The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 21, 1922, Image 1

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i.,,..,lt m, Jb,.,
k W
Klamath Welcomes San Francisco Chamber of Commerce Trade Excursion
fst&rfltQfr '4f i n ,- n
invt;iir si hi ma imiii,
Member of the Associated Preia
Niitciniii in i( .Sd, ot.vr
i lj
. .
ft , Ltflftp enn
Oregon's "Lout Province"
Grccle I lor Relations
by MnrrinRe
KlruiMili iiHiniv. unit if Oregon's
"lout .rovlnrt," liiiiiml h On gun
tlinmi'li the iiiUfiirliiu,? of birth run I
off Hinted tn California lir mnirlnr.c.
today welroiunn thn n.111 Ftnnrliiru
ehninber f fummi'fi'o train enuir
h'op Tin' I h i 1 1 1 i-M , some Hi' In ! me
duo lo nrrhn liv upi' inilii nt
-I ; 3M. They will Imi Rri'i'U'il ut MM
Iniul by a committee ropromiitliig tin
ICIuniiitli chiiiiibor nt commerce and
the city A dinner nt tlm rhiiinber
nt i-tiiu'iiirri lit n l."., luljiiurtiliii: ut
7:0i, will li followed by n smoker
at Hit Willi- IVIIinti hotel nt 'J l.'.
IoIIw1iik tlm dinner llm Knu Fran
ciscans "III visit ln(.il men Imiiti.
): ThiiIii llxitiiilmi'.
The liny City iU''ri;nMiui In fra'ikl)
on a trade v urHlon lti'pronn'w
unity nt (Inn Fr.ini Urn's lnont sub
stantial hushum firm. Ilii vUili t
nt mil lo' strengthen ImstiirM re
liiltntw, rmi'w ulil tflcudsli'l'S nnd
form im'.t omje; mnl to ).' niim inure
fflmlllr with tlu Northern I'nl'fnr
ilia lorrl'.urv. whlih, ecoiiiiiiilrnlly ut
Iwitt. Include Kliiiniitli ciiniiiy. llm
"farthest tiorlli" n( the ux' urslon.
Acromi unyli.x III'' .wumloit n
, RtinilH--a-r iiewiunor eorriwpnndeiiin
liti will iln in-tlt l.m.inl I'Mttliu:
Klatiulh mi tliu H.i n Kr.inrli.iii map,
.'I nil wlttum report in. i hi It rwi'DcllVit
fl.mftp.ipcr will iiiimCtuli' linalu
ahl. advert Mn fur 1(1 tin itii
routine)' iiiini nun
Tliu smoker lntlUlil will mil Im
smothered I')' furmnllly, iircnrdlnt: to
lliiMc In thnrgii A-nunihcr f t lit
tailor- will l,n nuked In speik anil
local HviKiii will In liisiril. VV ('
Ulnltli will irrnliTi. K llm itlli'rliin
In nitlUciii'il liy tint tlii'ii, tit. it'll n
.Merrill. Mallii' .fill Itio Tuln l.iln
KKtliui will In' llm iin'rcti nf rar.i
tnil iH'tnliiml nt tliu vli-lliim mi'l In IH'Oiilo "villi Si will li-ao lht Wlilti
I'ClIcmiJHt '.'.I'' Siimlay iiioriilMK. All
flnt Iit It ml tn fiimii. tlm (inly ru
unlroiilcnl !j"Iiik .t li.mkHl luncli. 1ln
MtKHi'Day ntii will Ih ut Urn lal
Ion rnncli.
VNItiitti lli' Smirti)
- Tliu sjiirlftl train will Mart tlm rt"
liltn lrl nt 0 u'clncl. Htitulny o.'ii
.Mnniii: tli' vlnllnrit Imlay will Im
tlm frlltiMliiK:
II. IS, llnlili.uil, Vlu-I'ri'slili'iit.
Hcliiilinrlii'r'l''riy HlHtliiiii-ry t'n.;
(!, II. WllllaiRmin. ('. II. WIIII.iiuhoii.
Inr.i (.Vi). .V. O'llilmi. I'rcMilpnt.
Aimirlrnn Nalliinul nt It I'.:
W, (I. Mw.iiivnii, Han KrjiiiMKn
Clinmlili'.; I.. J. CuU'iiili't-, fun
I'rnni'lNCn iliiiinlinr of iiinitni'rrii: W
t;. Ken for. Aiiurlrnn llallwiiy l?x
irc!t Co ; V. IS. AmIiIiihiI, ". K.
Di.I.iii, H. V. Ilruilfnril, Alliurt lllr
miifnlil. Cliiirli'H llrniiHii'ln, Jnlin H.
Itynii. ('iifflti-lti'ililliii:tin Co.; I.. .1.
r.itSliinu., l.aiinlfy-.MIrlinoU Co.;
I'n nl 1 1 uy nt n n i). IIInli'iiHt'i-llryiii.Tlin
Co.; IJ. II. Nuwiiiiin, (Iri'i'Mliat'in,
W.'ll A .Mlrliiuil Co ; It. I). Owln
law, Hpi'rry Klimr Co.
O, .M. Mil lor I'MiililMiiiieiil Ii Held
Cinlll o Kliiiniitli I'iiIIh
Tlm iihow- ulmlpws of tho mm' to
eiitlou of O. Mi lletlor'H Htoro, In
thn block lietwni Fifth and Klxth,
on Main, urn thri chief thlugi that
htrlkii tho oliHurver. Tho laiRor
rltloM of thu country do uofprcnent
hotti r Hlnrn YiOMKl b,lfw , tlm
Hhopimr than iId'h tliU Kluiuulh
K.illrt .stoic. '' v'm i
. Clrcassl.iit walnut floonTnml' liui-lt-Hionmh
net off tlin'illHpluya In tho
window spaco Willi flno effuct. Thu
luiurlor of tho ntoru Is well 1 1 1: hi ml
by HkyllghlH.
' Hector hiui boon In IiiihIiiuhh In
Klamiil!) I'allii for thlrlfJii yearn,
Ho w.t'i .'.'even yent'H In IiIh former
location, near I'JIghth uticot.
I., (1, Vim llellun, who leci'iitly
Bold his iihoo lnislneuH here, Is hkiiIii
eiiiharkliiK In, ,tltD iiuircmitll'j flu) I
with llrstor.iid Itq ltfli;n. wlli, Iid
Known iioin now on im nosior
Vim Holleii,
II! I lifllVU dUU
unit,' nt i:.ti Kiiuii, in, Tnuiii
" ,,"k' "J womiMHu nii
.v.i liffuiHiii nii .,mi
r,.n r.,1,,1. ii.,.nr..ii mn .,f
Mr i. ui .Mm. Kii .i. hbiih.i of Horn
I.......1. ...... i.itt.t.i .i il... i......iiii.iImi.
ui. km . ..... ........ ... hi" .i."...iii
iniilP of ll'.i Callftimla ()ro..m I'owi.r
.umlmiljr 111 ((.pen lliln lliumlay.
fill'rl wn mnplnyrtl nt llio paml
r. k liuiiHiir. an nrraiiRiiinrnl f
uiiri'u niini'.irini..i,n tiirmixii wiiirii
I tim nml nml mr!(i aro bimu
ciiiinii 10 ii... rimer.. .u.t. iur -
n'wiTti.?', yur,?Z''"f
li ii went Into tlm rerl: Iuhmt
ii.iv. i ii..' 10 i int.. tim n.nt...
Tlion- urn a uuitilier nf tl wlrM.
inif "
niniiij u;i in minium m "inj i
raiiiu ti tr r tin pn n.ur r.;i inrn, a
Mm LttftL nr Wiirt'tiinti ri it ii r In In
ilioM'I tlm rocl( ilown Mi'j) on tin'
II l tiiilluMnl Hint liu ullpnoil anil
It'll onto onn n' tlm wlro anil wni
pinlpati'il Into tliu rlmiii with an
avaliinrlm of rod., lilt lnuly illil nut
pant itiulrity ilinniRh tlm dniio.
WnrUini'ii nil threuch llm chute
nrnl I'jtrlrtiti'il him. I'i' wmn mi
r i:mrli 'm wlmii lin wan rcitioi'il.
l-'lrnt it lit wni ri'Milnrril .mil Itl.i fi-l-low
v.trl-ini'ii n-iiirii'il to i'iry
ini'ifi nt thi'lr rciiiiiinnil In an I'tfort
to ri'iitori' ii'ii'lrnl inn tun ui-rc tin
hlil't In ilo mi t'liyilrl.tnii urihiil nt
K o'i 1'ii'k nml f ii in nl lilin ilcul
Klninnlli liliillilii); Kniiiif i' SIk
iilflimm of Inltlnli
KlaltiMtlir KlnSliliiR luirncr U llm
new ni;itlf!i:aiiri. if Hio tiircn Pi
lllalk whlrh Ii io lrn Idiiitlfltil ono
of Kl.imath'ii'le.idlnK More. Ol In
itially, miiiiii' 31 yearn nKn when the
iirr.anitaiioii tlmi hunt trout Im
hvmuIiIIIiik lot lie. It w.m tlm Klnin
mil KlniiiliiK Konipatiy.
Toit.iy thn rnnrrrii formally oi'i'ttn
(or liujiitti-m In IU new corner lorn
llo.i, Hi'ti'nth nml Main direct. Iti
iiK'iuticr i think tlmy lian ni.tili- a
i;k id nun i'. thai tlm rcnjiiic tlmi of
two linny rll'iiel will hrllift inoro
lin)iirj lii'WCu tlm (liiini;i) In tltlo. Inl t Vrnrn .lui
Trnt).iiiH' )iar ai:o I'rel Hour
ton, pronldi'iit or lho company, mnl
I. A Duffy formed a p.irtnerlilp and
opened n mnall cluthlitR Morn In a
"nh.ick" the term In lloiuton'M own
-limit n.iieo replai'tMl li a hlRxer
I'lilldlni;. nt IVirth mid Main. I're.l
and hi brother W. C. bogi;hl Duf
fy'n luti'i.'Nt nnd iiicmiI Into the
Odd Pillow's blilldiiii; whore they
leinnliit'd for ntany jearn. 'riire
yeais iiro limy iintMul acuta. AV. (!.
110111011 soin ins inieresiN 10 nreu 1
broth, rs. Hoy Diirbln piirrh.nted mi 1
Interest mid now I'red Hoimtnii,
John mnl Joo llrett nml Itoy D"r
bin rciiprUi' tho rorpnr.itlon.
i l.iinitlnii Deniteil j
ISereiilly tho company derided the
iiirner lorntlou next ilnor to thrlr ;
storo would suit lliem better. II wm.
ataiiniiie linn nicy iniinii iim (lout- ,
en It nit) Store ready to take tlielr,
(jti.irtem. 1
So today tlmy held their Rrauil I
openliiK. Warm lelOKrams of con- (
gratiil'itli'iis from hiicIi nationally .
known folk of Tlm Harry Shoo entii- 1
pnny, llrorlitou, .Mann,; ;, v. I'rlut,
Clileaiio; DiiKlioHS ManufiKtiirliiK
e.jnipa.iy, New York; T. A. l'tilrlcl:
"o Diiliilhs and u mini Iter of iniu-
l.... 1... iu ... .i...iM 1 I
..... .r.,ii.H,ii .;iiiiij 111 iiirii nii.iiii
lug with wholesalers and
tm or..
Tlm now Mloro has 11 sllithtly hiii.iII.
or floor rp.iro than llm old, but
lluilo In no apparent uiliRo.-itlnn.
Itellet.' Wlf .Mine
''Wo don't feel ununited,," snld
1 1 oust tin today, between innKratula
tlons from pal roil'. "W'n nioel lo
i;et our business Into moro eeni
pad Hhapn mid decreuHO the over-
'livntNi M'V think It'a u wmi move,
and wo feel Unit wo havo(thn ml
vuutago of n niiirh lu'llor loeatlon.'
lti"lRiinlliili 11 Siipienie Court Jus
lho i:pcclc: :'et Week
WAUIIINOTON, 0(1. 21. Inntlco
William i:. Day of tho Unitod States
supremo court luu duclded definitely
to roolKti from the bench In vlow
bin iliillo.i ns iimplro In tho tiiirmi(n
AnierUan rlnlms nogotliitloiiH, and ts
oxpgcli)d fonually to pr'e8tfnt lila
ros'lidint'lou na iih(('o id I'res'ldint'
iltitldliifV t'lifiy novi ttt'i'kj '
f .. J 1. 1. 1 1
in me ausenccj oi iicium
of fitiito.s and iiaUoiis, jfcorapliy is largely a matter of
iiiibil, and conMHiuontlv is likely to bo misleadinit.
! Khunath county ij KcoKraph it-ally and politfcMilly a
l'"'1 ()f Oregon, but the spirit of its pfioplc, probably
.tlirough tlioii' closer trade relations will) California than
rli'ilti Oiv.rr.n I. L.i.rrnltr f"'i 1 1 rMn i .. 11
. 111 11 ivwii) 1. mi;,, i) uuiiiui num.
Myihii1. nl ciifti ntt limnu sip Uu. vmIi.i-u nf VlM-n.ifti
,.,, !.. iln'.rnin nunni'l llim'i'
- . i i i , L
9' L'&m ll'K-SlatUl'C, CVCIl th
.(Hem with their state bind them lull lightly.
The Califomiaii excursionists, :i.s they are men of ob-
: rurvatioii. will find n they mingle with the Klamath
at-vep .luring the next twenty-four hourc little to indl-
. ., . ., c . . ., ., . ' . .
i lo that they have left their own state.
. ... t iii iiiiii i.iii.iiir,ui m tiniuni .1 11111111 jf;uj;nj,
animated bv common interests and striving for a commo.'.i
.,;, j ()(, development of the waiting resources of a raw
Mwy Will IIIKi UlCmSOJVCS lXX0g i iriGnUJy 00pltt9
',,,, ... ., ., , ... ,
i I hey will roe, if they keep their eyes open, natural
i t.i . . . ... ... ... . ...
wealth waiting only adequate transportation, more hands
and more capital, to make it available for beneficial use.
1 hey will sec but an attempt to specify would betray
us iiuo emiicss pains 01 eiauorauon.
r..:... 4....r l ..i . t,: r 1
living utiiiivu uuafi vera ui iiiiiny uiiua ui JJiihiiicscj.
they will sec for themselvesand they will doubtless see
many things Unit will surprise
We know that their visit
tain that it will be mutimlly
We assure the California
members are welcomed by
f.illfi ruin (Iregnii I'lTfrnrtl to (So
lo ctn NiiiciiiInt I
Tliu profi rri'.J ra'dtnl rtnek whlrh j
Tlm California Oregon Tower Coni- J
piny linn Iwnn plarliii? on i!i markot
nKt'Jl per ithnrn will lie aihanni-l to
i'Jtt on NoteiiilnF 1. nreorilltiK tn
.1. 0. !oll)le, muuac'nr of tlm Klnin
nth Kill l.i branch of that cimpnny.
llo)ln nay the re.m a for IliU Is to
meet market cimdlllimv wlijrh hive
within the par. I wi,ik cmiwii n eon
alderablu HtreaKtlienltiR.
Ktock reports on all tho lamer i
imwor rnmiKinli s of tho west show ,
this iseneral ndvaneo which Indlcntes I
llm rtrenRth of ll'lf elni of Invest
ment, lluyle as many Klamath pen-
ui.. nr iiirikliii- miiilleiillnti fur llil
Ktock and It U I- ...Mi. that llm ..I- J for this .llntrlrl mav bo all '
taken heforo the date set for the
advunt'o In trice I
roi'it man i. c(H.i.isio.
AUIlOltA, His. Oct. 21. Kfliir
mm, innployeiM ttf thn ChlcaRO. Au
rora nnd KlKln railroad, wero In-
Utimtly killed and two olhnr weru
injureil loti.iy waen a motor irucK
wns aturck by an Aurora ear nt
WVstmore. nrar Wheaton.
H , , ; K " , ,v 7Cv '
il P-x ick' ? ( W 'Yr 1
l VjMt I V' Sa.V" v.'rtATlHEWB'P'SNoyM'WKISO OP 1
il 1 11 i
cuinojoi'icai oueih lor division i
riirliie In i-.Mi..enfitini i'n tl.
" ... . ' . i . , ., .
political BtraiU.S that UllltO.
will be pleasant; wo are cer
trade excursionist.'; that its
Klamath County.
Ni w MiiiIiiii Iti ily .Viiuie Offiiem
for I'list Semotrr
Thuradny ewnlni; the kttidcnl
body of the Sacred Heart academy.
nrxanUed tumporarlly a f. w weeks
pro. held election of offerx for the.
first semectcr and otttlltnvl plans-fori
niakly mectlnrss.
Officers olectcd -'or-: rroaldcnt,
.Margie I'rliuo; lce jiroildcnt. lleo.
Ilcrlram; secretary. Oeorso Con-
norss treaiurer. Opil Tearson
lilt. VAX WATHItS lll.'ISIS
Dr. Van Waters, nrrhdcaconl of
tLo BP'I church .arrived last,
evening and ii resltTed nil tho '
'Hotel Hall. Ho will hold turi'Ico !
tomorrow nt Odd I'cllows hall ns
fnlleu'H: IloK. cominiinlon. 10:0 '
n. m.s morning prayer and n.Iilrc's,
1 1 11. m. '
Tho Riiltf-ct of the
morning nd-
"Tho lleneral Convention of
tho Kplscnpal Church."
At 7:30 p. m. ho will lecture on
"Tho llearliiR of I'sycholony on Uo-IIrIoii."
iru r:cvl3 1
' '.- " - r '7"
"ifinvfi-'GniMF .
1 jj f P C 'f n
! oannor Ot rnriy OtrilC LIC-
clamd Hoisted by Con
ocrvative Group
I.IIKDH, Ott. 21
I.Ioyd Ccorttn, tho retiring
mlnUter of KivjIaiiiI. npeaUlnB nt a
j -LU I 5J. UL,-vllUt
.1 II
Kroat mfetlns ot coallllnn liberal I l,&a'
lorta,. detlarad Uiat tho "tanner o. ! . ' l" P8reMjc. for
... I ward-looklnB people, who hcllovo In
itrlfo" hid been holncd nt the
tnocUnj; of coiuorrntlve's at
tho Carlton clnb who voted nisalnst
contlnulajj the coalition Tarty.
"It In for tho peoplo lo decide
whether thd pnrrV comes first or
thu nation .first." ha cs:lalmcd.
"I tuiul for tho people." .
l.tnyd CeorRc asserted that the
combination which had achieved
vlrtory In tho Itte war hail been
brought to mi end, not beenu60 It
had reasod Lo servo tho nation, but
1iwauc'ni a parly It wan not Rotting
enouch out of It. Ho then launch-
ed Into a lscrous defense of h:s(
i t..i nnnr... ,. .imiMr nnnbiini.
iik';u .winrf ! w ,.,..-.
whoa ho Mid. "I havo .sought
.),! Wliua liu ram, . ".
pmc-rcl). mid 'within my dominant
purposM to fiordce my natlro land. J nlng. In tho nbesneo of Henry Oer-j cnarsctl that 'aIlur ot tno South
To havn my ability In tlluo of. war bcr. yell leader, assisted by flvo olh-.ern I'aclflc to construct tho Modoc
tho government, .nil evcrymiuK ii
m ' ... ... ..
could. I ur.i told now, 'you havo
boen ii v ry good war minister but
)ou nrn no good In pcaco time.' The
war Ik not a bad test and I havo
done a fmv things In peace."
I.Ioyd UeorRo made no suggestion
relative to formation of n new party.
vi:.Tin:r. fitoH.iiii.iTii:s
Tho Cyclo-Stormagraph nt Under- Klamath-Medford football Ramo , tcrol Into previous speakers' words.
' aitfiyrg wood's IUiarraacy' which will b0 played on rodo field .voiced a plea for harmony. He urg
' .f- "I recorded n baro- ihls cflcrnnon. commencing at 3 cd tho people not to let themselves
metric pressure at
daV! being0" lho
highest point
reached In several
wpoks. A period
Is Imlleatcd C
Foro.nit for next
A heurs:
Talr: Colli to
nlcht. with vari
able wmus.
Tho Tyros recording thermome
ter reglMorod maximum and mini
mum temperatures t'jJay, as fol
lown: High r.7
Low 33
X w
llan lhlrty-nnn lillllnn fmt c(
Ktanillntf plno tlmler.
'i.i raplilly taking IS plnco as thn
Pine riinnnfa'turinj; center of the
TnltP'l States.
Una 400.000 acres of Irrlslhlo
land ntiil ono of tho four great rec
lamation project of tho ronntry.
Mas Crater lako. Orcgnn'ii ccnlc
n'nndir, and Hlamath lake, thn lar-
coil liody of fresh water west of tho
Iln-ky mountains.
Stand. tccond In OrcRon In vol
umn of frelRht uhlpmcntR, Including
lumltcr and lumber product", cattle,
nhrep nnd other prnducU).
Is tho mccca of thctinandii of tour-
atn anntiiilly, who como to onjoy
trout flxhlni;. huntlnc and oxplora-
; Hon of the r.ountlcei wenlc nttrac
: lho ftUurr, , U)cIr C-j,ry, nn(I who
J weleomo tho friendly advances of
their r.clRLb'or to tho couth.
.Mora Than 210 llljli .SrtinnI Ktu-
dentH I'nrado Strecln of CII s
rr".!tii)an llonfiie Held
.Moro than 210 younR poopla par
tl'lpated last nlcht In tho blgRest
rally ever Riven by students of tho
Klamath county hlsh school.. Tho
raly started from ihc courthouse at
" 'clock, tnovln nolsely down Main
'(rect to tho White Pelican hotel
and back to the hlRh 9-luol for tho
..-,um. i,.-..,.
' T. ' . . , . ,.-,,.
. ...a ...
or ooys, an oi wnom wcro ciaii in
white ants, red Jerseys and red and
white caps, representing tho school's
. Mahw'poni' poma wcro In
ico as -wolf as red and whltojPatmc Bn(1 c W5 nUrpada.
ribbons. It was not only tho lar- A standing voto revealed almost a
gest but was ono of tho "cpplcst" unanimous aeatlment In favor at
rallies ever staged. In tho opinion I tho resolution
of many of the older students. j w T u de.
Mark l.vo nf Cuine I j
Tho rally narked tho evo of thocUrln ll,at Personal note lud ea- ,
o'clock. Tho Medford football squad
of 1S' accompanied by an equal ntim-
her of rooters, arrived hero yester-
day afternoon. SInco tno rledford,
team Is considered ono of tho strong-,
" Sou,lu;rn Oregon, a fast game ,
Is predicted. "
j High school atudonts and tho vis- remarks. At .the conclusion anoin
ltlng football team and students will cr oSo was taken on tho resolution
bo guests at a danro to bo given at
the Klks tcmlo tonight by tho Jun
ior i:iks. Klaborato preparations
havo been made for this affair, and
a good tlmo Is bobg promised by
those In charge.
Activity of lti.llro.til Men Causes
Speculation In Like lew 1
IjAKKVHJW, Oct. 21. Hallrond
minora havo been flying thick and
fast during tho past week, although
thcro seems to be no foundation to
any of them so far lo:al men aro
ahlo to learn. 0. II. Uallantyno,
assistant chief engineer of tho West
ern I'aclflc, canio over from Sur
prlso valley n fow days slnco, pro
ceeded on to I'.ilbloy, then returned
and left for Klatnnth Kails. What
slgulflrnnco his trip might have Is
of cotircu ni t mado public, and all
of us may make our own Kiirmises.
A rumor Is current that tho N. C.
O. will abandon tho Wendol-llark-staff
section of Its lino a week from
next .Monday and that n now time,
schedule Is now being prepared. Ac
cording to rumor thcro will ba no
chuugo In thu running tlmo of trulns
for tho present, ns It will bo ucccs-
m;ry Ifur tho Southern Pacific to I
chungu thu tlmo of Us trains on tho
Kurnley-Wcstwood branch beforol
any chango on tliu N. C, O. Is pos
sible. It was reported hero yesterday
that W. 1". und N. C. 0. officials
wcro In conferences In San Francisco
and that numerous proposals and
countor-propos.ils weru bolus mado
for tho continued operation of tho
luttcr roml to Hackstnff, but no con
flrumtlou of tho report could bo had
from Alturas. The I'lalndealer
stutes. that Ucnoral Manager McCart
ney went to San Francisco )ast week
to confer with Southern Pacific of
ficials relative to Improving terml-linl'fa-llltleH
pt W'onilql,
Political Gathering at Hea-
ley Resolves Into Un
merger Discussion
I'olltlcs, railroad matters nnd
mud-JllnRlnr combined to create an
IntorcstlnR mcotlnfr at Henley school
Inst night. Heralded as a political
mooting, a number of candidate
wcro on hand and spoke. Tho meet
ing then developed Into tflfctii
Dlcn of tho railroad unmerger situa
tion wherein the chamber of com
merce formed the speakers' tar
get. Tho mud started to circulate wha
J. Hi Camahan launched as attack
on the chamber of commerce and lit
action In lho railroad referendum,
wherein tho Southern Pacific was fa
vored. Ho denounced tho chamber's
action and made a personal attack
on Secretary T, A. StoTenson when
bo referred to as "that swamp atJ
from Missouri."
Krsotutlon Offered
At tho conclusion of Carnahan's
address H. H. Bradbury, chairman,
offeree a resolution In which It was
Northern railroad had been detri
mental to tho community, and favor
ing' tho unmerger cf the Southern
ue drawn Into a controversy over the
railroad situation nnd upheld the
chamber of commerce as'a body,
Itesumed Attack
Carnahaa then returned to l!?
platform nnd resumed his attack on
tho chamber, becoming bitter In his
which was adopted. ,
II. C. Oroesbeck, domo:ratlc can
didate for circuit Judge, told the
gathering that bo felt ha was mak
ing a personal sacrlflco In running
for the office, slnco the salary wai
not commensurato with his present
'nrome' bul lnat u0 w,a 'fer'nB
I nimsci. occauio no ion 1110 oiuto
should bo filled by ono qualified In
every way.
Judge a. ii. i.eaviu maao a snort
With the conclusion of the-meeting
n program was presented by
school students ct tho district, and
Iilej wcro sold at auction to ralso
funds for school equipment.
Tho resolutions adopted follows
In full:
WHEREAS, tho Henley school
Is situated In the heart or the
Klamath project and adjacent to
the surveyed lino of tho Modoc
Northern railway and the farm
ers. Irrigators and cltlions of this
vicinity am desirous of semiring
adequate, railroad transportation
and tho Southern I'aclflc has no
gloctod for somo 12 yoara to con
struct tho Modoc Nurthorn rail
road to tho groat detriment of
this thriving community and the
frlcght rates now being charged
by tho Southern I'aclflc for. po
tatoes, grain, livestock and otar
(Continued on Faga
Many From All 1'arta of County AU
tend Funeral Henleea
Klamath paid trlbuto toady to
hor departod son. uert B. Wltkrow,
whoso funeral at the Klks temple at
2 o'clock was attended by a large
number of people from all parts ot
the county. A profusion of fhrwara
and wreaths wero la evldeaee, auta
indlcatlons ot the high TtHi wtta
which Wlthrow was fcsW ' TW
vices wero conducted y
and the Roy. F. I-, Mosra r-
ftt vn''iw 1
no sermpn,
l-.N,.rW f$"lt'
,.. MmkWi 11 w wi'in finywiin
n f,
J ,
''ii V "7,
.. fcfcj-