The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 23, 1922, Image 1

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    w- .. i
14 Mr
cftji? ibuimtttg
Nw v
V(, " Nty- 3t
. 'i. . i r.
Member of the Associated Press
MvHinlh Wiii-,- So, llirtH,
KLAMATH FALLH, OHKaOS, ,'ll)MU, O'TOIII.'lt i!:l, lima.
much fmewn
T iS
di lie ems
Road House Proprietor Is
Churned With Murder of
Mexican Sheep Herder
Tilnl .if Mm. Olllo llliiwi'i-, In-iMi'ti-d
on ii flu I ill-Klin murder
ilmir." In tonnei-iion with u,,, donth
nf Turn Miuilliyil, Mexlr.ui utinep
''wider, opened III the limit onrl
nl 111 u'rli-rk t lit. morning. Iiup.wi-i-lmmil
nf ,i jury would require mint
nf Hie duy. II vni hollovoil.
Mm. lUitiv.-rn wim tini'Moil follow
Inc. the iilim llni: nf Mniitotwi near
Imr tiiiiilliuiiiiii mi Tim DalleiOillfiir
nil hl.'ihway near ('rnmeni Keptem
her I. Al preliminary hearing n
week Inter klii uuii Imuiiil over In the
tiruml Jmy ami hail rix.-.i m no,.
(I0, In IIi-ii nf ithlch nlio wim In-Ill
In Him (II)' Jul I niul Inter ri'iimviiil in
lliu ciiiinlv Infirmary.
I ool i I nl t llimiKlit Anrt,
('Ircuiimliiiiliul i l.l urn in (in
form of ii womtin' u iiir!'it' wi-n-Montoyii'ii
Imily wn.i found, which
wore, It.'irii-il Imi'l. ii ii point nciir lliu
rnnillMiitnc, led lo tli nrri-il of Mm
lltiiw irn , mnri'li tnlled lo reveal
shot lo imiitli '.in tracks hut tin
nfflnrs expieinod Urn Jn-llnl thill ihv
ilitiei hint lit-i-n lnirni-il In Km flm-plai-e,
wlii-rn n hm tiro had boon
maintained. 'I be flro w.i kxiIiir-
hIiIumI Ii)' liin ."fleers Imt tt in burn
ing when they relumed to llu hnu
later, they f.nhl
Mrs. Illowi-m Mil not testify nl
tlic ixtilli.iliinry InmrliiB but appear
ii I buforn On- era ml Jury when ulu-n
mi opportunity, 'although not re.
iiuirnltflo'itit'io. iTrr Indictment
followed i
Three inr.ilniM I'liuiiiioiini
Whether llio itlnli will bo aM.i in
rnnvltt tlm ilofolldent on Hip. clr- evidence mi (at- present
cil,v,licllior ivlilnnru will tin liitnv
iliicjjd wlili-li will Impl'mtn another
In tlio iimtili-r, or Mln-ttivr Mm.
Winter will cli-iir herolf niul phuii
' Ilia ill .tth panvliy, nro tin- ii.trnmiuiiit
iliiejtlnini In Ion r.ino.
ijji until I .in HiIk iitinrnoiiii seven
Jurors had Item ojniulnul, neither
lih! having xnrrMNI Ilmir rlsht lo
i'' Two Juror vi-n nxrtn.
ml 'upon rain.-, II. i Morti-nrim or
I'i'IJimii rily imiiI o W lli-wiinl of
rimii Kioto :ii in hi 1,0ml rinri-iN
Nlintt I'lulllhiK Hplilt Di'iplln
AiltinilUKi- of Oppom-iiU
oiihtiilnlit-il ill IchkI ir poiiinin to
tlio mini. Klnmiilli lili;li' fnntliall
twin lorn ir.iffr'il ilrfcal nl Hit
IuiiiiIh of Mcilfnril IiIkIi Halurlay nf
li'ini 1111 Ii) n n'urii of .1 1 lo 0,
Mi'ilfnril 1 1111 up .11 point In Dm
riml Miintlur ln-roro Klnmnlli kcI
lulu tlin ciiiiiu. In Hm xcriinil iUiir-
n-r, linui'ViT, Kiiiinntii aiiowcil ri
rtM.urlnlJ 'A
W M T5
1 'j nvir
1 . 1,
TMIbpot-Iuek roci'pLion accorded Ihd Sn 'Francisco
'li ',
1 ' 1
DrtritiR Highwaymen Believ
ed to Have Fled in Direc
tion of Klamuth Falls
OffU'trn horn loiliiy nn on tin
lookut fur Itvo iiii-ii, mild li do ilrlv-
flftlitlm: uplrlt prKU'iiicil llulr.lni; 11 lliilck. car. IImisimo iiiimlii-r
licatlcr niul iiioro i'H'ilciici-il op-1 iiSCDn, itho nri rcpnrt'.-il lo liavi
liiiiii'iiU frni;i M-orlnt;. .Mi-itfnnl
rent nl In-i funrlli tniirhilouu In tin
lat.t linlf of Dm till rd ii.trltir nfliT
11 linn: cnil run ly ili-iiiii')', (iiurrnr
li.icli Tlio f If 1 It unit luM toiii'hilon'n
tv.u mi-ri'il niter u 0-11I puui from
Klitiii.ilh'x lu-ynnl lliu-.
Imil I'lutno Mm
II I nitlcr, fiilllmrk, lliianoy, ipmr
Ictliiiili, uml Wiiimin niul lionnvnu,
I'liiln. utarrcil for Moilfuril. Mill,
luiiriui-k MnUi-nliiiclicr, fulllinck,
I'l-ylim ami How, iU.titcrli.-iclt, wcto
KIniiiijtli'11 iiiimI lirlfll.nit pirform-i-ri
Clirltty, Kl.unnlirH turklo. ru-
cHv.., ., hr.ik.'ii collar hum. In tlt,,l(. hlr.hnym.'n. but without
firm half niul will ho lilUlilu to play
11 1:11 1 11 Ihlx yi'.ir.
Di'dplto llinlr apparent wolitlit,
tlinc wnii lukiMi mil fn-nunntly for
Mil for il pliDum, IHowiirt, ci-nicr.
hail din ni)ni hrii'-ii'tt, I'crl. Kuaril,
uff"n-il 11 hrnlti-n fltiKr. I-crilor,'. tmcltcil nn lijuri'il Ii-s. S'v-!
cial (ithi'ra lUilnlnoi) minor Injur-
ip hut tM-ro I'tih- to rontlnup.
IJIuiiiiMli'- (IcIiiIiik uplrlt Incri'.ti-1
I'll nn llio Kami' protrrMM. Not only
v.'un I In- Kluin.illi i-lutmt Krcntly nut
ttiilxlifil, hut all except two nf I Ik)
Moil fori! pl.iycru hint i-nrm-il thHr!
Intlrra, tlilli many of Hm Klamath I
playum have nut plnycil heforp. filnn-1
Icr, Mi'ilfonl'i .tar lulthnrk, pluynl ,
iciiti-r mIUi Klatimtli lyn year- ago
Triiin llni IVhiiiIm'
Willi thu mntrrliil oil hiuiit. how
i'UT, "inn promlii' ni-rn for Klam
ath, AllhotiKli i-IkIiI of the tram
uruiliuto thin year, nlno rt-innln to
form the intrlmis for n itrnncer
lim next yi-ur, I
rollotvjnr; It the k.i'mu hy fjanr-'
I'li-t ytmi'i-r '
Muilfonl kkk.-.l off. Klaiiulh'
lout, hall on llltorcepleil puti. Hue-1
riimlvi' pU)n fiml lutern-pteil pusv 1
et nccri'il lourhilnttna for Mi-ilforil ,
In-Ill up four :ill 1111 tlin hlclrvay
m-.-ir Mi-J font liaiunlay nliilit nml
rohhi'il oriiiiinU of wnlrlii-i!, JitM 1
r nml inniicy. If the Iln-nn- 1111m
Iiit In riir,riicl. tho r.11 Is one he
Inticini: to a mini ii.-iiin'il H(ili:i-. llv
Ini'. In Hold Mill, inoonlliiK lo Deputy
rilmrlff llni ll.iwidiM, who ihlnkn
I tin cur huh 4tnliiu from Kulcle.
In tlio nhsniiri) of Kherllf Low,
Di'Piit'.i'i lliiwlclrm nml llnrncn look
clinrKi' of Urn cnne nml dpi nt nil
iluy ilumtay on Mm Oreen Sprlnnn
fl1f,IIHtf In -nn.t lil-l.ftifv .. Hn.ip.J.ku.l
iii-,, i,tl'i ,i'iIIH " ''l ' IIUHII 1
tm. The Jaclmon rotinly iihcrlff
helliivtil I ln men hail ho.nlcil In thin
ill reel Ion.
!l"i1st fivntll'UiMtlfiiii !- TIitl. ..-.1-'
w.tuv: i.A,tiiciiusiB U,y JJUUJJlUi mi
.in . . 1 I 1 . I
1 wnn mcin Duyoiui (lUOKtion. ' i'-''
1 -
I Theiv was no special effort lo provide unueual cnter-
I taintuoiit. Thoro win a program, of course, but it merely
Hkotchcd the outline. The vigors had the fullest r'ZZZZZ
sililc freedom to complete the picture to their individual n n ,ieCr huminc trip
The membeis of the party represented large interests.
Their judgment in: business matters goes far. They are
in a position to paa out business favors.
At times on the tour, it was whispered, attempts had
been made to lal.'c advantage of' this position.
But Klamath asked nothing. Klamath, in the limited
time afforded, gave them a glimpse of its resources.
There va3 no suggr-ation of barter.
They are busy men, business men, and were on a busi
ness mission. Then- Klamath host3 tried to lighten their
cares for a day.
But between acts, and in the public expressions of
their speakers, the San Franciscans talked business. To
most of them this was new territory, and they were im
pressed with its possibilities.
As one speaker expressed It, political lines are fixed;
but the lines of human sympathy aro elastic.
Itcpoit lUcclvcil I'rom Hurries Vl
ley hy Telephone; llenrt Trotil'le
It-cllrted Cnine of Ifc'.ilfi
Anion llanlenhrook, G. n rusl-
ili-nt of thin city mIiico 190", died
mornliiK whlln
on the head.
watcm of Hear ereok, tinmen Tal
ley, accordlnR to .1 telephone mci
unite received here Hila mornlne.
Ilardcnhrtiok, In company with
fJonrBo Ulehn of Portland, former
ly of this city, Ceorgu Humphrey
and nnnthcr whom name wa not
ler.rneir, left here almut one week
ago, friend hero xald he had hecn
trouhli'd with heart dlvcnro for some
yearn. Ho In tlin .'alher of Ilyron
I., -nml Kverctt flardonhrook of the
niueblrd ronfeetlonery.
t'unernl nrninsements will he nn
nminred upon the return i-f Coroner
V.'liltlotk, who left enrly today for
tinmen ralley and Is expected to re
turn this nfiernonn with the body.
'Annexation of KUnutth t
California Follows Meet ,v
With San Franciscans
Ilont, broken and finally obliter
ated, the Cnllfornla-Oron tnt;
line no lonner exlstii In Klamatl -county.
In II Ulead the It mem
bers of the San Krnnelico chamber
qf commerco trade expansion exciir-V
slon established bonds of frlonil-jtl
They moved, by formal resolution, to bend the line of
BEATS WIFE TO DEATH ', human sympathy, regardless of the fixity of the geo
graphical boundary, so that Klamath county will be taken
into the program for Northern California development,
which contemplates the expenditure of $400,000 to at
tract home-seekers during the next year.
Community-builders themselves, we believe they ap-
Vi-rdlit of Juvllflalili- llomlild
lurneil hy ("oroner'w Jury
PltKK.VO. -C'nllf. Oct 23 Mrs.
Clara Harlow, 19, wns hrnlcn In
death by u shotsun butt yenterdny
iow."r,c,;rZr-i mTmLa Preciated the community-building spirit of Klamath.
verdict nf Juitltlnblu homicide, liar- j
low rnmo hnro from IIokuo IHvcr,
Oregon, three years nco.
Klamath certainly appreciated their spirit of friendli
ness and good will. Everyone who was thrown in touch
itariow deeureii bo mme. bomiii with the party and its entertainment, realizes through the
ni,.i foVnd hi wlf;; ";MtinKcxcmi)lifioalion given y the visitors, a little 'more of
fyonHi. in? wire and'tii.. visitor fied what "the Califoittla spirit" means, and why Califoi-niaj
leads the West in accomplishing its desires for material
progress and higher ideals.
Certainly the bonds of friendship are tighteued be
tween San Francisco and Klamath Falls by the visit. An
alliance launched so auspiciously, if we do not expect too
much of it, if we do not expect the San Franciscans to do
all the mowing while we do all the reaping, will be pro-
, ductive of much good.
and Harlow cot a Run and pur.iued.
lie fired but missed, but later over
took his wife ami boat her on the
bead, rrusliInK her skull.
Tim youth later was nrreslod Ht
the homo uf Ills parents.
"Vit Inn Wultrr" I'lerer Connld
end I'oor llet lit Hire
SAI.KM, Ore., Oct 23, In the
parlance nf the nportlnc world,
"Weeping Walter" 1'Icrce for gover
nor Is a poor bet.
Among those gentlemen who fol
low closely the election developments
and back their favorite candidates
with money thero Is a marked scar
city of supporters for the democra
tic candidate.
For days now there has been one
block of $7u0 In Olcott money wait
ing takers at the Ucorgc Waters
cigar store, and within the past week
there has been not n cent less than
$2300 offered on the Hepubllcan
nomlnco without takers.
Mr. Waters, whojc placo of busi
ness Is tho clearing house for those
jrjejleraea, wjio make It a practice
or speculating on tlielr election
Judgment, announces Ihnt before
election he will have a total of 23,
000 In Olcott monoy to offer.
-New HyMcm WIU llo Tiled Out To
litnrrott ; Hell In Itlnj- Often
M eil ford f.illi-il in nun try for point.
.Mtnimo" did not I'tpri-t I KldliinlirN line nlinwed wenkni'Hs.
;.co.e, .'II in u.
in I'ompli-iii tint Jury today
lt.iilil'iniirl-nn .Vettsp.ijM-r ltepieent.
til on Trade I:iiu-nIoii
That v.tliinhtn iuhlklty for Ktiiin-nllij-'.tlls
niul Klain.iih rminty will
follow iho visit hero of Hnn I'mn
rlsfo rluiiiibur of t-ommeii-o i-xcur-nIiiii
on ouu will dniihl who sees Ihv
Han rninelsi'o itow.ipuiiira t'lirrylng
Iho nlorleii noil! hy tlin i-iirrespniiil-i-iilN
iiii'empniiyliii: tho exclusion. 1CI
ford l-Mtly represented tlio Cull. Wo.
ler'H. Hwniison tlin Chrmilele mid
I,. 1'. nll)ce, or Iho pulilli-liy depart-'
meiil or tho Dan Krniielnro ehnmher,
Iho' Jniirmil, Tht'io pnpern will
rnrry rnniploln net-ouuls or the ox-i-ursloulHt'H
iii'lhltleti hoi ii,
1 1 mi
llt-Noliilloii Adopted liy t'HUeim nl
Ml, I. uk I Sal in day I'vcnliiu;
A roHoliiilon upholdliiK llio rail
mail tiiimeritnr net Ion of tlin United
Htnlim Hiiprcmo court and coiiilenin
I n IT the Southern I'ni-lflo for nlleRod
fallurn to fullflll iiwiuIkck of rull.
load niiiHtriictlon wmi ndiditiiil nt u
meetlliK of' rlllzi'iiH 'lit '.Ml. I.ukl
hiliool lioiiui) rinttirdny (ioiilit,', ' ''
Tlio Cli'lil-Stormnjirapli nt'lTudor-
iwooit a riiiirmai-y
i roKlttlorod it ilotYii-.
tremi ib Kc-rti-IiiKi
hut u h the
high pruHHilt-'u
rbiiohed laat week
'has lint beun
Rroutly Impaired
no I m m o dial e
I'liangii In wn idler
coiiilltlona Is look
ed for,
Forocimt for iionI
21 Iieiiih:
Fnlr, probably wanner. Disturb
nnco iiipi'oiii'hliiK from couihwo.-it,
Tlio Tyt-OH rerordliiK thei-moiiiiitoi-
iTKlKtnioil maximum mid minimum
tomponitiiroH today, ua follpwn;
. V I -yr-r M-i,
l .ulTtn.lH,,l ,.
het'iiml Quarter
Tlila vvnn the hiirdest fonr.lit of
nil, Hie I i.i 1 1 loiimliilnK In lliu ren
ter nf the fluid. Klamath's punting
showo.l up well anil kept the ball
siifrly out of Kl.iinath territory.
Third (junilrr
Klamath on nrfenslvo Ihrrtughniit
luniler wns within neerlni: dlslanro
iwlio. Med ford Mfored In the last
fQtv minutes or play in n lesult or u
hrllllniit run by Med ford's quarter.
Thrrn or Mi'ilfnnl'-i men were tak
en out on iiiionnt of Injuries, and
miieh Hiiio wiih lost through minor
Injuries in Medford playem.
I'oitrlli gum lei-
Klmuiith showed alreiiRlh at llmo.s
nod rieiiueutly n ublo to hold
Meiirord, but vtaa iinnblo lo prevent
it ueoro which re.iiilteil fiont u poor
punt by Hohertsnii from tho 10
yard line. Knmnth showed her
spirit hy hording Medford on the
flvo-ynrd lino for Ihree downs, lliu
ball gnliiR over mi Iho fouith. Score,
Modfoid t KlaiuuUi 0.
Medferd: Donovan, I.e., Drestler,
l.t., I'erl I.K-i Ktowiirt, c N'lcliolsoii,
r.K-, llalumnn, r.t Wulson, r.o.,
Ilaiiiihmmi, l.h., Williams, rh., Sing
ler, f., Dunuey, n, Siibstltutleim:
JouiBon for Donovan, (lliim-ock for
IVrl. mul I'legriin fur Dit-nnler. Klam
ath; Oiutrall, I. o Christy, l.t., Tur
ner, I.B., Joffor. e., Clark r.K., Moor
land, r.t., Ilogtie, ml. Dow, q., Oar
Jeh I, It., Mills r.h,, Motsonhachor, f.
Substitutiens: I'elt'z for Christy,
I'oylon for Dovv. Ilnrgurf for Clark?
Millers fo'r llosnu, llolicitaon for
(larlfli. ' '
Ilnforeo, White; Umpire, Henry.
Tho flro bell will ring often to
morrow. Thli Is not a prediction of
fires, but Is the statement of I'ire
Chief Ambroio, who say the new
alarm system will ho tented mil. If
Ilia boil rings itt frequent Intervals,
ho said, cltlieiiH should nut leap to
tho belief that the city Is burning
-MISTAKK.N l-'OK lli:i:it, hlldT
I PKNDI.KTON. Oct. 23. i:i:a LONDON. Oct. 23. Andrew llo-
Hunter, 21. of illrch Creel:, was'nar 1-aw today accepted from Iho
Ilronre Tablet Krccled to OlsroTrrer
nf Slccl .Making I'rocos
killed yoitcrduy mistaken ft-r
a deer by Jack Miller, of 1'er.dlo
ton, who fired at a increment In the
king tho tasV of forming n cabinet
Ho ndvlst-d his majesty to dissolve
parllamoat, which It Is understood
will bo done Thursday,
union hi:kvici:s inuw
Over 1100 people crowded the
Chrlutlaii. church nt tho Union sor-vlco-i
hiHt night, lUTorilliiK to Ihn
Ittiv. A, II, llrlatow, ICvaugollHt John
noii of I'llnovllle, who has been con
ducting revival mcutliiRH horo dur
ing tlm past wcolc, preached tho
k'ol'lllOII. " '
if ThbV donTfimd C221&kJfrljK 1?? V
" !ToSf?
, c?jpN y
jsvu ' j..1.'' ' ' ' .n'' mm i i - '-r'" ' ' a. " j."im . -'"- -ii 't-t., in r
DETROIT. Oct. 23. The. late
William Kelly, scientist, balled as
tho discoverer of tho pcnumatlc pro
cess of steel making, has been ac
corded the honors denied him while
he lived. '
Tho honor Is In tho form of a
bronzo tablet placed la the door of
tho public library at Wyandotte, a
suburb, said to bo the birthplace of
the American steel Industry.
Steel men front all parts of the
country wltncsjod tho dedicatory
ceremonies. Tho inscription on the
tltblct asserts tho lato Mr. Kelly
was tho discoverer of the process
of steel making that has mado tho
building progress of tho world possible.
Portland Police Augmented by Ad
ditional Guard
PORTLAND. Oct. 23 rollco aug
umented by an extra squad of
guards continued to guard today
against nu "luvaslon" of I. W. W,
who, according to a statement of
Mayor Raker, havo selected Port
land as the entering vvcdgo for the
beginning of operations destined to
acsumo tho proportions of a resolu
tion. Iver 100 men were picked up by
tho police last night and G7 were
held on vagrancy charges.
Tho "American Civil Liberty Un
ion" wired Mayor Raker from New
York protesting against' the ar
rests. '
Clayton Kirk ami Jiisod Cluu-Ie
Held by Federal Court
True bills woro roturned by the
federal grand Jury a: Portland Fri
day against Jason Charles, charged
with Introducing liquor on the
Klamath reservation, and Clayton
Kir, chnrged with violation of the
prohibition act. They will stand
trial on the charges Indicated, A
not truo bill was returned against
MeKlnloy, Cowon, charged with
uelllng liquor to Klamath Indians.
ship binding Klamath county togeth
er with Northern California.
Furthermore, Klamath county ban
been1 'annexed," This morn came
when II. 8. Hubbard nt the smoker
Saturday evening, saying that; It hi'lt
been decided to make a curve In ihe
state lino and also to extend the
boundary of huaian.xyropafbr, asked
that n resolution bo( offered lo that
efert. The resolution was voiced by
aJmcs D. Decatur and was carried
unnnlmously and with much acclaim.
As a result, the visitors will prob
ably return to help celebrate next
California Admission Day.
Arrive Uy Special Trala
The Cnllfornlanlans arrived by
special train nt 4:30 p. nt. Saturday..
Following n dinner at the chambi
of commerco shortly after their ar
rival, they spent the next hour or
two calling on merchants of the city
This was' followed by a smoker at
tho White Pelican hotel. Sunday
was spent In Merrill, Malin and Tula
lako sections and a basket lunch was
served at the Dalton ranch at noon.
The special left online return trip
at 0 p. m. Sunday.
Front the moment of their arrival
until their departure, the 8aa Fran-
clacani displayed the atmeet friend-
lines and good leellnf toward Klanu
Klamath Falls and surrounding, ter
ritory. The six of the city, tho !
dences of progre and growth, the
modern stores and window displays,
and the warm greetings .extended
them were the cause of much favor
able comment on the part cf the
city's guests. Many declared that re
ception tendered them here was
more cordial than that of any of
the 39 cities and towns visited on
the week's tour.
Visitor Welcomed
M. S. West, president of the cham
ber of commerce, made a brief ad
dress of welcome at the buuquet.
K. R, Hall presided. Bong dellv
orsd with a force uever excelled In
the chamber rooms served to enliven
the occasion.
The smoker was opened with aa
address of welcome by Mayor W, B.'
Wiley, K. R. Hall wo chairman and
D. S. Hudbbard presided for the'vl!-.,
"This ha beeu the hcar!!t $!
conui wn lutvo reeclrcd on the toar,
during wlilch We havo Nvlltd 3B
cities." (aid Hubbard. "And I know
this vvelcomo comes from the bot
tom of your hearU,"
ItcsoIuUon Offered .,.,
At this Juncture the annexation
resolution wai offered by James D.
Decatur at Hubbard' suggestion.
W. O. Smith told of the re-.
sources of Klamath county, giving
statistics as to the timber wealth;
agricultural development and manu?
facturlng. He lauded the spirit thai,
brought tho San Franciscans here.
declaring that same spirit had made
San Francisco tho greatest city of the
west. I
W. C. Klefer. general agent of the,
American Railway Kxpress company,
delivered a rapld-firo talk on .co-ojk
oration. Ho compared tho progrtss'
of America since pioneer days, as
cribing the upbuilding of His cotfa
try to co-operation, ' '').
II D. Mortensoa. tf4 JHVftMtt ,
Ray Lumber company. supulewenteVf ,
the figure given by Smith, sayls .
that at the present rats of Vi'HT' -r
would take ISO year to rsWojMh'e
30,000.000 feet 'of .Klamsth 'jMas
timber. With the better transteV
latlpn facilities, lis said, thvt
would Increase, lis (old St. the ft
est service perpetuation liwUcjr, msft
nigmy developed la Klamath tha
In any other portion of the wt.'-J'r
KxtdalN Dcvrtop U ,'.:, '
Dr. U. M. Rastall. Indiistrtet ssiaf-.t"
neer, San FranelKO chsmhsrof i
merce. totd of tho Nerthsrii CaHfori
nla development plan mssa'MMsihIa
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