m- 4 M ! t i I i -i J- T V f w ;, ..I 1 s eb f ''VV"' r r ; Eight THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON riiio.w, wroniiii so, iihm. IBliiJIJJJkJdllliL.aLWillllllJLMgggi GRANDOPENI &m AT K. K. K. STORE SATURDAY WE have moved into our new location, Main and 7th Sts. We invite our jnany customers and friends to call and look over this fine new store for men, and as a special inducement we will give a 20 PER CENT REDUCTION ON EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STORE SATURDAY. This is your opportunity to select your winter clothing needs from the finest stock in southern Oregon at a substantial saving. 'SsNSV. KStt&&: SE I SS5 oS5.$3 w w && m A"- tssi m vm m mm m$ :V :& !& kb&ma xs C..Sk1 Ki" . j: ..vi KKaVS! $ ss&s mi mm miL im m sss&s &.-C2 S.S-755:: iTOJJSSSS.. Jl.-. WMWvttvSyW: xlx.i..' .: til m w $$, u G-stswrv, wwwic & Bfc w Reduction on Every Article in the Store Saturday CTT" Whether you want to buy or not call and look over Klamath's Klothing Korner Reduction 2 Up If0 SATURDAY LEADING CLOTHIERS Reduction SATURDAY ! ,) 'f