The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 20, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    .JP TJ
" . ;o
'"yV'1 is"'l'-'j,!tyt-"'
riun.vv, oiTiiitnt ao, tutu. '
The Evening Herald
ft R, BOUIH..t;dltor ud Pabliaker
8. R. HIMj City KdKo
V, V. NIOKIiR IKlTCrtJalag Manat
l'ubllthed dally except Sunday, at
The Herald Publishing Company ot
Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth street.
Entered at tho postofflco at Klam
ath Falls, Oro., (or transmission
through tbo tunlli as accontl-tlaM
Tba Associated Press 1 exclnslve
If entltlod to tbo uso for pobllca
tlon ot all nowa 'dlsatchoa credited
to It. or not otherwlso credited In
thla paper, and also tbo, local nowa
puoiunoa ncrcin. i
Copy fnr display advertising must
Ite In thin officii not later Mian 3 on tbo dny preceding lmhllea-
tlon In order to bo Inserted In the
Issue of tho paper orjno next tiny.
. Wont nils nnd rending notices will
be received up l ,2 "oon ,m ,lu'
day of Issue,
Hrrnlil I'ublMiing Company.
KiilliAV, octohkii no, iiwa.
Jj SLJ.lOttdCj- 1
The Drug Store of Service, Quality and Low Prices
For Every Occasion
Hats of Grace and Dignity
SALES totals of tbo great mall
order bouses sbow an enormous
Increase, particularly In strictly
farming sorbins says tbo llcnton
County Courier.
This Is not pleasant news fnr re
tall stores In our n erase small
town, but It Is whut they may ojc
pect. Thero Is only one way In which
tbo Insidious mall order campaigns
can bo eombatteJ, and that Is by lo
cal merchants frankly explaining
their merchandising possibilities to
the people through mhcrtlslng.
It Is n well-known fact that the
tig mall order concerns maintain
departments of considerable magni
tude to check up tbo towns where
the local merchants appear to lack
Thero they concentrate their bat
teries of advertising and catalogue
The mall order bouse never pros
pers In a town where tho local mer
chants advertise consistently, be
cause tho mall order men know they
can only compcto with the lo:rd
storo If tbo merchants appear to lack
The cheapness with which the blg4
Mali order man can bay Is mora
than offset by tho low overhead the
local merchant (an get along with.
To bold his own, howeverNthc lo
cal merchant must not bldo IjIb light
iiHiIah . lulf Iml
The public needs ojucatlng to a
knowledge that tbey can buy at home
as cheaply,, that they can actually
sea what they aro buying before they
pay for It, and that they do not havo
to wait sometimes weeks for tho del
ivery of tho article tbey want.
The National Cloak nnd Suit com
pany reports n heavy Increase In Its
business, all In tho country, though
It Is doubtful If this great concern
carries anything UKn tho line of up-to-date,
goods tarried by local ctores
throughout tbu country.
When tbo merchants eel ready to
talk plalnty to tho people tbey will
bavu nothing to fear from tho mall
order man, but If they remain silent,
then tbo outsider 'will surely bur
row lilo way Into tholr profits.
Self-satisfaction has spelled many
a bankruptcy.
Personal Mention
O V Wnnon Is In town for the
week-end from his ranch near Illy.
F. I' Keen returned from Ashland
last evening where he spent tho pant
week attending to business matters.
Joe Zuinph was In town this morn
ing fiom his ranch In the Malln dis
trict. It. A. (llbhs arrived last night
from l.ns Angeles and Is registered
at the White Pelican hotel.
A marriage llrcuo was Issued ye.i
terdny afternoon to Thomas A. Hose
berg and Miss l.ota V. drivel, both
or this city.
Klda, the small daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. I.eo Houston, left this
morning for Oakland, California, af
ter a two weeks visit here.
Mrs. Wlllard Smith and sou.
Thornton, left for Portland this
morning expecting to spend the win
ter In that city.
6, F. Mngulro was hack at his of
fice yesterday after having boon con
fined to his home several days with
hot. only
IIS dcgiOos or there-
Miss Margaret Itndy, sv iodlr,il
missionary, will nrrlxo here tumor
row afternoon from Medford. and
during her lslt will be tbo house
guest of Sirs A M Worden. Miss
Itttdy Is hoping to establish n West
minister circle here among the mom
bors of tho church
F. Stem
from tho
Tom Sims
The i; of many a college man Is
on tbu football field.
A baby costs morn than nn nuto
but It lasts longer.
Isn't It'ahout tlnifj for tho monthly
news thut Jazz Is dying?
Tho most bulr-ralslng uteres are
on liulr tonic bottloa.
This lloston1 man who predicts the
town -will bu deployed by lightning
teems to bo u lightning calculator.
' Caution Is a great asset In fishing,
especially If you aro tho fish.
Tbo best alarm cloth Is ham and
eggs cooking In tho kltchuu.
Only way to prmio tho national,
budget is pull off a few plums.
After a drink of home-brewed stuff
It la perfectly proper for tho crowd
to elnu "Oh, say can you see!"
rutting cgi;s In cold storage Is a
shell gamu.
So mo pcoplo think twice beforo
they iipoal; and oomo speak twlcu
beforo tho think.
It Is hard to keep a husband It
you keep him hungry.
Prosperity Is ulwuys about to begin
toycommonco to start to return,
ill, .. ..1-1 . .nn v onxie.
.Mr. and Mrs. Charles
well returnetl last night
east where they have boon traveling
for tbu past two months. They also
visited with relatives while away. .
Mrs. -T. C. Frcanlort was a pas
senger on tho nut-bound train this
morning on her way toT)orrls, where
she will visit for several da) a before
returning to her home In Fresno,
F. F. McCreedy was a county seat
visitor here yesterday afternoon
from his home on thn reservation.
He was accompanied by Mrs. Mc
Creedy who attended to matters of
C. C. Low loft this morning for
Salem with a prisoner, Juan Vulcn,
da, a Mexican, who will begin serv
ing a. one-year sentence for theft
uron arriving at tho stato penlten
tary. Jim Lindsay, an old time pioneer
of Klamath county, but who for tho
rast few years has made, his home.
In Ashland, Is back fnr a pleasure
and business visit with associates In
Klamath Falls.
0, A. Henderson, county agent, and
(Continued from I'ago 1)
was the feat of Ksperanto. the
schooner It jears at sea which. In
the first races frr the rup nt Hall
fax two years ago. beat Canada's best
and brought the trophy hero. I's
peranto now lies a wreck on Sable
Island bar, and beside her Is Puri
tan, a splendid new fisherman
launched hero last spring, and wreck
ed thero :i few months afterward
Among the fishermen hero were
several members of Ksperunto's crew
who recounted Incidents of her de
feat In successive races with Dele
wnna. The (lrst victory, It win
agreed, came easily through Kspcr
anto's windward supremacy and
without special Incident, but In the
second Delewan.i early gained n lead
of 'five minutes This KsperanVi
slowly made up and with tho 40
mile rare more thun bnlf sailed. Cap
tain Marty Welsh, of the (Hnucciter
man, bad brought his boat to nearly
even terms.
In the leeward berth, approaching
the second mark. Captain Marty
called to ftolawana, close aboard, tc
give him room. Delawann. gave
way, allowing a barely posslblo tlear
ance between herself and Devil's Is
land shoal. It was wreck her, or
win If he got through, for Ciptuiu
Marty nnd Ksperanto. He took the
chance and, with the breakers almost
boiling over bis rail, shot through
tho lee, turned the mark first and
having taken the lead beat Delewuna
on the last leg by mom than seven
This race which brought tbu cup
to America, deviWoped a keen In
terest In tho cup competition in both
tbo Canadian and American fleets,
and tbu suo ceding spring found
new boats on tbo was on both sides
of the border. Tho Canadians built
Illuonnso and several othors The
Americans built Mayflower as. their
best bet. Hut Mayflower was ruled
out by the Nova Scotlan trustee as
more yacht than fishermen, and
Illuenoso qualified as tlio Canadian
crepi Lafifcw
-Jj- FROM (i)
Horn,. ,) id Specials
Half & Half
Special A-soriuivnt
Milk Chocolates
Dainty Sticks .
Fionch Mixed
Chocolates Supreme
Selected dainties consisting of I'eppm
mint I'nttlos, Maple, Morh.i and Vanilla
Creams; Dales stuffed with Walnuts:
DMnlty Cirniii Fudge; Honey Nougat
Special; Wlntergroon ci earns ! Assorted
Nuts with i lo.i in; Fruit Layers; I'm
iiocho and Itutlorsi'oti'h; all dipped nnd
coated with Haas' Supreme Quality
pound box f I fill
3 fir IVanut llrlttlo . fie
tlfie Milk Cbooolntes . I He
Xt Assorted Chocolates . . I fir
fide t.ontmi Drops, glass Jars . 2ir
20r Snitch Toffee . We
ij.'ic Chocolate Almonds I IV
Chewing (luui, :i packs lite
Frank Sexton, county club agent, left rballengcr by winning tho ellmlna
Trlday for Corvallls where tbey will! lu raco- "er '" HlouciMtor V.
attend tbo annual extension confer-1 9,t'- fr'",b from tbo banks, won tho
'enct. One tho principal subjects nt elimination race from' which May
tho conference will be tho control flavor was barred, and went to Hal
of the grasshopper epidemic. "a '" '",e' Wucnoso, n boat 20
i feet longer oxer nil. wider und deep
Mrs. Klla Uebhart. Is bore from ' er.
1'ortlanJ for a visit with her mother. I Tbo result of the raro tbo year
Mrs. Amanda Hamuker, who for the i before was revorsed; the Canadian
past two weeks lias been 111 at
home on Third street. Rim Is hot
ter now. however, nnd will probably
bo out l'i tho next few days, accord
ing to the physician In charge.
1'uil Velght, architect and superin
tendent for tb city hall building.'.
was back shaking bunds with old I
friends and business associates along i
her boat wo-i In two straight races. Ul-
, lilo was outclassed. Fishermen In
'reviewing those rncos tonight paid
'high. praise alike to tbo seamanship
of Captain Angus Walters nnd his
Illuenoso crew, and to Maptnln Mar
ty Welch and the CIMo's men.
HuXStSZ Drugs Lournay
llos,. Water .,nd Cllerrlue. 4 ot. Ilfir 'uew I.emon Cream for softening and
Camphorated Oil. L' z SRn ";l";"' '"" '1 "" ;''"
Castor Oil. 4 ox 3fir """'' " ""V, "T"" J"''',, Wl" "'"
Cod.. .Ivor Oil pint Sfir Rrow "nlr r",r ,ar'
Oonso Oil, os Iilr -,
Tincture Iteiuoln. 1 ot 2Sr Otacomb
Witch llarel S oi t.V Mah, ,, ,llllr May ,.,,, ,,
Podwored Alum, pound rific ,,ri,Vents b,ltilene,s. Ilrlngs hulr lurk
Powdered lluniv. iNiiiii.1 2fie , llsltllr(l, tler shampooing.
( oi.ipound l.lcorlce IMUder. 4 i. . 2.'..- ,,.,,, , , ,.r0il,y llr ,,.,;,. Tr,P
Cream Tartar. 2 ox. 20e
Hpsoni Salts. 4 ox toe If il I
Kjcom Salts. IG ox 25r Nanlleck
Whole Flaxseed, 4 hi. . I fir Tho only hot water bottle sold under
Flaxseed Meal. 4 ox Ifie n universal 2 gunriiutee. It can't
l'iillcr Harth, 4 ox I He leak bernuso It Is made In one lucre
Plaster Paris, pound , . 2fic 2 iiurt site )2 fii)
Itorbello Salts. 2 ox 20c :i iiiiirl site 2 75
lUcnrhonnte of Soil.i, pound .. . 2Se
RuKm? J' ox' "m""' .:...; So SympihkidmyIL aw
Talcum Powder, pound .'. . ., 2fic
Strnrato of Zinc 2fic watermarked Into Hie sheet rnnvelng
Jlliie Ointment, tubes ...........". 25c ymlr """l,a" will show Hint you haxe.
C.ilomel TableH, ',' gr. 2 dx lnc n """ ',,'n,, ' dlscrlinliiatlnii ami ex-
S.,Ja Mint Tablets ....'...".....'..'"!!.." I fie ' ,,,,l,,t '""1 ,,,,t"- "ipbony Iiwu
Aspirin Tablets. 2 dx. ..." 3iiis Writing Paper ran he nhtnluci In just
Mineral Oil. Itussluu Type Il.ou ' ,",r,'et "l""4 and lints for every
Senna Leaves. 1 ox. ... 10c urcislon.
Itubhlng Alcohol, pint ..7Sc "3c to $1 25 a hot
That Reminds Me
In ntakinir purchase at the Star Drug
Store there arc specially priced items of
regular goods each month.
Here's the October List
Cara Nome Talcum
The emblem of purity, is l.ulcn with an ulliiilng.
entiling and bewitching French odor.
Car.i Nome Talcum Is III .1 i lass Willi tint highest
priced Impoiled packages. Inilldsoinel) fiosled glass
Jar with highly polished rati.
During October D7 C ,
Rcxall Dyspepsia Tablets
You ran oiijiit wnir food and rut what you like, Ilex
nil Dyspepsia Tablets .will Inmiro you fioiii stouiiich
dlKCoinfort Wo guarantee they will help oli or wo
will refund our money fiilr sire.
During October JC
Puretest Cascara Aromatic
A splendid, pleasnnt tasting lioil-aliohotlr Ionic-hit-alive
Kiinlly effective wllb ihlldieu or udiills.
2 fir site
During October liC
Pontcx Writing Paper
The "doiihlo site box. II sheets of paper and 41 en
velopes (loud iiinllly. white fabric finished sl.illou
ery ItoKtihir fine
During October 0)C
Monogram Fountain Syringe
A high grade, red rubber syringe Moulded In one
plele Fhe foot length of lulling Ibiee screw pipes
and slnitoff Itegulir lirlre $ 75
During October
Dr. West's
Clrans Inside, outsldiv, and
tw en tho teeth.
Two weeks only 35c
Extra Special
Palmolive Soap
7 cakes 50c
Saturday only
limit 7 cakes lo iittoiiiri-
Pure Food Specials
Saturday Only
Opeko Coffee 2 pounds 61c
Opeko Tea, Black or Green .2 for 66c
Cooking Chocolate, bitter 2 for 26c
Symond's Inn Cocoa 2 for 26c
Lemon Extract .2 for 41c
Vanilla Extracts 2 for 41c
Ground Spices Ginger, Allspice,
Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Pepper ... . 2 for 26c
Pure Olive Oil, 12 oz 2 for $1.01
Waterman "Ideal"
Wah I Tempolnt
9U..VI to W7.IMI
Hversharp Pencils
SI. (K) to SI'-MHI
Fountain Pens Repaired
37.- entail J7.-r
Fifth and Main Streets
Venldn Hulr Nets.
Cap nnd Fringe Hlmpe
Single or Double Mesh
inc. a for a.v
Hair Nets lUc
AMail Orders Filled Promptly
i lln bin h s. -WersH'r
Xellerbach Paper company has
Main street yesterday and today, uf-1 filed suit In tbo circuit court against
tor an nhsuico of several years. Slum
leaving Klamath Falls Velght lias
been living In tho Imperial valley,
where ho says "It doesn't get so very
C F. W. Wi rner. doing business
undir tho firm iiamo of I.lntoln mar
ket, for u collection of a promissory
note. M.)
Friday At The Liberty
TI.e Ounmtlr Quvcii IMulluc Fredcrlih, In
"The Lure of Jade"
and (.'liuplcf. Five of "Inys of lluffi.lo Hill"
Dality Mario I'rt-vost In
"Till-: MAIIItlKI) FI.AI'1'ICK"
The Gieat Tom .Mix In
Will Be
About Those Cows
Being a letter written in answer to an inquiry by
E. M. Bubb of the American National Bank
Will Be
(illPHll., I'lllbl'I'M Mill) SlllH'IN
Olfl.e -III) .Mattel llullilliig
I'll'klMI, Cllllfoilll.l
!!epnniher IN, ID22.
Tho American National Dunk
Klamath Fulls, Oregon
(ienileiiH-n: .
Tho Information thut I am uhlo to r.lvo jou In regard lo llm rattle pun bused from me by Mr. I). I.lskey
Is as follews: '
I purchased the cows from tbu herd owiml by Mr. P. M. Luusdulo. I paid approximately $l7fi.(Mi per bead
for this, rows, this Is tho averugu prlie, having paid more for some and lets foi others.
'These rows and heifers wero bred to an iiuiuial Hi at I purchased from Ihu Vlrlorv Herd for 11.725.11(1,
Ills history follews:
King Pontine Alcartr.i Prllly 2r,77! H. T. 2SS. Horn Maith 31, lUly, his iluiii bus five records rmilng In
ngo fiom 2 to S )eais, two of them over 30 lbs, thrio mado from over Oui) lbs. of mlllc, and the entire flvu
Iluiii r, 7 iluys
Milk .
Ills three nearest iI.iiim havo records iiveraKlng:
Hotter, 7 days
. 27. 2t
, :ii..i:i
All of his seven nearest damn iiiiv,, 7 day reiords rangliiK rrom-2C lbs. to hs and with one exrep
tlon all have tested daughters. ,
Ills seven nourcsl Hires Includo tbieo century sires, two of Ihem also tho iilro of n century iilio, mid nil seven
have a good list of tested daughters.
(Three times (liauil Champion at Cullfornlu Hlulo Fair)
If there j unv other Information that I cull give you I Will bo glad lo do ho. ,
Hlncerely yours, v
I-. niiflcoNi.
"" " lly K, Fogleniuu, Hecretnry,
No Better
Cows Ever
Brought to
Klamath ,
Free Lunch Everybody Welcome
No Better
Cows Ever
-Brought to
K ' i
tYJlVil I.UI WUIlia u lliuu v Min.
his monoy he la flolnc to need It - J