V- wv .4, - Mf .IS. tAS, THE EVENING HERALD KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON wr.nNMin.vv, orromw as, tosn wiw 1 1 iiwiwMyi mm 1 1 n mfmwt i i ! LMOT-WMl 2IL2K rr-tTS itrr't"ii"" t.,i..i,. ..tj . T'fffx' "; l;lirH"'rcH'(TrTt' ' " aoKUHnsHn wmmmammmtammmmmmimfa ' ' ", "i"r"";'f ,,v 7urtf;ftrr'1jrifM7: !"tutt' " """- IMlfcWmraS . ' '''j V g flfl N fl r 91 9 H Bw iuRM uBu SPSHu sft Usub fllft jHj 'vflfiy rcs t IV 1 sil Men's Suits and Overcoats Sacrificed Suits and Overcoats Standard Makes $28.85 The Most Remarkable Event Fifty pain of Army Blankets, to go on sale Thursday at the sensational price of $3.25 Only Three Few t Boys Suits left' at $485 " Hart Schaff ner &Marx Guaranteed Suits and Overcoats $33.85 Men's Wool Sox 39c 3 for $1.15 Boy, Flannel Blouses $1.05 m - j- . j- f Atij iiyni" w.j? Hart Schaf fner & Marx Guaranteed Suits and Overcoats $37.85 Men's Wool Sox 35c 3 for "I Aint Mad FOR THREE MORE DAYS To show my appreciation for the past patronage shown us. Each year we conduct sale to our customers, this year the sale is bsgger and greater than ever for the reason that we are giving the greatest bargains in the history of the business,, want our old time customers as well as new ones to .take ad vantage of the sensational reductions. Look over the prices and judge for yourself. Friday will be Trunk Day at This Store Hart S chaff her &Marx Guaranteed Suits and Overcoats $43.85 i . Men's Fleece Lined Union Suits $1.35 and $1.65 More Big Sale Day SUGAR ' i;w t this No Profit Real niti.xnj.'.,'?.u'.iriiiijn'i us Men's Button Dress Shoes Florsheim included $3.95 I Oregon City I Mackinaws E $10.55, $1 1.85 I and $12.85 auncfl at Nobody" F Sale and each year we give the Sensational Shoe Bargains I Men's work Shoes Munson Last $3.35 Men's Flannel work Shirts Assort ed Colors $2.45 i T ' v $ ronis Men's Lace Dress Shoes ' 4 Black and Tans $4.85 Known Men's Mole skin Pants heavy weight $2.25 Boys' Wool Shirts $1.15 profits of the M nnrn?i & Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes, Special $8.85 Here Men's Slipover Sweaters I $1.55 EXTRA SPECIAL A' &ei Wind 'and Water Proof Koveralls $3.95 m m e Wl myiijm.rywww'nln"''