The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 26, 1922, Image 1

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1 IrVls
iv laitmmn Mvraib
1 fvi1
Blx'eentli eni-. -No, (lllll, " ""
i. m Mfwv 'iw
1 iiimms
a m in ill hnnil
Member of the Associated Presi
KLAMATH FAM.H, OltW.'O.V, TUIItMU, Of 'loill t
till. Ifi'J
nniiD rnjiiiDnro
aw a aVa ana" I nf I 1a I I k area 1
Citizen Urged to Become
' Familiar With Use; Lo
cations Arc Given
Mrs. Gibson Snys She Has
Identified Man Who
Fired Shots
Ktiiniiilli'ii in v box fire iil:iriii m
(cm linn I n tn&liillrtl an il li ready
(or mm', It wn iiimiiiiiir 'il today lie
Kirn t!l.lef Amliriiiu. Twenty-Mx
boxes have been erected In vii r loin
purl of tlic lly. Tim aysti in m 111
Ihi accepted ninl paid for when up
proved hy Hi" o dm marshal.
"People living In tin lrlnlly of
bnxei iir,. urged l "so tin-in In r.i-c
or nr... ..hi Aiiii.r.ui. "';;" j KLAMATH PRAISED
Mini, u.,..' I.I..I lllisru IUIII(I1 III"
prevention In their litnucr
Hlll.'U I'll l l0.H
"Last year In Urn IJniil Slater
I ho fio Inn reached lint i nnnnoilH
mini or tl!i6.oti(),iiuii. with ii loo of
I f., inm the mm injuria in ic.niio
)( till' lives lost H3 prr cllt were
women ninl rlilhlri'ii
"In this illy lint y nr fniin J.iriu
ry 1 to Heptrmlier I tlm liiNiiraiin
litis was iiImmiI ir.n.nnil TliN year
hi Inm bus liccn 1211. nun m,-r
uhnut tlin Mini- purlin! nr linn-, ami
nrny flrp li.u oiriiiri-il iIiiHiik
Pri-'-ll'-r I i .
nf tint inn Hi iinli inti'iiei upon the
ri'tlruiiii'tit or HiiMii i.iuy.i Oi-un:
ltM Ion llii,. Ilii I. ii il llesl or
lln- Ti.kIi- IMco-deu Tour;
I .'Mil I Ml'!! 'Ilmllkl-ll
In llin iiiioiihIn ol llin s.iri i murium
ih.iiuher ol loiiiiiii'trn irailn tm-iir-
in imlilinlii'il in H.i-i Krnnlitro news
pti,r". ICImiatli Pill-, linn (iKUri-il
Irrgely,"ii . iiu'i.tiIb limns t.ilil
I,- - i . I ' .Wli.r. l.l M. II'IIMIIIOU lie-
llin past tins ircll liroventii lit.- I . . .. '
,,.,, , . i. ler.iui ini- vi'iinl in ti'
i:irnnl IM in '.'In- Cull says.
rim iiii-xrni ilh- iiiliiilnlHiriiilini
linn jip'etit roimldorahlo money n In
Hum firm elan fire protection ninl
Ihn public In Invited o lnnpi-ct the
new m) iti in nml M-a Jimt wluil had
Leon niTniiiilu. uIiiiik llin-i o(
flro iiri'vciillon. Inmriictliitiit fur
uo nf lim alarm lioxrn tiro iirlnlnl
mi llio Iioii-n or Hill Im nlmlly kIvoii
lo miyono on ri-iiii-ni."
lim l.icutlim. Ohm
MilliiwlliK In n Hit of Mm ,, , ,,.. ,i ....
'Tm IiIkki.'I miriM'n' of lln- i'i-ur-I
i AiiH tli I.- ilVn nrrnrili'il Hid
t'liinip nl I. '.in. .11 V.iIIn. It u,i
llin hi -l!i-hi 'i( ii i-")--lii-ri- ilurlnK
tli If. .irn tlir i xti-itHlon i-x-
M.W lllll'NHWICK, N I. Oil
'irj .Mrn. Jiiiiii (ltiui, ii p i: rjl r
!ni i-lp'iti.-i In liavo wIUipVi'-iI tli-liinrili-r
nf tlio llnv lilll nml Ir
.Vllln, loiluy tolit ii iKiu'k.i.irTtiiiii
-lid I. nl litunllfli-J III" lllilil vim rlii
im)'H klint llin lector im well ni I : -ri
tllylitit iL-i- wninr.n win), clio tim-rti.
ai nltli llin Hlau-r.
Mr, (illinn. wliii wan on tin I'll, I
Hi f.-rtn on tlin niclit of en- iti nt'li
iniinli'r lc.VIriit fir rorn tlili-i-n.
nml hIiii i Iftlltu It l,;ivc licir-l tin-'
nl.i)i-r' uanii) ralh-il hy I. In v.-oinni '
ninpanli-ii. k.-iIi) jIc illil mil Iti-.on
lln- Identity of tlm nl.ijer nt (Im iltni-. '
lint Unit kIid rei'ontly ii-ci KiiUeil III tn ;
In tlm iiniMCiitnr'o iifflru In Now i
llrmiiwiili J
.Mm (lllixnii, ulio II w.n le.tnn-il ,
yrMi-nlay linil InlJ tlin iitillinrltlei
Hit' ilium) of the nlayrr'H lotiipanloti,
alii loilu nlii- liiul linn- ni" t her nl n
rnniiiitiRii rain mid Innatitly riTiic
nUi'il her nl Hie i-iii- of lln- murder;
mi tin- Phillips Inrni. Sli mll l kin
Ini.l Keen her dure tin- ilt-nlili- I III
Iiik iitnl .m Miirr- of ili.i rcd'SiilUon
ILiIhI Kihli ILitmiini - .life I, pimrfiil i , ,
i ii licinj; pow r lichlnd throno of
Iiik W ( Idill.iil. pri'ulili'll nf 'lio
A'lHTliap .".11-iMil liatik,,n li i-nlcr.
Sunday d-i hln
Men 'lliink-il
ni-ri' mi .'i iiik
'l '!
uuin, wiiii lllllllUPril mill lacMlnni' nnrle I? II II. .11 .1.,. . !...
a, KlilppliiRiim; H. Orinvln nml kninki-r dvi-n liy Ktiniatli I'.illi Inn.:.
NOVEMBER 21, 22 ,.
lltlltlW-t of I". f- rpilll
lliTi- Oi (olier till nml
SIiiiiii llelil Win-t In HUlor)
I'll); llnil-.eile , 11 1 ii mi I
yi-rrni pi nine rwiiool; IS. Hoillli
Itlvrmlile: IC. OiinuiT nvcmiit; 17.
IMyiii, nlli'y anil Mnlu ulrcet; l.
Tlilnl mm Ji'ffrrnen: '.'3, Thlnl nml
Main; 24, Konrth nml I'lnn; 3S.
KlfUi nml Wanhlncinn: . nnii
ami Main; 27. Shi I. ninl Klatnntti;
32. Hlxlli ami Oak; 34. sixth nml
Spring; 35, Kovontli nml Main; 3fi.
Nlnih nml Main; 37 Klchlli ninl' Jir
frnon, Calliollc nrlioel: ii Nlnlli
anj (Irani; is I'nmpi'ft nml Uplinm;
.", Wonlon nml Donalil, Knlrdnw
nclinnl; 4. Cam nil Cri-nroni; 4 7,
Mlllli unit IIIrIi; G2, Main nml lV
tilanmln: 63. i:i,)ra. ,! ,:,.
nml''; 61. Pacific Torrnn- and IN-planaili-;
6S, Main and Hprlnn; R7,
Knt Main nml Orclianl, .Mllli Ailill
Hon hcIiodI.
I.N ItV.VV .M.MilllCH
Hun lljnn. Tori Kl ,-,11, mikL-
man mid mm ur (. Cowm'.i hem
linowii riMlili'iit-i, Hurprlxoii hit.
frlemlH yritnrilay liy rnmlni. i ,n..
Into town fur IiIh volilltiK wllli Mm.
Amy I,. Cntnlniii. Tlny nern mar
rlnil nt lim linnn'of Mr. nml Mrn J.
J. Ki-lli-r nl 2 nVlnrk In Urn nfim--noon
by Urn lli'v Juliiiriin. wllli Mr.
nml Mm. Kullur'nn tlin only wlincn.
i'ii. Komi nrim- Urn ti-ri'inuny tlui)
Lift for Hiith- limnii m rrt ki,,,,,.
i(ii.i.i:i Tiiiiiu wn.-, rii.tiuji:
(M.i:Vi:i.AM). Ort. 2fl.,.,ry .1.
Uurn-i wiim liDnKinl on n iniinlitr
timrKii loilay aieiiHi-il or lillllnr. IiIh
Hilnl wlfn, wlitn,,, inniii.iiiMl )(My
wan nuiiiil In n iiiiuiiow i;ni(u In Urn
womlii nf Miniioi- mm nit lalu yeaiitr-(lay.
UK.VJJICIt l'ltOll.lll,IH;S
Thn C'Hln-KI(irmiii;inili nl rnilnr
womrii I'linrmiu-y
.rvciiii'ii-il niiuiiiur
fhl I In li.irnmitirlit
l l-HHHIl III tills
niiiitilnK, Indlnit
(IliK that It I k h
:H-luil)i u 111 proviill
for llin Krralor
part of llin nlKlit,
itnluaM ciimlltloiiH
in u rolluutil by ii
KnrocnHt for imxi
31 linui'H!
Cloudy nml wiirm fnlliinml by im.
hoIIIpiI Huiilhur. Ilrlilc wIiuIm lonlKlit.
i Tlm TycoB riirorilliiR Hiurinnmolnr
.n-KlHleroil maximum nml minimum
i" TTr
tomiioriilnreH loilny, iih rollnwH;
iii'ah men to tln Kan I'm cImmi.i lent
" -ini I'll) iiIkIiI; V. H. Un.n. tiriMl
i 'III. i nl T. A Kl "'i-iiHiin. . -i -i t irv
'if 'In' Klamalli I'.illi i-' a-rln-r or
Wullor ! IIw.iikoii, C!ir nirlu
mnlf riirrcrroiiiltnl, bail lli- fi:
li'j- In H.iy
"Kl.uiiath rail, tlm at rlt on
Urn Itinerary of tin- trade pUciiii.H
nllb lla Hlreetn plarardeil will. kI;iiB
wolri-mliiK llin KraiirlM-ntit nml
n iltuiiiiny li.iniiiet pri-p.iri'il by lim
wim-h of tlm eltleiiH. hriiu;;hl ,i wrn
derful I'llmiiX lo llin trade extendi in
trip Tlin Kpnntuiieliy of ili. In
'limit mi I rloloiiH appl.uixi' tint oi
iiiru-il dill Im; the lalkn nr tlm San
Kr.uiiluro HpeaKern ti LI of llin f-cl-Ini;
DtlhlliiK fur Hut lLiy rlly.
ILimim-l Made liiiiie-.ilnn
"Tln liaiuitnt, in tlm opinion of
llin Ir.uLi i-iio)h, will iii'vnr bn for-
r.iilten ill Sun Kiiiiii-Ihio. II wait one
nr tlimio alfalrH in wlilrh n Irletullv
Inwnspeopb) i-.m i-xcnl. Tlin hoM rf
n Into wlii'in Um repretu-ntalhe
eltlenti of biilli llin rlllen hIiik ".Saci I
Adeline" Hlinply heeaum- Uii'y Ti'i-I
IIW- Hi II K III K ninl lint lieuitl!" UlM
liae any piiiiai:ainla lo hprenl Iih
H'liii'm wnn Jointly haaed ilium He
ulnrerlty of tint illm-rit nml 'he n.tal
liy nr Um fond piecented hv tint
wUea or Um i-cnimiiiilly mill an.
miiinu-il b) ('hull mutt Hall as n k!m-
1iL Inline (ooKi-il meal for inii- In-
llinale frlemLi from San Krani-ihi-o."
loin mil Slot) Complete
I. I'. Ilnyro of llin Kan l'r.l.lcl u e
i-biimi'i ol i-omi'it-ni', w'ho uelei ih
(or-i'ipniiileiil for tlm Sun I'r.imliv-o
Joiirnnl, wail i-iiially lamlalory In Ilia
iii'ci-li' . nf Um visitors' ilay l.eii
III till eeelleu( lllllele ol Home
lutlKlb, lloycn lelaled In ile'all tlm
iiMintii liiinspliini: fniin S.iiiinliy un
til Sunday nli;hl, r lien Hit- i-'iid-LiI
lllilil led.
dunlin; nf tlm (ity kiIiooIk wan
one rrmilt of tho ilimt Htorni that
L'livi-lopcil HiIh city In cluuiltt or vol
canic nih particles wlilrh filled Um
c)e, car, non ninl throat, uml
ii rou ted the wrath nf bouiowlvr.
riiu worm iln.U morm In the bin
lory of the ilty, wan the opinion of
old reldentu.
Trnbably tlio otnl of Um world,"
offered l,L))d l)el.ap, circuit court
clerk. "I wan n-adlnK In n maK
niln,. only last nlKht tlio Pictorial
lit low. It wan that tbu world wan
Offlibil A n in f fluent lti-iliei lij
Soiltlnili I'jirlrii- llea,iii,,rters
nl ruit-ilsii)
Kor tho purporo of Intervle
ill disabled world war eturan.
Hi It. lommitnliy n-lathi. m R,,Vei
meiit lofnpi'ini.iiion. vociiilnnal Iral
':? Monplializatlon nnd war nx.
HAN KUA.v IHCO Wl ic. -The ',uanl, W'- '' '-"onils. p,.cal con
Intermat,, eommi-rti. oriiimliMilon has ' 'nrt n,l'r,l,vatailo of the UnllcJ
0ONo..nib.r 2Pm! 22 n tbu ls1e- f s,a,Vii ran llureauw ,,rro
ior n lu-arliiK at Wnnhltieton on the , ",a,:,al "'. Urtnher 30. and
fiftltlfii of lln, Koiitliern I'.iclfle eom. ' rtmaln for n period of 2 days.
"nunc in nn nnitounccmcnt ri.
I-...; iu lonuniio iinifieatlon of tho
Sctillmm uml Ceninil Pacific lino.
TUs In ncconlliiK to nn official nn
tioiimntnent recclud by the South
orn Pacific headquarters here.
J. 1 Allen, of tho shippers' com
miii. . n..i. ii . .
-" "hiniui iiiaineniiiuriiiL'tit, nJ
I Tin rtTix i !... ..s ...
RoInK to bo brounht to nn end hy Uv '....TT. .'" mtnvr '
" "". -'!iir.'i fosia eoitr.ty.
veniuied l.a.l.rr I U' '" .wou'" " "you will have no further ! chamber ml. nie.1 reSl,i..n .'.... ...
Hun far ..nt. ..!..... t ..... I . . . . i-...iu-
.... .... ,.,.,, ..o.anu. ,,vl liaxe: inc III lh nriitriln r.n...
diim storms."
"In Hint caie,'
jours. '
"My Koodness!" ejaculated one
Irato hoinowlfe. -,.ro I hae Just
cleaned liouso, nml now I'm Knt li
to do nil over m;.iln. If this don't
beat nil!"
mission iiKnliitt the
inieree um.
POItTI.ANl). Oil 2
fKK nn.l Lutier. m.-ady
'I'lved here today
Loomls slated In nn advance com
munlcatlon that all former service
people who can prove that they are
disabled 10 per cent or more because
of wnr service are entitled to federal
ompensatlmi and that thos0 who are
unable to carry on their pre-war oc
cupatlins liecatise of war Injuries are
oniltled to vocational Iralnln&at the
oxpento of tlm Kovcrnment. Veter.
aiiH seriously III from war disabilities
.should ho hospltallzej Immediately.
' I'" slated. Hundreds of veterans. he
helleves. nre also ready to reinstate
Uiclr war risk Insurance.
Loomls win ,ake !,, headquart-
ors In the basement of tho court
1 house.
HhIIiI Kll! Ilnnnuni In Credited
Willi llolnft Power llcblnd Throne
of Piiiverful Mo lim Ijenilrr
I SKA SittIco Hliiff ('orrrsKindent.
LONDON, Oct. 2C.-Tho woman
hrhln I Kernnl.
Thats wbnt thoy call llnlld Kdlb
Hnnonm one of the flrt Tiirklh
women of all t'mo to mako her mark
In history.
SIiq Is said to be tlm penon who
has Inspired Kemal Mustapha with
h's grandiose dreamt of a revived
Turkey astraddle of tho strain of
"'asphorm, with ine foot In Ku-ope
end tho other In Asia It Is shu who
U Ktinptred to he constantly wliUper
" n Ms oar the battlo crv ' Tur-
I Vnv. fill Tlll-lrrv. tnr IIia Ti.rlv "
"nuance le-end Is nlready busr
th her 'story and It Is already hanf
to t'ft fart from fiction It Is known
that she Is tho daughter of a Turk
who was an official nt the Ylldlx
Kloik, the borne of tho sultans at
Constantinople. It Is known that
she was ono of the first real Turkish
women to be graduated from the
American College at Constantinople.
Shi, has ubsorbed both Turkish
and Kuropcan cultures.
IllKbly Cultured
She Is quoted as saying:
"In the most npprqved Turkish
housewifely fashion, I can go to
market and pick out a femalt
for the household and know t
act price to pay for her. A
go to a Kuropcan butchet sn
any Kuropcan woman and select tho
proper Joint of beet or mutton.
a Turk I can select a dancing
jw -what her services are
a Kurupean, I as
in dress, plar tennis,
western fashloi. play
the latest I.on lot. and
Pat Is successes and hold fluent con
versations In French, Italian y and
v.hen v-y younx; she Is on'y 12
n..M--the married a Turkish Jour-
t.a.lsi r.nd they have scfrril chil
dren During the war ths wa a
'rlotid nrd confidant of tho ill-piir.
c-'i TijfjcN'i trlumrlrv.j Knver
ra red DJcm.l And It l nt this
'nl that, rum a:.' , legend iters In.
There aro threo separate yarn
about how she hnppone-l lo Join th
Angora forces.
Legend No. On-j Kor her ronni-c-tlo-
with th.i nt' Arni.-nlr n:tlvl.
ties of DJemal Pasha, sho was xllJ
by tho allies to the Isle of Malta
whence she escnped to Angora.
legend No. Two Tho Turkish
government at Constantinople Hits
pectJr.K her sympathy with tho Nn.
tlonnKsts under Kemal. -was prepar
ing to arrest her for treason. Dut
I 1 ti" J
,i,..,..w; p
Defense Objects to Teat!
mony Relative to WenU
Heard Night of Marrfet"
What did A. A. Lowry hatr tc!cm
saying tho night of Friday, 8ptui
ber 1, when Tom Montoya wai htllfd
on the Knott ranch at the. Jiaettir
of tho Pish lake and rianiund tek,
mads where Mr. and Mr.: ittmrr
iero camped' VTietficr T.iwjr wilt
be permitted to. tell the Jury WM
being determined this noon attaf.'siv
Jertlon to the question had kMa'aa
terH hy counsel for the defeatist;
Mr Ollle Blowers, who It eluweae
with having shot and killed Meateya
ihat night.
DrmniM Found Body '
Doth Mr. and Mrs. Lowry tad Daa
flrosman, a sheep herder aetaala
tance of Montoya's, wer en 4aa
stand this forenoon. Broauait'a'
of finding; the bo-!r 't.
morning. Mrs.
having btr- r
a man an.
road neai
the ti
' .r
d' aetd'sjtln:
nation. M'.'4m
.ly the neat, awri-
meeting Mdv'e
t.rockmortoni .aaaia
ra they retatedVUM
Other Classes of lllfji Srliool Out-tliiski-il
In Tli Let Stiles
1 1 i
As it result of tho Junior class of
tlio high Kihool huvliig defeated tho
other threj cIhhsis In salo nf tickets
for llio Mi'dfnrd-Klamath football
Kiimo, Um Junior pennant will re
main In lite iism'iiihly bull until the
piesent Mudi'iit tlrltot ronlost finis
llnlli Hetilorti ninl .liiulnis tiro deter.
mined In win tlm next contest, na Is
Indicated by tho moothiKH thoy hnvo
hrll''tl illttl'llHK llntlB,
Z aap mmmmm m ' ' i -! - m q m i iwwmi .. mtrmmmmfm !--
(Continued on Page 2)
Football Fans looking Forward to
Fast (imiie Willi Ashland
A great deal or Intercut Is being
shown In the coming football game
between Klamath high and Ashland
high Saturday afternoon at Modoc
lurk. Ashland has (wo victories to
her credit and cno defeat while
Klamath has been defeated twice.
Ashland won over Klamath high two
weeks ago, 1 to 0. This score can
not bo depuuded on na a means of
comparison between tho two teams
stneo It was tho Klumath oloven's
first game besides being played on
foreign territory, uud tho team was
handicapped by lack of practice.
Ashland's alumni defeated Ash
land 43 lo o lit their first ganio of
tlm season. Her next gamo was
-.iKiunsi Ki.iuiatti which she won.
Last Saturday sho played at Grants
Pass nml won by a Urge, bcoro, al
though this docs not' add a great
deal lo their record since Medford
defeated (iranta Puss 74 to 0 tho
provlous Katurduy,
Klamath's lineup will bo about tho
sainu us that of last Saturday with
tho exception of Christy, left tucklo,
who Is out of tho gamo for tho seas
on with a broken collar bono. Lloyd
Ilunnell, Harry Peltr and Iluford
llargus are considered the most
likely candidates for tho position.
Hearing in mind Klamath's exhibi
tion or fighting spirit In tho gamo
with Medford last Saturday, when,
outweighed 15 pounds to tho man,
tho boys dug In after the first quar
ter and held the visitors scoreless In
tho second quarter, football fans aro
promised u real gridiron battle Sat-
urdny, J
- coincided witlLthat
.,.'- .
oi Mtt, Mwry, except that fte.teaff;
fled to having heard the woVda"fle
en by the man and woman". vtMM
(or tho defense objected toBl-.UWiljt;
what was said, however; aiJtljlaV
Leavltt called a raeW'nvaj.jKlf
amtl 1:30 to argue tat) MftV'J
InSelfWL JrK-ir,f.w;iVdc
Opeatag ATWmmh')mtY-l
u.i.u .L t..i . ..'.i.l' iVij
nun mil vuniiiiuim i-ii'fi7
turly yesterday, a larga aah" tt ,aW
day was taken In the ojWaiilir MV'
nnts of counsel. Coaaisl' YetC taa
dcUndant scored the oft'lceri fpr'aa
Laving more closely questioned air.;
and Mrs. Lowry, InUasatlnj (Mat
the.- might be drawn further' 'fata
tho case than at present. The die
tr.'ct attorney In hU argument aald
'.Imt after the fourth shot wis fired
Lowry had heard a wotdta's Tolca
wiy, "Come here, Tom." .
Discussion by the state's attorney
of tho evidence found near ths aody
of Montoya brought the itatetMat
from the defense that a taawl'fraai
Mrs. Blower' coat had aUo aeea
found there and that both tiaee!' aid
coat were In the possesalea ot the
state. .(
Up la btrodaeea ,
The first witness on the Itand waa
E. I). Henry of Blr, who (urreyed
the country adjacent to the aceae et
tho murder. His map was Introduc
ed and was referred lo frequently, ay
the state. Henry was on that stead
until court convened yesterady af
ternoon. ' ,.
Royal Tiaae to D Glraa
Ashlamd FootbaU
Preparations are being .atadeby
tho students ot the high eckoil',e
glvo tho Ashland football 'a'uiiitsa
rcyal reception whla htravtor ,tha
football gamo Saturday afteraeail'.
Tho reception Include-a rally fftiff
night, n duck feed Saturday' etaalng
for both football squad ad a Caaca
Saturday night.
Twolvo boys were excused from
their classes today to go duck hutt
ing, Klgbteen girl la charge 'of
Mis oilvo Wilton, domestle acieaca'
Instructor, aro going to araaara t)ie
feed which Is to bo glvea la the
high school cafeteria at 6 a'cleek Sat
urday ovonlug, for about 85 huifr
hnn ' n T
AJthaJigh the rally last Ftrtd?
night was an entire (ucceea, tbe'ka
donts Intend to surpata Jt, nal"'a,v
make the rally Friday nlgai oaa'tkal
will never be forgotten. Z
A dance will b given at 'the Haa
Temple Saturday night by the aaWir..
Kiks with the A-aiaad ftaibaH
quad as guests of honor, '
When the Ashland bay; raiffS'
homo Sunday morning, whether Jattj
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