The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 29, 1922, Image 1

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tomoiit i 'ii CNinv, imioii.
vim l mn, w nniiiii
if isx
I . I "
'Urtttf r
9.4- tMU
tc of thp Associnlcd Pros
MWfililli Win No, 0111.
kmmath pam.h, rmi:;oN, mom-u, ctih
"I wI
j-ii i k
w .-
seism m
Rev. Hall's Last Message
t - "r
Stnrtlini; Dicclosnrcn Mnde
hy Matron in C!mr;u
of Duftiiidant
dismiss.; i, Mm ion ni:in .
Mrtlnn i.f i mi. i.l fur tlm
llpfllllSII f. r lll'llll Mill Ml
ground of liiiifflc Imii K.iiifiu'u 4
Itila u(prvi"ii wuit denied liy
llm niitrl
- t -
Plum l(ll llilii", (inlj Hmiic In
imp . A. r. 1,-nr,, (,, Mm,.
f' l iillfiirnl.i pnN I .s,c.
Hi;.i,i II, Malm O.
I'llnitnui ai, ,,., ih,
Mlillfiiiil II. II, ,, j ,
ill. tin nln li.', r, h, c. ii,
1 nil' 7, iin 7,
MhliUnu -J I, llllMiitf, ,i,
IIi.iiiihI IS!, ll.iiiiiiiiiill, II,
Ihmh .".II, I'milm- il,
l' litisv Ii umI.i III, Vmj 7,
MlntiPHiiii ii, niilo slum o.
iioliliiKlf.ii III, '. H, I.l,
'Mu.i8u!ini line Audience
i With Kinf; Emmuruml:
! Riatinp in Rome
He M:p U. CiiIiIiiiII of PniH.illit m
Mip.iti I,, iii tiuir or it'iniiiiiijiii
riinilliliilc for lp.i:ipMii ' j
Crofiri. W Caldwall. I' -l-j
itth:., will apeak at in- - ty hull
l.'li Vr lni-xi!n njl'' ' s n clork !
'n behalf of (lororniir ft n W Olroil, '
r'publlrull ra-iilltiily rn-flrc-
L 'J
Cal.lwrll u a ffjiffll. r it mmdd
rrilil,. riiilllflt'nn.'miil r ;.r. nix llm
I IIUMi:, 0.1. 30. -The now Italian j ; uhlleon lau oiijtn I iomiiiIUpc.
rnbliiol waa announced today with "" "'" " Uid-r. t . Hr. mer-
.m or ranaiiiAies iiiiu hi. i-mip or i
Bishop Holds Mro. Carleton
Failed in Deliberate At
tempt to Win Chriitler '
llcnltu JIuKf.Unl, KnwlBll IrmiW, nn
I'dirri.wn. on a- rinpii n
lllirllltni, nnilnl nltmb liv tin. lnl.
Ivofilly nf litnho npii, wlilrli
jpitUKllI Mm OtPKOii ilnrpimo orf lla
Tim (Into li'tti'it l;i llm lllawnn ' ,lnri1 "I Hip IuhI flvr ililniltrg of dm
Itlnl nt II 3n M,l, m..rnl.i f. How-j n""" '"" W" ll,""r.lnn-B Ku
.... , . , . .. I Bonn Ipiiiii mm Uu, cxoHIiib latlln,
In,: M-nwilon..! (Nilmnny h, ML. I 3 , . .,,, ,ml). , n m
Lulu Tiillli.. wlincu for tho tlnm. firm poilml tliPii liniiu:in. iiinrpr.
Iiii linn IioKii mniron ami di'imly ln.uioj r piaro l:iil frnni llm .Upim
tiliurlff In tlinrr... of Mm lllowcro ""' 23-ynnl llnp. Tim iliri'iil to
Imv Him Inllor nn. ,.h,M fr,,. ' ,cnrp mt,,ln l MMIiuwii' IIIPII In tlio
I Hip iii'.twl a tlioy app n frim Hip,
. ,.... , - . . . i
iiromiur nun ramiiuir or interior iiw , r,..,ii.ii, n-. vinuii"f
n.roif,i nwoira, ueanrni i Kf.m lmrn fijluftp.i ;i no to'
Dlai, tnlnliirr of war: Admiral Hi '-s-Ii "l".
llpvrl. inlnltr of marlne: oml nth! " ' '
er porifdltoii dlatrllitjtml nraotiB flvo LABOR BACKS WHITE
Thla irictaco "Cod I.ovca Ui," written en a church blackboard In
cv. Hall's own hantlwruini?. wan thp tan mccuso tho New Umnvrlck
jtor loft to his Bun'Jay rchool cla.-a Iwfcrc hf and Mrs. Iilcanor Mills,
d thoir linger, were found murdered Tho blackboard still hangs In tho
c.vjrch. Singularly, ho had added to his minsaco tho v.arni.-.c: "Co Not
I'urciitl, f.c natlonttllsln, one
.. rai and urin ratholic.
l'.ii.itlil;itp for M.iyoi- (i'N KiiiIiii-vv
iikmii nf (Vninil toiiinii
Hi o illy Jail in tl, comily liiflnnnry.
Ml Tutllo testlflod
'Hint Mrs llluwun had told Jim
that Bhn (Mm Illnwr, I, ,ow rlio
I.III.mI Tumi MfaUiyn. hut that Iid
nahiIiI novnr dlsrloao that prnnn'e
liluntlty, ami Hint llm entity porami
Imi iuiiiir ind.'.l uIipii ('Impiiinn
iMli'rrppiuil n pnga on tliu l.'tium.
yollnw's an.yanl Hup.
I'lllM'iriOV 'llllcTts Tllll.MI'll
nvri: cnii'.uio i:i,i:vi:.v
tho I.I111;.
Korlous r.ljt!iiu orenrred horu last,
iilslit. I'nrtlu of Pasrtatl woro flicd
on In tlio wurklnn mun's iiiartir.
tho hot bod of tint riullral plcmcnt.
and the Pnrlitl ruiln. On persci
vetlm i.ti lilrlcll rttmi, I
jHirillliiB fimllinll sjnnio ovrr arrii on,..,,, ,lin .L ,,, ,, . ,...,'
riiif'Ann. on so ti,i. Prince
l.ltl TlrKm IrllllTlfilifi! ntflr I'l.linwn
nnl. ......I.l l. . . ,. , "
"" """" U" """" ,uo -'" hoin Haliinlar In pn.l.ohly H-p mo.t
MUllllll .
Sitlit VVnmmi Itlllnl MiimIiij.i
IIOMR. Orl. 30 notilto Sluaio ' Al o inftlltis ft tho Oiitral l'i
llnl, londtr of llio TacUtl, rnlloJ hy l)0r fU"e Friday whlrh
Klni; Vlrliw. Kiiimuwo! to form , li. w ilMdrt
rahlnot. arrlv.,,1 toilay. Crowda th r"ow,!,c ""lililnwi lor pollt;.
.i..ii, -.i.. r"' '" w" unanimoasir onaon
Por Mayor. Tod Wil'f : for circuit
Kutn I1I1.1 tin onthlUlRitlc wolronio,
Mussolini wi'iit Irnmmllately to Qui-1
iliial wtiuro ho had amllanco nltU1
Jadgo. C. M. O'KolIl. fir pollcj
JiiilKo, Mies t.otllo P.-Mlur.
Tho labor council staumKUt lit n
statement rioclari'i thmi- candidates
"nro di'iorvlng tlio suppoit of all clt
Ixons who art for the betterment
of Klamath Tails."
Kliililrn Shlfllnu nf l.iimlu'r I '11 nil 1 I, mil Illi-tni 1'nlU Ilrfoip Superior
HpiiHi Tr.ip i,f far 1 ,!c .ltmk
.) PI. - .. nl ... te
I "' ll u'-til uu "i-iii." nna ii 1 III I n, ,....,., ...,. .. , . 1 ,.. . .!...
,. ... ..... .. ... '1HMIIII.II'II J, I1H.I ill I'i ll.l r IIH'II Hip liorsi'ti who billvd Tom , "' marsln loins 3 imlitta, ri?il ',),,, ,rH,nr,,
Miintayn a woman inftor lourhdovi;. I , ' .
I i.riiupit uf motor inri 1. 11110 ti it.
That Mrs lltowora IimiI said j ''a'-'' team rnmoil tho olher'o ror. up amyronpH mrui ltd the zone
ih" lind Hin grand Jim "fUod." iltnal IIiip throp lltitps. hut llio wpnt --
That slip inld Mra. Ilnwpr 'h-i ' "" r !"' "S" who roilld hoot.pi am CftnTn M I r'AMC
IIiitp mtp in iniMiiliiTH of Hi 'Hip hnll oror tho rroaa In Hip .
r.rnttd Jury whom nho did not IipIIptp ' f thp 1 liararlu rrlncpttm tontn
tti'Hi "flxpd " I ami this (art saio 1'rllir-toii tp
That Mm lllnrri hud isfi-rrnil , w,""lnB ,'lK
1 .1... ..... i. . .
t'n.lpr pxmnlnatloi. hy rminarl f. r . . ' '
tho , MIW T.HI., iilml.lP.I ", ",,J ",""' "" r-"'"K '""'; tl
nr. had 'a ml,,,,,,.,,,...,,..,., "Z S ,"" I "''"7' '"I" ," '"
with Mr- IllowPr, u ,, Mar-ed ' "" "'" H """ "' "'' "'';'
Mm tal.1. from n "fnw words." ..,.., ' " .", ','' "V" V'u '"T
.Mr lllomiia had told li.r l I..-,. ' ". ' , " ' r'AuUttZ' '"" "
.ml had .undo llm afcorc rPfPr-! ,?""''' " iM,in I, "'I"
.....,-. ... .. 1 iiIiik tnuchdown 11 id I 10 other In
piiro In her star. Atlcmp lln to ,,,,,. ,, ... . .
.,. . . 1 which tho TIkctk hlatrd off defeat
brim mil Hint tho niUiini iiriMiii . . .... .,. , .... . , ,
... .1 ,,,...... " lllelliH will only scroll of iy-
IliK had iirlmn IhroiiKli Mm Tiiltln'a ' . .. ... '
nhjcrilpii t Mrs IIIowoih nldliiK III'
Hip onro f 11 Mrxlean r.lrl at the
Infirmary, M.m Tulilti udmlitpd thai
thp Incldriit hud si.mwhluK to do
with It.
Il was uUfi liiiuir.hl mil that whlln
-Mini TiiiiIp had In on told hy Mm.
Illmvprn inn or thren wppI.i iiko Unit
llm lultpr Knew who killed Mon
ti') a, .Miss TiiiiIp had not nlwi, Ihni
Tram to Mpi't lllli SiIiimI
lib till I'rhlii) Aftt'inooii
'lluvp ,ii' l.tfl Slrnnilril Ulien II11N
11111! IVoil Dlvippnir
111 lark waited ftp'in dree hunt-
t, lltll Nltst'ticlm, turnout Mtuh
elm and l'ra:i!; jMuIiphv whoa thy
CASI'KK, V.'yo. Ort 20 Three Wiat at first appeared to be an
mr a wrp ctushed to deeth and two tUtlmato victory for the Klamath
others Injured uhn a ear of lumber rtp-r:i opr the Ashland team Sal
In which thoy v.sro btallns thcirflirday aftrnoon was turned Into de
way on n Uurllnglon froiKht, eattl fnt hy the superior lino attack of
boand, becamo a (.oath trap by Hie ' Ashland, nnd hard lurl: for Klanv
sudden ct tho Ki'mh'T while lath whieli enalil.-.l Ashland to obtain
the train .vas switching la"t tilKlit ' her firft touchdown. Kvcry tlmo
at the Power River station, 10 milet' Klamath wan within scoring distance
from Casper. the ball via lost on a fumble. Deloa
" t .Mill, halfback, Klnmnth'a star play-
RAIL PARLEY IS SET er waa ll5icn out t1" ,n,t of "- "f8'
ht'f with a tvrenchnd cnkle and
ConfiiTiirp l'mpPMil 10 Kffnl Aiiial.
Karuntlnii of OrganlJitions
ST 1AUI Oil. ara.J-A national
conference of lallroaj men "to de
lio means" of cffetlnc an amal
gamation of 16 s'andard railroad or-I
unliallrmi will be held In Chicago
, r.ill be ur.ablp to walk for 10 days.
( Alilanil Sroreil Qulikly
Ttln Aalitun.l l.t-K IIiaI, a a- i
t "" "W"M' '"" r
first f.uchdown by falling on the Kmirr. Ki.own hii-IuI
Ji ra - .
ITAVIIK, Mont.. Oct. 30, -That
Mm. Margaret Carleton deliberately
attempted to win llio llev. Leonard
J ChrlMler from his wife, and thai
falling, she shot tho minister anil
then herself. Is tho belief of Xllshop
Frederick Paber nt dlocesn of Mon
tana, according to a statement by
him today.
ClirCAOO. Oct. 30. Supportlnc
the doubt expressed by Mrs. Joseph
K. I'ylnMhat her daughter, Mrs. Mar
garet Cafleton, killed the Her.
Chrlstler at Havre nnd then commit
ted suicide, C. K. Ilooth a Chautau
qua bureau official by whom Mrs.
Carleton was employed today, made
public a letter written by Mrs. Carl
eton last Thursday, tho day before
the tragedy, and received hero Sat
urday, Tho lettPi rfpoke of her Lyceum
work and her plan'torfcr little
daughter and contained i 'prrt '' to '
call oa Ilooth whtaffi. ' l-r
, -
- -A
uav DDirer n:
im 1 a nivi-'
ball over Klamath's goal line
Those of I-ns-
."t. had rced 2Q yards frotu "- .
blocked placo kick. Ashlaad falledT wA8--NTON, Oct.
pll.d iholr bod. and aufpllo. Into 1 1J-comtw 3 nPi(l ,0 Ci . WanRcrI,1(
tho former', oar pud droo to
I St. Paul siH-rctayr of tho national
1. In MI-n.'Jjillle.i il-piit. ihtini.4ti. ! Probaljly oery kuowti idai that ' a ,.nw fiiii iiu .Mn..i...i-.," -,o-:Kaa country for a deor - ' 1 plunclng. Aihlacd cuct
in "thin lousy Mur" .would Iirlnje thrills 'Inlii hoarln iifliiiijl 'im1i.i. T.i 11... bin. .,i..m ' hmt-' Hiitur.ti.- tiifHit m)Bia.par)iv.iy"'y n. -MQ(a-aSaii.fur-P c i? . three .noip.i.' "". On Octob-jr I, last-year. -th
.illMiniph.inii.lliiK .il.ulit.,l I"11' I'"'n'r w.i furnished In in- pn),.rH win aHli 0n Mod.ic field ' ,Irove ntta' w,,h ll" car a,ul con' no"nfrJ ,0,,0"- j were Jrert-d by a placo kicOf0'r--'f-ii''-Xjhy at
rmxt Prldav alterno,.... arcordlng to ,M"- - - "?tcr imea. - tIlH ,U.M ,n ti,0 Ia5l nilnut0 or' i."..f .-,. w, ,.,,
announcemeiit today by Secretary 'The sheriffs thN u.ornlnR was ' WI-TIII.IM.JUHI.1IIII.1TII.S .,. ... .... . . . . , Per ton. while at the present time
.Storsoii nf tin. ,f rn,. ! Informed that llm lar had been . .,,,, r,, ,r, ,.., . ' no rBo pneo at lite sam.e mar
I found In
1 hrid there.
Tlltl llliOUN' IN I
vr.iin:it I'm: sruM'tiisn
Ul and was being! '"'" O'lo-Stormagraph at Under- R ' W fro' '10 W -v"a ne kuts about s p.,,,.,,
Ashland ,nd was ., ,,h A,h,aai,., .lUck CMs!,toa ln llnn ' per ton lower on an
. - . tt " rKrh''reeo0fa'SuBUu i,,rn,B,aB: "? - very succes,- aVlraM of abouPt M fM fof
V SFRvirF MFM I A? - "orl?!1"1 fUe " W0,Bh ' II,amalh ' No. 1 Upland at the principal pral-
.X-SERVICE MEN , W S I1K,rnIn- ,, 0 r J playing at times xttn brilliant, but rlc.roar,:cts. Alfalfa uowerer. ,e.
POIlVAI.I.IM. Orl . On 30 -Stun,
ford added another litory to Uh
wiring nf laurels tal.eit from the
iitflto of Oregon when Its footSall
tpiun Knturday again ilofpateil the ! sheim sti-ady to rdroniT, butler add
; ,. , ,, ., ,., , tiicgoa Agrlrullural rid ego hnsklt'K, eggtt kteady
uforu atlon to tho nuihoritliM null , jy . Miri) f c o Bi-noii.
tltnnfonl'H scon- vai miido In
Dally practice will bo held at Mo
doc park ut .' oMocK each afternoon
In order to round out a toum to meet ' AIDS EX-SERVICE MEN I'iV
tlm high school clovc.i. j fJ . j
1 lie game wiin Asni.inii Kat.trday. 1 'Pl'Kinimitp n i" iiuipnii-y
III which Klamath w,m difeatel Ifi!' Uric fur Slmrt Stay ' f -VMrY ifl f,ri'.J1"iro .nt 9
i i-ii.t-u illlll 111 .
this afternoon was
till dropping. The
I approach of a dls-
tut bailee is there
" by indicated.
Ko recast for next Z I heur:
to 0, represents tlm Inst triicduled I 1
nnimi, and thr students oxproseed Claims of ox-serlco men ngalnrt
t Ik I r willliiRiiciH to unci n team ' Hip snvorument aid rc-iuitatemcm
mndn ti of local playrr.i.
of nmernmrnt Insuraaro nro being
attended to hero today by V. V
I l.onmis of Seattle, representing the
Sionn brewing to the south, l'roli
I'OUTI.ANI). Oct. 30..-4'.tttle! P. fl. Vpleratu" bineaii. He will ably high vlnds tonight. Warmer,
steady to Mr higher, chiiico steers! ho hvated at Pr Wpsterfleld's of-1 Tho T.vco iceordlng thermometer
commem-ed to the team did not play up to tho form
chow a falling previously shown on the gridiron.
Oame by Quarters:
I'ltM Qiiaiter
Klamath klckod off. Ashland
foul Jiall on 'downs and Klamath
started hor march down the field,
liwlni: ball on a fumble on 20-yard
16.7." to 17 30, llos slow-, weak,
fno In llio lomiit building until
tomorrow nlnht. hen ho lcaes fori
registered maximum and mlulmum
temperatures today as follews:
High :.s
Ohjmllon In Hin dlslrht
at tor-
llio first period in n lomiidoAn by
npy'a nllmimt In local! wlineaao- ,.,, urk. v. ho wel through ion
pinWmiHly on Hip utiiuil uni huh
liilnod l.y Judge l.eavllt. Pollcwlng
ptamliintliiii id MIhs Tuttlo, llm
11I11I. 1 closed IIk cim nnd roiui-.I for
tlm dofp'iHO te.ilestPd 11 1 oiitiirilillro
until 1:30 lit ordiu- In pioparp u mo
tion, Thp ifiin'Hl wiin itraulpil
WIiiii'hi Ailuioiilhlipil
Mlsii Tiitlln'n wllllugunsj In tall.,
mid to enlarge on tho answers cull'
pil for hy tho iitlfirai'jH, led lo a
ipiiupst hy tlio ili'foiiku Hint she be
iidmoulHhi'd by Hid c mil r. TMh,
hoHoVpr, failed to check MIm Tut
Up'h eaKcriH'HH and on virrui nc-
i'iihIiiiim Hho I'liused a stir In llm '
courtrinim by lit r Milublllty
ter follonliiK a drive by Wilcox of
three jarJ-i Hiriugh lenter. Wilcox
inline I 11 from the 13-ynnl llnn.
Illnnforil t-oiilliiuid tho offeuslvn
Ihroui-.hmil Hit remaindor of the
first half, hut In the third uitartPr
tlm .r,i:lM tallied mid mado spirit
ed lino plitiigps for i;aln.i, hut Stan
foril'H ilefpniio .a loo hi rung, nnd
llio remainder of llm i;nme wat a
ipiIpt of chuhoj with Inleriulttbiit
Mmiy .Mom .Viiiiiih Aip Aildi'd lo
I'rldiij'H l.Ut of I'liiiliaxiiM
Morn iiiiiiip.i today were milled in
the long IIkI of llioso who Pilday
pUI'lilllHpd HI'.'IKdll til'ktllH fur hlgb
si'hool slmli'Ul body iii'tlvHles. A
romiultlPo imupiHnil nf Allien Moor
liml, (iirfiiril llogup, Prmil; Pey
ton and Itolinid Cnntiiill rauuixied
llio IhihIiiohs koiMIoii lodny, riilllni;
llrliolH lo llm follewing:
1)1 s. Mallet and Mullet, Dr. .1. 0.
MngllllP, .lohurlou l''uinllnio Co,,
l.iillnilo mid Hinllli Iteally Co.,
Kiiuato 1 leu I Di iig Co., Dr. (i, A,', .Mrs, (I, A. MiifHoy, (!. 1
Hloiio, City Transfer Co,, lloiuiton
Phelps (Itnrery, 0, A. Ilnydnu, Hen
lino Phnlu Co., Di iimnuiiul Printing
Co,, J, II, Carmiliiiu, IStlumm Phnlo
Co., Dr. (Ion, J. Wright. Karl .Shop
hard, P. -. Ilonnrd, Klamath llnrd
ware Co,, mid P, M, Noel,
ovi:u r. s. c. i:i.i:vi:.
PIPM. PADAIHINA. Oct. 30. -Tho
Piihiirally of California H0I1I011
lleiira I1it1111pl1.ul over llm Pnlvurslly
of Southern Ciillfornla football team
hero Saturday, 13 to 0,
Tho 1 1. mi. s worn Niippilor In llm
Tiojaii'i In nlmoMt every ilep.iitinput
or Iho' game. Tho California bark-
fluid, phi) lug Ktiulght football ill-
iuiKt enlliely, took advantiiBo of
uM-ry hieak.
The. Calllornla llnn oulehurged tho
P. H C. Him mid held when Hin Tin
Jim liaoKn nltemiited lino plnngo.M.
Tlm Hoam did not open up at (hoy
wiTo expelled.
Monlioa'ri Iiviin.v Him plunges put
C.ilifiiinln In a position lo i.corn tlmo
nfler Hum. Ho iiIho cinslied thiough
tlm i'nijaiui for Dm only touchdown
nf tho day In tho fouith miniior. In
tliu Hiiinii pmln.l, with four yunln for
Ciillfmiiln lo go on tho fourth down,
Coach Andv Smllh rout NIhIiuI lit to
t'eplaeo Morilson, Nlnliot drnppod
i ric.marl.-cts. Alfalfa however, Is sell
ing abovo last year's level, .Vo. 1
alfalfa selling on an average of
i:i'50 at tho principal alfalfa mar
kets. According to the September 1 es
timate of tho tamo hay crop, the
1923 crop was a little over 11,000,
000 tons greater than the 1921
line. Ashland was on defensive en- crop. Of timothy hay, dealer es
tire period, although she. scored ajtlmato about 23 to 30 percent raoro
t .... I. .1,. .... rtii .1.- 1.. ,.- .- i...-. ... . ...
Q r-l u-a J
V p-tl n ,-r w - - - 17, -:M
(Coiitliiuod uu Page 4)
toAtchdov.n by falling on tho ball
over Kiamath'si goal, w lie to it had
nxlled from a blocked placu kick,
while tho Klamath players looked
Second Quarter
Tho playing during thla period
was a little In Klamath's favor, al
though Ashland'!i lino plusging be
gan to tell 011 the homo team. Mills
wa Injured and taken out, Oarlch
i lilnl y 11:11 (or
This quarter Klamath was on tho
dafensho but was unable to prevent
to be marketed this )oar than last,
with about tho same Increase In the
percentage of clover to be market
ed. Of the prairie and alfalfa liny,
however, a smaller surplus la indi
cated. The movement of hay, the
department report shows, appar
ently has been do layod somewhat
by tho scarcity of cars. Tho quality
of all hays Is reported good.
Marketing costs arc reported
slightly lower than last year, duo
principally to loner baling coats,
but marketing costs aro still ao
high that In many instances tho
Ashland from scoring a touchdowt1 freight and soiling charges aro nioro
on two succesiful forward passea than tho f. 0. b. shipping point price
and fciure-wful In Jry for point. In f ' !'
.i-b is??M
S7 '. ' "'
z -.r i
l "
" c xrs.
yjfjg ..
-nA-' W
ml j . -z j i-- v-v -,.
SMklV Q"
- kxtffiiy
s .
the last few minutes of play of tho
third quarter thoy were successful
In a field goal. Uargtts substituted
for Peltr. Score 16 to 0 in Ash
land's favor.
I 'mn III lumti'r
Klamath Hied hard In this quar
ter to overcome tho lead against
them. As a result of a bad pass, an
attempt at a place kick from tho
eight yard lino railed. Pinal score.
1 to 0.
Heports from eotinumlng territor
ies Indicate a good supply of local
forage, The smallest supply seems
to be In North Carolina, where deal
ers cstlmnto local forage will not be
sufficient for more than two or three
mouths. Virginia, South Carolina
and Georgia rank among states hav
ing a four to six months supply, and
Alabama and Mississippi for the en
tire season, Tho Now England con
suming section Is reported to have a
Peyton was taken out In tho last , larger local supply than lust year
mini ter with an injured knee, Can- ba' m,y ""'OR Milpped Into that
trail Btibhtltullnc itorriloty from Ohio, Now York and
Klamath's lineup: I'oton, l.o.;
Can I rail, I.e.; (fouith quarter) Peltz
l.t,; lltirgui), I.t. (fouith quarter).
Turner, l.if.; Jeffors, e.; Clark, r.s,;
Mooiland, rl.; Uogut), l.o,; Dow, q;
Mills,; (inrlcU;; (last lmlfj
IlohorUon. r.h,; MoUcnbachcr, f.h.;
.Maleri, substitute.
Auhtand'a miuad: I. each, Carton,
Clark, Ilecsoi, Nelson, Woods, Lock
hart, Hill, Weubner, Chapman, Dlx,
Thornton, MnisKlo, Molflt, Ilobsou
and Itofor.
Motion Would t'ilg Texas Official
for Contempt 4
DA1.LAH, Tux,, Oct. 30, A mo
tion requesting thut Secretary of
Stutu Staples and Attornoy Ceaeral
Keeling bo cltod for contempt of
court for certifying Earlo U. May
field's uunie as democratic seaator
lal caudldato before final action had
Ml UTAH Y KII.I.KD been tukon by the Navarro county
TACOMA, Oct. 30. Waltor II. district court, wa filed la the fifth,
Smaler, military prisonor, was shot court of civil appeal her today hyp ,
to death nt Camp Low la today when W. W, Nelms, counsel far O. M.,.
no trieu to escape kiue ami otnors. , , i . I
I i.i ...... ... 1. ....... 1 ..a . -'t t '
Ut tri- for tlnll.1 llnr U.I ln,.... I ' ""' "W-" -f' ,
1 , Ellghtly below lait year's IetV-.t'
..own came as me result 01 two ,, , a naton,, ,urYer of tho
suceewiful forward passta and lino 'hay market situation Just completed
cucrceUeJ In try hy tho P. 3. department of airlcul-