. r, , ,,
Hon JuM .ompleled shows that llirrol,,,,, llf ,.., ,,,,,, r
aro olio minion ievr nurses nim i
AtThe Liberty Tonight
"Devil Dog Dawson"
V.IU ti Mie.iibrr ilial I he 10 I. m i i drill ilit,', '
tiieuM win II III tliimalii cite II lit the Mlirllies
Well. .1 M K HIlMi: fiiHiliN tterv hnde or thl
meonlOK In bis l.ii' -I Western feature I'lvo
toots of Al 111 IN
f'UMINIS -Tho nlrtiire will, a sottl
"in thi: Nwii: op thi: law
in ii Kit man linu-ro the war i
Ciiltliaiicn, bo ilerl.irinl, was tie
inly method of into fur tho bull
wimtll pest wliK I. annually lostroH
iino-thlrd of Hie cotton crop. Hot- I
ernmolil aid nillegn srioutlsts agree
that I'liemlciiU nro useless, he snld '
In till. Instance he pointed out tluit
e'lulpm.nt manufuctiiiers could ier
form n neoded herttco. i
"And don't forget tho boys and
girls." ho said. "Thero ato a mil
lion or two of them now In farm
rl il nnd li a fow years Iho h'i
will be driving n tractor nnd tho girl ,
li lormlnliig whether thro shall In
a llRhtlni; plant on Iho farm or not " ,
thare i' Mll i l,i
I'lotn l.ijiiiati Io .tll.ilsliy '
Harry Itorel tells of a young conn '
try inltilMi r. noted for bis Jollity j
who wn lilniiig ut a Merrill farm
Ileum, one Sunday, nnd when hl,j
plato of ron-t chicken was passed
to him, he remark'! I facetiously, j
"Well, here's whom tho clilrkva en ,
lors Iho ministry." I
"Tloj'o il does bolter I hero than it i
did in lay work." rejoined the bright i
boy fif the family.
. ... '"': r?
. '.
' i-n. I,
g 0 CTT '??, r3'"? TTVTS r"",TL7Tff
Increased Attendance at
Colleges Held Permanent
rillOAfio. Od :in. increjsi.
curollmout this year (iter tbut of
1U21 lu tho to ci Unas and uiltor-
allies repotting to thu board or rdu- i
tatlon of thu Methodist Hplucopal'
ehurch, shows that Hid pc.U-war ro- ' In lolleRu iitteiidanco Is not I
tomporary, that board declines. I
n IncrciiMi of ajtuost .1,00(1 stu
dotilH Is (11m lined this year. Pall
roKibtratlou totaled f..ri,r,70, vhldt Is
oxpoitod to bo Incrosaod by several
Hindi oil beforo tho oud of tho
fcchool year. Last year tho total
reached Til, 200.
isoston unlturulty, with 'J.nOO utu
dents, and Northwostorn iiiilvorslty,
with a.000 students, woio tho tvvti
largist schnola roportlng.
Broadway at Stark
Portland, Oris.
through the combined efforts of a staff
who, after ycara of training, under
stand the needs of tho traveling public.
Music, Dancing unci the Best to Eat
Ouaianteed i:gg3 Jlon Ton Uak
ery. 27-28
Arthur M. Meyers Manager
""nr TWi&rfi5rV
onKTotliing toTry-So Solve This Puzzle
J Ti....rjr....if-,..
tioi.' j Man, mini-,
Can You Find
In This Mclure
Curni.t'iicinii IVilh
t!te Lcticr "F"T
Pir eyample joti will
li. t Ice' Klrc."" riddle,"
"ic. iliji'ic Aio ou
ab'o ti. I i.d TO words
I -I
'& m a
5 ' J' 'yd
-.-Ht J'r - 5i ' a !f . ,r .1
iEsftiri- fa& i-:;.
'n"''''.'!''' AT. i-lV-r fill AV r m.i c.. .on cull the I
JtJIflf'TV J. SJn y-frZlXJL -' ir" I "f "' I '" Picture I
rlVrVrTtinrl ?PS. "Jial it&llilM'.m III H llnd It tcr mi.M-itlm: R
!iff.JiK, ,"ol '"'' ,!'se t.ordJ, i
j frjjxnt oii i oy ttm uiu en:
I v nj (I ' ' -
mm mm?'? m-$iL-
pure. AnWxiy tan try
colli iiotliinp;. Why
chr. iid you nut ho (ho
ii..r.r oi tho $-'waoo?
'I l.c person liavlrp the l.urujt list of
wmiIh (jcitinnlmi with tho litter "h" will
u t the In t I'nzc. You rurclv lute n
real chance of vlnnlrf at lrat ono ot t m prizes ofrcreil Hrro aio flltieii of tlini Why not try for
the Llg piize anilttm W00W. ijoirxbody tdl ttn It -your thanr a tuc aa Run aj piij jdy'o.
you smsvsjD wim
Jut tl.lnVrliatyoortiulililiiwllh vonwr. HCtO
lould tiuy un 'I. . - "ul K"W. (i i.ii OiUmr In
n jkoa..inicrit n u cnil line. IVi.'iVu vm liav '-.
iiiiiili tl I In wcmiIiI ItVe In ilu (I yU in nvU a
ilwili (iir l'0'0. Clt'ii ly v m owe il I i ynuiMf In i y
to r I r li i P':lc You will lincl tlie liyiiu; uia y
Ol.'l pic 3llt.
The Way to Win O.13 oIlhcTi.cnty Prices
Yuu C i not tmr In r.Kni . penny In i.i t into llm e intr-t.
It It n-jt nccti'.ary lur xiuoumlrr any YcilioIuX. K vuiir
lul tiO'liuuxra in lie nrnf Hie itityl;c-.t yuu mil u
reive iiit til the 1.1 li miiM. Vi"hont yimr niilm lut
Yi 'Klix.Kjiiurl ! t wdiilif imiurncinx wnliiliilci
tcr' h"itli9 jrr" ' oitllt l.ii tirl-il lil
iltlivindvnAunl oii in i-u.iU tirlr. iiiIIhiiiI your
uidcrlcr yti ii.tix, n whIb tuilntk l;r Jlilw; oml
bu cnduAn (ho I'nc - .. iurii In tills a mm rumen'.
Win ia Bi'i PrIze-02(JO5.OO
If youcli'iotcyoiir-'n win u itnat 0cl win tl.i
U w6 A iifiii'i. Allili.ii I- n'ii-iry lur yu.i to i.u'i if
your lu.i lui II c IIIMjUK I I'li. in id ;'ni ii I n onl. i
Ir rn'iikr rr-irr iMikiiuni id YcALtilix. Ui'kucri r
fully llm aclx-iMs r.f inz-i usclJtt lied In lluj .ni'.mi.ict
I icr.t i(iuorniinSl.tyjlor(iiiP Ptk
niini.l Yiiiil.ionilllirJ u)i i iiWAr.i vouliiit rrl: . y u
uillccl ilt)U. II ynum-rd inf'U) for tvnipitk3(i'inl
Yc V'.bx r.i.l ynurh.i it muri.' il liriit inc vn't m'l t.a
mil -clc fcr lOnu 00: .'mil mi nn t. H you wndinl0ilir
tipuknciiil Yi jitoUxiinrtll 1 1 "Ik iawjnlv'nitli-nnit
luiir.yftii V ill riTclvn Iho IJ it 1'iur ol (fMUi i.l.nul'l
Vfmr lit! lie iuilti'd a tl n ncii M lw I ymi wnulil rcrcivn
ilvoOMii i.inl tt on itovn thu IU. KiiniinU r, llvrcnrn
Iwiily prluciffrii"!. ictslii wn All UiCbVIKiitunity unu
C JuWilc.l.c. Ijuiiuuw.iill.uU t I'llc
$700.00 Extra Award for Pramptnevi
IKc IjiIi. I'j22 Utlm Irnt il iy fur iki inu iur tnlu.l'in
lu tills piiKto (iialilyini! )ua In win i in-ul tin-m l!ul,
..on. this! I iirorcryday tjcfuralliitOatetliit vuiriiiili.r
UVf.V.d, 'I "Mtpv UUMinli
.1 A mill .fl iil ih
M1libii( IffUUiutif Ike tl l Ul I u
I) IlKlllIt t'rUrvTllllMftlil Ol
- . M. Hlfilij m liri ,11 I it
wvl Kl.yill. 4 llh lM,4ll,r 'I tn
ili licil iii wl-r v II l. ifunl,i. li
I hi liu ti, i Miun .iio llm 1,1 nt
twnxt I ri llitr,I, II M mul-
llll II Idii l WIKltl VkUlllUllI H'l
iii nt, il ir,lirnii-il it li.N.ii l
lltrd i- ny II- .Irf-lul. n,uM bf Hi
.in will tjrlil In li rwntnUit
,'illin I
Weil f )iiiinv'n'li mi kiuiiir ni
in. i i icifmu I ji ijiir t
itljn4 il- ii I,.mjiiI , uM'iim. Ilia
ki.h'r II, n-,l,r ur iiUirl f m wi',1
Oi. ir,rUi iiLflns it V 'Jr' ti1
I, mnl f.,1 uliU wviti Villi lui
A IV, .l rr. n Imi iiur4ir. I, 7, S, (0 ,
ii niri.liY iy.
4,f (!' )vit bn 1 not f.n
re 7 I Ml'i t'" WtiiuJ t (V li
lifii wl ..rj U irltw. lUiun
l t 4lf ti bt . I f It (Iff, ...
uf llf )mIiW ftt 4 II U utut Jfw llMtl
IJttt tvf tt4$tu tt l iO IU4lft h
I 4(lt 11 HJr t.ll WH-llfttV I tttJ of
f t,ti It till W krUl.h .u M.t na t
h Mft tifrtTf. .iv,ful III (lit
lMir jlW. tJ f4i, MIVliuf
Uftif I, ul lix( tntrti( rtr
tn r ,f MMixtift urf. In itii ton
Hl tmlt il ittiit liltf'Cg.U.t
ftny mIi triti ijiriWA
( lUiitfmmf (i mi tm nvfMUf our
' llll-nlUiy tMI furn tVlU'tl l4bH
Ikm tHton f ltfi; )r lti I f bfftriy
jr iMf I r i'ii nf It.u t ibki
I U I U til." fUT '( 1,1 .tTt4. tn
mi I f 1 1 an of Hum itmt
1iTiMhI trtir (ul pi ho tjiti win n
! ftf llvi II kMlfil will lui .liinlit...l
I I (WVttf ruAOrUnt P IJi t
lit 4i Lf rMHhftm'UtCtU.,.,
TTVV . l HblU iMWh, M .Vt
" ' i . nn- m ' i
Utu,! rnuiM II HiWtl m - Ml'. I , if t ( i, ,U . i xl itv MImIiwhJ
ri ! mihn I nif
aUi TMllM II l-MWtl 4
Ml If ., rl I I Mil IV IU MIU.IM . 4Htta (
1 1 k J i f fr pi La.tlh I tii .l.i .uiu. Jt.l I
t jJ .J .. 1.11.. I. !-- -. .a. - ..... .. .. .- T""' -' i
.' - , f i iif m if tfm,
IIi-hI MiUtorllUt hart. !. it"futf hUfJ U rfltlM I u-l ! U ' mm koJil
yM;?:.v.v:74.lV.v"Xl-lliXlJ:,"",,,",,, -' o'' - "K-
IMrORTAlVf-'Jnrtlal Introiluctorv Primlmi.
! AbsolulollyFRE-iYOOOO.OC tftuliliw
(or Yi iiilbUx Is f" rilvnl mi i Mm miv ul 110 W lur nil;
nni i iiriujv w. til 1 jitilnl In liiv l.rit iniR wim. II
you und in ynururilcr Iml.iy you will tret a tret pt Im Uio
inori yjll.c n yi.u inn UT.d In uuriil"Oim
lire. IMi nnd our list will lx' ii'u'illi-il fur any ol (111
inurt. wo win awaru an lxiis wj vi ii. inn, Yd
im. i.w. ,. i.,...,... v,h p. ,,.,,A (.,,, h,. ll tll.iqju'.
I W. III. I . fc.1... HMIIfc H t HI -MJ , ... .H l.l. I. ., rl
i ftimf ,i..i -. ,,, i!i.i,.iiI.iJi...., , Ut. ". Ki
iu.hlr ii, A., I. k,, , l un.. ., ,.,i ,.. uj.ii, iw ll u ) i ,, U.I
lul l.U, ll. . ., L..H k I. I.I.II. tUll Ii,li , U .,. 1I,.U.S..J
lfc.l,M! Ul IA ll Ml will. Ml Hm!,!!..- h lu.c In !.. J l. ,.. I. ,jllll
lllb. I I,1 "'" WWtl'l - f" -lW,l I I..UU. 111 ,. (! iHiHUlk,
.-. I lwlk! .! ll..ll...U.ll....,,...U h i (.!. A.U, IM ll llWMI,
.. l. .1. 1 Ik. h.,. 11,,. ...jl. ,.. .ii.,li, H i. .i ,u .h.1 h,i tuiZlVml
lii I' o-k I ;, f kI tMI J .. U.I I ilj.l.. K..-1 III., !.. il,i. L.vS,
ui.ll . II1mJiI-vUm. .whIhi,! iImhiIij.. Vn l i.l i iT1
llitiiri, lf.Hh.r I. 1.1 wH 11. kilw. !., li ...,..! w,i l .1, J. hu,
es wo
thiiiliilty yi.ur viry li- t In ruin I lilt nddilioiuii iiwanl
;ii-i ymi iiiihi iiiiuiiii nui rnuii. in caxo m ll
aiililLpiic'iiluviiiiiuiil ot nwui lu racl. tuiitcit
tyin. Dm, ojrrlixik rnvllut; r.lioiit our cxlra
Picnwim ol 6U,iuJ (icnuinc Kuuiau Hub'tn, ulittUr
Twenty Prizes -
-ftart rlvlit uway
ut not ycu inter thi ( onu-bi
(inuiiiriueiiinrrlrpi oun I iiitay-itarl rlvlit uway
net Inin llm rimictt. I low in Jiiy wurdi i an yuu lincl wllli
ine i'-r i,rcji aniuiu'ini-ni niiponnniiy,
I.OCU.OI h awaitlnii our call, Nov ii tho lime lu act.
I.d Prlza
2nd Prix
3rd IVim
Ilk Prize
nn. n.1..
Yeastolax Co. '"llffitissff1 Chicago cih to loiiir-.';:
C'lukts A
Wink M
l In
data I)
Clatsa C
tU. k
Wk.. MU
I kVMl 1,1 f
II 1 1
Don't fail tn rcnii tho Herald Clnaaifiod Ada.