"V V fcJ A' I 1. 1 )' ", AT JWM Ml'tlV' Mit'riAHV c? v M: r A&ML.4 - i iwmi mm mmm - M , i WT I , (-F.-.m, -. MV i f vi:iim:himv, ot'i'niicii sw, waa 30 Million Kntlloo Hold A SPLENDID TONIC Malta You EAT ilETCER SLEEP BETTER WORK BETTER PEEL BETTER SotJlb AU. I.MDING UMJGGISTS If mi Imwn't 11 llmiiHivIt I, (iu licit Imui iIiIiik (or )nit In HriiiiMWlcU l!ii iiriln' mi tint iliiiiiii',riiili nii have I'tirrlii wyi nu !!r. GAS AROUND YOUR HEART? ,.'zjr!3k Mialaw BM aaa IHl M rmunu n l, ... ... elected t" Hitch tifflcn I will urn to it, f Don l itela)' On right over to the!mt jiutlcn will l fairly udtiiluliiUir- iiiiiirimi iimn bihmi nim ni iw nr, of the genuine llniilmaiiii n Hit Tnh- lulu Titkn lliclil li H directed lilul ferl the Iniiuiilliilii liinicflclnl remit Not only win you nn HUrprineti, '"., mi hill feel grateful for (lie re. liiiirkuhlii relief Itltetl toll nlll sleep lii'tler- oii wl lireiltlln nimler your tmrvniutici) will disappear and best of nil. your eirllnlilu heart will "" " """ V.'. ".:." "'.'" )V" '..?.:;. 4IHK mr llllilllliuilll n llin ItliM.-tn ii, llm vellnw puckniio prlro one dollar Per nan hy 8t ir DrilK Co .1 Haiti. imtini, Cliemlit, San Piiilii'lmo Ail v. Villi will he ntirprlned at (lie all i.e., nf merhinlral iiiiIihh In the llrunnxw. k I'hi uorrnph llearliiK U licliinlnr iirrln rayn mi -& CAUPOINIA OREGON P0WE1V COMPANY DUIVPAITNIUS IN PIVOGPXSS tt which this high grade security is now being oltcrcd pj per snutc JKi to.yicld 7.6 per annum. You may place your order or get full information at any of our ofliccs, or from any member of our organization. ' Price subject to Increase at any time, ? , i f i 1 I S THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY OFFICES MEDFORD, GRANTS PASS, KLAMATH FALLS, .OREGON YREKA, DUNSMUIR, CALIFORNIA or IN Till! COUNTY COIMIT OP TIIIJ HTATi: OP OIICOON POIl KLAM A'lll COUNTY. Ill Mid Mnlliir of tlin IChIiiIii nf Mttr tlui W Vim llrliniiii'i, kiiiiioIIiiiiik IniiMVii mi .Mm. 0. I. Vim Urine innr. ilcpi'HHi'il Nntlctt In linri'liy i;lvon I lint I linvn rilml my Final Account ninl ltpirl mi AilinliilHtrulor nf III" Pdliito nf Mnrtlui W Vnn llrlniiiinr. iloi-ennoil, mil) tlm nlmvn nrilltli'd Court Iiiim rU ml Monday, Ilii' 27lli tiny nr Novum, lior, A, I). 1U2:! lit tlin liour nf ' n'cluili In Dm afternoon or mild iluy oh I tin tlinn ninl I ho County Court lliinui In tlin Cull it Minimi or Klnmiilli ! County. Oror.on, In tlio City of Khun- n Mi inllH nti tint pimn, uiimi iiiiii where any pursuit limy pri'mmt any objection or exroptlwt to anything nmtiiliifd tlinrnlii or to nnylliliiK iIiiiio liy mo n h Administrator, ninl Unit nt mull llmo ninl plnco tint nliovo entitled Court "III finally pimi iiiioii ninl M'ttlo nnlil Acnmnt (I W OI'FIKI.I), AilntliilMntnr of llm l.'Mntn of Mtir tint V Vim Brimmer, Deceased, o iH-ar. n i-n-ir. 'I I- V .netici: Tn tin' voter of Klomiitli reimly: 1 imi n cmnlliinto upon im Independ nil ticket for tlio officii nf JiiiIkh of the Circuit Court. That. It I tun ,,, n) McrHOIIH having utlMnenri III lHc) ,,.,. llmI i roupcrtfully solicit , ., ..lmjori t, voter nl tlm ulcc ..,, to (, JH(1 ,, ,ilu 7th ilny of jj,Wimi,or 1022 CHAIU.IIH M. ONKILL. (i'h.m c t . -' - - - l . ' - NOllCt; - ' Til., rer.utnr .neellng of fit l-auPi. KpUrniiat OiilM will ho held Tliurn. ' uy nfleinooii nt V'.ao nl Ihohome oi Jir. iv Kuuinny. k- "i Ht. 2C Our nlore In one of the Ol'AI.ITY nalntillnlimciiU of Kliimalh P.illn Cnrrltm for ilniKn 26 .MAIIMHTIt(VroilM NO'lYcr. 1'ii.ixd final account THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY of "f. THE COMPANY The lititory of The California Oregon Power Company tliowi a luhttantlal growth in facilities and earning! result ing Iroin the large lumi of money invested in iis properties and from the development of the territory in which it operates. Steady Growth in Customers Served The territory now served by The California Oregon Power Comrany Includes parts oi Jackson. Josephine. Klamath and Oouglas Counties in Oregon, and Siskiyou County and parts of Shasta and Trinity Counties In California. This is an aiea equal lo the combined areas ol the states of Mam chusctu, Rhode Island and Connecticut. Durinc the period between 1912 and 1921, the number of consumers lias grown from 6,561 to 11,900, an increase of 8l.3Vc. Increase in Facilities The Company owns and operates neven hydro-electrle plants in Southern Oregon and Northern California. It has never resorted to feneration of electricity by steam power. In building these hydro-electric plants, a natural resource is being developed which will be productive forever. In 1912. the gcneratlnc capacity was 11,800 II. P. and at the end of 1922, it will amount to 52,580 II. P. The Company's high tension lines at the end of 1922 will be over six hundred miles in length. The aggregate length of the distribution lines will be over eight hundred and ten miles. The Investment needed for the construction of the.e fa cilities has Increased from 54,189,325.76 In 1912 to $9,567,. 430.00 on June 30, 1922. THE RECORD OF TEN YEARS' GROWTH Ootritlne N't liienlnri without Kilowatt VaUit I'hytlctl Otou Milnunllut llciluctinc Inltrtit Hours YPAK l'(0(iit'ti Kcvtnufi Kipcnte ui Ucficciition Ocncraicd in'p $4,189,325.76 $307,040.29 $137,663.49 $169,376.80 21,492.374 ij . -- 4,787624ij5 347.261.70 143.746.67 203.515 03 26.485.359 9 4 ::..:. :.:ir.i 50543120s 385.331.23 163,209,21 222,122.02 33.245,360 OS 1-1. 5 265 839.86 398.349 83 171.458.26 226.691.57 38,133.884 q 6 riZ 5 985.095.29 426.106.64 213.679.91 212,426.73 41.936,855 9 7 1 ZZ.Z 6 498.375.71 487.916 44 226.509.67 261.406.77 47.755,628 10 8 . 7 311.310.73 502.269.05 245.150.37 257.118.68 46.216.299 Jnn .... 7416,522.45 726.079.30 295,743.74 430,335.56 108.239,745 o 7 692.884.51 948,277.07 396,041.48 550,235-39 142.404.975 ueu jo7,58.2 449,082.18 552.189 89 129.368,808 ;i922lir.n,o"nTh".7n.iincJun.jo) 9.567,430.60 , 1.029.409.12 444.410.46 584.998.66 131,170,857 i , Our partial payment plan of $5 per share per month enables you take immediate advantage of the exceedingly attractive price at to THE EVENING ir BACK HURTS '"IiiMi Von r llilcfi (li(iisloiiiitt) Von Cni Too MiiiIi .Meal No man or wnin.m who onfn Iota of iiinal mijularly (tin iuiiKo n uilKtako hy rlunliliiK Hie Ifliliiiiyn orranloiinl ly, Hayii a well-lmown loilliorlly. Too miieli meat may form u I It; iirld, which fimii the UliliHiy pnnm ho that they ifiii:i'llnhly filler or xtmln only pari of ihu wiiBtii mid polronn from the hloml, tlinn you r.'it xlck Itliell matlHiil, lieiiiladiitH, liver Iroulile, nervoiiiiiiiin, roinitl)iillon, illtzliicfiN, Hlenplemiieiiri, hlaildiii illHord'TH often tomo f i o'ti nliiKKlnli klilnuyx, Tlm moment you fuel u dull ache III the kiilnc-iH or your h.idi InirlH, or If tlio iirluo Ih ilinidy, offetmlvu, full of iieilliueut, Irregular of p.'iH mii:n or ntleuiled hy a mirxntlon of ncaldlUK. not iihoilt four ouncen of Jail Kaltn from any rnlltiMi) pliarina cy uml take a tnhleHpiionful In a cIiihh of water heforo lirenkfant for a few ilayn mid your kldneyn may then act flue Thin fniuimn hiiIIk Ik mnili) from tlio nild of urapeii mid leUlufi Julie ciiuililiied With lltlll.'i, and linn heen lined for j;euiratlniin to fliiMh rloi'iteil kldneyn and ullnin latn thnm to iittlvlty, alno lo help neiitrnilin the nrldii In urine ho It no longer (aunen Irritation. 1 1) tin of ten enilliiK hladdur dUonlurH. lad KitllH Im luitxpnnnlve and can not Injurn; innl.eH a dellKhtful ef ferveNceut llthln water drink, which everyone cuu take now mid then to help kicp the kldneyn leau anil lint hlond pure, thereby often preunt iierloutt kidney coinpllratloun.- Adv 107 Tlin Iioiiwi of llriiimwlck an ISVr UOO.uno lorpnratlon, 7S yearn In hun litem, and C'lirrlim not (Ulto o wealthy or an old In bunlm-mi hut iual an nltxere, Kiiarauleo without llinllntlou every llrunitwlilc I'liono crnpli or record 25 I I N c PREFERRED CAPITAL STOCK PRICE 92 PER SHARE YIELDING 7.6 O THE STOCK Par value SIOO per share. Dividends have been paid on The California Oregon Power Company Preferred Capital Stock since issuance (April 15, 1921) at the rate of $7 per share per annum. Checks are mailed every three months at rate of $1,75 per share. Proceeds of all securities sold are devoted exclusively to additions to and betterments of Company's properties. It Is not assessable by the Company for any purpose wlnitsoever. It is nonmailable, and If purchased at the present price yields a permanent return of 7.6ru on the investment. It is exempt from Federal Normal Individual Income Tax. It takes precedence as to assets and dividends over com mon stock amounting to $4,441,100 par value. The equity back of the preferred stock nov; outstanding amounts to a total of $6,296,605.50 which equals $2S3 60 per share or over three times the present cost of $92 per share. Purchase may be made in sny amount from one share up ward. The stock may be purchased for cash or on our special savings plan, namely, 35 00 per share as first payment, and 95 00 per share per month. Interest is paid by the Company on all partial payments under the savings plan at the rate of 67 per annum. Inter est checks are, mailed to subscriber under the savings plan every three months. The stock is listed on the San Francisco Stock and Bend Cxchance. " e ' ' . f -JO , ,ij VI , , , i HERALD, KLAMATH .FALLS) OREGON riAfUVVAAAnAlVlJVVVV'VV'i EVENING WANT AnJuvivru-lwvv KOIt UKNT - KurnlnliMl AjiIm. 4l!i 101H Ht 2ltf. Pm HPNT 'Modem 2-room nparl moui lomplficdy ftirnlcliQil. 58 Main Kt. 2-30 POIl HAI.K- laZO f ininnnnRar Kuril I fl.wwi f.i.f1ll Inn nnw Inn. Jimt re. palntc.1. Por aalo nt a bargain - KllAO POIt TftAIJi: I Overland roadster. electric ntarter, new lop, repaint ed, liood condition Will Irndu for' lot, ICUimatli Pnlin Auto -o., 2241 Main, Ht. 1M-2S I POIl HUNT -Pour room modern t house Purnlnhed, Karane, . Iii-i iiulro 512 N. II 111 HI. 24-2S , pou ham: on tmadk voii hay 2 hlRli'iirado Jemey heirorn, Ht Mawen lr fliiiK Phone 22-P.6 or write llox 17'., Klamnth Pnlln. 24.2C PHltNIHIIPI) ONK ROOM Cabin Colonial Itooinn, 11th. nejr Main 23.26 WOMAN W'ANT.1 Work by hour Plrl olnsn . reference. Phone 2C7-W. 23.25 PSTHAV Htrnyid iibout May 16 to my place one roan tow, weight about lOOlt llm., tipllt In rlnht ear and J. H. com bitted on left hip Owner may hare Kiitnu hy paying expeniies. AMIKIIT OAtlMCH, 23.23 Malln, Ore POIl HAI.K Partly furnished 3. room house and lame lot on pave litem Inuulre 1704 Ore. Ave. 2325 poit ham: l'jis nodfio nhape. 1704 Ore. Ao. car. Reed 23-25' '.tO. Hi. I.:i .. ." it I" Tt'f. iAAnaa HERALD ADS r)' POIl HAI.K Modern 1-room Imjukii low. Kery eonunlunct', Inquire I OH Main Ht. 23-2S POIt lin.S'T Nicely furnlnliid' frnnt room, hath, phone, fi 12 N, !)J)i Ht. 2n.2r tiii: .Mao miv n.vrrpitv lt(;'tilrl NO Water i Arid Attention. Threo Yearn Onnranlen. J'or Halo ul W. II. How IMifi Main Ht. K. P. Ore. 2T.tt. WANTP.D WOMAN COOK'. Klam a I If Oenernl Hospital. 20tf. POTATO HTOHACi: Ol'lt KPi:'IAI.TV fitorn your potntocN until tlio prlro In rlnht. Wo arc on tlio track no you can load nnyllmn for outshlo or local market Wo urn bunded, II (I'ltBuil. flrnproof, frostproof and fair. Our rato Ih l,"ff P'T ack from time hLorcil until Juno 1st next year. No other chargcx. He. un and talk It over. 'Propli'M Wnii'liotiso Blxth Street 21-20 f'OIl Ht. IlKNT lledroom. 419 10th 21tf. LOST llorald Carrier lit. No. 8 Collection Hook, Itcturn to Her ald Office. l'Jtf AM KINDS of work glove at les than usual prices. HIiiki repairing of hf Kh quality promptly donu. Ma chlno and hand work. Jack Frost, Sixth street Just off Main. 21-27 i:.ckitio.vai, HA i tr; A INS FOIt CAHII 1 Wlnton 7 Pas. Tourlnc Car 1 Chalmers 7 Pas, Tourlnc Car. 1 Oakland S Pas, Tourlnc Car. 1 Maxwell 6 Pat. Tourlnc Car. 1 Munroo 2 Pas. Tourlnc Car. 1 400 Chevrolet 5 Pa. Tourlnc, Car. , 1 400 Chevrolet Sedan. 1 Overland 5 Pas. Tourlnc Car. I 3'A acres, edRn of town. t 320 acres Klamath Marsh Men-' dour Land. Illncksmlth Korco. 1 Drill PreM. Phono -HMV While Pellran Horace 20-20 FOR 8AI.K Horse, 5 yearn old. welghl H00 lbs. 419 10th St. Phono 312-W. 19lf FOIl RKNT -Light, front Main , street offices. Wllleta Iiulldlnc. Inquire Room 210 W'lllets Itulldlnc, nr nl I. A. Wlllot. Flflli Rl nml I Klamath' Ae. 20-31 FOR SALK OR TRADi: 23 head medium flno wool bucks, $10.00 per head. J. T. Henley, Phogo lS-F-t. IS-Zo CAHIUKR HOY WANTED Trustworthy boy. oer 12, to carry Herald Routo In Mills addition, -ttf CIIII.DRKN Cared for day at 122G Lookout St. or nlcbt I 1S-25 WANTED Roomor nd boarder by week or month. C1C Pine St. lOtf FOR SALK A two burner three heat electric plate, excellent con dition. Western Transfer office. 1 1 tf FOR SALE nurrouchs Electric bookkeeping and adding machine Cost 1900. Our price $300. Char- loy'a Place, cor. Cth Klamath. 3l-tf FOR RENTrT-Housekccpltig Apt. R2 Main, -W. 14th LOST lllack horso, welsht 1200, 2 bar shoes In frent: Tumbler br.iud on .left sliouhlnr. Upward (nr i return to Concreto Plpo Co., Sixth and Market, Phono '22SJ. 12tf , ICO ACRE RANCH FOR SALE One mile oast of Donanza; 80 acres under ditch; 10 acres hill pasture, ' 70 acres plow land. Good S room house with frost-proof cellar. Ice house, smoke, house, woodshed, gar nee, granary, chicken houses. Largo bnrn. All fenced. 3 wells, excel lent water. A. R. Wilkinson, Box S3, t uonauza, oro. 2-2S WANTED Men and womon for box factory work. Apply office of Hie Lakes llox Co. LMtt FOR SALE Ford Coupo. Ownor leaving town. 'Inquire Herald of fice. 8tt QUIET ROOMS Bath nnd phono. 840 Walnut, corner 9th. 13tf - a b RESULTS TELL' Tlivie Can llo .Vo Doubt Alictuthirl Itc.MilU In klnmuili Fulls Rosults toll the talo, All doubt Is removed Tho testimony of a Klamath Falls citizen Can bo easily Investigated, What butter proof can bo hud? .1. J. Roller, 71S Jefferson St., Klamath FalU, saym "I am clad to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills for thoy fixed mo lu good shape, when my klduojs wero out of order. I had dull, iiagclug backaches nml a poreness across my Kidneys and my kldnes didn't net right hut Doan'n Kidney Pills soon stopped tho backurhu and relieved all signs of ktdnoy troublo." Prlco C0c, ut all dealers. Don't Dimply ask for a ktdnoy remedy got Jean' Klduoy Pllla tho b.iiuo that Mr. Keller hud. Fostor-MUburu Co., Mtra.. Buffalo. N. V. Oot rosulls by using class ads. r.w "" Kodak N I Leave Your Filitv 'Before 9 O'clocK-Yoor AM. Piclliras are 'Wyv KLAMATH FALLS OREGON inn?"!- 7 VHERE' PARTICUUAH PEOPLE QUY THEIR DRUGS ,uoTt' I DR. J. G. GOBLE opTOMirnusT oitictan 7110 lnln HI. I'lionp IfW-W Vo fit in ft grind ctafton, Dtipll eato trnkoa lennpi, repair frarnei. S. CROUCH, D.V.M. Veterinary Hnrscon Deputy Ktntc Veterlrnrlnn Ml) X. (lilt St. Phono -IH8-J -M DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist t. O. O. V. Ilnlldlnjr puo.vk at FRED WESTERFELD Dentist Plioon 4.TI-1V X-IMY LAUOUATOmEH Ixomls Illdg. JUnmalh FalU CHIROPRACTORS DRS. MALMnT ft MAM.Krr Offico oter L'nilcrwMMl'a 'tti & Main Phono 0.10-J NEW CITY LAUNDRYl Flnlfhed Work Flat Work ItoucU Dry "101 Tonr Dad Its Oar Bads' PIIOM2 IS4 Comer Main and Conger Kodak. Finishing Films received before 9 A.M. Ready the same day at 5 P. M. Mall order filled proBsptly STAR DRUG CO. Bih. Mala Bts. DR. H. J. WINTERS Qrodaate aad State Bctstered OPTICIAN Nloeteen years here In business We grind and. fit Glasses Duplicate broken Glasses Prompt BcTTlce Heat Equipped Optical Store fas BouUiern Orcgoa 714 Main Street Richter's Boarding House 1010-1021 Mala Street. Formerly known aa tho Slater house. Dtalng room Is reopen ed under now management. Good clean room and board, $11.90 n Meek. Single meals ftOc, ..Chicken dinner every Sunday. f Tablo Board Home Cooking Chas. Richter, Manager NU BONE CORSETS Made (o Your Mc.iMtro (nariinlocd Mrs. Rose Randall Ml Jeffer-im St. Phono U77-W DR. H. J. WINTERS Graduate, nml State Registered OPTICIAN - Nineteen jears hero in business v Pnnnpt Sei Ico 714 Main Street RECKARD'S AUTO LIVERY CO Phono 77 Night ami D.iy Keulio 113 North Sixth Street 1ook for tho Cms ultli Ulaik nnd Whlto Signs ' vKum AgfflggMJ " Jrvi itjuniwr-sm' o NVork readr at" 5 lSgLwvcvl DR. F. R. GODDARD OHTEI'OATIIIO PIITBICM1I AND UUtlOKOir " Office nil lUwldrare rtinm S1 i. o. o. r. TEMrua Klamath Falls Plumbing it Heating Co. J. N. IiAGHMON, Prop. A Pfno fit. Plintone BltVIt ith -. J. C CLEGHORN CIVlIi KNOI.VEKR AMI HUItVKYOH Phooe 1021 188 8. BilMllfc S' Van's Cleaning; Service Ifouor. ntoTii nml nNlcecIean Inn hy llm iniinlli. t'libane. kloTfl and ulilihw cleiiiilns.il Hccl.ilty, PHONi: B47'J -x it Ii I. O. O. F. Prosperity Itebckati, fO!; meet First nod Third Thursdays Ewauna Encampment 46, MeeM each Tuenilay Klamath Lodce 137; mecta eack Friday When You Have Dirty Clothes If you will call the Klamath Hand Laundry 110 South 9th St. Phone 673-W They will wash, darn, m Iron aad return to yon. " Klamath Fall, Or. :r FURNACE HEAT Da you know that the ex cessively dry air of ordinary heating plants Is tho main cause of winter colds and catarrh? Do )ou know that a modorn warm air beater provides am ple moisture or humidity In tho air of tho bouse.? Do you know that It also produce a compute change of air In tho homo at least four tlmci an hour? Do warm means )Oti know that moist air In tho health? fresh homo Do you Kuow that you can bavo one of these modern warm nlr heaters Installed In your homo at a vory moder ate prlco? L. N. HAINES 1023 Main St. Cold Weather Coming Cull us for Glass Jtcplaccaicata. ....Add another loom to your Iioiisb by enclosing that M-recn porch. with wish. Cull u for price. Headquarters for all kinds of ghuiH in ull Ues. Sash Doors, Cabinet Work aad Show Ciscn. E. C. Stucky "Tho Glass Ilotue" 11th nnd l'lno l'hoae 477-W W. E. & J. E. Patterson CONTRAOTINa PAINTKK8 Patata, Oils aad Taralak. 830 8. Sixth StvKteauih WtUa iu.ti.VJ-, Hi Paoae MbV-J IroM t I r oi tvlA iit'feu' rrsssz . "pr:: qf v, i, v't H .V ,1 I 1 twnniwt I I ,.' J 1 v t j sf i rf 1 ! J t 1 At A & ', M , -l .." V i X t" ?$ Vfe f .w .,hvi 1?M. irrf. "if 'tifc r . .ii t rJ"v.J V ! A-' K V