Tr tSi' 11 ! fi Cipt ' 5i ' l'lMil, -" lWttylhltHi)illilWtlfewWiVUiMWahmMHfttK;UUtl 1 ., . ..t.w,;.-jH.w?;."i,:riiiCi.Xiirtoi i tmmwwu f.ili. .i,!ir,::,p.. . ,.u,t -i . ,u:;jri .:: : i mil m .iiti .u .i.;iHMii:iitimii:.,ii" THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH, FALLS, OREGON ""'"""' ".' """" "" "'..l ray 9lt ' j S. F. BALL' CHIEFS PROMISE AS STRONG .TEAM FOR NEXT YEAR BAN FitANCISCO, OM. 21. Olilt'fi of tlio Hnn Frnnclaro tiaso tmll club, which won (ho l'nclflc J6i lenguo iirnnnni this year, In ImiiI to Rlvu tlio tan ni RtroiiR n Icnm noxtycar an they hnrt this year, JnM Millar, mananer' of Hie SeaW; tftclArod fctljptlV, ,',..', ' , "Bun Kranclncn In tftti srctilnsi jiit nor Icngun city In tlio In ml ami, ? ch, dcrrci llm KrwlcU itlmit! 1iiikiio JinnoImM tcnin," Miller snM "I am innkliiR no iiriillcthm fur V.2? but I can irnmlo that tlm cltib will Ifo n pennant contender If It's with in tho powpr of tho owners nml my rolf to lo ro." Miller Ictt rcccnllr for -his home In Kearney, N. J. after bavins won tl'o ponsiant iliirlnn lilii f'rnt year ai manager In tho co.ut league. Ho came wot Inst March far bis first year In minor Imruo b.inob.ill. Two San Francisco stars, Willie Kamm and Jimmy O'Connell, go up 000, In their plnco.i, however, Han Francisco will have two youngsters, Cono Valla nml Hal 1th) no, both of whcni Bhow creat promise, I Tho pennant was thn first won 1 by San Francisco since 101 7 nml the first championship to bo raptured by I In; rluti under tho ownership of Dr. C. 11. Strub. Charles 11, (Irahnm, ctiergo A, l'utna maud Tom Sto plirns. Walter Mails Would Return to Coast League SAN FKANT.SCd,l ct. 21 Wnl (cr Maljs, )Ir Olovoland AtucrU'.ui southpaw pitcher, wants to come. j back 'to Ihb l'a fie Coast barcbat I , league nett jiar with San Francicrj 'or Parninicntn. MjIIi In l?20 was n Clcvrhuul ntc Iii-ji thn Indians won ll.n American lo.igtio pennant "I have been Riven permission to ctaUe a doal with any Coast league' J club that wants "hie." Malls said I "I had a chat with Charlie (Iraham, ' Mp of tho owners of tlio San Fran- clsen rlub. and he said bo wanted to -the majors next year for the' me and would write to Trls Speaker hlRhost prices ever paid for minor J tho Indian manaRer. to sec If It can lencuo players. Kamm was sold fixed up. Chicago White Sox for 1100.000 and "Oh yes. my arm Is as pood as it O'ConnclI to the New York (Hants, ever was. t can win up In the ma champlona of tho world, for I7.V Jors but I don't like the climate." Taxes and the Governor Wicn n randlclnto for the I1I.1I1 office nf povemor !. Ill" can (Hilary rn ccrtnln rlnlniK 111M iroiulv to nlwt lie !'! 1 1 If dcclcU, the public Is entitled to lime Ills rlahiii niwlyiitl and cxnmlnctl. In tills rninpnlKti, Walter Fierce lm Kne about die miintr' melolramalleally trmlng tax Mil- In two by 'way of UluMnitliiR vhat lie will do to Hues If c!rrtrl. Tlio volcr then M1011I1I nnalyrc the lax nmlter to the rnlent of becoming Infortnol n to Just wlwi part lie punnor plnji. lis Ini poilne or rrdiflnjr fxrx. In tho first place, the volcr OiouUl Lnutr Hint the total ley In OrrRon for ID: U 1U, 173,000. Tills I a reduction of over SI,.TOO.0H from last jct." r that It will bo tvrn llic cot of government following the nr l altrady rcecdlBS. Of tliU loan Iev of 10,000,000, over W 1 ,000,000 w.T. for county, city and hclioul district purx.cN utcr wblrh the gorernor could have no notslblo control wltalcver. Or the rensauilag SO.OOO.OOO for Mate punKeo. only ;t,.,WM),00() are taxea over wlikfi lliei legislature ban any discretion, and of tliU amount, ouly 92,300,000 are for die actual ronses of state gov ernntcnt and might, therefore, In etrn tbc remotest degree, be dinrgrd to the method employed by tlw governor in administering the state's affairs'. In passing, it should he noted that this state levy Is an lncrrac cf 41 prr rent since 1010, and not several hundred per rent, a.s Mated on various occasions h- the democratic candidate. It should alo be noted that lesi than half of this 41 per cent occurred dur ing Mr. Olcott's administration. Tliis ability to keep down the cost of the Male government to so small an Increase, uben Hting ex pcmtCM in the ordinary homo in the sanio rrlod inerva.setl oer100 per cent, 1 a most creditable sboulo. Mil. WKItCK'H TAX HKCOItl) It is proper at this point to examine Mr. Tierce's own record on taxes' and mo if past actions as a legislator square with Ills wonts. Of tlm 0,370,280 of state taxes for 1023, which Include tho mlllage taxes, Mlt. l'IKRCK KI'KCIFILMIXY IUI) AI'l'KOVKl) OF 9H,M4,0ftB, or 03 per cent... Kc had no chance at most of tho other 8 yer cent. Of the 1022 state taxes, Fierce introduced bills accounting for 81,430,130, or 13 per cent. Iii addition to this, he toted .for tax bills Introduced by others to tho amount of 80,114,100, nnd ho lias given hi public approval on numberlrhs occasion of measures passed since hn was returned from llm legislature causing taxcx amounting to 91.020,801, mak ing a total of state taxes approved by Fierce of H,.10I,0:W, or t2 prr rent of the total 1022. Thrro is no telling how much of tho ivmnlnder l.e might have approved of If lie had had a chance, nnd, it may be significant that the state taxes havn decreasrd out II per cent slnco Mr. Fierce was retired from tho state sen.ile Mr. Fierce has uluujs been a roiisUtent tax booster. He toted against only :l pir rent of all the appropriations of tlio 1010 ses sion of tlio legllatiiio and toted for all the appropriations of tho 1030 s:Ktlnl session. ite toted for submission of 8100,000 bond hue lo build a iriv penitentiary. Mr. Oltott, at no lav cxpeusn and ullli prison labor, has fixed up the old Ieni(cntlary in excellent sluipc for another US years, Mr. Fierce introduced the bill into the legislature exempting money, notea nnd liKirtgngeN from taxation. If litis bill hail car rled it would have increased tho tax buulen of tlm farmer. Mr, Fierce toted against accepting a gift of road machinery - ,.. nuiriiuiiiuii uui uiiKiiiucry now amounts in value lo 1 81,800,000. !lt'L'lVlll ,1 fii1iwiL at... .... JTIm a bo to are but n few of the rxlratiigaurci, of Fierce. Mr. OHott, on the oilier hand, bus conducted the business of tho slate In an economical, an(. and business-like manner. Hj has sated Hm xlato HiouMimU of dollars lii-causo of his leveMieadiiliiesH mid his Ultimate l.noulrilge .f stnli: affairs. He' built a new Hoys' In. iIustHal S,iool building by diversion (if H millage fund, auil there fom wlthoul n singlo lent mldltlonal lax. II.. luu inui.i .,.... development of the various Mate farms connected with Hie stale Instltutlem. till C:v pivseut year shows tlio unprecedented iiuomo - from llils n.tlirc of Jl llll.r.14. He Is no talker, no politician, no idle promlsrt, and is not seeking re-election under false pretenses nor caler'iiK 10 prtmllie, hut is going to Hie K-oplv on his own splendid 1 mil, conflihnt that if ho rim but get tlmt lecord and Mr. Flct. mi oiil befoiv Hie totem of Ois-gou Uuit he will bo tindlrnlJil 111 election day, Tuesday, Noteinber 7th. YOTE FOR BEN OLCOTT FOR GOVERNOR HITl'IIUC.t.V HTATK CKXTltAli COMMITTKK Walter I-. T3CW, Clvlnunn. V. K. lngalls, Kecretary. I fi i II I S I i S3 f '. ' V . ilS ll I H H ll I i ill x, II H H "'-r- --(.. BBB I m H 3 II " ' HI H ll I III BBB1 BSBBl ll ll I HELLO! SAN FRANCISCO We Welcome You to Klamath Falls We want You to know us and know our Prosperous Community Better We Like You San Francisco - 1 Because'Yoii are Live Wires, with only one object ,. in.miid. and that is the progress of your city. v -jV Klamath Falls Citizens are Live Wires, Too This Store has been pulling and boosting for the betterment of Klamath County for the past 1 7 years, and We have Some Town, Too! i "I Ami Mad at Nobody" TONIGHT AT THE STRAND 10c- WHKIti; KVKHYIIODV (iOKH. "IT -SOo 1IOMK OF THK HODKl.NHO.V FK.VTl'HKS , Monroe Salisbury and Jane Novak in t j "The Barbarian" 'J L Show SUrU 6; IS Adrpisiioi'lOc and 20c SUNDAY SHOW The Western Cyclone, 'Big Bill Fairbanks, in "GO GET HIM" f? A daring adventure of the Northwestern Police. Also, Tom Carrigan in a Nick Carter Detective story ' and good Comedy. Continuous Show Sunday, starting at 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7 and 9 o'clock. 10 cents ;i. ; j.dmission. 'y ;NI 2r0Jcens GET YOUR 'M : Electric Washer NOW Hero is your chance. Wc have a few used fa? machines that we! are"oing to sacrifice. Some of these machines are as good as new. Ther5e machines run from $35.00 up. We havo only a few of these, so the first come, the first served Comet Electric Company Opposite Postoffice m rc ,"-'''' (; i' n,i, ' N .a. r.s l